Author Topic: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )  (Read 14348 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #75 on: March 13, 2012, 06:49:26 PM »
 8)   I can back up what FORTRESS is saying . I also trained at the GOLDS ( all of them owned by eric and marcia levine )  and seen HENDERSON lift some huge weights . And always in perfect form .


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #76 on: March 13, 2012, 06:50:19 PM »
When the other guy questioned 732 lb deadlift at 185 lbs raw.  You said, oh no he used moderate lifting gear. How the fuck do you know!  You were there for the meet where he did this lift?  I fuckin doubt it asshole. You are just making shit the fuck up because you wanna sound important. You have no idea what Thorne did on his max dead and if he used a suit belt wraps or Whatever.  You are claiming to have witnessed it so it's true. I'm calling bullshit on you. Schmoe.  And you are the worst feminized name dropper I have met on here. I give you no respect. Drink my shit. Fatboy

Sounds like you need some fiber in your diet. "Drink (your) shit"? No thanks, but CAPTAIN INSANO would be more than happy to oblige, I am sure.

Deadlift suits have only come into existence in the last several years, just for your information. And most every deadlifter in a meet wears a belt. Not everybody, but a great majority. Now, knee wraps? VERY few wear these for deadlifts. Really makes little sense from several angles.  

See all that I am teaching you? But the lessons are adding up, fast. It would be appropriate to cut me a cheque, considering you're an ignorant goof who knows next to nothing and are getting such quality lessons from an intellectual and physical superior.

You are extremely lean in the brain. Despite proof about much of what I say, you still remain steadfast in your beliefs. This is called RETARDED. You are, very much so.

Oh, and yes, I was present in Henderson's place of training in the '80s when MANY of his crazy lifts were done. That I didn't witness one of his meets doesn't faze me or cause me to question his claims when those very claims are merely several pounds more than what I saw him lift in the gym.

Get it?

Of course you don't! Ha, ha You're retarded, after all.

Trying to educate you is like clapping with one hand.

But I do try. And as I say, you owe me a fat cheque.  8)

P.S. Perhaps if you ever come to Toronto you and I can arrange for a friendly little lifting contest. What say, bruh? I train at Excel Fitness in Pickering. What's your name and where do you work out? Or are you like your coward butt buddy CAPTAIN INSANO and will not allow others to know who the boy is behind the board name?




  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #77 on: March 15, 2012, 11:33:48 AM »
And did you call me bruh? You are a fucking douche. And you are so fuckin hilarious thinking your teaching me shit.

Hi, coward.

Yes, I called you bruh (douche name for a douche ... you!). Go cry to your mommy, wimp.

Not that your every post isn't infested with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, etc., but here's one little lesson for ya for today ...

" ... thinking your teaching me shit."

It's "you're" (you are), not "your".

That's all for now, coward.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #78 on: March 15, 2012, 11:39:00 AM »
Click here

Nme dropping douchebag.  Your a pile of old shit lolololololo, uncle fester hahahahahalol

Beats being a coward, which you are, massively.



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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #79 on: March 15, 2012, 11:43:40 AM »
You meltdown easier than cheez whiz...uncle fester looking shmoe. Lolol

Only thing melting down at the moment is some cheese on my sandwich, coward. Got a name?

Everyone knows you're 14 years old, wimp.

And nice work compiling some old posts from me. Poor coward sitting there researching my shit.

I know people and have been around. You? Uh, not so much. Being 14 and all.

And a coward.

Got a name?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #80 on: March 15, 2012, 11:55:52 AM »
"name dropping'  ::)Fort used to work for Musclemag International back in the was his job to meet/interview/hangout and workout with these names....the proof is in print and photos....if I'm not mistaken I've read his stuff on T-nation as well,and no moron, I am not his gimmick


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #81 on: March 15, 2012, 11:57:00 AM »
it's all pretend and somebody is getting rich in the process of selling protein powder


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #82 on: March 15, 2012, 12:16:06 PM »
"name dropping'  ::)Fort used to work for Musclemag International back in the was his job to meet/interview/hangout and workout with these names....the proof is in print and photos....if I'm not mistaken I've read his stuff on T-nation as well,and no moron, I am not his gimmick

Yeah, I did a little freelance work for T-Nation and others. Also was editor for the now-defunct Peak Training Journal and Pinnacle's one-time research Web site, Virtual Muscle. I was back at MMI a few years ago as its online editor, but finances weren't too hot and the online push cash was halted.

