Author Topic: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth  (Read 188061 times)


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #250 on: September 08, 2011, 06:59:32 AM »
I'll try :D

I don'T give a shit about getting blocky  ;D

Just buy alot of olive oil.


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #251 on: September 08, 2011, 07:04:34 AM »
gh15 is right about insulin use anyway
I, as usual, will tell the truth, I used 120iu insulin a day (lantus and novorapid) for a month and the stomach distention I noticed was crazy
Not good, not good at all

i used 150ius humulin r for like 2 weeks, did nothing except bloat me, full me up with glycogen, basicallly made me look like shit imo.. weight on the scale go up but its not quality weight, my insulin bottles are now in the garbage


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #252 on: September 08, 2011, 07:10:58 AM »
thats not how you use insulina,, insulina is useless with out gh is not useless with out insulina! but! insulina is useless with out gh ,, there is ratio of gh to insulina you got to have in blood to blow up into what you see with modern bodybuild,, its nto enough to pump insulina gto to have the gh there with it ,, otherwise insulina will get you fat! no matter how good diet will either get you fat or wont do much...the magic is when insulina go with gh ! at higher doses...i keep repeating myself lieki a damn parrot ,, it is a combo of both ,, if you have 15 iu gh in blood thennnn you can have that 100 iu vials of insulina and blow up,, question is you want it? sometimes bodybuild prefer to have the old look all depends ,, if you compete higher levels now day you haveto do it this way but the look is horrid and really its not real muscle

gh15 approved
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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #253 on: September 08, 2011, 07:15:08 AM »

Dorian Yates- Steroids Setting the Record Straight article about steroid use

Well I am not sure if any of you guys were able to read the new Muscular Development magazine for Oct. 2011 yet but there was a great article in there that I wanted to post a thread about. Dorian Yates writes a section in the magazine called Blood & Guts and this month the article was called Steroids- Setting the Record Straight . In this article Dorian talks openly about what he thinks of steroids and really just made me an even bigger fan of him. The guy is Smart and knows more than most would think. The article was very long so I will just put in some of the highlights for you guys. I guess he wrote this because he was tired of guys making up supposed cycles of what he used in his career and wanted to set it straight.
First Steroid Cycle
Dorian said that his first cycle was used as a tool to maintain muscle mass while dieting. This is what he used

wks 1-4 Daily 20mg of Dianabol
wks 5-8 Daily 15lmgs of Anavar and
Weekly 100mgs of Primobolan
He started at 8 wks out weighing 205. He competed at 210-212lbs. Since he lost BF% it is safe to say that he added a decent amount of Muscle mass.

Dorian also touched on these subjects
Steroids do not create Champions
What are Steroids
Who uses Steroids
How Dangerous are Steroids, and Can they be used Safely ( here he made the comment that nobody has ever died from swallowing a whole bottle of Dianabol but I guarantee you that if you swallow an entire bottle of Aspirin, you wont live to see tomorrow.)

The Mr. Olympia Cycle
Test prop 300mgs
Parabolan 152mgs
Primobolan 500mgs
Anavar 50mgs
Growth Hormone 8iu

Off Season Stack (was usually 3 8wk cycles)
Testosterone 750mgs
Deca-Durabolin 500mgs
Dianabol 50mgs

From the age of 21-35 Dorian didn't have more than 10 glasses of wine or alcohol. Only was up after 11:30 a few times and never was more than 5-10 minutes late for a meal. There is much more to being a champion than how much steroids or other drugs you use. Some will never get there no matter how many AAS they use.

Well this was just a summary of the article written by Dorian. If you guys want to read more pick up the latest MD magazine OCT. 2011. What does everyone think of these doses? I think it is possible with the proper dedication and great genetics. 



