Author Topic: How do people respond to your muscularity?  (Read 25597 times)


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #50 on: September 27, 2011, 05:43:24 AM »
Kunt-rash are you going to get on the sauce yet ? then at least people might ask if you are a horse jockey
LOL, is that nick gonna stick ? Horse jockeys weigh 110lbs and are under 5'6", so I am too "big" :D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

He could look like a underwear model if he megadosed.  ;D ;D
Translation: you are my kinda twink

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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2011, 05:50:09 AM »

 ::) ::) ::) ::)

Why hasn't anyone outed this fool?


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2011, 06:03:22 AM »
and their spirits are crushed when the get the true answer....
no magic potion..or tricks
just god and parent given genetics... muscle size shape and strengthwise... and fucking hard training
hate it or love it thats the truth

If there was god and steroids didn't exist then you would be right!

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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2011, 06:11:34 AM »
If there was god and steroids didn't exist then you would be right!



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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #54 on: September 27, 2011, 06:12:39 AM »
LOL, is that nick gonna stick ? Horse jockeys weigh 110lbs and are under 5'6", so I am too "big" :D

I kinda like it  ;D


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #55 on: September 27, 2011, 06:15:52 AM »
It'ds kinda a weird when dudes ask to see my hammy,glute tie in...


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #56 on: September 27, 2011, 06:33:23 AM »
I get three different responses.

1) people who tote me as a guy who can fight when i can't ???
2)guys that compete with me for no reason
3)people that think because I'm lanky/slouch that I'm somehow out of shape.

So I've kinda learned that what people think and what is are total opposites. Truth is I look like shit but am somewhat fit compared to the majority of the population.


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #57 on: September 27, 2011, 06:46:55 AM »
Can one of the moderators edit the titles so that we don't look like a bunch of knuckleheads here at Getbig!

Too late.

Natural Man

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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #58 on: September 27, 2011, 06:49:08 AM »

Good looking women, old or young, wish i could be their fucktoy the first time they see me. They often live with a skinny fat dude who only focus on money and material goods and is insecure in bed, talking a lot about sex but shitty at it. The kind of people who always check twitter and spam their facebooks with stupid pics of themselves striking poses ressembling those of the stars you see on Tv and in the magazines. Or they re single, but so fucked up in their head, so self centered, so badly raised that even if they re good looking and working, they re desperate for genuine relationships they dont have the tools to create nor maintain.

At work the younger ones attempt to seduce me everytime in the beginning but when they figure they cant cause i m engaged, they start getting angry and passive aggressive cause they cannot obtain my attention. The want to be adored, worshipped constantly, to impress, because they have a low self esteem and their only pleasure in life is to dominate others, that's the way they ve been raised from day one, so i aint going to change this anytime soon, that's just the way it is.
 I mostly despise them for their superficiality and lack of honnesty which doesnt help, after a while.  Most average looking single females like me and wish I could be their man, but they know it's impossible, that it's not realistic so a true friendship then can follow, when everything is very clear and when you know you re going to be able to count on their honnesty and genuine friendship because nothing else is at work in the background of everyone subconscious. Of course they touch themselves at night dreaming about me, but that's how it works.
These people are truly interesting , you can do something with them, and I often leave them some insights on my personal relationship with my woman, on how to please men, how to improve their looks / way of thinking , how to be feminine and down to earth subrepticely over time. These people actually like me a lot and simultaneously are in conflict with the aggressive, dominating prima donnas/drama queens who are looking good but just use this to stab people in their back every chance they get. They are often spending more time pretending to be happy than they really are, while the down to earth , less attractive girls are always happy go lucky.
I use what i have to inspire other people better themselves as much as possible, and avoid improductive conflicts with the dumbest ones using my brains instead of my appearance. After all they re just suffering individuals who didnt learn how to correctly interact with others because of their own parents.

After some time spent in a place, most people both women and men out of the blue start talking about diet, doing cardio, etc right in front of me on purpose just because they saw details of my chiseled lean body under a shirt and it automatically redirect all their thoughts and discussions toward the subject. I politely ignore them as they obviously wait for me to give in and start opening my mouth on a subject i obviously know enough to speak about, and as i keep my mouth shut and let them make fools of themselves, they get even more frustrated, but i know from experience it's useless, they would all start get even more insecure i would have to expose them. I simply let them come to me personaly by themselves when the occasion presents itself. This way im not the one asking, demanding anything, showing off, pretending to be better than everyone, and i place myself in a position of humility ,  it's a gift to them if i share my knowledges, an opportunity. They re the ones who asked for it in the firstplace.

