Author Topic: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax  (Read 4520 times)

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There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« on: August 07, 2011, 12:08:30 PM »
RUSH: We're into statistics today and the unemployment statistics are just fascinating in the way that we're being spun. It's as bad as the way we were spun on this debt deal, and the more you look at this debt deal, what a disaster that is.

I'm gonna explain why as the program unfolds.  This is from the UK Daily Mail.  You're not gonna see this in the American media.  Speaking of the American media, remember all of those years, the Bush years, the media apparatchiks on TV were trying to talk down the economy and trying to talk down the market.  They did everything they could to talk down the economy.  Why, it was almost as though they wanted Bush to fail.  Shazam, it was almost as though they wanted Bush to fail. You remember.

For four years running at 4.7% unemployment, at 5% unemployment, at 5.6% unemployment, they were proclaiming we were either on the verge of a recession or were in one.  They were out trying to find the worst sob stories.  Now they're doing everything they can to talk it up.  Do they really think we're such fools that we don't see this?  When unemployment started spiraling upward, what did we get from 'em?  We got stories on how wonderful that is.  Families are finding one another again, friends have social time, the stress and strain of working is no longer a part of anybody's day.  It really is a new perspective on life.  All the wonderful aspects of not having a job, all the great things you could do if you didn't have any work you had to do.  "Funemployment," they called it.  And now they're doing everything they can, they're just incapable of telling us the truth, totally incapable.

The question here is who will tank first?  Right now it looks like we're in a race to see whether the country or Obama will tank first.  It looks like it's running neck and neck here.  And the trick here is to make Obama tank first.  Now, this UK Daily Mail story that you will not see in the US media.  "Soak the rich, eh?  They do not have the money.  A report from the Internal Revenue Service found that the rich --" and the rich are defined this way:  8,274 people with incomes of $10 million per year or more.  What do you think those 8,274 people earned combined in 2009?  Snerdley, take a wild guess.  All of you out there, take a wild guess in your mind. I'm not asking you to call and I'm gonna tell you what the number is here in just a second.  But just think about this, 8,274 people with incomes of $10 million per year or more.

Now, you got Buffett in there and Gates at their $40 to 50 billion, but that's their net worth.  What do they earn?  It's a different number.  But you take all of those people, just give me a number, what do you think, 8,274 people with incomes of $10 million per year or more, what was the combined total income earned of all those 8,274 people in 2009?  One trillion, $250 billion.  That's what you say, Brian?  Snerdley says a trillion.  The answer is $240 billion.  Brian, you were $10 billion off.  That's it.  That's right.  That's it.  The 8,274 people with incomes of $10 million per year or more earned a total of $240 billion in 2009.

"Even of you confiscated every dime they earned, you would barely have enough money to cover government spending for 24 days." In fact, this $240 billion, I mean that's pretty close to the actual real number of budget cuts in the debt deal when you strip everything away.  Now, about 25% of that money already goes to the federal government for federal income.  So actually that $240 billion would run the government for 18 days.

"Another 227,000 people earned $1 million or more in 2009.  Millionaires averaged taxes of 24.4% of their income -- up from 23.1% in 2008."  Now, you might be asking, how did that happen?  Well, the Bush tax cuts, folks.  Obama's tax increases hadn't started, and Obama's not immaculated yet.  "They, too, did not earn enough money to come anywhere close to covering the annual deficits that are $1.5 trillion a year."  So 8,274 people who earn $10 million per year or more, earn a total of $240 billion in 2009.  Another 227,000 people earned a million dollars or more in 2009.  But it doesn't come anywhere close to covering the deficit of $1.5 trillion.

"Barack Obama was the first president to sign a budget with a $1 trillion deficit into law.
In fact, all the taxpayers -- including the ones who get a refund check bigger than the withholding taxes they paid -- have the money." The point of this is next time you hear Obama or a Democrat say we've got to raise taxes on the rich, it's not about getting revenue to run the government because they don't have the money.  Now, I've been doing this show for 23 years, and I have been employing this data, whatever the accurate data was for the year I was disclosing it, it hasn't changed in terms of percentages.  Confiscate every dollar earned by people who make $10 million a year or more and you run the country for barely over two weeks.  That has not changed since I first heard of this statistic 23, 25 years ago.  It hasn't changed.  As it is, these people are already paying 70% of the total income tax burden!  So there's no economic growth hidden away here in a tax increase on these people.

