Author Topic: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)  (Read 34913 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #200 on: February 10, 2012, 07:01:58 AM »
Baptist Leader: If Obama Mandate isn't changed, Christians will go to jail.
LiteSiteNews ^ | February 8, 2012 | Ben Johnson

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, February 8, 2012, ( — One of the most influential evangelical leaders in the United States says Christians should go to jail rather than comply with the Obama administration’s mandate to provide all contraception, including abortion-inducing drugs, in their health care plans.

Dr. Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), told "we will not comply" with the Dept. of Health and Human Services’ mandate requiring religious institutions to cover abortifacient products such as Plan B, Ella, and the IUD.

"We want the law changed, or else we’re going to write our letters from the Nashville jail, just like Dr. King wrote his from the Birmingham jail," Dr. Land said.

Dr. Land wrote an op-ed on Tuesday with Barrett Duke, vice president for public policy and research at ERLC, calling his fellow Southern Baptists and evangelical Christians throughout America to oppose any infringement on the First Amendment.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #201 on: February 10, 2012, 07:05:48 AM »
why do you keep posting you already said he gave in,move on,go outside take a walk theres mor to life than this site

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #202 on: February 10, 2012, 07:06:47 AM »
why do you keep posting you already said he gave in,move on,go outside take a walk theres mor to life than this site

Obama is not giving in on anything.   Lucifer is not to be trusted on anything.   

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #203 on: February 10, 2012, 07:30:53 AM »
49% in Gallup today.

no offense, but anyone who is upset about obama/religion was already not going to vote for him.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #204 on: February 10, 2012, 07:36:24 AM »
Obama birth control policy divides Democrats
By Donna Cassata

Associated Press

Published: Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012 4:27 p.m. MST

WASHINGTON — Democrats are deeply divided over President Barack Obama's new rule that religious schools and hospitals must provide insurance for free birth control to their employees amid fresh signs that the administration was scrambling for a way out.

"This is not only unacceptable, it is un-American," says Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., a Catholic who faces re-election in November in a state where Wednesday nights are reserved for church services.

Another Catholic senator, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, has pleaded with the administration "to correct this decision which will erode the conscience rights" that have been protected for decades. His opposition echoes the criticism of his bishop in Scranton, Rev. Joseph C. Bambera.

Several Democrats, including Senate candidate Tim Kaine in Virginia and Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, have been outspoken in assailing the recently announced administration mandate that has angered religious groups and unified Republicans in protest. In a reflection of the party split, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., on Thursday blocked a GOP effort to debate an amendment on religious freedom.

A day earlier, liberal female senators thanked Obama for the new policy during a closed-door retreat.

"We're here to stand up for the women of America who deserve to have access to free preventive care through their health insurance," Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., said later at a news conference.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Thursday promised a fierce debate on women's rights if Republicans tried to repeal the policy.

Even though church-affiliated hospitals, colleges and social service agencies will have one additional year to comply with the requirement, issued last month in regulations under Obama's health care overhaul, the outcry has been loud and fierce. Facing intense pressure, the White House indicated this week that it is trying to come up with a compromise.

Vice President Joe Biden, a Catholic, said in a radio interview Thursday that "there is going to be a significant attempt to work this out and there is time to do that." He said the one-year grace period is "to make sure that we do not force the Catholic Church to do something that they fundamentally think is inconsistent with their religious beliefs."

He spoke with Bill Cunningham of 700 WLW in Cincinnati.

The party break over the contentious issue could reverberate in an election year, with implications not only for Obama in battleground states with significant numbers of Catholic working-class voters such as Ohio and Pennsylvania, but also for Democrats in congressional races. The political upside for Casey or Manchin is a fresh opportunity to show their independence from the president; the political downside is potentially pushing too far on a matter that resonates with female voters critical to the Democrats' prospects in November.

In a show of defiance, Manchin joined forces with Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida on Thursday in introducing legislation to expand the religious exemption and undo the Obama policy.

"I don't know why the federal government jumped in at the level they did," Manchin said.

Manchin has been in touch with his bishop, Rev. Michael Bransfield, of the diocese for Wheeling and Charleston, who has called the rule "a radical break with the tradition of religious liberty and respect for conscience rights."

More than 150 Catholic cardinals and bishops throughout the country have been relentless in assailing the policy, with many of their letters on the policy sent to parishioners or read aloud at Sunday Masses.

Ramping up the pressure, a worldwide Catholic broadcasting network based in Alabama filed a lawsuit Thursday against the administration over the policy. The suit, filed by the nonprofit EWTN Global Catholic Network, claims the rules are unconstitutional because they would require the broadcaster to violate church principles on the sanctity of life.