Then it's all, always, about "how can i /lose weight/get toned/losing belly fat doing crunches and sit ups (...) i d like to train for health but "i dont want to look like arnold s/" etc and other bullshits. Again I politely tell them what it truly requires, the genetical part of it, that anyone can do it, that's it easy and mostly only requires consistancy over time and in change of habits... that ultimately it doesnt garantee anyone complete eternal blissful hapiness for the rest of their life... that other things are important in life.. that training can improve life but that if you re fucked up psychologically it aint going to help much ...that it's both about working on your mind as much as you work on your body... and 9 times out of 10 after a week they just simply forget it all and decide to come back to their old habits. They figured what it really takes, their illusions are shattered and only the smartest, most motivated ones keep asking me for advises, thus giving birth to a friendly relationship. They give me things in return, of course. That's how it works, human, animal nature.
They obviously stay jealous, but a bit less than in the beginning as you re useful to them in some way.

Out of shape men are jealous for most. Not just of my physique when they can see some of its details when im wearing a shirt but essentially also of my facial traits. Seeing muscles just reinforce the tendancy. Only very few of them like my character but most of the time because i represent a father figure and because they want to learn my knowledges about weight lifting to become just like me so they get somewhat friendly. But you cant be friend with everyone, right? Also the more you age, the more you understand that your life revolves only around two or three at most, truly meaningful relationships, we arent designed for more. Men on steroids due to the artificial effects of drugs on the biochemical processes in their brains think everyone is in love with them, that everyone respects them, that they are living gods. Of course it lasts as long as they re on. Both the feeling of being powerful, and the respect of others. I think nobody exists in their mind but themselves. I went thru that when i started lifting weights and figured the impact it had on others. But i was too well educated fromt he beginning to sink into the extremes these people with bad (or no) advisers followed. They mostly despise/ignore me just like they ignore/despise anyone who isnt falling for their fake, bullshit personnality anyway, yet simultaneously instinctively think that i have something they could need later in life, when they grow up. Only later in life will they remember my behaviors and sayings, and figure that i understood what they just understand now, years before them. Exceptionnaly some of them are attracted by my personnality and start taking some of my stuff and introduce it into their own thought process, but they are often used to take without giving in return, so they cannot get much more from me while other more genuine people can. Fact is especially nowadays, you often have to teach people who want to interact with you, HOW TO INTERACT GIVING AS MUCH AS YOU ASK FIRST, because their parents abandonned religion, which was a unique systeme everybody followed in the interest of the majority, so everyone was following the same rules and principles. Give as much as you ask. Be polite. Dont be self centered, have empathy. These people just attempt to fuck other people in the ass to get what they want -and  worse, more and more take pleasure in this-, just because that's how their -divorced- parents interacted in front of them during their whole childhood/adolescence. These new generations have been raised by single mothers, with no or poor father figures, with no principles that are superior to themselves. They think they are god himself. They all think they are god. Immature, violent, emotionless, manipulative kids who use all their knowledges to their sole and only benefit. Thank socialism, capitalism , feminism, and the destruction of Christianity, the Father, and the family.

Again the juice monkeys are on drugs because they cant deal with real life without them, they re just living in an illusion  waiting to dissipate at some point in life just like all other illusions. I believed in illusions too, so i understand where they re at. And that it's useless to convince people they are acting dumb by sheer ignorance until they didnt find it out by themselves, often while destroying relationships with really meaningful loved ones. When it happens, i become important to them, and they leave the fake personnality at the door. The re often coming from families filled with addictive behaviors, who have a hard time finding a right middle in what they do or think. I know too well what s really at work deep in the background, and how useless it would be while they re on an artificially produced chemical rush to talk some sense into them. They re addicts just like any other addict, but because the whole world dont condemn their addiction because it's not a well known one like cigarettes, alcohol, etc, they think it's not an addiction. They re luring themselves, lying to themselves. And they think they re also smarter than everyone else, doing something that artificially put them above other human beings in particular circumstances. They can only rely on it as time goes, they fear the day they wont be able to use anymore, the day they ll become normal again. They also tend not to be able to go outside of their bubble in fear of being exposed. They re like a fish outside of the water, and they dont like it. So they stay together and backstab each others  over and over with huge bleached smiles, in their little vain bubble, cheating on themselves, on everyone else, injecting and believing they are gods. When they re just mortals addicted to drugs who contribute almost nothing to society, considering they even despise the people they could, should train. These people are affraid someone might look better , more dominant than them, so they wont even help customers, it's the oposite.

