Author Topic: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.  (Read 56542 times)

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why dont repubs want to talk about the recovering economy?

(I dont think its recovering, but Mitt Romney does".

intead, we're bumping 2008 articles about his college SAT scores?   

Why don't you want to talk about TODAY'S economy, which MITT admits is in recovery? 

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why dont repubs want to talk about the recovering economy?

(I dont think its recovering, but Mitt Romney does".

intead, we're bumping 2008 articles about his college SAT scores?   

Why don't you want to talk about TODAY'S economy, which MITT admits is in recovery? 

I have posted thousands of threads on the economy, most of which get zero attention outside of a few well informed people.  The silly shit gets the buzz. 

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Obama Appeared At 1996 Event Hosted By Socialist Group

It's a reminder that the President presented himself as much more progressive during his time in Chicago. In this little-seen advertisement that ran in the Hyde Park Herald in 1996, Obama was listed on a panel sponsored by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), University of Chicago Democrats, and University of Chicago DSA. He also supported gay marriage back then. posted May 24, 2012 11:41am EDT


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why dont repubs want to talk about the recovering economy?

(I dont think its recovering, but Mitt Romney does".

intead, we're bumping 2008 articles about his college SAT scores?   

Why don't you want to talk about TODAY'S economy, which MITT admits is in recovery? 

Haha, you're still riding that Romney quote that you were called out on, eh? Color me surprised.  ::)

Are you ever not lying through your teeth?


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Haha, you're still riding that Romney quote that you were called out on, eh? Color me surprised.  ::)

Are you ever not lying through your teeth?
Im finding, no.

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PRUDEN: When factoids are better than facts in Obama’s birther story
By Wesley Pruden
The Washington Times
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Who would have guessed that Barack Obama was the original birther, peddling the story that he was born in Kenya long before Donald Trump, Sheriff Joe and assorted nut jobs took it up as a crusade in fantasy and futility.

Mr. Obama's literary agent put together a little booklet with a biographical sketch in 1991 to promote a book he never finished with a description of the author as "the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review . . . born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

The literary agent now insists it was her mistake and Mr. Obama never saw the booklet until it was published. An unlikely story, but like everything else about him, it's an element in the portrait of a composite president, a man with composite ambitions, composite convictions and a composite past populated by girlfriends he now concedes were composites, too.

This new piece of his composite history was found by the website, and disclosed not in support of the birther cult but as another factoid in the life of the composite president., in fact, takes pains to say that, like nearly everyone else in America, it's satisfied now that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, while his mother's beating heart was still in Kenya, or Indonesia, or Upper Volta, or Lower Slobbovia or some other pure and noble corner of the Third World.

The convenience of a composite past is that it is a past made up almost entirely of "factoids," a word coined by the novelist Norman Mailer to describe something that looks like a fact, sounds like a fact but is in fact not a fact. Factoids are easily adjusted and often make up the entire conversation in Washington. Factoids are the main ingredient in press agentry. Mr. Obama's biographical sketch describes Mr. Obama's mother as "an anthropologist" and his father as "a Kenyan finance minister," though his mother had only studied anthropology in university and his father was little more than a clerk in the Kenyan finance ministry. This was as fanciful as the factoid that Mr. Obama was "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

But in the circles where young Obama moved when he was just out of Harvard, a birth in a place closer to the equator was more to be desired than birth in capitalist, imperialist and racist America — even if in Hawaii, separated from the American mainstream by hundreds of miles of ocean and the centuries of tradition, sacrifice and westward migration that populated the continental states.

Young Barack's best pal just after he left Harvard Yard was a Pakistani, and if young Barack nursed ambitions to one day run for president of the United States, he probably didn't know that the Constitution requires the president to be a "natural-born" citizen. He was a graduate of Harvard Law, after all, and it's unfair to assume that he had been exposed to the Constitution by his professors there. For whatever reason, he did not correct his agent's literary confection and as late as 2007 his biographical sketch still boasted of a Kenyan birth.