"This is a moment when EWTN, as a Catholic organization, has to step up and say that enough is enough," said Michael Warsaw, the network's president. "Our hope is that our lawsuit does just that."

Among Democrats, Manchin and Casey are in line with their church's leaders and holding fast to their religious beliefs. Yet in West Virginia, the senator still has faced criticism from the Republican Party on the issue.

Frustration among some Democrats dates to early December when Casey, Manchin and several other moderate House and Senate lawmakers participated in a conference call with senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett. The lawmakers voiced their reservations but made no headway with Jarrett, who thanked them for their opinions, according to congressional aides who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.

Internally at the White House, Biden, then-Chief of Staff Bill Daley and deputy national security adviser Denis McDonough, all Catholics, raised concerns about how the administration proceeded on the policy. On the other side, senior White House advisers Nancy-Ann DeParle, Pete Rouse and David Plouffe argued for the need to ensure coverage for all without exception, as a matter of women's health and fairness.

Three Democratic senators — Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Patty Murray of Washington state and Boxer — pressed for making birth control coverage widely available.

The discussions were described by administration officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private talks.

Associated Press writers Ben Feller, Erica Werner, Jim Kuhnhenn and Alan Fram in Washington and Jay Reeves in Birmingham, Ala., contributed to this report.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #205 on: February 10, 2012, 07:37:32 AM »
49% in Gallup today.

no offense, but anyone who is upset about obama/religion was already not going to vote for him.

ITS NOT ABOUT RELIGION ONLY DOUCHEBAG!  And again - Ron Paul and you disagree on this.   

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #206 on: February 10, 2012, 08:08:49 AM »
The Catholic Tribe Closes Ranks Against Obama's Intrusion ^ | February 10, 2012 | Maggie Gallagher

President Obama's attack on Catholic organizations has managed to do what the bishops have been unable to do, as Peggy Noonan points out: Unite the Catholic right and the Catholic left.

Obama's decision to use Obamacare to force Catholic hospitals, schools, universities and charities to fund abortion pills, contraception and sterilization constitutes a deep betrayal of his staunch allies on the Catholic left.

They went out on a limb for Obama and Obamacare, and he has cut off that limb and left them bereft.

Professor Doug Kmiec supported Obama and even wrote a book to justify how a pro-life Catholic could support a pro-choice president (and was rewarded with the plum job of ambassador to Malta). Kmiec has just written an open letter of rebuke to Barack Obama, charging he "put the cold calculus of politics above faith and freedom." "Where is the common good, sir, in not making room for the great Catholic traditions of education, health care and meeting the needs of the least among us?" Kmiec demanded.

The Rev. John Jenkins, president of the University of Notre Dame, took heat from many Catholics in 2009 for giving President Obama an award and a speaking platform at a university named "Our Lady"; he now scolds the president's "unnecessary government intervention" that puts Notre Dame in the "untenable position" of dropping coverage for 5,229 employees.

Even Chris Matthews on MSNBC is calling for a retreat.

And poor Sister Carol Keehan, head of the Catholic Health Association! She broke openly with the bishops to endorse Obamacare, promising it would not lead to the funding of abortions. She never imagined that, much worse, it would lead to requiring Catholic organizations to dispense contraceptives and abortifacients (the morning-after pill) on demand. She called the new regulations a "jolt."

Catholic reaction may well have jolted Sen. Rick Santorum back into contention for the GOP nomination. In last Tuesday's contests, he ran 10 points ahead of the last pre-election PPP poll, indicating a sudden intensity in the turnout for him. Pundits are focusing on the evangelical vote, but Santorum ran surprisingly well in heavily Catholic counties surrounding Minneapolis/St. Paul. He was on fire in his victory speech: President Obama has gone after the liberty of "just a small group of Americans," he said incredulously, "just Catholics in America."

Obama gravely miscalculated. He thought the new Health and Human Services regulations would become a battle over contraception -- politically speaking, a battle he could win. As a Protestant, he forgot the structure of Catholicism is essentially clannish; we may complain about our bishops, but that doesn't mean we want the president of the United States to push them -- or us -- around. The church has been around for 2,000 years, we know it does things funny, and we don't want outsiders interfering with our faith.

President Obama will pay a price, among swing Catholic voters and Latino Catholics, for his totally unnecessary aggression against carefully crafted conscience compromises.

