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Re: Voter Fraud Thread
« Reply #75 on: May 10, 2012, 09:20:10 AM »
Sometimes I wonder how long your bullshit's gonna last.

Cause each post is like the one before last.

And you can take your comments and shove em up your ass.

I'd rather go out and lie in the grass.

And think about some pussy or some good ole Rock and Roll.


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Re: Voter Fraud Thread
« Reply #76 on: May 10, 2012, 09:21:39 AM »
Sometimes I wonder how long your bullshit's gonna last.

Cause each post is like the one before last.

And you can take your comments and shove em up your ass.

I'd rather go out and lie in the grass.

And think about some pussy or some good ole Rock and Roll.

Seek help.

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Re: Voter Fraud Thread
« Reply #77 on: May 15, 2012, 07:31:09 AM »
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Re: Voter Fraud Thread
« Reply #78 on: May 17, 2012, 12:33:05 PM »
53,000 Dead Voters Found in Florida
PJ Media ^ | 5-16-12 | J. Christian Adams

Posted on Thursday, May 17, 2012 2:29:48 PM by afraidfortherepublic

I have learned that Florida election officials are set to announce that the secretary of state has discovered and purged up to 53,000 dead voters from the voter rolls in Florida.

How could 53,000 dead voters have sat on the polls for so long? Simple. Because Florida hadn’t been using the best available data revealing which voters have died. Florida is now using the nationwide Social Security Death Index for determining which voters should be purged because they have died.

Here is the bad news. Most states aren’t using the same database that Florida is. In fact, I have heard reports that some election officials won’t even remove voters even when they are presented with a death certificate. That means that voter rolls across the nation still are filled with dead voters, even if Florida is leading the way in detecting and removing them.

AdvertisementBut surely people aren’t voting in the names of dead voters, the voter fraud deniers argue. Wrong.

Consider the case of Lafayette Keaton. Keaton not only voted for a dead person in Oregon, he voted for his dead son. Making Keaton’s fraud easier was Oregon’s vote by mail scheme, which has opened up gaping holes in the integrity of elections. The incident in Oregon just scratches the surface of the problem. Massachusetts and Mississippi are but two other examples of the dead rising on election day.

Florida should be applauded for taking the problem seriously, even if Eric Holder’s Justice Department and many state election officials don’t.

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Senate Democrats blast national security leak on Iran cyber-attack

 By Jeremy Herb - 06/05/12 03:02 PM ET

The Democratic chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday expressed worry that leaks to press about a cyber attack on Iran authorized by the Obama administration could lead to a counter-attack on the U.S.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) joined other senior Senate Democrats in expressing serious concerns about the leak, which detailed a cyber attack intended to harm Iran's nuclear program. Some Republicans argue the information was leaked to help President Obama's re-election campaign.

 Feinstein said the fact that the U.S. is launching cyber attacks against other countries could “to some extent” provide justification for cyberattacks against the U.S.

“This is like an avalanche. It is very detrimental and candidly, I found it very concerning,” Feinstein told reporters Tuesday. “There’s no question that this kind of thing hurts our country.”

Several Democrats noted the Iranian cyber leak is just the latest in a series of media reports about classified U.S. anti-terrorism activity.

“A number of those leaks, and others in the last months about drone activities and other activities are frankly all against national security interests,” said Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. “I think they’re dangerous, damaging, and whoever is doing that is not acting in the interest of the United States of America.”

Feinstein and Kerry, however, rejected Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) charge that the leaks were politically motivated to boost President Obama’s image.

Kerry said that he “categorically” rejected the accusations that the leaks were coming from the White House for political purposes.

And Feinstein said she did not think the White House leaked the cyber story for political purposes.

“That’s hard for me to believe,” she said.

A story in last week’s New York Times revealed U.S. involvement with the Stuxnet virus, a computer virus that was used against Iranian nuclear facilities and caused centrifuges to explode. The story detailed joint U.S. and Israeli efforts to develop the virus as well as conversations Obama had with his advisors on whether to continue the program when the virus became public in 2010. The story cited unnamed current and former U.S., Israeli and European officials.

McCain accused the White House of leaking the story for political purposes, a charge he continued to make on Tuesday as he has called for an investigation into the leak.

McCain and Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) are planning a colloquy on the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon to discuss the Stuxnet story, a McCain aide confirmed.

Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said that he had serious concerns about the cyberattack story going public, but said he didn’t know where the leaks came from.

