Author Topic: Friday Obama news dump.  (Read 1778 times)


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Re: Friday Obama news dump.
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2012, 11:14:23 AM »
i'm really starting to believe you about the whole media conspiracy to bury really important stories like this and scotus/obamacare, under things like trayvon shooting.

i give credit, the top story on their home page isn't about trayvon.

it's about the #@&##^#@% LOTTERY lol.

You've really done your part, sheep. The 500 lies posts you've made about the shooting and the 1 asinine comment about Obamacare really show that you're different from the rest of them. lol.

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Re: Friday Obama news dump.
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2012, 11:45:52 AM »
You've really done your part, sheep. The 500 lies posts you've made about the shooting and the 1 asinine comment about Obamacare really show that you're different from the rest of them. lol.

1) I oppose obamacare.  i think it should have been 20 smaller bills, voted on 1 by 1 to help fix thigns but keep the garbage out.

2) i agree with you the media is about ratings, emotions, and divisive issues - not the shit that actually affects us.  Abortion, trayvon, and lottery are all shit that doesn't affect 99% of us.


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Re: Friday Obama news dump.
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2012, 01:14:31 PM »
Way to go Obama, banning drilling is really go to help your image with the voters, better go have someone shoot another kid so people wont pay attention.

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Re: Friday Obama news dump.
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2012, 01:20:50 PM »
Obama's Message To Iran: Civilian Nukes Okay ^ | April 6, 2012 | Daniel Tovrov

President Barack Obama sent a verbal message to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei by way of Turkey, stating for the first time that the United States would accept a civilian nuclear program in the Islamic Republic if there is a guarantee it will never be used militarily, the Washington Post reported.

Obama, in a statement relayed by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week, said that if Iran proved it was not building a nuclear weapon, then Washington would let Iran develop a peaceful nuclear program.

"It's a strange message to send," a critical Bret Stephens, the Wall Street Journal columnist, said on Fox News on Friday. "What's worrisome is that almost every country that has acquired nuclear weapons capability has done so through the ruse of a civilian nuclear program."

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Re: Friday Obama news dump.
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2012, 02:09:04 PM »
DOL forcing media to use government computers

by Mark Tapscott Editorial Page Editor

Unrest is simmering in some quarters of the Washington news universe regarding changes in the way the Department of Labor (DOL) manages its pre-release media “lockups” on sensitive data like weekly jobless benefits and unemployment.

For years, journalists participating in the lockups have shown up at DOL at the appointed time, then entered a limited-access area to receive the new data and prepare news stories for release as soon as official embargoes end.

The system insures that major news organizations get the data as soon as possible and allows journalists covering the release get a jump on providing analyses and opinion about the data.

But Carl Fillichio, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis’ top communications advisor, circulated a memo earlier this week to interested media informing them that everybody is being required to re-submit their credentials requests.

Fillichio reminded participants that there are only 20-30 seats available for the lockups and that priority will be given by DOL in selecting participants to those that “are primarily journalistic enterprises.”

He also offered a one-sentence assurance that “the department will not consider editorial or political viewpoints in making credentialing decisions.”

Whatever grumbling might be occasioned by being forced to go through the credentialing  process again, the element of the Fillichio memo that has journalists worried is this paragraph:

“Second, as a measure toward enhancing security in its main lockup facility (the DOL news room), the department will supply and maintain standardized equipment with a standard configuration for all participants. This change means that privately owned computer and telephone equipment, including hardware, software, cabling, wiring and Internet and telephone lines will be replaced with equipment owned by the department.”

In other words, journalists will no longer be allowed to bring their laptops or other equipment to the lockups, they will have to use government-supplied equipment, described by Fillichio as including “a virtualized desktop running a Windows operation system, a web browser, word-processing software, an Adobe Reader application and secure file transfer capability. Equipment provided will not have wireless networking capability. Provisions will be in place for news organizations to transmit their stories over the Internet.”

The changes evidently are in response at least in part to worries that some of the non-traditional news organizations allowed in recent years to participate in the lockups may not be using their access simply for journalistic purposes.

Since the stock market can rise or fall by hundreds of points as a result of such a data release, making sure nobody gets an advance peek at the data is critical to insuring the integrity of the process.

But some news organizations worry about having to use government equipment that could compromise their editors and reporters in preparing publishable charts, consulting previous stories and charts for comparison purposes, and reviewing prior stories for context and analyses.

They are also concerned that the whole process will slow down delivery of the news at a time when unemployment is high, the economy is in the doldrums and public concerns about future job prospects are unusually high.

Delays will make it more difficult for independent analysts to understand the new data and could give White House and DOL political appointees more time to blunt the impact of the negative news resulting from the data.

In addition, Fillichio’s promise not to consider editorial or political viewpoints is somewhat less than reassuring in view of his boss’s recent appearance in a poster distributed throughout DOL show Solis arm-in-arm with Rev. Al Sharpton, solidarity-style.

There are also rumblings about transferring control of the whole process from political appointees in DOL to career employees within the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The BLS has a spotless record of maintaining data integrity and insulation from political pressures to manipulate data content or release timing.  Solis and Fillichio are said to be quietly resisting efforts in Congress to shift control of the lockups to BLS.

Fillichio has scheduled a conference call for Monday with interested media to discuss the memo and implementation of the new system.

