Author Topic: Obama trying to halt execution of illegal Mexi who raped and killed 16 y/o in TX  (Read 3449 times)

Soul Crusher

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Is he appealling based on innocence that he never committed the crime? 

Yes or no? 

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Is he appealling based on innocence that he never committed the crime? 

Yes or no? 

Doesn't matter what he's appealing for, its his right to do so.  All people convicted of crimes have a right to appeal their convictions. 

George Whorewell

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Doesn't matter what he's appealing for, its his right to do so.  All people convicted of crimes have a right to appeal their convictions. 


Shut the fuck up you sissy.

Soul Crusher

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He was convicted in 1995 if I am not mistaken. 

I'm sure he has already appealled many times, not once related to guilt or innocence of the crime this disgusting animal committed.

Vince G, CSN MFT

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He was convicted in 1995 if I am not mistaken.  

I'm sure he has already appealled many times, not once related to guilt or innocence of the crime this disgusting animal committed.

Why don't you go and do some research on it or call his attorney.  And so what if he's appealed before, you simply can't put someone to death that easily.  A good attorney does everything he can to keep his client from being executed even accusing the state of violating international law.  The administration intervening is more than likely going to make things quicker for the execution date because the ruling on the matter will be faster. 

Vince G, CSN MFT

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BTW...thought I'd show you this... ;D

Medellin vs Texas

Facts of the Case:

Jose Medellin, a Mexican national, was convicted and sentenced to death for participating in the gang rape and murder of two teenage girls in Houston. Medellin raised a post-conviction challenge arguing that the state had violated his rights under the Vienna Convention, a treaty to which the United States is a party. Article 36 of the Vienna Convention gives any foreign national detained for a crime the right to contact his consulate. After his petition was ultimately dismissed by the Supreme Court (see Medellin v. Dretke), Medellin's case returned to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Medellin's argument rested in part on a ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) holding that the U.S. had violated the Vienna Convention rights of 51 Mexican nationals (including Medellin) and that their convictions must be reconsidered. Medellin argued that the Vienna Convention granted him an individual right that state courts must respect, a possibility left open by the Supreme Court's 2006 decision in Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon. Medellin also cited a memorandum from the President of the United States that instructed state courts to comply with the ICJ's rulings by rehearing the cases. Medellin argued that the Constitution gives the President broad power to ensure that treaties are enforced, and that this power extends to the treatment of treaties in state court proceedings.

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rejected each of Medellin's arguments and dismissed his petition. The court interpreted Sanchez-Llamas as standing for the principle that rulings of the ICJ are not binding on state courts. The Texas court stood by its position that allowing Medellin to raise the Vienna Convention issue after his trial would violate state procedural rules, and that those rules were not supplanted by the Convention. The President had no authority to order the enforcement in state court of an ICJ ruling, because that would imply a law-making power not allocated to him by the Constitution.

    Did the President act within his constitutional and statutory foreign affairs authority when he determined that states must comply with the U.S. treaty obligation under the Vienna Convention by enforcing a decision of the International Court of Justice?

    Does the Constitution require state courts to honor the treaty obligation of the U.S. by enforcing a decision of the International Court of Justice?


The Court upheld the rulings of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in a 6-3 opinion written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts. The Court held that the signed Protocol of the Vienna Convention did not make the treaty self- executing and, therefore, the treaty is not binding upon state courts until it is enacted into law by Congress. Furthermore, Chief Justice Roberts characterized the presidential memorandum as an attempt by the executive branch to enforce a non-self executing treaty without the necessary Congressional action, giving it no binding authority on state courts. Justice John Paul Stevens concurred in the opinion and Justice Stephen Breyer, joined by Justices David Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, authored a dissent.

Exact same circimstances but guess who was President at the time....


Soul Crusher

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Who gives a fuck?  I hated george bush for the same reasons.


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Looks like Vince has decided to make the political board his new home away from home and school some of us like he does in the ways of body building. We are fucked.


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Consular assistance means whisking this guy to freedom and then texas being forced to seek extradition. 

Screw that.  Btw - I am sure mexico is going to get its pound of flesh in on this as obamas deadly incompetence comes to light that resulted in deaths in mexico. 

No that's not what it means. Notifying the consular doesn't mean releasing him to mexican officials. 

Soul Crusher

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So did that in any impact on this dirtbags' innocence or guilt? 

Soul Crusher

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Obama And The U.N. Trying To Delay Texas’ Execution Of Humberto Leal
The Cypress Times ^ | 7-4-2011 | John G. Winder

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Obama And The U.N. Trying To Delay Texas’ Execution Of Humberto Leal
John G. Winder, The Cypress Times

July 4, 2011

Leal is a Mexican national who kidnapped, raped and murdered a 16-year old girl

WASHINGTON, DC – The Obama administration has gone to the Supreme Court to seek a delay of the execution of convicted kidnapper, rapist and murderer Humberto Leal. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has written a letter to Texas Governor Rick Perry asking him to commute Leal’s death sentence.

