Author Topic: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!  (Read 38425 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2011, 12:57:57 AM »
Deca works better for me for solid growth and thickness.
Test works better when I want to thin out my hair or grow some more on my back.


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2011, 01:35:28 AM »
Deca works better for me for solid growth and thickness.
Test works better when I want to thin out my hair or grow some more on my back.

beautiful post, and very true. :)


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #52 on: November 02, 2011, 03:32:28 AM »
gotta bump this thread.  Arnold Jr and widow, Nobody gets massive with test only in the AAS department. In fact I would go as far to say that a guy who runs 4 cycles a year of a hefty dosage of dbol with NO injectables will have more muscle than a guy who runs 4 cycles of equal length at  2 grams of test (if that's all he is on).  and I'm 100% serious.

the reason is testosterone is such a potent androgen that you will not be able to gain lot of muscle mass on it on it's own, it provides it's own antidote against muscle growth. dbol and deca on the other hand were designed to have tissue enhancing properties.

. I have used a shitload of test for the past 18 month anywhere from 250mg-1500mg and nothing really happens unless I add an anabolic in with it.

But It's ok keep spending your money on those vials of test every month like you have for the past 6 years while your 40 years old and stuck at the same numbers with acne and a red bloated face, those of us with half a brain and some common sense simply look no furthur than mike mezner, Vic Richards,serge,  and arnold to know that it is not necessary. Don't you guys ever read gh15? He said he was at his biggest in terms of muscle mass on no test whatsoever. ;)

dbol is a great AAS but if I were to pick the 3 compounds that are most important Id say it would be sust,HGH and insulin.  I would always use dbol or turinabol to jumpstart a cycle. Gh15 always will tell you to use injectable dbol as would I. but he has taken his share of anabol tabs just like all of us have. I also said in the original post tren and deca are very important but if you just got 3 choices health wise Test ,HGH,Slin will get you some great gains and are safer than running dbol all year unless you are using injectable dbol. you have to consider your androgen receptors as well and eventually dbol will stop working if you use it year round. Test,HGH,insulin you can run year round safely if you know how to run insulin correctly. running tren all year will eventually start effecting your liver. very toxic I would only use tren for 12-14 weeks out of the year and its definately not for all athletes. hell the safest thing would probably be using HGH only in high doses. Im talking in all around sports not just bodybuilding. look at all the gold medals victor contes athletes won. they were all on HGH,insulin.and a desiger that was just like testosterone.for a bodybuilder you couldnt just pick 3 compounds it would at least have to be 6 compounds. but you can build a great physique just using sust,HGH and insulin. Pro level I would say probably not but you would def stick out in the gym.Also Id say almost every pro uses Testosterone and most would laugh at taking dbol all year.thats just a jumpstart drug IMO. BTW you must get some shit test if you do not gain off of it. and you didnt even read my whole first post. Im not here to argue though dianabol is a great drug you just cannot run it all year. alot of those guys from the late 60's and 70's are not very healthy these days.


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #53 on: November 02, 2011, 08:24:54 AM »
brb running 40 ius of insulin for my second cycle  :D combined with BFGs advice i will be the biggest bodybuilder ever!!!!

sarcasm in case you cant tell


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #54 on: November 02, 2011, 09:29:12 AM »
gotta bump this thread.  Arnold Jr and widow, Nobody gets massive with test only in the AAS department. In fact I would go as far to say that a guy who runs 4 cycles a year of a hefty dosage of dbol with NO injectables will have more muscle than a guy who runs 4 cycles of equal length at  2 grams of test (if that's all he is on).  and I'm 100% serious.

the reason is testosterone is such a potent androgen that you will not be able to gain lot of muscle mass on it on it's own, it provides it's own antidote against muscle growth. dbol and deca on the other hand were designed to have tissue enhancing properties.

. I have used a shitload of test for the past 18 month anywhere from 250mg-1500mg and nothing really happens unless I add an anabolic in with it.

