Author Topic: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)  (Read 35003 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #325 on: February 12, 2012, 02:36:20 PM »
 :).  No.   He doubled down on tyranny and stupid today.   He is a communist street pimp and thug.   


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #326 on: February 12, 2012, 03:51:38 PM »
good ;D


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #327 on: February 12, 2012, 04:01:33 PM »
oh i see your for religious freedom over personal freedoms, i didn't know that to be in the church you had to live under dictatorship.

you are just making up shit, they are tax exempt, they are not paying for the plan, so why are you saying its infringement on their rights? what rights? once they agree to pay no taxes and then benefit from said taxes they have no rights with my money.
Im not making anything up, I said right in my post theyre tax exempt.
YOURE saying that since they accept gov benefits, they have to accept ALL gov benefits, again youre looking though blinders.
How the fuck am I against personal freedoms? People that want BC, can go elsewhere. How the fuck are you getting ANYTHING other than Obama is trying to force the church to comply with mandates against their fundamental beliefs?
Jesus christ get passed your fucking anti-church bias.

I dont agree with the church on this issue, but im sure as fuck not going to try and force them to follow what I believe. Thats intrusion on their right to practice their religion how they see fit, and it sure as fuck doesnt infringe on anyone elses personal freedoms for CHURCH BASED ORGANIZATIONS to not offer BC. The church is not trying to mandate that all non church organizations to not offer BC.
Why should they? Why should the government be able to mandate what they should offer to people? Its not like the people HAVE to go to them, they can go anywhere. Thats the very basis of what our country was fucking founded on.

How the fuck are you spinning this into an issue of the church being a dictatorship? Youre the one making shit up you fucking idiot.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #328 on: February 12, 2012, 04:03:12 PM »
 ??? ;)
good ;D

Of course because like the good progressive communist ows rabble you are, you love the idea of thugbama running your life.  


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #329 on: February 12, 2012, 04:10:53 PM »
??? ;)

Of course because like the good progressive communist ows rabble you are, you love the idea of thugbama running your life.  
Dude is a moron. Evidently I was making shit up when I said the church was tax exempt. Even though he straightened me out by informing me they were tax exempt.
Oh.. wait....  ::)

And his logic why they need to comply, is that since they recieve gov benefits, they need to STFU and comply with ALL gov mandates even when it violates their basic freedom to practice religious beliefs.
Oh, and the best, that allowing church organizations to decide weather to offer BC or not, is somehow the Church forcing people to live under a dictatorship, like people arent allowed to choose what they believe and where they recieve care.

Oh, I almost forgot this gem, since a couple bishops molested kids, that means that the catholic church is forever banned from speaking on moral issues, because a tiny percentage of its members did something immoral.

Intellectual genius, this one. Lol.  :D

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #330 on: February 12, 2012, 04:17:17 PM »

I don't even accept the premise that any employer should be forced to provide any level of benefits as manadated by the feg govt whatsoever in the first place. 

Do these morons not realize that when they get a presedient they hate w all these powers that they are going to be on the receiving end of even worse shit later on? 

How on earth is anyone ok w vesting all this power and authority in one person and his henchman at HHS? 

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #331 on: February 12, 2012, 06:09:32 PM »
Obama’s Contraceptive 'Compromise' Doesn't Pass the Smell Test

February 10, 2012 RSS Feed  Print
Take a look at the White House fact sheet just released on the president's "accommodation" on the Health and Human Services ruling on contraceptives and religious liberty:

Under the new policy to be announced today, women will have free preventive care that includes contraceptive services no matter where she [sic] works.  The policy also ensures that if a woman works for a religious employer with objections to providing contraceptive services as part of its health plan, the religious employer will not be required to provide, pay for or refer for contraception coverage, but her insurance company will be required to directly offer her contraceptive care free of charge.

The new policy ensures women can get contraception without paying a co-pay and fully accomodates [sic] important concerns raised by religious groups by ensuring that objecting non-profit religious employers will not have to provide contraceptive coverage or refer women to organizations that provide contraception.

[Vote: Does Obama's Contraceptive Compromise Go Far Enough?]