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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #254 on: September 08, 2011, 07:21:17 AM »
Dorian Yates- Steroids Setting the Record Straight article about steroid use

Well I am not sure if any of you guys were able to read the new Muscular Development magazine for Oct. 2011 yet but there was a great article in there that I wanted to post a thread about. Dorian Yates writes a section in the magazine called Blood & Guts and this month the article was called Steroids- Setting the Record Straight . In this article Dorian talks openly about what he thinks of steroids and really just made me an even bigger fan of him. The guy is Smart and knows more than most would think. The article was very long so I will just put in some of the highlights for you guys. I guess he wrote this because he was tired of guys making up supposed cycles of what he used in his career and wanted to set it straight.
First Steroid Cycle
Dorian said that his first cycle was used as a tool to maintain muscle mass while dieting. This is what he used

wks 1-4 Daily 20mg of Dianabol
wks 5-8 Daily 15lmgs of Anavar and
Weekly 100mgs of Primobolan
He started at 8 wks out weighing 205. He competed at 210-212lbs. Since he lost BF% it is safe to say that he added a decent amount of Muscle mass.

Dorian also touched on these subjects
Steroids do not create Champions
What are Steroids
Who uses Steroids
How Dangerous are Steroids, and Can they be used Safely ( here he made the comment that nobody has ever died from swallowing a whole bottle of Dianabol but I guarantee you that if you swallow an entire bottle of Aspirin, you wont live to see tomorrow.)

The Mr. Olympia Cycle
Test prop 300mgs
Parabolan 152mgs
Primobolan 500mgs
Anavar 50mgs
Growth Hormone 8iu

Off Season Stack (was usually 3 8wk cycles)
Testosterone 750mgs
Deca-Durabolin 500mgs
Dianabol 50mgs

From the age of 21-35 Dorian didn't have more than 10 glasses of wine or alcohol. Only was up after 11:30 a few times and never was more than 5-10 minutes late for a meal. There is much more to being a champion than how much steroids or other drugs you use. Some will never get there no matter how many AAS they use.

Well this was just a summary of the article written by Dorian. If you guys want to read more pick up the latest MD magazine OCT. 2011. What does everyone think of these doses? I think it is possible with the proper dedication and great genetics. 


You forgot his visualization techniques and "hardcore" training too.............. ::) ::) ::)

What a bunch of bullshit, so now not being "late for meals" and sleeping early made Dorian break the mass barrier? LMAO, I'm sorry but I have to just laugh my ass off.

You must believe that santa and the tooth fairy are real too.  :-X


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #255 on: September 08, 2011, 09:04:51 AM »
Dude - you wouldn't believe - ten pages in and the amount of times I've had to stop my trigger finger from hammering away at the keyboard with my opinions on this one - I trained for over 12 years at Temple Gym and I've heard a fair few drug stories about Dorian (and others) in my time there but I'm keeping quiet on this one...

C'mon.... you can't tease us like this. It's only repeating what you heard. :D


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #256 on: September 08, 2011, 09:14:31 AM »
You forgot his visualization techniques and "hardcore" training too.............. ::) ::) ::)

What a bunch of bullshit, so now not being "late for meals" and sleeping early made Dorian break the mass barrier? LMAO, I'm sorry but I have to just laugh my ass off.

You must believe that santa and the tooth fairy are real too.  :-X

dont believe shit me im a GH15 fan  ;D


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #257 on: September 08, 2011, 09:17:48 AM »

And the hits keep coming.

I have sliced up that delusional Mountebank I don`t know how many times now.  Every single time he tucks tail runs and whimpers back into that shitty little corner of his he calls Intense Muscle or whatever its name is.

Actually to be honest, I dont read this drivel over here on a regular basis. I like to deal with REAL PEOPLE not gimmicks. Who do I even start with?

Flinstones Let me get your facts straight for you because you have your dates mixed up badly.

1) Cycles for pennies = 1999. I was working in building materials and selling software in 1999 and for the next 4-5 years. Again, can you please track down a bunch of posts I have made were I have ever told people that they must buy protein from Trueprotein? Oh there isnt any? Oh thats right because I have never pushed people to buy protein powder....if you paid any kind of attention I believe i recommended Optimum Nutritions whey isolate in cycles for pennies....does recommending Optimum Nutritions Whey Isolate make me money? Please explain how? Capsulized products that you make for 5 dollars and sell for 39.95 to 69.95 with fancy marketing and glittery labels make you a millionaire, not a heavy powder that costs a few bucks less per pound than what you sell it for.

2) I make money by manufacturing capsulized/liquid/and powder products for other supplement companies, some of them arent even in the genre of bodybuilding. (Health, geriactric, digestion).  So be mad at their advertising .....because of the posts Ive put online over the last decade I would say 1% (and that might be high)....have anything to do with supplements, and I do that for a reason...because I know there is a conflict of interest and I avoid it.  