But It's ok keep spending your money on those vials of test every month like you have for the past 6 years while your 40 years old and stuck at the same numbers with acne and a red bloated face, those of us with half a brain and some common sense simply look no furthur than mike mezner, Vic Richards,serge,  and arnold to know that it is not necessary. Don't you guys ever read gh15? He said he was at his biggest in terms of muscle mass on no test whatsoever. ;)
So you dropped test completely off?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #55 on: November 02, 2011, 10:21:50 AM »
So you dropped test completely off?

I have, and it was the only time I looked half decent. (aka not a water balloon) I just use it cause it's better than nothing..but I don't expect much from it by itself.

I think Im gonna run me a gram of tren, 700mg week of anadrol, a gram of deca, and some primo if I can afford it. Yes my guy can get  real turkish primo bitches :P :o


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #56 on: November 02, 2011, 11:23:41 AM »
I have, and it was the only time I looked half decent. (aka not a water balloon) I just use it cause it's better than nothing..but I don't expect much from it by itself.

I think Im gonna run me a gram of tren, 700mg week of anadrol, a gram of deca, and some primo next cycle. Yes my guy can get  real turkish primo bitches :P :o
and what was the down side of not using any test?
also what did you run at that time?

im asking all these questions because i recently dropped the test to 250mg a week and i look and feel better than ever, but im not sure if i should drop it completely off tho...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2011, 11:42:45 AM »
and what was the down side of not using any test?
also what did you run at that time?

im asking all these questions because i recently dropped the test to 250mg a week and i look and feel better than ever, but im not sure if i should drop it completely off tho...

I don't see why not.. You have to think of it like this,  Anabolic steroids serve two purposes to increase protein synthesis/nitrogen retention and bind and activate androgen receptors. When you realize this from a muscle building perspective you see that the choice of compounds does not matter as much as the total mg your running. You realize that everything you have been told and taught is a bunch of bullshit and stuff like "test should be the base of every cycle" really is a dumb statement made by close minded people who never understood or took the time to understand pharmacology in the first place.  I simply asked myself ok "what is testosterone going to do for me that I cant achieve with deca or dbol or anadrol or equipoise or NPP".

Lots of guys on here alot more knowladgable than me have flat out said you will look better and be bigger, on high doses of anabolics without test than high doses of anabolics with test, definitely opened my eye.

and for your first quesiton i was on 800mg npp and 100mg anapolon.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #58 on: November 03, 2011, 04:31:51 PM »
gotta bump this thread.  Arnold Jr and widow, Nobody gets massive with test only in the AAS department. In fact I would go as far to say that a guy who runs 4 cycles a year of a hefty dosage of dbol with NO injectables will have more muscle than a guy who runs 4 cycles of equal length at  2 grams of test (if that's all he is on).  and I'm 100% serious.

the reason is testosterone is such a potent androgen that you will not be able to gain lot of muscle mass on it on it's own, it provides it's own antidote against muscle growth. dbol and deca on the other hand were designed to have tissue enhancing properties.

. I have used a shitload of test for the past 18 month anywhere from 250mg-1500mg and nothing really happens unless I add an anabolic in with it.

But It's ok keep spending your money on those vials of test every month like you have for the past 6 years while your 40 years old and stuck at the same numbers with acne and a red bloated face, those of us with half a brain and some common sense simply look no furthur than mike mezner, Vic Richards,serge,  and arnold to know that it is not necessary. Don't you guys ever read gh15? He said he was at his biggest in terms of muscle mass on no test whatsoever. ;)

I know a lot of guys and I mean a lot of them who've grown very nicely by using a lot of test during the off-season and very little else. Then I know a lot of guys who use a lot of test and GH and not much of anything else in the off-season and they grow well too.

The biggest I ever got in an off-season was with 1,250mg of test per wk and 200mg of deca. I'm not saying this is the only way to go and looking back over my own history I wouldn't call it my favorite.

