Author Topic: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.  (Read 56222 times)

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wow, sick ad to put up.   really sick.

Yeah - ill remove it 

Saw it going all over facebook. 

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good man.   obama sucks and all, no doubt

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I met the young Barack Obama while visiting Caroline Boss, my Marxist socialist girlfriend, at her parent’s home in northern California over Christmas break in 1980. Over the course of that day, I came to understand the full extent of young Obama’s ideological extremism and acquired lasting memories which have been reported in at least five books including Paul Kengor’s newly released The Communist – Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor. I am writing this article, in part, because I’m surprised that David Maraniss’s new book Barack Obama: The Story failed to include my account of young Obama’s ideological extremism.

I met Boss in the spring of 1979 and maintained a romance with her up until her graduation from Occidental College in 1981. She had befriended Obama in early 1980 and knew him well because they shared two classes. She introduced Obama to me with the assistance of his sophomore year roommate at Occidental College, Hasan Chandoo. According to Maraniss, Boss impacted Obama’s life so much that she is one of three people (including First Lady Michelle Obama) who became part of the composite character “Regina” in Dreams from My Father. Regina, Maraniss tell us, was the name of Boss’s working-class grandmother.


As evidence of my relationship with Boss, I have a number of her old cards and letters tucked away along with the photo above of us together in 1981 taken in the front yard of my parents’ house in Newhall, CA.

As Kengor reports, I confronted young Obama’s naïve faith in an inevitable communist revolution during a heated debate at Boss’s home in Portola Valley, CA. While Maraniss’s new book supports my account by verifying that young Obama was in the San Francisco area during Christmas break 1980, Maraniss distorts the specifics of this time in young Obama’s life both — I imagine — to protect Obama and potentially to discredit me.

Significantly, Maraniss relates that Obama was in the San Francisco area only to tell a larger story of how he first met Sohale Siddiqi, the Pakistani who later became Obama’s roommate at Columbia University. In Maraniss’s account, Siddiqi first meets up with Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, two wealthy Pakistani students who were also studying at Occidental. “During the Christmas break that year,” writes Maraniss, “Sohale Siddiqi, a friend of Hasan’s and Wahid’s who lived in New York, came out to visit.”

In Maraniss’s book, Siddiqi is the recipient of some minor good fortune since he is able to sleep in young Obama’s empty bed. “There was a room available at the apartment in Pasadena,” Maraniss writes. “Obama had left on a road trip and ended up in San Francisco. On the night of December 31, Hasan and Sohale and some buddies drove up to San Francisco for a New Year’s Eve party, and it was there that Siddiqi encountered Chandoo’s roommate for the first time.” (See, Maraniss, 2012, p. 367.)

What is historically inaccurate about Maraniss’s account is that young Obama and his roommate Chandoo were travelling together when I first met them at Caroline Boss’s parent’s home in northern California. This, after all, is what I first reported as early as February 2010. I am happy to stand by that story. Moreover, I would have been happy to verify this somewhat important detail for Maraniss — if he had interviewed me. Personally, I would have enjoyed learning from Maraniss what, if anything, President Obama shared with him about this Christmas break road trip.

As it now stands, however, Maraniss’s erroneous report that Obama and Chandoo were travelling separately leads to an implausible story regarding how they got back to Occidental College in time for their classes. In Maraniss’s account, Chandoo’s overall road trip starts to read like something of a reckless NASCAR event.

This is because Maraniss writes that the very next morning — New Year’s Day, 1981 — Obama and his Pakistani friends all drove back to Los Angeles. Curiously, Maraniss does not indicate if there were one or only two vehicles involved, saying only that Obama joined Chandoo, Siddiqi, and at least two other individuals for the drive back to Los Angeles. This implies, perhaps, that Obama left his car in the San Francisco area or that the two cars returned to Los Angeles somewhat simultaneously as a tight NASCAR team. Given the great distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco, I think most readers will find it highly implausible that anyone would drive to San Francisco for a one-night party and then drive all the way back to Los Angeles the very next day. In comparison to Maraniss’s account, I think that my report that Obama and Chandoo were traveling together makes a lot more sense. To Maraniss’s credit, however, I do vaguely remember that Obama and Chandoo left after our debate concluded so they could meet up with some other people in the Bay area — perhaps this is how Obama first encountered Siddiqi.

In my mind, it is hard to know for sure what happened here. On the one hand, my best theory is that the last thing Maraniss wanted to do was to verify that young Obama was in the San Francisco area over Christmas break 1980.

Since my take on young Obama’s ideological extremism has been published elsewhere, I suspect it pained Maraniss to give it any credence at all. Given Siddiqi’s comments, however, there was no way Maraniss could pretend Obama was in Pasadena over Christmas break without having Siddiqi and Obama sharing the same bed. Maraniss, a life-long pragmatic centrist, thus sought to lessen the damage to Obama’s reputation by separating Obama and Chandoo as travelling companions. Through this device Maraniss probably sought to give Obama a greater opportunity to avoid confronting my testimony — even as Maraniss confirmed one of my story’s most important and most telling details.

On the other hand, maybe Maraniss just made a mistake.

