Author Topic: ARNOLD CLASSIC HEADS TO EUROPE! - IFBB PRES. RAFAEL SANTONJA (Listen Now)  (Read 15797 times)


  • Getbig II
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PBW Announcement - Episode #239
Arnold Classic Heads to Europe! - Special Guest: IFBB President Rafael Santonja
Schwarzenegger Brings Event to Madrid.  --  Allan Donnelly Discusses Mumbai Visit and Bodybuilding's New King!

This Week on PBW:  After more than 20 succesful years in Columbus, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Lorimer are bringing their "Arnold Classic" to Madrid Spain this weekend for the inaugural "Arnold Classic Europe". Tune in this week as bodybuilding talk radio takes a look at this landmark event, highlighted by the year's final battle between Dexter Jackson, Victor Martinez, Ronny Rockel, Toney Freeman, Flex Lewis, and an international lineup in search of the very first Arnold-Europe title.  --  Also on this week's show, Flex Magazine Editor-in-Chief Allan Donnelly stops by to tell us about his visit to Mumbai and the impact that our new champion is already having on the sport.  Presented by MuscleTech, "Pro Bodybuilding Weekly" airs on Mondays at 8pm ET.
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Presented by MuscleTech and brought to you by and Flex Magazine.
Additional sponsors include Xenadrine, Six Star Muscle, MAP, and BodySpace!
PBW: The Official radio show of Joe Weider's Olympia Weekend.
The presenting sponsor of the annual "Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships" in Tampa, FL
and a proud supporter of the NPC USA Championships

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  • Getbig V
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How much does Arnold make on these events?  I remember Lorimer once saying that it was all on a handshake deal.


  • Getbig IV
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It took a lot of work to listen to Rafael.

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what will be the 3rd continent to host an Arnold Classic?


  • Getbig III
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There are plans to host the Arnold Classic in Brazil in 2012