In 1994 Humberto Leal, a Mexican national, viciously abducted, raped and murdered 16-year old Adria Sauceda.

The media has provided  coverage on how Texas is denying Mr. Leal's rights, yet little has been reported on the details of the vicious and cruel murder for which Mr. Leal was convicted. 

Facts of the case from Texas Attorney General Gregg Abbott

In May 20, 1994, sixteen-year-old Adria Sauceda and Humberto Leal were at a party. At some point an intoxicated but conscious Sauceda was placed in Leal’s car, and Leal got in the vehicle and drove away.

About thirty minutes later, Leal’s brother arrived at the party and yelled that Leal had come home with blood on him saying he had killed a girl.

Several of the party members went looking for Sauceda in the same general area where the party was held. They called police after they found her nude body on a dirt road. They noticed Sauceda’s head had been bashed in and it was bleeding.

When the police arrived, they saw the nude Sauceda lying on her back. There was a 30- to 40 pound chunk of asphalt lying partially on Sauceda's left arm. Blood was underneath this rock. A smaller rock with blood on it was located near Sauceda’s right thigh. Sauceda’s head was splattered with blood. There was a bloody and broken stick protruding from Sauceda’s vagina.

Later that day, police questioned Leal and searched his house. Police seized a blouse belonging to Sauceda that contained several blood stains, hair and fibers. The police also confiscated Leal’s clothing from the night of the murder. Blood and other bodily fluid were found on Leal’s underwear. Police found blood stains on the passenger door and seat of Leal’s car. Police later arrested Leal at his home.

A medical examiner testified that Sauceda died from blows to the head and that based on the injuries to her head, she would had to have been struck with the rock two or three times. The medical examiner said Sauceda’s neck also contained injuries consistent with manual strangulation and that she had three bite marks on her body that matched dental impressions of Leal’s teeth.

Leal admitted at his trial that as he was taking Sauceda from the party he turned in the opposite direction from the way she had directed him to drive and when she attempted to get out of his car he refused to allow her to do so. He testified that when Sauceda finally did exit his car, he attempted to pull her back, but said she began hitting, pushing, and scratching his face. He testified that when Sauceda scratched him, he pushed her, felt something wet on the back of her head, shook her in an unsuccessful attempt to wake her, and then fled in fear when he saw bubbles coming out of her nose.

The Obama Administration’s Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. has presented a friend-of-the-court brief to the Supreme Court saying Leal’s execution by the State of Texas would, "place the United States in irreparable breach of its international-law obligation to afford (Leal) review and reconsideration of his claim that his conviction and sentence were prejudiced by Texas authorities' failure to provide consular notification and assistance under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations."

Obama’s administration asserts that Leal, who was an illegal alien living in Texas from the age of 2 to the time of the murder at age 34, was not offered access to a Mexican consular official at the time of his arrest.

Rupert Colville, a spokesman for Navi Pillay, the U.N High Commissioner of Human Rights said, “The lack of consular assistance and advice raises concerns about whether or not Mr. Leal's right to a fair trial was fully upheld.”

The U.N. Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary of arbitrary execution, Christof Heyns, told CNN International, "If the scheduled execution of Mr. Leal Garcia goes ahead, the United States government will have implemented a death penalty after a trial that did not comply with due process rights."

"This will be tantamount to an arbitrary deprivation of life," Heyns said.

No, Mr. Heyns raping and beating a 16-year old girl to death with a block of asphault is arbitrary deprivation of life.  Carrying out the death penalty against someone so callous and indifferent is called Justice.

Not good enough for President Obama.  The Obama administration said in its brief to the Supreme Court, that delaying the execution of Leal would serve the interests of the United States as well as Leal’s interest.

"These interests include protecting Americans abroad, fostering cooperation with foreign nations, and demonstrating respect for the international rule of law."

I would like to see Mr. Obama demonstrate respect for U.S. law.

Leal has been found guilty by a jury of 12 United States Citizens. The facts were presented in a U.S. court according to the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of Texas. Mr. Leal had legal representation at his trial.

The Obama administration lost this same argument in district court already. The court of appeals has refused the Obama administration’s attempt to gain a delay in the execution of Leal.

Now, Mr. Obama presses the Supreme Court saying Leal’s execution “would have serious repercussions for United States foreign relations, law enforcement and other cooperation with Mexico, and the ability of American citizens traveling abroad to have the benefits of consular assistance in the event of detention."

Reality check: Can it get any worse in Mexico?  Would executing Leal, a convicted child-rapist, cause more drugs to come illegally across our border?  Would Leal’s execution cause more ICE agents to be murdered?

Texas has already issued a warning to American citizens advising them in the strongest terms possible not to travel to Mexico over the July 4th holiday weekend because of impending plans by the Los Zetas drug cartel to specifically target Americans in Nuevo Laredo.

Mr. Obama seems hell-bent to prevent the people of the United States from protecting themselves in anyway from death, drugs and economic ruin at the hands of Mexico. 