3) What do i do for my fellow man in bodybuilding? I pay them money. There isnt a supplement owner on this globe that writes out more checks to his customers than I do. Research it. I do it every single month. I also send free products by the boatload to people in need, cancer patients and people who need my business partner and my help. I personally send/give 1000 dollar checks anonymously to various GOOD people in bodybuilding who are going thru tough times. I think Ive done that now about 12 times in the last few years. So since I know I would never recommend to a 16 year old 160 pound kid to take in 600 grams of protein.....I fault you for not using deductive reasoning and instead being OCD and taking in 600 grams of protein when it was never recommended that you should....just like I fault a young 20 something kid who has one cycle under his belt and doesnt even know how to aspirate giving steroid advice on this board (which is also you isnt it? Seems to me you have a pattern of doing pretty dumb things on your own valition)

Okami Oh gee whiz....a picture is put up of me from 2002 all bulked up with no place to go...Oh no what shall I do? Unlike most of you guys who hide under gimmicks....I could really give a crap at taking a pic at various times over the last 20 something years. (Below) Sometimes I was big, sometimes I was fat, sometimes I was lean, sometimes skinny, hell pre 2003 I even had hair.....When you go from 137 to 303 and dont use the drugs like you guys recommend, there is alot of experimentation with food and training along the way. But you guys wouldnt know about that way of doing things would you?

Adonis, I cant even comment on your stuff....your act is so played out. I refused to train you way back on mayhem and its bothered you ever since. Ive always told you I help good people in the sport...your not one of them. Ever notice that my friends are always the guys that are noted as being quality people in the sport (Hanshaw, Harris, etc...) There is a reason for that and your the opposite of that equation.

GH15 you wish me harm? LOL Because I disagree with your opinion? Lets tell people to do all these drugs and insulin in a way with no regard for their health that a few years down the road a great many of them could have dire problems. While I give them the option of well if you want to play russian roullette with your health thats your choice to do so....but if you care greatly about your health, here are some healthier options to try. What do you think that huge dosage equipoise amount you recommend to people might do to the wrong guys hematocrit? Thats a blood clot waiting to happen. If you are nasser, I get it...I totally get it. You were known as one of the most abusive drug using bodybuilders in history. Does this sound familiar? "If all the syringes I used were thrown into this restraurant, I would be standing knee high"....your former buddy (what was his name Pappas/white truck?)....So no doubt human nature is if you used more drugs than virtually anyone outside of Titus in the modern bodybuilding era, you have an axe to grind. I dont know you personally, I have never wanted to from what Ive heard from way too many sources to count...because your reputation in San Diego is of the most disliked individuals around with a trail of burnt friends and associates a mile long. What happened to all your friends (that arent fans of yours?) From various trainers at Frogs in Solana beach and Cardiff to general managers at various gyms have to be one of the most despised (forget pro bodybuilder I can just use the word) people around....and its not a jealousy thing with people towards a pro just have burned so many bridges with various individuals that you are hated. When one guy says another guy is a jerk my notion is there are two sides to the story. When 35 people tell you that guy is a jackass, no doubt that guy is a jackass. I went into a gym the other day and the general manager of it asks "Do you know Nasser?"...I reply "I know of him"....he then politely tells me yet another Nasser story of a bridge you burned (and this guy isnt a bodybuilder in the least).....From Dave, John and Brian Killion (who almost beat your ass at Frogs back a few years ago), and too numerous to count people around San Diego, I get is what it is...some people just arent "good people".....your actions toward various people in the sport and around San Diego precede you...if thats the legacy you want so be it....your doing a great job of being the bitter drug abusing ex pro bodybuilder who has a very clouded sense of self importance. Clarity: your just a guy who got up onstage in posing trunks and was very good at the grand scheme of things its about as important as the guy who unclogs the toilet. (This is where you do that 5 paragraph thing again of how you are this and that and top of the food chain, scrambling off into trenbolona and whatever else) ..... when you get done typing that up for the 2000th time remember to turn to the mirror and think "wow Im a 46 year old man writing this"

