Author Topic: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)  (Read 34884 times)

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #375 on: February 14, 2012, 06:19:19 AM »
Obama's Dupes: The President's Pro-Life Catholic Suckers
By Paul Kengor on 2.14.12 @ 6:07AM

A wake-up call for Kathy Dahlkemper and Democrats for Life.

On March 24, 2010, President Obama, flagged by 13 beaming pro-life Democratic members of Congress, led by Michigan's Bart Stupak, signed an executive order that he promised would prevent abortion funding in his "healthcare reform" bill. These were the infamous "Bart Stupak Democrats" -- many of them Roman Catholics -- who had placed their faith not in their bishops or pro-lifers who urged them not to vote for "Obama-care," but in Barack Obama.

It was an executive order that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, National Right to Life, Americans United for Life,, Priests for Life, Susan B. Anthony List, and every reputable pro-life organization or leader said would be ineffective in preventing abortion funding under "Obama-care." These pro-life Democrats, however, trusted not these lifetime fighters for life but a man who as U.S. senator had co-sponsored the Freedom of Choice Act, the most radical piece of pro-abortion legislation in the history of the republic; who, his first week as president, signed an executive order reversing the Mexico City policy, thus publicly funding Planned Parenthood International; who signed an executive order providing taxpayer funding of the deliberate dissection and destruction of human embryos; and who has done far more still. Before all of that, this guarantor of healthcare for every American repeatedly refused (as a state senator in Illinois) to provide mandatory healthcare for babies that somehow survived abortion procedures. In a 2007 speech to Planned Parenthood, Barack Obama hailed America's largest abortion provider as a "safety net."

This, of course, is just a short list of Obama's abortion abominations. An ongoing list compiled by (click here) is nothing short of astonishing.

It was upon this man, Barack Obama, that pro-life Democrats pinned their hopes. It was quite a display, a study in human nature and the depths of self-delusion.

Of these Democrats, most were defeated in their bid for re-election in November 2010. Here at The American Spectator and elsewhere, I focused on the case of Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper, a Pennsylvania Democrat who happened to be my congresswoman, and a genuinely pro-life Catholic Democrat. Dahlkemper's home base was Erie, Pennsylvania, a traditionally blue-collar, Catholic area. She was successfully challenged by Mike Kelly, an auto dealer from Butler, Pennsylvania, and a former Notre Dame football player -- and a faithful Roman Catholic.

In his successful attempt to unseat Dahlkemper, Kelly was not shy about highlighting Dahlkemper's pro-life gullibility. Neither was the Susan B. Anthony List, which targeted her among the unwitting pro-life betrayers that needed to be defeated in November 2010. Dahlkemper was shocked and outraged at the audacity of the Susan B. Anthony List. The group made her district one of its summer tour-bus stops. It sponsored giant billboards reminding voters of Dahlkemper's Obama-care vote.

The congresswoman was also targeted by Americans United for Life (AUL). This, too, she deemed unfair. An October 8 article in the Sharon Herald, one of the larger newspapers in her district, reported that attorneys for the Dahlkemper campaign were demanding that Erie radio stations pull AUL ads that (accurately) asserted that the congresswoman's vote for Obamacare would result in "the largest expansion of taxpayer-funded abortions ever." The Dahlkemper campaign blasted the ads as "slanderous" and "inaccurate."

"To me, it's morally reprehensible that they're using this to win an election," said an incredulous Dahlkemper. "I assumed after I worked so hard that the pro-life camp would be with me."

If that statement wasn't amazing enough, Dahlkemper added this stunner: "I think we'll look back on this bill and we'll see a reduction in abortions in this country. It's the most pro-life piece of legislation ever passed by Congress in this country."

Yes, she was talking about Obamacare. You can't make this up.

One wonders what Dahlkemper is thinking right now, as the radically pro-abortion president she so admired and trusted mandates that Dahlkemper and her fellow Catholics and their Church provide abortion drugs, contraception, sterilization, and no doubt more to come. That mandate comes directly from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a., "Obamacare") that Dahlkemper voted for.