“I just can’t believe that there’s a decision in any kind of a formal way to leak this kind of a thing,” Levin said. “I just cannot believe that.”

Senate Homeland Security Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-Ct.), an independent who caucuses with Democrats, called for an independent investigation into the leaks on Tuesday.

Asked if he thought there was a political side to the leaks, Lieberman told The Hill he did not know. “The mere fact that people suspect it is means that it ought to be investigated,” he said.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #80 on: June 06, 2012, 10:53:36 AM »
John McCain: Security leaks coming from ‘highest levels’ of White House
 The Hill ^ | 06/06/2012 | By Meghashyam Mali

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Wednesday blasted the Obama administration over the disclosure of classified intelligence operations, leaks he said came from the “highest levels” at the White House.

“This is the most highly classified information and it’s now been leaked by the administration at the highest levels at the White House and that’s not acceptable,” McCain said on CBS "This Morning."

On Tuesday, McCain said the Senate Armed Services Committee would hold hearings about leaks detailing a U.S. cyberattack against Iran’s nuclear program and called for a special counsel to investigate the matter. A report last week in The New York Times revealed how U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies used software viruses to disrupt work at an Iranian nuclear facility.

McCain suggested that the administration was leaking the information, which he called a “breach of national security,” to bolster Obama’s foreign-policy credentials ahead of November’s election.

“It makes the president look very decisive,” McCain said, “and it gives very little credit to the other men and women who make these things happen.”

“This puts American lives in danger, revealing our most highly classified operations both in cyberwar and in drones,” he said.

Senate Democrats have also expressed concerns about the leaks, but rebuffed suggestions that administration officials hope to gain politically from the disclosures.

“I just can’t believe that there’s a decision in any kind of a formal way to leak this kind of a thing,” Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said on Tuesday.

McCain said that even if the disclosures came from non-administration sources, White House officials should have refused to confirm sensitive, classified details to reporters.

“All they had to do was say ‘this is classified information and we won’t discuss it.’ And administration officials at the highest levels confirmed these facts, they obviously shouldn’t have done that.”

He warned that the leaks could harm American efforts against al Qaeda, which he said ways “making a comeback in Iran.”

The Arizona senator also said that the leaking of national security secrets had a “human side.”

“The doctor who helped us with eliminating [Osama] bin Laden, he was identified and shouldn’t have been. He’s now been sentenced to 33 years in prison,” he said.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #81 on: June 06, 2012, 11:06:36 AM »
Source: FBI looks into possible White House leaks ^ | June 6, 2012

Posted on Wednesday, June 06, 2012 1:59:55 PM by Free ThinkerNY

(CNN) - The FBI has begun an investigation into apparent leaks of classified information involving a U.S. cyberwarfare program against Iran, a U.S. official said Wednesday.

FBI spokesman Paul Bresson had no comment on the reported investigation.

Some leading senators have called for a congressional inquiry as well.

But the White House pushed back Wednesday against suggestions that it could be leaking classified information for political purposes.

"This administration takes all appropriate and necessary steps to prevent leaks of classified information or sensitive information that could risk ongoing counterterrorism or intelligence operations," Carney said aboard Air Force One as the president traveled to campaign events on the West Coast.

"Any suggestion that this administration has authorized intentional leaks of classified information for political gain is grossly irresponsible."

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #82 on: June 07, 2012, 05:47:32 PM »
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Pattern of White House Leaks Threatens Nation’s Security
newsmax ^ | r kessler
Posted on June 7, 2012 8:42:04 PM EDT by bestintxas

An accelerating series of leaks of classified information all have two things in common: They directly endanger national security, and the stories reporting on them paint President Obama as a hero.

News reports on Tuesday disclosed that the FBI is probing the leaking of information about a classified U.S. cyberattack program aimed at Iran’s nuclear facilities, but a close look at recent developments uncovers a broad and disturbing pattern of leaks of some of the nation’s most guarded secrets by the Obama administration.

John Brennan, Obama’s counterterrorism chief, set the tone a year ago when he went on national television immediately after the killing of Osama bin Laden and gave a highly detailed account of the top-secret operation.

Defense Secretary Bob Gates, for one, was shocked.

“Too many people in too many places are talking too much about this operation,” Gates said, adding that the level of disclosures and blabbing violates an agreement reached in the White House Situation Room on May 8, 2011, to keep details of the raid private.

