Author Topic: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)  (Read 16788 times)

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Re: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)
« Reply #179 on: June 06, 2014, 10:56:11 AM »
VA head says 18 veterans left off wait list have died (Phoenix, Arizona)
The Long Beach Press-Telegram / The Associated Press ^ | June 6, 2014
Posted on June 6, 2014 at 1:47:15 PM EDT by 2ndDivisionVet

PHOENIX — In a new revelation in the growing Veterans Affairs’ scandal, the organization’s acting head says that an additional 18 veterans whose names were kept off an official electronic VA appointment list have died.

Acting VA Secretary Sloan Gibson said he would ask the inspector general to see if there is any indication those deaths were related to long wait times. If so, they would reach out to those veterans’ families.

“I will come personally and apologize to the survivors,” Gibson said Thursday....

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Re: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)
« Reply #181 on: June 10, 2014, 05:16:57 AM »
WASHINGTON (AP) — A top Veterans Affairs Department official is acknowledging "an integrity issue here among some of our leaders" as the embattled agency reels from mounting evidence that workers fabricated data on veterans' waits for medical appointments in an effort to mask frequent, long delays.

"It is irresponsible," Philip Matkovsky, a top VA official who helps oversee its administrative operations, told the House Veterans Affairs Committee at an unusual Monday evening hearing. "It is indefensible, and it is unacceptable. I apologize to our veterans, their families and their loved ones."

Matkovsky's apology, rendered hours after his agency released fresh revelations about slow-moving care, echoed acting VA Secretary Sloan Gibson's contrition shortly after he replaced Eric Shinseki atop the agency. President Barack Obama accepted Shinseki's resignation on May 30, but that has not stopped the uproar over veteran's care from becoming an embarrassment for the Obama administration and a potential political liability for congressional Democrats seeking re-election in November.

Matkovsky did not specify which VA officials had questionable integrity. The agency has started removing top officials at its medical facility in Phoenix, a focal point of the department's problems, and investigators have found indications of long waits and falsified records of patients' appointments at hundreds of facilities.

Asked by Veterans Affairs panel Chairman Jeff Miller, R-Fla., whether officials at the agency's main office had ordered manipulation of patients' data, Matkovsky said he was not aware of that, adding, "I certainly hope they have not."

Richard Griffin, acting VA inspector general, told lawmakers his investigators were probing for wrong-doing at 69 agency medical facilities, up from 42 two weeks ago. He said he has discussed evidence of manipulated data with the Justice Department, which he said was still considering whether crimes occurred.

"Once somebody loses his job or gets criminally charged, it will no longer be a game and that will be the shot heard around the system," Griffin said.

Monday's hearing came as Congress moved toward addressing the problem, which drew intensified public attention two months ago with reports of patients dying while awaiting VA care and cover-ups at the Phoenix center. The VA, the country's largest health care provider, serves almost 9 million veterans.

Late Monday, lawmakers on both sides of the Capitol said they had finished writing similar bipartisan bills. Both would allow veterans facing long waits for care or living more than 40 miles from an agency medical facility to get VA-paid treatment from local, non-VA health care providers over the next two years.

The Senate measure would make it easier for the VA to fire top officials — much as a separate House-approved bill would do. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said the House would vote on its new legislation this week, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said his chamber would vote "as soon as it is ready."

Monday night, lawmakers on the House veterans committee expressed impatience and a wariness of VA pledges to improve care. The agency's inspector general has been issuing reports about patient scheduling problems since at least 2005.

"We're going to get to the bottom of this," Rep. Mike Michaud of Maine, top Democrat on the panel, told reporters. "If that means criminal prosecutions, that means criminal prosecutions."

Rep. Dan Benishek, R-Mich., noted that a VA document misplaced an agency medical facility in his state in Wisconsin instead and told Matkovsky, "You can't place a facility in the right state, so I don't know how we can trust you with the big stuff."

"We are committed" to improvements, Matkovsky responded. "This is the start, not the end."

At the same hearing, an official from the Government Accountability Office — Congress' investigative arm — said that of 150 patients seeking special outpatient care, most were treated slower than agency guidelines suggest and almost half did not get requested care. One patient died before getting needed surgery the agency had approved from an outside provider, Debra Draper, GAO's director for health care, said.

Hours earlier, the VA released an internal audit showing more than 57,000 new patients had to wait at least three months for initial appointments. It also found that over the past decade, nearly 64,000 newly enrolled veterans requesting appointments never got one, though it was unclear how many still wanted VA care.