Well, Dahlkemper recently hinted at an answer, courtesy of a November press release from Democrats for Life, devoted supporters of Dahlkemper. "I would have never voted for the final version of the bill if I expected the Obama administration to force Catholic hospitals and Catholic colleges and universities to pay for contraception," said Dahlkemper. "We worked hard to prevent abortion funding in health care and to include clear conscience protections for those with moral objections to abortion and contraceptive devices that cause abortion. I trust that the president will honor the commitment he made to those of us who supported final passage."

We elect members of Congress for their judgment. We also vote them out for their failed judgment. It looks like the voters in my district know how to make a correction.

It isn't only Kathy Dahlkemper and other "Stupak Democrats" who are eating crow. In that same press release was this assessment from the executive director of Democrats for Life, an organization of rapidly dwindling clients: "The [Obama] administration is already unfairly under attack by Catholic conservatives who are using the proposed final rule to spread anti-Obama sentiment to lay Catholics," said Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life. "The administration has no intention of forcing Catholic institutions to provide insurance coverage for services that are directly in opposition to their moral beliefs. It does not make any sense from a public policy perspective and it certainly is not smart politically to alienate Catholic voters."

Kristen Day said that in November. Ms. Day has a good heart, a pro-life heart -- just like Kathy Dahlkemper -- but she, too, has been badly deceived by America's chief Democrat.

Again, why would that surprise anyone?

All of this makes perfect sense. Barack Obama is, above all, first and foremost, a radical, pro-abortion ideologue. He could care less about the "public policy perspective" and alienating Catholic voters. This is where Obama's heart is: from public funding of Planned Parenthood to embryo destruction to abortion-inducing pharmaceuticals.

As I write, the latest statement from Kristen Day and Democrats for Life is that they are "deeply disappointed" in the actions of President Obama. They urge Obama to "reconsider."

Sure, good luck.

It's a shame, a crying shame, that it takes this much for pro-life Democrats to learn. Ronald Reagan famously said that he didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left him. Maybe it's time that Democrats for Life leave the Democratic Party -- for life.

About the Author
Paul Kengor is professor of political science at Grove City College. His books include The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism and the newly released Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #376 on: February 14, 2012, 09:27:14 AM »
12 state attorneys general: we will file lawsuit against Obama mandate ‘in weeks, not months’

 ^ | 2/14/2012 | Ben Johnson

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 13, 2012, ( – Within weeks, the top lawyers in a dozen states may file a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration’s controversial requirement that all insurance plans include access to abortion-inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization, the attorney general of Nebraska told LifeSiteNews.

Jon Bruning told that 12 states had signed onto a scathing critique of the mandate and were preparing to take more serious action. Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning

On Friday, ten state attorneys general addressed a scathing letter to President Obama, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. “Not only is the proposed contraceptive coverage mandate for religious employers bad policy, it is unconstitutional,” they wrote. “We believe it represents an impermissible violation of the Constitution’s First Amendment virtually unparalleled in American history” and “conflicts with the most basic elements of the freedoms of religion, speech, and association, as provided under the First Amendment.”

They feared the president’s policy would force faithful religious institutions “to cease activities of incalculable value to their employees, constituents, and, indeed, society as a whole.”

“Should this unconstitutional mandate be promulgated, we are prepared to vigorously oppose it in court.”

The attorneys general of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas signed the letter. Bruning told LifeSiteNews two additional states had joined the cause over the weekend.

“This is about much more than contraception. This is about the federal government once again stepping in and trying to tell people how to live their lives,” Bruning said. “I’m very troubled by it – not only troubled, I’m willing to use the litigation power of the state of Nebraska to file yet another lawsuit against the federal government, because it’s really our only option to push back.”

He said he is currently coordinating the next step of action with his fellow AGs.

“I think it will be weeks, not months, before we file a lawsuit,” he said.

Other signatories voiced their opposition to the mandate.

Last week, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette filed an amicus brief in pending cases filed by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty on behalf of Belmont Abbey College, Colorado Christian College, and the Eternal World Television Network (EWTN) against the new health care rule.

