Author Topic: Breitbart - RIP  (Read 9452 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2012, 04:34:50 AM »
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Breitbart A Provocateur to the End ^ | March 3, 2012 | Jonah Goldberg
Posted on March 3, 2012 7:20:53 AM EST by Kaslin

 Andrew Breitbart's heart was too big to fail, but it did anyway.

If you don't know who Breitbart was, you haven't been paying attention. A conservative activist, entrepreneur, author, muckraker, media pioneer and performance artist of sorts, in his heart he was a radical.

His friends saw him as a fearless truth-teller and provocateur. (The word "fearless" will have to be retired from overuse when all of his obituaries have been written.) His enemies, and they are legion even in death, saw him as the most vile creature who ever slithered upon the earth.

Within hours of the news, Twitter lit up with repugnant and ghoulish statements from left-wingers celebrating the premature death of a man with four small children. I won't repeat them because the ones printable in a family newspaper aren't representative, and the ones that are representative aren't printable.

Andrew relished such attacks, truly, because they proved to him that he was having great effect in his work and that his opponents had run out of serious arguments.

This is not to say that Andrew was beyond criticism. He made mistakes. He took full swings at some pitches he should have just let go. He overstated some things that needed to be said, and said some things that didn't need to be said at all. He was a human run-on sentence who showed deference to no punctuation mark save the exclamation point, a conservative Tasmanian Devil from the Bugs Bunny cartoons we both grew up on, whirling and whizzing through anything in his path. Giving him a dose of Ritalin to treat his hyperactivity would be like throwing a glass of water on a five-alarm fire.

But the hatred his enemies had for him overshot his faults like a dart thrown past the board and over the moon.

Others will talk of his accomplishments: working for the Drudge Report in its infancy, creating websites and businesses, pioneering new forms of media and exploiting the inherent weaknesses and pieties of the old media. And many who knew him will talk of his personal kindness: how the only times he slowed down were when he needed to lend an ear, do a favor or talk about how much he loved his family.

Those things matter more than the politics, but they are not what made him a public figure. If being kind and loving your family made you famous, countless plumbers, carpenters and accountants would be famous too.

No, what made him a public figure is what drove him to leap into battle day after day. Andrew had profound contempt for those on the left who claimed a birthright to a monopoly on virtue and tolerance.

He rejected in the marrow of his bones the idea that conservatives needed to apologize for being conservative or that liberals had any special authority to pronounce on the political decency and honesty of others.

Indeed, when liberals called him (or his heroes) racist, Andrew paid them the compliment of taking them seriously. He truly felt that to call someone a racist was as profound an insult as could be leveled. To do so without evidence or logic was a sin.

He believed, rightly, that much of establishment liberalism hurls such charges as a way to bully opponents into silence, and he would not be bullied. That was why, for instance, he offered a reward of $100,000 (payable to the United Negro College Fund) to anybody who could prove tea partiers hurled racial epithets over and over at black congressmen walking past them to vote on ObamaCare, as several alleged. No one got paid because the charge -- recycled over and over by the media -- was a lie.

The Internet was a boon to Andrew because it exposed liberalism's undeserved monopoly on the "narrative" -- one of his favorite words.

"60 Minutes" won awards for hidden cameras, but when he used the same technique to embarrass liberals, such tactics were suddenly proclaimed ethically beyond the pale. The joke was on the scolds because they had to cover the stories anyway. And the stories got results. Congress defunded ACORN. Heads rolled at NPR. Andrew understood that news and arguments change politics if you can get the news and arguments to the people -- and if you don't let those who don't like what you say define you.

Whatever his faults, that was my friend's great and remarkable strength: He never let the bastards get him down. That took away his enemies' greatest power, and they hated him all the more for it.

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2012, 05:43:49 AM »

"The Left does not win its battles in debate. It doesn't have to. In the twenty-first century, media is everything. The Left wins because it controls the narrative. The narrative is controlled by the media. The Left is the media. Narrative is everything. I call it the Democrat-Media Complex -- and I am at war to gain back control of the American narrative."