How do Democrats defend the indefensible? I was on "MSNBC Live" with Thomas Roberts this week, debating former Democratic operative Karen Finney, who tried to say that if the Catholic Chur ch opens up "businesses," it has to accept government rules. I interrupted her to say, "These are nonprofits, charities, schools, not businesses." She compounded matters by suggesting the nonprofit tax-exempt status meant these Catholic institutions owe the government. Excuse me, these are Catholic charitable institutions that serve the poor and needy; they were built with love and sacrifice, large and small, over many years by Catholics acting out of our faith, and we are proud of them. Regardless of our political position, we do not stand by and see them attacked lightly.

Even former Democratic Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper, a Catholic from Erie, Pa., who cast a crucial vote in favor of Obamacare in 2010, said recently that she would have never voted for the health care bill if she had known Obamacare would force Catholic hospitals and charities to provide contraception and abortion pills.

Mitt Romney was in something of the same position with regard to Romneycare in Massachusetts. He didn't know it would lead to Catholic hospitals being ordered to give abortifacients to rape victims, and when he found out he opposed it, but without success.

The lesson for Republicans ought to be: When you turn over large sectors of the economy to government control, bad things will happen.

The lesson for Democrats? Don't attack the Catholic clan -- it's bad morals, bad form and bad politics.



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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #207 on: February 10, 2012, 08:19:17 AM »
Who cares what the church thinks?  It was Gods Will that Obama became POTUS.  They need to suck it up and follow along.   :D

Someone is on a Cut And Past mission to support their Occupy Getbig agenda.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #208 on: February 10, 2012, 08:23:51 AM »
Who cares what the church thinks?  It was Gods Will that Obama became POTUS.  They need to suck it up and follow along.   :D

Someone is on a Cut And Past mission to support their Occupy Getbig agenda.

Who cares what the church thinks?   Its not about the church you gay pedo stalking freak. 


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #209 on: February 10, 2012, 08:25:33 AM »
every thing you post is about the church

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #210 on: February 10, 2012, 08:29:55 AM »
every thing you post is about the church



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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #211 on: February 10, 2012, 08:31:37 AM »
Gay projections = poor crybaby is getting emotional in his little meltdown.

I think he keeps talking about the church because the ass raping he has been given on this thread reminds him of the anal alter boy game he liked to play when he was little.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #212 on: February 10, 2012, 08:36:23 AM »
Hilarious how morons like blacken and the more idiotic delusional retards like lurkerthefag try to treat this issue as something trivial. You have blacken trying to deflect by pointing out that child abuse was commited by priests and you have lurkerthestalker strangely calling this an Obama meltdown. Seems like he gets very sensitive when someone criticizes Obama. Such are homos.

Freedom of religion, idiots. That is what is at stake here. It's alarming that none of you nitwits understand that. It doesn't matter if it's a school or a hospital. If it was built and supported by a religious organization, it's still a part of that religious entity. That is a fact. That is why Sebelius had to amend the bill and put HER definition of a "religious organization". I know a lot of you morons don't believe in God but that still doesn't give you, nor the government the right to violate that constitutional right.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #213 on: February 10, 2012, 08:38:27 AM »
Gay projections = poor crybaby is getting emotional in his little meltdown.

I think he keeps talking about the church because the ass raping he has been given on this thread reminds him of the anal alter boy game he liked to play when he was little.

But, you are gay. That is why you hate the church. Just stating the facts, assmuncher.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #214 on: February 10, 2012, 08:47:12 AM »
Hilarious how morons like blacken and the more idiotic delusional retards like lurkerthefag try to treat this issue as something trivial. You have blacken trying to deflect by pointing out that child abuse was commited by priests and you have lurkerthestalker strangely calling this an Obama meltdown. Seems like he gets very sensitive when someone criticizes Obama. Such are homos.

Freedom of religion, idiots. That is what is at stake here. It's alarming that none of you nitwits understand that. It doesn't matter if it's a school or a hospital. If it was built and supported by a religious organization, it's still a part of that religious entity. That is a fact. That is why Sebelius had to amend the bill and put HER definition of a "religious organization". I know a lot of you morons don't believe in God but that still doesn't give you, nor the government the right to violate that constitutional right.

this is for getbig's idiot bible thumper

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #215 on: February 10, 2012, 08:48:03 AM »
Hey blacken - when the next GOP President and his hack at HHS start mandating all sorts of shit - how will you react? 