John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist and a blogger at American Thinker. Dr. Drew earned his Ph.D. from Cornell and has taught political science and economics at Williams College. Today, Dr. Drew makes his living as an author, trainer, and consultant in the field of non-profit grant writing, fund raising and program evaluation. To book Dr. Drew for your event, please go to

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July 30, 2012
Maraniss Gets Testy as New Obama Bio Tanks
By Jack Cashill


David Maraniss, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Barack Obama: The Story, is getting testy.  And it is not hard to understand why.  The Washington Post diva spent the last four years on his career book, released it in the heart of a heated re-election season, got the kind of exposure a Kardashian would envy, and now finds the book heading for the remainder racks weeks after its release.  Oy vey!
As of this writing, the book ranks 1,696 on Amazon's bestseller list.  By contrast, Edward Klein's unfriendly Obama tome, The Amateur, has outsold just every book this summer not centered on female bondage, spent weeks on top of New York Times top-ten list, and now ranks 55 on Amazon despite being out a month longer than The Story.
Rather than assess why his book tanked -- it is too honest for the left and too dishonest for the right -- Maraniss has turned his wrath on the people he seems to hold responsible for the book's failure -- namely, "obsessed conspiratorialists" like me.  His pique has found its outlet in a mean-spirited Washington Post op-ed, a minor classic of journalistic myopia.  Allow me to address its concerns.

The notion that the president was not born in the United States remains at the epicenter of the anti-Obama mythology.

The fact that Obama sold America a fictional story of his first few years makes his birth a valid subject of interest.  That much said, no one at Joseph Farah's WND, the online publication that has driven the "birther" controversy, has ever claimed that Obama was born in Kenya or any other foreign country.  Farah and others, myself included, have simply wanted to see the birth certificate and clear up the mystery that shrouds Obama's birth.  The most prominent birther, of course, remains Barack Obama, who claimed a Kenyan birth in a 1991 brochure from the Acton & Dystel literary agency.  Personally, I think he was lying.  He has that habit.

Finally, the name of Obama's mother, Stanley Ann, was unusual enough that doctors and nurses in Honolulu remembered it and her giving birth.
Maraniss did not talk to anyone who had anything even remotely to do with Obama's birth.  The reader has no idea where Stanley Ann spent the six months prior to the birth, how she got to the hospital, who took her home, or where she went when she left the hospital.
The only confirming detail comes from a former teacher of Obama's.  She told Maraniss that some time after the birth, a doctor told her that he had heard on the grapevine that "Stanley had a baby," it being unusual that a "Stanley" would have had a baby.  She is alleged to have remembered this anecdote for nearly 50 years before tying it to Obama and presumably settling the birther issue.  I do not know how an anecdote this sketchy could have made it by the editor.

In tandem with the birther notion comes the idea that Obama is a secret Muslim. ... [H]is espoused Christianity must be a cover.
I have described Obama as "a fellow traveler in the world of Islam," one who "inherited the faith of his mother," she being a secular humanist.  Obama's Christianity is a sham.  As Maraniss must know, he embraced the faith to strengthen his desperately shaky identity as an African-American and to solidify his political base in black Chicago.  Inexplicably, Maraniss fully ignores ignore the phonied-up scene in Obama's Dreams from My Father in which Obama finds his way to Christianity, or something like it, at Jeremiah Wright's church.

Another group of right-wing doubters hold on to the notion that Obama is a closet socialist ... an idea that his every move as a pragmatic liberal politician over the past 16 years has utterly disproved.
Unlike France, America would not elect a "socialist" president.  That is why the ambitious ones, like Barack Obama, remain closeted.  But is there any real difference between Obama's philosophy and French President François Hollande's?
Maraniss repeatedly conceals the evidence of the same.  He passes off Obama's card-carrying communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, as a benign "civil rights activist."  He refused to interview John Drew, Obama's Occidental College pal who has described the young Obama as a "Marxist planning for a Communist style revolution."  He makes no mention of the Cooper Union Socialist Scholars Conference and other such events Obama attended in New York.  And he may well have ignored the Christian conversion scene because that is the occasion when Wright delivered his famous "Audacity" sermon, the one rich with phrases like "white folks' greed runs a world in need."

Some others maintain that [Obama] was not smart enough to get into Occidental, Columbia and Harvard Law.
Obama-friendly biographer David Remnick concedes that Obama was an "unspectacular" student at Columbia and at every stop before that.  A professor who wrote a letter of reference for Obama reinforces the point, telling Remnick, "I don't think [Obama] did too well in college."  From the existing records, we know that Obama did not graduate from Columbia with honors.
How such an indifferent student got into a law school whose applicants' LSAT scores typically track between the 98th and 99th percentile and whose GPAs range between 3.80 and 4.00 is a subject Maraniss chooses not to explore.  Instead of checking his college records, or even asking why they have been sealed, he takes Obama's word on his grade point average.  That, my friend, is not journalism.
While at Harvard, Obama went where Maraniss refuses to go.  In a published op-ed, he acknowledged that he "may have benefited from the Law Review's affirmative action policy" as he "undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career."

One particularly obsessed conspiratorialist claims [Dreams] was penned by the former radical Bill Ayers. What about the well-written letters from Obama that are published in my book? Those, too, must be frauds slipped to me by the Obama administration.
Obama began that same Harvard op-ed with this sentence: "Since themerits of the Law Review's selection policy has been the subject of commentary for the last three issues, I'd like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works."  (Italics mine.)  Although the op-ed is fewer than a thousand words long, Obama repeats the subject-predicate error at least two more times.
Prior to Dreams, and for the nine years following, everything Obama published was an uninspired assemblage of words with a nearly random application of commas and tenses.
The most spectacularly awful of Obama's efforts was an 1,800-word essay, "Breaking the War Mentality," published the same year as the love letters.
Maraniss excerpts one passage from the essay in The Story, the key sentence reading as follows: "But the states of war -- the sounds and chill, the dead bodies -- are remote and far removed."  (Italics mine.)
In the actual essay, however, the sentence reads, "But the taste of war -- the sounds and chill, the dead bodies -- are remote and far removed."  (Italics mine.)  The sentence, of course, should read, "the taste ... is."  Maraniss apparently edited this sentence to make the excerpt sound more literate.  This is one of an appalling five sentences in this one essay in which the noun and verb do not agree.
When I first read the love letters, I presumed that Obama had either plagiarized parts of them or had gotten help from a friend.  Lovelorn young men have been doing both since the invention of papyrus.  After seeing what Maraniss had done to "improve" the Columbia essay, I cannot be certain that the explanation is all that innocent.
For the record, the "obsessed conspiratorialist" in question has a name (feel free to use it), a Ph.D., and the same publisher for his Obama book as does Maraniss, Simon & Schuster.