The audit covered 731 VA medical facilities. It said 13 percent of scheduling employees said they'd been instructed to enter falsified appointment dates, and 8 percent used unofficial appointment lists, both practices aimed at improving agency statistics on patient wait times.

As a result, the agency said it was ordering further investigations at 112 locations where interviews revealed indications of fabricated scheduling data or of supervisors ordering falsified lists.

Gibson, the acting VA secretary, directed several steps to address Monday's audit, including a short-term boost in medical services at overburdened facilities, including using mobile units.

The agency has contacted 50,000 veterans awaiting appointments and plans to reach 40,000 others to accelerate care, letting them choose VA treatment or local non-VA health-care providers.

The VA believes it will need $300 million over the next three months to accelerate medical care, money that will come from the agency's existing budget. That will include expanding clinics' hours and paying for some veterans to see outside providers.


Associated Press writer Matthew Daly contributed to this report.

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Re: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)
« Reply #183 on: June 18, 2014, 05:26:14 AM »
A Fed-Up Veteran Blasts VA's "Lie, Delay, Deny" Abyss ^  | June 18, 2014 | Michelle, Malkin

Posted on ‎6‎/‎18‎/‎2014‎ ‎7‎:‎13‎:‎54‎ ‎AM by Kaslin

They don't care."

As Obama administration officials pivot like haywire jewelry-box ballerinas to divert attention away from the nationwide Veterans Affairs disgrace, a reader who has been fighting the system urged me to urge Capitol Hill and the American public to stay focused.

This former Special Forces soldier and medic served his country for 25 years. He worked in the health care field managing military field medical clinics. "I know how health care is supposed to run, even in austere or low-budget environments," he says. And in his nightmarish, ongoing experience, the VA is an epic, deadly, monstrous failure. He minces no words: "They're getting billions of dollars, and they treat veterans like s-t. There's no accountability, no buy-in, among civilian unionized employees. We mean nothing to them. It's like going to the DMV for your health care."

Over the past four years, the veteran tells me, he has been under direct VA care for two major line-of-duty-related injuries, including one combat-related injury. One of the medical centers that treated him -- or rather mistreated him and maltreated him -- is the Coatesville, Pa., VA. It's the same facility where four vets died due to medical malpractice, leading to nearly $1.4 million in settlements to vets' families, according to The Center for Investigative Reporting.

The harrowing cases included two fatal failures to monitor patients, improper management of a psychiatric patient, and wrongful diagnosis or misdiagnosis of a patient.

These details are all too familiar to my reader. "I have been misdiagnosed, had a missed diagnosis, and had delays of care lasting months," he says. "My records have been lost, changed, split and mismanaged." He has experienced firsthand the same "slow-walking" of care that millions of other VA patients have encountered and scores have died from -- a systemic modus operandi of "lie, delay, deny."

The vet gets a catch in his voice as he relates a horrible anecdote. After refusing to return to the Coatesville facility and seeking treatment at another VA clinic one day, he became nauseous. Instead of allowing him to lie down on a gurney, a nurse made him vomit outside so he wouldn't soil the bed. He believes the office was open not to treat patients, but as a front for nurses to pick up extra shifts. He has encountered similar degrading and condescending treatment across the VA system.

When he appealed for help and advocacy within the system, the veteran was met with a stone wall of "Not My Job"-ism. Through denials of care, contraindicated medications, repeated mistakes and delays of pharmacy items, he endured callousness, humiliation and stigmatization. "When I get angry, they call me 'crazy.'" Classic blame-the-victim tactics from the VA abusers.

Big Government politicians want to throw more funding at the VA, as usual. The veteran offers a scathing reality check: "There is ample money to address the needs of American veterans," he says. "The problem is far deeper and more dangerous than just secret waiting lists. The VA almost killed me; my health is worse now than it was when I entered care; my quality of life and living conditions have been nothing short of horrific as I have waited years for adjudication of my benefits case, which in the end was botched."

Again, the vet refuses to candy-coat the roots of the festering VA scandal: "The problem is not just waiting lists. It is utter fraudulent expenditure of enormous budgets, not on veterans, but on overpaid lazy, surly civilian employees that often make it clear that a) they do not like veterans and b) that the veteran is actually a nuisance. The problem is endemic, at every level, in the VA. The unfortunate fact of the matter is this: Veterans have become incidental to the process at the VA."

