Author Topic: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back  (Read 180329 times)


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #150 on: February 27, 2012, 11:33:30 AM »
How many pages are required before these guys get on here to defend themselves!!?!?!

Freakshow cowards.


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #151 on: February 27, 2012, 11:43:37 AM »
How many pages are required before these guys get on here to defend themselves!!?!?!

Freakshow cowards.

the Baylies are hawking this thread. She must've cried herself to sleep already.
Boundary Breaker


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #152 on: February 27, 2012, 11:49:47 AM »

What's wrong with these people?   ???


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #153 on: February 27, 2012, 11:55:27 AM »
I wish they would both die. Seriously.


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #154 on: February 27, 2012, 11:58:01 AM »
What's wrong with these people?   ???

i don't really see anything wrong with them aside from that guy's horrible facial hair. i don't know what he's thinking, some newage-mutton chops or some shit, fuck that guy.


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #155 on: February 27, 2012, 11:59:38 AM »
Daddy ignored them so they disfigure themselves to garner attention and fill the void.  :)


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #156 on: February 27, 2012, 05:42:06 PM »
Girls and sons who have not been loved by their fathers seek attention once teens and adults to compensate for what they didnt have originally. Fathers either left them alone, or were distant most of the time and not encouraging them. Some even despised them which would shape their personality and the way they d interact with others for the rest of their life.
They are extremistic in everything they do, always looking exageratly for attention, and have troubles adapting to society's rules, because they also have troubles defining their own identity and respecting authority and hierarchy.

Also boys who got picked on by others during childhood and adolescence -often sons without a father figure- try to compensate by lifting weights, to develop muscles and survive in ther male world. They re insecure because they re girly, childish, feminine having been raised by a single mom. They lift obsessively hoping it will transform them into men, to compensate for their lack of influence from a father figure that was not there. Unfortunaltey they can get as big as they can it doesnt cure their insecurity and who they truly are, how they grew up being raised by a single mom. They re no as manly as other men whatever they do, and they often have a big lack of masculine presence they dont know how to balance, hence often being borderline homosexuals while trying to get their manhood back thru various manly activities (mma, cars, weight lifting etc). They are often the ones that, in order to get respect from other males will go the steroids route to get even "bigger" attemptint to cure their insecurity , but being natural not being "enough", they still feel "too small", insecure, amongst other males. The lack of a father figure also often means they didnt have guidance to continue studies and are often working shitty manual jobs.

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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #157 on: February 27, 2012, 05:49:43 PM »
Girls and sons who have not been loved by their fathers seek attention once teens and adults to compensate for what they didnt have originally. Fathers either left them alone, or were distant most of the time and not encouraging them. Some even despised them which would shape their personality and the way they d interact with others for the rest of their life.
They are extremistic in everything they do, always looking exageratly for attention, and have troubles adapting to society's rules, because they also have troubles defining their own identity and respecting authority and hierarchy.

Also boys who got picked on by others during childhood and adolescence -often sons without a father figure- try to compensate by lifting weights, to develop muscles and survive in ther male world. They re insecure because they re girly, childish, feminine having been raised by a single mom. They lift obsessively hoping it will transform them into men, to compensate for their lack of influence from a father figure that was not there. Unfortunaltey they can get as big as they can it doesnt cure their insecurity and who they truly are, how they grew up being raised by a single mom. They re no as manly as other men whatever they do, and they often have a big lack of masculine presence they dont know how to balance, hence often being borderline homosexuals while trying to get their manhood back thru various manly activities (mma, cars, weight lifting etc). They are often the ones that, in order to get respect from other males will go the steroids route to get even "bigger" attemptint to cure their insecurity , but being natural not being "enough", they still feel "too small", insecure, amongst other males. The lack of a father figure also often means they didnt have guidance to continue studies and are often working shitty manual jobs.



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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #158 on: February 27, 2012, 05:58:53 PM »
Girls and sons who have not been loved by their fathers seek attention once teens and adults to compensate for what they didnt have originally. Fathers either left them alone, or were distant most of the time and not encouraging them. Some even despised them which would shape their personality and the way they d interact with others for the rest of their life.
They are extremistic in everything they do, always looking exageratly for attention, and have troubles adapting to society's rules, because they also have troubles defining their own identity and respecting authority and hierarchy.