“That lasted about 15 hours,” Gates said with chagrin.

Then came disclosures that directly revealed secrets helpful to the enemy, could endanger lives, and undermine trust by other countries and potential informants in U.S. intelligence operations.

Soon after the bin Laden raid, word began leaking to the press that a Pakistani doctor had helped the CIA operation.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #83 on: June 08, 2012, 10:04:21 AM »
Lawmakers blast White House over leaks
By: Reid J. Epstein
June 7, 2012 02:26 PM EDT
Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill don’t agree on much these days, but they agree that the Obama administration has a serious problem with leaking classified information.

And with national security in the balance, a group of congressional leaders says there’s an urgent need to get things back in line.

“A special prosecutor can take years. We don’t have years. We need to legislate, and we need to do things quickly,” Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Thursday at a press conference of chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees.

(See also: 5 leaks that have Congress steamed)

The four legislators — Feinstein, Sen. Saxby Chambless (R-Ga.) and Reps. Mike Rogers (R-Mich) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) — said they met Thursday morning with James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, and will receive a briefing from FBI Director Robert Mueller later in the day.

But after a glut of stories about secret U.S. operations overseas – from an Associated Press reports of foiled Yemeni bomb plots to drone strikes in Pakistan to last week’s New York Times story confirming long-suspected U.S. involvement in development of the computer virus Stuxnet – they say it’s become clear that there’s a problem that the administration hasn’t been able to address on its own.

Last month’s revelation by Judicial Watch that the White House, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency allowed filmmakers unusual access to people involved in the planning and execution of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden has also caused concern.

Rogers said the bipartisan presence spoke to the seriousness of the issue. Of the leaks, he said: “It seems to be a pattern that is growing worse and more frequent. … Their inability to keep a secret, this has been as serious a problem as I have seen.”

Rogers also raised the possibility some of the leaks could be coming from the Justice Department of FBI. The Justice Department’s national security division has recused itself from part of the leak investigation, Rogers said.

“It appears the sources of these leaks could be in a position to influence the investigations,” he said.

Rogers later issued a “clarification statement,” saying he “did not intend to suggest” that just because the Justice Department’s national security division recused itself, the recent leaks emanated from Justice.

A Justice official said that it is not uncommon for members of the department to recuse themselves from investigations to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. That, the official said, does not suggest the person or department that recuses itself is culpable.

Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One on Thursday afternoon, White House press secretary Jay Carney said the president takes the leaks “very seriously,” and said the administration is taking “all appropriate and necessary steps to prevent leaks of classified information or sensitive information that could risk our counterterrorism operations.”

Carney said Obama is committed to transparency, “but he is also president and commander-in-chief, and he will not countenance the leaking of classified information that can harm our men and women in uniform, harm Americans who work on our national security, harm counterterrorism operations.”

Even with Feinstein’s call for a legislative response, Rogers still wants a special prosecutor to investigate the matter because, he said, a single investigator could find evidence of wrongdoing “within their chain of command.”

(Also on POLITICO: Newsweek forced NYT’s ‘Kill List’ story)

“I believe this warrants a fair and complete investigation,” he said in an interview Thursday afternoon on CNN. “Someone who would be able to have access to all elements, not just the intelligence community, not just the Department of Defense, but all elements that had access to this information.”

Carney said the president was not in favor of appointing a special prosecutor.

The Hill press conference came hours after Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) took the opportunity of Attorney General Eric Holder’s previously scheduled appearance to testify on the Fast & Furious scandal before the House Judiciary Committee as to accuse his department – which has prosecuted an unprecedented number of prosecutions of alleged leaks of national security matters – of failing vigilance.

“The Department of Justice has not taken the initiative to prosecute leaks of national security secrets,” he said.

The articles, which can be seen as painting President Barack Obama as a strong, decisive leader on national security issues, has Republicans in particular began protesting that the White House is leaking for political gain.

The FBI has already launched its own probe into who provided classified information.

Sen. John McCain’s on Wednesday alleged that the White House is parsing out classified information about supposedly secret activities for political gain.

McCain refused to back off his charge on Thursday.

“I absolutely stand by it,” McCain said.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), the House Homeland Security Committee chairman who also sits on the Intelligence Committee, on Thursday echoed McCain’s sentiment.

“It has to be for re-election,” King told POLITICO. “They can deny it all they want. But it would require a suspension of disbelief to believe its not being done for political purposes.”

