Author Topic: guys here who take slin with every meal  (Read 11968 times)


  • Getbig III
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guys here who take slin with every meal
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:21:30 AM »
i know we have a few who do, had some questions....

1.  how much do you use? do you still take it if there is fat in a meal?  Im sure your diet contains some fat

2. Do you also take it pre or post-workout?

3.  Now that you take it with every meal (im assuming you sarted your slin usage post or pre-workout), do you find looking back that it is worthless pre-workout and much better when taking with every meal?

Thanks, very interested in advanced slin usage


  • Getbig V
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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 09:14:02 AM »

I'd like to know this as well.



  • Getbig II
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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 01:19:43 PM »
Fat does not makes you fat is slin put the fat in you and why would you take slin post workout or pre-workout when your glycogen level are low? is  like duble punch in the head lol, you take slin with higth carb meal, dosage depend on how much carbs you consume. for example if you take 5iu fast active slin with 50g of carb meal and half hour later you get mild hypoglycemia, so then you now next time up your curbs or low the dosage


  • Getbig III
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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 03:51:58 PM »
hey bro, from what ive read the best way to use slin or most popular is pre-workout,,,with a carb meal.  so the slin is in your system during your workout,,,,slin is anabolic and keeps protein from breaking down,,,so while your working out there are only anabolic processes and the catabolic processes of someone who is not on slin,,,,,and it lowers blood glucose and you burn more fat too (esp good for a bodybuilding routine with short rest higher reps, tons of volume),,,may not work for a doggy poop, HIT, or powerlifter routine,,,,but for high volume routine should shed some fat and keep catabolic activity to minimum,,,and then you try and take as little amount of carbs as possibel to not go hypo,,,,because the dudes who just drink down these stupid 200g carb shakes,,,well alot of guy would get fat from all that sugar.....for me 16iu pre-workout with 10oz chicken and 8oz sweet potao,,,it only takes 30g of crap sugar to get me through weights,cardio, to my PWO meal which is pasta and steak.

so taking it pre-workout,,,you are taking it with carbs,,,,the more good carbs and less junk sugar you need to add the better,,,,this i atleast what i understand from researching it and my real world results


  • Getbig II
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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2012, 07:25:37 PM »
if your goal is to put size and numbers on the scale u take slin with a meal when your glycogen levels are high, that meens all the high carb food that you eat you blood sugar will goes up and slin will force that sugar(carbs) in to the muscle that will makes your muscle looks fuler and biger, but you also need gh to speed up your metabolism and preventing you not to get fat, some ppl add t3 when the gh doesage are low compare to slin, and speaking about catabolism your body is allways in anabolic stage when you on aas


  • Getbig III
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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2012, 08:01:53 PM »
if your goal is to put size and numbers on the scale u take slin with a meal when your glycogen levels are high, that meens all the high carb food that you eat you blood sugar will goes up and slin will force that sugar(carbs) in to the muscle that will makes your muscle looks fuler and biger, but you also need gh to speed up your metabolism and preventing you not to get fat, some ppl add t3 when the gh doesage are low compare to slin, and speaking about catabolism your body is allways in anabolic stage when you on aas

thanks for the reply,,sounds like you have did the slin with every meal protocol or know people who have?  so in your opinion it sounds like this is the superior way to use slin compared to what 99% of guys do, take pre- or postworkout (what im seeing on everyforum,,,example the mutant protocl).  I agree GH def a must when with slin to keep lean, do you take the gh with each meal like slin or take it all at once say before bed?    Also wondering if that "full" look is permanent at a,, ive heard from sone it is, some it isn't, and some say it is only if used with GH


  • Getbig II
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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2012, 08:42:25 PM »
Not all the meals are higth in carbs, i did slin only with a high carbs meals, gh before a meal that will low your blood sugar an makes you hungry so you can eat your higth carb meal and then you inject fast acting slin. yes you will look full all day but when you discontinued slin every thing will disappear, nothing is permanatly in this world


  • Getbig V
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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2012, 05:57:53 AM »
That's what i noticed my last run with Slin. The results were gone just as quick as they came.

Thanks for the information.



  • Getbig II
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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2012, 10:46:31 AM »
i know we have a few who do, had some questions....

1.  how much do you use? do you still take it if there is fat in a meal?  Im sure your diet contains some fat

2. Do you also take it pre or post-workout?

3.  Now that you take it with every meal (im assuming you sarted your slin usage post or pre-workout), do you find looking back that it is worthless pre-workout and much better when taking with every meal?

Thanks, very interested in advanced slin usage
1. 10IU's of humalog before each meal
2. I take it postworkout before my postworkout meal
3.IMO it's not worth using pre-workout.  It gives good pumps but it doesn't do anything for size.  The real magic happens when you use it with meals


  • Getbig I
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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2012, 02:26:35 PM »
saved this article from mike arnorld on md forum.

"If someone is barely gaining any weight from it (I'm talking about beginners...or those who only cycle it...not those who stay on it all the time)...they are using it wrong.

I have seen numerous people say things recently like "I have been using 4 iu after every workout, but haven't gained anything this month"...or "I have been using 8 iu twice a week after seems to fill me out for a little bit afterwards, but I am not noticing any real gains"....and other such comments.

Well no fucking shit!

Anyone who thinks using 3-5 iu/day, especially when it'only on workouts going to see much of anything if fooling themselves. In fact...even the people who use 8 iu post workout/3-4 times a week...aren't going to gain much weight at all (maybe a few lbs over a month)...they will just add a bit of fullness and maybe slightly enhanced recovery.

If someone wants to use insulin to gain mass...they need to actually use it optimally. Optimal means whatever amount is optimal for their body weight, degree of insulin sensitivity and diet.

For a rapid gain with insulin over a 30 day period, one needs to use insulin 2-3 times a day...along with an increased food intake to compensate for the insulin usage. The type of diet will vary based on each individual.

EVERYTHING I say here is said for example only and should not be implemented into ones program because insulin is dangeous and can kill you...especially when your using it most effectively. A lot needs to be known about insulin, how to properly use it, how to protect onesself, and how to optimally eat for mass when using it. it should NEVER be take lightly. I will list below an example (which coud kill someone of a lighterbodyweight who does not eat the same and whose insulin resistance varies)..........

Example #1.
BB'r: 220 lb's

Diet: 4000 cals/day...600 grams of it carbs.

Insulin: 8 iu/3X daily...taken about 20 minutes after eating at least 100 grams of carbs and additional protein. The meal should total at least 800 calories.

Example #2.

BB'r: 250 lbs.

Diet: 5000 cals/daily...800 grams of them carbs.

Insulin: 12 iu/3x daily...taken about 20 minutes after eating at least 150 grams of carbs and additinal protein. The meal should total at least 1200 calories.

Those are just rough estimates for different weight BB'rs, but remember, a program like that, particulary the 2nd one, could kill someone if they don't know what they are doing. There is a lot more to safely using insulin than just "eating enough" at a single meal. There are many factors to take into consideration, and I am not going to address them all here.

Guys who use small amounts and expect to make big weight gains are fooling themselves. In my opinion, IF insulin is ever used, someone should be eating at least 4000 calories a day by that point....if not more. Smaller guys or guys eating less just don't need it."


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Re: guys here who take slin with every meal
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2012, 05:15:50 PM »
say all the negative things bout mike arnold being a liar and such he does put out a good article every now and then have to admit that.