Also boys who got picked on by others during childhood and adolescence -often sons without a father figure- try to compensate by lifting weights, to develop muscles and survive in ther male world. They re insecure because they re girly, childish, feminine having been raised by a single mom. They lift obsessively hoping it will transform them into men, to compensate for their lack of influence from a father figure that was not there. Unfortunaltey they can get as big as they can it doesnt cure their insecurity and who they truly are, how they grew up being raised by a single mom. They re no as manly as other men whatever they do, and they often have a big lack of masculine presence they dont know how to balance, hence often being borderline homosexuals while trying to get their manhood back thru various manly activities (mma, cars, weight lifting etc). They are often the ones that, in order to get respect from other males will go the steroids route to get even "bigger" attemptint to cure their insecurity , but being natural not being "enough", they still feel "too small", insecure, amongst other males. The lack of a father figure also often means they didnt have guidance to continue studies and are often working shitty manual jobs.
First things first after reading this is nearly sent me to sleep. What I have just read has bored me to tears. You have rambled on about shit that doesnt really have anything to do with my points. Pretty pathetic if I'm honest.

Long story short you try and make out you're not jealous but in every post you mention her and my name into every pathetic response you make. That would ultimately say to me that you are very jealous and is one of the reasons for your immature hog wash that we see displayed today. "I try and win her affection you say? What are you basing this on your stupid girl? It just goes to show that you know fuck all. Do you not know she has phoned my mobile phone? Yea sounds like somebody that isn't interested. Its people like you that don't want me to win her over because you're jealous. Its that simple really. I mean your last GF was from the Internet and you actually had a RL its obvious that you could be jealous. Soshie is by far more prettier and nice than the girl you met and that must bug the hell out of you? A protestant is luckier than a Fenian like you lol that must suck.

You don't like blonde's you say? lmfao Yea sure is that why your last GF had blonde hair your selfpwning fuck up. Put your foot in it there didn't you? lol You're too easy bud.

No sorry I don't have a problem pulling girls in real life I'm not an ugly guy. So fucking what if I have an e- romance? Why does it bother you that much? It just further proves that you're so jealous and filled with furious envy. Soshie must of knocked you back at some point or not shown you the attention you craved. Awwe poor you my heart goes out to you sweetie it really does.

Cant you read you mother fucking dumb Irish taig? I said it wasn't a pwn. It was a general question. Are you a closet homosexual? Its a perfectly reasonable question. You are talking about me being your e- stalker...sorry but only a fag would say that you want me to stalk you since you must fancy me you Nancy boy. "back to the Walls boys ID about" Show me the reverse psychology you dumb pleb? You cant can you? I have nothing credible to say to you apart from being Irish? lol NEWS FLASH fuck face... who was the one that started to "try" and slate my nationality first? You did it not long after you rejoined now you're getting it back and you cant handle it can you? Well tough you drew first blood and now you're going receive a barrage of pwns you dumb gypsy thick Irish fucker. Is it a coincidence that all Irish jokes revert to you guys being dumb? lol We have a prime example of it right here with you. Yes you are a kiddie fiddler thats for sure. You're catholic so you support it thats just as bad. You keep saying "trying to be funny" I'm not trying to be funny everything that I have said to you as fact. You're just like every other lame ass that cant fight back when you are hit with a pwn you cant respond to "oh is that supposed to be funny?" If I fucked your mother taped it then posted it on here where I caught her fanny farting you would still come out with that line wouldn't you? Face baw bag you have no game and are well out matched on every aspect.

I can show you the posts very problems there pedo boy. You more than once said took INS side...that would say to me and everyone else that you agreed with him you thick selfpwning fucker. Jesus you are dumb aren't you? INS wasn't trying yo argue. See thats why I call you a naive little boy you are totally unaware that when somebody is trolling and when somebody is being serious. INS was trolling you fucking moron. He never posted any facts or fuck all. He just copy and pasted quotes from some anti Scottish site and "tried to pass them off as his own. I posted walls of text that were facts and he chose to ignore them because he had no answer whatsoever. Like I say open your fucking eyes and ears and you just might one time have a clue what the fuck is going around you. Having to explain things to your wee annoying niave ass is becoming tiresome. You're like a little kid and act like you have just been posting on forums for a few days you're that naive. Snap out of it for Christ sake.