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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #258 on: September 08, 2011, 09:41:01 AM »
Im not a Gimmick, some people on here know my real name and ive posted plenty of pictures


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #259 on: September 08, 2011, 09:51:15 AM »



Lord of the Roidz

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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #260 on: September 08, 2011, 02:16:37 PM »
Sure Ill comment. Thats Massive G. What does that have to do with me? I got no idea what that is about. Im a totally different individual. You would have to ask Massive G about that. You and Buselmo and Mr BMJ seem to be online friends....should I assume anything they say or recommend you do also? I wouldnt because I see you all as individuals. Now look above. You make all these assumptions of drugs used based on how Dorian Yates looked. I saw you do the same with me one time saying "obvious synthol use" in shoulders. I saw GH15 do the same with me one time stating 1500mg of testosterone a week and a bunch of tren. Im on TRT and have been for a few years. Synthol? You already know how wrong you were on that one. So if I see two individuals so very wrong regarding someone such as myself.....just imagine how wrong they are regarding someone like Yates. See I have no clue whatsoever what a certain pro bodybuilder does especially if I dont know them at all. You have no clue what a certain pro bodybuilder does and GH15 especially has no clue of what a certain pro bodybuilder does by just looking at him.

Do you know what every member does at Getbig does juicewise to the milligram by looking at their pictures? Does GH15? He has been so incredibly wrong on the few people I do know personally that its laughable. Ever train about 1000 people? I have. I have seen some rare super responders to gear that make your head spin. Most people dont respond like that but Ive seen a very rare few that its unbelievable. When you see certain individuals (usually black) who go from 188 pounds to 263 pounds hard as a rock in 2.5 years and you know exactly what they are doing (ahem because you know the guy who got them their stuff and they have no hook otherwise) have a mental door that stays open to the rare possibility that there are certain individuals that explode in training, eating and in response to drugs. Again I think its very foolhardy to think "that guy is ripped so he must do DNP"....that guy is big so he is on insulin (most overrated compound ever in bodybuilding). Christ I got a guy now I help to put on size and he doesnt touch the stuff and everyone is commenting online about insulin with him (provides a good laugh but we dont argue the point...people will believe what they want to believe.... whats the use)

What does Ron Harris opinion have to do with my opinion? Tim Martin? I dont know Tim Martin in the least but please explain to me (and IM saying that respectively) please explain to me how a guy passes 30 blood, urine and lie detector tests over the years and doesnt get caught? I find that very hard to do. Could you pass 5 lie detector tests saying that you have never looked at online porn? Skip? Good friends with Phil, as much as I would love to broach that subject and provide some clear cut clarity, obviously it cannot be talked about (You and GH15 win! See how easy it is when the other guys cant talk about it due to friendships, no matter how very wrong he has been regarding him). Castleberry....much bigger now than as a teen, obviously took the step up (but Ive said that before haven't I?)

This is what I think you should personally Ive seen you argue these points for years. I think you should go to a place (expo/seminar) where Dorian is or whatever guy you think is a liar is at and sit down with them and tell them personally your thoughts on what they are saying and let them have a chance to respond. See I have done that with alot of guys that you two have said wrong information about....when you talk to someone in person you get a good feel about who is lying and who isnt. Do you think I talk openly about anyone that I personally felt was lying to me? No i dont, thats why you dont hear about those individuals from me........ Then if you came online and said "I talked to Dorian, he told me his side of things, I stated mine....I still feel he isnt being truthful"....I would respect your opinion much more and give credence to it.  

B-boy is a perfect example of all this. He let people know what he was doing prior to this year and none of you guys believed him. You all called him a liar saying there is no way he could be that big on just that small amount competing nationally. Well this year he stepped things up and went in about 8 or so pounds heavier and also was truthful with everyone again like he has been in the past and now you all believe him because it fits in with your agenda....but didnt previously.
One of the best posts I've seen on here in a while. There are definitely people who have an amazing response to gear and have superior genetics. I remember back in 86...and I hadn't done any roids in over a year..I got my hands on some sublingual 50 mg Primobolin tabs from France. I took 1 tab a day for 2 months and put on close to 15 pounds of ripped muscle. No one on this board would have believed it was possible. I got real big the next cycle doing less than 500 mg a week of juice... so I know some people can respond better than others. When I read the cycles some of the guys on here take and then they post a pic (won't mention any names) only two conclusions are: Either they got bunk gear or they have shit genetics.