How does taking money out of the private sector grow it?  And that's what tax increases do.  How in the world does taking money out of the private sector cause it to grow?  Mathematically impossible, folks.  From Reuters: "Total adjusted gross income reported on tax returns, measured in 2009 dollars, was $7.626 trillion, down from $8.233 trillion in 2008 and $8.989 trillion in 2007. Total adjusted gross income was up only slightly from the $7.475 trillion reported in 2001, when there were 10 million fewer taxpayers."

Individual tax collections equaled 15.4% of all income.  "Doubling federal income taxes for everyone would still leave us $400 billion or so shy of balancing the budget."  That's the bottom line.  Doubling federal income taxes for everybody would raise $1.1 trillion, $400 billion shy of the deficit.  I know these numbers are hard to follow, but all this is gonna be on later today, and I suggest you go there, print it out, or e-mail it, make electronic copies, PDF, whatever you want, and spread this around.  This needs to be seen by many people. It's not going to be in the US media.


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2011, 12:17:38 PM »
you should not tax the rich,,,we create jobs for you poor people,,,im sorry but why do i have to get punished for making money when poor people can do the same thing????  Im rich because I chose to be rich,,,so why should i get taxed for working hard in USA? This is backwards economics from Obama,,,get him out NOW

gh15 approved

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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2011, 12:18:59 PM »
you should not tax the rich,,,we create jobs for you poor people,,,im sorry but why do i have to get punished for making money when poor people can do the same thing????  Im rich because I chose to be rich,,,so why should i get taxed for working hard in USA? This is backwards economics from Obama,,,get him out NOW

gh15 approved



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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2011, 12:24:35 PM »
you should not tax the rich,,,we create jobs for you poor people,,,im sorry but why do i have to get punished for making money when poor people can do the same thing????  Im rich because I chose to be rich,,,so why should i get taxed for working hard in USA? This is backwards economics from Obama,,,get him out NOW

gh15 approved

It will not happen.  :-\ I hope this helps.   :'( You have to remember that this is ALL CLINTON'S AND BUSH'S FAULT.


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2011, 12:26:42 PM »
Everybody should be taxed the exact same thing in a perfect world

btw, we, in quebec, are taxed WAY more than you guys so quit bitching  ;D

we are taxed more and we have:

- a shitty healthcare system
- our roads are fucking destroyed with holes everywhere
- our bridges are FALLING DOWN (3 in 5 years, 1 actually killed a few people back in 2007)

if we had to pay less taxes like you guys, and paid only for insurance for our health like you guys do, we would have a fuckload more money in our pocket that's for sure


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2011, 12:28:12 PM »
Everybody should be taxed the exact same thing in a perfect world

btw, we, in quebec, are taxed WAY more than you guys so quit bitching  ;D

we are taxed more and we have:

- a shitty healthcare system
- our roads are fucking destroyed with holes everywhere
- our bridges are FALLING DOWN (3 in 5 years, 1 actually killed a few people back in 2007)

if we had to pay less taxes like you guys, and paid only for insurance for our health like you guys do, we would have a fuckload more money in our pocket that's for sure

I hate the fucking french part of Canada.  >:( >:( >:( you still have Hockey.  :D


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2011, 12:28:26 PM »
you should not tax the rich,,,we create jobs for you poor people,,,im sorry but why do i have to get punished for making money when poor people can do the same thing????  Im rich because I chose to be rich,,,so why should i get taxed for working hard in USA? This is backwards economics from Obama,,,get him out NOW

gh15 approved

you dont create jobs, nor do you keep the economy afloat. Low income families that spend the majority of there money create an influx in teh economy. You have benefited from america and not everyone can choose to be rich. Seriously, you think people choose to be poor? the kid born into poverty, unable to attend school because he has to work to eat wants to be poor.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is a moron, this guy was just caught lying live about the heat wave, blatant lies.


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2011, 12:29:07 PM »
I have been working my entire life not being given a single thing. Now because of sacrifice and hard work I'm going to get penilized?

It is called getting fucked.  :o I guess that is how women feel.  ;D


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2011, 12:30:41 PM »
I have been working my entire life not being given a single thing. Now because of sacrifice and hard work I'm going to get penilized?

how is it penalized, i pay fuckig 50%, i don't mind because i have more then enough. Why should someone who has alot not be expected to help others, should bill gates not help others and keep his absurd cash? the kids in america and africa that are starving don't deserve to be feed, meanwhile you watch your 60 inch flatscreen drive your SUV. You earned it.