The man who skillfully employs distraction and division in his campaign for re-election no doubt welcomes the resurrection of this old brochure, since he's the only one who profits by the "disclosure," such as it is. The red-hots on the right-most margin of the conservative movement, loosely defined, will be encouraged to distract attention from the discussion Mr. Obama fears most, a campaign on his competence and capacity to lead and govern.

A composite past is fashionable this year in certain political circles. Elizabeth Warren, the Democrat trying to unseat the Republican incumbent in Massachusetts, concocted a splendid past from her native Oklahoma, describing herself as 1/32 Cherokee Indian. (Polite folk call her 1/32d "Native American," of course, but that risks offending the Cherokees, a noble fighting race whose braves take considerable pride in the word "Indian.")

Her story unraveled, just as the president's boast of Kenyan birth unraveled, to considerable mirth and merriment. When Mrs. Warren contributed a Cherokee recipe for Oklahoma Crab Mayonnaise for a cookbook called "Pow Wow Chow," she invited skepticism that crabs were native to Oklahoma. Columnist Mark Steyn rose gallantly to her defense, suggesting that crabs are even celebrated in the state song ("Ooooooklahoma, where the crabs come sweepin' down the plain . . . ")

Kenyan births and crabs from Oklahoma certainly seem unlikely. But those are their stories, and they're sticking to all of them.

• Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.


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Haha, you're still riding that Romney quote that you were called out on, eh? Color me surprised.  ::)

Are you ever not lying through your teeth?

youre right, he did change his position a few weeks later, once repubs piled on him for sucking the obama teet like that.


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The Chicago Way

By John Fund

May 30, 2012 4:00 A.M.

