Author Topic: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo  (Read 239770 times)


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #875 on: September 17, 2011, 04:55:23 AM »
Well for sure the wheels are all but ready to fall off England, its a social disaster waiting to happen, and the cracks are appearing all over the place.
I was in one of our supermarkets yesterday and looking at the creatures walking around I though I was walking around a walmart in a run down part of the US. 14 years of a socialist government has transformed the country into a sleazy cesspit of human waste. Things will only continue to get worse with a useless etonian prime minister who's totally with a bunch of handlers how are far from removed from the as to their real world game plan.
That said I think this chap is being a bit hard on Brighton, its not as bad as the picture he paints although not far off and I have heard Dalian is a pretty awful place.


Good choice of username BTW  ;)

Growth/noob loves me


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #876 on: September 17, 2011, 05:14:08 AM »
How long before this leader of the New Black Panthers, finds him-self the subject of a fatal car accident??

People are waking up, like it or not.

Growth/noob loves me


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #877 on: September 17, 2011, 12:12:41 PM »
PM, let me just add at this point, that if this were the real world (& not the internets). & if indeed you stood before me proving that you are a gentleman over 60 who has raised his own family, one of whom has chosen to go to war for his country (a little misguided, but the point stands).

I would be showing the respect I know you deserve, & had earned.
However, as this is not possible (you are among the minions here who hide behind their keyboard, unlike me, Grionk, Fat-Alex23, Sevestase, Calvin-H, others I have not mentioned), I will save the "su prabhat bhai sahab, namaskar" for the real world.
As believe me, even when in a Rick with an auto-wala, I will show respect if the driver is older than me.

Example; I would not give him directions as orders, I would say "bhai sahab, aagey se right ligi he, usi pe aage jaake apna makaan hoga."

This is like saying "elder brother, could you please take a right up ahead & then go straight my house is just up ahead" (rough translation)
I am taking Hindi lessons, what can I say??


Thanks for the respect. However, it is my son, son-in-law and their respective families who sacrifice who really deserve all the respect. I am just the proud papa. Age alone is not reason to respect someone. No matter what someone's age they must earn other's respect.

Yes, we "hide" behind our keyboards here. This is true. But what is also true. If you met me in person, you would not be surprised. I am exactly who I say I am and would tell you the same things I have written here. To my way of thinking, being honest is a virtue and a easy choice to make. Being as imperfect as I am, I'll take whatever virtues I can.

Good for you, learning Hindi. I am ashamed to admit that with three grandchildren whose primary language is German, I have yet to take the time to learn to speak it. However, they are fluent in English as are most Germans so we can still communicate.

Do you know of a good Hini translator? I tried using a couple of Internet translators without success.


  • Getbig V
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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #878 on: September 17, 2011, 02:15:36 PM »
1. That fact that can not refute them, lends readers confidence, in the credibility of them, thank you. What truth do you find in his case for the economy of the US?? (serious question, would love to hear your opinion)

2. Now you go on to try & detract from their validity, by suggest one could find evidence for any-thing on the net, if one should so desire. This is not very good, as far as counter arguments are concerned.
If this is so, please do feel free to go & find a solid counter argument to the dysgenics post that W8M8 so kindly gave us on page 34 (post 845)

3. The question was not simple?? Oh-my.
Economics/inflation 101
A country prints far too much of it's currency & puts it in-to circulation, this devalues the existing unit of currency & causes inflation.
If this principal if followed with too much aggressiveness, it will lead to hyper inflation. If followed still  further it will result in the collapse of that unit of currency.

Now, please do explain what is so complicated about that. Conversely, you could just admit that Celente, Weiss, et al - are correct on this point.

Lessons from history 1923 - 1989 (these are just x2 example of the many we could study)

Weimar Germany 1923
Some worried commentators are predicting a massive hyperinflation of the sort suffered by Weimar Germany in 1923, when a wheelbarrow full of paper money could barely buy a loaf of bread. An April 29 editorial in the San Francisco Examiner warned:

    “With an unprecedented deficit that’s approaching $2 trillion, [the President’s 2010] budget proposal is a surefire prescription for hyperinflation. So every senator and representative who votes for this monster $3.6 trillion budget will be endorsing a spending spree that could very well turn America into the next Weimar Republic.”

In an investment newsletter called Money Morning on April 9, Martin Hutchinson pointed to disturbing parallels between current government monetary policy and Weimar Germany’s, when 50% of government spending was being funded by seigniorage – merely printing money

Argentina 1989
John Mauldin describes the hyperinflation that infected Argentina in 1989, emphasizing that it was a political decision to print money to cover massive budget deficits. Now the United States is tempted to follow that path rather than make the painful adjustments to less spending.