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #261 on: September 08, 2011, 02:58:40 PM »
One of the best posts I've seen on here in a while. There are definitely people who have an amazing response to gear and have superior genetics. I remember back in 86...and I hadn't done any roids in over a year..I got my hands on some sublingual 50 mg Primobolin tabs from France. I took 1 tab a day for 2 months and put on close to 15 pounds of ripped muscle. No one on this board would have believed it was possible. I got real big the next cycle doing less than 500 mg a week of juice... so I know some people can respond better than others. When I read the cycles some of the guys on here take and then they post a pic (won't mention any names) only two conclusions are: Either they got bunk gear or they have shit genetics.

I took 300mgs per week  150 eq + 150 test e  and went from a bloated 235 to a hard 210 in 4 months.  300 mgs PER WEEK.


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #262 on: September 08, 2011, 03:12:55 PM »
If you are nasser, I get it

What is this bullshit. You already said you knew exactly who gh15 is. It was Disgusted and
some 180lb kids, running a gimmick.

You do not know. What a surprise.  ::)


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #263 on: September 08, 2011, 03:18:45 PM »
What is this bullshit. You already said you knew exactly who gh15 is. It was Disgusted and
some 180lb kids, running a gimmick.

You do not know. What a surprise.  ::)
I was thinking the same thing


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #264 on: September 08, 2011, 03:19:01 PM »
I took 300mgs per week  150 eq + 150 test e  and went from a bloated 235 to a hard 210 in 4 months.  300 mgs PER WEEK.

What's your point? The most test I've ran is 300mg prop /week and had similar results to yours above. It's still 3 X what the average guy makes, so obviously the results will be great vs natural. I don't see how it pertains to a discussion about what high level Pro BBs use, really.


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #265 on: September 08, 2011, 04:05:17 PM »

If you are nasser, I get it...I totally get it. You were known as one of the most abusive drug using bodybuilders in history. Does this sound familiar? "If all the syringes I used were thrown into this restraurant, I would be standing knee high"

...because your reputation in San Diego is awful....

we like buetifull man wiTh glasses Félla (gh15) cause he's sharing doping pros secrets with all of us and he's straight...

 greaT araB génétiC



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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #266 on: September 08, 2011, 05:32:42 PM »
What's your point? The most test I've ran is 300mg prop /week and had similar results to yours above. It's still 3 X what the average guy makes, so obviously the results will be great vs natural. I don't see how it pertains to a discussion about what high level Pro BBs use, really.

Pal- Read what THE BLUE QUOTE above my post said.

Most on this board scream that 300 mgs doesn't do shit and is a waste of time. That's THEIR TRUTH, NOT MINE.

Its relevant because the discussion is about DOSAGES. How an elite gentic freak responds to a "low level of hormones" (a gram per week) is different than how a mortal responds. Is it POSSIBLE that Yates used those dosages? Possible. Is it likely? Probably not.


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #267 on: September 08, 2011, 05:33:51 PM »
Pal- Read what THE BLUE QUOTE above my post said.

Most on this board scream that 300 mgs doesn't do shit and is a waste of time. That's THEIR TRUTH, NOT MINE.

Its relevant because the discussion is about DOSAGES. How an elite gentic freak responds to a "low level of hormones" (a gram per week) is different than how a mortal responds. Is it POSSIBLE that Yates used those dosages? Possible. Is it likely? Probably not.

Fair enough and I agree.


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #268 on: September 08, 2011, 05:39:41 PM »

Palpatine Q

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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #269 on: September 08, 2011, 06:23:05 PM »
I took 300mgs per week  150 eq + 150 test e  and went from a bloated 235 to a hard 210 in 4 months.  300 mgs PER WEEK.