Bud dont try and pull this one with me son. I know what catholics are like. You only need to look at their one dominational schools to see the truth. Catholic kids are taken away at a young age either to be raped by priests and brain washed into believing that particular faith. Hence the reason that its only catholics that are allowed to attend catholic schools. I bet of there were no catholic schools in N Ireland there wouldn't be as half as many problems with sectarianism. You're right there the Vatican is corrupt so finally we are getting a bit of sense out of your saw dust filled melon head. Well done wee man. Also is it a coincedence that kiddie fiddlers in catholic society are all priests? Funny that eh?

Take some Valium before I blow out a haggis? lol and you were slating me for bad pwns? Why don't you go take some Valium before you blow out some Irish stew?" See how lame that insult is bud? I mean seriously. "I don't like it when somebody can argue back with me?" lol Are you having a fucking laugh you fucking thick Irish ape? You obviously don't know me very well. Where do you think the majority of my post count came from? Go ask anyone on the forum if I don't like people arguing with me. I will say this though you make it bloody hard because I have to adjust my posting here to suit and adapt to your lame and pathetic insults and responses. "How do I like to think I'm Mr popular" When did I say that? show me the "I think I'm popular posts? You cant thats the facts here babes. I'm just me and don't change my posting for a fucking halfwit like you. I have always posted the same. It seems to me that you think I'm popular and that you have just accidentally posted what was on your sub consious mind. So you have selfpwnd there you have told me that you are really thinking which is great play on my part. You revealed your hand to me.

I don't think you are calm. Since you are a homosexual like I previous mentioned I think you are backed into a corner. You are not posting the way you are normally posting and are trying to compete with me here....that says to me that you're bugged and are annoyed which like I said before is great play/work on my part. I have brought you out your comfort zone into a posting world where you're not comfortable. Who was it that called me out? Can you name them please? I see nobody. So now you're lying now? Jesus Christ when will your BS ever stop? You're quite the wee fuck up aren't you? I get to you big time and you cant handle it. Thats a fact.

lol What in your frail little mind constitutes as a guy? Are you jealous that I may have nutthuggers is that you're problem here? and your basis of your anger? Can it not just be down to the fact that he and others agree with me where it bugs the fuck out of you? Is that not the issue here? It is isn't it? You try you're hardest on here to be liked and don't come on here and try and fool me and others and say you don't. Because all you're doing is making yourself out to be a fucking scrawny little Irish liar. I have watched you since you joined here again and you have been trying your up most best to draw attention to yourself from the start with your lame video's and your lame brain numbing humour that only you can understand. You're so lame in fact that most of the posters here thought you were a gimmick. So you had to adjust your posting ASAP to fit in better is that not true? So don't sit here sunshine and try and BS me because let me tell you you can BS a BS.

Yes watch your head on the way out...thats exactly what I said. I said it after you got served. Jesus I actually need to explain things to you you're that fucking thick. Its the same as saying "don't let the door hit your ass on the way out" its an insult you thick girl. Yes I called you a pig. If thats what I think you are acting like then my fuck I am going to call you it. You say "you would of hoped I could of challenged me? but I have well and truly served you. You have been pwnd numerous times in this thread. I didn't really need to go on but because you're a weak target I couldnt resit. "You have seen my type before"? What type is this? Can you show me them please? I would love to see them. There is no type like me. I am 1 in a million.

"The kinda of guy who pretends he doesn't want to be liked"? lol bud where the fuck do you create this fucking shit? Again you don't know fuck all about me. The more you post the further it proves. That line you just said there is just a pre rehearsed lame line that is said to posters all over forums. Its pathetic and stale and shows you how utterly non creative you really are. I think you have already lowered yourself more than once son... I don't think its possible to redeem yourself on that one. "insult me for being Scottish?" How can you insult me for being Scottish? I love being Scottish. You're fucking Irish you catholic fuck Scotland's achievements in the world > Ireland's thats for fucking sure. You set yourself up for that one didn't you?

In closing. This is all pretty funny for a guy that only a few years ago was begging me to post at his forum by sending me loads of PM's. So you have shot yourself on the foot on that aspect too

Have a nice day you homosexual


  • Getbig III
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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #159 on: February 27, 2012, 06:17:27 PM »
First things first after reading this is nearly sent me to sleep. What I have just read has bored me to tears. You have rambled on about shit that doesnt really have anything to do with my points. Pretty pathetic if I'm honest.