As is often said, those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it. … the United States in particular, and the developed world in general, are faced with a series of very unpleasant, if not downright bad choices. The time for good choices was ten years ago. Now we face the prospect of painful decisions, no matter what we do. It is not a matter of pain or no pain, of somehow avoiding the consequences of our bad decisions, it is simply deciding how much pain we will take and when, or allowing the pain to build up to a climactic event. Today we look at what I think would be the worst choice of all.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Argentina was the seventh richest nation on earth. It’s very name means “silver.” “As rich as an Argentine” was a byword. Even after falling from the heights through a series of bad decisions, the country was still so wealthy that, in 1946 when new president Juan Peron first visited the central bank, he could remark that “There was so much gold you could barely walk through the corridors.”
Argentina had actually defaulted on its debt in the late 19th century, not once but twice! But still they managed to avoid destroying the currency and devastating the country. But in 1989, after years of massive budget deficits that were financed with borrowing from abroad and Argentinian citizens, the country was left with so much debt and no one was willing to lend it any more money, that the leaders felt compelled to resort to the printing press.

This all sounds awfully familiar, no??


1 & 2. Although I've done some searching, I can find nothing to either substantiate or refute Weiss' claims. All I find are opinions which either agree or disagree that the Federal Reserve is printing more money today. One thing is very clear though, which is that inflation is greatly affected by how much money is put into circulation.  The best I can do is look at what a sorry mess the U.S. economy is in and say that that alone offers some support to what Weiss reports. However, looking back is always easier than looking forward. This sorry mess is not solely because the Federal Reserve is out of control. There are other factors which contributed to our current financial crisis.

Can we leave the dygentics discussion to another time? I have not made this topic my life's study. Given my lack of technical scientific knowledge, I am certain to end up on the losing end of such a discussion...with those, like W8M8 who appear to be really invested in this subject. My goal is to try and understand the view point of people with whom I do not necessarily agree. One can always learn something new if they are open to it. In truth, I recognize that I can be something of a snob and an elitist. It is not something I admire about myself. This is partly why I try to imagine myself in other's shoes, so to speak.

3. The simple truth is that you are right. If the Federal Reserve prints "funny money" it will surely wreck havoc with the economy, according to what many experts say. The other simple truth is that neither you nor I can do shit about it.

My paternal grandfather moved to Cape Town South Africa to practice dental surgery. While living there, he invested heavily in diamonds and made (what some family members say) was a great deal of money. Apparently he took much of that money and invested in the stock market. During the depression, he lost a great deal of money, both from the stock market crash and because he'd banked a lot of money which as you may know, was lost to people because the banks failed. As a result, my father never trusted banks. So as I found out when he died, he had put all his savings into a safe deposit box. He died alone. He lived in Chicago. The city administrator opened the safe deposit box and claimed all that was there was a few thousand dollars. According to his girlfriend, my father had amassed a small fortune....where did it go? Hmm? Sometimes, there are no absolute solutions.

As I mentioned before, I am not wealthy. My wife's and my modest incomes (less than $100,000 a year) are mostly derived from Public Employee's Retirement and SSI. If the government goes bust so will we. But, not that there is much comfort in this, so will almost everyone else.


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #879 on: September 17, 2011, 02:20:46 PM »
hahaha, bumping this for the benefit of homosexual spastic "Gaylor"!

A vile creature that doth exhibit an observable masochistic penchant for the above work; a magnificent piece through which we bring young Taylor - collared, diseased and on his knees - to this, his place of eternal, submissive acquiescence:

Why call someone "stupid"? Thats neither professional nor dignified! Such vile offerings merely succeed in revealing to the world that you are the scum of the earth!

But lets move on.

Groink, as you attempt to view the matter through your static belief that "the United states is what it is, and forever will be thus" you overlook a few things.

Before I get into why both the US and EU are heading for the shit, lets recap a few points:

- India is a shithole, it has a population largely comprised of morons.

- Whilst India's population are majority morons, the country is headed by the elite of the Indian caste system - a very capable Indian subsected cohort comprising approx 5% of the total population (this is important, we'll get into it shortly)
- India's population (and I am guessing most here are not aware of this) totals 1.2 billion, only second to China, and even then its arguable depending on which figures you are viewing, thus India could contrive a standing army on par with China if the fancy takes them. India is also a nuclear power.

OK, all of that to one side (for a moment) here is what you REALLY have overlooked, and trust me, you will like it, or failing that, you won't; it depends if you are a lover of the dark side?