Here are some more facts about Mr. Leal’s case and how he came to be on Texas death row.


08/17/94 - A Bexar County grand jury indicted Leal for capital murder.
07/11/95 - A Bexar County jury convicted Leal of capital murder.
09/17/97 - Leal filed an original application for a state writ of habeas corpus.
02/04/98 - Leal’s conviction and sentence were affirmed by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
02/22/99 - The Supreme Court denied Leal’s petition for certiorari challenging his conviction and sentence.
10/20/99 - The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied state habeas relief.
03/14/00 - Leal filed a petition for a federal writ of habeas corpus.
03/20/00 - Leal’s petition for certiorari challenging the denial of his first state habeas application was denied.
10/20/04 - A San Antonio federal district court denied habeas relief.
03/24/05 -Leal filed his second state habeas application.
10/13/05 -The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied a certificate of appealability and affirmed the district court’s denial of Leal’s first federal habeas petition.
04/17/06 - The Supreme Court denied Leal’s petition for certiorari relief challenging the Fifth Circuit court’s denial of a certificate of appealability.
03/07/07 - The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals dismissed Leal’s second state application as an abuse of the writ.
03/14/07 - Leal filed his second federal habeas petition.
12/17/07 - A San Antonio federal district court dismissed Leal’s second federal habeas petition for lack of jurisdiction.
03/31/08 - The Supreme Court denied Leal’s petition for certiorari challenging the denial of his second state habeas application.
06/02/08 - Leal filed a motion for DNA testing in the trial court.
10/10/08 - The trial court denied Leal’s motion for DNA testing.
12/03/08 - The Texas Court of Appeals dismissed for want of jurisdiction Leal’s appeal of the trial court’s denial of DNA testing.
06/24/09 - The Fifth Circuit court reversed the federal district court’s holding that it lacked jurisdiction to consider Leal’s second federal habeas petition but nonetheless dismissed with prejudice based on Medellin v. Texas.
11/18/09 - The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied Leal’s appeal of the trial court’s denial of DNA testing.
12/01/09 - Leal filed a Section 1983 lawsuit in federal district court.
04/21/10 - The federal district court dismissed Leal’s 1983 lawsuit without prejudice.

11/08/10 - The Bexar County trial court scheduled Leal’s execution for July 7, 2011.
03/28/11 - Leal and fellow death-row inmate Cleve Foster filed a lawsuit in a Travis County state district court challenging the lethal-injection protocol under the Texas Administrative Procedure Act.
04/28/11 - The Travis County court dismissed Leal’s lawsuit for want of jurisdiction.
05/18/11 - Leal filed a motion to amend his 1983 suit in a San Antonio federal district court.
06/07/11 - Leal filed a clemency petition with the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
06/10/11 - The Texas Court of Appeals affirmed the Travis County district court’s decision.
06/10/11 - Leal filed a motion for an evidentiary hearing in a San Antonio federal district court
06/14/11 - Leal filed a request for a temporary restraining order in a San Antonio federal district court.
06/16/11 - Leal filed his third federal habeas petition in district court and a motion for a stay of execution, a motion to stay and abate, a motion to consolidate this proceeding with his last federal habeas proceeding, and a 60(b) motion.
06/17/11 – Leal filed a petition for review with the Texas Supreme Court on the ruling of the Texas Third Court of Appeals on the lawsuit in a Travis County state district court that challenged the lethal-injection protocol under the Texas Administrative Procedure Act.
06/20/11 – Leal’s 1983 suit and request for a temporary restraining order were dismissed by a federal district court. Leal filed a notice of appeal on his 1983 suit.
06/21/11 – A federal district court denied Leal’s motion to open his second federal habeas petition and stay of execution. The court also denied his motion to consolidate with his third petition. The third habeas petition is pending.
06/22/11 – A federal district court dismissed Leal’s third federal habeas application without prejudice.
06/23/11 – Leal filed a second subsequent application for post-conviction writ of habeas corpus and a motion for a stay of execution in the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
06/27/11 - Leal filed a motion for emergency relief in the Texas Supreme Court.
06/27/11 – The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied Leal’s application for a post-conviction writ of habeas corpus and his motion for a stay of execution.
06/28/11 –- Leal filed two motions for a stay, a cert petition and a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the U.S. Supreme Court.
06/30/11 –- Leal filed a motion for a certificate of appealability in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit appealing the dismissal of his third federal habeas petition.
06/30/11 -- The Texas Supreme Court denied Leal's petition for review on the ruling of the Texas Third Court of Appeals on the lawsuit in a Travis County state district court that challenged the lethal-injection protocol under the Texas Administrative Procedure Act. The court also denied Leal's motion for emergency relief this morning.
Leal’s clemency application remains pending.

Why is the President of the United States so interested in this case?  Why is the U.N. trying to pressure a sovereign state into bending to its rule?  Have any of these people ever met Rick Perry?  Don’t they know that “Don’t Mess With Texas” is more than a slogan?