The language above reads that "women" (I believe the president means all women) will be receiving free preventive care under the Affordable Care Act, including contraception without a co-pay, "no matter where she works."  And a woman's "insurance company will be required to directly offer her" free contraception. What has changed from earlier this week?

The administration is trying to pull a fast one here. "No matter where she works" sure sounds to me like it includes all religious employers. According to the language above, religious employers will still be compelled to offer health insurance to their employees that includes contraception, especially the morning-after pill—by the way, I don't think any Catholic considers a morning-after pill to be "preventive care"—only now under the guise that it's the insurance companies, not the employers, who are offering the healthcare plans. In our family, we get our health insurance through my husband's employer. Like most families, when we have issues with our coverage, it's not the H.R. department at my husband's office that I call. I call the health insurance company. Everyone knows that it is health insurance companies, not the employers, who offer the actual coverage. That's why this announcement today doesn't pass the smell test. 

[See a collection of political cartoons on the Catholic contraception controversy.]

It doesn't change a thing. It's no surprise that Planned Parenthood released a statement in support of today's decision before the president had even announced it.

It's clear that the president felt he had to move quickly here, and I think the lack of thoughtfulness is going to backfire. It was obvious to anyone watching the news this week that this had become bigger than a fight about contraception and bigger than the Republican Party. It was becoming even bigger than Catholic voters. 

Former White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley was the first to express concern, then according to Politico this week, the White House began losing Democratic support. Former Democratic National Committee chairman and Virginia Senate candidate Tim Kaine; the Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, Bob Casey; House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson; Democratic Rep. Daniel Lipinski of Illinois; and Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia all came out against the ruling. (Manchin, in fact, called the HHS ruling "un-American.") The outrage also widened beyond just Catholics: more and more religious leaders were signing on—in op-ed pages, on morning television shows, not to mention all the Shabbat and Christian services and Sunday masses this weekend. The White House knew it was losing ground quickly and they're hoping this will stop the outrage.

[Read the U.S. News debate: Should Catholic and Other Religious Institutions Have to Cover Birth Control?]

The ruling to force universal "access to preventive care" was a deliberate decision by the White House, months in the making, and this so-called "accommodation" reinforces the administration's commitment to its prochoice agenda. It does nothing to accommodate people of good faith who disagree with the president; instead he accuses those who object to his policy of trying to create a "political football." The reason this struck such a chord with so many is not because it was about birth control pills or even access to care. This galvanized people across the board because it threatened religious freedom for all denominations, it was an issue of conscience that cut across party lines, and it touched the lives of everyone who is involved with good church-run community organizations that I believe still face bankruptcy for their beliefs. This isn't over yet.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #332 on: February 12, 2012, 07:41:07 PM »
BREAKING: Pro-life leaders slam White House ‘compromise’ on birth control mandate ^ | Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:32 EST | Kathleen Gilbert
Posted on February 10, 2012 1:28:01 PM EST by unique1

WASHINGTON, February 10, 2012 ( - The White House announced today that, instead of forcing religious employers to pay for birth control, it will force insurance companies to offer the drugs free of charge to all women, no matter where they work.

The plan, touted as a concession to freedom of religion and conscience, was immediately denounced by pro-life Rep. Chris Smith. “The so-called new policy is the discredited old policy, dressed up to look like something else,. said Smith. .It remains a serious violation of religious freedom. Only the most naï or gullible would accept this as a change in policy.”

“The White House Fact Sheet is riddled with doublespeak and contradiction,” Smith continued. “It states, for example, that religious employers ‘will not’ have to pay for abortion pills, sterilization and contraception, but their ‘insurance companies’ will. Who pays for the insurance policy? The religious employer.”

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #333 on: February 13, 2012, 05:13:18 AM »
EDITORIAL: Obama’s free abortion pills (Obama forces religious organizations to give abortions)
washington times ^ | 2/10/2012 | staff

Someone should tell President Obama there’s no such thing as a free abortion pill. The White House is trying to douse a political wildfire sparked by an Obamacare mandate forcing religiously affiliated institutions to provide a full range of contraception measures for employees - including pills that induce abortions. Catholic and other religious leaders with principled objections cried foul, citing promises that they and their affiliates would be covered by a “conscience waiver” for any provisions of the law that created this kind of moral dilemma. On Friday Mr. Obama proposed a new rule whereby the onus would be on the insurance companies who cover the employees to reach out with cost-free contraceptives.