The United states has a population of approx 300 Million; as of 2011 this population is approx 40% non-white (provision for that demographic comprised of estimated illegal aliens given).

The Guardian Of London: US set for dramatic change as white America becomes minority by 2042:

Addendum: The above article from the Guardian of London (circa 2008) asserts 2042 will be the year whites lose their majority; you should note that only eight years earlier the same Guardian of London had asserted 2050 (in an article entitled "The Last Days Of A White World, found here) as the year of such demographic change. To wit: all data suggests that the United States will hit minority white status possibly as early as 2035.

Why is this important? Well, there is something termed "Smart Fraction Theory" to deal with.

Smart Fraction Theory dictates that a nation (and more so its per-capita GDP) can only ever be as successful as the percent of its population possessing IQ's of 120 or more (ie: those folks capable of performing the "smart" jobs) and how many of them a nation has (ie: the more they have, the greater said nations "Smart fraction as a percentage of the population" will be)

With regard to the United States (and indeed the West as a whole) we are in the midst of a dysgenic effect whereby our population is manifesting a lower average IQ than that exhibited 100 years ago.

Dr. Phil. Helmuth Nyborg - IQ, immigration and Europe's future (part 1-4)

This is occuring for a few reasons - as comprehensively outlined by Nyborg in the above video lecture - but suffice to say immigration (legal or otherwise) of non-whites is the main factor. As Nyborg asserts, all forecasts suggest that the west will experience a drastic drop in IQ over the next sixty years. This disastrous drop in IQ will be on the order of 20 IQ points, and will occur by virtue of a "relaxation of both internal and external Darwinian selection". If you missed that, at some point circa 2070, the average IQ of the west as a whole will resemble that of a present day U.S black ghetto... which isn't surprising given that by 2070, the United States population will comprise approx 80% from the non-white demographic (50% non-white cira 2035-2040)

As said, this drop in IQ will occur by virtue of whites becomming a minority, whilst the non-whites (with lower IQ's) become the majority. The high IQ whites will be out-bred, the scum will breed with scum and there will an on-going increase in non-white immigration; pure dysgenics in action! It is a time bomb!

To wit; India at the present time has a vast population exceeding one billion, the VAST majority (one billion plus) of whom are morons.

However, and as Rushton has detailed (and Pillowtalk has touched upon) whilst the majority are morons, India is ruled by an elite that lead a goodly 75 million lighter skinned folks (ie: the beautiful ladies Pillowtalk posted earlier; folks with "eugenic ancestral trails" from mixing with whites over centuries etc) These Indians are very capable intellectually and know they are superior to the darker "untouchable" scum beneath them.

Let us momentarilly return to Smart Fraction Theory; a nations intellectual elite and their ability.

Whilst the US and EU are in the midst of dysgenic decline, the Indian elite - as Pillowtalk has mentioned - are fucked off with having one billion scumbags dragging down what could be a very high per capita GDP of the higher quality 75 million capable Indians (ie: as of 1998, India had 5% of its TOTAL population forming a smart fraction as a percentage of the population as a whole, this compared to America's 30% at the time)

If you missed that, the United States in 1998 had 30% of approx 270 millon people (its already undoubtedly attenuated since 1998) whereas India had 5% of approx one Billion. Thus the raw, absolute numbers of capable people possessed by each country are far from miles apart. The only difference being, that India has a larger population dragging that 5% down. Make no mistake, high caste India has the gold, the brains and the numbers to be a very potent force in world politics, it is however encumbered by in excess of one billion lower caste scumbags, of whom, hold the intellectually superior Indians back!

How would you feel if you were one of those 75 million capable Indians being held down by over one billion scumbags, six hundred million of whom cannot read or write? Small clue, you are seeing the embyonic stages of similar feelings manifesting as an increase in far right movements across Europe, along with the Tea party clowns in America. The whites across the west (whether they realise it or not) are becomming restless/angry with tax dollar grabbing policies that have [since 1964] sucked whites dry in order to feed, water and hitherto coddle the non-whites (yeah yeah, most tea partiers havent a clue, but as the next decade rolls out, they will "get it")

To wit, Indians could - with a generation of eugenics - solve their dillema, all while you "dumb whites in the west" will be drowing in Afriturds and Mexcrement!

Thus, and as you can now understand, many Indian nationalists are not afraid of voicing support for eugenics to get rid of the useless untouchables, of whom, perpetually compromise the efforts of the elite Indian set; and that is the point you have missed!. Whether Gandhi having tea and cakes with Margret Sanger and Hitler; or members of the Gandhi family fucking up family planning programs decades later, its only a matter of time before they get things right over there in curry land.