I just went from a fairly solid...(so i thought), 248 230 at 7% bf in less than a month. on 250 mg test and 200 mg tren e.  i look like a different person.

as a matter of fact, a good buddy of mine said those EXACT words to me last week, as i haven't see him in three months, he was in Seattle for the summer...he said "you used to be this big, massive bruiser with the thick you're all shredded and your face is look like a different person"


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #270 on: September 08, 2011, 07:05:19 PM »
lol dante "sold computer software" for several years and then goes on to draw a line in the sand between he and his friends and those who "just aren't good people"

you stupid fuck, you can't even figure out the difference between "your" and "you're," what business does a "good person" like yourself have selling fucking computer software?

LOL! can you imagine taking computing advice from this bloofy shithead?  

Oh, and this part is even better:

Quote from: DOGGCRAPP
I also send free products by the boatload to people in need, cancer patients and people who need my business partner and my help.

HAHAHAH who NEEDS SUPPLEMENTS?!  i can see it now: scores of cancer patients sitting on their deathbeds, staring out the window with forlorn looks, wondering when father dante is finally going to come through with the synthetic goat's milk extract that had henceforth somehow evaded the clutches of their healthcare provider!

give me a fucking break LOLOL!

Quote from: DOGGCRAPP
you just have burned so many bridges with various individuals that you are hated. When one guy says another guy is a jerk my notion is there are two sides to the story. When 35 people tell you that guy is a jackass, no doubt that guy is a jackass.

so how many people crying "fraud" does it take to convince you?  i'm pretty sure this thread will have your quota covered...


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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #271 on: September 08, 2011, 07:26:06 PM »
lol dante "sold computer software" for several years and then goes on to draw a line in the sand between he and his friends and those who "just aren't good people"

you stupid fuck, you can't even figure out the difference between "your" and "you're," what business does a "good person" like yourself have selling fucking computer software?

LOL! can you imagine taking computing advice from this bloofy shithead?  

Oh, and this part is even better:

HAHAHAH who NEEDS SUPPLEMENTS?!  i can see it now: scores of cancer patients sitting on their deathbeds, staring out the window with forlorn looks, wondering when father dante is finally going to come through with the synthetic goat's milk extract that had henceforth somehow evaded the clutches of their healthcare provider!

give me a fucking break LOLOL!

so how many people crying "fraud" does it take to convince you?  i'm pretty sure this thread will have your quota covered...



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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #272 on: September 08, 2011, 08:46:22 PM »
What is this bullshit. You already said you knew exactly who gh15 is. It was Disgusted and
some 180lb kids, running a gimmick.

You do not know. What a surprise.  ::)

he is another case of the mentaly sick ,, its kind of sad the misguiding he does,, its not only him though...its many many in the supp industry ,, the danta fella is just an example of how bad it got....he will have you convinced you need protien his protien! and supplements,, he will have you convinced you need his program ,, he will have you convinced all the balonie he want to convince you ...while in reality when it comes to real bdybuilding he will stuck in his ass exactly what any bodybuilder stuck in their ass! ,, the lies about insulina doses and he says some dont even use it now day at higher levels lol ,, the lies about hgh doses,, the lies about aas doses,, it is seriously corrupt,,

what i do here is i created a nightmare for this fella,, i took all of his balonie and explain it for what it is ...and then replaced it for THE REAL POWER BEHIND WHAT BODYBUILD IS..for someone had to do it and someone had to explain what philsulina end up like philsulina,, and also someone with less respond like kuklo the the end of the day if you look into the size.....philsulin aand kuklo the kid...same thing,, yes philsulina has better musculatory shape to some muscles...but they are both having the same size....and this is result of what danta and sons will alwyas refuse to tell you ,, they will go around and around and wont say it because it wil CRUSH their buesinss and their all illusion ,,

reality fo the matter is this

philsulina,, kuklo the kid,, any bodybuild that see the numbers 220 + on stage anyone who look larger than arnold...they all do the same exact thing...they are feeding their blood with major insulina and major gh ! not igf balonie not new kind of anabolic,, they feed insulina and gh high doses,, for! trenbolonsa and masterona and testosterona all nice and dandy but they wil put you at the 200lb 210 lb conditioned and very very conditioned...but! it is the insulina and hgh that will take it to the balooned up bodies you see now day,,

have you tak a look at kuklo the kid fellas? if you only knew the doses of insulina and gh going in that blood...and he is not even at a top ,, it will take some time he will have to use more...