They are not humans. As real humans deal with reality without the help of drugs. They re enhanced, yet psychologically fragile, colossus with weak feet. Sooner or later it will be proven, and they ll be the creators of their own despair. It's all in the head, first and foremost. Appearence and behaviors are only the result of what's in the head. And what's in the head is programmed originally by the way you ve been loved, the way you interacted with your caregivers.

I wont even comment on the younger kids who just happened to discover weight lifting, sport all the disguise accessories, wether they re on steroids or not. It's useless to waste any energy talking some sense into them at that stage. Is there really a need to mention 99,9% of them are left without a decent father figure?

I cover my muscles 95% of the time and only reveal them ponctually once in a while just to remember people that the fitness level of my body is superior to theirs, as a main strategy of survival "outside". I dont take any pleasure in doing so, more like i'm forced to because i m with dumb people subconsciouly following dumb principles that make everyone feel shitty. I have to play the game with the animals as i m sometime forced to evolve in their vicinity. But it's only happening in environments filled with dumb or intellectually average individuals. This shit doesnt happen when you re dealing with the smartest and genuinely empathic individuals on earth who can read in your mind like in an open books. These people have no time for all these bullshits, they re busy helping people, raising kids, contributing genuinely.
The more you age the less it matters much to be the bigger fish in the pond, as there s always a new bigger one in it, the more brains are needed instead of muscles. It's called growing up , maturing. If past 30 you re still into impressing other men showing off muscles... it means you only understood 1% of what life is about. Also you cannot raise kids if you re only focusing on yourself being an immature kid yourself -because your parents who divorced/abandonned you were immatures kids themselves; that 's what you learned subconsciously, to reproduce their thought processes and behaviors-.

Something guys in their 40s or even 60s still didnt understand. Age has nothing to do with being wise , especially nowadays with older people attempting to become kids again as death approaches. They fear death because they havent been prepared to face it, because they abandoned religion, which precisely is intended to prepare you for this event. If you re not prepared, you re fearing it -like a kid- and you adopt bullshit strategies that only show you re not prepared to those who are.
Education, genuine love and spirituality and facing life with humility, with a fully developped consciousness, without using any shortcuts, are what make you wiser.

A nice lesson of humility is when i play basketball outdoor with some random teens in summer, and realizes that my legs and knees , as muscular and fit i am, are hurting only after 15/20 minutes of play. I also cant even fucking breath anymore and need to rest for like 30 minutes afterwards. I might be muscular and fit, but there are only very few people that benefit from it; me and my loved ones. If i can inspire others, when they deserve it and ask for my knowledges to improve their own chances of survival and if they give me something i actually could need in return , it's all good. But it only happens like 0,01 % of the time. These kids tell me that they re impressed by my physique, that it motivates them and they hope they look that good at my age.

 I answer by telling them ... to focus on studies and family instead of basketball and "being the biggest/baddest fish in the shitty pond" they re forced to swim in with others badly raised kids like them. Again, is anyone surprised these kids see me as a father figure considering they ve had none or terrible ones?


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #59 on: September 27, 2011, 07:29:19 AM »
Confident and cocky, but wise post, Uberman.
Like in any aspect of life, there are more dreamers -gifted or not- than hard workers.
Most people are afraid to come out of their comfort zone.

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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #60 on: September 27, 2011, 07:42:22 AM »

Good looking women, old or young, wish i could be their fucktoy the first time they see me. They often live with a skinny fat dude who only focus on money and material goods and is insecure in bed, talking a lot about sex but shitty at it. The kinds of people who always check twitter and spam their facebooks with stupid pics of themselves striking poses ressembling those of the stars you see on Tv and in the magazines. Or they re single, but so fucked up in their head, so self centered, so badly raised that even if they re good looking and working, they re desperate for genuine relationships they dont have the tools to create nor maintain.