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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2011, 12:31:48 PM »
you dont create jobs, nor do you keep the economy afloat. Low income families that spend the majority of there money create an influx in teh economy. You have benefited from america and not everyone can choose to be rich. Seriously, you think people choose to be poor? the kid born into poverty, unable to attend school because he has to work to eat wants to be poor.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is a moron, this guy was just caught lying live about the heat wave, blatant lies.

Really? Ever got a job from a poor person?


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2011, 12:35:41 PM »
I hate the fucking french part of Canada.  >:( >:( >:( you still have Hockey.  :D

I fucking hate it too bro, trying to get the fuck out of here soon  ;D


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2011, 12:37:50 PM »
Coach, don't be using math and statistics that make sense, thats racist ya know!


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2011, 12:38:50 PM »
Really? Ever got a job from a poor person?

the ultra rich meatbag. the ones receiving massive tax breaks, like GANDE paying no tax on the billions they made, meanwhile no increase in job creation within the company and actual downgrading occured. More profits then ever though.

BS! There's no reason why I should have to pay more then the guy slicing the meats at the deli department. Motivation in America makes you money. Now because I am motivated I have to suffer? Bill Gates earned every penny he has. He should be able to spend it anyway he wants.

its relative, your argument makes no sense. I you are arguing for fairness, then doctors should make more the football players. Life doesn't work like that and logic should be applied. 20% of 30gs a year is taking alot away from a person, food, shelter, alot. The same for a billionair alters the quality of life none, how is that fair, why should those struggling to live suffer? You make it sound as if all you need is hardwork to succeed and anyone who is poor wants it.


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2011, 12:39:30 PM »
Coach, don't be using math and statistics that make sense, thats racist ya know!

Red states receive the most federal handouts. fact.

Straw Man

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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2011, 12:44:35 PM »
most rich people don't create jobs


guess what, for those who do create jobs they also make money on the people they employ and we (as a country) create a viable environment for them to create a business and for them to have customers who can desire and can afford whatever service they provide (whether it be a restaurant, gym, bakery, liquor store, etc..)

If you want an environment where there is no taxation, no employment regulations, no environmental regulation etc.. then there is a business paradise awaiting you.

just move to Somolia and you can run your business with no government to bother you at all

It's a Republican business paradise just waiting to be exploited

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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2011, 12:51:50 PM »
the ultra rich meatbag. the ones receiving massive tax breaks, like GANDE paying no tax on the billions they made, meanwhile no increase in job creation within the company and actual downgrading occured. More profits then ever though.

its relative, your argument makes no sense. I you are arguing for fairness, then doctors should make more the football players. Life doesn't work like that and logic should be applied. 20% of 30gs a year is taking alot away from a person, food, shelter, alot. The same for a billionair alters the quality of life none, how is that fair, why should those struggling to live suffer? You make it sound as if all you need is hardwork to succeed and anyone who is poor wants it.

Who gives a shit if they made more profits, it's business it's what businesses are supposed to do, especially corporations that need to satisfy shareholders. If the economy calls for it cut backs have to made to sustain profitability, when they make profit it gets re-invested back into the business when that happens and the business grows jobs are created. Just about everyone in this country has the opportunity to create something from nothing WITHOUT DEPENDING ON THE GOVERNMENT and thats exactly what they want so they can tax the SHIT out of you. "Rich" is a relative word that's defined in many ways. Rich to some people might just be able to live a comfortable, to provide for their family and nice retirement others might want much more....both are attainable without HANDOUTS. Lets face it, the government, no matter who is in charge fucks things up. Obama has managed to fuck up 95% of any policy he's introduced.  


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2011, 01:28:21 PM »
Who gives a shit if they made more profits, it's business it's what businesses are supposed to do, especially corporations that need to satisfy shareholders. If the economy calls for it cut backs have to made to sustain profitability, when they make profit it gets re-invested back into the business when that happens and the business grows jobs are created. Just about everyone in this country has the opportunity to create something from nothing WITHOUT DEPENDING ON THE GOVERNMENT and thats exactly what they want so they can tax the SHIT out of you. "Rich" is a relative word that's defined in many ways. Rich to some people might just be able to live a comfortable, to provide for their family and nice retirement others might want much more....both are attainable without HANDOUTS. Lets face it, the government, no matter who is in charge fucks things up. Obama has managed to fuck up 95% of any policy he's introduced.  
Problem is Coach, middle class 'wealth' has been stagnated for decades while the richest people continue to get astronomically more rich, due to tax breaks and incentives that favour them, so you're not being honest, here.