The system is "an enormous cash cow, warehousing tens of thousands of overpaid employees" who "keep the gravy-train rolling." The vet has a plea on behalf of all of his brothers and sisters who are drowning in the VA's "lie, delay, deny" abyss:

"Please, don't let this die."

CORRECTION: In last week's column, I erroneously stated that ProgressNow was responsible for an attack ad against Colorado GOP gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo. The ad was sponsored by Protect Colorado Values, a separate Democrat-linked outfit.

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Re: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)
« Reply #185 on: June 20, 2014, 08:30:59 AM »

Veterans and Zombies
The Hype Behind the Health Care Scandal

You’ve surely heard about the scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs. A number of veterans found themselves waiting a long time for care, some of them died before they were seen, and some of the agency’s employees falsified records to cover up the extent of the problem. It’s a real scandal; some heads have already rolled, but there’s surely more to clean up.

But the goings-on at Veterans Affairs shouldn’t cause us to lose sight of a much bigger scandal: the almost surreal inefficiency and injustice of the American health care system as a whole. And it’s important to understand that the Veterans Affairs scandal, while real, is being hyped out of proportion by people whose real goal is to block reform of the larger system.

The essential, undeniable fact about American health care is how incredibly expensive it is — twice as costly per capita as the French system, two-and-a-half times as expensive as the British system. You might expect all that money to buy results, but the United States actually ranks low on basic measures of performance; we have low life expectancy and high infant mortality, and despite all that spending many people can’t get health care when they need it. What’s more, Americans seem to realize that they’re getting a bad deal: Surveys show a much smaller percentage of the population satisfied with the health system in America than in other countries.

And, in America, medical costs often cause financial distress to an extent that doesn’t happen in any other advanced nation.

How and why does health care in the United States manage to perform so badly?

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Re: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)
« Reply #186 on: June 20, 2014, 08:35:27 AM »
But the goings-on at Veterans Affairs shouldn’t cause us to lose sight of a much bigger scandal: the almost surreal inefficiency and injustice of the American health care system as a whole. And it’s important to understand that the Veterans Affairs scandal, while real, is being hyped out of proportion by people whose real goal is to block reform of the larger system.

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Re: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)
« Reply #187 on: June 20, 2014, 08:58:09 AM »
But the goings-on at Veterans Affairs shouldn’t cause us to lose sight of a much bigger scandal: the almost surreal inefficiency and injustice of the American health care system as a whole. And it’s important to understand that the Veterans Affairs scandal, while real, is being hyped out of proportion by people whose real goal is to block reform of the larger system.

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Really, SC?

You don't think it's reasonable to suspect that some are hyping the scandal because they want to use it to argue that gov't can't do anything right and therefore government-led healthcare reform is doomed to failure?

(Good luck with this tactic, btw  -- Ya don't hear so many right-wingers complaining about ACA anymore and that's got to be, at least partially, because more and more folks are happy with it.)

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Re: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)
« Reply #188 on: June 20, 2014, 09:08:23 AM »
Really, SC?

You don't think it's reasonable to suspect that some are hyping the scandal because they want to use it to argue that gov't can't do anything right and therefore government-led healthcare reform is doomed to failure?

(Good luck with this tactic, btw  -- Ya don't hear so many right-wingers complaining about ACA anymore and that's got to be, at least partially, because more and more folks are happy with it.)

THE ACA is only but one of the other 100 scandals around this admn


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Re: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)
« Reply #189 on: June 21, 2014, 01:53:46 PM »
THE ACA is only but one of the other 100 scandals around this admn

The VA scandal is obvious proof that big govt healthcare won't work. And the ACA is doomed to fail when you charge someone $80 a month for a $400 a month policy and expect the younger and healthier people (who often don't have the $ anyway) to make it up. Which means big brother will be expected to make it up and add even more burden to the taxpayers and to its own crushing debt.

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Re: Obama to Veterans: DROP DEAD (Literally)
« Reply #190 on: June 24, 2014, 05:56:14 PM »
CNN: Whistleblower: VA Changed Records To Make Dead Patients Appear To Be Alive
Youtube ^ | 6/24/14 | CNN
Posted on June 24, 2014 at 8:49:09 PM EDT by Nachum

CNN: Whistleblower: VA Changed Records To Make Dead Patients Appear To Be Alive (June 24, 2014)

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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