India shares China's views on genetic issues:

Indeed, just the other week, Pillowtalk informed me that India has a program that bribes sub-humans with 'rewards' such as food blenders (yes really) if they agree to be sterilized! A scumbag such as Taylor would no doubt offer to have his balls chopped off for a bong and a basketball such are his deracinated, degenerate ways!

India: "Cars, Microwaves And Food-Blenders For Sterilization":

Over the next 50 years, if a eugenics program is followed, India's "Smart fraction as a percentage of the population" will increase, whilst that of the US and the EU (thanks to the dysgenic effect of non-white immigration so admired by both you and your lover fat alex) will decline to unthinkable levels.

As a result, at best, by 2060, India will have completed a eugenics program and will then be in a position to blow the [what will then be a minority white] United States out of the water; at worst... both the [minority white] United States and the [still overpopulated] Indian sub-continent will be equals in squalor; the west will become TOTALLY fucked; and the amazing thing is... IT'S ALL BY DESIGN!!! You stupid, football watching, white whores that swallow contraceptive pills fucking, beer drinking morons!!

In terms of national prosperity, the worst case scenario, is that India remains the same (ie: massive sub-human population) and - as Nyborg et al assert based on all available data - the United States & Europe join her ie: India will remain dragged down by low caste untouchables, and America (along with Europe) will be dragged down by those non-white immigrants, of which, morons such as Coach, Gaylor and yourself love sooooo much, oh the fucking irony here LOL

The Decay Of Western Civilization; Double Relaxed Darwinian Selection:

Nyborg: The Genetic Decline Of Western Civilization; Denmark As A Case Study:

Make no mistake, immigration is a weapon; without it (and more so the non-white hordes it doth usher in) those vectors of cultural marxist critical theory [so very reliant upon said hordes] would have no revolutionary group thru which to agitate. Immigration has been implemented by those not of the white race; Google "Hart and Cellar" if you want to learn more; you won't though, why? because you are a lazy, vile scumbag. Lets not pretend you have even the first clue what was just written.

"Immigration is fine, as long as they are legal" LOLLOLOLOL, EPIC ignorance of racial demographic trends, of which, are the harbinger of your dysgenic destiny!

The United States you are bragging about is dying, and all thanks to those resposnsible for targetting both her, and Europe, with mass immigration and cultural marxism in order they destroy the west; in short, you are fucked!

"80 years", LOL, why not have a guess which group were well into their journey through your institutions "80 years" ago? Mister white man so verilly lacking knowledge of the milenia worth of history pertaining to his own volk, much less the last "80 years".

Groink you, and many whites like you, have no idea; but please, keep posting silly videos of planes as if it matters.

On a lighter note, and for those sick with worry, here is what will actually happen: In short, we - in the West - are approaching another "King Edward of England, 18 July 1290 AD" moment; renaissance is upon the horizon!

Google it if you feel the need ;)

mutandis mutatis

Crap rebuttal based on fuck all facts incomming at 5, 4, 3, 2...


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #880 on: September 17, 2011, 10:15:09 PM »
1. Although I've done some searching, I can find nothing to either substantiate or refute Weiss' claims. All I find are opinions which either agree or disagree that the Federal Reserve is printing more money today. One thing is very clear though, which is that inflation is greatly affected by how much money is put into circulation.  The best I can do is look at what a sorry mess the U.S. economy is in and say that that alone offers some support to what Weiss reports. However, looking back is always easier than looking forward. This sorry mess is not solely because the Federal Reserve is out of control. There are other factors which contributed to our current financial crisis.

2. Can we leave the dygentics discussion to another time? I have not made this topic my life's study. Given my lack of technical scientific knowledge, I am certain to end up on the losing end of such a discussion...with those, like W8M8 who appear to be really invested in this subject. My goal is to try and understand the view point of people with whom I do not necessarily agree. One can always learn something new if they are open to it. In truth, I recognize that I can be something of a snob and an elitist. It is not something I admire about myself. This is partly why I try to imagine myself in other's shoes, so to speak.

3. The simple truth is that you are right. If the Federal Reserve prints "funny money" it will surely wreck havoc with the economy, according to what many experts say. The other simple truth is that neither you nor I can do shit about it.