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2011, 01:30:50 PM »
Most people who are rich didn't earn shit.  Fortunate is a better word.  Go to Africa or somewhere less fortunate and see where the same amount of "work" will get you. Nobody has to hunt meals or build their house by hand, just sit through college/highschool.  Things are just easy in america we're lucky, we've got it made hard work or not.  gh15 will tell you all about where hard work and talent get you in this generation anyways.

(I'm not a liberal)


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2011, 01:33:48 PM »
I don't get why people are so against taxes. They help the community. ???


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2011, 01:36:16 PM »
Most people who are rich didn't earn shit.  Fortunate is a better word.  Go to Africa or somewhere less fortunate and see where the same amount of "work" will get you. Nobody has to hunt meals or build their house by hand, just sit through college/highschool.  Things are just easy in america we're lucky, we've got it made hard work or not.  gh15 will tell you all about where hard work and talent get you in this generation anyways.

(I'm not a liberal)

That's a relative statement... Are you talking about people who have 1 or 2 million dollars?

Those people are generally self made... Now the UBER wealthy, I agree with you, but most of the people that are considered "rich", are just base millionaires.

I personally believe the problem is in the statement of "rich".

See, a million dollars today isn't like a million dollars 50 years ago... The standard for who is "rich" should actually be raised.

If you have 1 million dollars and the government takes 1/2, you have to still work... if you have 30 million and the government takes 1/2, you most certainly do not.

The definition of "rich", is where everyone is bogged down.


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2011, 01:38:03 PM »

Problem is Coach, middle class 'wealth' has been stagnated for decades while the richest people continue to get astronomically more rich, due to tax breaks and incentives that favour them, so you're not being honest, here.

Top ten list: Tax evaders' wall of shame


The Outrageous Top Ten in Alphabetical Order

 1. Bank of America took $336 billion in bailouts in 2009, but in 2010, flush with $4.4 billion in profits, it paid no taxes. Even Forbes magazine asked, how is that possible? Probably thanks to their 115 offshore tax havens.

2. Boeing just received $35 billion from our government to build 179 airborne tankers, but despite nearly $10 billion in profits from 2008 to 2010, it too paid no taxes, again thanks to foreign tax havens.

3. Citicorp took $476 billion from the bailout and then made monster profits in 2010, yet it paid no taxes, thanks to 427 subsidiaries in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Hong Kong.

4. Exxon/Mobil, received huge oil subsidies from the government and earned $45 billion in 2009 but paid no taxes, again thanks to stashing profits in places like the Bahamas and Singapore.

5. GE – see last week’s column for the stats and facts on this corporation’s tax dodge.

6. Google utilizes a technique that moves most of its income through Ireland and Netherlands to Bermuda, making its tax rate 2.3 percent.

7. Mega Pharmaceuticals Merck earned $9 billion in profits and paid no taxes in 2010, while Pfizer (largest drug maker) owed $10 billion in taxes but found the necessary loopholes to pay no taxes, thanks to its offshore subsidiaries in places like Luxembourg and the Isle of Jersey.

8. News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch’s media monolith that owns Fox News avoids paying American taxes through its 152 subsidiaries in tax havens from the British Virgin Islands to Hong Kong.

9. Verizon, despite making $24.2 billion in pre-tax US income, paid no taxes and actually claimed a federal refund of $1.3 billion for the last two years, again all thanks to those offshore subsidiaries.

10. Wells Fargo, the fourth largest bank in the US, which took $107 billion in bailouts, wrote off all its losses by acquiring Wachovia, thus paying no taxes. Yet its CEO earned $5.6 million in cash for his salary and $13 million in stock.  

The GAO (the Government Accountability Office) found that 18,857 US companies keep a post office box in one five-storey building in the Cayman Islands.

Julio Ceasar

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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2011, 01:39:31 PM »
Who gives a shit if they made more profits, it's business it's what businesses are supposed to do, especially corporations that need to satisfy shareholders. If the economy calls for it cut backs have to made to sustain profitability, when they make profit it gets re-invested back into the business when that happens and the business grows jobs are created. Just about everyone in this country has the opportunity to create something from nothing WITHOUT DEPENDING ON THE GOVERNMENT and thats exactly what they want so they can tax the SHIT out of you. "Rich" is a relative word that's defined in many ways. Rich to some people might just be able to live a comfortable, to provide for their family and nice retirement others might want much more....both are attainable without HANDOUTS. Lets face it, the government, no matter who is in charge fucks things up. Obama has managed to fuck up 95% of any policy he's introduced.  