At work the younger ones attempt to seduce me everytime in the beginning but when they figure they cant cause i m engaged, they start getting angry and passive aggressive cause they cannot obtain my attention. The want to be adored, worshipped constantly, to impress, because they have a low self esteem and their only pleasure in life is to dominate others, that's the way they ve been raised from day one, so i aint going to change this anytime soon, that's just the way it is.
 I mostly despise them for their superficiality and lack of honnesty which doesnt help, after a while.  Most average looking single females like me and wish I could be their man, but they know it's impossible, that it's not realistic so a true friendship then can follow, when everything is very clear and when you know you re going to be able to count on their honnesty and genuine friendship because nothing else is at work in the background of everyone subconscious. Of course they touch themselves at night dreaming about me, but that's how it works.
These people are truly interesting , you can do something with them, and I often leave them some insights on my personal relationship with my woman, on how to please men, how to improve their looks / way of thinking , how to be feminine and down to earth subrepticely over time. These people actually like me a lot and simultaneously are in conflict with the aggressive, dominating prima donnas/drama queens who are looking good but just use this to stab people in their back every chance they get. They are often spending more time pretending to be happy than they really are, while the down to earth , less attractive girls are always happy go lucky.
I use what i have to inspire other people better themselves as much as possible, and avoid improductive conflicts with the dumbest ones using my brains instead of my appearance. After all they re just suffering individuals who didnt learn how to correctly interact with others because of their own parents.

After some time spent in a place, most people both women and men out of the blue start talking about diet, doing cardio, etc just because they saw details of my chiseled lean body under a shirt and it automatically redirect all their thoughts and discussions toward the subject. i politely ignore them as they wait for me to give in and start opening my mouth on a subject i obviously know enough to speak about, and they get even more frustrated, but i know from experience it's useless, they would all start get even more insecure i would have to expose them. I simply let them come to me personaly by themselves when the occasion presents itself. This way im not the one asking, demanding anything, showing off, pretending to be better than everyone, and i place myself in a position of humility ,  it's a gift to them if i share my knowledges, an opportunity. They re the ones who asked for it in the firstplace.

Then it's all, always, about "how can i /lose weight/get toned/losing belly fat doing crunches and sit ups (...) i d like to train for health but "i dont want to look like arnold s/" etc and other bullshits. Again I politely tell them what it truly requires, the genetical part of it, that anyone can do it, that's it easy and mostly only requires consistancy over time and in change of habits... that ultimately it doesnt garantee anyone complete eternal blissful hapiness for the rest of their life... that other things are important in life.. that training can improve life but that if you re fucked up psychologically it aint going to help much ...that it's both about working on your mind as much as you work on your body... and 9 times out of 10 after a week they just simply forget it all and decide to come back to their old habits. They figured what it really takes, their illusions are shattered and only the smartest, most motivated ones keep asking me for advises, thus giving birth to a friendly relationship. They give me things in return, of course. That's how it works, human, animal nature.
They obviously stay jealous, but a bit less than in the beginning as you re useful to them in some way.

Out of shape men are jealous for most. Not just of my physique when they can see some of its details when im wearing a shirt but essentially also of my facial traits. Seeing muscles just reinforce the tendancy. Only very few of them like my character but most of the time because i represent a father figure and because they want to learn my knowledges about weight lifting to become just like me so they get somewhat friendly. But you cant be friend with everyone, right? Also the more you age, the more you understand that your life revolves only around two or three at most, truly meaningful relationships, we arent designed for more. Men on steroids due to the artificial effects of drugs on the biochemical processes in their brains think everyone is in love with them, that everyone respects them, that they are living gods. Of course it lasts as long as they re on. I think nobody exists in their mind but themselves. I went thru that when i started lifting weights and figured the impact it had on others. But i was too well educated fromt he beginning to sink into the extremes these people with bad advisers followed.

I cover my muscles 95% of the time and only reveal them ponctually once in a while just to remember people that the fitness level of my body is superior to their, as a main strategy of survival. Still, it doesnt mean much as there s always a bigger fish in the pond, and that the more you age, the more brains are needed instead of muscles. It's called growing up , maturing.

Something guys in their 40s or even 60s still didnt understand. Age has nothing to do with being wise , especially nowadays with older people attempting to become kids again as death approaches.
Education, genuine love and spirituality and facing life with humility, with a fully developped consciousness, without using any shortcuts, are what make you wiser.