My paternal grandfather moved to Cape Town South Africa to practice dental surgery. While living there, he invested heavily in diamonds and made (what some family members say) was a great deal of money. Apparently he took much of that money and invested in the stock market. During the depression, he lost a great deal of money, both from the stock market crash and because he'd banked a lot of money which as you may know, was lost to people because the banks failed. As a result, my father never trusted banks. So as I found out when he died, he had put all his savings into a safe deposit box. He died alone. He lived in Chicago. The city administrator opened the safe deposit box and claimed all that was there was a few thousand dollars. According to his girlfriend, my father had amassed a small fortune....where did it go? Hmm? Sometimes, there are no absolute solutions.

As I mentioned before, I am not wealthy. My wife's and my modest incomes (less than $100,000 a year) are mostly derived from Public Employee's Retirement and SSI. If the government goes bust so will we. But, not that there is much comfort in this, so will almost everyone else.

1. Can you throw up some links to the people who claim the FED is NOT, I repeat, NOT on a printing extravaganza?? I would like to see who is behind these spurious claims.

2. At least YOU can admit when you are out of your intellectual depth. There are many here who could take a lesson or x2 from you.

3. At last vindication. Thank you. Do you know that Celente, (who predicted the sub-prime bubble bursting, the crash of 08, the subsequent housing debacle, etc..) is saying that this will pan out to being far worse than the great depression.
Do some reading up on Celente & his CV. Then look at the 'trends research journal'  ;) I think you will find it VERY hard to dismiss this mans opinions, when you see how many times he has been on the money. Oh, & by the way, he was making some of his predictions as early as 1998. People at the time said he was NUTS, the same people are VERY quite now  ;D

Growth/noob loves me


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #881 on: September 17, 2011, 10:18:29 PM »
All I find are opinions which either agree or disagree that the Federal Reserve is printing more money today.

For a moment, imagine that there is a privately-owned organization in the United States that can create U.S. dollars out of thin air whenever it wants and can loan that money to whoever it wants to.  Imagine that this organization is able to act with the full power of the U.S. government behind it, but that nobody in the organization is ever elected by the American people, and that for all practical purposes the organization is not accountable to the president or to Congress.  Imagine that the organization is able to make trillions of dollars of secret loans to banks, to foreign governments and even to their close friends without ever having to face a comprehensive audit.  Does that sound preposterous?  Well, such an organization actually exists.  It is called the Federal Reserve, and today we found out that once again the Fed is going to be taking huge piles of your money and loaning it to commercial banks in Europe.  The Congress cannot overrule this decision.  Neither can Barack Obama.  Because it has so much power, many refer to the Federal Reserve as "the fourth branch of government", but unlike the other three branches of government, there are basically no significant "checks and balances" on the Federal Reserve.  If you don't like the fact that the Federal Reserve is racing in to help big foreign banks survive the European debt crisis that is just too bad.  The Federal Reserve pretty much gets to do whatever it wants to do, and the folks over at the Fed simply do not care whether you like that or not.

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Federal Reserve Boosts Flow of Dollars to European Central Bank
« Reply #882 on: September 17, 2011, 10:39:38 PM »
This is the same information posted by Pillowtalk, only with a slightly different spin.

Federal Reserve boosts flow of dollars to European Central Bank

The Washington Post, Friday, September 16, 2011

Worried that a mounting debt crisis in Europe could trip up the global economy, the Federal Reserve opened its vault Thursday to the central banks of other countries in an effort to head off a crippling shortage of dollars.

The main recipient of the Fed’s money is the European Central Bank, which will in turn extend dollar loans to banks in the nations that use the euro currency. Those banks do significant business in dollars, for instance making loans to customers operating around the world, and have been finding it harder to raise dollars from anxious investors.
The initiative, which entails temporarily swapping dollars for foreign currencies, also involves the central banks of Britain, Switzerland and Japan, underlining the extent of international concern about Europe’s deteriorating financial system. By tapping the Fed for dollars, the other central banks are taking advantage of long-standing arrangements, first put in place four years ago at the outset of the global financial crisis to prevent bank lending from freezing up.

Global stock markets surged on the news of this coordinated response by some of the world’s leading central banks. The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index in the United States rose 1.7 percent Thursday, and the German stock market closed up 3.2 percent. Asian markets rose in early Friday trading, with Japan’s Nikkei 225 index up 1.7 percent at midday. The value of the euro currency rose on greater optimism that the European debt crisis can be resolved.

At the heart of Europe’s financial problems are the hundreds of billions of dollars in risky government bonds held by the banks. Those bonds were issued by cash-strapped governments, like those of Greece and Portugal, and if they default, the banks could face massive losses. As concerns turn to the health of the banks themselves, investors are becoming wary of lending them money, at least at the previously low rates.