Almost 100% of the children to blue collar parents got blue collar job, almost 100% of well educated parents get educated children, Almost 100% of getto parents get getto children...

Do u stil think everyone has the same oppurtunity to create anything from nothing? U r just a product from your enivironment. U became what u r just bcz your environment made u to the one you r. Its not your own achivment and will, trust me!

Some people have luck, surroundend by the right people, meet the right people, supported by the right people, experience things in life that motivates them etc etc...and some people dont get any of this.

And all the stories of succesfull many r they compared to the poor? Its more chans to win the lottery than became succesfull if you dont have the right support and connections. Successtories is just a way to fool stupid people its possible. 1 out of 1000 from the getto, how many of them make it and get succes? 1? How many with bodybuildingdreams make it? 10 person in the world of 1000, 10 000, 100 000 can make a living from it, the rest get fucked and need to be criminals to make a living from it.

The most safe thig u can do is to educate yourself in some area whitch is needed in the market and get a decent income. But how many people can afford good education in the world, and what if u dont r intressted of making money fooling people around, bcz, what r the most people making money from?? Fooling each other to buy totally UNNESSESRY products or services.

My english suck! I know : )


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2011, 01:49:34 PM »
the rich will fuck you before u fuck them thats why they are rich, the poor dont get it so they try it just to get poorer

never worked and will never work


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2011, 01:50:15 PM »
you dont create jobs, nor do you keep the economy afloat. Low income families that spend the majority of there money create an influx in teh economy. You have benefited from america and not everyone can choose to be rich. Seriously, you think people choose to be poor? the kid born into poverty, unable to attend school because he has to work to eat wants to be poor.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is a moron, this guy was just caught lying live about the heat wave, blatant lies.

How about-Don’t have kids if you can’t afford too, don’t buy cars you can't afford, don’t buy cell phones with unlimited services that you can't afford. How about live within your means. How about you have a get a license to have kids and prove that you can afford to pay for them rather than others paying for them.

And yes, people do choice to remain poor by continuously doing the same actions that keep them in the same demographics (i.e., listed above)..


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Re: There Aren't Enough "Rich" to Tax
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2011, 01:53:14 PM »
Top ten list: Tax evaders' wall of shame


The Outrageous Top Ten in Alphabetical Order

 1. Bank of America took $336 billion in bailouts in 2009, but in 2010, flush with $4.4 billion in profits, it paid no taxes. Even Forbes magazine asked, how is that possible? Probably thanks to their 115 offshore tax havens.

2. Boeing just received $35 billion from our government to build 179 airborne tankers, but despite nearly $10 billion in profits from 2008 to 2010, it too paid no taxes, again thanks to foreign tax havens.

3. Citicorp took $476 billion from the bailout and then made monster profits in 2010, yet it paid no taxes, thanks to 427 subsidiaries in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Hong Kong.

4. Exxon/Mobil, received huge oil subsidies from the government and earned $45 billion in 2009 but paid no taxes, again thanks to stashing profits in places like the Bahamas and Singapore.

5. GE – see last week’s column for the stats and facts on this corporation’s tax dodge.

6. Google utilizes a technique that moves most of its income through Ireland and Netherlands to Bermuda, making its tax rate 2.3 percent.

7. Mega Pharmaceuticals Merck earned $9 billion in profits and paid no taxes in 2010, while Pfizer (largest drug maker) owed $10 billion in taxes but found the necessary loopholes to pay no taxes, thanks to its offshore subsidiaries in places like Luxembourg and the Isle of Jersey.

8. News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch’s media monolith that owns Fox News avoids paying American taxes through its 152 subsidiaries in tax havens from the British Virgin Islands to Hong Kong.

9. Verizon, despite making $24.2 billion in pre-tax US income, paid no taxes and actually claimed a federal refund of $1.3 billion for the last two years, again all thanks to those offshore subsidiaries.

10. Wells Fargo, the fourth largest bank in the US, which took $107 billion in bailouts, wrote off all its losses by acquiring Wachovia, thus paying no taxes. Yet its CEO earned $5.6 million in cash for his salary and $13 million in stock.  

The GAO (the Government Accountability Office) found that 18,857 US companies keep a post office box in one five-storey building in the Cayman Islands.