Long story short you try and make out you're not jealous but in every post you mention her and my name into every pathetic response you make. That would ultimately say to me that you are very jealous and is one of the reasons for your immature hog wash that we see displayed today. "I try and win her affection you say? What are you basing this on your stupid girl? It just goes to show that you know fuck all. Do you not know she has phoned my mobile phone? Yea sounds like somebody that isn't interested. Its people like you that don't want me to win her over because you're jealous. Its that simple really. I mean your last GF was from the Internet and you actually had a RL its obvious that you could be jealous. Soshie is by far more prettier and nice than the girl you met and that must bug the hell out of you? A protestant is luckier than a Fenian like you lol that must suck.

You don't like blonde's you say? lmfao Yea sure is that why your last GF had blonde hair your selfpwning fuck up. Put your foot in it there didn't you? lol You're too easy bud.

No sorry I don't have a problem pulling girls in real life I'm not an ugly guy. So fucking what if I have an e- romance? Why does it bother you that much? It just further proves that you're so jealous and filled with furious envy. Soshie must of knocked you back at some point or not shown you the attention you craved. Awwe poor you my heart goes out to you sweetie it really does.

Cant you read you mother fucking dumb Irish taig? I said it wasn't a pwn. It was a general question. Are you a closet homosexual? Its a perfectly reasonable question. You are talking about me being your e- stalker...sorry but only a fag would say that you want me to stalk you since you must fancy me you Nancy boy. "back to the Walls boys ID about" Show me the reverse psychology you dumb pleb? You cant can you? I have nothing credible to say to you apart from being Irish? lol NEWS FLASH fuck face... who was the one that started to "try" and slate my nationality first? You did it not long after you rejoined now you're getting it back and you cant handle it can you? Well tough you drew first blood and now you're going receive a barrage of pwns you dumb gypsy thick Irish fucker. Is it a coincidence that all Irish jokes revert to you guys being dumb? lol We have a prime example of it right here with you. Yes you are a kiddie fiddler thats for sure. You're catholic so you support it thats just as bad. You keep saying "trying to be funny" I'm not trying to be funny everything that I have said to you as fact. You're just like every other lame ass that cant fight back when you are hit with a pwn you cant respond to "oh is that supposed to be funny?" If I fucked your mother taped it then posted it on here where I caught her fanny farting you would still come out with that line wouldn't you? Face baw bag you have no game and are well out matched on every aspect.

I can show you the posts very problems there pedo boy. You more than once said took INS side...that would say to me and everyone else that you agreed with him you thick selfpwning fucker. Jesus you are dumb aren't you? INS wasn't trying yo argue. See thats why I call you a naive little boy you are totally unaware that when somebody is trolling and when somebody is being serious. INS was trolling you fucking moron. He never posted any facts or fuck all. He just copy and pasted quotes from some anti Scottish site and "tried to pass them off as his own. I posted walls of text that were facts and he chose to ignore them because he had no answer whatsoever. Like I say open your fucking eyes and ears and you just might one time have a clue what the fuck is going around you. Having to explain things to your wee annoying niave ass is becoming tiresome. You're like a little kid and act like you have just been posting on forums for a few days you're that naive. Snap out of it for Christ sake.

Bud dont try and pull this one with me son. I know what catholics are like. You only need to look at their one dominational schools to see the truth. Catholic kids are taken away at a young age either to be raped by priests and brain washed into believing that particular faith. Hence the reason that its only catholics that are allowed to attend catholic schools. I bet of there were no catholic schools in N Ireland there wouldn't be as half as many problems with sectarianism. You're right there the Vatican is corrupt so finally we are getting a bit of sense out of your saw dust filled melon head. Well done wee man. Also is it a coincedence that kiddie fiddlers in catholic society are all priests? Funny that eh?