It was typical of the administration to make the proposed deal a giveaway program. Mr. Obama seems to be saying that if you don’t see who is paying for the abortion pills then no one is. “Religious organizations won’t have to pay for these services,” he said. But of course they will. Insurance companies may be required by law to provide these services at no cost to the recipient, but costs are still involved. Employers will still be directly subsidizing the birth control plan. It was a classic Obama compromise; he gets 100 percent of what he wants and the other side gets a lecture about fairness.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #334 on: February 13, 2012, 05:22:14 AM »
February 13, 2012
Barack Obama: In the Footsteps of Twentieth Century Despots
By Steve McCann

How many times will the American people have to be hit over the head before they understand that Barack Obama is the most corrupt, dictatorial, and ideologically driven president in American history?  That his entire being and psyche are devoted to transforming the country not only into a socialist utopia, but into a nation permanently governed by a radical oligarchy?

This mindset has been on display since the beginning of Obama's term, as detailed by David Limbaugh in his book, Crimes Against Liberty.  Yet so many seem to not care or are deliberately oblivious to the long-term implications of his actions, many of which mirror those of the despots that ran roughshod over the last century.

The recent ruling by the Obama Department of Health and Human Services forcing religious institutions to provide either directly or through private insurance not only contraceptives, but abortion pills and sterilization is not a matter of so-called women's rights, but a means of setting the precedent and foundation to force organized religion to be subservient to the state.

The passage of ObamaCare, from which this edict stems, has nothing to do with healthcare; rather, it is a vehicle to ultimately control the day-to-day activities of the American people through the dictates and mandates emanating from an overarching bureaucracy.  Once fully implemented, individual liberty and freedom, the hallmarks of the nation's history, will be eradicated forever.

Further, the Obama regime has shown a callous disregard for the sanctity of life, as no administration in the nation's past has so aggressively promoted abortion, and, through the rationing mechanism in ObamaCare, the very real prospect of government-sponsored euthanasia.

Nothing reveals Obama's dictatorial mindset more than his relationship with Congress.  His recent actions in unilaterally making appointments that are subject to Senate approval while the Senate is still in session are blatantly unconstitutional and done to marginalize Congress.  His appointment of innumerable "czars" is a means of bypassing Congress and their oversight of the federal Cabinet departments.  His Department of Justice has been transformed into an advocacy group to enforce the left-wing radical version of social justice while refusing to be accountable to Congress.  Obama has resorted to utilizing executive orders and volumes of regulations from various agencies under his command in order to put in place his radical policies and sidestep Congress and thus the will of the people.

In furtherance of Obama's transformative goals, he and his minions are in the process of shackling the free market through unfettered government control and influence.  It is the aim of the Obama presidency to create a so-called "government-business partnership" wherein the government chooses the winners and losers based upon their allegiance to and support of the regime.

The massive spending and debt incurred over the past three years are the byproduct of Obama's overarching objective to make certain that the overwhelming majority of the populace becomes, by necessity, dependent on the government, thus more subservient and easily controlled.  Whether the country becomes insolvent or the middle class ceases to exist is immaterial.

In his public speeches and well-produced appearances, Barack Obama plays the fictional role of someone who cares for the "little guy."  He is the people's avenger against those he defines as the enemy, be it the wealthy, the corporations, deeply committed religious groups, conservatives and the Tea Party movement, or those intransigent ideologues in Congress who stand in the way of his nation-saving agenda.  In this quest for power, there are no lies or obfuscations too egregious to tell or societal tensions too dangerous to create, as he alone can save the nation.

Barack Obama is following in the footsteps of the despots who dominated the 20th century.  If given another term in office, he, along with his fellow-travelers in the administration, will be unencumbered in attempting to complete the transformation of the United States.  However, they will not accomplish their quest -- just as those they admire in the previous century did not.  They will succeed only in initiating massive social upheaval and violence.