My favorite off-season stack by far is some form of test every day with a rotation of deca, tren and dbol. I'm speaking only of AAS and not referring to other added items that can possibly be added. My favorite off-season stack is as follows.

WK 1-6 Dbol 50mg-100mg/ed
WK 1-10 Deca 400mg-600mg/wk
WK 9-16 Tren-a 100mg/eod-ed
WK 11-16 Dbol 50mg-100mg/ed
WK 1-16 Test-e or Cyp 200mg-250mg/ed

This is a general example as the cycle can vary....16wks is just an easy example. Normally I'd cycle in this fashion anywhere from 16-20wks cruise on a lower dose of test for awhile and then start another similar course of go into more of a cutting phase.

Anyway, there you go.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #59 on: November 03, 2011, 04:39:19 PM »
I don't see why not.. You have to think of it like this,  Anabolic steroids serve two purposes to increase protein synthesis/nitrogen retention and bind and activate androgen receptors. When you realize this from a muscle building perspective you see that the choice of compounds does not matter as much as the total mg your running. You realize that everything you have been told and taught is a bunch of bullshit and stuff like "test should be the base of every cycle" really is a dumb statement made by close minded people who never understood or took the time to understand pharmacology in the first place.  I simply asked myself ok "what is testosterone going to do for me that I cant achieve with deca or dbol or anadrol or equipoise or NPP".

Lots of guys on here alot more knowladgable than me have flat out said you will look better and be bigger, on high doses of anabolics without test than high doses of anabolics with test, definitely opened my eye.

and for your first quesiton i was on 800mg npp and 100mg anapolon.

Making test a base isn't simply a good idea based on performance enhancement but based on factors surrounding your health as well. Testosterone is an essential hormone, one of the most important hormones our body produces and when you suppress it and levels remain below optimal range for long periods of time this simply isn't a good thing. Absolutely, you don't have to run test to make gains or even maintain them; while low testosterone affects the body in a negative way regarding muscularity this is not a concern if other anabolics are in play but there are other negative aspects to having low testosterone levels for extended periods of time that can affect your mind, immune system and general disposition. Further, while these problems are problems in of themselves, when testosterone levels are low for long periods of time there are other factors of a negative nature that can be far more problematic such as:

•   Diabetes
•   High Cholesterol
•   Loss of Memory (Alzheimer’s has been linked to low testosterone)
•   Anxiety
•   Hair-Loss (not very serious but not welcomed)
•   Osteoporosis (Loss of Bone Mass & Density)
•   Infertility
•   Polyuria (Frequent Urination)
•   Aches, Pains & Sores (often of a constant nature for no apparent reason)

If you're supplementing with testosterone while on cycle and providing your body with at least adequate amounts of the hormone it will not make any distinguishing difference between it and naturally produced testosterone. Simply put your overall health is protected. Of course we can argue about massive doses of testosterone and the possible fallout and consequences of that but that's a separate argument.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #60 on: November 03, 2011, 06:49:08 PM »
thanks for the posts arnold, good stuff. I was forgetting about that, the importance testosterone plays in the body from a health perspective. interesting about low test and hair loss too. One thing is for sure, without test I still grow fine,  but I FEEL horrible. No energy, concentration, or motivation in general. On high doses of test I feel like I'm on the top of my world, I usually look like shit  but I feel awesome and get strong as fuck. Right now I'm on a gram of alpha pharma test-e nothing else. Haven't trained legs seriously in months and my squat was up a good 40 pounds, sure as fuck wasn't from the leg extensions lol

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #61 on: November 03, 2011, 08:43:10 PM »
thanks for the posts arnold, good stuff. I was forgetting about that, the importance testosterone plays in the body from a health perspective. interesting about low test and hair loss too. One thing is for sure, without test I still grow fine,  but I FEEL horrible. No energy, concentration, or motivation in general. On high doses of test I feel like I'm on the top of my world, I usually look like shit  but I feel awesome and get strong as fuck. Right now I'm on a gram of alpha pharma test-e nothing else. Haven't trained legs seriously in months and my squat was up a good 40 pounds, sure as fuck wasn't from the leg extensions lol