The Fed will make short-term dollar loans to the ECB and other central banks through “swap lines,” swapping dollars for an equivalent amount of euros, British pounds, Swiss francs and Japanese yen. The ECB will, in turn, make those dollars available to euro-zone banks, the Bank of England to British banks, and so on, in the form of three-month loans at a fixed interest rate.

While these loans will not ease any losses the banks could suffer from a default, say, by Greece, the initiative lubricates the European financial system, preventing temporary shortages of cash from further weakening the banks and choking off growth.

This step comes at an especially delicate moment for the banks as they prepare for the end of the year. Traditionally, as they get ready to publicly report their financial positions, banks have shifted into cash and away from riskier assets as a way of buffing their appearance. This year, however, cheap dollars are increasingly hard to come by.

European banks have traditionally raised dollars by borrowing from U.S. money market funds. But those funds have cut back, responding in part to the anxiety of their own investors.


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #883 on: September 17, 2011, 10:42:06 PM »

This is a graph of the US monetary base. It took the entire history of the US to create 800 billion dollars, and since 2008 the amount of money has been tripled. A lot of this cash is sitting in commercial banks as deposits, and hasn't been lent out to the general public yet. Some of it has ended up in the commodity and stock markets driving prices up. If this money ends up in the hands of the public there will be very high inflation.


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Federal Reserve Bank
« Reply #884 on: September 18, 2011, 12:09:54 AM »
According to the Board of Governors, the Federal Reserve is independent within government in that "its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branch of government." However, its authority is derived from the U.S. Congress and is subject to congressional oversight. Additionally, the members of the Board of Governors, including its chairman and vice-chairman, are chosen by the President and confirmed by Congress. The government also exercises some control over the Federal Reserve by appointing and setting the salaries of the system's highest-level employees. Thus the Federal Reserve has both private and public aspects. The U.S. Government receives all of the system's annual profits, after a statutory dividend of 6% on member banks' capital investment is paid, and an account surplus is maintained. In 2010, the Federal Reserve made a profit of $82 billion and transferred $79 billion to the U.S. Treasury.

The monthly changes in the currency component of the U.S. money supply show currency being added into (% change greater than zero) and removed from circulation (% change less than zero). The most noticeable changes occur around the Christmas holiday shopping season as new currency is created so people can make withdrawals at banks, and then removed from circulation afterwards, when less cash is demanded


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Re: Federal Reserve Boosts Flow of Dollars to European Central Bank
« Reply #885 on: September 18, 2011, 01:10:36 AM »
This is the same information posted by Pillowtalk, only with a slightly different spin.

Federal Reserve boosts flow of dollars to European Central Bank

The Washington Post, Friday, September 16, 2011

Yeah, from the 'Washington Post' which is owned by who?? LMFAO, does the word "biased" mean any-thing to you??
You will be using CNN to tell us what is going on in Libya next  ::)

Growth/noob loves me


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The Washington Post
« Reply #886 on: September 18, 2011, 01:30:16 AM »
The Washington Post Company (NYSE: WPO) is an American education and media company, best known for owning the newspaper for which it is named, The Washington Post. The Company also owns Kaplan, Inc., a leading international provider of educational and career services for individuals, schools and businesses. In addition, the Company owns The Slate Group, Express, El Tiempo Latino, The Gazette and Southern Maryland newspapers, The Herald (Everett, WA), Post-Newsweek Stations (Detroit, Houston, Miami, Orlando, San Antonio and Jacksonville), Cable One, a cable TV and Internet service provider with subscribers in midwestern, western and southern states, and Avenue100 Media Solutions, an online lead generation provider.

The Washington Post Company history dates back to 1877, when the Post was first published. The Washington Post Company was incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1889,[3] and remained a District of Columbia corporation until it changed its state of incorporation to Delaware in 2003.[4] It is a public company, trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol WPO, and went public in 1971. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C.
Apart from the family of the late Eugene Meyer, Berkshire Hathaway is also a substantial shareholder.

CNN or FOX all depends on whose slant you want.


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #887 on: September 18, 2011, 01:39:34 AM »
The post about Obama & idiocy, was a joke in case you didn't get it.
No-one can save you now - NOT EVEN FUCKING JESUS, FFS!!

This is the reality (as us switched on individuals have know for some decades now).

Here is Carlin, getting all Hick's-esque on your ass - OMFG if Bill was still with us, he would be on some epic fucking rants right now.
It would make 'rant in E-minor' look tame, dame I miss that dude  :'(


Keep in mind that his job was that of an entertainer. What better way to get folks attention then to take a them verses us stance. I ask you, who are "they" anyway?