I had to survive a war that was precipitated by leaders in various European countries who were democratically elected.  Yet once in power, these power-crazed ideologues began to systematically usurp and overthrow the rule of law with the ultimate goal of becoming the government themselves.

Their lust for power led them to shred any written constitution or traditions as they systematically imposed new regulations, laws, and executive orders geared primarily to centralize authority in the government as individual rights and liberties were extinguished.  Legislatures were abolished or marginalized; organized religion was forced to be subservient to the state, and respect for the sanctity of life was extinguished.  The owners and managers of business and industry were intimidated and compelled to be submissive and loyal to the state.  By the time the populace became aware of what was happening to their respective countries, it was too late.

The citizens of Germany in the first four years of the 1930s would have found it impossible to imagine what became of their country by 1945 or to think it even remotely possible.  Those in Italy in the 1920s, promised so much by the Mussolini regime, eagerly voted the Fascists into power only to end up with a society torn asunder and a nation lying in ruins.  The same results were played out in Russia, China, and many countries in Eastern Europe.

The history of the United States and its traditions of liberty and individual freedom should be a bulwark against the successful emergence of someone like Barack Obama and his cronies.  Yet the majority of the citizenry, the media, the opposition party, the members of Congress, and the judiciary are not shouting from the highest hilltop and taking action to stop the Obama regime's unconstitutional acts and power-grabs.

Has this country enjoyed peace and prosperity so long that everyone is jaded and preoccupied with themselves, or in a self-induced stupor, either ignoring the situation or telling themselves that these unconstitutional steps and power-grabs are minor?  Is a pre-packaged television image all that matters?  Is it because Obama happens to have black skin, and everyone is too intimidated by political correctness to speak out?  Are we as a society unwilling to say in the bluntest of terms that a national leader is a liar and a fraud?  Why are countless members of the Ruling Class unwilling to learn from history, or is it that their egos are such that they cannot admit a mistake, or do far too many have a vested interest in the current state of affairs?

Perhaps it is as it was in Germany, Italy, and Russia among many -- a belief that the worst could never happen here.

For those of us who emigrated from those nations whose societies suffered not only overwhelming destruction, but a devastating loss of freedom and liberty, we can only warn our fellow citizens that the country is going down a road that is becoming eerily familiar.  It is not hyperbole to say that we see someone in the White House whose character reflects the worst and most dangerous traits to be found in a national leader, and we are stunned that the majority of the American people do not understand what is happening to the most successful society in the history of mankind.  We know that the only viable solution to avoid the stormclouds gathering over the horizon is to relegate Barack Obama and his regime to a footnote in the annals of American history.

Either the citizens, on the 6th of November 2012, will choose to reverse course and return to the basic tenets of freedom and liberty upon which the nation was founded, or the people will choose to blindly follow Barack Obama on a path which will eventuate in internal chaos and violence as well as subservience to those countries who wish to see the end of America's time on the world stage.

Page Printed from: at February 13, 2012 - 07:19:34 AM CST


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #335 on: February 13, 2012, 05:31:24 AM »
February 13, 2012
Barack Obama: In the Footsteps of Twentieth Century Despots
By Steve McCann

The recent ruling by the Obama Department of Health and Human Services forcing religious institutions to provide either directly or through private insurance not only contraceptives, but abortion pills and sterilization is not a matter of so-called women's rights, but a means of setting the precedent and foundation to force organized religion to be subservient to the state.

The passage of ObamaCare, from which this edict stems, has nothing to do with healthcare; rather, it is a vehicle to ultimately control the day-to-day activities of the American people through the dictates and mandates emanating from an overarching bureaucracy.  Once fully implemented, individual liberty and freedom, the hallmarks of the nation's history, will be eradicated forever.
Further, the Obama regime has shown a callous disregard for the sanctity of life, as no administration in the nation's past has so aggressively promoted abortion, and, through the rationing mechanism in ObamaCare, the very real prospect of government-sponsored euthanasia.


This is exactly how I saw it, this has nothing to do with BC, its about forcing others to comply with an ideological view, which flies in the face of the very foundations of our country.
But, Barack Obama has absolutley no respect for our constitution, our liberties or freedoms, or anything that doesnt coincide with his views of how Americans should live their lives and conduct themselves.

