"Had it coming..time to pay the piper..sold his soul..aids" I have less animosity toward people who have personally wronged me or that I consider enemies. I now have much less respect for the hardcore natties that hate on anyone that can bench over 400 or who has a decent build, got to be a juice monkey since my punk ass looks so terrible. This is getbig.com, maybe u should create jealousofanyonewithmuscl e.com or ihavehadnopussysincepuss yhadme.com or icrywhileijerkoff.com. I do not endorse the use,much less the abuse of, adrogenic/anabolic chemicals, gh, and am disgusted by use of synthol or whatever the hell else is used now, but being glad someone is hospitalized by illness is, in my opinion, a sign of being a sociopath or some sort of clinical illness that concerns me more than someone having body dismorphic disorder or similar condition that would motivate one to use any of the aforementioned substances. What if your mom is 250-300 lbs and eats a pack of bacon every morning, she is morbidly obese and has a stroke, heart disease and kidney failure from chronic high blood pressure. Bitch had it coming, sold her soul for bacon. You see the result is the same, except I have to endure looking at your mom or riding beside her on a bus or plane.