RIP AB - the fight against the communist left will go on. 

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #52 on: March 03, 2012, 06:25:25 AM »
Heilemann Trashes Breitbart On "Real Time" Panel Discussion Of His Death

During the "Overtime" portion of Friday night's "Real Time" on HBO, the panel discussed the passing of Andrew Breitbart.

Nearly the whole panel seemed to agree this was a sad event and was not a time for trash talking except for liberal columnist John Heilemann. Heilemann came out swinging and attempts were made to stop him from going further, but it did not help.

Also on the panel: James Carville, Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bob Lutz

"This phrase, that people often say that we should not speak ill of the dead, right? I mean, when is a better time to speak ill of someone than when they're dead?" John Heilemann said.

Earlier in the broadcast, Heilemann said the Republican party is becoming a "whiter" and "less well-educated" party.

Before he could say more, panelist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist, jumped in so Heilemann couldn't make more of a fool of himself than he already had.

"It's cowardice because if they were alive they would jump up and kick your ass. So you wait until they're dead and you say what you want to say?" Dr. DeGrasse Tyson said.

Alas, though, that wasn't enough to stop Heilemann.

"People spoke ill of Andrew Breitbart when he was alive, for one thing. And for another thing, you know when people die people assess their work and their lives and come up with some conclusions. Andrew Breitbart, certainly had never been restrained when it came to offering posthumous harsh judgement," an arrogant John Heilemann said.

"But don't we do it because of the family?" a sincere Bill Maher asked Heilemann. "Isn't that why you don't do it? Because the family has enough to deal with somebody does, so you don't pile on."

"The guy died at 43 with 4 kids, that's different than dying at 86. You know what I mean? It's a little different. I know Matt [Taibbi], like John, he's been our guest. There is nothing he would have said before, then he probably would [not have] said to his face. He's not a two-faced guy at all. He'll stab you right in the stomach," James Carville said.

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #53 on: March 03, 2012, 06:32:27 AM »
Ann Coulter responds to FOX News host Sean Hannity's question about phony outrage from liberals: "I must say it's like Andrew Breitbart's last trick because he loved ginning up liberals. I mean, he played this jiu jitsu with them, as do I. He got them to say the most, the most shocking things and that's why most people, like me, follow him on Twitter had to turn off the Retweet function because you'd open up your Twitter page and it would be full with things that rhymed with 'mockbucker.' I And I don't need that vial coming at me on my web page, but he loved it. And here, even in death he shows liberals in their true colors."


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #54 on: March 03, 2012, 07:23:23 AM »
Ann Coulter responds to FOX News host Sean Hannity's question about phony outrage from liberals: "I must say it's like Andrew Breitbart's last trick because he loved ginning up liberals. I mean, he played this jiu jitsu with them, as do I. He got them to say the most, the most shocking things and that's why most people, like me, follow him on Twitter had to turn off the Retweet function because you'd open up your Twitter page and it would be full with things that rhymed with 'mockbucker.' I And I don't need that vial coming at me on my web page, but he loved it. And here, even in death he shows liberals in their true colors."

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :DSean Hannity's question about phony outrage from liberals :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #55 on: March 03, 2012, 10:52:07 AM »

Peter schiff video w AB.     I had no idea AB was behind exposing clintons scams like he did w Arlington cemetery.


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2012, 12:36:40 PM »
who's next? El Rushbo? He's a heart attack waiting to happen.

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2012, 03:41:59 PM »
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, Andrew
by Robert Davi
In 2004, when it was brought to San Diego, there was a dedication for the USS Ronald Reagan — how appropriate that on the deck of that magnificent carrier is where Andrew and I first met and became fast friends. He came up to me and was thrilled that I was there — thrilled and grateful that I was an outspoken conservative in Hollywood — and understood the difficulty I faced. As he said to many, he appreciated the courage it took to go against the tide of the liberal establishment. I will always remember it was the first time I felt someone, beside David Horowitz, understood the cost it took to express one’s values openly for fear of a modern day blacklisting. Yes, it does exist in this town.