King cited the AP’s drone story as an egregious breach of national security.

“I think it’s a pattern they have. The fact that [Obama adviser David] Axelrod is sitting in meetings when they are deciding how drone attacks are being carried out,” King said. “What the hell is he doing there?”

National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said Axelrod was in no such meetings.

Axelrod defended the administration on CNN.

”This administration has no interest in leaking classified information,” he said. “We don’t want to see it leaked from Capitol Hill, we don’t want to see it leaked from the administration. It’s not helpful.”

Axelrod said he’ll “let other people judge” whether the leaks are helpful to Obama and, when asked about a special council investigation the matter, said, “we would welcome anybody to look at anything.”

Vietor added that the White House would not comment on the specific stories, but said the administration was committed to preventing leaks on counterterrorism and intelligence operations.

”Any suggestion that the White House has leaked sensitive information for political purposes has no basis in fact, and has been denied by the authors themselves,” Vietor said. “As one of the authors of The New York Times story on Obama’s counterterrorism record said, ‘the notion that the White House prompted the story or controlled our reporting and writing is absurd.’”

Mitt Romney, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee who has repeatedly attacked Obama on his Iran policy, hasn’t addressed the leak issue. His campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday declined to comment on specific intelligence leaks, but added that she “always [has] concerns about any leaks and what they mean to our national security.” However, Pelosi – a former House Intelligence Committee member — criticized McCain for accusing the Obama administration for leaking information in order to boost President Barack Obama’s political standing.

“With all due respect to Senator McCain, for anybody to say that a leak – and I don’t care party, one way or another – that an intelligence leak is politically motivated is really, really a sad statement,” Pelosi told reporters on Thursday.

But that argument hasn’t assuaged top Senate Democrats who have shared outrage. Sens. John Kerry and Feinstein expressed dismay over the leaks Wednesday, with Feinstein taking to CNN to denounce the “avalanche of leaks” that she said “puts our nation’s security in jeopardy.”

Josh Gerstein, Tim Mak and Scott Wong contributed reporting.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #84 on: June 08, 2012, 10:48:17 AM »
Obama spokesman: ‘No’ to independent probe of national security leaks ^

Posted on Friday, June 08, 2012 8:40:13 AM

President Barack Obama opposes the appointment of a special counsel to investigate whether vital national security secrets were improperly disclosed in a wave of news reports detailing sensitive operations, the White House said Thursday.

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________________________ _____________________

LOL, i wonder why? 

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #85 on: June 08, 2012, 02:50:10 PM »
Republicans on Leaks: Either President or Times Is Wrong

Both cannot be correct.

2:46 PM, Jun 8, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

President Obama at a press conference this morning insisted that high-level national security leaks are not coming from the White House. "The notion that my White House would purposefully release classified information is offensive," President Obama said.
But a Republican memo from the Senate Republican Policy Committee maintains that either the president or the New York Times is wrong.
"It would appear the President’s statement and the New York Times statements directly conflict with each other and cannot both be true at the same time," the memo states.
For proof, the memo highlights Obama's denial that the White House is responsible for the leaks and certain statements in the Times's stories.

"If that statement were meant to serve as a denial that the Obama Administration leaked classified information, it would appear to stand in direct contrast to the New York Times article describing the President’s personal involvement in a process  'to designate terrorists for kill or capture,'" the memo states. "One of the opening paragraphs described the methodology for compiling the story, saying 'three dozen' of the President’s 'current and former advisers' were interview sources for the story."
The memo cites another example that would seem to contradict the president's statement: "A second story, about cyberattacks on Iran nuclear facilities, citied discussions with 'officials involved in the program,' and went on to say that program 'remains highly classified.'"

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #86 on: June 08, 2012, 03:42:16 PM »
Pretty disturbing.  I don't think the president authorized this, but I would bet the farm his people are involved.  "Plausible deniability" aside, however, the buck stops with him.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #87 on: June 08, 2012, 04:24:15 PM »
Attorney General Holder appoints 2 prosecutors to oversee leak probes. ^ | 06/08/12 | Unattributed

BREAKING: Attorney General Holder appoints two prosecutors to oversee leak probes

LMFAO! ! ! ! !