Bruning said while the group may file its own friend of the court brief to support these cases, “it’s looking like litigation is the only way to stop the Obama administration.”

“When a state or a group of states is involved in litigation,” Bruning told LifeSiteNews, “it carries more weight than any particular private plaintiff, because of the role of that states in our constitutional structure. “

Pam Bondi of Florida, a Tea Party favorite elected in 2010, wrote in a statement e-mailed to, “I am proud to stand with my colleagues against this latest example of unconstitutional overreach by the Obama administration. All Americans – of any religion, or no religion at all – have a stake in protecting rights of conscience.”

Louisiana’s James D. “Buddy” Caldwell said on Friday, “The federal government simply cannot force individuals and organizations to buy a product that contradicts their religious beliefs. This represents a clear violation of the Constitution’s First Amendment virtually unparalleled in American history.”

“The proposed mandate would clearly be an unconstitutional burden on religious entities that currently provide health care to their employees,” Attorney General Alan Wilson of South Carolina said in a statement. “Such an action would be an unprecedented and troubling coercion of organizations and individuals to act contrary to their religious beliefs.”

Bruning, who is leading a 26-state coalition in a lawsuit opposing the president’s health care bill, told LifeSiteNews he sees the two cases as intimately related. “I do think Congress has exceeded its authority under the Commerce Clause with the Obama health care law,” he said. “This issue regarding the mandate that insurance companies must carry coverage for abortifacients and birth control and sterilization is an offshoot of that ObamaCare case.”


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #377 on: February 14, 2012, 10:04:56 AM »
can't run a decent canidate so they have to stoop to this,the dumbing down of the repub party :'( ;D

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #378 on: February 14, 2012, 10:05:39 AM »
can't run a decent canidate so they have to stoop to this,the dumbing down of the repub party :'( ;D

Huh?   Obama was the communist puke who picked this fight.   


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #379 on: February 14, 2012, 10:07:37 AM »
can't run a decent canidate so they have to stoop to this,the dumbing down of the repub party :'( ;D
The lack of a decent candidate really makes me angy.
Why the hell is it so hard to find someone closer to the middle? Why is it always about the extreme stupid shit like abortion?
Why the hell is someone like Paul tossed to the side, when he has the most common sense and logical approach to governing?

Is it just because people get more incensed by things like Abortion and Contraception? I mean, these issues are NOTHING compared to the economy and government spending, yet they seem to take center stage for teh GOP when deciding on a candidate.

It makes no fucking sense to me.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #380 on: February 14, 2012, 10:11:26 AM »
the right has gone to far right,they have to go to the middle

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #381 on: February 14, 2012, 10:13:29 AM »
the right has gone to far right,they have to go to the middle

Huh?    What is the middle? 


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #382 on: February 14, 2012, 10:16:34 AM »
left of the nut jobs ;D

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #383 on: February 14, 2012, 10:17:46 AM »
left of the nut jobs ;D

Give me policy examples. 

The GOP is a joke since they are obama lite. 

Obama is pushing communism and you think the repubs should go towards that? 


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #384 on: February 14, 2012, 10:18:35 AM »
the right has gone to far right,they have to go to the middle
Its not just the right.
The left has gone so far to the left that theyre flirting with a completely different tyle of government alltogether.
Most of the politicians on the left tout almost socialistic views on government and seems like they all favor restricting liberties in order to not hurt peoples feelings. Which is bullshit.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #385 on: February 14, 2012, 10:20:15 AM »
Its not just the right.
The left has gone so far to the left that theyre flirting with a completely different tyle of government alltogether.
Most of the politicians on the left tout almost socialistic views on government and seems like they all favor restricting liberties in order to not hurt peoples feelings. Which is bullshit.

your right both have to go to the middle

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #386 on: February 14, 2012, 10:23:14 AM »
your right both have to go to the middle

What is the "middle" ?  Funny too I dont remember you saying that when thughbama was pushing obamacare, cap and trade, etc.   


