Author Topic: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t  (Read 6736 times)

the trainer

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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2011, 01:52:08 PM »
Alright real simple, just woke up a couple of hours ago and can't get to the gym because I feel like dog shit, so I have to ask what gets you there.

 this is where you find out how mentally strong you are, drink a strong cup of coffee look at a youtube video of ronnie coleman or dorian yates training then get your ass to the gym.


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2011, 02:02:26 PM »
meaning sick? or just lazy? because if I'm sick I stand clear of the gym because it's only gonna make things worse , if I'm lazy I go because it's exactly the time you should go , when you want to the least .  I'm in and out in less than an hour so it's not that big of deal even if you don't go balls out
Meh I slept way to long last night like 10 hours or some shit, after not sleeping all week so I just feel out of my routine. Anyhow I've since decided to go for a run and do some heavy lifting tomorrow. I was suppose to meet this chick tonight and wanted a pump on before going out, but whatever it's postponed until tomorrow so all is good. Anyhow to all the folks that haven't done shit since this thread was started eat shit and die. ;)


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2011, 02:03:15 PM »
my constant need to get laid.
if I look good I get it more.


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2011, 02:05:21 PM »
Alright real simple, just woke up a couple of hours ago and can't get to the gym because I feel like dog shit, so I have to ask what gets you there.

Jerk off. If i feel a lack of energy or tired from a big meal jerking off gives me a boost of energy. No joke.

I'm 23 though.


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2011, 02:07:32 PM »
Depends what you mean by "feeling like shit". If you can feel an illness coming on or you haven't recovered properly from the previous workout then don't go - come back again another day and hit it hard. On the other hand if you're just a bit tired then get up off your ass and train - no excuse for laziness. Get some decent music on the go and get a good meal in before training. Some of my best workouts have been done when I've been "feeling like shit" an hour earlier. Other days I've been feeling great and had bad workouts - can never understand it.


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2011, 02:28:10 PM »
Depends what you mean by "feeling like shit". If you can feel an illness coming on or you haven't recovered properly from the previous workout then don't go - come back again another day and hit it hard. On the other hand if you're just a bit tired then get up off your ass and train - no excuse for laziness. Get some decent music on the go and get a good meal in before training. Some of my best workouts have been done when I've been "feeling like shit" an hour earlier. Other days I've been feeling great and had bad workouts - can never understand it.

Been off since Monday with a cold. I was going to go to the gym this afternoon because I feel better. However, I am still coughing. The last thing I want to do is have this shitting cold last any longer....I let my wife talk me into not going to the gym today. Looks like I'll be giving myself a full week to recover at this point. Bummer!

I agree that some of my best workouts have been when I really didn't feel like going to the gym but I went anyway. Once one starts pumping the weights the mood of the moment takes over, I believe. Not sure about the meal before training. Doesn't eating a big meal usually make one feel rather lethargic? I have also had days when I was in a great mood, really looking forward to the gym and then had a disappointing workout. It's just crazy!


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2011, 03:25:41 PM »
Alright real simple, just woke up a couple of hours ago and can't get to the gym because I feel like dog shit, so I have to ask what gets you there.

If you have to ask then there's really no point in going.


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2011, 03:32:33 PM »
Alright real simple, just woke up a couple of hours ago and can't get to the gym because I feel like dog shit, so I have to ask what gets you there.

I am not sure what dog shit feels like....I use a pooper scooper to clean up after my dogs. Kidding aside, it depends on why you feel like shit on whether you should even go to the gym. If you're hung over, for example, you might want to rethink your priorities. Alcohol and working out don't mix well.

Obvious Gimmick

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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2011, 03:43:17 PM »
Hoping there a hot chicks dude in spandex working out.



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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2011, 11:48:19 PM »
this is where you find out how mentally strong you are, drink a strong cup of coffee look at a youtube video of ronnie coleman or dorian yates training then get your ass to the gym.
Sometimes I wonder what the guys back then did when they were not feeling like working out.

Was Arnold, Serge etc bitch on the boards about feeling like shit? No lol

Ronnie, Dorian...did they have youtube and all this crap back then? No

So get your ass to the gym.


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #35 on: October 08, 2011, 06:10:09 AM »
it helps not having anything better to do.

the anabolic mon

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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #36 on: October 08, 2011, 06:30:43 AM »


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #37 on: October 08, 2011, 07:56:27 AM »
If this don't do it sell your belt and straps  ;D
Check out Ronnie at 1:08   :o

and what would you recommend for the intelligent part of the ''getbig'' population?