We became close friends, and I would spend many nights or afternoons together with Andrew discussing his ideas and the BIGS he wanted to launch. He wanted a place where those of us who may be attacked by the left for our differing points of view would now have an umbrella of protection — a place to express, a place to inform, a place where a network of people would cover our backs. He said to me many times, ” I’ve got your back!” When we were on panels together, he would always acknowledge the sacrifice in career I made and, with “Righteous Indignation,” said how heroic a deed it is for any of us in Hollywood who have a different point of view.
One afternoon at my house during the Super Bowl, when our kids were playing together and in between mouthfuls of eggplant parmigian, Andrew spoke in depth about the BIGS. He spoke like a force of nature, his ideas and passion lifting him off the couch — he reminded me of the great man of theater, Harold Clurman, who would spasm and seem to ignite the air around him with the force of his intellect and passion. The only difference was with Andrew, the theater was the world stage and the survival of democracy and America, its Dream and unending mission. You saw that he sensed was on the front lines — the minuteman of the 21st century.
Yes, dear friends, Andrew was a force of nature — a Navy SEAL in journalism who would dive deep into periled waters to uncover the truth and remove the minefields of lies and misinformation. He was tireless, unflinching — always feeling a bit guilty he wasn’t giving Susie and the kids enough time but giving all he could when he could. He was always a giver; he gave his heart — and gladly. He loved what he was doing and gave his life doing it.
To be honest, I will sleep a little less easy from here on knowing my friend is no longer minesweeping for us, not being able to meet with him in NY, DC, LA, or wherever; to have a glass of red and enjoy his humor, intellect, passion, and his uninhibited, wonderful laughter at the absurd in politics; his excitement when a new celebrity was found to be a conservative; his need to make sure we connected and help each other.
My dear wonderful, eccentric, brilliant ,unique, patriotic friend, I will miss you but never forget you. My prayers go out to Susie and the children, who experience the biggest loss. Perhaps someday one of his children will read this. Know that he loved you so much, that he gave his life fighting for the Country he loved and wanted you to grow up in. Your father did not “go gentle into that good night;” he raged — RAGED — against the dying of the light! How fitting, then, that we met on the deck of USS Ronald Reagan.
Again, farewell, Andrew, and God bless you all.

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Tags: Andrew Breitbart, Conservatives, death, memoriam, Robert Davi, USS RONALD REAGAN
Posted Mar 2nd 2012 at 3:27 pm in Culture, Featured Story, Politics | Comments (87)

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2012, 04:11:29 PM »
“No more. We’re going to go after you. I bought a dog whistle… I bought a dog whistle factory, and I’m giving you dog whistles. And, we’re going to listen to every word that comes out of your mouth, and we’re going to hold you to the same standard that you hold us, which is an impossible one, and you’re going to have a hell of a time in 2012 because America’s finally woken to your Saul Alinsky bullsh*t tactics, and we’re coming to get you.” – Andrew Breitbart CPAC 2012

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2012, 09:51:42 PM »
who's next? El Rushbo? He's a heart attack waiting to happen.

God, I hope your right.

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #61 on: March 04, 2012, 04:32:42 PM »
Andrew Breitbart: A Warrior, A Fighter, A Friend
Posted By Ron Futrell On March 4, 2012 @ 2:00 pm In Mainstream Media, Other, Politics, Tea Parties, citizen journalism, journalism, media bias | 11 Comments

Andrew trusted me to tell the truth about the media when he first started this web site, Big Journalism. I owe him much more than this small tribute. When Andrew first started this site and asked me to be a contributor I had no hesitation. [1] He wanted a media guy who could tell the “inside stories” on the business, and I have been proud to do that. Thanks to the First Amendment the media is supposed to police itself. They have stopped doing that, if they ever have, and Andrew spotted that early on. I knew this problem with the media years ago, but had no outlet. This became my outlet.