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #88 on: June 08, 2012, 06:34:00 PM »
Obama to nominate Machen to be District's top prosecutor [2009 -- Leaks investigator is Obama donor]
The Washington Post ^ | December 24, 2009 | Del Quentin Wilber
Posted on June 8, 2012 9:04:46 PM EDT by Hunton Peck


Machen, who lives in Silver Spring, is expected to move to the District while he holds down the job.

Over the years, he has donated $4,350 to Obama's campaigns. He gave $250 to Obama's U.S. Senate campaign in 2003, a year before Obama, then an Illinois state senator, emerged on the nation's political radar, according to campaign finance records.

The U.S. attorney job is one of the most coveted in federal law enforcement. As the District's top law enforcement official, the U.S. attorney oversees the largest federal prosecutors office in the country, with about 340 prosecutors who handle local and federal criminal cases.

The District does not have an elected local prosecutor.

The Justice Department has declined to release any details about the office's budget. Some of the nation's highest-profile crimes are handled by the District's federal prosecutors.

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WTF!!!!!   This is the guy holder has investigating the leaks. 


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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #89 on: June 08, 2012, 06:47:12 PM »
Ridiculous.  At least get someone who hasn't donated to Obama's campaign.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #90 on: June 08, 2012, 06:49:08 PM »
Ridiculous.  At least get someone who hasn't donated to Obama's campaign.

People ask me why I consider Obama a communist thug and the worst corrupt thug in my lifetime and this is a perfect example.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #91 on: June 08, 2012, 07:13:33 PM »
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EDITORIAL: Obama, the leaker in chief
The Washington Times ^ | June 8, 2012 | Editorial
Posted on June 8, 2012 7:51:19 PM EDT by jazusamo

Politics trumps national security in Barack’s White House

President Obama takes umbrage at the idea that a spate of leaks of highly classified national-security information is somehow purposefully intended to bolster his leadership credentials. His resistance to an independent investigation will only make things worse for him. The Obama White House is leaking like a sieve. Trying to cover it up will only make the scandal bigger.

On Friday, Mr. Obama took the charges of selective leaks head-on: “The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national-security information is offensive,” he said. “It’s wrong, and people I think need to have a better sense of how I approach this office and how the people around me here approach this office.” His protestations carry little credibility. On the previous day, the White House rejected a bipartisan call by leaders of the House and Senate intelligence committees to appoint a special counsel to investigate the leaks.

Even very liberal legislators are worried about the brewing crisis of administration staff leaks. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, told CNN on Thursday, “I’ve been on the Intelligence Committee for 11 years and I have never seen it worse.” Mr. Obama’s high dudgeon about the temerity of accusations of White House impropriety will not be enough to save his team from scrutiny.

There have been leaks about drone strikes, U.S. special operations and foreign classified information such as Israel’s alleged deal with Azerbaijan to support a military strike against Iran...

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #92 on: June 08, 2012, 10:36:50 PM »

Americans have always been cowards on racial issues.

Eric Holder is a patriot who loves his country.

You extremist tea party types are nothing better than ignorant bigots.

I hate white people and hope they die painfully.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #93 on: June 10, 2012, 06:57:55 AM »

The Obama administration is keeping open secrets
White House is tight-lipped on drone warfare but has released a gusher of information on other sensitive matters
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Friday, June 8, 2012, 4:10 AM.












The administration has said next to nothing about its drones -- but can't seem to keep silent about other subjects.