I do hold some [obsessed conspiratorialists] in contempt ... for the way they disregard facts and common sense and undermine the role of serious history[.]

The feeling is mutual, bub.  On August 24, 2008, the first installment in Maraniss's 10,000-word article on Obama's early years appeared in the Washington Post.  He had the resources to unravel the fictitious story Obama had been spinning about his parents' "improbable love" and their "abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation," the story on which Obama based his candidacy.
Maraniss blew it.  On the birther front, he got every critical detail wrong about Obama's first two years, especially his Seattle hegira.  True, Maraniss would correct many of the errors in The Story, but they had long since been corrected by bloggers on the right.  On the socialist front, he did not so much as mention Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's mentor and the subject of two of his three published poems.
Looking back, one has to question whether Maraniss and the Post botched the article through unforgivably sloppy reporting and editing or whether they were part -- dare I say it? -- of an unwitting conspiracy to patch up Obama's biography and elect him president.

And some of [the obsessed conspiratorialism], I believe, arises out of fears of demographic changes in this country, and out of racism.
Yes, finally, the accusation of racism -- truly the last refuge of a scoundrel whose massive advance will never be recouped by the publisher.

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #454 on: August 12, 2012, 08:24:58 PM »
BARRY THE DOPE DEALER, that's why his school files are sealed (and various web sites) ^ | 31/JULY/ 2012 | various
Posted on August 12, 2012 7:23:42 AM EDT by Las Vegas Dave

Barry The Dope Dealer; one reason Obama's school files are SEALED.

Barry was quite the accomplished marijuana addicted enthusiast back in high school and college. Excerpts from David Maraniss' Barack Obama: The Story "Barry the Dope dealer" with the elaborate drug culture surrounding the president when he attended Punahou School in Honolulu and Occidental College in Los Angeles . He definitely inhaled, a hell of a lot of smoke.

1. The Choom Gang A self-selected group of boys at Punahou School who loved basketball and good times called themselves the Choom Gang. Choom is a verb, meaning "to smoke marijuana."

2. Total Absorption As a member of the Choom Gang, Barry Obama was known for starting a few pot-smoking trends. The first was called "TA," short for "total absorption." To place this in the physical and political context of another young man who would grow up to be president, TA was the antithesis of Bill Clinton's claim that as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford he smoked dope but never inhaled.

3. Roof Hits Along with TA, Barry popularized the concept of "roof hits": when they were chooming in the car all the windows had to be rolled up so no smoke blew out and went to waste; when the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling.

4. Penalties When you were with Barry and his pals, if you exhaled precious pakalolo (Hawaiian slang for marijuana, meaning "numbing tobacco") instead of absorbing it fully into your lungs, you were assessed a penalty and your turn was skipped the next time the joint came around. "Wasting good bud smoke was not tolerated," explained one member of the Choom Gang, Tom Topolinski, the Chinese-looking kid with a Polish name who answered to Topo.

5. The Choomwagon[Choom Gang member] Mark Bendix's Volkswagen bus, also known as the Choomwagon. … The other members considered Mark Bendix the glue, he was funny, creative, and uninhibited, with a penchant for Marvel Comics. He also had that VW bus and a house with a pool, a bong, and a Nerf basketball, all enticements for them to slip off midday for a few unauthorized hours of recreation...

6. Interceptions Barry also had a knack for interceptions. When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted "Intercepted!," and took an extra hit. No one seemed to mind.

7. Slippers Choom Gang members often made their way to Aku Ponds at the end of Manoa Stream, where they slipped past the liliko'i vines and the KAPU (keep out) signs, waded into waist-high cool mountain water, stood near the rock where water rushed overhead, and held up a slipper (what flip-flops are called in Hawaii) to create an air pocket canopy. It was a natural high, they said, stoned or not.

8. Ray The Dealer He was a long-haired haole hippie who worked at the Mama Mia Pizza Parlor not far from Punahou and lived in a dilapidated bus in an abandoned warehouse. … According to Topolinski, Ray the dealer was "freakin' scary." Many years later they learned that he had been killed with a ball-peen hammer by a scorned gay lover. But at the time he was useful because of his ability to "score quality weed."...In another section of the [senior] yearbook, students were given a block of space to express thanks and define their high school experience. … Nestled below [Obama's] photographs was one odd line of gratitude: "Thanks Tut, Gramps, Choom Gang, and Ray for all the good times." … A hippie drug-dealer made his acknowledgments; his own mother did not.

9. Pumping Stations Their favorite hangout was a place they called Pumping Stations, a lush hideaway off an unmarked, roughly paved road partway up Mount Tantalus . They parked single file on the grassy edge, turned up their stereos playing Aerosmith, Blue Oyster Cult, and Stevie Wonder, lit up some "sweet-sticky Hawaiian buds" and washed it down with "green bottle beer" (the Choom Gang preferred Heineken, Becks, and St. Pauli Girl).