The Coward Wimp in this thread thinks I name drop because I want to appear important. I simply throw in examples here and there because, what can I say, I have been around the BB block, as it were. I also figure, this being a BB board, others might enjoy hearing talk about the pros and funny stories pertaining to. Heck, I dig it when someone who has a story or encounter shares it. Otherwise, the board is just a bunch of folks who have never done anything or been anywhere. And as it is, many who seemingly don't even visit a gym all that often (ha, ha).

Anyway, be cool, Danjo.    


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #83 on: March 15, 2012, 12:16:43 PM »
"name dropping'  ::)Fort used to work for Musclemag International back in the was his job to meet/interview/hangout and workout with these names....the proof is in print and photos....if I'm not mistaken I've read his stuff on T-nation as well,and no moron, I am not his gimmick





  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #84 on: March 15, 2012, 12:24:55 PM »
You are pretending to be fortney.  You picked an obscure person from the industry to pretend to be. You wanted to pick a guy who was an obvious schmoe who would be sick in hospital from aids and could never discover you on the Internet.  Someone who no one would actually know. So, as the REAL Fortney sits in a hospital bed with aids treatments and tubes in his nose and ice packs on his gay looking ass. You sit here and pretend to be himm on the net for attention.  Sad fat man you are.  And now you want my name after pretending to give me yours....ha! Nice try old ghey....thanks for playing..

Coward, this is so WEAK. You failed and now are scrambling to reverse the jets on your massive embarrassment.

Got a name?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #85 on: March 15, 2012, 12:27:03 PM »
Yeah, I did a little freelance work for T-Nation and others. Also was editor for the now-defunct Peak Training Journal and Pinnacle's one-time research Web site, Virtual Muscle. I was back at MMI a few years ago as its online editor, but finances weren't too hot and the online push cash was halted.

The Coward Wimp in this thread thinks I name drop because I want to appear important. I simply throw in examples here and there because, what can I say, I have been around the BB block, as it were. I also figure, this being a BB board, others might enjoy hearing talk about the pros and funny stories pertaining to. Heck, I dig it when someone who has a story or encounter shares it. Otherwise, the board is just a bunch of folks who have never done anything or been anywhere. And as it is, many who seemingly don't even visit a gym all that often (ha, ha).

Anyway, be cool, Danjo.    thanks man,,,,I'd say don't mind the shit talkers but you doin fine takin out the trash without any encouragement...keep movin the heavy iron..peace
thanks man,,,,I'd say don't mind the shit talkers but you doin fine takin out the trash without any encouragement...keep movin the heavy iron..peace


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #86 on: March 15, 2012, 12:28:01 PM »
And what exactly does this mean????

It means, Coward, that you're a total failure and without a clue about powerlifting, writing and a bunch else. It also means I have owned you for several pages and continue to do so with no hint of ever stopping.

In other words, you're (there's that pesky "you are" thing, Wimp) my bitch. Always will be.

Got a name?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #87 on: March 15, 2012, 12:54:30 PM »
You are fucking lame.  I don't give a fuck about powerlifting.  Who the fuck was in a contest with you about powerlifting knowledge?  Lol what a lame asshole. Hahahah. I literally laugh at you.  What the fuck are you? Ha! And you own me in writing? Hahaha! What the fuck is this?  Listen to me carefully.  I don't think you are impressive in the slightest bit.  You are my bitch.  You a re a fat old fucking ghey powerlifting nerd. 