A nice lesson of humility is when i play basketball outdoor with some random teens in summer, and realizes that my legs and knees , as muscular and fit i am, are hurting only after 15/20 minutes of play. I also cant even fucking breath anymore and need to rest for like 30 minutes afterwards. I might be muscular and fit, but there are only very few people that benefit from it; me and my loved ones. If i can inspire others, when they deserve it and ask for my knowledges to improve their own chances of survival and if they give me something i actually could need in return , it's all good. But it only happens like 0,01 % of the time.

WTF dude nobody is gonna read all that shit.


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #61 on: September 27, 2011, 07:51:42 AM »
WTF dude nobody is gonna read all that shit.
Its a fuckin good post. I read it.


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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2011, 08:07:12 AM »
glad im not a big bber then no one takes you seriously anymore and you constantly have to prove yourself.

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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #63 on: September 27, 2011, 09:03:27 AM »
Uberman telling it like it is, all true


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #64 on: September 27, 2011, 09:04:35 AM »

Good looking women, old or young, wish i could be their fucktoy the first time they see me. They often live with a skinny fat dude who only focus on money and material goods and is insecure in bed, talking a lot about sex but shitty at it. The kind of people who always check twitter and spam their facebooks with stupid pics of themselves striking poses ressembling those of the stars you see on Tv and in the magazines. Or they re single, but so fucked up in their head, so self centered, so badly raised that even if they re good looking and working, they re desperate for genuine relationships they dont have the tools to create nor maintain.

At work the younger ones attempt to seduce me everytime in the beginning but when they figure they cant cause i m engaged, they start getting angry and passive aggressive cause they cannot obtain my attention. The want to be adored, worshipped constantly, to impress, because they have a low self esteem and their only pleasure in life is to dominate others, that's the way they ve been raised from day one, so i aint going to change this anytime soon, that's just the way it is.
 I mostly despise them for their superficiality and lack of honnesty which doesnt help, after a while.  Most average looking single females like me and wish I could be their man, but they know it's impossible, that it's not realistic so a true friendship then can follow, when everything is very clear and when you know you re going to be able to count on their honnesty and genuine friendship because nothing else is at work in the background of everyone subconscious. Of course they touch themselves at night dreaming about me, but that's how it works.
These people are truly interesting , you can do something with them, and I often leave them some insights on my personal relationship with my woman, on how to please men, how to improve their looks / way of thinking , how to be feminine and down to earth subrepticely over time. These people actually like me a lot and simultaneously are in conflict with the aggressive, dominating prima donnas/drama queens who are looking good but just use this to stab people in their back every chance they get. They are often spending more time pretending to be happy than they really are, while the down to earth , less attractive girls are always happy go lucky.
I use what i have to inspire other people better themselves as much as possible, and avoid improductive conflicts with the dumbest ones using my brains instead of my appearance. After all they re just suffering individuals who didnt learn how to correctly interact with others because of their own parents.

After some time spent in a place, most people both women and men out of the blue start talking about diet, doing cardio, etc right in front of me on purpose just because they saw details of my chiseled lean body under a shirt and it automatically redirect all their thoughts and discussions toward the subject. I politely ignore them as they obviously wait for me to give in and start opening my mouth on a subject i obviously know enough to speak about, and as i keep my mouth shut and let them make fools of themselves, they get even more frustrated, but i know from experience it's useless, they would all start get even more insecure i would have to expose them. I simply let them come to me personaly by themselves when the occasion presents itself. This way im not the one asking, demanding anything, showing off, pretending to be better than everyone, and i place myself in a position of humility ,  it's a gift to them if i share my knowledges, an opportunity. They re the ones who asked for it in the firstplace.

Then it's all, always, about "how can i /lose weight/get toned/losing belly fat doing crunches and sit ups (...) i d like to train for health but "i dont want to look like arnold s/" etc and other bullshits. Again I politely tell them what it truly requires, the genetical part of it, that anyone can do it, that's it easy and mostly only requires consistancy over time and in change of habits... that ultimately it doesnt garantee anyone complete eternal blissful hapiness for the rest of their life... that other things are important in life.. that training can improve life but that if you re fucked up psychologically it aint going to help much ...that it's both about working on your mind as much as you work on your body... and 9 times out of 10 after a week they just simply forget it all and decide to come back to their old habits. They figured what it really takes, their illusions are shattered and only the smartest, most motivated ones keep asking me for advises, thus giving birth to a friendly relationship. They give me things in return, of course. That's how it works, human, animal nature.
They obviously stay jealous, but a bit less than in the beginning as you re useful to them in some way.