Texas Governor Rick Perry will sleep just fine on Thursday night, the scheduled date of Leal’s execution.  Texans will all sleep better knowing a murderer of children will not return to those streets to murder again.

I have served on a jury in a murder trial.  Our jury convicted and the accused was given the death penalty.  In Texas a jury doesn’t gather around a table and say, “Let’s give this guy the death penalty.” In order for the death penalty to be applied, there must be evidence that the person convicted of murder might harm someone again if ever released back into society.

The jury in the Leal case had that evidence presented during the punishment phase of Leal’s trial and they learned that two weeks before Sauceda’s murder, Leal sexually assaulted another teenage girl and bit her on the neck.

The jury also learned that, following that assault, Leal had repeatedly telephoned the girl’s older sister and threatened to have someone kill her if she testified against him.

Humberto Leal received a fair trial, was found guilty, and was sentenced to death.

Why Barack Obama is trying, once again, to insinuate himself into the laws of a sovereign state and to defy the will of the people is beyond comprehension.

There is plenty on your plate already, Mr. President. Not the least of which may soon be an announcement that Rick Perry is running for President.

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Hey Vince - now go home and get your fucking shine box.   

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Obama And The U.N. Trying To Delay Texas’ Execution Of Humberto Leal
The Cypress Times ^ | 7-4-2011 | John G. Winder

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Obama And The U.N. Trying To Delay Texas’ Execution Of Humberto Leal
John G. Winder, The Cypress Times

July 4, 2011

Leal is a Mexican national who kidnapped, raped and murdered a 16-year old girl

WASHINGTON, DC – The Obama administration has gone to the Supreme Court to seek a delay of the execution of convicted kidnapper, rapist and murderer Humberto Leal. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has written a letter to Texas Governor Rick Perry asking him to commute Leal’s death sentence.

In 1994 Humberto Leal, a Mexican national, viciously abducted, raped and murdered 16-year old Adria Sauceda.

The media has provided  coverage on how Texas is denying Mr. Leal's rights, yet little has been reported on the details of the vicious and cruel murder for which Mr. Leal was convicted. 

Facts of the case from Texas Attorney General Gregg Abbott

In May 20, 1994, sixteen-year-old Adria Sauceda and Humberto Leal were at a party. At some point an intoxicated but conscious Sauceda was placed in Leal’s car, and Leal got in the vehicle and drove away.

About thirty minutes later, Leal’s brother arrived at the party and yelled that Leal had come home with blood on him saying he had killed a girl.

Several of the party members went looking for Sauceda in the same general area where the party was held. They called police after they found her nude body on a dirt road. They noticed Sauceda’s head had been bashed in and it was bleeding.

When the police arrived, they saw the nude Sauceda lying on her back. There was a 30- to 40 pound chunk of asphalt lying partially on Sauceda's left arm. Blood was underneath this rock. A smaller rock with blood on it was located near Sauceda’s right thigh. Sauceda’s head was splattered with blood. There was a bloody and broken stick protruding from Sauceda’s vagina.

Later that day, police questioned Leal and searched his house. Police seized a blouse belonging to Sauceda that contained several blood stains, hair and fibers. The police also confiscated Leal’s clothing from the night of the murder. Blood and other bodily fluid were found on Leal’s underwear. Police found blood stains on the passenger door and seat of Leal’s car. Police later arrested Leal at his home.

A medical examiner testified that Sauceda died from blows to the head and that based on the injuries to her head, she would had to have been struck with the rock two or three times. The medical examiner said Sauceda’s neck also contained injuries consistent with manual strangulation and that she had three bite marks on her body that matched dental impressions of Leal’s teeth.

Leal admitted at his trial that as he was taking Sauceda from the party he turned in the opposite direction from the way she had directed him to drive and when she attempted to get out of his car he refused to allow her to do so. He testified that when Sauceda finally did exit his car, he attempted to pull her back, but said she began hitting, pushing, and scratching his face. He testified that when Sauceda scratched him, he pushed her, felt something wet on the back of her head, shook her in an unsuccessful attempt to wake her, and then fled in fear when he saw bubbles coming out of her nose.

The Obama Administration’s Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. has presented a friend-of-the-court brief to the Supreme Court saying Leal’s execution by the State of Texas would, "place the United States in irreparable breach of its international-law obligation to afford (Leal) review and reconsideration of his claim that his conviction and sentence were prejudiced by Texas authorities' failure to provide consular notification and assistance under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations."

Obama’s administration asserts that Leal, who was an illegal alien living in Texas from the age of 2 to the time of the murder at age 34, was not offered access to a Mexican consular official at the time of his arrest.

Rupert Colville, a spokesman for Navi Pillay, the U.N High Commissioner of Human Rights said, “The lack of consular assistance and advice raises concerns about whether or not Mr. Leal's right to a fair trial was fully upheld.”

The U.N. Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary of arbitrary execution, Christof Heyns, told CNN International, "If the scheduled execution of Mr. Leal Garcia goes ahead, the United States government will have implemented a death penalty after a trial that did not comply with due process rights."

