Author Topic: Breitbart - RIP  (Read 9566 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #75 on: March 08, 2012, 03:19:22 PM »
My Friend, Andrew Breitbart ^ | March 8, 2012 | Ben Shapiro

I recently became editor-at-large of Andrew Breitbart's empire, but I first met Andrew when he was still the unnamed other half of Matt Drudge's monster website. The year was 2001. I'd just entered college at UCLA, and after seeing the anti-Israel bias of the student newspaper, The Daily Bruin, I had become their token conservative columnist. My specialty was throwing bombs. The reaction to my pieces was absolutely unanimous: The liberals on campus hated them.

One day, I opened my email to find a missive from some guy named Andrew. No last name attached. It said that he worked with Matt Drudge. It also said he'd been sitting in a Westwood restaurant with nothing to read and picked up a copy of the Daily Bruin. He'd read my column, and he wanted to get together.

"Hell yes," I thought and told him so. A few days later, we were sitting at that same restaurant. I was watching him sip a Sprite and eat a plate of Mexican food, and we were chatting about what we wanted to do with our lives. I remember thinking that Andrew was one of the most electric characters I'd ever met: hysterically funny, brashly indifferent to the conventions of political correctness. Ballsy. Jovial. Nobody loved life more, or attacked it more ravenously.

And generous. There are a lot of nasty characters in the media space, as I found out early in my career. But Andrew was loyal to a fault. He would stand by his friends -- and his ideals -- through hell or high water. He was unremittingly giving. After finding out that I had just secured a deal to become the youngest syndicated columnist in the country, he quickly fixed me up with David Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, both of who are now close friends. Throughout my career, whenever I needed advice -- particularly on my last book, "Primetime Propaganda," in which I went semi-undercover to expose Hollywood's hatred for conservatives -- Andrew was there, explaining to me how to play the media. Nobody knew how to do it better. He drew his political opponents into his traps, and then locked the door as the walls began to shut in, Star Wars-style, although he would have preferred a John Waters reference.

Andrew was also a warrior, of course. Now that he's gone, people will characterize him as angry, which he was but only at injustice. Mostly, he enjoyed the battle, as most great warriors do. He loved the back and forth. He loved nothing better than the bizarre irony of mortal political enemies having a drink together -- which is why an hour before his death, he was apparently having an animated conversation with a liberal in a Westwood restaurant. Typical Andrew.

Everybody got along with him. He surrounded himself with people you'd never expect -- Orthodox Jews and liberal agnostics, libertarians and social conservatives, goofballs and the most serious of the serious. He liked everybody, and everybody liked him.

Andrew was a perfectionist, a narrative junkie, an excitable and unstoppable force of nature. He was loosey-goosey in his manner, but he was rigorous in his thinking. He was hilariously funny -- jokes and stories ran trippingly from his tongue, dirty and clean, but all without boundaries. There has never been anyone in his league when it comes to strategizing the media war. And there was no one I would rather take a late-night phone call from than Andrew. I'll never forget the 9 p.m. phone call in which he told me he had some sort of story on a Congressman from New York or the pure joy in his voice when he explained to me about the ACORN tapes, his booming laugh resonating in my ears. Andrew lived for this.

Andrew wasn't religious, but he believed deeply in the moral fabric of the nation. He knew the value of the American system of government and thought, and he would not stop fighting for it. Most of all, Andrew loved truth. He hated falsity, whether interpersonal or journalistic or political. He hated hypocrisy and couldn't stand two-faced politicians (as Anthony Weiner can attest). He was not a manipulator. He was unwaveringly honest, sometimes to his own detriment. He loved culture and hated ignorance.

When my father heard about his death, he wrote me, "You know how I always say that when someone vivid dies some light goes out of the world? In his case, it was like a torch going out -- brilliant and ephemeral. It reminds me way too much of him being like Diogenes carrying his torch in daylight looking for an honest man. Andrew was our Diogenes." I can't put it much better than that. As far as America is concerned, we're down by a Diogenes.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm down a great, great friend. Andrew, I will miss you. So will the country. But we'll keep on fighting until the fight is done.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #76 on: March 09, 2012, 07:18:38 AM »
Breitbart's Last In-Depth Interview: MSNBC Plot to Paint Obama Foes as 'Bigots'; Sharpton Hired to Help Mount Attack (Exclusive Audio)

4:00 PM PST 3/8/2012 by Paul Bond

Before he died, the conservative new-media maven was readying a defense from attacks he expected from MSNBC, Media Matters and the White House.

