Author Topic: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.  (Read 56247 times)

Straw Man

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You leftists hate Okeefe because he tore apart acorn.

I don't give a rats ass about Acorn

I dislike liars

people who have to lie are weak

they can't support their beliefs with facts so they succumb to telling lies

I'm well aware that you have no problem with lying

Soul Crusher

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Prior to his passing, Andrew Breitbart said that the mission of the Breitbart empire was to exemplify the free and fearless press that our Constitution protects--but which, increasingly, the mainstream media denies us.

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” – “Who guards the guardians?” Andrew saw himself in that role—as a guardian protecting Americans from the left’s “objective” loyal scribes.

Andrew wanted to do what the mainstream media would not. First and foremost: Andrew pledged to vet President Barack H. Obama.

Andrew did not want to re-litigate the 2008 election. Nor did he want to let Republicans off the hook. Instead, he wanted to show that the media had failed in its most basic duty: to uncover the truth, and hold those in power accountable, regardless of party.

From today through Election Day, November 6, 2012, we will vet this president--and his rivals.

We begin with a column Andrew wrote last week in preparation for today’s Big relaunch--a story that should swing the first hammer against the glass wall the mainstream media has built around Barack Obama.

In The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama claims that he worried after 9/11 that his name, so similar to that of Osama bin Laden, might harm his political career.

But Obama was not always so worried about misspellings and radical resemblances. He may even have cultivated them as he cast himself as Chicago’s radical champion.

In 1998, a small Chicago theater company staged a play titled The Love Song of Saul Alinsky, dedicated to the life and politics of the radical community organizer whose methods Obama had practiced and taught on Chicago’s South Side.

Obama was not only in the audience, but also took the stage after one performance, participating in a panel discussion that was advertised in the poster for the play.

Recently, veteran Chicago journalist Michael Miner mocked emerging conservative curiosity about the play, along with enduring suspicions about the links between Alinsky and Obama. Writing in the Chicago Reader, Miner described the poster:
Let's take a look at this poster.
It's red—and that right there, like the darkening water that swirls down Janet Leigh's drain [in Psycho’s famous shower scene], is plenty suggestive. It touts a play called The Love Song of Saul Alinsky, Alinsky being the notorious community organizer from Chicago who wrote books with titles like Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals. On it, fists are raised—meaning insurrection is in the air.
And down at the very bottom, crawling across the poster in small print, it mentions the panel discussions that will follow the Sunday performances. The panelists are that era's usual "progressive" suspects: Leon Despres, Monsignor Jack Egan, Studs Terkel . . .
And state senator Barack Obama.
Miner obscured the truth. His article only reveals only a small portion of the poster. Here’s the whole poster:

And here’s the press release:

So, what’s in the play? It truly is a love song to Alinsky. In the first few minutes of the play, Alinsky plays Moses – yes, the Biblical Moses – talking to God. The play glorifies Alinsky stealing food from restaurants and organizing others to do the same, explaining, “I saw it as a practical use of social ecology: you had members of the intellectual community, the hope of the future, eating regularly for six months, staying alive till they could make their contributions to society.”

In an introspective moment, Alinsky rips America: “My country … ‘tis of whatthehell / And justice up a tree … How much can you sell / What’s in it for me.” He grins about manipulating the Christian community to back his programs. He talks in glowing terms about engaging in Chicago politics with former Mayor Kelly. He rips the McCarthy committee, mocking, “Everyone was there, when you think back – Cotton Mather, Hester Prynn, Anne Hutchinson, Tom Paine, Tom Jefferson … Brandeis, Holmes … Gene Debs and the socialists … Huey Long … Imperial Wizards of all stripes … Father Coughlin and his money machine … Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd … and a kicking chorus of sterilized reactionaries singing O Come, All Ye Faithful …”

And Alinsky talks about being the first occupier – shutting down the O’Hare Airport by occupying all the toilet stalls, using chewing gum to “tie up the city, stop all traffic, and the shopping, in the Loop, and let everyone at City Hall know attention must be paid, and maybe we should talk about it.” As Alinsky says, “Students of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your juicy fruit.”

The play finishes with Alinsky announcing he’d rather go to Hell than Heaven. Why? “More comfortable there. You see, all my life I’ve been with the Have-Nots: here you’re a Have-Not if you’re short of money, there you’re a Have-Not if you’re short of virtue. I’d be asking more questions, organizing them. They’re my kind of people – Hell would be Heaven for me.”