"This will be tantamount to an arbitrary deprivation of life," Heyns said.

No, Mr. Heyns raping and beating a 16-year old girl to death with a block of asphault is arbitrary deprivation of life.  Carrying out the death penalty against someone so callous and indifferent is called Justice.

Not good enough for President Obama.  The Obama administration said in its brief to the Supreme Court, that delaying the execution of Leal would serve the interests of the United States as well as Leal’s interest.

"These interests include protecting Americans abroad, fostering cooperation with foreign nations, and demonstrating respect for the international rule of law."

I would like to see Mr. Obama demonstrate respect for U.S. law.

Leal has been found guilty by a jury of 12 United States Citizens. The facts were presented in a U.S. court according to the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of Texas. Mr. Leal had legal representation at his trial.

The Obama administration lost this same argument in district court already. The court of appeals has refused the Obama administration’s attempt to gain a delay in the execution of Leal.

Now, Mr. Obama presses the Supreme Court saying Leal’s execution “would have serious repercussions for United States foreign relations, law enforcement and other cooperation with Mexico, and the ability of American citizens traveling abroad to have the benefits of consular assistance in the event of detention."

Reality check: Can it get any worse in Mexico?  Would executing Leal, a convicted child-rapist, cause more drugs to come illegally across our border?  Would Leal’s execution cause more ICE agents to be murdered?

Texas has already issued a warning to American citizens advising them in the strongest terms possible not to travel to Mexico over the July 4th holiday weekend because of impending plans by the Los Zetas drug cartel to specifically target Americans in Nuevo Laredo.

Mr. Obama seems hell-bent to prevent the people of the United States from protecting themselves in anyway from death, drugs and economic ruin at the hands of Mexico. 

Here are some more facts about Mr. Leal’s case and how he came to be on Texas death row.


08/17/94 - A Bexar County grand jury indicted Leal for capital murder.
07/11/95 - A Bexar County jury convicted Leal of capital murder.
09/17/97 - Leal filed an original application for a state writ of habeas corpus.
02/04/98 - Leal’s conviction and sentence were affirmed by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
02/22/99 - The Supreme Court denied Leal’s petition for certiorari challenging his conviction and sentence.
10/20/99 - The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied state habeas relief.
03/14/00 - Leal filed a petition for a federal writ of habeas corpus.
03/20/00 - Leal’s petition for certiorari challenging the denial of his first state habeas application was denied.
10/20/04 - A San Antonio federal district court denied habeas relief.
03/24/05 -Leal filed his second state habeas application.
10/13/05 -The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied a certificate of appealability and affirmed the district court’s denial of Leal’s first federal habeas petition.
04/17/06 - The Supreme Court denied Leal’s petition for certiorari relief challenging the Fifth Circuit court’s denial of a certificate of appealability.
03/07/07 - The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals dismissed Leal’s second state application as an abuse of the writ.
03/14/07 - Leal filed his second federal habeas petition.
12/17/07 - A San Antonio federal district court dismissed Leal’s second federal habeas petition for lack of jurisdiction.
03/31/08 - The Supreme Court denied Leal’s petition for certiorari challenging the denial of his second state habeas application.
06/02/08 - Leal filed a motion for DNA testing in the trial court.
10/10/08 - The trial court denied Leal’s motion for DNA testing.
12/03/08 - The Texas Court of Appeals dismissed for want of jurisdiction Leal’s appeal of the trial court’s denial of DNA testing.
06/24/09 - The Fifth Circuit court reversed the federal district court’s holding that it lacked jurisdiction to consider Leal’s second federal habeas petition but nonetheless dismissed with prejudice based on Medellin v. Texas.
11/18/09 - The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied Leal’s appeal of the trial court’s denial of DNA testing.
12/01/09 - Leal filed a Section 1983 lawsuit in federal district court.
04/21/10 - The federal district court dismissed Leal’s 1983 lawsuit without prejudice.