Take some Valium before I blow out a haggis? lol and you were slating me for bad pwns? Why don't you go take some Valium before you blow out some Irish stew?" See how lame that insult is bud? I mean seriously. "I don't like it when somebody can argue back with me?" lol Are you having a fucking laugh you fucking thick Irish ape? You obviously don't know me very well. Where do you think the majority of my post count came from? Go ask anyone on the forum if I don't like people arguing with me. I will say this though you make it bloody hard because I have to adjust my posting here to suit and adapt to your lame and pathetic insults and responses. "How do I like to think I'm Mr popular" When did I say that? show me the "I think I'm popular posts? You cant thats the facts here babes. I'm just me and don't change my posting for a fucking halfwit like you. I have always posted the same. It seems to me that you think I'm popular and that you have just accidentally posted what was on your sub consious mind. So you have selfpwnd there you have told me that you are really thinking which is great play on my part. You revealed your hand to me.

I don't think you are calm. Since you are a homosexual like I previous mentioned I think you are backed into a corner. You are not posting the way you are normally posting and are trying to compete with me here....that says to me that you're bugged and are annoyed which like I said before is great play/work on my part. I have brought you out your comfort zone into a posting world where you're not comfortable. Who was it that called me out? Can you name them please? I see nobody. So now you're lying now? Jesus Christ when will your BS ever stop? You're quite the wee fuck up aren't you? I get to you big time and you cant handle it. Thats a fact.

lol What in your frail little mind constitutes as a guy? Are you jealous that I may have nutthuggers is that you're problem here? and your basis of your anger? Can it not just be down to the fact that he and others agree with me where it bugs the fuck out of you? Is that not the issue here? It is isn't it? You try you're hardest on here to be liked and don't come on here and try and fool me and others and say you don't. Because all you're doing is making yourself out to be a fucking scrawny little Irish liar. I have watched you since you joined here again and you have been trying your up most best to draw attention to yourself from the start with your lame video's and your lame brain numbing humour that only you can understand. You're so lame in fact that most of the posters here thought you were a gimmick. So you had to adjust your posting ASAP to fit in better is that not true? So don't sit here sunshine and try and BS me because let me tell you you can BS a BS.

Yes watch your head on the way out...thats exactly what I said. I said it after you got served. Jesus I actually need to explain things to you you're that fucking thick. Its the same as saying "don't let the door hit your ass on the way out" its an insult you thick girl. Yes I called you a pig. If thats what I think you are acting like then my fuck I am going to call you it. You say "you would of hoped I could of challenged me? but I have well and truly served you. You have been pwnd numerous times in this thread. I didn't really need to go on but because you're a weak target I couldnt resit. "You have seen my type before"? What type is this? Can you show me them please? I would love to see them. There is no type like me. I am 1 in a million.

"The kinda of guy who pretends he doesn't want to be liked"? lol bud where the fuck do you create this fucking shit? Again you don't know fuck all about me. The more you post the further it proves. That line you just said there is just a pre rehearsed lame line that is said to posters all over forums. Its pathetic and stale and shows you how utterly non creative you really are. I think you have already lowered yourself more than once son... I don't think its possible to redeem yourself on that one. "insult me for being Scottish?" How can you insult me for being Scottish? I love being Scottish. You're fucking Irish you catholic fuck Scotland's achievements in the world > Ireland's thats for fucking sure. You set yourself up for that one didn't you?

In closing. This is all pretty funny for a guy that only a few years ago was begging me to post at his forum by sending me loads of PM's. So you have shot yourself on the foot on that aspect too

Have a nice day you homosexual


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #160 on: February 27, 2012, 06:44:13 PM »

Could care less about this thread, but that is hilarious!! :D

Mr. Magoo

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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #161 on: February 27, 2012, 06:50:02 PM »
so did they ever come here? I was wanting to make fun of them


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #162 on: February 27, 2012, 06:58:53 PM »
how old is she?


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #163 on: February 27, 2012, 07:01:16 PM »
so did they ever come here? I was wanting to make fun of them
I`m sure they`ll rush right over to get insulted by everyone.

They should be here any second now!  ;D


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #164 on: February 27, 2012, 07:02:50 PM »
I`m sure they`ll rush right over to get insulted by everyone.

They should be here any second now!  ;D

Haha getbig has a score to settle with them  ;D


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #165 on: February 27, 2012, 07:03:52 PM »
Haha getbig has a score to settle with them  ;D
They`re dead meat if the venture into the dreaded THUNDERDOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #166 on: February 27, 2012, 07:10:17 PM »
I only read short posts.  :D


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #167 on: February 27, 2012, 11:24:35 PM »

no one

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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #168 on: February 27, 2012, 11:46:42 PM »
I`m sure they`ll rush right over to get insulted by everyone.