That’s The Love Song of Saul Alinsky. It’s radical leftist stuff, and it revels in its radical leftism.

And that’s Barack Obama, our president, on the poster.

This is who Barack Obama was. This was before Barack Obama ran for Congress in 2000—challenging former Black Panther Bobby L. Rush from the left in a daring but unsuccessful bid.

This was also the period just before Barack Obama served with Bill Ayers, from 1999 through 2002 on the board of the Woods Foundation. They gave capital to support the Midwest Academy, a leftist training institute steeped in the doctrines of – you guessed it! -- Saul Alinsky, and whose alumni now dominate the Obama administration and its top political allies inside and out of Congress.

Stanley Kurtz, author of Radical-in-Chief, described the Midwest Academy as a "crypto-socialist organization.” Yet almost no one has heard of Midwest Academy, because the media does want you to know that the president is a radical's radical whose presidency itself is a love song to a socialist "community organizer."

The reason Newt Gingrich surged in the Republican primary contest in January is that he was attempting to do the press's job by finding out who the current occupant of the White House actually is. Millions also want to know, but the mainstream media is clearly not planning to vet the President anytime soon. Quite the opposite.

For example, Miner tries to turn Obama’s appearance on the Alinsky panel into a plus for the president:
Obama was on the panel that talked about Alinsky the last Sunday of the play's run at the Blue Rider Theatre in Pilsen. Neither Pam Dickler, who directed the Terrapin Theatre production, nor Gary Houston, who played Alinsky, can remember a word Obama said. But he impressed them. "You never would have known he was a politician," says Dickler. "He never said anything at all about himself. He came alone, watched the play, and during the panel discussion was entirely on point and brilliant. That evening I called my father, who's a political junkie, and told him to watch out for this man, he's going places." Houston was just as taken by Obama—though he remembers him arriving in a group.
But is it a good thing to impress the sort of people who show up to laud The Love Song of Saul Alinsky? Here are the other members of the Obama panel:

Leon Despres: Despres knew Saul Alinsky for nearly 50 years, and together they established the modern concept of “community organizing.” Despres worked with secret Communist and Soviet spy Lee Pressman to support strikers at Republic Steel in Chicago in 1937; the strike ended in tragedy when 14 rioting strikers were killed and many wounded in a hail of police bullets.  Despres worked with another Communist Party front, the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee, but eventually left because of the “Stalinism” of its leaders.

Also in 1937, Despres and his wife delivered a suitcase of “clothing” to Leon Trotsky, then hiding out from Stalin’s assassins in Mexico City. Despres and his wife not only met with the exiled Russian Communist, but Despres’s wife sat for a portrait with Trotsky pal and Marxist muralist Diego Rivera while Leon took Rivera’s wife Frida Kahlo to the movies.

Quentin Young: From 1970 until at least 1992, Quentin Young was active in the Communist Party front organization, the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights – a group dedicated to outlawing government surveillance of radical organizations.  He was also a member of the Young Communist League. Young, a confidante and physician to Barack Obama, is credited with having heavily influenced the President’s views on healthcare policy.
Timuel Black: An icon of the Chicago left, Black was originally denied officer training because military intelligence claimed he had secretly joined the Communist Party. Black also worked closely with the Socialist Party in the 1950s, becoming president of the local chapter of the Negro American Labor Council, a organization founded by Socialist Party leader A. Phillip Randolph.

In the early ‘60s Black was a leader of the Hyde Park Community Peace Center, where he worked alongside former radical Trotskyist Sydney Lens and the aforementioned Communist Dr. Quentin Young.  Black served as a contributing editor to the Hyde Park/Kenwood Voices, a newspaper run by Communist Party member David S. Canter. By 1970, Timuel Black was serving on the advisory council of the Communist Party controlled Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights.

Timuel Black says he has been friends with domestic terrorists William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, “going back to 1968, since long before I knew Barack.” In April 2002, Black, Dohrn and Democratic Socialists of America member Richard Rorty spoke together on a panel entitled “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?” The panel was the first of two in a public gathering jointly sponsored by The Center for Public Intellectuals and the University of Illinois, Chicago. Bill Ayers and Barack Obama spoke together on in the second panel at that gathering. Communist academic Harold Rogers chaired Timuel Black’s unsuccessful campaign for Illinois State Representative.