11/08/10 - The Bexar County trial court scheduled Leal’s execution for July 7, 2011.
03/28/11 - Leal and fellow death-row inmate Cleve Foster filed a lawsuit in a Travis County state district court challenging the lethal-injection protocol under the Texas Administrative Procedure Act.
04/28/11 - The Travis County court dismissed Leal’s lawsuit for want of jurisdiction.
05/18/11 - Leal filed a motion to amend his 1983 suit in a San Antonio federal district court.
06/07/11 - Leal filed a clemency petition with the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
06/10/11 - The Texas Court of Appeals affirmed the Travis County district court’s decision.
06/10/11 - Leal filed a motion for an evidentiary hearing in a San Antonio federal district court
06/14/11 - Leal filed a request for a temporary restraining order in a San Antonio federal district court.
06/16/11 - Leal filed his third federal habeas petition in district court and a motion for a stay of execution, a motion to stay and abate, a motion to consolidate this proceeding with his last federal habeas proceeding, and a 60(b) motion.
06/17/11 – Leal filed a petition for review with the Texas Supreme Court on the ruling of the Texas Third Court of Appeals on the lawsuit in a Travis County state district court that challenged the lethal-injection protocol under the Texas Administrative Procedure Act.
06/20/11 – Leal’s 1983 suit and request for a temporary restraining order were dismissed by a federal district court. Leal filed a notice of appeal on his 1983 suit.
06/21/11 – A federal district court denied Leal’s motion to open his second federal habeas petition and stay of execution. The court also denied his motion to consolidate with his third petition. The third habeas petition is pending.
06/22/11 – A federal district court dismissed Leal’s third federal habeas application without prejudice.
06/23/11 – Leal filed a second subsequent application for post-conviction writ of habeas corpus and a motion for a stay of execution in the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
06/27/11 - Leal filed a motion for emergency relief in the Texas Supreme Court.
06/27/11 – The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied Leal’s application for a post-conviction writ of habeas corpus and his motion for a stay of execution.
06/28/11 –- Leal filed two motions for a stay, a cert petition and a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the U.S. Supreme Court.
06/30/11 –- Leal filed a motion for a certificate of appealability in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit appealing the dismissal of his third federal habeas petition.
06/30/11 -- The Texas Supreme Court denied Leal's petition for review on the ruling of the Texas Third Court of Appeals on the lawsuit in a Travis County state district court that challenged the lethal-injection protocol under the Texas Administrative Procedure Act. The court also denied Leal's motion for emergency relief this morning.
Leal’s clemency application remains pending.

Why is the President of the United States so interested in this case?  Why is the U.N. trying to pressure a sovereign state into bending to its rule?  Have any of these people ever met Rick Perry?  Don’t they know that “Don’t Mess With Texas” is more than a slogan?

Texas Governor Rick Perry will sleep just fine on Thursday night, the scheduled date of Leal’s execution.  Texans will all sleep better knowing a murderer of children will not return to those streets to murder again.

I have served on a jury in a murder trial.  Our jury convicted and the accused was given the death penalty.  In Texas a jury doesn’t gather around a table and say, “Let’s give this guy the death penalty.” In order for the death penalty to be applied, there must be evidence that the person convicted of murder might harm someone again if ever released back into society.

The jury in the Leal case had that evidence presented during the punishment phase of Leal’s trial and they learned that two weeks before Sauceda’s murder, Leal sexually assaulted another teenage girl and bit her on the neck.

The jury also learned that, following that assault, Leal had repeatedly telephoned the girl’s older sister and threatened to have someone kill her if she testified against him.

Humberto Leal received a fair trial, was found guilty, and was sentenced to death.

Why Barack Obama is trying, once again, to insinuate himself into the laws of a sovereign state and to defy the will of the people is beyond comprehension.

There is plenty on your plate already, Mr. President. Not the least of which may soon be an announcement that Rick Perry is running for President.

________________________ ________________________ ____

Hey Vince - now go home and get your fucking shine box.   

He isn't interested as was Bush wasn't interested in his case.  In order for the process of him being executed proceed, the administrations have to inquire about international law.  Otherwise, it will hold up the execution anyway.  But once they inquire, the appeals court and the state can shoot it down and on goes the execution. 

Soul Crusher

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Oh screw off.   Stop kneepadding this disaster of an admn who is as bad, or worse, than GWB on these issues. 


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If some american citizen were in mexico and raped and killed a teenager, well - fuck him and let him die, he chose that by committing the act.

So long as this illegal savage and animal got a fair trial and was found guilty and the evidence shows he did it - fry his fucking ass.

How does this stance you have on this conflict with your previous stance that police and government are corrupt? It seems you are more than willing to accept the police and D.A.'s work in this case, but have said you have no confidence in police and in fact, argue pretty strongly that police are corrupt. So this mexican national gets tried and found guilty and suddenly you are ready to put him to death... Do you see the hypocrisy? How can YOU ever say "So long as he got a fair trial" when you have repeatedly tried to make a case such a thing doesnt exit?

Soul Crusher

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How does this stance you have on this conflict with your previous stance that police and government are corrupt? It seems you are more than willing to accept the police and D.A.'s work in this case, but have said you have no confidence in police and in fact, argue pretty strongly that police are corrupt. So this mexican national gets tried and found guilty and suddenly you are ready to put him to death... Do you see the hypocrisy? How can YOU ever say "So long as he got a fair trial" when you have repeatedly tried to make a case such a thing doesnt exit?

This case was reviewed by many appeals courts numerous times, all the evidence shows he did it, etc.   There is nothing in the record whatsoever even hinting he is anything but guilty as sin.     

And where did I say one can never get a fair trial?   


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This case was reviewed by many appeals courts numerous times, all the evidence shows he did it, etc.   There is nothing in the record whatsoever even hinting he is anything but guilty as sin.     

And where did I say one can never get a fair trial?   

Have you not said (I don't want to put words in your mouth) that police are corrupt? Have you not said "Another example of corrupt police and DA" in another case? have you not said government is corrupt? If you believe the police, government and DA's are corrupt, how can you ever argue for the death penalty or accept anyone got a fair trial? What if the police planted evidence? What if the D.A. withheld information that would show his innocence?