0.8805270152883637playpa usestopmin volumemax volume0:00:360:06:17andrewbreitbart.mp3
.During an exclusive recorded interview with The Hollywood Reporter four weeks before his March 1 death, Andrew Breitbart alleged a plot between MSNBC and Media Matters for America — perhaps even in coordination with the White House – to paint detractors of PresidentObama as bigots.

The conservative firebrand suggested the strategy included pressuring advertisers (Rush Limbaugh's recent trouble keeping sponsors seems to fit the bill) and silencing conservatives (he cited Pat Buchanan, who has since been fired after 10 years as an MSNBC contributor). Essential to the strategy, Breitbart said, was hiring the Rev. Al Sharpton as a full-time host at MSNBC.

VIDEO: Andrew Breitbart to Star Posthumously in Two Movies; See Trailers (Video)

Sharpton premiered as host of PoliticsNation With Al Sharpton on MSNBC in August. He was hired, according to Breitbart, because accusations of racism against the Tea Party and other conservatives have more heft coming from him than they do from hosts Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz and Lawrence O’Donnell.

Breitbart said that having Sharpton, as well as such other prominent, left-wing African-Americans as Cornel West and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, appear only sporadically on cable news shows wasn’t sufficient to smear Obama opponents. Sharpton’s task is to identify the allegedly coded language of the right – which Breitbart called “dog whistles” --  that Sharpton can translate into something racially insensitive.

“Every single day, he and his team get to do that, as opposed to dropping in and saying, ‘Hey did you hear that dog whistle?' ” said Breitbart.

“Maddow, Ed and the others are lily white -- glaringly lilly white for a group of people who are saying that the Tea Party is racist — so they had to put up a black person in this role to save face from their glaring whiteness as they accuse the Tea Party of being racist,” he said.

STORY: Andrew Breitbart Talked Politics in L.A. Bar an Hour Before Dying (Exclusive)

“Going into the 2012 election cycle, they needed to have professional race arsonists to hear dog whistles where no one else would hear them in order to put Republicans and conservatives, again, on the defensive over race and again create the driving narrative that the only rational reason that somebody could disagree with a progressive, liberal, leftist, community-organizing president is simply because he’s black. It’s absurd, but MSNBC understands the value," Breitbart said.

“It’s true propaganda in its most glaring form,” Breitbart said, “and there are organizations who then take that data and use it to intimidate advertisers and intimidate networks to get certain people off the air.”

On his belief that liberals try to silence the voices of certain conservatives, Breitbart said: “There’s no equivalent on the right. There’s nothing that can get a left-wing pundit kicked off the air the way that these left-wing organizations are doing right now, like they did with Pat Buchanan. They are the new totalitarians — but that’s what leftism is, that’s what community organizing is, and that is what you’re going to see is a fundamental tactic going into this election cycle."

PHOTOS: Hollywood's Notable Deaths of 2012

Breitbart didn’t share his exact strategy for fighting back between now and the November general election, nor did he offer much in the way of proof of his assertions, though he used his own appearances on MSNBC as evidence that the network coordinates with Media Matters, and that they both are confidants of the Obama administration.

“I went on Martin Bashir’s show,” said Breitbart, “and it was a caricature, an exaggeration of what I had come to expect, which was a series of questions that came directly from Media Matters.”

Breitbart said MSNBC and Media Matters "want to go after me, they want to destroy me and my media possibilities as much as they want to destroy Rush Limbaugh, and that’s because Rush has his own venue and I have my own venue."

Breitbart called Media Matters a “political organization masked as a watchdog group” whose “dispatches are immediately turned into the questions that are used on air by MSNBC, which serves the same purpose of defending the Obama administration.”