it is the insulina and gh that is what the danta fella hide and hide and hide only for some dumb reason ,, he put it out as he doesnt want fellas to get sick...he doesnt want fellas to hurt themselves...yet he dont give a flying fuck when tropopin did same thing,, and for couple years were injecting insulina and gh with kuklo the kid inorder to look like they are modern bodybuild....he doesnt give  afuck when its people who he want to succedd,, he give a fuck only when it is fellas that will take away profit from him and find the way to glory,,

he think everyone is gimick ,, the one who need to look in mirror is DANTA,, for the crimes he commited ,, for the deciving,, for the actual lies ,, the many many youngters that he burnt and only later in years discover how dumb they were that they were buying his balonie,, he need to ask forgivness from all those fellas with coupons signatures for the 5% discount for protien ,, he is a scam bag,,

the definition of a scambag is broad but you can put danta name next to it,,

he is what we call SELECTIVE scammer ,, only he does it with bodybuilding advice rather than with drug sellings....he went into the white color criminal zone where everything is legal all knwo the real truth behind it ,,, it stinks liek a dead fish in your fridge

you should be shamed of yourself danta ,, you should be shamed of the so many goolible youngsters you prey on ,, your stupid ideas to make a buck,,

honesty would get you far,, you saw ron heris and said ok ill do the same maybe i wont write in magaine...but ill do it via selling protien ,, the gang around you work for you ,, they benefit from you via $ $ $ and thus the lies continue in yoru nitch of the woods,,but! the little problem you got is ....god of hormones is around for a good 6 years...cutting and explaining ,, cutting and explaining,, saying the truth ,, helping them understand the way it truly is ,, and they get it ,, they got it from the first postings even the rebels get it ,, took time but they all get it ,, today they look at you with disgust in their eyes,, they know what the real deal ,, they know how to get there,,,wether they chose it or not...not up to me and def not up to you,,

also dont ever talk about bodybuild comparing you to comptetive fellas,, comparing yourself to beautiful man with glases ,, you lost your damn mind,, top 3 bodybuild in the world in 90s ,, you lost your damn mind

and liar priest was/is the highest abusers of hormones in the cult,, followed closely by brother raymond

gh15 approved
fallen angel

The Abdominal Snoman

  • Getbig V
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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #273 on: September 08, 2011, 10:16:14 PM »
Actually to be honest, I dont read this drivel over here on a regular basis. I like to deal with REAL PEOPLE not gimmicks. Who do I even start with?

Flinstones Let me get your facts straight for you because you have your dates mixed up badly.

1) Cycles for pennies = 1999. I was working in building materials and selling software in 1999 and for the next 4-5 years. Again, can you please track down a bunch of posts I have made were I have ever told people that they must buy protein from Trueprotein? Oh there isnt any? Oh thats right because I have never pushed people to buy protein powder....if you paid any kind of attention I believe i recommended Optimum Nutritions whey isolate in cycles for pennies....does recommending Optimum Nutritions Whey Isolate make me money? Please explain how? Capsulized products that you make for 5 dollars and sell for 39.95 to 69.95 with fancy marketing and glittery labels make you a millionaire, not a heavy powder that costs a few bucks less per pound than what you sell it for.

2) I make money by manufacturing capsulized/liquid/and powder products for other supplement companies, some of them arent even in the genre of bodybuilding. (Health, geriactric, digestion).  So be mad at their advertising .....because of the posts Ive put online over the last decade I would say 1% (and that might be high)....have anything to do with supplements, and I do that for a reason...because I know there is a conflict of interest and I avoid it.  

3) What do i do for my fellow man in bodybuilding? I pay them money. There isnt a supplement owner on this globe that writes out more checks to his customers than I do. Research it. I do it every single month. I also send free products by the boatload to people in need, cancer patients and people who need my business partner and my help. I personally send/give 1000 dollar checks anonymously to various GOOD people in bodybuilding who are going thru tough times. I think Ive done that now about 12 times in the last few years. So since I know I would never recommend to a 16 year old 160 pound kid to take in 600 grams of protein.....I fault you for not using deductive reasoning and instead being OCD and taking in 600 grams of protein when it was never recommended that you should....just like I fault a young 20 something kid who has one cycle under his belt and doesnt even know how to aspirate giving steroid advice on this board (which is also you isnt it? Seems to me you have a pattern of doing pretty dumb things on your own valition)