I was with Andrew in Chicago September 2010 at a conservative convention when he simply, boldly approached a group of liberal protesters [3]. You’d think Satan himself had confronted them. Satan might have had a warmer reception. Andrew was yelled at, screamed at, and homophobic slurs were hurled at him from the “progressives” in the crowd. We spoke afterwards before he addressed the convention, and he still seemed surprised that this group would do this while he had a full TV crew with him. We were two west coast guys sweating from the Chicago humidity that day, and we spoke of the fearlessness that it would take to expose the left with a media unwilling to do so. With my small, hand held camera, we spoke of Liberty. [4] His answer to my simple question, “What does Liberty mean to you?” has new meaning today.

We were together in Searchlight, Nevada for a rally in Harry Reid’s hometown when eggs were thrown at a tea party bus [5], and Andrew was on top of that story as well–exposing those on the left for their anger towards political opponents. He pointed out brilliantly how the media template on the tea party was 180 degrees from reality. We had seen it together and we knew what we saw. The fact that Big Journalism later exposed that it was a Democrat operative who threw the eggs was no shock to either of us.

I recall a 7:00am phone call on a Sunday morning from Andrew while he was at LAX waiting for a flight to Washington DC. This was smack-dab in the middle of the Anthony Weiner scandal. Weiner was still denying the photos were his and Andrew was being called a “liar.” His credibility was openly challenged. Andrew told me he had proof the photos were Weiner’s and he was headed back east to expose the truth [6], and we discussed the story. Every time I have talked to Andrew there was excitement and energy in his voice, and this day was no different, but I was a bit surprised that he had that energy at 7:00 on a Sunday morning. He went non-stop.

Because the media refuses to do its job, there was a need for Andrew Breitbart. The template of the media will not be changing any time soon, so for the foreseeable future there will be a need for “Andrew Breitbart.” Yes, he was first a great family man and a loving husband and father–we talked often about our kids. We both have three boys and a daughter, and you could tell they were the spark that motivated him. That was the personal side that meant so much to him, but the world will know him as the guy who dared put his thumb on the media and press hard. Actually, he used much more than his thumb; he used everything he had.

What scared the left the most about Breitbart was that he “storm trooped” his way straight into what previously had been their protected turf–Hollywood, government, the media, pop culture, comedy, music. We talked often about how he felt conservatives needed to take their message [7] to all sectors of society and do it without fear. He was right, and his timing was perfect. Like a Southern California surfer, you can have all the preparation, but if you don’t catch the right wave you won’t enjoy the ride. When it was all said and done, Andrew didn’t ride the wave; he created the wave.

In Common Sense, Thomas Paine wrote, “the time has found us.” [8] Paine knew that forces much greater than man were at work in the American Revolution. You got that sense with Andrew. The time had found him. The Internet, the politics, and the person had aligned at the right time to make great things happen. Of course, like with Paine, it still requires brave men and women step forward to preserve Liberty for all. Paine and Breitbart were not just passengers on a ship; they were guiding that ship, they were fueling that ship, and they were headed in the right direction.

I will always miss a dear friend and a fearless fighter, but I will move forward with a renewed passion towards truth.

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[1] I had no hesitation.:
[2] Image:
[3] approached a group of liberal protesters:
[4] we spoke of Liberty.:

[5] eggs were thrown at a tea party bus:

[6] he was headed back east to expose the truth:
[7] We talked often about how he felt conservatives needed to take their message:
[8] “the time has found us.”:
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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #62 on: March 04, 2012, 06:23:12 PM »
Tough loss.  This guy was a good reporter. 