10. Veto One of the favorite words in their subculture revealed their democratic nature. The word was veto. Whenever an idea was broached, someone could hold up his hand in the V sign (a backward peace sign of that era) and indicate that the motion was not approved. They later shortened the process so that you could just shout "V" to get the point across.. In the Choom Gang, all V's were created equal.

11. Maui Wowie, Kauai Electric, Puna Bud And Kona Gold: In the Honolulu of Barry's teenage years marijuana was flourishing up in the hills, out in the countryside, in covert greenhouses everywhere. It was sold and smoked right there in front of your nose; Maui Wowie, Kauai Electric, Puna Bud, Kona Gold, and other local variations of pakololo were readily available.

12. The Barf Couch The Barf Couch earned its name early in the first trimester when a freshman across the hall from Obama [in the Haines Hall Annex dorm at Occidental College ] drank himself into a stupor and threw up all over himself and the couch. In the manner of pallbearers hoisting a coffin, a line of Annexers lifted the tainted sofa with the freshman aboard and toted it out the back door and down four steps to the first concrete landing on the way to the parking lot. A day later, the couch remained outside in the sun, resting on its side with cushions off (someone had hosed it clean), and soon it was back in the hallway nook.

13. The Annex Olympics (The main hallway at Haines Hall was called the Annex,) home to the impromptu Annex Olympics: long-jumping onto a pile of mattresses, wrestling in underwear, hacking golf balls down the hallway toward the open back door, boxing while drunk. There were the non-Olympic sports of lighting farts and judging them by color, tipping over the Coke machine, breaking the glass fire extinguisher case, putting out cigarettes on the carpet, falling asleep on the carpet, flinging Frisbees at the ceiling-mounted alarm bell, tasting pizza boxes to the floor, and smoking pot from a three-foot crimson opaque bong, a two-man event involving the smoker and an accomplice standing ready to respond to the order "Hey, dude, light the bowl!

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #456 on: September 24, 2012, 07:28:17 AM »

In late March 2008, on a local New York City show called “Inside City Hall,” the venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told host Dominic Carter how he was asked to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier.
The octogenarian Sutton calmly and lucidly explained that he had been “introduced to [Obama] by a friend.” The friend’s name was Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, and the introduction had taken place about 20 years prior.
Sutton described al-Mansour as “the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men.” The billionaire in question was Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.
Given, the game-changing nature of this revelation when it surfaced in late August 2008, the Obama camp and its allies in the media, particularly Politico and Media Matters, shifted into overdrive to kill the story. Through a series of denials, lies and slanders about Sutton’s mental health, they succeeded.
The story, however, has come back to life. The elusive al-Mansour was a guest on the BlogTalkRadio show, “The National and International Roundtable,” Sept. 19, 2012.
In his introduction, the host openly acknowledged that al-Mansour “made news in 2008 when it was revealed that he had been a patron of President Barack Obama and had recommended him for admission to Harvard Law School.”
The host goes on to describe al-Mansour as “co-founder of the International law firm of al-Waleed, al-Talal and al-Mansour and special adviser to Saudi Arabian prince, his royal highness Prince Al Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulazziz.”
This meshed completely with what Sutton had said in 2008. According to Sutton, al-Mansour had asked him to “please write a letter in support of [Obama] … a young man that has applied to Harvard.” Sutton had friends at Harvard and gladly did so.
Although Sutton did not specify a date, this would likely have been in 1988 when the 26-year-old Obama was applying to Harvard Law School.
Khalid al-Mansour was a piece of work. Although impressively well connected, the Texan-born attorney and black separatist had not met the paranoid racial fantasy unworthy of his energy.
Several of his speeches can still be seen on YouTube. In one, “A Little on the History of Jews,” he lectures the world’s Jews, “God gave you nothing. The children from Poland and Russia were promised nothing. But they are stealing the land the same as the Christians stole the lands from the Indians in America.”
For the record, bin Talal was the very same Saudi who had offered New York $10 million to help the city rebuild after 9/11, but who had his gift refused by Mayor Rudy Guiliani. In September 2001, Giuliani was in no mood to hear even a billionaire blame America for inciting the attacks with its pro-Israel stance, no matter how deep his pockets.
For deeper background into why bin Talal might have been helping Obama, read Frank Miele’s excellent piece in the unlikely Daily Interlake of Kalispell, Mont.
Ben Smith, then of Politico, took the lead in killing the story. Shortly after the story broke, Smith ran the disclaimer that “Barack Obama’s campaign is flatly denying a story told by former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton.”
The Obama camp, in fact, denied that Obama even knew al-Mansour. Smith then talked to al-Mansour. At first, al-Mansour avoided contradicting Sutton’s story out of respect for Sutton, “a dear friend.” When pressed, however, al-Mansour disowned Sutton’s story. “The scenario as it related to me did not happen,” he reportedly told Smith.
A self-appointed “spokesman for Sutton’s family” by the name of Kevin Wardally put the penultimate nails in this story’s coffin with an email to Smith that read in part: “As best as our family and the Chairman’s closest friends can tell, Mr. Sutton, now 86 years of age, misspoke in describing certain details and events in that television interview.”
For Smith, even though Wardally had gotten Sutton’s age wrong by two years, this emailed slander was proof enough that Sutton’s highly specific claim was manufactured. Media Matters, meanwhile, scolded those conservative bloggers that did not accept the various denials at face value.
Independent journalist Ken Timmerman, now running for Congress in Maryland, followed up with Wardally. Unconvincingly, Wardally claimed that a nephew of the elder Sutton had retained his services.
Sutton’s son and daughter, however, told Timmerman that no one in their family even knew who Kevin Wardally was, let alone authorized him to speak on behalf of the family.
When Timmerman contacted al-Mansour, he repeatedly declined to comment on what Sutton had said and, contrary to the line from the Obama camp, claimed to know Obama personally.
With Hillary out of the race, no newsroom in America felt compelled to follow up on Timmerman’s research. At the time this story was gelling, in early September 2008, the media were doing all their digging in Alaskan dumpsters. The 89-year-old Sutton died in December 2009.
The Obama media will try to ignore this new revelation or, if not, kill it. Their best argument now is that al-Mansour was not on the air when his introduction was read. That is true enough.
Yet from the casual tone of the introduction, the listener senses that within black nationalist circles, the story Sutton told is believed to be true. If so, it should absolutely matter that a Saudi billionaire and his black nationalist cohorts have been promoting Obama from the beginning.
Ben Smith is now editor of Buzzfeed. If he ever wants to be taken seriously as a journalist, the onus is on him to follow up. If he wants to throw his peers a bone, he can report that bin Talal owns 7 percent of News Corp., the parent company of Fox News.