I ain't giving you my name. I don't answer request from pieces of shit that I have no respect for.  You aren't convincing anyone that not putting your info up on this  board is being coward.  people discuss things that are of a nature where a person would want anonymity. So, don't come on here screaming that not putting up personal info is cowardice!  Ha! Putting up your info is stupid! Ha! Trolling people while your personal info is up here is just fickin dumb. Your asking for trouble. You won't find me being as stupid as you. Loser. Go back to your contests that are in your own head. Haha. Yeah, you win the powerlifting showdown ace! I've never done it a day in my life.  Don't give a fuck about it. Im a bodybuilder.  You are only calling yourself a powerlifter because you are fat.  And a writing contest? You own me in writing?  I am literally laughing at you.  You are a joke.  So sad. Fat bald sad man,

Got a name, Coward?

You're like a broken record playing the same shit back over and over.

Fact is, you won't give your name because you're a coward. You have my name and my pic and know fuck all about anything ... and are a coward, to boot.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #88 on: March 15, 2012, 01:20:53 PM »
This is easy

Of course it is. You're simple in the head. You cannot comprehend how idiotic and cowardly you truly are.

You are so frightened. What do you have to fear, tough guy? I am not asking for your address. Just your name.

I don't hide behind a screen name, spouting this and that. I have competed as both a bodybuilder and a powerlifter, and have been around the industry for decades.

What do you have going for you, Coward?

Certainly you aren't well educated; this is obvious.

C'mon, Coward. Stop hiding.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #89 on: March 15, 2012, 01:26:47 PM »


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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #90 on: March 15, 2012, 01:28:56 PM »



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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #91 on: March 17, 2012, 08:54:20 AM »
You sound like youre trying to be an Internet tough guy.  My name is Arvid McFuckoff.  What would you do with my name asshole.  All your asking for is my name.  You sound like you're hitting on me.  Listen schmoe. I'm not gay and I don't need money.  So, keep jerking off with your old pair of henderson thornes thong in your mouth while you dream of platz.  Here's the bottom line.  I exposed you as a name dropper.  Your posts have no substance.  You come on here and say oh yeah I met so and so he is do this fir one reason and one reason only...are you ready... doo it fir ATTENTION!  You are an attention whore name dropper.  You are mad and screaming tell me your name because you have been exposed as an attention whore. Tha is a not cool thing to be on getbig.  You are trying to get some Internet followers with your bullshit stories. I come on here to have fun and maybe learn somethig. You have nothing to teach anyone except to say that you met this person and that and that you run in and yell owned and coward and give me your name and a whole host of the most lame and overused insults ever.  The bottom line is I exposed the substance of your posts as shit and you as an attention whore name dropper.  And because you can't dispute that you just yell coward.  So, you've been owned. This is obvious. End of thread.


So you're a bodybuilder, huh? And I am just a fat powerlifter? Post your bodybuilding pic from one of your contests, and then for a treat for you, I will do the same: post a photo of myself from one of my competitions. How's this sound, Coward?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #92 on: March 18, 2012, 12:32:57 AM »
Sounds uncool.  Just like all of your comments. Refuse to be an avenue for you to attention whore some more.  Not posting any pics of anything.  And I don't give a fuck what you say.  You aren't anybody.  I ain't putting up shit here because you asked me.  I don't do shit of what you say old fat man.  Now, you constantly evade the accussation they you are an attention whoring name dropper.  You can call me whatever youu want. It doesn't change the fact that no one puts any stock into what you say on here because of these obvious feminine traits of yours.  Despite your desperate attempts, yu haven't been able to recruit any followers on here except your little friends from scam nation.  Why don't you go back there and sling your bullshit.  When you attention whore, nobody believes you, FYI.

So you know my full name. No one here knows yours.

You have in your possession a pic of me. I don't have one of you.

And now ... Wait. That's right: you've never competed as a powerlifter OR as a bodybuilder. But didn't you say you're a bodybuilder? Seems you're redefining what it means to be a coward, wimp.