Soul Crusher

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Have you not said (I don't want to put words in your mouth) that police are corrupt? Have you not said "Another example of corrupt police and DA" in another case? have you not said government is corrupt? If you believe the police, government and DA's are corrupt, how can you ever argue for the death penalty or accept anyone got a fair trial? What if the police planted evidence? What if the D.A. withheld information that would show his innocence?

This guy did not even claim innocence. 


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This guy did not even claim innocence. 

I'm elated by your confidence in the police  ;)

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I'm elated by your confidence in the police  ;)

The police had little to do with this.   The guys brother said he did it, he commtted sexual assault on others, and is by almost every single point of evidence guilty as sin.   

Personally, I wish they tied this piece of trash to a tree in the desert and let the buzzards eat him.  I have ZERO sympathy whatsoever for these illegal alien savages and barbarians. 

We should set up guard towers and have orders to shoot on sight.    you will see how fast those assholes stay put in mexico.       


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We should set up guard towers and have orders to shoot on sight.    you will see how fast those assholes stay put in mexico.       


I hate the fact that they sneak in, but I wouldn't cap 'em.  Just because if I was in their situation I would be sneaking in over here too.

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I hate the fact that they sneak in, but I wouldn't cap 'em.  Just because if I was in their situation I would be sneaking in over here too.

If 33 were 300 yards out with a .308 you might think differently. 

 ;D  ;D  ;D

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Stay rejected for girl's Mexican killer
Texas Board of Pardons and Parole denies request for 180-day reprieve, spurning international clamor
July 5, 2011, 9:48PM
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Texas thumbed its nose at the White House and the United Nations on Tuesday as it cleared the way for Thursday's execution of Humberto Leal Garcia Jr., a Mexican national who was denied access to his nation's consulate after being arrested for a San Antonio rape-murder.
The Texas Board of Pardons and Parole's 4-1 rejection of Leal's bid for a 180-day reprieve marks the second time in four years that Texas has resisted national and international calls that it observe the U.N.'s Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, which guarantees foreign defendants contact with their governments' representatives.
His fate now rests with the U.S. Supreme Court, which is considering a stay of execution request from the Obama administration.
Leal, 38, was sentenced to die for the May 24, 1994, murder of 16-year-old Adria Sauceda. The girl was found naked on a rural road in San Antonio after being raped and then bludgeoned with a chunk of asphalt.
Acting without a pardons board recommendation, Gov. Rick Perry could grant a 30-day stay. His spokeswoman, Katherine Cesinger, said the governor has not yet decided, but historically he rarely grants such requests.
A reprieve for Leal, if granted by the Supreme Court, might give Congress time to act on a bill introduced by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, that would provide for federal review of capital cases involving foreigners denied consulate contact.
About 100 convicted killers nationwide would be eligible for such reviews.
Leahy's bill is an outgrowth of a 2004 U.N. world court decision, stemming from a Mexican lawsuit against the United States, that hearings be held for dozens of inmates to determine if their cases had been hurt by their inability to contact their consulates.
In 2005, then-President George W. Bush called for the hearings to take place in state courts. Texas appealed, and in 2008 the Supreme Court held that only Congress could order such hearings.
Ex-diplomats spurned
Tuesday's parole board decision to deny a reprieve came despite a June plea from six former diplomats urging the stay be granted. In a letter to Perry and the board, they warned that the security of Americans detained on charges while traveling or living abroad depends on signers of the Vienna Convention — including the U.S. - honoring their treaty obligations.
The diplomats included Henry Barnes, Jr., former ambassador to Chile, India, Romania and director general of the Foreign Service; former U.S. Sen. James Jones, who was ambassador to Mexico, 1993-1997; Thomas Pickering, former U.N. ambassador; and William Taft IV, former U.S. ambassador to NATO.
Leal's lawyer, Northwestern University law professor Sandra Babcock, said the paroles board also disregarded pleas from military leaders, judges, prosecutors and the federal government in a decision that would "undermine the international interests of the United States."
Not first time in spotlight
Last week, three members of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals - which rejected a separate Leal plea for a stay - suggested that the paroles board and Perry might act in the killer's behalf even though the court could not.

If the Mexican-born Leal, who has lived in the United States since age 2, is executed, it will mark the second time in four years that Texas has defied international demands that it observe the Vienna Convention.
In August 2008, the state executed Mexican citizen Jose Medellin for the 1993 strangulation of two Houston teenagers, Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena.

"Texas is not bound by a foreign court's ruling," Cesinger said. "The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the treaty was not binding on states and that the president does not have authority to order review of cases of foreign nationals on death row in the U.S."  

Soul Crusher

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Obama: Good U.S.-Mexican relations demand we spare guilty and let innocent die
Gun Rights Examiner ^ | 5 July, 2011 | David Codrea
Posted on July 6, 2011 7:17:02 AM EDT by marktwain

“President Barack Obama is attempting to block the execution in Texas on Thursday of a Mexican man because it would breach an international convention and do ‘irreparable harm’ to US interests,” reports.

