Author Topic: Perry skipping debates, now resorting to whisper campaigns to get MB votes  (Read 213 times)

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Michele Bachmann responded to the suggestion by a Tea Party group that she quit the presidential race by accusing Rick Perry of dirty tricks.

In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Friday, the Minnesota congresswoman blamed the Perry campaign for a blog post by American Majority calling for her to bow out of the 2012 race, though she admitted she had no evidence.

"Well, of course, we found out that this is really a misstep on the part of the Perry campaign because these are Perry supporters that came out," Bachmann said. "This was a clumsy move. This was meant to be a stealth move to make it look like this was Tea Party, and apparently, these are Perry supporters that came out and it was just a clumsy move on their part to make this statement."

"If Gov. Perry has something to say to me, he can come out to the debates and he say it. But this was clearly -- this egg on the face, unfortunately, for the Perry campaign. It certainly isn't a blow to my campaign because I've had non-stop support coming out of the woodwork from Tea Partiers all across the country ever since this came out," Bachmann continued.

On Wednesday, American Majority's president, Ned Ryun, wrote in a blog post that "It's time for Michele Bachmann to go."

"Since her meteoric rise this summer and win in the Iowa Straw poll, her campaign has been plagued by losses of top staff, lackluster fundraising and a seeming lack of direction," he wrote. "It is clear that the campaign has become less about reform and more about her personal effort to stay relevant and sell books; a harsh commentary, but true."

Blitzer asked Bachmann whether she had an evidence that the Perry campaign was behind the criticism.

"No, this is something that people have told us, that these are Perry supporters and they went out with this and this was meant to be a stealth move and it was clumsy," Bachmann replied.