If you're taking a lot of test and looking like crap a lot of it is going to be due to estrogen issues which can be easily controlled as well as revolving around your diet. In the past I've taken massive amounts of test and looked like crap and then I've taken the same amounts of test and looked pretty all depends on those factors.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #62 on: November 03, 2011, 08:57:29 PM »
If you're taking a lot of test and looking like crap a lot of it is going to be due to estrogen issues which can be easily controlled as well as revolving around your diet. In the past I've taken massive amounts of test and looked like crap and then I've taken the same amounts of test and looked pretty all depends on those factors.

I'm not really big on arimidex bro, and is expensive as shit for human grade. Diet never seemed to help me either. I eat less than 100grams of carbs a day year round, rediculously clean. I just always have that "soft" look. I'm trying out some prop instead of the long esters I usually use with some tren so maybe that will change my look.


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #63 on: November 03, 2011, 10:37:52 PM »
thanks for the posts arnold, good stuff. I was forgetting about that, the importance testosterone plays in the body from a health perspective. interesting about low test and hair loss too. One thing is for sure, without test I still grow fine,  but I FEEL horrible. No energy, concentration, or motivation in general. On high doses of test I feel like I'm on the top of my world, I usually look like shit  but I feel awesome and get strong as fuck. Right now I'm on a gram of alpha pharma test-e nothing else. Haven't trained legs seriously in months and my squat was up a good 40 pounds, sure as fuck wasn't from the leg extensions lol

Maybe you just do not respond well to testosterone. I am one of the guys who thinks test should be the base of all cycles. for all the reasons arnold jr. posted. like I said I believe most all pros base their cycles with test of some form. the most popular cycle has to be just an old school Test, Deca and dianabol cycle. or test ,deca and anadrol.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #64 on: November 03, 2011, 10:52:01 PM »
I'm not really big on arimidex bro, and is expensive as shit for human grade. Diet never seemed to help me either. I eat less than 100grams of carbs a day year round, rediculously clean. I just always have that "soft" look. I'm trying out some prop instead of the long esters I usually use with some tren so maybe that will change my look.

If you're looking soft then it's an estrogen, body-fat or diet issue based on your response to carbs, it really can't be anything else. If your diet is good and you're not overweight this pretty much leaves an estrogen problem. A good Arimidex or Letrzolole tab shouldn't cost that much and in most cases it won't take very much to make a huge difference. A mere 0.5mg of Arimidex or maybe even as little as 0.25mg every other day might make all the difference in the world. And of course there's always the liquid option from a research site. I'm not a huge fan of research sites because so many of them are garbage but there are good ones out there and their products are normally pretty affordable.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #65 on: November 04, 2011, 12:39:42 AM »
thanks for the posts arnold, good stuff. I was forgetting about that, the importance testosterone plays in the body from a health perspective. interesting about low test and hair loss too. One thing is for sure, without test I still grow fine,  but I FEEL horrible. No energy, concentration, or motivation in general. On high doses of test I feel like I'm on the top of my world, I usually look like shit  but I feel awesome and get strong as fuck. Right now I'm on a gram of alpha pharma test-e nothing else. Haven't trained legs seriously in months and my squat was up a good 40 pounds, sure as fuck wasn't from the leg extensions lol
This should've been the answer to my post about what the down sides lol

Making test a base isn't simply a good idea based on performance enhancement but based on factors surrounding your health as well. Testosterone is an essential hormone, one of the most important hormones our body produces and when you suppress it and levels remain below optimal range for long periods of time this simply isn't a good thing. Absolutely, you don't have to run test to make gains or even maintain them; while low testosterone affects the body in a negative way regarding muscularity this is not a concern if other anabolics are in play but there are other negative aspects to having low testosterone levels for extended periods of time that can affect your mind, immune system and general disposition. Further, while these problems are problems in of themselves, when testosterone levels are low for long periods of time there are other factors of a negative nature that can be far more problematic such as:

•   Diabetes
•   High Cholesterol
•   Loss of Memory (Alzheimer’s has been linked to low testosterone)
•   Anxiety
•   Hair-Loss (not very serious but not welcomed)
•   Osteoporosis (Loss of Bone Mass & Density)
•   Infertility
•   Polyuria (Frequent Urination)
•   Aches, Pains & Sores (often of a constant nature for no apparent reason)

If you're supplementing with testosterone while on cycle and providing your body with at least adequate amounts of the hormone it will not make any distinguishing difference between it and naturally produced testosterone. Simply put your overall health is protected. Of course we can argue about massive doses of testosterone and the possible fallout and consequences of that but that's a separate argument.
How much test is enough to keep yourself from shutting down?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #66 on: November 04, 2011, 01:34:51 AM »
as i said to flinston before,, he suffer from estrogenic geneticaly of jew heritage,, dont recomend him higher doses testosterona it wont work for him ,, he come to the table with higher bodyfat in the 12% probably maybe even more... so what he need is

trenbolona ace
minimal testosterona

this is it

what i woudl do if i were flinston is as foloow

5 vials of tri blends from top chefs 50 50 50

5 vials of trenbolona ace 100

2 kits of growth hormone ,, legit growth hormone

masterona will be your anti estrogen compiound its part of the tri blend so avoid any other balonie

you do the follow

every second day 1 ml of tri blend into blood with extra .5-1 ml of the trenbolona ace added to the same syrnge bringing total of trenbolona to higher level while keeping testosterona in the 50...masterona in the 50...

you do this every second day

while you do this OR BEFORE HAND ....4-6 iu of growth hormone

that is it! you preferable prime body with the growth! do it for the duration fo the 2 kit upon middle kit 2 start your cycle of it mayeb even add another kit of gh with the aas cycle and maybe even one more later on to follow,, then you drop gh and stay with same aas in blood for another 6 week

this wil put you 190-200lb 6% ,, this is a fitness level cycle and most fitness felas are on it ,, it will lean your face it will get you to be sagi kalev ,, maybe not his muscle mesurements diameter because you are a kido still ,, but you wil b epretty damn close as we call it on the way ,, he got good 20 years on you almost,, so it will take few years to get there but you will be on the way

good luck ,, and dont listen to posting above ,, you are jew it is diff approach with jews

keep testosterona to 200-300 mg intitialy as part of the tri blend ....then after you are done afetr 6 months....when you are 190 6% or 200 6% ...then!!! put it into 1000mg a week testosterona high drive with higher doses hgh to blow up from within into the 220s

gh15 approved
fallen angel


  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #67 on: November 04, 2011, 01:36:49 AM »
and flinston,,, DONT EVER eat only 100 gram crabs,, jews dont grow on low cabrs ,,no more this balonie low carb crap ,, LOAD THE CALORIES AND BE ON HGH! ,, this is the only way for you ,, trust me i just now saved you 10 years,, this 2 lasts posts of me rigght now took you in time machine into 2011!,, follow ti to the t

gh15 approved
fallen angel


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #68 on: November 04, 2011, 03:10:15 AM »
as i said to flinston before,, he suffer from estrogenic geneticaly of jew heritage,, dont recomend him higher doses testosterona it wont work for him ,, he come to the table with higher bodyfat in the 12% probably maybe even more... so what he need is

trenbolona ace
minimal testosterona

this is it

what i woudl do if i were flinston is as foloow

5 vials of tri blends from top chefs 50 50 50

5 vials of trenbolona ace 100

2 kits of growth hormone ,, legit growth hormone

masterona will be your anti estrogen compiound its part of the tri blend so avoid any other balonie

you do the follow

every second day 1 ml of tri blend into blood with extra .5-1 ml of the trenbolona ace added to the same syrnge bringing total of trenbolona to higher level while keeping testosterona in the 50...masterona in the 50...