Humberto Leal Garcia “was convicted in 1994 of the rape and murder of a 16-year-old girl in San Antonio. Few question that he was responsible for the killing but the Texas authorities failed to tell Leal…that under the Vienna convention he was entitled to contact the Mexican consulate when he was arrested.”

Ah. So he did it. But overlooking a procedural step informing this monster of his entitlements under international treaty was overlooked. But he still did it. This big, brave piece of cowardly offal raped and killed a little girl. And 15 years later, the rabid animal is about to be put down—except Obama worries the Mexican government will get mad at us if we do.

How telling that he does not place his emphasis or concern on an operation conducted under the authority of his administration that has resulted in estimates that up to 150 Mexican nationals may have been killed—people who were never given due process and their day on court, that is, people who were legally innocent. And how many more Mexican and U.S. citizens have suffered on our side of the border remains to be seen.

But while occupying their concerns with a treaty-driven entitlement technicality, the administration has stonewalled Congress every step of the way on basic matters of Congressional authority, U.S. law, Mexican law…nope, no chance of doing “irreparable harm to U.S. interests” there…

That may be changing though—at least as far as the administration’s ability to keep up with the directed non-cooperation and at the same time keep the noise level down on it. From Fox News:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Stay rejected for girl's Mexican killer
Texas Board of Pardons and Parole denies request for 180-day reprieve, spurning international clamor
July 5, 2011, 9:48PM
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Texas thumbed its nose at the White House and the United Nations on Tuesday as it cleared the way for Thursday's execution of Humberto Leal Garcia Jr., a Mexican national who was denied access to his nation's consulate after being arrested for a San Antonio rape-murder.
The Texas Board of Pardons and Parole's 4-1 rejection of Leal's bid for a 180-day reprieve marks the second time in four years that Texas has resisted national and international calls that it observe the U.N.'s Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, which guarantees foreign defendants contact with their governments' representatives.
His fate now rests with the U.S. Supreme Court, which is considering a stay of execution request from the Obama administration.
Leal, 38, was sentenced to die for the May 24, 1994, murder of 16-year-old Adria Sauceda. The girl was found naked on a rural road in San Antonio after being raped and then bludgeoned with a chunk of asphalt.
Acting without a pardons board recommendation, Gov. Rick Perry could grant a 30-day stay. His spokeswoman, Katherine Cesinger, said the governor has not yet decided, but historically he rarely grants such requests.
A reprieve for Leal, if granted by the Supreme Court, might give Congress time to act on a bill introduced by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, that would provide for federal review of capital cases involving foreigners denied consulate contact.
About 100 convicted killers nationwide would be eligible for such reviews.
Leahy's bill is an outgrowth of a 2004 U.N. world court decision, stemming from a Mexican lawsuit against the United States, that hearings be held for dozens of inmates to determine if their cases had been hurt by their inability to contact their consulates.
In 2005, then-President George W. Bush called for the hearings to take place in state courts. Texas appealed, and in 2008 the Supreme Court held that only Congress could order such hearings.
Ex-diplomats spurned
Tuesday's parole board decision to deny a reprieve came despite a June plea from six former diplomats urging the stay be granted. In a letter to Perry and the board, they warned that the security of Americans detained on charges while traveling or living abroad depends on signers of the Vienna Convention — including the U.S. - honoring their treaty obligations.
The diplomats included Henry Barnes, Jr., former ambassador to Chile, India, Romania and director general of the Foreign Service; former U.S. Sen. James Jones, who was ambassador to Mexico, 1993-1997; Thomas Pickering, former U.N. ambassador; and William Taft IV, former U.S. ambassador to NATO.
Leal's lawyer, Northwestern University law professor Sandra Babcock, said the paroles board also disregarded pleas from military leaders, judges, prosecutors and the federal government in a decision that would "undermine the international interests of the United States."
Not first time in spotlight
Last week, three members of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals - which rejected a separate Leal plea for a stay - suggested that the paroles board and Perry might act in the killer's behalf even though the court could not.

If the Mexican-born Leal, who has lived in the United States since age 2, is executed, it will mark the second time in four years that Texas has defied international demands that it observe the Vienna Convention.
In August 2008, the state executed Mexican citizen Jose Medellin for the 1993 strangulation of two Houston teenagers, Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena.

"Texas is not bound by a foreign court's ruling," Cesinger said. "The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the treaty was not binding on states and that the president does not have authority to order review of cases of foreign nationals on death row in the U.S."  

As I stated, same ruling that the Bush Administration got back in 2006.  Now they can execute the guy as the consul issue has now been addressed.  Its nothing more than a show and tell for international relations.

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These disgusting vermin should not even be here, let alone in a position to commit such heinous crimes. 

Btw - glad you now realize both bush and obama suck. 

I hated bush, but despise obama ten fold more.