George Denis Patrick Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008) was an American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor and author, who won five Grammy Awards for his comedy albums.


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #888 on: September 18, 2011, 03:17:58 AM »
Today over half of all dollar notes in circulation are held outside the borders of the US.  
About half of US Treasury securities are owned by foreigners, mainly held as reserves by foreign central banks.  The dollar is the main currency in international capital flows, as well as the currency of invoice for commodities & for many manufactured goods/services.  All countries that trade directly with the US invoice both imports & exports in US dollars.

It is a fiat standard, not backed by gold or silver, & not redeemable in anything but government paper. It was born in default & crisis, also to this day, iit has suffered x5 major international crises, which inflicted much economic hardship, brought social upheaval & political turmoil to many developing countries.

Now here is the thing.
BEIJING -- China called for the creation of a new currency to eventually replace the dollar as the world's standard, proposing a sweeping overhaul of global finance that reflects developing nations' growing unhappiness with the U.S. role in the world economy.

The unusual proposal, made by central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan in an essay released Monday in Beijing, is part of China's increasingly assertive approach to shaping the global response to the financial crisis.

The International Monetary Fund said it’s possible to take the “revolutionary” step of creating a new global reserve currency to replace the dollar over time.

The IMF’s so-called special drawing rights could be used as the basis for a new currency, First Deputy Managing Director John Lipsky told a panel discussing reserve currencies at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum today.

“There are many, many attractions in the long run to such an outcome,” Lipsky told a panel discussing reserve currencies at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum today. “But this is not a quick, short or easy decision,” he said, adding that it would be “quite revolutionary.”

The SDR's would have to be de-linked from other currencies and issued by an international organization with equivalent authority to a central bank in order to become liquid enough to be used as a reserve, he said.

So, the bottom line
Conclusion; As much as 70 percent of the world’s currency reserves are held in dollars, according to the IMF, leading to calls for nations to diversify their cash-piles to avoid excessive exposure to the US economy, as it quadruples its budget deficit in a bid to counter the worst recession since the Great Depression.

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Re: The Washington Post
« Reply #889 on: September 18, 2011, 03:24:18 AM »
The Washington Post Company (NYSE: WPO) is an American education and media company, best known for owning the newspaper for which it is named, The Washington Post. The Company also owns Kaplan, Inc., a leading international provider of educational and career services for individuals, schools and businesses.


Apart from the family of the late Eugene Meyer

Here is a clue = the family of the late Eugene Meyer  ;)

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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #890 on: September 18, 2011, 03:28:54 AM »
The world economic situation has, according to IMF boss Christine Lagarde, entered a “dangerous phase”.

Central banks from around the globe have promised yet another bailout fund to stop Europe’s banks running out of money.

Although the financial markets have recovered (slightly), the respite is only temporary.

Greece is still likely to default on its debts, which are 160% of its annual GDP.

All that remains to be settled is the timing. It will happen when Chancellor Merkel of Germany, President Sarkozy of France, Eurocrats in Brussels and European Central Bank officials in Frankfurt finally admit the iron law of capitalism: that markets are more powerful than the wishes of politicians.

Until a few days ago, whenever one of Europe’s economic basket cases went to the German government begging for money, it coughed up.

But no longer. There are two reasons.

First, Germany’s constitutional court ruled that parliamentary approval must be given for further bail-outs.
Second, opinion polls – especially those taken among Merkel’s supporters – show approval for her policy has collapsed.

"Let's Face The Music And Dance"

There may be trouble ahead
But while there's music and moonlight and love and romance
Let's face the music and dance

Before the fiddlers have fled
Before they ask us to pay the bill and while we still have the chance
Let's face the music and dance

Soon we'll be without the moon, humming a different tune and then
There may be teardrops to shed
So while there's moonlight and music and love and romance
Let's face the music and dance

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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #891 on: September 18, 2011, 03:43:38 AM »

George Denis Patrick Carlin,  social critic

Here he is is again, telling the truth & being far from funny...........

"I gave up on my species" - George Carlin

Hick's, did the same thing toward the end of his life. He started to tell people who was really pulling the strings of big-business, government, the MSM, etc...

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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #892 on: September 18, 2011, 03:50:17 AM »
I ask you, who are "they" anyway?

The answer to this question, & the voluminous, evidence to support it has been presented by, my-self, W8M8, Woten, Dan Duchaine, et al, on many an occasion - but as Ron, does not like these facts being posted here, & I do not want this thread deleted. I will just say "it is obvious that you know even less about this subject matter, than you have admitted knowing about dysgenics". & as you have chose not to talk on subjects you are not educated enough on.
You should perhaps leave this one alone also.