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #457 on: October 03, 2012, 12:58:36 PM »

Trinity Church members reveal Obama shocker!

'Matchmaker' Rev. Jeremiah Wright 'provided cover for gays'
Published: 20 hours ago

 by Jerome R. CorsiEmail | Archive

Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?"More ↓
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After nearly four years in office, many Americans still express frustration that much about Barack Obama remains a mystery as establishment media remain incurious about the Democratic president, while seemingly ready to dispatch crack investigative teams at a moment’s notice to probe into the personal lives of Republican figures such as Sarah Palin. Largely ignored in 2008 was research by the Hillary Clinton campaign based on contacts developed with members of the church Obama attended for two decades, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. This is the first of a series of articles WND has developed from months of in-person interviews with church members who have known Barack and Michelle Obama over many years. The sources requested that their identities not be published because they believe their disclosures would put their security at risk.
NEW YORK – Ten years ago, the New York Times reported on a growing underground subculture in the black community known as Down Low, comprised largely of men who secretly engage in homosexual activity while living “straight” lives in public.

It’s within that subtext that opposition researchers for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign began investigating rumors that Rev. Jeremiah Wright was running a “matchmaking service” for members of his Trinity United Church of Christ known as the Down Low Club, which included Barack Obama.
Over the past several months, WND investigators have interviewed a number of members of the church who claim the president benefited from Wright’s efforts to help black men who engage in homosexual activity appear respectable in black society by finding them a wife.
The 2003 New York Times story, “Double Lives on the Down Low,” said that though many black men reject “a gay culture they perceive as white and effeminate,” they “have settled on a new identity, with its own vocabulary and customs and its own name: Down Low.”
The Times said that while “there are black men who are openly gay, it seems that the majority of those having sex with men still lead secret lives, products of a black culture that deems masculinity and fatherhood as a black man’s primary responsibility – and homosexuality as a white man’s perversion.”
The Down Low Club at Trinity “doesn’t have meetings, and it isn’t like the Rotary Club,” a source identified for this article as “Carolyn” explained to a WND investigator in Chicago.
“It was more that Wright served as a matchmaker,” said Carolyn, a 20-year member of Trinity who has played a role in church administration and knows the Obamas personally.
“He kept his eye on the young guys coming up in Trinity,” she said, “and if he spotted someone that acted or looked gay, then Wright would give them kind of a guidance counselor-type direction on how to keep down low – how to do the things they wanted to do, but then also getting married and looking ‘respectable’ – being part of black society.”
To Trinity insiders, the Down Low Club was simply known as “the program.”
“That’s the terminology. At Trinity, you’re urged to ‘get with the program,’” explained a male beneficiary of the Down Low Club. “What that means is it’s OK to go ahead and have sex with men, just as long as you ‘get with the program’ and marry a woman, somebody no straight guy would want to marry.”
The wife, the Down Low Club member explained, is “your ‘beard,’ your cover – so you can look like you’re living a straight life, even though you’re not.”
The male source was a “computer consultant” who claims not to know “scratch” about computers. But “getting with the program” at Trinity meant he could keep living a “gay” life and receive lots of computer consulting work thrown his way by Trinity, as long as he was willing to marry an unattractive woman who otherwise might have ended up a lonely spinster with no means to provide for living.
Carolyn explained that for many black families, attending Trinity was a way out of poverty.
“Trinity was a chance to network,” she said. “The stuff preached was hateful, but about 70 percent of those who go there ignore the radical rhetoric and just trying to get ahead.”
Carolyn said Trinity “helped a lot of blacks get successful and connected.”
“That’s what Wright did for Obama,” she claimed. “He connected Obama in the community, and he helped Obama hide his homosexuality.”
Openly homosexual author and commentator Keith Boykin, a former White House adviser to President Bill Clinton, mentions Obama’s former pastor, Wright, on pages 264-265 of his 2005 book “Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies, and Denial in Black America.” While Boykin doesn’t refer to the Down Low Club by name, he regards Wright as among a small group of ministers who are “coming to grips with sexuality and opening up a dialogue with heterosexuals, homosexuals, and bisexuals in the pews.”
Chicago-based author, businessman, speaker and HIV/AIDS activist J.L. King wrote a controversial book in 2005 called “On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of ‘Straight’ Black Men who Sleep with Men.”
He was a guest on Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago-based TV show in 2004, which described him this way: “J.L. King had a life most would envy. He married his high school sweetheart, had two healthy children and was on the fast track to success. But, unbeknownst to his family and friends, he had a dark secret—he was living on the down low.”
Remember the choir director
Carolyn and the other members of Trinity who provided statements corroborating her testimony were insistent that WND conceal their identities as a condition of being interviewed.
“I’m still scared to discuss any of this,” Carolyn said.
“At Trinity, if you even hint at talking about Obama being gay, you are reminded of our dear departed choir director,” she said. “He was killed, and it wasn’t a robbery. The Christmas presents weren’t touched. The TV was not taken, nothing in the apartment was missing.”
