i was looking in the mirror flexing my biceps christian bale style bb related cuz her glutes were pretty good developed
bb related cuz her glutes were pretty good developed
Erzaehlst du sowas deiner Familie auch?
Pfui, du hast kein Problem damit die Schwerter zu kreuzen? Also wenn ein 2ter erregierter Schwanz im Raum ist kann ich nicht, weiss nicht wie du das schaffst.
u 2 are fucking gaylords, no problem with fucking a bitch when there is another guy involved, that's how hetero i am
Actually what happened is this:He was getting dped by the guy and the girl with a strap-on.
don't talk to me, noob!
keep it coming bros
Bitch looks fat and ugly, sorry Ironneck.
What did she charge you ?
i know maaan she is not a model but fuckable so chillax broooos