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #387 on: February 14, 2012, 10:31:45 AM »
the problem is my middle and your middle are not the same, you think calling a pres names like communist traitor and marxist sleeper cell pofs obama is the middle,to most that's a far right nutjob

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #388 on: February 14, 2012, 10:34:36 AM »
the problem is my middle and your middle are not the same, you think calling a pres names like communist traitor and marxist sleeper cell pofs obama is the middle,to most that's a far right nutjob

Like I give a damn about people in the so called "middle" who have no core values, ideas, or foundation for their belief system beyond what is spoon fed them by the idiot box? 


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #389 on: February 14, 2012, 10:37:36 AM »
well dummy the middle decides the elections,that's why the repubs are where their at with these canidates

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #390 on: February 14, 2012, 10:41:18 AM »
well dummy the middle decides the elections,that's why the repubs are where their at with these canidates

Yeah 2010 never happened genius.   


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #391 on: February 14, 2012, 10:45:13 AM »
Yeah 2010 never happened genius.   

old news,do you realise their approval rating is in the single digits

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #392 on: February 14, 2012, 10:46:26 AM »
old news,do you realise their approval rating is in the single digits

Congress always poll low.  Nothing new.   

The so called "middle' are often a bunch of mindless people who sway like the wind w whatever the idiot box tells them to believe.   


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #393 on: February 14, 2012, 10:47:19 AM »
Like I give a damn about people in the so called "middle" who have no core values, ideas, or foundation for their belief system beyond what is spoon fed them by the idiot box? 
When I think of middle, I think of more concerned with pressing things like the economy, government spending, protecting personal liberties, etc.
Too far right and too far left and both sides start doing the same things - I.E. taking rights (abortion, freedom of speech, politicial correctness), spending (entitlement programs, unnecessary wars, etc), etc

Middle to me means being focused on whats best for the country, on respecting both sides right to choose how to live their lives, making decisions based on common sense for both sides without infringing on either's right to live their lives the way they see fit as long as it doesnt harm others rights to do the same, without letting extreme ideological views get in the way of letting the people have their personal freedoms. (I.E., one side trying to force church orgs to offer BC when its against their fundamental beliefs, or the other side trying to say that 2 people of the same sex that love each other  cannot be joined in a union)

Thats what the middle is to me. I know thats easier said than done, but it seems we let the loudest people dictate what happens in this country, especially when the loudest people are usually the minority, and those are usually the same people trying to impose their will on others.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #396 on: February 14, 2012, 10:56:33 AM »

 :D :D
Why should the government be able to mandate what Employers offer? That is one of the big deciding factors when I was job searching, were the benefits. The company that offered benefits more to my liking, I took. Those that didnt coincide with my wants/needs, I didnt. (Unless I had to have work, then it was a non issue). All these people bitching dont HAVE to work for the church. They know who theyre working for. There is NO REASON in hell that a government should tell a church org that they have to offer a service that they do not believe in. Its a fundamental right of EVERYONE in this country to run their lives (and business) how they see fit, as long as it doesnt hurt or unfairly fuck someone else.

There is nothing to stop someone from going and getting BC somewhere else. Saying that the Church should be forced to offer BC is basically saying you think the government should be able to tell you how to live your lives.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #397 on: February 14, 2012, 12:29:29 PM »
Obama's revised HHS mandate won't solve problems, USCCB president says
Catholic New Service ^ | February 14, 2012 | Francis X. Rocca

ROME (CNS) -- Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan of New York said Feb. 13 that President Barack Obama's revision to the contraceptive mandate in the health reform law did nothing to change the U.S. bishops' opposition to what they regard as an unconstitutional infringement on religious liberty.

"We bishops are pastors, we're not politicians, and you can't compromise on principle," said Cardinal-designate Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "And the goal posts haven't moved and I don't think there's a 50-yard line compromise here," he added.

"We're in the business of reconciliation, so it's not that we hold fast, that we're stubborn ideologues, no. But we don't see much sign of any compromise," he said.

"What (Obama) offered was next to nothing. There's no change, for instance, in these terribly restrictive mandates and this grossly restrictive definition of what constitutes a religious entity," he said. "The principle wasn't touched at all."