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #216 on: February 10, 2012, 08:49:58 AM »
i know i won't post 50+ post on the same topic  ;D

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #217 on: February 10, 2012, 08:50:38 AM »
No, White House Not "Compromising" On Birth Control Mandate ^ | February 10, 2012 | Katie Pavlich

Later today President Obama is expected to announce a "compromise" that allows religious employers to opt out of paying for providing birth control to women, but will still be required to provide contraception. What this means is, insurance companies will pick up the tab for contraception, but religious employers are still required to provide contraception through insurance plans to their employees, despite the move being against religious beliefs. ABC's Jake Tapper has more:

With the White House under fire for its new rule requiring employers including religious organizations to offer health insurance that fully covers birth control coverage, ABC News has learned that later today the White House — possibly President Obama himself — will likely announce an attempt to accommodate these religious groups.

The move, based on state models, will almost certainly not satisfy bishops and other religious leaders since it will preserve the goal of women employees having their birth control fully covered by health insurance.

Sources say it will be respectful of religious beliefs but will not back off from that goal, which many religious leaders oppose since birth control is in violation of their religious beliefs.

White House officials have discussed the state law in Hawaii, where religious groups are allowed to opt out of coverage that includes birth control, as long as employees are given information whether such coverage can be obtained. But this accommodation would not go that far.

This announcement would not go that far. Sources say it will involve health insurance companies helping to provide the coverage, since it’s actually cheaper for these companies to offer the coverage.


It look as if the "compromise" isn't going to change much at all:

Whether the new language will accomplish this overtly political goal remains unclear. Two senior officials cautioned that the underlying substance of the contraceptive-coverage regulation, due to take full effect in the summer of 2013, remains unclear in the public mind and any new approach may not mollify critics in the Catholic hierarchy or on the GOP campaign trail. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the announcement.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #218 on: February 10, 2012, 08:54:46 AM »
But, you are gay. That is why you hate the church. Just stating the facts, assmuncher.

Sorry cupcake.  I know you want me to be, but that is just your own little fantasies there.  Whether it comes from being a Christian or being a Republican only you can say.

Science has proven as fact the direct effects of incest and inbreeding in producing retardation and other birth defects in the offspring.  God has populated this planet (that you claim Jesus created) in this universe (that you claim Jesus created) not once, but TWICE by direct methods of incest and inbreeding.

Thanks for posting and lending proof to that retardario.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #219 on: February 10, 2012, 08:56:15 AM »

this is for getbig's idiot bible thumper

I am not a bible thumper.

What does the past history of child molestation of the church and your perception of me as a "bible thumper" have to do with the issue at hand? Answer: Nothing.

You are a very slow learner, Einstein. Try to keep up with the main topic. Obama is violating the freedom of religion. Try to defend him on this issue without resorting to the retarded liberal tactic of diversion, skippy.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #220 on: February 10, 2012, 08:57:52 AM »
i know i won't post 50+ post on the same topic  ;D

If you mean posting anything that is worth a damn, then you are right.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #221 on: February 10, 2012, 08:58:18 AM »

this is for getbig's idiot bible thumper

I don't think Retardario qualifies as a bible thumper.  Most bible thumpers have at least read the bible.  I do believe the only exposure he has had to the bible is when his parents beat him over the head with it trying to chase the homosexual devil out of him.

Anyone who has actually read the Bible - even parts of it - would not believe :

- That someone can be half a religion.
- That Jesus created Earth
- That Jesus created the universe

Retardario is one of those "special" cases who calls himself a christian and yet doesn't know jack shit about the fairy tale or it's history.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #222 on: February 10, 2012, 08:58:28 AM »
I am not a bible thumper.

What does the past history of child molestation of the church and your perception of me as a "bible thumper" have to do with the issue at hand? Answer: Nothing.

You are a very slow learner, Einstein. Try to keep up with the main topic. Obama is violating the freedom of religion. Try to defend him on this issue without resorting to the retarded liberal tactic of diversion, skippy.

i think david boies knows a bit more than our resident bible thumper


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #223 on: February 10, 2012, 09:02:24 AM »
I am not a bible thumper.

What does the past history of child molestation of the church and your perception of me as a "bible thumper" have to do with the issue at hand? Answer: Nothing.

You are a very slow learner, Einstein. Try to keep up with the main topic. Obama is violating the freedom of religion. Try to defend him on this issue without resorting to the retarded liberal tactic of diversion, skippy.

Just as I said.  You are not a bible thumper.  You are simply nothing more than a product of that Inbreeding Program God used to create his children.

Good job.  And people wonder why it's so easy to shoot religious nuts down so fast?  It's God's fault for impairing them from connecting with logic, common sense, self esteem, and an IQ over room temp.   Carry on pussy wart.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #224 on: February 10, 2012, 09:03:11 AM »