Studs Terkel: A sponsor of the Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace in 1949, which was arranged by a Communist Party USA front organization known as the National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions.

Roberta Lynch: A leading member of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and a leader of the radical Marxist New American Movement (NAM).

Are we expected to believe that “Baraka Obama” was a countervailing voice of reason on a panel of radicals?
The reason that Obama's Alinskyite past, and his many appearances in political photography and video from the 1990s, are conspicuously missing from the national dialogue is that State Senator Barack Obama's reinvention as a reasonable and moderate Democratic politician could not withstand scrutiny of his political life.  

Because the mainstream media did not explore his roots, the American public remains largely ignorant of the degree to which Obama’s work with ACORN and his love of Alinsky were symbolic of his true political will.

If any of the candidates can resist the media, and parlay Newt’s strategy into a nomination, we’ll have the choice between an imperfect but well-known Republican and the real “Baraka” Obama, not the manufactured one the media prefers.

IT'S STARTING!!!!!      

Soul Crusher

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Re: Breitbart getting from the grave, info starting to leak - FUBO!!!
« Reply #77 on: March 04, 2012, 08:35:09 PM »
Pic of the poster and play bill at the site.    Is there any doubt left we have a radical communist as POTUS?  


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Breitbart’s Footage Shows Obama ‘Palling Around’ With Terrorists
Obama’s Weather Underground friends wanted Communist dictatorship set up in America
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, March 2, 2012
The footage that Andrew Breitbart planned to release just hours after his untimely death would have proven hugely damaging to President Obama’s re-election hopes, because it shows Obama fraternizing with Weather Underground terrorists whose goal it was to set up a Communist dictatorship inside the United States.

According to former FBI agent Larry Grathwohl, who was assigned to infiltrate the Weather Underground’s Central Committee, the organization run by Bill Ayers carried out bombings targeting the Pentagon, the State Department, as well as police stations and federal buildings, in an attempt to cause the United States government to collapse and open the door for Cuban, North Vietnamese, Chinese and Russian troops to occupy the country.
Grathwohl stated that Ayers and his group planned to deal with Americans who would try to resist this takeover by “establishing re-education centers in the south-west”. Asked what he would do with those who still refused to convert to communism, Ayers said that they would have to be “eliminated,” as in 25 million Americans would be killed in concentration camps.
Grathwohl points out that most of the people advocating this brutality had “graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers,” and relates the shock it was to listen to these people “figure out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people – and they were dead serious”.
Although Obama’s links with Bill Ayers and other radicals from the era has been well documented for years, after all it was Ayers who helped launch Obama’s political career, for him to be seen on video ‘palling’ around with terrorists who wanted to set up a brutal Communist dictatorship inside the United States would have represented a public relations nightmare going into the election.
In the aftermath of Breitbart’s death, it remains to be seen whether the footage will still be released, or if it is released whether it will carry anything like the same impact it would have generated if Breitbart had still been around to push it.
As we reported earlier, Breitbart himself made a chilling and prophetic statement when referring to the footage during an event in Washington DC three weeks ago when he told Lawrence Sinclair, “Wait til they see what happens March 1st.”

Breitbart had been teasing the release of the footage during speeches throughout last month, notably at CPAC where he told the audience, “I’ve got videos – this election we’re going to vet him,” adding that the video shows Obama meeting “a bunch of silver pony tails,” including Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
In another bizarre twist of irony, Breitbart himself actually had dinner with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn just last month. Breitbart’s friend Tucker Carlson “mischievously” won a bid on an auction to dine with the two radicals and invited Breitbart along. Breitbart called Ayers “a sociopath,” but also remarked that he was a great chef.
Given the fact that his death occurred just hours before the planned release of the Obama footage, the claim that Breitbart could have been the victim of a political assassination has dominated political discussion forums over the past 24 hours.
Radio talk show host Michael Savage added fuel to the fire during his broadcast yesterday when he floated the idea that the Obama administration could be behind Breitbart’s death.

“Given that we know what we have in the White House….are we allowed to ask the question….should there be an investigation,” asked Savage, adding that he had met privately with Breitbart twice and urged him to get security guards and not “walk alone at night in the street,” because of the danger he was putting himself in by so publicly attacking Obama.