We should be ashamed we allowed a man like this to be voted into office without actually knowing what and who he was.
This man does not respect our right to choose how to live our lives. He believes that we need to have those choices made for us so we make the right ones.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #336 on: February 13, 2012, 05:42:40 AM »

The Libertine Police State

By George Weigel
February 13, 2012 4:00 A.M.

Shortly after Prep-Comm III, the Third Preparatory Commission meeting in anticipation of the 1994 Cairo World Conference on Population and Development, one of those “Senior Vatican Officials” who like to remain nameless told me an enlightening story.  For his sins, the SVO had been condemned to attend Prep-Comm III and try to prevent it from calling for a universal human right to abortion on demand, which would then be formally declared at the impending Cairo conference. His tale of what unfolded during his week of Purgatory remains quite relevant, despite its age. In fact, one moment from Prep-Comm III sheds important light on recent events, including the Susan G. Komen/Planned Parenthood wars and the Obama administration’s determination to compel employers to provide contraceptives, abortifacients, and sterilization “services” those employers find morally abhorrent.

Like other U.N. circuses, the diplomatic circus of Prep-Comm III, held in New York, was accompanied by a parallel circus of international non-governmental organizations; and to that sideshow activists from around the globe flocked in their thousands, united in their commitment to lifestyle libertinism. The formal diplomatic proceedings in Prep-Comm III were harsh enough, with the Vatican coming under verbal assault from U.N. bureaucrats and European politicians for its principled opposition to “reproductive rights” that included abortion on demand. (The ineffable Gro Harlem Brundtland, then prime minister of Norway, dismissed the Holy See as “a small state with no natural inhabitants.” And that was on the mild side of the assault.) But it was in the INGO meeting that things really got down and dirty — and clarifying. There, as the Senior Vatican Official told the story, a somewhat scruffy Dutch activist got up and announced to all and sundry, “Let’s stop fooling around here. What we’re talking about is our right to f*** whoever we want, however we want, whenever we want.”

The Dutchman’s formulation may have lacked elegance, but it certainly didn’t lack precision. For that was precisely what was at issue 18 years ago, and it is precisely what is at issue today: Will the sexual revolution, which reduced sex to a recreational activity of no moral consequence, be protected, advanced, and indeed mandated by the coercive powers of the modern state?

There is irony in the fire here, of course. What began as a movement to liberate sexuality from the constraints of moral reason, custom, and law has become a movement determined to use the instruments of law to impose its deconstruction of human sexuality and its moral relativism on all of society. That is what drives those who urged the Obama administration to issue its “contraceptive” mandate, which is of course an abortifacient and sterilization mandate. That is what drives  those who loosed the furies (including such viragos as Senator Barbara Boxer) on the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation, which had had the temerity to suggest that Planned Parenthood actually provide the mammograms Komen’s grants were paying for. It’s all about Leviathan as enforcer of the sexual revolution.

Anyone who doesn’t understand that — from Catholic bishops to upper-class foundation executives with previously immaculate reputations — is going to get rolled over by Leviathan. For Leviathan cannot be met at some mythical 50-yard line of “accommodation.” Leviathan can only be beaten.

This fierce determination to use Leviathan to make sure that that Dutch INGO delegate’s libidinous desires are requited might be tolerable if its effects were confined to those who want to, well, you know: whoever, whenever, however. But they are not. The sexual revolution distorts everything that gets in its way; and in due course, it will persecute anything that gets in its way.

To take one current example: The threat to religious freedom posed by the administration’s “contraceptive” mandate is not the kind of inadvertent political faux pas that Joe Biden and Bill Daley would have us believe it was. Rather, the order to religious institutions and employers to re-arrange their convictions to suit Leviathan’s pleasure is of a piece with the administration’s dumbing-down of religious freedom in its international human-rights policy. On numerous occasions, the secretary of state has declined to speak of “religious freedom,” but has referred to “freedom of worship.” Thus religious freedom is rendered a kind of privacy right that can be upheld so long as what happens religiously takes place out of the public square. This is manifestly absurd on its face: For if religious freedom is simply freedom of worship, then there is religious freedom in Saudi Arabia, so long as Christian or Jewish prayer takes place behind closed doors (and no one snitches to the Islamist purity police).