Every president comes to Washington with a coterie of outside advisers, friends, and fixers they’ve picked up during the course of a career. Eventually one or more of them becomes controversial. Richard Nixon had Bebe Rebozo. Jimmy Carter had his brother Billy and Bert Lance. Ronald Reagan had Mike Deaver. Bill Clinton had many trailing after him — they became the menagerie implicated in Whitewater and Monicagate. But Barack Obama’s inner circle has almost completely escaped close scrutiny since he became president. That may be about to change, and the rich cast of characters making up Team Obama merits further attention.
A new biography of Obama by Edward Klein called The Amateur has rocketed to the No. 1 slot on the New York Times bestseller list. Among its explosive allegations is that after videos of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s anti-American sermons surfaced in the 2008 campaign, a close friend of Obama’s and a fellow member of Wright’s church named Eric Whitaker approached the reverend. In a taped interview with Klein, Wright said Whitaker offered him — via e-mail, through an intermediary — $150,000 to stop preaching and appearing in the media until after the election.
After Wright turned the offer down, Barack Obama set up a private meeting with him to urge him not to speak publicly during the campaign. Secret Service logs document that it took place, writes Klein. But Wright refused to cooperate, and the meeting ended in frustration for Obama.
Efforts to discredit Klein’s book by Team Obama went into overdrive after the revelation. Certainly, Klein made errors in a previous book attacking Hillary Clinton, and his occasional sloppiness in his current book isn’t up to the standards of a New York Times Magazine editor, which he used to be. But Klein says he has tapes with Wright to back up his account, which also includes the charge that Obama relied on Whitaker to find a replacement preacher once Wright was dropped from an Obama event.
Whitaker’s role in Obama’s world is important because, as Patrick Brennan has pointed out on National Review Online, “it’s almost impossible to overstate how close Whitaker is to the president.” He’s been a friend of and fundraiser for Obama for nearly 20 years and has joined the first family on every summer and Christmas vacation since 2008. Politico reported in 2009 that Whitaker had become “a kind of gatekeeper and spokesman for Obama’s inner circle.”
Whitaker has also been involved in Illinois’s always shady politics. He became the state’s top health official in 2003 when he was appointed by then-governor Rod Blagojevich, now a resident of federal public housing after his conviction in 2011 on corruption charges. As the Chicago Sun-Times reported in 2008, Obama gave Whitaker “a ‘glowing’ reference to Tony Rezko,” who interviewed him for the job. Rezko, a friend of Obama’s for two decades and a top fundraiser for both Obama and Blagojevich, is also now in federal prison on corruption charges. Prosecutors alleged that Rezko engineered pay-to-play schemes with Blagojevich to help allies secure jobs. Neither Obama nor Whitaker was implicated during Rezko’s trial.
You might recall the name of Tony Rezko from the 2008 campaign.
Rezko was involved with Obama in a controversial 2005 land deal in which Obama bought a $1.65 million home on the same day that Rezko’s wife bought the plot of land next to it from the same seller for $625,000. Obama has strenuously denied suggestions that the same-day sale enabled him to pay $300,000 under the house’s asking price because Mrs. Rezko paid full price for the adjoining lot — a portion of which Obama subsequently purchased — but he admitted the whole deal was a “boneheaded” mistake.
One of Whitaker’s duties as Illinois’s health director was to oversee the scandal-wracked Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board. Under Blagojevich, that board was used to extract kickbacks for state contracts to expand hospitals, which financially benefited Rezko and his associates who controlled the board. During a subsequent investigation, Whitaker denied knowing anything about the wrongdoing, saying he wasn’t involved in the board’s day-to-day operations.
Whitaker left his job under Blagojevich in 2007, and is now executive vice president of strategic affiliations at the University of Chicago Medical Center. He is in charge of its Urban Health Initiative, which this May won a $5.9 million federal grant. As Brennan reported, the UHI “is a microcosm of Obama’s small and incestuous corner of Chicago’s elite politics.” Michelle Obama, as an executive at the University of Chicago Medical Center, created and developed the UHI program until she took a leave of absence during her husband’s 2008 campaign. Valerie Jarrett, now perhaps the most powerful staffer in Obama’s White House, approved the program as chairman of the medical center’s board, and Obama strategist David Axelrod was hired to promote its minority-outreach efforts.
The program itself is controversial, with several medical groups claiming its efforts to shift poor patients to local clinics and away from hospitals such as the University of Chicago’s amount to a deliberate effort to dump uninsured and unprofitable patients onto clinics so that the hospitals can treat insured patients instead.
Fran Eaton, the editor of the conservative blog Illinois Review, says the Whitaker–Reverend Wright controversy is fascinating because it exposes the cozy world of the “Chicago Way” that brought Obama to power. Everyone in the drama is involved in the Richard Daley machine. Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama first met while working for then-mayor Daley. Obama ran for the first time for the Illinois state senate unopposed after Daley-machine lawyers knocked every one of his primary opponents off the ballot by successfully challenging the validity of their nominating petitions. Rahm Emanuel, the current mayor of Chicago, was elected to Congress in 2002 with Daley’s help and went on to serve as Obama’s White House chief of staff from 2009 to 2010.
None of this suggests Barack Obama was directly involved in the seamy underworld of the Daley machine — on the contrary, he was always protected from any hint of corruption because he was clearly being groomed for higher office. But it certainly demonstrates just how little scrutiny Team Obama got over its Daley connections during the 2008 campaign and how far removed the “hope and change” theme of his campaign was from the rough-and-tumble reality of Chicago politics.
John Heilemann, co-author of a definitive work on the 2008 election called Game Change, writes in a new piece in New York magazine that for “anyone still starry-eyed about Obama” the 2012 campaign will disabuse them of that notion:

The months ahead will provide a bracing revelation about what he truly is: not a savior, not a saint, not a man above the fray, but a brass-knuckled, pipe-hitting, red-in-tooth-and-claw brawler determined to do what is necessary to stay in power — in other words, a politician.
If the mainstream-media journalists who spent so little time in 2008 looking into the Daley machine that Barack Obama sprang from want to do more due diligence this time, they could start with a closer look at Eric Whitaker and the rest of Obama’s inner circle. It’s probably a much richer mine of stories than any investigation of Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital days or Ann Romney’s obsession with expensive horses is likely to provide.
— John Fund is the national-affairs columnist for NRO.

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Explosive book reveals Obama's not-so-presidential past
Daily Mail (UK) ^ | PUBLISHED: 00:57 EST, 2 June 2012 | UPDATED: 02:29 EST, 2 June 2012 | (Daily Mail Reporter)
Posted on June 2, 2012 6:18:46 PM EDT by Olog-hai

He had a pet ape named Tata, spent his evenings smoking pot and when he was in the third-grade wrote a paper about how he wanted to be President.