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #38 on: October 08, 2011, 08:16:29 AM »
Maybe you feel like shit on those days because somehow , deep inside you, you know that you should be doing something different, more fulfiling, like reading, meditating, taking care of someone else, instead of blindly focusing on your muscular mass, on your desire to ''dominate'' others, solely, and every day that passes. You ceases to exist when you only focus on yourself for too long. You re not part of the big thing anymore.

maybe your feeling of boredom actually has a purpose but you just dont see it cause you re emotionnaly, spiritually, not mature enough. We have a body, And a mind, both require balanced care.

Fact is the more you keep forcing yourself to do it, the less you enjoy it.

Also we are designed to get addicted. Everything is addiction. There are just good, pro life, and bad, anti life, addictions. Working, taking care of ourselves and others, eating, drinking, everything is addiction. And everything is conditionning. The more you re exposed to a conditionning, the more you re conditionned. The less you re exposed to a conditionning... and so on. At some point in life you re supposed to pick the conditionnings that suit you -your survival-.

Physical activity is an addiction, it produces chemicals of hapiness in the brain, but as for all addictions, at some points, you need more and more of it to get satisfied. Problem is, when you abuse physical conditionning because you re addicted to its effect on your body and mind, you get burned and are at risk of hurting your body -and mind.

At this point, it s to find something else to fulfill your feeling of well being, which requires more than just lifting weights.

Lot of huge guys...with an empty, bored, angry face... they re big...yeah, and they keep getting bigger...they keep...injecting. Yet are as miserable as when they were ''small''. Looks like they re missing something. Looks like there are things they should do that would make them truly happier, like 9 times out of ten, getting a better education, job etc,taking a bigger care for others instead of only focusing on themselves. Is it anywonder most people who are deeply addicted to physical conditionnings are often sons and daughters of separated parents? All destructive addictive behaviors come from the divorce between the caregivers. Balanced people, balanced minds, are produced by parents who stay together and face life together. Which conditions kids to face life with hope , without falling for the extremes.

These meatheads, would be a lot more satisfied by working on their mind instead of hammering constantly their bodies. But..they re lazy. It s easier to just lift weights and get bigger, easier than facing the other aspects of life that should truly be changed. They force themselves over time to be satisfied by their physique, because that s all they can do and the older they get, the less energy they find to do something else. They solely focus on impressing naive people with a low self esteem, solely focus on aggresively threaten others with the only thing they have. With the same tricks, over and over, they end alone in their 50s and all they can do is flex their biceps again and again until they cant anymore, the siliness of the whole thing has become to staggering, even to them. Let s hope that at this point in their existence at least they have a woman with them who will still have some pity for their sad character. They end exactly like their hero, their role model, arnold s. , hulk h, brock l...And it s only at this point they understand. But for them, it's too late.

They re too used to abandon the use of their brain , they re becoming walking cliches and feel worse and worse everyday that passes. They re not doing what they should be doing to get better. One day one of their internal organ fails, they have to stop steroids, and they become human like others again, small, and all they are left with, is their mind, their past they didnt solve, their fear of death, their fear of suffering that stems from traumas that occured in their childhood. No more artificial enhancement, no more chemical feeling of well being. The body, neurotransmitters, crash. They need drugs , anti depressants,sleeping pills,cause they have no soul, no faith, they never worked on their spirituality, they cant heal their mind, thoughts by themselves...they re not used to do so, they only relied on their physique all life long with others. Now they re left with nothing but  a shity selfish personnality.
Ohhh god.... here goes our local manic depressive in a 10 page bitch fest meltdown. Too long didn't read. I do however sense there i more estrogen in that post than at a baby shower for a single mom. You clearly are a miserable individual. Go play single player Russian Roulette.


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #39 on: October 08, 2011, 08:23:58 AM »
Don't care - just do it.
It's just one thing of the many things I like and if I put in that piece of the puzzle the picture I want to have gets clearer.


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Re: What gets you to the gym on days when you feel like sh/t
« Reply #40 on: October 09, 2011, 02:02:10 PM »
yup; a hot dude in spandex...unfortunately, the daddys in their 50s and 60s with muffin tops show up in them, too. not a pretty sight.