Carolyn’s reference was to Donald Young, the 47-year-old homosexual choirmaster at Trinity who died of multiple gunshot wounds in his Chicago apartment Dec. 24, 2007.
Young’s murder was preceded Nov. 17, 2007, with the execution-style murder of 25-year-old Larry Bland, another black gay member of Trinity United. He also was murdered in his home, dying of multiple gunshot wounds, according to his death certificate.
Just two days after the murder of Young, a third openly “gay” member of Wright’s church, Nate Spencer, reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia and AIDS.
Sensational charges
As WND reported last month, a prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.
In April, WND reported a federal judge dismissed a libel case against Larry Sinclair, a homosexual who claimed Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign had paid to rig a polygraph test regarding Sinclair’s sensational charge that he had sex and used cocaine twice with Obama while Obama was an Illinois state senator. Sinclair tells his story in “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder.”
WND also reported former radical activist John Drew has said that when he met Obama when Obama was a student at Occidental College, he thought Obama and his then-Pakistani roommate were “gay” lovers.
In addition, rumors have swirled around Obama’s relationship with his personal aide and former “body man,” Reggie Love, who resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to support his old boss. Love resigned from the White House in November 2011 after compromising photographs of him as a college student received wide circulation.
WND also has documented in two separate articles, here and here, that Obama wore a gold band on his wedding ring finger from the time he attended Occidental College through his student days at Harvard Law School.
Shocking phone call
Sinclair gave an affidavit to the Chicago Police Department regarding contacts he says he had with Young just prior to Young’s murder.
According to Sinclair’s affidavit, published in its entirety beginning on page 56 of his book, he contacted Obama’s presidential campaign in September 2007. Sinclair says he requested that Obama correct claims he made about when he stopped abusing drugs to reflect use of crack cocaine during their sex encounters in November 1999.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama had stated famously he stopped using marijuana and cocaine in college, implying his drug abuse ended when he had completed his first two years of college at Occidental in Los Angeles.
Sinclair explained that when he made contact with the Obama campaign in September 2007, he provided callback numbers, in case the campaign wanted to get in touch with him.
Then, in late September or early October 2007, as Sinclair stated in his affidavit, he received a call from a male identifying himself as “Mr. Young,” who stated he was responding to calls Sinclair had made to the Obama campaign.
“This first call shocked me in that this ‘Mr. Young’ asked me why I had not asked Senator Obama to disclose sexual encounters I had with Mr. Obama in 1999,” Sinclair’s affidavit reads. “I was shocked as I had never mentioned to the campaign or anyone working for the campaign any sexual encounters. The call ended with Mr. Young stating I would hear from someone in a few days.”
Sinclair claims it was in a second call from “Mr. Young” that he began to suspect the man had been sexually intimate with Obama. Sinclair said he drew that conclusion “by the tone of the conversation” and by its “sexual nature.”
In late October 2007, Sinclair received a text message from “Mr. Young” stating Young “was intimately involved with Senator Obama and that Obama was discussing with him and his pastor how to publicly acknowledge Senator Obama’s drug use in 1999.”
The text message also indicated Obama wanted to make sure Sinclair had not discussed the sexual encounters or drug use with any media at that time.
In November 2007, Sinclair received a second text message from “Mr. Young,” advising him that Obama would publicly correct his statement as to the last time he used drugs and that Sinclair did not need to concern himself with publicly disclosing it.
Then, in early December 2007, Sinclair received his last contact with “Mr. Young,” with Young making it clear Obama had no intention of acknowledging publicly his use of crack cocaine in 1999.
After Young was murdered, Sinclair had several contacts with Young’s family.
“In several telephone conversations with his sisters, brothers, nieces and others, I was reassured that the family of Donald Young believed he was murdered to protect Barack Obama,” Sinclair wrote. “It also became clear, right from the start that members of the Young family were truly fearful of speaking out publicly, to this day, they fear for their own personal, physical safety.”
On July 17, 2010, the supermarket tabloid The Globe published an interview with Norma Jean Young, the 76-year-old mother of the slain choirmaster, in which she expressed fear that her son was murdered to protect Obama.
“What was the cause of my son’s death?” Norma Jean Young asked in the Globe interview. “I’m very suspicious that it may have been related to Obama. Donald and Obama were very close friends. Whatever went on with this is very private. I am suspicious of a cover-up!”
She insisted there is “more to the story,” calling on Chicago police to ramp up their investigation.
“I do believe they are shielding somebody or protecting somebody,” she told The Globe.
Asked who would benefit from a cover-up, Norma Jean Young said, “It could be anyone, including Obama.”
Shortly after the Globe interview was published, Norma Jean Young left Chicago and lived for a while in Peoria, Ill. Her current residence is unknown.
The murders of Donald Young and Larry Bland remain today open cases of unsolved homicide


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #459 on: October 03, 2012, 02:26:23 PM »
Yeah - ill remove it 

Saw it going all over facebook. 

Seems you forgot to follow through.

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This was posted seven months ago. What happened?

Oh, nothing....BOOM!

Just added to the growing narrative that Obama is not the post-racial middle of the road democrat the leftist media sold him as.  

Between Bell, Wright, Chandoo, Al Mansour, Rashidi, Ayeres, Dohrn etc obama has always been a radical militant left wing zealot.  