you do this every second day

while you do this OR BEFORE HAND ....4-6 iu of growth hormone

that is it! you preferable prime body with the growth! do it for the duration fo the 2 kit upon middle kit 2 start your cycle of it mayeb even add another kit of gh with the aas cycle and maybe even one more later on to follow,, then you drop gh and stay with same aas in blood for another 6 week

this wil put you 190-200lb 6% ,, this is a fitness level cycle and most fitness felas are on it ,, it will lean your face it will get you to be sagi kalev ,, maybe not his muscle mesurements diameter because you are a kido still ,, but you wil b epretty damn close as we call it on the way ,, he got good 20 years on you almost,, so it will take few years to get there but you will be on the way

good luck ,, and dont listen to posting above ,, you are jew it is diff approach with jews

keep testosterona to 200-300 mg intitialy as part of the tri blend ....then after you are done afetr 6 months....when you are 190 6% or 200 6% ...then!!! put it into 1000mg a week testosterona high drive with higher doses hgh to blow up from within into the 220s

gh15 approved

Gh15 I do believe people can grow on a low level of testosterone but honestly do you really think it is safe to run tren all year? or even 6 months out of a year? I know Tren is the most potent AAS available but it is also super hepatoxic and causes the most side effects IMO well mainly trensomnia wich is bad! sleep is very important. Tren can also make one feel kind of on edge and cocky feeling. also dbol always makes my blood pressure high but tren really makes my blood pressure high I use xanax to control the trensomnia and high blood pressure and just regular anxiety I have. what is the safest duration one should use tren acetate for?

 I have never felt comfortable running it more more than 6 weeks when I am ending a cycle. even then bloodwork shows liver values barely normal. How safely can a person run tren Acetate and still have healthy liver values? or do you recommend the user getting bloodwork done every 3 months? I know you talk alot about the magic drug Trenbolone Acetate but honestly how safe is it to run this drug for long durations year after year? I just use it once a year at the end of my cycle when I am dialing everything in and getting ready for the summer. I just could not imagine running tren year round. This year I have used it twice but I am always having horrible sleep patterns unless I take xanax and same goes for blood pressure. also like I said liver values will jump up to an abnormal range. How does one get away with using high doses of tren for those long durations you speak of? It seems like a recipe for disaster eventually. also alot of guys doing this will never go pro or earn a penny bodybuilding so whats the point risking your health? if its just to get pussy you can use it at a lower dose and for a shorter duration. I always go into the summer looking my best but I can always keep up my appearance when I am on my off cycle stack of HGH,DHEA,TRib, Nolva, and sometimes a touch of proviron and vitargo. wether I am on gear or off gear I can still always get pussy and have women feeling my arms and chest so risking your health to get pussy is not worth it. are your recommendations mainly for top level competitors and pros? I just do not see some of what you say fit for some of these average gymrats.I am not saying you give bad advice just seems like it is meant for guys who are NPC or IFBB competitors. when I go in the club I know I am the only guy on tren and there is no competition and unless you live in NY or jersey,san diego I think the majority of people in bars are not all juiced up.


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #69 on: November 04, 2011, 03:22:26 AM »
they all want to be npc competitor i give them cycle of npc competitor,, even if they dont want to be npc competitor they still want to look like bodybuuld i give what im asked,, trenbolona can run fo r6 months even for 12 months,, AS LONG AS you are not abuser of narcotics,, booz,, pain killers,,diuretic,,

from runing this compound for many years i can tell you the folowing

blood presure remain perfect most of the time ,, blood pressure always change so ofcourse when training it will go higher etc,, but over all blood pressure 120 over 80 130 over 80 110 ovr 80 110 over 65 etc ,, this is perfect blood prssure