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #63 on: March 04, 2012, 07:02:37 PM »
Andrew Breitbart - Media Warrior
Andrew Breitbart told me this past weekend, "People are going to say whatever and try to claim whatever to try and take us out. They have an irrational fear of us. They want us on a leash. We're not going to be on a leash. They want us to dance. We're not going to dance with them." The truthfulness and prescience of this statement was confirmed every time Andrew appeared on mainstream media programming. Time and time again he was attacked in every way and from every angle imaginable, and time and time again he refused to be leashed and refused to dance to their tune. In our country today, to inform your fellow citizens and advocate on behalf of the positions your conscience dictates is not always an easy thing; it can be a battle. And battles need warriors.‬

Andrew Breitbart was a media warrior who, better than anyone, understood the challenges facing those of us who expose facts and advocate for positions which run contrary to the narrative advanced by big government and big journalism. I woke up this morning saddened by the loss and lonely without his presence; he had long been a source of comfort and advice for me because he knew better than anyone the challenges faced by citizen journalists. Better than anyone he understood the effort and energy required to fight. Not just the big fights, but also the small fights. Every article, every email, every tweet was a battle to get the truth out despite the forces that were working against him. Every day was a new struggle against the forces of conformity and compliance.

Andrew was a colorful and magnetic personality, as humorous as he was passionate. On the day we first met in August 2009, his beautiful and precocious children had apparently painted his toenails. It was during that first meeting that I showed him video footage of an investigation into ACORN.  He told me the establishment would call the actions of the employees in the first tape, "an isolated incident."  "We're going to embarrass the media if they try to cover this up,” he told me. Perhaps that's why they want us on a leash.

While Andrew and I were very different people in many respects, there was a certain commonality in how we thought about and approached things. When engaged, there was a special creative process between the two of us.  We both appreciated the theater of the absurd. "What if?” he posited mischievously.  "Why not?" I would respond, adding fuel to the fire. At one event we we speaking to a friendly audience about a future video concept in which I planned to take a government subsidy to an outlandish extreme. Nobody in the audience had any idea what we were talking about. Andrew and I essentially gave up trying to convince them and instead started scheming with each other right there in front of the crowd, escalating towards the eventual media response.   (I'm filming undercover right now for that idea). I wish I had a video of that moment with Andrew, though.

Andrew could at one moment be so light-hearted and in the next be a raging pitbull, filled with passion, a man with a world to take on and no time to waste. Recently, we wanted to call a reporter out, and were writing the email to the reporter on the phone with each other. When the reporter challenged the validity of the allegations we were making, I was anxious to reveal the tape proving it was true. Borrowing a page from the media’s playbook, though, Andrew told me simply to tell him that I had a “reliable source.” Many people might find such an attribution insufficient, but how could a reporter? We were both somewhat inspired by Saul Alinsky -- attempting to highlight hypocrisy by making 'em live up to their own book of rules.

I've had a reoccurring thought of late - particularly as I'm engaged in lawsuits, depositions, subpoenas, and of course the battles with the media. I had this thought again after I got off the phone with Andrew last night after another conversation about speaking truth to power. There is nothing in this life as sweet as justice and nothing as motivating as injustice. A lot of people in the media and in the wider world waste their time pursuing power, money and glory. I’ve always found more interesting and important the pursuit of justice, the fight to expose facts and inform people, which can be quite a battle in an of itself. There is noble purpose in fighting. Andrew Breitbart took up arms in that fight with a zeal, an energy, and an optimism which was and always will be an inspiration to me. He fought with everything he had to expose media injustice.

I've gotten messages from people this morning asking, "What are you going to do now?"  Certainly, it would have taken an army to stop him and just as certainly it is going to take an army to replace him. But in my head I can hear the response come from Andrew: “What are *you* going to do about it now?” What we need are just a few good citizens with both courage and willpower. The courage to act with conscience and conviction, consequences and misconceptions be damned.

God bless you, Andrew Breitbart; thank you for all you’ve taught me and all that you’ve given to us all.

Yours for Truth,

James O'Keefe


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #64 on: March 05, 2012, 07:58:22 AM »

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #65 on: March 05, 2012, 01:25:07 PM »

Great damn clip.  Spot the fuck on.   

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #66 on: March 06, 2012, 07:32:02 AM »
Breitbart: An Unstoppable Force For Freedom
Capitol Confidential ^ | 3/5/2012 | Manny Lopez

Andrew Breitbart was relentless.