Okami Oh gee whiz....a picture is put up of me from 2002 all bulked up with no place to go...Oh no what shall I do? Unlike most of you guys who hide under gimmicks....I could really give a crap at taking a pic at various times over the last 20 something years. (Below) Sometimes I was big, sometimes I was fat, sometimes I was lean, sometimes skinny, hell pre 2003 I even had hair.....When you go from 137 to 303 and dont use the drugs like you guys recommend, there is alot of experimentation with food and training along the way. But you guys wouldnt know about that way of doing things would you?

Adonis, I cant even comment on your stuff....your act is so played out. I refused to train you way back on mayhem and its bothered you ever since. Ive always told you I help good people in the sport...your not one of them. Ever notice that my friends are always the guys that are noted as being quality people in the sport (Hanshaw, Harris, etc...) There is a reason for that and your the opposite of that equation.

GH15 you wish me harm? LOL Because I disagree with your opinion? Lets tell people to do all these drugs and insulin in a way with no regard for their health that a few years down the road a great many of them could have dire problems. While I give them the option of well if you want to play russian roullette with your health thats your choice to do so....but if you care greatly about your health, here are some healthier options to try. What do you think that huge dosage equipoise amount you recommend to people might do to the wrong guys hematocrit? Thats a blood clot waiting to happen. If you are nasser, I get it...I totally get it. You were known as one of the most abusive drug using bodybuilders in history. Does this sound familiar? "If all the syringes I used were thrown into this restraurant, I would be standing knee high"....your former buddy (what was his name Pappas/white truck?)....So no doubt human nature is if you used more drugs than virtually anyone outside of Titus in the modern bodybuilding era, you have an axe to grind. I dont know you personally, I have never wanted to from what Ive heard from way too many sources to count...because your reputation in San Diego is of the most disliked individuals around with a trail of burnt friends and associates a mile long. What happened to all your friends (that arent fans of yours?) From various trainers at Frogs in Solana beach and Cardiff to general managers at various gyms have to be one of the most despised (forget pro bodybuilder I can just use the word) people around....and its not a jealousy thing with people towards a pro just have burned so many bridges with various individuals that you are hated. When one guy says another guy is a jerk my notion is there are two sides to the story. When 35 people tell you that guy is a jackass, no doubt that guy is a jackass. I went into a gym the other day and the general manager of it asks "Do you know Nasser?"...I reply "I know of him"....he then politely tells me yet another Nasser story of a bridge you burned (and this guy isnt a bodybuilder in the least).....From Dave, John and Brian Killion (who almost beat your ass at Frogs back a few years ago), and too numerous to count people around San Diego, I get is what it is...some people just arent "good people".....your actions toward various people in the sport and around San Diego precede you...if thats the legacy you want so be it....your doing a great job of being the bitter drug abusing ex pro bodybuilder who has a very clouded sense of self importance. Clarity: your just a guy who got up onstage in posing trunks and was very good at the grand scheme of things its about as important as the guy who unclogs the toilet. (This is where you do that 5 paragraph thing again of how you are this and that and top of the food chain, scrambling off into trenbolona and whatever else) ..... when you get done typing that up for the 2000th time remember to turn to the mirror and think "wow Im a 46 year old man writing this"

Isn't Froggs in San Diego and all Queer gym? I bet you sell a lot of protein there. Straight from the tap i'm sure :-\


  • Getbig III
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Re: Dorian Yates steroid cycles from his own mouth
« Reply #274 on: September 09, 2011, 08:57:34 AM »
I just went from a fairly solid...(so i thought), 248 230 at 7% bf in less than a month. on 250 mg test and 200 mg tren e.  i look like a different person.

as a matter of fact, a good buddy of mine said those EXACT words to me last week, as i haven't see him in three months, he was in Seattle for the summer...he said "you used to be this big, massive bruiser with the thick you're all shredded and your face is look like a different person"

Yep  Ive experienced and seen people making major major changes on less than 500mgs a week.

Ive never done Tren (im a tad... to intense hahhaa)  but i have seen dudes on it , stuff is AMAZING.

Ive been off for 29 days so far.....