liver values really prety much same ,, its not oral and even oral is not big deal but its not oral its inject much less problematic

kidnsys...again it is matter of other substance abuse when someone lose kidny ,, usualy it is diuretic being done like a moron and n a r c o t i c s ,, i dont know anyone who lost kidny from trenbolona ,, i know few who died from narcotics and diuretics abuse

ummm over lal safe drug,, the only reaon you may want to keep it for 6 months and not all year is becaue it takes a toll on the head! mental toll ,, and its not easy if you need to have normal job and be with good terms with girl etc,, but many bodybuild are very good in keeping cool ,, so it individual dependent

the insomina you talk about is there,, but this is also why i put in the gh ,, gh cancel any side of any other drugs aside from narcotics,,

gh is like ummm well legit gh is like ...remember that finger red long finger with red light et had in movie? that cured everything? thats how big human growth hormone is ,, it is like that et finger,, it will heal everything,, it wil bring everything to omeostasis,, it will help sleep tremendous since i am on human  growth and on tren and when i go sleep it is 6-7 hour of deep sound sleep...and im on lots of trenbolona along my career,, so gh cancel this effect to some degreee and when you sleep it is very very sound sleep 5 hour = 8!

if you are on hgh you can do lots of balonie you cant when you dont have hgh in blood,, lots and lots of balonie can be done by you and hgh will grow you no matter what,, if i didnt love bodybuuild i would lactualy tel fellas here the true reality about bodybuild...which is dont need to even train your delts if no gh in blood...becaude no matter how much you will lift ...the delt will not be 3 dimentional until gh introduced ,, so you can be super strong but they will still look the same as any other fella less strong than you that is on aas too,, the magic happen when hgh is in the blood!,, but....i love bodybuild so i dont say it like that...

reality of the matter is you dont even need to train if you dotn have gh in blood,, and when i say this i include the window of 6 months opportuinty gh in other words...if you cant get gh for 6 months out of the year...there is really no need for you to bodybuild...because you will be stuck in an era called 1960...

gh15 approved
fallen angel


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #70 on: November 04, 2011, 03:24:15 AM »
and when you stuck in era called 1960 better be 22 to do bodybuild! even younger...why? because at 20 your hgh release is still nice...and you can grow ,, when you get to gh in blood and you are done with bodybuild ,, finished ,, finito no matter what anyone tell you ,, the reason fellas retired back then at 30 was because...the body quit on them ,,

now day in see the 45 year old ron herises lie and run around balonie their mouth saying how wonderful their hard work payed yabadee yabada

gh15 approved
fallen angel


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #71 on: November 04, 2011, 04:14:04 AM »
they all want to be npc competitor i give them cycle of npc competitor,, even if they dont want to be npc competitor they still want to look like bodybuuld i give what im asked,, trenbolona can run fo r6 months even for 12 months,, AS LONG AS you are not abuser of narcotics,, booz,, pain killers,,diuretic,,

from runing this compound for many years i can tell you the folowing

blood presure remain perfect most of the time ,, blood pressure always change so ofcourse when training it will go higher etc,, but over all blood pressure 120 over 80 130 over 80 110 ovr 80 110 over 65 etc ,, this is perfect blood prssure

liver values really prety much same ,, its not oral and even oral is not big deal but its not oral its inject much less problematic

kidnsys...again it is matter of other substance abuse when someone lose kidny ,, usualy it is diuretic being done like a moron and n a r c o t i c s ,, i dont know anyone who lost kidny from trenbolona ,, i know few who died from narcotics and diuretics abuse

ummm over lal safe drug,, the only reaon you may want to keep it for 6 months and not all year is becaue it takes a toll on the head! mental toll ,, and its not easy if you need to have normal job and be with good terms with girl etc,, but many bodybuild are very good in keeping cool ,, so it individual dependent

the insomina you talk about is there,, but this is also why i put in the gh ,, gh cancel any side of any other drugs aside from narcotics,,

gh is like ummm well legit gh is like ...remember that finger red long finger with red light et had in movie? that cured everything? thats how big human growth hormone is ,, it is like that et finger,, it will heal everything,, it wil bring everything to omeostasis,, it will help sleep tremendous since i am on human  growth and on tren and when i go sleep it is 6-7 hour of deep sound sleep...and im on lots of trenbolona along my career,, so gh cancel this effect to some degreee and when you sleep it is very very sound sleep 5 hour = 8!