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #461 on: October 07, 2012, 08:39:14 PM »
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Obama's 'bromance' with Pakistani in the limelight
HindustanTimes ^ | October 7, 1012 | Guardian News Service
Posted on October 7, 2012 7:59:23 PM EDT by Kukai

Four years ago, the first black White House candidate was smeared with all sorts of allegations. Barack Obama was not born in the US. He was a mole. A socialist - no, make that a communist. Barack was gay. Barack was a Marxist. And a Muslim too.

Now the same myths are rumbling through the country's bars, online forums and, worryingly, major news outlets.

It is against this backdrop that new playwright Rashid Razaq is staging his debut production, based on Obama's college days at Columbia, New York.

Provocatively titled The President and the Pakistani, it revisits Harlem, 1981, when "Barry" Obama was living with his alleged party-loving, drug-abusing, illegal alien Pakistani friend, Sohale Siddiqi.

"They had an odd-couple relationship," says Razaq, a reporter, showing me a picture of the pair sprawled on a mustard yellow sofa, a leather-jacketed and polo-sweatered Obama kicking back with an impressively moustached, skinny Pakistani.

In the play, Siddiqi has been renamed Salim "Sal" Maqbool. In Obama's 1995 autobiography, Dreams From My Father, he was recreated as a composite character named Sadik, mentioned in only a few pages.

"Sal is a cokehead," says Razaq, who admits he has never spoken to Siddiqi.

"He has manic, nervous energy while Barry is the stable, secure, sensible guy. But there is a real closeness between them and hopefully that comes across." At heart, Razaq's play is a studied 80s bromance.

When tracked down, Obama's former room-mate, who now works for Getty Images in Seattle, says the reports of his drug use have been wildly overstated: "I was never in 'rehab'," he emails, "I simply curtailed drugs."

Their lives had naturally drifted apart by that point, but a solid bond remains. Siddiqi still refuses a steady stream of press requests to talk about his old friend, including the offer of $50,000 to talk to one anti-Obama filmmaker just a few weeks ago.

Asked what he thinks of the play's script, Siddiqi says he feels "helpless", that "the portrayal of 'Sal' as a clingy and dishonest roommate is completely off the mark and makes me cringe."

"Obama was exceptionally kind and considerate of others which I considered to his own detriment - the play got that part correct," he says of his time spent living with Obama in a shabby apartment on East 94th Street.

It was a lease that Siddiqi, who was an illegal immigrant when he met Obama (having overstayed his tourist visa), had lied to win.

Siddiqi confirms the young Obama, a high school pothead, "was lighthearted and fun-loving for the first half of our cohabitation and grew serious later".

The Pakistani was preoccupied with "assimilating to my new environment [US]. Our cohabitation was on a temporary basis with me hoping to move to more comfortable surroundings and he wanting to live closer to Columbia."

Does it matter if the play is inaccurate?

"It wasn't about showing [Obama] doing drugs and making it shocking and sensational," says Razaq.

"Without it sounding sinister, he has just been a very ambitious, driven guy and we see the beginning of that in this play."

Razaq agrees representing a living president during the busiest period of electioneering is political.

"All theatre is a political act to some degree."

But he insists he drew inspiration from Obama's own book and scoped David Maraniss' biography, Barack Obama: The Making of the Man, published earlier this year, for further detail.

It's not the first time liberties have been taken about this relationship.

When we meet "Sadik" in Dreams From My Father, he is ushering Obama into his flat as a woman in her underwear cuts up lines of cocaine on the kitchen table. In Maraniss's biography, Obama first meets Siddiqi in a New Year's Eve party in San Francisco.

Maraniss says his past links with Pakistanis didn't affect Obama.

"The Pakistanis, in my mind, didn't shape him in any way but made this transitionary period of his life comfortable for him, as he was still learning what it was to be African American."


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #462 on: October 07, 2012, 09:05:06 PM »
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Obama's 'bromance' with Pakistani in the limelight
HindustanTimes ^ | October 7, 1012 | Guardian News Service
Posted on October 7, 2012 7:59:23 PM EDT by Kukai

So some guy writes a play based on what he imagines Obama's life was by taking some bits of truth, adding some imagination and stirring vigorously. And this is news (or relevant) why exactly... ???

Four years ago, the first black White House candidate was smeared with all sorts of allegations. Barack Obama was not born in the US. He was a mole. A socialist - no, make that a communist. Barack was gay. Barack was a Marxist. And a Muslim too.

Now the same myths are rumbling through the country's bars, online forums and, worryingly, major news outlets.

It is against this backdrop that new playwright Rashid Razaq is staging his debut production, based on Obama's college days at Columbia, New York.

Provocatively titled The President and the Pakistani, it revisits Harlem, 1981, when "Barry" Obama was living with his alleged party-loving, drug-abusing, illegal alien Pakistani friend, Sohale Siddiqi.

"They had an odd-couple relationship," says Razaq, a reporter, showing me a picture of the pair sprawled on a mustard yellow sofa, a leather-jacketed and polo-sweatered Obama kicking back with an impressively moustached, skinny Pakistani.

In the play, Siddiqi has been renamed Salim "Sal" Maqbool. In Obama's 1995 autobiography, Dreams From My Father, he was recreated as a composite character named Sadik, mentioned in only a few pages.

"Sal is a cokehead," says Razaq, who admits he has never spoken to Siddiqi.

"He has manic, nervous energy while Barry is the stable, secure, sensible guy. But there is a real closeness between them and hopefully that comes across." At heart, Razaq's play is a studied 80s bromance.