They should be here any second now!  ;D



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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #169 on: February 28, 2012, 03:38:06 AM »


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #170 on: February 28, 2012, 03:50:38 AM »
I think she's a stunning girl. She's doing her thing, who cares


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #171 on: February 28, 2012, 03:57:25 AM »
I think she's a stunning girl. She's doing her thing, who cares

her thing is annoying.
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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #172 on: February 28, 2012, 04:06:34 AM »
First things first after reading this is nearly sent me to sleep. What I have just read has bored me to tears. You have rambled on about shit that doesnt really have anything to do with my points. Pretty pathetic if I'm honest.

Long story short you try and make out you're not jealous but in every post you mention her and my name into every pathetic response you make. That would ultimately say to me that you are very jealous and is one of the reasons for your immature hog wash that we see displayed today. "I try and win her affection you say? What are you basing this on your stupid girl? It just goes to show that you know fuck all. Do you not know she has phoned my mobile phone? Yea sounds like somebody that isn't interested. Its people like you that don't want me to win her over because you're jealous. Its that simple really. I mean your last GF was from the Internet and you actually had a RL its obvious that you could be jealous. Soshie is by far more prettier and nice than the girl you met and that must bug the hell out of you? A protestant is luckier than a Fenian like you lol that must suck.

You don't like blonde's you say? lmfao Yea sure is that why your last GF had blonde hair your selfpwning fuck up. Put your foot in it there didn't you? lol You're too easy bud.

No sorry I don't have a problem pulling girls in real life I'm not an ugly guy. So fucking what if I have an e- romance? Why does it bother you that much? It just further proves that you're so jealous and filled with furious envy. Soshie must of knocked you back at some point or not shown you the attention you craved. Awwe poor you my heart goes out to you sweetie it really does.

Cant you read you mother fucking dumb Irish taig? I said it wasn't a pwn. It was a general question. Are you a closet homosexual? Its a perfectly reasonable question. You are talking about me being your e- stalker...sorry but only a fag would say that you want me to stalk you since you must fancy me you Nancy boy. "back to the Walls boys ID about" Show me the reverse psychology you dumb pleb? You cant can you? I have nothing credible to say to you apart from being Irish? lol NEWS FLASH fuck face... who was the one that started to "try" and slate my nationality first? You did it not long after you rejoined now you're getting it back and you cant handle it can you? Well tough you drew first blood and now you're going receive a barrage of pwns you dumb gypsy thick Irish fucker. Is it a coincidence that all Irish jokes revert to you guys being dumb? lol We have a prime example of it right here with you. Yes you are a kiddie fiddler thats for sure. You're catholic so you support it thats just as bad. You keep saying "trying to be funny" I'm not trying to be funny everything that I have said to you as fact. You're just like every other lame ass that cant fight back when you are hit with a pwn you cant respond to "oh is that supposed to be funny?" If I fucked your mother taped it then posted it on here where I caught her fanny farting you would still come out with that line wouldn't you? Face baw bag you have no game and are well out matched on every aspect.

I can show you the posts very problems there pedo boy. You more than once said took INS side...that would say to me and everyone else that you agreed with him you thick selfpwning fucker. Jesus you are dumb aren't you? INS wasn't trying yo argue. See thats why I call you a naive little boy you are totally unaware that when somebody is trolling and when somebody is being serious. INS was trolling you fucking moron. He never posted any facts or fuck all. He just copy and pasted quotes from some anti Scottish site and "tried to pass them off as his own. I posted walls of text that were facts and he chose to ignore them because he had no answer whatsoever. Like I say open your fucking eyes and ears and you just might one time have a clue what the fuck is going around you. Having to explain things to your wee annoying niave ass is becoming tiresome. You're like a little kid and act like you have just been posting on forums for a few days you're that naive. Snap out of it for Christ sake.

Bud dont try and pull this one with me son. I know what catholics are like. You only need to look at their one dominational schools to see the truth. Catholic kids are taken away at a young age either to be raped by priests and brain washed into believing that particular faith. Hence the reason that its only catholics that are allowed to attend catholic schools. I bet of there were no catholic schools in N Ireland there wouldn't be as half as many problems with sectarianism. You're right there the Vatican is corrupt so finally we are getting a bit of sense out of your saw dust filled melon head. Well done wee man. Also is it a coincedence that kiddie fiddlers in catholic society are all priests? Funny that eh?