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Re: Friday Obama news dump.
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2012, 06:05:42 PM »
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Ousted Maldives President Claims Obama Approved Islamist Coup
breitbart ^ | 4/20/12 | Breitbart News
Posted on April 20, 2012 8:43:11 PM EDT by Nachum

The Washington Post reports that Mohamed Nasheed, the former president of Maldives, claims the United States has given legitimacy to the Islamist coup which deposed him.

Mohamed Nasheed won the presidency in Maldives’s first multiparty elections in 2008, after a lifetime advocating democracy and human rights and several long stints in jail.

Less than three years later, he was forced to resign by an angry mob of police officers and soldiers, in what he says was a coup engineered by his autocratic predecessor.

“We have to have an election,” he said in an interview while visiting the Indian capital, New Delhi. “In the absence of that, Islamic radicals are gaining strength in the Maldives.”

Nasheed, whose multiple instances of torture and imprisonment prevented him from witnessing the birth of his daughters, removed various Islamic prohibitions that created legal inequality for Maldives citizens.

He noted that he also restored diplomatic relations with Israel that had been suspended for three decades under Gayoom, advocated closer ties with the United States and Maldives’s giant neighbor India, introduced benefits for single mothers and tried to protect women forced by Islamic radicals to wear burqas and veils.

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Re: Friday Obama news dump.
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2012, 03:33:59 AM »
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New details in Fast & Furious
Tucson News Now ^ | Apr 20, 2012 | NA
Posted on April 21, 2012 2:44:21 AM EDT by neverdem

Congress has learned the most wanted man in the Fast and Furious investigation, Manuel Acosta, was allowed to traffic thousands of guns to Mexico.

Only after the death of Border Agent Brian Terry south of Tucson was Acosta's operation shut down.

He was arrested and released at least three times during the operation.

That's why congressional investigators suspect the justice department is unwilling to talk about Acosta's possible role as an informant.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz said, "We could have taken him in and prosecuted him anything. It's either total incompetence or maybe it's something a bit more coordinated that the Department of Justice is not willing yet to talk about."

"Somebody back in Washington was making terrible disastrous calls on this…and it's lead to the death of a lot of people," Chaffetz said.

Guns used by Acosta in two of these deadly incidents were both traced to Fast and Furious.

Copyright 2012 Fox Los Angeles. All rights reserved.

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Re: Friday Obama news dump.
« Reply #32 on: May 04, 2012, 02:12:09 PM »
Triple Play; Obama blows off Congress..
 thejerusalemconnection.u s ^ | ANDREW C. MCCARTHY

Posted on Friday, May 04, 2012

Triple Play; Obama Blows Off Congress, funds Palestinians, lies about PA stance on Israel

Friday night news dump: President Obama has decided to provide $192 million to the Palestinian Authority despite Congress’s freeze on PA funding after its president, Mahmoud Abbas, attempted to declare statehood unilaterally last September, in violation of the PA’s treaty commitments.

Obama’s “waiver” of the restrictions on Congress’s Palestinian Accountability Act was first reported in the foreign press (AFP), which is where Americans generally need to go to get news about what the U.S. administration is up to. A report from the Times of Israel is here. [Hat tip, creeping Sharia]. The New York Times, evidently too busy reporting on how much Israel sucks, did not find this story fit to print.

White House spinmeister Tommy Vietor stated that President Obama made the decision to pour American taxpayer dollars into Palestinian coffers in order to ensure “the continued viability of the moderate PA government.” He added the claim that, as the report puts it, “the PA had fulfilled all its major obligations, such as recognizing Israel’s right to exist, renouncing violence and accepting the Road Map for Peace.”

In the real world, the very immoderate PA has reneged on all its commitments. In addition to violating its obligations by unilaterally declaring statehood, the PA has also agreed to form a unity government with Hamas, a terrorist organization that is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The PA continues to endorse terrorism against Israel as “resistance.” Moreover, the PA most certainly does not recognize Israel’s right to exist. Back in November, for example, Adil Sadeq, a PA official writing in the official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, declared that Israelis

have a common mistake, or misconception by which they fool themselves, assuming that Fatah accepts them and recognizes the right of their state to exist, and that it is Hamas alone that loathes them and does not recognize the right of this state to exist. They ignore the fact that this state, based on a fabricated [Zionist] enterprise, never had any shred of a right to exist…

In sum, everything Obama is saying about Palestinian compliance is a lie. Even if we were not broke, we should not be giving the PA a dime. To borrow money so we can give it to them is truly nuts.

Will Congress do anything about it? There is a very simple answer to this: slash the executive branch’s budget. That is the weapon the framers gave Congress to rein in a corrupt, spendaholic executive branch. You could start with a treble damages rule: Obama gives $192 million to the PA against Congress’s directive, Congress responds by slashing $600 million out of the State Department’s budget. That would be start — though State would still have $51 billion left over to fund the Muslim Brotherhood and its other favorite Islamic supremacists.



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Re: Friday Obama news dump.
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2012, 05:15:15 PM »
Friday night news dump: White House salaries edition ^ | 6/29/12 | DONOVAN SLACK
Posted on June 30, 2012 1:44:03 PM EDT by ColdOne

The White House released its annual report to Congress on staff salaries. At 4:39 p.m. on Friday.

A quick review found the White House payroll appears to have grown since last year, going from $37.1 million in 2011 to $37.8 million in 2012. The number of employees listed also grew -- from 454 last year to 468 in 2012.

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