Biographer David Maraniss' explosive book on the life of Barack Obama reveals a young President when he was just known as 'Barry'.

The book, Barack Obama: The Story, will be on bookstores June 19, but leaked snippets reveal his sordid pot-smoking past, string of relationships with different women and his love of basketball.

"Barry Obama played a lot of Hendrix, Earth, Wind & Fire, and Billie Holiday, but was known in the Annex for his wicked impression of Mick Jagger," writes Maraniss, according to Yahoo.

"He could do the walk, the strut, the face, and act out the dramatic scene of the Rolling Stones on stage at the Altamont Speedway outside Livermore, California, on December 6, 1969."

The author traces everything from the President's love of hats, 'He wore them cocked, to look cool,' to how he wore his flip-flops. …

He also developed an affinity for women, naked women, that is.

"Allegedly stoned and drunk one night at Occidental, Obama and a friend stopped to talk to an attractive girl and 'Barry launched into a riff on nudity, offering his theory that the human race would be better off if people did not wear clothes. This declaration was made with the urgency of someone ready to strip then and there. … It seemed apparent that Barry was trying to seduce the woman right in front of' his friend who had a crush on the girl," the book alleges. …

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Exclusive - The Vetting - Senator Barack Obama Attended Bill Ayers Barbecue, July 4, 2005
by Joel B. Pollak


As a presidential candidate in 2008, Barack Obama disavowed any connection with former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground radical who was one of Obama's early backers and his colleague on the board of the Woods Fund in Chicago. We now have proof that Obama's association with Ayers continued even after Obama had been elected to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate--in the form of a now-scrubbed blog post placing Obama at the home of Ayers and his wife, fellow radical Bernadine Dohrn, on July 4, 2005.
Dr. Tom Perrin, Assistant Professor of English at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama, was a graduate student at the University of Chicago at the time, and maintained a blog called "Rambling Thomas." He lived next door to Ayers and Dohrn in Hyde Park. He wrote at 8:44 a.m. on July 6, 2005:

Guess what? I spent the 4th of July evening with star Democrat Barack Obama! Actually, that's a lie. Obama was at a barbecue at the house next door (given by a law professor who is a former member of the Weather Underground) and we saw him over the fence at our barbecue. Well, the others did. It had started raining and he had gone inside be the time I got there. Nevertheless.
Dohrn is a Clinical Associate Professor of Law at Northwestern University, and Chicago did, in fact, record rainfall on the Fourth of July holiday in 2005.
Breitbart News attempted to contact Dr. Perrin for further comment:

Dear Dr. Perrin,
My name is Joel Pollak, and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News.
We came across your blog entry from July 2005 in which you mentioned that then-Senator Obama had been a guest at the Ayers/Dohrn house next door.
I was wondering if you could provide more detail.
Many thanks,
Joel Pollak
Dr. Perrin did not respond. He did, however, delete his entire blog from the Internet.
Of course, Breitbart News had saved a screen grab of the blog beforehand:

Obama's presence--as a U.S. Senator--at the Ayers barbecue has been confirmed by another source, who told Breitbart News: "I too saw Obama at a picnic table in the Ayers/Dohrn backyard, munching away--on the 4th of July."
The continued connection between Obama and his radical, domestic terrorist associates until mere months before he launched his presidential campaign is sharply at odds with the way Obama minimized the relationship, as well as the way the media largely sought to portray it as an insignificant part of Obama's past.
Whatever differences may have emerged between Obama and Ayers--and other far-left fellow travelers--since Obama took office and grappled with the realities of governing, Obama's migration towards the mainstream of American politics is very recent, and likely opportunistic. His intellectual and political roots remain extreme.

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More lies from the obamunist obliterated. 

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The Obama, Ayers "Fundraising" Lie!
 The Obama Report ^ | 11/13/08

From the Chicago Sun Times via Ace of Spades:

In a new afterword to his 2001 book ["Fugitive Days"], Bill Ayers, former leader of the 1960s radical group Weather Underground, describes President-elect Barack Obama as a family friend....