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #893 on: September 18, 2011, 04:08:12 AM »
Hick's, did the same thing toward the end of his life. He started to tell people who was really pulling the strings of big-business, government, the MSM, etc...

This video was not shot during his last months of pancreatic cancer, but you get the point.

You want Bill at the end, go get 'rant in E-minor'

Funny?? yes. True?? abso-fucking-lutely  ;)

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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #894 on: September 18, 2011, 05:18:56 AM »
Here he is is again, telling the truth & being far from funny...........

"I gave up on my species" - George Carlin

Hick's, did the same thing toward the end of his life. He started to tell people who was really pulling the strings of big-business, government, the MSM, etc...


Most people still don't get it, or don't want to, because they are automatons, comfortably numb beings. Ignavi!

"This is the Vestibule of the Indifferent, the Indecisive, the Neutrals. They are called the "Ignavi" - the lukewarm or cowardly souls who never committed themselves to any cause. They refused to make a choice in life. They were apathetic neutrals, those who remained on the sidelines while great events transpired. They were too weak, feeble and pathetic to reach a conclusion about anything.
The Ignavi are those who leave no mark on the world. They drift through life: non-committal, half-hearted, bland, dreary and grey. They make no meaningful contribution. There are billions of such people. They have never been truly alive; they have never explored their potential and have no concept of living life to the full. They are the anti-Faustians. Most people in the world of this type - zombie consumerists and office workers whose most difficult task each day is shuffling a piece of paper from the in-tray to the out-tray, or deciding what meaningless trinket they will purchase to make them feel good about themselves. They neither know nor care about great causes, about heroic struggles and campaigns to change the world. They would rather watch American Idol."


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #895 on: September 18, 2011, 09:05:49 AM »
Most people still don't get it, or don't want to, because they are automatons, comfortably numb beings. Ignavi!

"This is the Vestibule of the Indifferent, the Indecisive, the Neutrals. They are called the "Ignavi" - the lukewarm or cowardly souls who never committed themselves to any cause. They refused to make a choice in life. They were apathetic neutrals, those who remained on the sidelines while great events transpired. They were too weak, feeble and pathetic to reach a conclusion about anything.
The Ignavi are those who leave no mark on the world. They drift through life: non-committal, half-hearted, bland, dreary and grey. They make no meaningful contribution. There are billions of such people. They have never been truly alive; they have never explored their potential and have no concept of living life to the full. They are the anti-Faustians. Most people in the world of this type - zombie consumerists and office workers whose most difficult task each day is shuffling a piece of paper from the in-tray to the out-tray, or deciding what meaningless trinket they will purchase to make them feel good about themselves. They neither know nor care about great causes, about heroic struggles and campaigns to change the world. They would rather watch American Idol."

So fucking sad.
So fucking True.

It's too late for these estupido pendejo, if they ain't got it by now, they ain't gona get it. Fuck em  ;)
Honestly, "I ask you, who are they" just go & fucking kill your-self. As if I down-loaded all the intel to your hard drive & you had instant recall of ALL of it (like learning a new language instantly), the shite in your lower intestines would curdle. Stick to your cosy little world view old man, the one where you can trust the Jewish owned MSM. At your age it's too fucking late any-how.


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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #896 on: September 18, 2011, 09:13:18 AM »

Making deals with the Devil, down at the CrossRoads!! Hahahaha

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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #897 on: September 18, 2011, 09:25:52 AM »
Age alone is not reason to respect someone. No matter what someone's age they must earn other's respect.

Here in India it is!! This is one of the main reasons I would not use the West, to wipe my arse these days.
Respect has to earned, yes. But for your elders?? Fuck off you retarded old fool, you just lost mine. Twat.  ::)

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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #898 on: September 18, 2011, 09:36:27 AM »

Pawnagrefe, I think that if you are going to criticise some-thing you ought to be able to pronounce it.

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Re: adonis principles at work- new tbombz photo
« Reply #899 on: September 18, 2011, 11:03:39 AM »
So fucking sad.
So fucking True.

It's too late for these estupido pendejo, if they ain't got it by now, they ain't gona get it. Fuck em  ;)
Honestly, "I ask you, who are they" just go & fucking kill your-self. As if I down-loaded all the intel to your hard drive & you had instant recall of ALL of it (like learning a new language instantly), the shite in your lower intestines would curdle. Stick to your cosy little world view old man, the one where you can trust the Jewish owned MSM. At your age it's too fucking late any-how.


You meant primemuscle I guess.  :)