Bet you have about as much muscle as any random bitch on the street and the strength to match. Plus you know jack-all about anything to do with resistance training. Plus your writing exposes you as either a 13 year old and/or a highly uneducated buffoon. Plus you ...

Are a massive Coward Wimp.

This is what I am gonna call you from now on, Coward Wimp.

Fits like a glove.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #93 on: March 18, 2012, 01:44:26 PM »
I have no picture of you.  Don't care who you are pretending to be.  You are not who you say you are. Period.  So, go fuck yourself. Meet me somewhere! Lol.  You're a loser who is melting down over an Internet board.  What a loser.  I own you. because of me you have changed the way you post.  You will no longer be so blatant in your attention whoring name dropping, always looking for attention.  You have stayed away from name dropping the past couple days.  That is all te proof I need to know I own you. I occupy much space in that ugly head of yours.  What a coward you are. Keep changing your posting style because of me. I own droppin attention whore.   Does it sadden you that you get no attention on here when you talk?  No one cares about you.  Go back to fag nation and push your bullshit.  

If you have no pic of me, then why do you keep referring to how I appear to you in that one posted, over and over? After all, it isn't of me, right? HAHAHAHAHA

"You are not who you say you are. Period." All this says is, you're actually VERY impressed with Robert Fortney, and you are now actively attempting to fool yourself into believing that you've not gotten into it with a person SO much your superior, intellectually, physically and experience-wise. (Further proof you're in brutal inner turmoil: "I occupy much space in that ugly head of yours." I thought you didn't know what I look like?)

I mean, I have eaten dinner with Lee Haney, shared lunch with Dorian Yates and met Arnold. I have competed as both a bodybuilder and as a powerlifter. I have written countless articles that have appeared both in international print and on well-known internet Web sites.

What have you done, again? Oh, that's right, nothing.

And you're a coward, to boot. What a shit existence.    


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #94 on: March 18, 2012, 01:46:14 PM »
Which competition is going on in your delusional head right now?  You had the powerlifting knowledge competition with me.  The writing competition, your desire to compete with me in bodybuilding. Now you seem to be in a contest where repeating the same nonsense makes you the winner.  All these invented competeitions in your mind.  Hmmmmm, i thinks you need more to do.  Maybe you should try working out.  You will feel a lot better about yourself if you started a workout regimen. In any case, give up. You have been exposed as a whore for attention.  No one will give you what you so desperately seek on getbig......... whore

The truly funny thing is, you actually believe you appear intelligent and witty.  ;D



  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #95 on: March 19, 2012, 10:07:59 AM »
You know, after trashing you successfully now for, oh, about five pages, I have come to reconsider the way in which I handle you. After my laughs subside, I actually find myself feeling sympathy.

Besides being very modestly educated, you're quite the jealous individual (hence the "name dropper" nonsense, amongst other dead giveaways). Makes sense: You enjoy describing yourself as a bodybuilder, and I actually was one, setting foot onstage a few times in competition. To this point, I'd suggest you battle that built-in cowardice (it's a sign of your generation: young folks today under 20 have grown in a world where they can ultimately hide behind a screen and enjoy complete anonymity) and put pen to paper and enter a physique contest. It's very likely you don't have much muscle, but still, the experience will do you a world of good.

You and I have been going back and forth in this thread, with me embarrassing the daylights out of you, but in truth, your ignorance and ego have wasted a valuable opportunity. An opportunity to pick the brain of someone much smarter, more educated and with vast knowledge of an endeavour for which you claim interest.

Leaving behind for a moment your desperate attempt to deny to yourself that you've actually stumbled upon the real Robert Fortney, I am willing to help, if you can allow modesty to guide you towards increasing your knowledge of all things muscle and strength related.

For starters, visit and start downloading the episodes. Me and my co-hosts, Dr. Lonnie Lowery (a genius in the areas of exercise physiology and nutrition, and a decades-long competitive bodybuilder) and Phil Stevens (a record-holding strength athlete and gym owner), have much to share. We have almost three years' worth of episodes, so go nuts.