When tracked down, Obama's former room-mate, who now works for Getty Images in Seattle, says the reports of his drug use have been wildly overstated: "I was never in 'rehab'," he emails, "I simply curtailed drugs."

Their lives had naturally drifted apart by that point, but a solid bond remains. Siddiqi still refuses a steady stream of press requests to talk about his old friend, including the offer of $50,000 to talk to one anti-Obama filmmaker just a few weeks ago.

Asked what he thinks of the play's script, Siddiqi says he feels "helpless", that "the portrayal of 'Sal' as a clingy and dishonest roommate is completely off the mark and makes me cringe."

"Obama was exceptionally kind and considerate of others which I considered to his own detriment - the play got that part correct," he says of his time spent living with Obama in a shabby apartment on East 94th Street.

It was a lease that Siddiqi, who was an illegal immigrant when he met Obama (having overstayed his tourist visa), had lied to win.

Siddiqi confirms the young Obama, a high school pothead, "was lighthearted and fun-loving for the first half of our cohabitation and grew serious later".

The Pakistani was preoccupied with "assimilating to my new environment [US]. Our cohabitation was on a temporary basis with me hoping to move to more comfortable surroundings and he wanting to live closer to Columbia."

Does it matter if the play is inaccurate?

"It wasn't about showing [Obama] doing drugs and making it shocking and sensational," says Razaq.

"Without it sounding sinister, he has just been a very ambitious, driven guy and we see the beginning of that in this play."

Razaq agrees representing a living president during the busiest period of electioneering is political.

"All theatre is a political act to some degree."

But he insists he drew inspiration from Obama's own book and scoped David Maraniss' biography, Barack Obama: The Making of the Man, published earlier this year, for further detail.

It's not the first time liberties have been taken about this relationship.

When we meet "Sadik" in Dreams From My Father, he is ushering Obama into his flat as a woman in her underwear cuts up lines of cocaine on the kitchen table. In Maraniss's biography, Obama first meets Siddiqi in a New Year's Eve party in San Francisco.

Maraniss says his past links with Pakistanis didn't affect Obama.

"The Pakistanis, in my mind, didn't shape him in any way but made this transitionary period of his life comfortable for him, as he was still learning what it was to be African American."


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #464 on: October 09, 2012, 08:13:47 PM »

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October 09, 2012
PBS: Obama Claimed He Was 'Kenyan Royalty,' Recalls Classmate

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PBS's 'FRONTLINE' interviewed former Barack Obama classmate, Kristen Caldwell.  She grew up and attended Punahou School with "Barry" Obama. She recalls how as a young child, Obama alternatively told classmates he was an Indonesian prince or Kenyan royalty.
So what do we know about Obama and his background? He wasn't rich. Would he have needed help? How did he fit into this --
Kristen Caldwell-My understanding is that Barry -- and that's what we called him, so I'm not meaning to be disrespectful, but I'm going likely to refer to him as Barry for the most part. My understanding is that Barry was on a scholarship. And a lot of times if you're on scholarship you had to do some work at the school. You worked in the snack bar.
My father told me -- and I didn't know it at the time -- that Barry did some work at the tennis courts. We all did work at the tennis courts, those of us who hung out there. So it wasn't unusual when the tennis pro would ask me, "Go and walk courts 1 and 2," and that sort of thing, because he would ask any of us to do that. So I wasn't aware of that.
When I first met Barry, when he showed up I think it was the summer before fifth grade, he was hanging out at the tennis courts. And at the time that was the very Wimbledon-like, where everyone had to wear white clothes and white tennis shoes. Very careful about the soles of the shoes because you didn't want to scuff up the courts, mark them up.
So yeah, I can picture him as this slightly -- "chubby" is too strong, but rounded, short little guy, Barry Obama. And he told us that his father was an Indonesian king and that he was a prince, and after he finished school he was going to go back, and he would be a ruler in Indonesia. And I absolutely believed him.
I understand that he told his fifth-grade class that he was Kenyan royalty, but I never heard that story until years later. My sister and I remember very clearly that he was an Indonesian prince and that he would be going back there. So there was some reference to where he had come from, and the understanding was his family was there.
I didn't know who he lived with at the time. I since know that it was his grandparents. I knew where he lived, because a lot of times if it rained, my dad would give him a ride home from the tennis courts, because we would hang out after school. In the summers we'd hang out at the tennis courts; after school we would hang out at the tennis courts. That's what we did. And that's what Barry did pretty much from fifth through eighth grade. And I think after he leaned up and grew and got into basketball, he shifted away from tennis.

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #466 on: February 25, 2013, 06:23:06 PM »

Obamas gay lover chandoo


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #467 on: February 25, 2013, 07:31:11 PM »

Obamas gay lover chandoo

okay lets assume Obama did have a gay lover and this was him......and your point is???????????????????

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #468 on: February 25, 2013, 07:33:59 PM »
okay lets assume Obama did have a gay lover and this was him......and your point is???????????????????

O-TWINK sold himself as something he aint.   He a down-lo bro 


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #469 on: February 25, 2013, 10:45:32 PM »

Obamas gay lover chandoo

Apparently, you have nothing new or interesting to post.


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #470 on: March 18, 2013, 02:59:12 PM »
Apparently, you have nothing new or interesting to post.

if there's a sex tape out there, 333386 will find and share!

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #471 on: March 18, 2013, 03:01:37 PM »
if there's a sex tape out there, 333386 will find and share!

Beastliality is not protected under the 1st Amend.   Would not share. 


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #473 on: April 11, 2013, 04:48:12 PM »

by whom? some 5th rate blogger who doubles as a lawyer and blogs on his spare time?  :)