Out of shape men are jealous for most. Not just of my physique when they can see some of its details when im wearing a shirt but essentially also of my facial traits. Seeing muscles just reinforce the tendancy. Only very few of them like my character but most of the time because i represent a father figure and because they want to learn my knowledges about weight lifting to become just like me so they get somewhat friendly. But you cant be friend with everyone, right? Also the more you age, the more you understand that your life revolves only around two or three at most, truly meaningful relationships, we arent designed for more. Men on steroids due to the artificial effects of drugs on the biochemical processes in their brains think everyone is in love with them, that everyone respects them, that they are living gods. Of course it lasts as long as they re on. Both the feeling of being powerful, and the respect of others. I think nobody exists in their mind but themselves. I went thru that when i started lifting weights and figured the impact it had on others. But i was too well educated fromt he beginning to sink into the extremes these people with bad (or no) advisers followed. They mostly despise/ignore me just like they ignore/despise anyone who isnt falling for their fake, bullshit personnality anyway, yet simultaneously instinctively think that i have something they could need later in life, when they grow up. Only later in life will they remember my behaviors and sayings, and figure that i understood what they just understand now, years before them. Exceptionnaly some of them are attracted by my personnality and start taking some of my stuff and introduce it into their own thought process, but they are often used to take without giving in return, so they cannot get much more from me while other more genuine people can. Fact is especially nowadays, you often have to teach people who want to interact with you, HOW TO INTERACT GIVING AS MUCH AS MUCH AS YOU ASK FIRST, because their parents abandonned religion, which was a unique systeme everybody followed in the interest of the majority, so everyone was following the same rules and principles. Give as much as you ask. Be polite. Dont be self centered, have empathy. These people just attempt to fuck other people in the ass to get what they want -and  worse, more and more take pleasure in this-, just because that's how their -divorced- parents interacted in front of them during their whole childhood/adolescence. These new generations have been raised by single mothers, with no or poor father figures, with no principles that are superior to themselves. They think they are god himself. They all think they are god. Immature, violent, emotionless, manipulative kids who use all their knowledges to their sole and only benefit. Thank socialism, capitalism , feminism, and the destruction of Christianity, the Father, and the family.

Again these people are on drugs because they cant deal with real life without them, they re just living in an illusion  waiting to dissipate at some point in life just like all other illusions. I believed in illusions too, so i understand where they re at. And that it's useless to convince people they are acting dumb by sheer ignorance until they didnt find it out by themselves, often while destroying relationships with really meaningful loved ones. When it happens, i become important to them, and they leave the fake personnality at the door. The re often coming from families filled with addictive behaviors, who have a hard time finding a right middle in what they do or think. I know too well what s really at work deep in the background, and how useless it would be while they re on an artificially produced chemical rush to talk some sense into them.

They are not humans. As real humans deal with reality without the help of drugs. They re enhanced, yet psychologically fragile, colossus with weak feet. Sooner or later it will be proven, and they ll be the creators of their own despair. It's all in the head, first and foremost. Appearence and behaviors are only the result of what's in the head. And what's in the head is programmed originally by the way you ve been loved, the way you interacted with your caregivers.

I wont even comment on the younger kids who just happened to discover weight lifting, sport all the disguise accessories, wether they re on steroids or not. It's useless to waste any energy talking some sense into them at that stage. Is there really a need to mention 99,9% of them are left without a decent father figure?

I cover my muscles 95% of the time and only reveal them ponctually once in a while just to remember people that the fitness level of my body is superior to theirs, as a main strategy of survival "outside". I dont take any pleasure in doing so, more like i'm forced to because i m with dumb people subconsciouly following dumb principles that make everyone feel shitty. I have to play the game with the animals as i m sometime forced to evolve in their vicinity. But it's only happening in environments filled with dumb or intellectually average individuals. This shit doesnt happen when you re dealing with the smartest and genuinely empathic individuals on earth.  
The more you age the less it matters much to be the bigger fish in the pond, as there s always a new bigger one in it, the more brains are needed instead of muscles. It's called growing up , maturing. If past 30 you re still into impressing other men showing off muscles... it means you only understood 1% of what life is about. Also you cannot raise kids if you re only focusing on yourself being an immature kid yourself -because your parents who divorced/abandonned you were immatures kids themselves; that 's what you learned subconsciously, to reproduce their thought processes and behaviors-.