You're very welcome.

As well, feel free to PM me with any specific questions you might have. I know that first physique contest can be extremely nerve-racking.

I feel with age you will naturally tone down your non-earned ego. At this point you might begin to learn and gain experience. And who knows, perhaps one day, you, too, will have something of value to share with others, as I have been attempting to do with you.

There are some very knowledgeable folks here, but it is imperative you accept your own lack thereof to reap the benefits. As said, you have wasted a great opportunity where I am concerned. You say you come here for laughs and to learn something. However, concerning the latter, when a person who can teach you something comes into your radar, your defence system, built of ignorance, cowardice and flat-out youth idiocy, goes on full alert.

Thankfully I now see past the bluster of your youth and ignorance and will find it in myself to help in any way I can.

Be consistent with your workouts and listen to Iron Radio, and PM me with any specific questions you might have.

I'd also suggest strongly you return to formal schooling of some description (and take the messge board opportunity to work on your writing skills).

All the best,



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #96 on: March 19, 2012, 10:10:46 AM »
You know, after trashing you successfully now for, oh, about five pages, I have come to reconsider the way in which I handle you. After my laughs subside, I actually find myself feeling sympathy.

Besides being very modestly educated, you're quite the jealous individual (hence the "name dropper" nonsense, amongst other dead giveaways). Makes sense: You enjoy describing yourself as a bodybuilder, and I actually was one, setting foot onstage a few times in competition. To this point, I'd suggest you battle that built-in cowardice (it's a sign of your generation: young folks today under 20 have grown in a world where they can ultimately hide behind a screen and enjoy complete anonymity) and put pen to paper and enter a physique contest. It's very likely you don't have much muscle, but still, the experience will do you a world of good.

You and I have been going back and forth in this thread, with me embarrassing the daylights out of you, but in truth, your ignorance and ego have wasted a valuable opportunity. An opportunity to pick the brain of someone much smarter, more educated and with vast knowledge of an endeavour for which you claim interest.

Leaving behind for a moment your desperate attempt to deny to yourself that you've actually stumbled upon the real Robert Fortney, I am willing to help, if you can allow modesty to guide you towards increasing your knowledge of all things muscle and strength related.

For starters, visit and start downloading the episodes. Me and my co-hosts, Dr. Lonnie Lowery (a genius in the areas of exercise physiology and nutrition, and a decades-long competitive bodybuilder) and Phil Stevens (a record-holding strength athlete and gym owner), have much to share. We have almost three years' worth of episodes, so go nuts.

You're very welcome.

As well, feel free to PM me with any specific questions you might have. I know that first physique contest can be extremely nerve-racking.

I feel with age you will naturally tone down your non-earned ego. At this point you might begin to learn and gain experience. And who knows, perhaps one day, you, too, will have something of value to share with others, as I have been attempting to do with you.

There are some very knowledgeable folks here, but it is imperative you accept your own lack thereof to reap the benefits. As said, you have wasted a great opportunity where I am concerned. You say you come here for laughs and to learn something. However, concerning the latter, when a person who can teach you something comes into your radar, your defence system, built of ignorance, cowardice and flat-out youth idiocy, goes on full alert.

Thankfully I now see past the bluster of your youth and ignorance and will find it in myself to help in any way I can.

Be consistent with your workouts and listen to Iron Radio, and PM me with any specific questions you might have.

I'd also suggest strongly you return to formal schooling of some description (and take the messge board opportunity to work on your writing skills).

All the best,


Fuck off with this Bob Im not reading all that shit

I exposed you.

Just delete your account.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #97 on: March 19, 2012, 10:27:58 AM »
Refuse to read your shitty post.



All the best to you.


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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #98 on: March 19, 2012, 10:31:36 AM »

Bitches  :D


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Re: Jay Cutler's update videos (2012-03-11 )
« Reply #99 on: March 19, 2012, 10:55:53 AM »