Media Matters, he said, is “a radical left-wing 501c3 that gets millions of dollars from George Soros and other radical left-wing organizations, including the SEIU, the organizations that are the foot soldiers for the Obama administration. MSNBC is using them in order to craft narratives. It’s a rigged operation. If anybody paid attention to the lineage of the questions and the narrative it would shock you. It’s direct from the White House. It’s direct coordination from the DNC.”

PHOTOS: 10 Entertainers Democrats and Republicans Love to Hate

A six-minute clip of the Breitbart interview is embedded at the top of this story.

MSNBC declined comment. A spokesperson for the cable news network said Sharpton was not available for comment.

In an interview, a rep for Media Matters acknowledges that the organization provides information to progressive pundits who appear on MSNBC and elsewhere. And since August 2009, it has been conducting the Progressive Talent Initiative, a series of four-day boot camps that trains pundits to make their liberal arguments on television. The PTI has trained 100 pundits who have made 800 TV appearances. Media Matters doesn't divulge names, but spokesman Ari Rabin-Havt confirms that contestants from American Idol and The Apprentice have been through the program.

Rabin-Havt, though, says Breitbart's assertions that Media Matters is in league with MSNBC to embarrass conservatives is an exaggeration.

"Whenever we know certain conservatives are booked, we send a memo saying, 'Hey, you should ask them this question.' But there's no conference call saying, 'This is how you should attack your guest.' That would be inappropriate," says Rabin-Havt.

As to coordinating with the Obama administration, he says: "There are times when our interests are aligned with the White House, but we never get marching orders from them. … Yes, we call the White House if we have a question, just like any reporter would."


________________________ ______

Spot on.   

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #78 on: March 13, 2012, 09:41:09 PM »
Breitbart was a fag

Soul Crusher

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #79 on: March 14, 2012, 04:16:44 AM »
Breitbart was a fag

He was married w four kids you ghetto thug! 


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #80 on: March 14, 2012, 10:00:57 AM »
He was married w four kids you ghetto thug! 
Never stopped a homo before... Although I am quite certain he was not gay.


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #81 on: March 14, 2012, 10:22:48 PM »
Never stopped a homo before... Although I am quite certain he was not gay.

He was gay in spirit...a real whiny guy who cried if he didn't get his way and would make up shit to suit his purposes


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #82 on: March 15, 2012, 05:23:20 AM »
He was gay in spirit...a real whiny guy who cried if he didn't get his way and would make up shit to suit his purposes

Sounds like someone who posted a few spots above on this thread.   :D

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #84 on: March 15, 2012, 10:10:58 PM »
Sounds like someone who posted a few spots above on this thread.   :D

spot on!


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #85 on: March 16, 2012, 05:08:55 AM »


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #86 on: March 16, 2012, 03:40:08 PM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #87 on: March 16, 2012, 08:32:19 PM »
next up:
Rush !

Lovable tolerant left at it again.


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #88 on: March 16, 2012, 10:33:07 PM »
Lovable tolerant left at it again.

you expect the "left" to be tolerant while Rush Limbaugh (the convict) calls a young woman who just happened to disagree with him a whore???? ever happened to "family values"????

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #89 on: March 18, 2012, 03:08:04 AM »
you all can leave family out of your pissing match, if you can't, don't post it here...

Soul Crusher

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #90 on: November 16, 2012, 07:04:59 PM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #91 on: November 16, 2012, 07:36:16 PM »


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #92 on: November 16, 2012, 10:16:47 PM »


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #93 on: November 16, 2012, 10:26:40 PM »


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #94 on: November 16, 2012, 10:43:12 PM »
you are a wanker

I can be at times, yes


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #95 on: November 17, 2012, 03:36:29 AM »
a 43 year old man dies suddenlty of natural causes?

why no mention of the "natural cause"?

Obamas reelection ;D


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #96 on: November 17, 2012, 03:39:48 AM »

I'm really upset over this loss.    But the fight goes on against the communists!   

Dont worry the world has plenty of liars left.


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #97 on: November 17, 2012, 06:26:46 AM »
Obamas reelection ;D
if he didn't die then he would have after the election. ;)