Something guys in their 40s or even 60s still didnt understand. Age has nothing to do with being wise , especially nowadays with older people attempting to become kids again as death approaches. They fear death because they havent been prepared to face it, because they abandoned religion, which precisely is intended to prepare you for this event. If you re not prepared, you re fearing it -like a kid- and you adopt bullshit strategies that only show you re not prepared to those who are.
Education, genuine love and spirituality and facing life with humility, with a fully developped consciousness, without using any shortcuts, are what make you wiser.

A nice lesson of humility is when i play basketball outdoor with some random teens in summer, and realizes that my legs and knees , as muscular and fit i am, are hurting only after 15/20 minutes of play. I also cant even fucking breath anymore and need to rest for like 30 minutes afterwards. I might be muscular and fit, but there are only very few people that benefit from it; me and my loved ones. If i can inspire others, when they deserve it and ask for my knowledges to improve their own chances of survival and if they give me something i actually could need in return , it's all good. But it only happens like 0,01 % of the time. These kids tell me that they re impressed by my physique, that it motivates them and they hope they look that good at my age.

 I answer by telling them ... to focus on studies and family instead of basketball and "being the biggest/baddest fish in the shitty pond" they re forced to swim in with others badly raised kids like them. Again, is anyone surprised these kids see me as a father figure considering they ve had none or terrible ones?

This is why you should never abuse adderall


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #65 on: September 27, 2011, 09:05:56 AM »
Some of them are impressed, real positive...others get "defensive"  ::).

Some get to you asking for advice, they seem positive and when you turn your back they are backstabing you.

Its really mixed..

I often hear "health" lectures from fat fucks or hasbeens...smiles from women and tough "stares" from their bfriends.

Its always the same "My cousin/aunt/brother etc is bigger than you"..."I was the same size, maybe bigger at your age" phrases.

Ive got used to them all.
I love that one. "When I was your age blah, blah blah" It's like, no you werent. I'm jacked, you're a has-been


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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #66 on: September 27, 2011, 09:26:36 AM »
I used to teach high school and I think my build helped a lot in class with discipline. I never had any trouble with kids who were supposedly troublemakers - they just shut up and got on with their work and I had really good relationships with them. I always tried to treat the kids with respect anyway, but the supposed problem kids used to respond straight away, so I figure it must have have been something to do with how I looked. I was also the only school teacher all the graduating babes came to hug at the end of year - which wasn't all that hard to take.  ;)


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Re: How does people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #67 on: September 27, 2011, 10:29:50 AM »
Pretty non-committal - I never really show off my physique outside of the gym and most people who don't know me just think I'm a rugby player or something. The ones that do know I train aren't that bothered but they usually ask the odd diet question or tell me they know "someone" who is "bigger" than me but they've now "stopped training" and all that muscle has "somehow" turned to fat.

the "I know someone bigger than you" and "muscle turned to fat" seems to be universal. I've heard those quite some times over the years aswell.

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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #68 on: September 27, 2011, 10:36:34 AM »
I work in an office so I get asked to move file cabinets a lot.   Also, how much ya bench is a constant classic.


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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #69 on: September 27, 2011, 10:40:15 AM »
I work in an office so I get asked to move file cabinets a lot.   Also, how much ya bench is a constant classic.

Answer them Getbig style: As foreplay I bench your mom 100x


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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #70 on: September 27, 2011, 10:40:47 AM »
Are they intrigued?, disgusted?, jealous?, positive? Do they openly stare?

they think I have a small cock.


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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #71 on: September 27, 2011, 10:40:53 AM »
they love to regurgitate some shit they have read on the net, like "I'm doing squats coz they make you grow all over" etc. Or the perfect time to hit the "fat burning zone" for cardio. Brutal.


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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #72 on: September 27, 2011, 11:05:47 AM »
Are they intrigued?, disgusted?, jealous?, positive? Do they openly stare?

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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #73 on: September 27, 2011, 11:07:36 AM »
they think I have a small cock.

And you have a small cock because of hormone side effect?  ;D


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Re: How do people respond to your muscularity?
« Reply #74 on: September 27, 2011, 12:12:33 PM »
And you have a small cock because of hormone side effect?  ;D

No, it has nothing to do with steroids, i was born with it. :)