It was a trait that those of us who are committed to good government, freedom and liberty admired, and one that many on the left despised.

Breitbart’s pursuit of stories that the mainstream media didn’t — or wouldn’t — tackle changed the media landscape and made people take notice of issues or stories they otherwise would never have known about.

He died early Thursday morning in Los Angeles. He will be missed, but his hard charging spirit and push to rid government of scoundrels and cheats won’t be slowed.

Like many, I only knew Breitbart in as much as I had the good fortune to meet him a few times. It didn't matter that he had hundreds more hands to shake, he always took time to talk, most recently this past weekend at the Americans for Prosperity event in Troy.

He knew of the Mackinac Center. "They do good work," he said. We talked for a few minutes. He was all over the place and talking a mile a minute about his next great story.

“Reparations,” he said. “My editors are going to hate me this year, but I’m going to prove it’s all about reparations.”

But before I could ask what he was talking about, he was on to something else — and being mobbed by fans and admirers.

He shook hands and took pictures with everyone who asked. He was cordial and kind, and as we all know, proud of himself and the things he’d accomplished — appropriately so.

That pride and confidence riled up left-wing bloggers and more than a few journalists. They dismissed him and the stories he broke, even when he was right. As news of his death spread across the Internet, some liberals rejoiced by posting awful comments and disrespectful messages about him on Twitter.

I’ll bet he would have loved it.

Equally as telling, however, were the amazing stories others told on Facebook and elsewhere.

This past summer at a baseball game in St. Louis between the Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs, Breitbart gathered with about 30 people in the suite of Cubs co-owner Pete Ricketts, but instead of mingling with other free-market advocates, he sat and watched every pitch with one of his sons, said Joe Lehman, president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, who was at the game with Breitbart.

Lehman said he had hoped he’d be able to spend some quality time with Breitbart talking about projects that could further a common cause. Instead, Breitbart’s attention was on baseball and one of his sons.

That tells you a lot about the man. The tireless pursuit of exposing the bad practices and bad actors corrupting government was important, but so was spending time hanging out with family.


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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #67 on: March 06, 2012, 08:51:13 PM »

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #68 on: March 07, 2012, 06:28:37 AM »

This speech will go down in history for both its content and impact after the tapes come out. 

Brilliant and hard hitting.   

Fuck you communists! 

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #69 on: March 07, 2012, 06:50:54 AM »

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #70 on: March 07, 2012, 07:05:26 AM »
[ Invalid YouTube link ]

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #71 on: March 07, 2012, 07:11:39 AM »

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #72 on: March 07, 2012, 07:18:46 AM »

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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #73 on: March 08, 2012, 02:05:44 PM »
An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart’s Death Scene. ^ | 2 March 2012 | Crimefile

Los Angeles, CA—It was just after midnight when Christopher Lasseter was walking his little dog in Brentwood. He watched a man he now knows to be Andrew Breitbart crossing Barrington from The Brentwood.

Beritbart was walking without apparent distress in the direction of the Starbucks across the well-lit street. Once Breitbart stepped up on the curb, as Lasseter put it, “He fell hard like a sack of Potatoes.”

A man unknown to Lasseter called 911. The 911 operator told them to begin chest compressions on Beritbart until the police and paramedics arrived.

The very top photo shows where Breitbart died on his back with his head close to the lamp post on the left and his feet under the newspaper vending machine to the right.

Lasseter described Breitbart’s skin color as bright red.

I obtained the interview on video but it’s now property of so look for it over there. I will post a link here once it’s available.

We will be waiting with bated breath for the Medical Examiner's and the Toxicology Reports to know exactly what cut a young man's life short.

This sounds extremeely  strange 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Breitbart - RIP
« Reply #74 on: March 08, 2012, 02:13:07 PM »
yeah someone had to off him before that secret tape came out,you know the one that was on pbs in 2008 for all to see  ::)