Author Topic: State and National Level Cycles? (WOMEN)  (Read 1334 times)


  • Getbig II
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State and National Level Cycles? (WOMEN)
« on: January 13, 2012, 09:05:34 PM »
What kind of cycles are these figure and bikini girls running?

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: State and National Level Cycles? (WOMEN)
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 09:36:30 PM »
What kind of cycles are these figure and bikini girls running?

Anavar (main steroid)
Primobolan Depot (second choice steroid)
Winstrol (if they can tolerate it)
Equipoise (very, very low doses)
Primobolan (when there's no Primobolan Depot)
Testopel (subcutaneous testosterone implant pellets...growing in popularity)
HGH (low dose, 1-2iu)
Nolvadex (pre-show...2-4 wks prior)
Arimidex (a little rare, but still happens)


  • Getbig II
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Re: State and National Level Cycles? (WOMEN)
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 10:44:48 PM »
Anavar (main steroid)
Primobolan Depot (second choice steroid)
Winstrol (if they can tolerate it)
Equipoise (very, very low doses)
Primobolan (when there's no Primobolan Depot)
Testopel (subcutaneous testosterone implant pellets...growing in popularity)
HGH (low dose, 1-2iu)
Nolvadex (pre-show...2-4 wks prior)
Arimidex (a little rare, but still happens)

Thanks for that, it's pretty much what I expected LOL.  Chemical warfare all around us!  My wife has run two cycles of primo depot and liked it very much.  Sides were mild at 100mg per week. 
Which of these compounds is helping them get super shredded, I imagine the GH and clen/t3?
Anyone have any experience training women with any of these or any women here want to chime in?
I'm really curious about the winstrol, cause that seems like it could really help but it's super andronergic yes?  So virlization could be severe I think.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: State and National Level Cycles? (WOMEN)
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 12:56:10 AM »
Thanks for that, it's pretty much what I expected LOL.  Chemical warfare all around us!  My wife has run two cycles of primo depot and liked it very much.  Sides were mild at 100mg per week. 
Which of these compounds is helping them get super shredded, I imagine the GH and clen/t3?
Anyone have any experience training women with any of these or any women here want to chime in?
I'm really curious about the winstrol, cause that seems like it could really help but it's super andronergic yes?  So virlization could be severe I think.

HGH, Anavar, Clen and T3 are the main things...the Nolva helps give them a little dryer and tighter look before competition. Over the years of doing contest prep, the majority of my competitors have been female...anyone who does contest prep, in most cases most of your competitors will be women, after all, there's a bazillion more female competitors than males. Anyway, HGH, Anavar, Clen, T3 and Nolva, those are the primary items for the fitness look.

Winstrol can be OK, it's not that androgenic at's much more anabolic as are most DHT steroids. Even so, it seems to carry a higher rate of virilization than Anavar. Some women tolerate it well, some don''s a roll of the dice. Normally, if a woman can handle it, 10mg every other day is the way to go, some can handle more but the odds of virilization increase tremendously with each 5mg increase. I've only personally a couple of women tolerate 20mg every other day with no signs of virilization, but for most 10mg every other day is the cutoff point. Anyway, if she was to try winny at 10mg/eod and symptoms start to show, if she discontinues use immediately they'll fade away. It's when people ignore the symptoms and let them set in that real problems that can be irreversible occur.