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On the one hand, the Obama administration, citing national security, asserts that the American public has little right to know anything, even after the fact, about a drone campaign that has killed many Al Qaeda terrorists.
On the other hand, the administration has turned into a veritable sieve on a range of sensitive national security matters.
Readers have been treated to detailed insider accounts of American victories in cyberwarfare against Iran and in special operations against Osama Bin Laden.
They have also been afforded a fly-on-the-wall account — on the administration’s terms — of the President’s role in approving terrorists for targeting on a “kill list.”
The selectivity — or, less charitably, hypocrisy — must stop.
Exhibit A is the White House’s treatment of drone warfare, an essential tactic in the fight against Al Qaeda. By one unofficial count gathered from media reports, drones have struck more than 300 times in Pakistan alone, killing between 1,800 and 2,800 people.
Yet when Obama counterterrorism adviser John Brennan spoke in broad terms about the program in April, it was the first official administration acknowledgment that armed drones are being used at all.
Indeed, since these attacks are considered deniable covert CIA actions, the administration will not even cop to the existence of such operations in court.
This is wrongheaded. The U.S. should confirm an act of war broadly known to allies and enemies alike. Secretary of State Clinton, who supports more openness to be able to counter rampant and often unfounded claims of civilian deaths, is right.
Exhibit B are revelations from inside the national security apparatus, released, it seems likely, to burnish Obama’s credentials in the runup to the fall election.
“Confront and Conceal,” a new book by The New York Times’ David Sanger, is packed with nuggets, including a blow-by-blow account of the development and deployment of the Stuxnet computer malware against Iran.
Daniel Klaidman’s just-released book, “Kill or Capture,” featured in an extensive New York Times report, reveals potentially classified information about the drone campaign.
Serious questions have even been raised about whether movie producers were given exclusive and inappropriate access to information about the Osama Bin Laden kill.
What makes these disclosures especially glaring: The administration has been particularly vigorous in prosecuting leaks — bringing six cases under the Espionage Act alone, part of what expert Gabriel Schoenfeld calls “the most draconian crackdown on leaks in our history — even more so than Nixon.”
There is a strange disconnect between the fervor of these efforts and the enthusiasm of high-level disclosures.
On Wednesday, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, expressed what has become a common frustration on Capitol Hill:
“What we’re seeing is . . . an avalanche of leaks. And it’s very, very disturbing. You know, it’s dismayed our allies. It puts American lives in jeopardy. It puts our nation’s security in jeopardy.”
Feinstein would not rule out signing on to a proposal by Republican Sen. John McCain to authorize a special counsel to investigate.
On Thursday afternoon, the bipartisan leaders of House and Senate panels were set to hold an unusual joint news conference on the subject.
May they hold feet firmly to the fire.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #94 on: June 10, 2012, 03:18:23 PM »
David Axelrod Says Classified Leaks Not From White House
Yahoo ^ | 6/10/12 | George Stephanopoulos

David Axelrod Says Classified Leaks Not From White House
By George Stephanopoulos | ABC OTUS News – 5 hrs ago

Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod said he is confident that newly launched investigations will show that recent leaks on classified national security information did not come from the White House.

"I think the authors of all of this work have said that the White House was not the source of this information," Axelrod told me this morning on "This Week." "I can't say that there weren't leaks. There were obvious leaks, but they weren't from the White House."

Axelrod said Obama takes all "life or death decisions" on national security seriously, and that the White House would not leak information that may jeopardize classified operations.

"He understands that when he commits people to missions that their lives are at stake, and the safety of Americans are at stake," Axelrod said. "And the last thing that he would countenance or anybody around him would countenance are leaks that would jeopardize the security of Americans on these secret missions, and the success of those missions."

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #95 on: June 10, 2012, 03:19:56 PM »
Oh No You Didn't: Mossad Agents Claim Obama Lying About Stuxnet ^ | 6/10/12 | Joel B. Pollak

Posted on Sunday, June 10, 2012 2:35:58 PM by ColdOne

Israeli officials who were placed at risk by the Obama administration's leaks about the Stuxnet virus are disputing American claims that the cyber-weapon was jointly developed by the U.S. and Israel. Rather, they say, Israeli intelligence first started developing cyberspace warfare against Iran, only convincing the U.S.--with some difficulty--to join in. The Israelis allege that President Barack Obama claimed credit for Stuxnet to boost his re-election campaign.

The source for the new claim is Yossi Melman, a journalist for Israel's left-wing Ha'aretz daily (via Israel Matzav):

The Israeli officials actually told me a different version. They said that it was Israeli intelligence that began, a few years earlier, a cyberspace campaign to damage and slow down Iran’s nuclear intentions. And only later they managed to convince the USA to consider a joint operation — which, at the time, was unheard of. Even friendly nations are hesitant to share their technological and intelligence resources against a common enemy...

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #96 on: June 10, 2012, 03:21:54 PM »
Rep. King: Obama using leaks to build image, trying to be like 'John Wayne' ^ | June 10, 2012 | unattributed

Posted on Sunday, June 10, 2012 3:53:09 PM by Hunton Peck

A top House Republican on Sunday rejected President Obama's claim that recent security leaks did not come from the White House, accusing the president of using the leaks -- which detailed the administration's counterterror programs -- to "build up his reputation" before November.

"He's trying to be like George Patton or John Wayne," Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., told Fox News.

The gloves-off accusations from the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee follow Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to appoint two U.S. attorneys to investigate possible unauthorized leaks of classified information.