“Do you think it’s possible that he was executed, assassinated by some nefarious forces in America – have we now become South America in the 1970′s where people start to disappear?,” asked Savage, speculating that Breitbart could have been surreptitiously injected with a substance that triggered a heart attack, or had an electronic device beamed at his chest.
Listen to the audio of Michael Savage below.

Soul Crusher

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Incredible video at site.     This is the terrorist you scumbags voted for in 2008.   WE FUCKING Warned YOU! 

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Both Quentin Young and Studs Terkel were secret members of the Communist Party USA according to both Congressional Record articles and congressional testimony (Young took the First Amendment rather than the 5th instead of directly answering the question about his membership in a specific CP Club). Terkel was identified as a CPUSA member in several reports put into the Congressional Record by Rep. Larry McDonald (D-GA).

All of this information and much more on those listed in the article can be found at, search for their name in the Search Box at the left of the Main Page.

David S. Canter was not only a secret member of the Communist Party USA, but was also Soviet agent of influence (propaganda), and had personal ties to Obama, the extent of which is not known, but was confirmed by Canter’s son Mark)

Canter worked with Don Rose, another marxist leftist, and both were mentors of David Axelrod, Obama’s top political advisor besides Valerie Jarrett, who has some CP skeletons in her closet. Also see on her background.

The rest in the list were veteran communists of several stripes. Sid Lens was a leader of the Revolutionary Communist League, and was the key intermediary between the CPUSA dominated factions of the Hanoi Lobby (Nat. Mobe/New Mobe), and the Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party fronts, the Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam and later NPAC (National Peace Action Coalition).
There is sworn congressional testimony on Lens’ role in the 1969 New Mobe founding conference. (See: Extent of Subversion in Campus Disorders: Part 2, Aug. 16, 1969, Sen. Internal Security Subcommittee).

One of Canter’s colleagues in CP operations was Leroy Wolins, a veteran CPUSA member, the originator of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War in Vietnam, Veterans for Peace - a CPUSA front, and a CP conduit into SWP GI front groups during the Vietnam war.

Obama’s friends were the cream of the crop of the Communist Party USA and its surrounding support networks in Chicago, including the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights (including Frank Marshall Davis, Rabbi Arnold J. Wolf, CPUSA leader Richard Criley and other Chicago leftists).

See Keywiki for more on this whole Communist-Obama network as well as its’ leader, Trevor Loudon’s new book on Obama, taken from his columns at

WOW!!!!    Flood of info leaking out.   

One word for you drones who attacked me - VINDICATED. 

Soul Crusher

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"Baracka Obama" 

? ?  ? ? ? ? ? ?

240 is Back

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what year did obama meet ayers?
what year did ayers set of bombs?

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Some advocating violence, some advocating collapsing the economy, one who visits the WH regularly, etc.  

Just nice.  

Soul Crusher

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what year did obama meet ayers?
what year did ayers set of bombs?

A lot earlier than he said - AN WHO THE FUCK CARES! 

He knew Ayers and Dohrn were domestic terrorists when he befriended them! 

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

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This is who Obama started his career with and was best friends with for years! 


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A lot earlier than he said - AN WHO THE FUCK CARES!  

so if you meet with someone in preschool, then 50 years later this guy robs a bank... i guess you're palling around with bank robbers?

Just to be clear - Ayers did his crime AFTER he and obama met, right?   Obama didn't meet with, and have dinner, with a guy who set off a bomb on US soil, right?

Soul Crusher

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so if you meet with someone in preschool, then 50 years later this guy robs a bank... i guess you're palling around with bank robbers?

Just to be clear - Ayers did his crime AFTER he and obama met, right?   Obama didn't meet with, and have dinner, with a guy who set off a bomb on US soil, right?

Yeah whatever moron, he only served on boards with him at the Woods Foundation, the Annenburg Project, had his first political fundraiser in Ayers' home, etc. 

I'm sure if Romney had his first campaign fuindraiser in the living room of McVeigh, served on boards with him, etc, that would be perfectly fine with you.   

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Breitbart legacy lives on in relaunched websites, final column
Published: 12:00 AM 03/05/2012
 By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller
Daily Caller Reporter
Bio | Archive | Email Matthew Boyle  Follow Matthew Boyle

The late media mogul Andrew Breitbart’s final column was released Sunday night on a newly redesigned website that includes all of his “Big” sites under a single umbrella.