But to make matters worse, Secretary Clinton and the administration have linked this dumbing-down of religious freedom to their ramping-up of what they frankly call the “LGBT agenda” as a priority concern of U.S. international human-rights policy. On the one hand, religious freedom is hollowed out, abroad and at home. On the other hand, the LGBT agenda — the logical endgame of the sexual revolution’s gnosticism and antinomianism — is given priority in the human-rights agenda of the U.S. government around the world, while other planks in the libertine platform are imposed by coercive state power at home. Leviathan is nothing if not consistent.

Then there are the sexual revolution’s cultural impacts. At the risk of salaciousness, go back to that scruffy Dutchman’s claim in 1994, ponder it a moment — and then see if it doesn’t become piercingly obvious that there is a direct line of connection between that vulgarity and the implicit claim in much of the Komen/Planned Parenthood and HHS-mandate brawls: namely, that the transmission of human life is a disease to be “prevented.” Which, of course, means that children are not the fruit of love and a precious gift to be received with gratitude, but another lifestyle choice to be indulged at the whim of the imperial autonomous Self.

Where this is all leading is not pleasant to contemplate. But if Leviathan is to be confronted, and defeated, in his attempt to impose the sexual revolution by brute state power, a critical mass of morally serious minds have got to get clear on one crucial point: The invention of the oral contraceptive was, with the splitting of the atom and the unraveling of the DNA double helix, one of the three world-historical scientific developments of the last century — scientific accomplishments that have within themselves the capacity to change culture and history in fundamental ways. By effectively sundering sexual expression from procreation, modern contraceptives have done something their less-effective predecessors were unable to do for millennia: They have created a contraceptive culture that identifies fertility with disease and willful infertility with “health.” Those who celebrate that culture are not interested in compromise: They are interested in having everyone pay for what they want, and in levying serious penalties on those who won’t truckle to their will.

The issue, it might be added, is not family planning. The Catholic Church, for example, teaches that all couples have a moral responsibility to plan their families. The question at issue is one of means: What methods of regulating fertility are congruent with the dignity of human beings and especially the dignity of women? That, in fact, is the question that ought to have been posed to that vulgar Dutch activist 18 years ago. It remains to be pressed home today.

One final point. At the beginning, the 2012 election was about jobs, jobs, and jobs. The culture wars have now reshaped the race, and the stakes, as Iran may eventually do in another sphere of policy. But what the Komen/Planned Parenthood and HHS-mandate battles ought to have made clear is that 2012 is, domestically, an election about the survival of civil society. Will Leviathan continue to trample the institutions of civil society at the behest of the champions of lifestyle libertinism? Will such institutions as marriage, the family, and the Church be permitted to exist only insofar as they become wards of the state, or simulacra of the state?

That, and nothing less than that, is the question the past several weeks have put before the American people.

— George Weigel is distinguished senior fellow at Washington’s Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he holds the William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #337 on: February 13, 2012, 05:56:33 AM »

forget this bullshit divisive culture war issue.   spending is what really destroys america.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #338 on: February 13, 2012, 06:00:58 AM »

forget this bullshit divisive culture war issue.   spending is what really destroys america.

You are FOS!   Having a tyrannical despot and communist ghetto street pimp like obama trying to run our lives like this is just as important. 

and divisive?   FUCK YOU!!!!

Obama picked this fight and WAS WARNED by many not to do this. 

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #339 on: February 13, 2012, 06:08:02 AM »


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #340 on: February 13, 2012, 06:15:29 AM »
W.H. official: Contraceptive rule stands
By Leigh Ann Caldwell

"We're going to go ahead and implement it," White House Chief of Staff Jack Law said.

After being pressed by host Bob Schieffer about the White House's latest change to its contraception coverage policy and the push-back the administration is receiving from the Catholic Church, Lew said the White House is comfortable with its decision.