if you are on hgh you can do lots of balonie you cant when you dont have hgh in blood,, lots and lots of balonie can be done by you and hgh will grow you no matter what,, if i didnt love bodybuuild i would lactualy tel fellas here the true reality about bodybuild...which is dont need to even train your delts if no gh in blood...becaude no matter how much you will lift ...the delt will not be 3 dimentional until gh introduced ,, so you can be super strong but they will still look the same as any other fella less strong than you that is on aas too,, the magic happen when hgh is in the blood!,, but....i love bodybuild so i dont say it like that...

reality of the matter is you dont even need to train if you dotn have gh in blood,, and when i say this i include the window of 6 months opportuinty gh in other words...if you cant get gh for 6 months out of the year...there is really no need for you to bodybuild...because you will be stuck in an era called 1960...

gh15 approved

Thats a good blood pressure for how m uch Tren you talk about using what if you are african american and naturally have high blood pressure? I am on legit HGH straight from walgreens and I still do not get a sleep pattern that is rem sleep unless I take xanax and even with the xanax its not rem sleep but still works better than the HGH If I use a oral with the tren like dianabol thats when I really have high blood pressure. with the xanax its 127/79 but it can get around 138/89 if I am on dbol and tren and even HGH I know 138/89 is not awful but they consider that pre-hypertension these days. even though Tren is injectable it is still harsh on your liver I dont care what anybody says and oral tren should just be trashed very bad stuff. It seems like everybody I know gets on edge when on trenbolone almost roid rage status. not quite that bad but people including myself are short temper and cocky. somebody pisses you off your ready to kick the crap out of them. thats where the xanax helps again it has a calming effect. I do not consider xanax a narcotic even though it is a schedule 4 narcotic its def not cocaine or meth or heroin. its just a drug that calms you down when you get stressed out. I guess it all boils down to genetics african americans have high blood pressure for the most part off gear then when they go on gear it gets out of hand and liver values also get out of hand. I know you think I use narcotics but I do not use mor than xanax wich is a not really a narcotic schedule 4 barely making it a narcotic and oxycodone when my back discs flare up. I am muslim I do not use stret drugs. I just cannot believe guys use tren for 6 months to a year and do not have any side effects like high blood pressure,insomnia or elevation of liver values. dianabol is known to give people high blood pressure would you rate trenbolone les side effect free than dianabol tabs or injectable version. Like I said also there are alot of people who use legit HGH but still get trensomnia. Ronnie coleman would get trensomnia major night owl. You must have gotten lucky and got some good genetcis with all that gear and to have those blood pressure numbers.


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #72 on: November 04, 2011, 05:53:07 AM »
brutal lack of paragraphs  :-X


  • Getbig II
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #73 on: November 04, 2011, 08:12:52 PM »
how long before tren turns oyu into a monster, every one at gym tells me im getting huge but i want to feel like a freak, im on 140 daily now and starting sd as of today, only on 100mg of prop daily. how long before tren makes me a god. bwahaha


  • Getbig V
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #74 on: November 04, 2011, 08:33:50 PM »
how long before tren turns oyu into a monster, every one at gym tells me im getting huge but i want to feel like a freak, im on 140 daily now and starting sd as of today, only on 100mg of prop daily. how long before tren makes me a god. bwahaha

you wont,, you will only get thicker and denser,, freak come only with human growth hormone in blood

gh15 approved
fallen angel