Take some Valium before I blow out a haggis? lol and you were slating me for bad pwns? Why don't you go take some Valium before you blow out some Irish stew?" See how lame that insult is bud? I mean seriously. "I don't like it when somebody can argue back with me?" lol Are you having a fucking laugh you fucking thick Irish ape? You obviously don't know me very well. Where do you think the majority of my post count came from? Go ask anyone on the forum if I don't like people arguing with me. I will say this though you make it bloody hard because I have to adjust my posting here to suit and adapt to your lame and pathetic insults and responses. "How do I like to think I'm Mr popular" When did I say that? show me the "I think I'm popular posts? You cant thats the facts here babes. I'm just me and don't change my posting for a fucking halfwit like you. I have always posted the same. It seems to me that you think I'm popular and that you have just accidentally posted what was on your sub consious mind. So you have selfpwnd there you have told me that you are really thinking which is great play on my part. You revealed your hand to me.

I don't think you are calm. Since you are a homosexual like I previous mentioned I think you are backed into a corner. You are not posting the way you are normally posting and are trying to compete with me here....that says to me that you're bugged and are annoyed which like I said before is great play/work on my part. I have brought you out your comfort zone into a posting world where you're not comfortable. Who was it that called me out? Can you name them please? I see nobody. So now you're lying now? Jesus Christ when will your BS ever stop? You're quite the wee fuck up aren't you? I get to you big time and you cant handle it. Thats a fact.

lol What in your frail little mind constitutes as a guy? Are you jealous that I may have nutthuggers is that you're problem here? and your basis of your anger? Can it not just be down to the fact that he and others agree with me where it bugs the fuck out of you? Is that not the issue here? It is isn't it? You try you're hardest on here to be liked and don't come on here and try and fool me and others and say you don't. Because all you're doing is making yourself out to be a fucking scrawny little Irish liar. I have watched you since you joined here again and you have been trying your up most best to draw attention to yourself from the start with your lame video's and your lame brain numbing humour that only you can understand. You're so lame in fact that most of the posters here thought you were a gimmick. So you had to adjust your posting ASAP to fit in better is that not true? So don't sit here sunshine and try and BS me because let me tell you you can BS a BS.

Yes watch your head on the way out...thats exactly what I said. I said it after you got served. Jesus I actually need to explain things to you you're that fucking thick. Its the same as saying "don't let the door hit your ass on the way out" its an insult you thick girl. Yes I called you a pig. If thats what I think you are acting like then my fuck I am going to call you it. You say "you would of hoped I could of challenged me? but I have well and truly served you. You have been pwnd numerous times in this thread. I didn't really need to go on but because you're a weak target I couldnt resit. "You have seen my type before"? What type is this? Can you show me them please? I would love to see them. There is no type like me. I am 1 in a million.

"The kinda of guy who pretends he doesn't want to be liked"? lol bud where the fuck do you create this fucking shit? Again you don't know fuck all about me. The more you post the further it proves. That line you just said there is just a pre rehearsed lame line that is said to posters all over forums. Its pathetic and stale and shows you how utterly non creative you really are. I think you have already lowered yourself more than once son... I don't think its possible to redeem yourself on that one. "insult me for being Scottish?" How can you insult me for being Scottish? I love being Scottish. You're fucking Irish you catholic fuck Scotland's achievements in the world > Ireland's thats for fucking sure. You set yourself up for that one didn't you?

In closing. This is all pretty funny for a guy that only a few years ago was begging me to post at his forum by sending me loads of PM's. So you have shot yourself on the foot on that aspect too

Have a nice day you homosexual

Haven't been around here very long have you?   ;D


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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #173 on: February 28, 2012, 04:07:41 AM »
I think she's a stunning girl. She's doing her thing, who cares

"her thing"? It seems more like an act of retardness, something like "I was bullied as a teenager, but -haters gonna hate- I get over it"

(well, in her mind  ::))


  • Getbig V
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Re: Our favourite natty chick Dana Linn Bailey strikes back
« Reply #174 on: February 28, 2012, 04:08:42 AM »