"We have broad consensus - not universal consensus - that this is an approach that's right," Lew said.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops denounced the modification in a lengthy statement: "We will therefore continue - with no less vigor, no less sense of urgency - our efforts to correct this problem through the other two branches of government."

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #341 on: February 13, 2012, 06:17:44 AM »
Jack Lew is another corrupt 1% who helped orchestrate the mortgage meltdown. 

Obama is a thug, a despot, a communist street pimp, and the black plague on this nation.   


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #342 on: February 13, 2012, 06:22:53 AM »
Jack Lew is another corrupt 1% who helped orchestrate the mortgage meltdown. 

Obama is a thug, a despot, a communist street pimp, and the black plague on this nation.   

you forgot he also hands out rubbers  :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #343 on: February 13, 2012, 06:28:21 AM »
you forgot he also hands out rubbers  :D :D :D :D :D :D

He is not handing out anything.   He stole the money from taxpayers to reward others.  Its called theft and larceny, someing the devout christian obama said he is against.   

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #344 on: February 13, 2012, 06:32:48 AM »
Obama's contempt for the Constitution
The Summit Daily (CO) ^ | February 12, 2012 | John M. Kunst, Jr.

... Despite his oath of office, in a blatant effort to win the female vote and pander to the pro-choice movement, the president and his administration has mandated that all Catholic churches, schools, universities and hospitals must provide health insurance for their female employees that cover abortion and contraceptive services.

This was not a political miscalculation and it is not “women's health” my friends, it is a president and an administration that has determined he can tell any religion what beliefs it can and cannot hold. This is precisely the kind of authoritarian edict that prompted our Founding Fathers to adopt the First Amendment which our president now refuses to defend.

The president's recent effort to mitigate anger among true Americans is a mere ruse. He says the burden will be placed on insurance companies to approach women employed by Catholic institutions and ask whether they want the “free” abortion and contraception services. “Free?” How many billions are spent on abortion and contraception annually? So, who pays for this “free” insurance coverage? The Catholic Church. Now he thinks we are stupid while rubbing salt in an open, festering sore.

Had enough yet? What will be the next personal liberty, guaranteed to you by the Bill of Rights, that you will have to give up in the name of “Change?”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #345 on: February 13, 2012, 06:49:11 AM »
The Republicans are getting desperate and looking for wedge issues for the upcoming election. Issues that can be used to polarize voters, usually related to religion or dogma. They were more than happy when some Catholic bishops (not parishioners) objected to including contraception with their employee’s health coverage. The bishops claim this is violating their religious freedoms. The Republican candidates couldn’t wait to jump in. Forget the economy, the war in Afghanistan, and bailing out Bank of America, they must protect religious freedoms. But the government isn’t requiring anyone to use birth control only requiring the option (option means freedom to choose which Republicans are know to hate) to be included in health insurance coverage. Women would be free to make their own minds up (OMG, now I know why Republicans are against it). And in fact, over 90% of Catholic women disagree with the church’s dogma against birth control. And with almost 100% of American women using birth control, who is out of touch? If you guess the Catholic bishops AND the Republican candidates, you win.
Now some will argue that the Catholic church shouldn’t be forced to pay for something they don’t believe in (something the bishops dont believe in not parishioners) those that make this argument should be reminded that some of us don’t believe in the war in Afghanistan, yet our tax dollars (and a lot of them) go to fight this unnecessary war.

This post was inspired by Katha Pollitt, “Obama Stands Up to Bishops. Finally.” Feb 20, 2012, The Nation. She does a much better job of course.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #346 on: February 13, 2012, 06:51:43 AM »
Hey asshole - stop making me pay for your sexual decisions! 

You liberals are greedy mini-madoffs and locusts. 


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #347 on: February 13, 2012, 06:57:17 AM »
hahaha the repubs jumped on the wrong train and poor 333386 is right there with them hanging on the handrails of the caboose :D

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #348 on: February 13, 2012, 06:59:17 AM »
hahaha the repubs jumped on the wrong train and poor 333386 is right there with them hanging on the handrails of the caboose :D

Show me where in the USC I should be forced to pay for your birth control you looting, grifting, thief!

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #349 on: February 13, 2012, 07:07:37 AM »