Author Topic: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!  (Read 38424 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #75 on: November 04, 2011, 09:07:53 PM »
whats the lowest amount of gh i can run to create the freak affect


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #76 on: November 05, 2011, 01:41:33 PM »
as i said to flinston before,, he suffer from estrogenic geneticaly of jew heritage,, dont recomend him higher doses testosterona it wont work for him ,, he come to the table with higher bodyfat in the 12% probably maybe even more... so what he need is

trenbolona ace
minimal testosterona

this is it

what i woudl do if i were flinston is as foloow

5 vials of tri blends from top chefs 50 50 50

5 vials of trenbolona ace 100

2 kits of growth hormone ,, legit growth hormone

masterona will be your anti estrogen compiound its part of the tri blend so avoid any other balonie

you do the follow

every second day 1 ml of tri blend into blood with extra .5-1 ml of the trenbolona ace added to the same syrnge bringing total of trenbolona to higher level while keeping testosterona in the 50...masterona in the 50...

you do this every second day

while you do this OR BEFORE HAND ....4-6 iu of growth hormone

that is it! you preferable prime body with the growth! do it for the duration fo the 2 kit upon middle kit 2 start your cycle of it mayeb even add another kit of gh with the aas cycle and maybe even one more later on to follow,, then you drop gh and stay with same aas in blood for another 6 week

this wil put you 190-200lb 6% ,, this is a fitness level cycle and most fitness felas are on it ,, it will lean your face it will get you to be sagi kalev ,, maybe not his muscle mesurements diameter because you are a kido still ,, but you wil b epretty damn close as we call it on the way ,, he got good 20 years on you almost,, so it will take few years to get there but you will be on the way

good luck ,, and dont listen to posting above ,, you are jew it is diff approach with jews

keep testosterona to 200-300 mg intitialy as part of the tri blend ....then after you are done afetr 6 months....when you are 190 6% or 200 6% ...then!!! put it into 1000mg a week testosterona high drive with higher doses hgh to blow up from within into the 220s

gh15 approved

thank you so much gh15!

I have a scrypt for american pharma test myself that is enough for 200mg a week year round....and my dad lets me borrow his scrypt too if I get good grades when I enroll in college so that is  400mg watson year round 8)... so I will do 2cc's of watson for rest of my life so 400mg testo.  No more test for me I guess.

I will take your advice on low carbs.. I just got chocolate brownie sunday ( lava one) from steakhouse since I know you reccomended it 8). Off for chirashi bowl, no sticky rice.

At the end of my last cycle (aka fuckload of test and a hefty dose of anapolon)  I was   220 at a height of around 6 feet,  full round delts, 17.5 inch arms, on a tiny structure. Fucking huge for a teenager let alone a Jew. I am NARROWER than Phil naturally but have made myself  wide with just AAS..    you would be proud it was not no gh/slin bullshit like everyone does today.

 I'm just as big and strong as kuclo was at 18 in fact if I had a time machine and he stood next to me at the end of my last cycle when he was 18... I would make him look like a pussy who never lifted weight in his life and he would cry his eyes out he got beat by a jew boy.. only difference is I dont look like half the bodybuilder he was I look like shit. Big shit yes but still shit lol.

also how do you know jews suffer from high estrogen? Only someone who worked with Jew before would know this lol have you?  I had full blown gyno at 17 the moment I sniffed my first dbol.



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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #77 on: December 02, 2011, 12:37:05 PM »
True but test is obviously much more androgenic and this is an important consideration when it comes to actual growth. Further, test is so versatile and I know I throw that word around a lot regarding test and tren (versatile) but it simply holds true and is what truly makes them the best steroids overall IMO.

good point arnold!   IMO Schmoe is right in one regard, deca is a superior drug,  within the therapeutic range. however at  supraphysiological doses Deca does not have the potential of Test as Deca works through AR binding while test has powerful anti-glucocorticoid properties as well as AR binding. .


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #78 on: December 03, 2011, 12:42:14 AM »
The ONLY important thing is use a REAL stuff
is better use just few REAL stuff than a lot of shit stuff
So,the better way to be big? ALL you can have from the pharmacy!


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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #79 on: December 03, 2011, 12:48:34 AM »
gh15, what protocols do you suggest for a complete beginner, only 1 year in the gym?
Only one year?you ask to gh15??please!!!Do squat for another 4 years and after start to think about protocols


  • Getbig III
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Re: Only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have the genetics!
« Reply #80 on: December 06, 2011, 09:05:56 PM »
It really only takes 3 compounds to get massive if you have great genetics and a good foundation. I think those who wait till they are at least 20 years old even older can build a great foundation then when you throw in these compounds you will blow up. I was 25 when i started so I had a great natural foundation definately couldn't get any bigger naturally.

1. some form of testosterone dosn't really matter wich one. Test is Test. weather its sust, test E Test Cyp, suspension,
2. HGH

you can build a insane physique with just these 3 compounds. sure you can get a little better with some Tren and deca. but I have seen miracles and records set with people just using Test,HGH and insulin.

You can build a GREAT physique what that regimen. I would add a 1a. to that list, being real EQ. Or tren. Or both (: I personally only run test by itself when cruising.