“We had served together on the board of a foundation, knew one another as neighbors and family friends, held an initial fund-raiser at my house, where I’d made a small donation to his earliest political campaign,” he writes....

 Okay, so now Mr. Ayers has confirmed that he and Obama were "family friends". However, there's another point that needs to be made:
On October 6 of this year [2008], the Obama campaign released a memorandum, entitled, "Will the McCain Camp be Challenged on their Lies?":

The memorandum states: "Please find, below, a list of the most common lies the McCain campaign tells about Ayers and the actual facts that prove them false."

And among those lies and facts, it states the following: LIE:

Senator Obama's political career was launched at a fundraiser hosted by Ayers. FACT:....As the New York Times [10/3/08] confirmed, previous coffees had been hosted for Obama's State Senate campaign. State Senator Alice Palmer, Obama's predecessor, introduced some of her
longtime supporters to Obama at Ayers home. That's it. It wasn't even a fundraiser.

 And on October 30, the New York Times also colluded with the Obama campaign in this farce, and wrote the following:

"An article in some editions on Monday about an appearance by William Ayers, the 1960s radical, at a symposium in Manhattan referred incorrectly to the event he held in 1995 for Barack Obama , who was then running for a seat in the Illinois Senate. It was a neighborhood gathering, not a fund-raiser."

 But now we know from Bill Ayers' own pen that the aforementioned gathering was indeed, a political fundraiser. As Bill Ayers writes in the afterword to his 2001 book: “We... knew one another as neighbors and family friends, held an initial fund-raiser at my house, where I’d made a small donation to his earliest political campaign."

Hopefully, the Obama campaign will add the October 6 memorandum/smear to their "Fight the Smears" website. It's the least they can do to atone for their many blatant lies and smears.

________________________ ________________________

Obama = communist

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333386, how much of yourself do you recognize here?

"Language: A Key Mechanism of Control", was written and distributed to members of the Republican Party by Gingrich in 1994. It contained a list of "contrasting words" and "optimistic positive governing words" that Gingrich recommended for use in describing Democrats and Republicans, respectively. For example, words to use against opponents include decay, failure (fail), collapse(ing), deeper, crisis, urgent(cy), destructive, destroy, sick, pathetic, lie, liberal, they/them, unionized bureaucracy, "compassion" is not enough, betray, consequences, limit(s), shallow, traitors

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333386, how much of yourself do you recognize here?

"Language: A Key Mechanism of Control", was written and distributed to members of the Republican Party by Gingrich in 1994. It contained a list of "contrasting words" and "optimistic positive governing words" that Gingrich recommended for use in describing Democrats and Republicans, respectively. For example, words to use against opponents include decay, failure (fail), collapse(ing), deeper, crisis, urgent(cy), destructive, destroy, sick, pathetic, lie, liberal, they/them, unionized bureaucracy, "compassion" is not enough, betray, consequences, limit(s), shallow, traitors

Fuck off you gay stalking troll.   Seek help.   


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Fuck off you gay stalking troll.   Seek help.   
Haha. You know that's the last three years of your life on that list.



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333386, how much of yourself do you recognize here?

"Language: A Key Mechanism of Control", was written and distributed to members of the Republican Party by Gingrich in 1994. It contained a list of "contrasting words" and "optimistic positive governing words" that Gingrich recommended for use in describing Democrats and Republicans, respectively. For example, words to use against opponents include decay, failure (fail), collapse(ing), deeper, crisis, urgent(cy), destructive, destroy, sick, pathetic, lie, liberal, they/them, unionized bureaucracy, "compassion" is not enough, betray, consequences, limit(s), shallow, traitors

You left out Commie

Other than that is pretty clear 333... is our own mini-Gingrich

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You left out Commie

Other than that is pretty clear 333... is our own mini-Gingrich

Refute what i post or stop stalking like gay obsessed morons. 


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Refute what i post or stop stalking like gay obsessed morons. 

I've been refuting your nonsense for are tone don't listen nor acknowledge when you are wrong...

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I've been refuting your nonsense for are tone don't listen nor acknowledge when you are wrong...



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I have posted thousands of threads on the economy, most of which get zero attention outside of a few well informed people.  The silly shit gets the buzz. 