Since that announcement Friday, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have called on the prosecutors to get to the bottom of recent newspaper stories that contained sensitive information on top-secret programs. They included reports on the campaign of cyber-warfare against Iran, the U.S. drone program and a foiled terror plot from an Al Qaeda affiliate.

Obama on Friday assailed as "offensive" and "wrong" the idea that his White House would "purposely release" classified security information.

But King, speaking with Fox News, said the leaks had to have come from the president's inner circle.

"This is the most shameful cascade of leaks I've ever heard or seen in government," he said. "It's clear from those stories this came right from the White House, came right from the National Security Council, came right from the Situation Room. ... It has to lead to people very high up in the administration in his White House."

King, R-N.Y., alleged that the leaks must have been "approved from the top," and accused the president of grandstanding in an election year.

"I give him credit for a lot that he's done on overseas terrorism. There's no need, though, to put the nation's security at risk by trying to build up his reputation for the...

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #97 on: June 10, 2012, 06:35:52 PM »
Israel: Stuxnet Is Our Baby – Obama Disclosed It For Reelection Campaign
Gateway Pundit ^ | June 10,2012 | Jim Hoft
Posted on June 10, 2012 3:33:20 PM EDT by Hojczyk

Israeli Mossad agents told Haaretz that Stuxnet was developed by Mossad and not the Bush Administration. The agents also claim the Obama Administration disclosed the program to help Barack Obama’s reelection campaign. Israel Matzav reported.

A group of Mossad agents speaking with Haaretz’s Yossi Melman on condition of anonymity have said that the Mossad – and not the Bush administration – developed Stuxnet, and that President Obama is now trying to take credit for it in a bid to help his reelection campaign (Hat Tip: MFS – The Other News via Atlantic Wire). Please recall the David Sanger piece in the New York Times about Stuxnet, which I blogged last week, which claimed that the Bush administration had begun developing Stuxnet, that President Obama had ordered it accelerated, and that Israel had only joined in later. Now, look at what Melman has to say about it.

The Israeli officials actually told me a different version. They said that it was Israeli intelligence that began, a few years earlier, a cyberspace campaign to damage and slow down Iran’s nuclear intentions. And only later they managed to convince the USA to consider a joint operation — which, at the time, was unheard of. Even friendly nations are hesitant to share their technological and intelligence resources against a common enemy.

More… John McCain told CNN today the Obama Administration is behind the security leaks.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #98 on: June 10, 2012, 06:38:25 PM »
Dianne Feinstein vents ire over 'avalanche of leaks' (Sen. Feinstein compares Obama to Hitler)
Politico ^ | 6-10-2012
Posted on June 10, 2012 7:15:47 PM EDT by reagandemocrat

Dianne Feinstein vents ire over 'avalanche of leaks'

In a televised interview Wednesday, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein repeatedly vented her ire over leaks of classified information and she signaled that she favors a more aggressive crackdown on those who are passing national security secrets to the press.

"What we're an Anschluss, an avalanche of leaks. And it's very, very disturbing. You know, it's dismayed our allies. It puts American lives in jeopardy. It puts our nation's security in jeopardy," Feinstein (D-Calif.) said on CNN's "Situation Room" program. She said the Senate Intelligence Committee plans to meet Thursday morning with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to discuss the issue.

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Barack Kardashian strikes again. 

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #99 on: June 10, 2012, 07:06:38 PM »
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David Axelrod Says Classified Leaks Not From White House
Yahoo ^ | 6/10/12 | George Stephanopoulos
Posted on June 10, 2012 4:10:04 PM EDT by Libloather

David Axelrod Says Classified Leaks Not From White House
By George Stephanopoulos | ABC OTUS News – 5 hrs ago

Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod said he is confident that newly launched investigations will show that recent leaks on classified national security information did not come from the White House.

"I think the authors of all of this work have said that the White House was not the source of this information," Axelrod told me this morning on "This Week." "I can't say that there weren't leaks. There were obvious leaks, but they weren't from the White House."

Axelrod said Obama takes all "life or death decisions" on national security seriously, and that the White House would not leak information that may jeopardize classified operations.

"He understands that when he commits people to missions that their lives are at stake, and the safety of Americans are at stake," Axelrod said. "And the last thing that he would countenance or anybody around him would countenance are leaks that would jeopardize the security of Americans on these secret missions, and the success of those missions."

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