Announced Feb. 10, Obama's revision of the Department of Health and Human Services' contraceptive mandate left intact the restrictive definition of a religious entity and would shift the costs of contraceptives from the policyholders to the insurers, thus failing to ensure that Catholic individuals and institutions would not have to pay for services that they consider immoral, Cardinal-designate Dolan said.

For one thing, the cardinal-designate said, many dioceses and Catholic institutions are self-insuring. Moreover, Catholics with policies in the compliant insurance companies would be subsidizing others' contraception coverage. He also objected that individual Catholic employers would not enjoy exemption under Obama's proposal.

"My brother-in-law, who's a committed Catholic, runs a butcher shop. Is he going to have to pay for services that he as a convinced Catholic considers to be morally objectionable?" he asked.

Cardinal-designate Dolan said he emailed Sister Carol Keehan, a Daughter of Charity who heads the Catholic Health Association, on Feb. 10 to tell her that he was "disappointed that she had acted unilaterally, not in concert with the bishops."

"She's in a bind," the cardinal-designate said of Sister Carol. "When she's talking to (HHS Secretary Kathleen) Sebelius and the president of the United States, in some ways, these are people who are signing the checks for a good chunk of stuff that goes on in Catholic hospitals. It's tough for her to stand firm. Understandably, she's trying to make sure that anything possible, any compromise possible, that would allow the magnificent work of Catholic health care to continue, she's probably going to be innately more open to than we would."

In a Feb. 10 statement, Sister Carol praised what she called "a resolution ... that protects the religious liberty and conscience rights of Catholic institutions."

Cardinal-designate Dolan said Obama called him the morning of his announcement to tell him about the proposal.

"What we're probably going to have to do now is be more vigorous than ever in judicial and legislative remedies, because apparently we're not getting much consolation from the executive branch of the government," he said.

The cardinal-designate said the bishops are "very, very enthusiastic" about the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, introduced by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb. The cardinal said the legislation would produce an "ironclad law simply saying that no administrative decrees of the federal government can ever violate the conscience of a religious believer individually or religious institutions."

"It's a shame, you'd think that's so clear in the Constitution that that wouldn't have to be legislatively guaranteed, but we now know that it's not," he added.

In a phone interview with Catholic News Service in Washington, Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Conn., chairman of the bishops' Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, echoed what Cardinal-designate Dolan said about the need for legislative action to enact a religious right to conscience protection into federal law.

"Our religious freedom is too precious to be protected only be regulations," Bishop Lori said. "It needs legislative protection. More legislators, I think, are looking at it. There's more bipartisan support for it. There should be a lot pressure exerted on Congress to pass it and for the president to sign it."

In Rome Cardinal-designate Dolan said that some "very prominent attorneys," some of them non-Catholic and even nonreligious, had already volunteered to represent the bishops.

"We've got people who aren't Catholic, who may not even be religious, who have said, 'We want to help you on this one.' We've got very prominent attorneys who are very interested in religious freedom who say, 'Count on us to take these things as high as you can.' And we're going to."

He said the bishops draw hope for that fight from the Supreme Court's recent unanimous ruling in Hosanna-Tabor v. EEOC, a case regarding the ministerial exception.

"You'd think that (the Obama administration) would be able to read the tea leaves, that these things are going to be overthrown," the cardinal-designate said.

Bishop Lori told CNS that only after the original rule regarding contraception and sterilization coverage was revised and ready to be announced Feb. 10 did the White House contact Cardinal-designate Dolan and the USCCB.

The bishop suggested that Obama administration officials would have better understood the concerns religious organizations have about the rule had they tried to talk with the Catholic bishops, evangelicals and Orthodox church leaders who objected to the measure.

"That certainly did not happen," he said.

Such a meeting would have allowed the bishops "to bring it home that our ministries of charity, health care and education flow from what we believe and how we worship and how we are to live."