The column, which examines Obama’s admiration for radical community organizer Saul Alinsky, is titled “The Vetting, Part 1: Obama’s Love Song to Alinsky.”

Breitbart had planned the “Vetting” Obama series before his sudden death last Thursday at age 43. He announced the project during a speech at February’s Conservative Political Action Conference.

Breitbart said he didn’t believe the mainstream media did its job properly investigating President Obama’s past during the 2008 election and he would do the job the media failed to do this time around.

“I’ve got videos — this election we’re going to vet him,” he said in his CPAC speech, adding that “racial division and class warfare were central” to Obama’s 2008 “hope and change” slogans.

In his final column, Breitbart explored Obama’s decision in 1998 as a Illinois state senator to participate in a panel discussion after the performance of a new play celebrating the life of Alinsky.

“It truly is a love song to Alinsky,” Breitbart wrote of the play.

Ads by Google“In the first few minutes of the play, Alinsky plays Moses — yes, the Biblical Moses — talking to God. The play glorifies Alinsky stealing food from restaurants and organizing others to do the same, explaining, ‘I saw it as a practical use of social ecology: you had members of the intellectual community, the hope of the future, eating regularly for six months, staying alive till they could make their contributions to society.’”

The redesigned Breitbart website was planned before Breitbart’s passing. His staff had vowed to pick up the baton and finish the work of their late boss by launching the new website on time.

“Today, as Andrew dreamed and planned, we launch what he called ‘Breitbart 2.0,’” the late conservative firebrand’s lifelong business partner and friend Larry Solov wrote in an article accompanying the launch. “Many of you wondered what he was working on so hard during the last year of his life. Here it is.”

“This was Andrew’s design,” Solov continued. “And it is Big, like everything else about him. It took him — and all of us — sleepless nights and countless hours to make it a reality.”

The new website design is flashy, colorful and bold, employing a newsmagazine-type feel.

Stephen Bannon, a member of Breitbart’s board of directors and an adviser to Breitbart and Solov, told The Daily Caller that this new website design consumed much of Breitbart’s time during the last year of his life.

“Some people didn’t take him that seriously and didn’t realize how focused he actually was on the important stuff,” Bannon said in a phone interview.

“For one year, he worked nonstop on the design and construction of this site. There were thousands of decisions that had to be made on every piece of technology, the user interface, the design of the website and he made every final decision.”

“People think that Andrew was just on Twitter, AM radio, speaking at tea parties, and they miss a large part of what he was really doing: thinking through and building the next generation news and information site,” Bannon added. “That’s why Andrew Breitbart may be dead, but he lives on through this new site.”

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I'm sure if Romney had his first campaign fuindraiser in the living room of McVeigh, served on boards with him, etc, that would be perfectly fine with you.  

LOL.  I am sure 240 wouldn't even open a thread. Right?


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I don't give a rats ass about Acorn

I dislike liars

people who have to lie are weak

they can't support their beliefs with facts so they succumb to telling lies

I'm well aware that you have no problem with lying

You contradict yourself. ACORN lied. They committed fraud. You say you dislike liars, yet you claim you don't care about ACORN. If you dislike liars so much, then you would "give a rat's ass about acorn". But, since ACORN supported the Democratic party you try to deflect. You are a joke.

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Just to be clear - Ayers did his crime AFTER he and obama met, right?   Obama didn't meet with, and have dinner, with a guy who set off a bomb on US soil, right?

Google when the bombings took place, and see how old Obama was at the time.....See what you  think after that.

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Google when the bombings took place, and see how old Obama was at the time.....See what you  think after that.



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so if you meet with someone in preschool, then 50 years later this guy robs a bank... i guess you're palling around with bank robbers?

Just to be clear - Ayers did his crime AFTER he and obama met, right?   Obama didn't meet with, and have dinner, with a guy who set off a bomb on US soil, right?

"I wish we would have done more” -William Ayers,  (2001)

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"I wish we would have done more” -William Ayers,  (2001)

Why did you leave out when that appeared in the NYT? 



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Why did you leave out when that appeared in the NYT?  


I was looking up the exact date, but got busy on the phone...

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I was looking up the exact date, but got busy on the phone...

Ill post the picture that appeared in the times.