An administration official told Catholic News Service in an email Feb. 13 that the White House planned to convene a series of meetings "with faith-based organizations, insurers and other interested parties to develop policies that respect religious liberty and ensure access to preventive services for women enrolled in self-insured group health plans sponsored by religious organizations."

- - -

Contributing to this story was Dennis Sadowski in Washington.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #398 on: February 14, 2012, 04:20:54 PM »
ROME (CNS) -- Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan of New York said Feb. 13 that President Barack Obama's proposed revision to the contraceptive mandate in the health reform law did nothing to change the U.S. bishops' opposition to what they regard as an unconstitutional infringement on religious liberty.

"We bishops are pastors, we're not politicians, and you can't compromise on principle," said Cardinal-designate Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "And the goal posts haven't moved and I don't think there's a 50-yard line compromise here," he added.

"We're in the business of reconciliation, so it's not that we hold fast, that we're stubborn ideologues, no. But we don't see much sign of any compromise," he said.

"What (Obama) offered was next to nothing. There's no change, for instance, in these terribly restrictive mandates and this grossly restrictive definition of what constitutes a religious entity," he said. "The principle wasn't touched at all."

Obama's proposed revision of the Department of Health and Human Services' contraceptive mandate left intact the restrictive definition of a religious entity and would shift the costs of contraceptives from the policyholders to the insurers, thus failing to ensure that Catholic individuals and institutions would not have to pay for services that they consider immoral, Cardinal-designate Dolan said.

For one thing, the cardinal-designate said, many dioceses and Catholic institutions are self-insuring. Moreover, Catholics with policies in the compliant insurance companies would be subsidizing others' contraception coverage. He also objected that individual Catholic employers would not enjoy exemption under Obama's proposal.

"My brother-in-law, who's a committed Catholic, runs a butcher shop. Is he going to have to pay for services that he as a convinced Catholic considers to be morally objectionable?" he asked.

Cardinal-designate Dolan said he emailed Sister Carol Keehan, a Daughter of Charity who heads the Catholic Health Association, on Feb. 10 to tell her that he was "disappointed that she had acted unilaterally, not in concert with the bishops."
Read the rest at CNS:

Further Reading:
Six more things everyone should know about the HHS mandate (USCCB blog)
Archbishops Kurtz and Chaput join protests over 'unacceptable' attack on religious liberty (N.C. Register)
How the White House's 98% Contraception Figure for Catholics is Wrong (Tom Hoopes/Catholic Vote)
Obama seen working to splinter Catholic community (Catholic Culture)
Cardinal-Designate Dolan says bishops are not 'Obama Haters' (John Allen / I don't normally link to the NCR, but John Allen's articles are an exception because he is the exception there)
Fr. Jenkins: Where is your signature? (Pat Archbold/N.C. Register)
Just a minute Mr. President (Cardinal Roger Mahony)
The Audacity of Power: President Obama vs. the Catholic Church (Charles Kadlec/Forbes)
Intolerance is at the heart of Obamacare (James Taranto/WSJ)
Obama has stranded the Catholic 'left' (Elizabeth Scalia / First Things)
Democrats to Catholics: We don't want you (Rod Dreher)
The pseudo-magisterium needs to be neutered (Te Deum Laudamus)

TOPICS: Catholic; Current Events; Moral Issues; Religion & Politics; Click to Add Topic

Obama is Damien Thorn.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #399 on: February 14, 2012, 07:16:07 PM »
Why should the government be able to mandate what Employers offer? That is one of the big deciding factors when I was job searching, were the benefits. The company that offered benefits more to my liking, I took. Those that didnt coincide with my wants/needs, I didnt. (Unless I had to have work, then it was a non issue). All these people bitching dont HAVE to work for the church. They know who theyre working for. There is NO REASON in hell that a government should tell a church org that they have to offer a service that they do not believe in. Its a fundamental right of EVERYONE in this country to run their lives (and business) how they see fit, as long as it doesnt hurt or unfairly fuck someone else.

There is nothing to stop someone from going and getting BC somewhere else. Saying that the Church should be forced to offer BC is basically saying you think the government should be able to tell you how to live your lives.
The problem is youre talking to someone who does believe that.