Author Topic: Zimmerman - Self Defense Class or Benching 500 an Up? whats next?  (Read 214983 times)


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2225 on: October 31, 2012, 04:38:50 AM »
even in those photos he doesn't look hurt... and the back shot looks like some acne he picked and it bled.

Radical Plato

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2226 on: October 31, 2012, 04:40:38 AM »
its obvious that the pollice realizing the victim was black

employed a make up artist who sat in the cruiser on the way to the station putting fake injuries on zimmerman

the authorities would rather go to jail than let zimmeran get convicted
Please, what injuries are you seeing on Zimmerpigs head, do you mean the two scratches on the back of his head.  What a joke.  Their not injuries, I have had mosquito bites more injurious than that!  And yes, heads rolled over this, The Police have been pulling this shit for years, so called "looking out for their own" and playing favourites, it's just this time it turned around and back fired on their arses.  Police are so used to getting away with anything they like, it always comes as a surprise to them when they get caught out.

Radical Plato

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2227 on: October 31, 2012, 04:42:25 AM »

So what, his two mosquito bites are bleeding, doesn't mean shit!  Man if you think that's an injury, just shows how soft you people really are.


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2228 on: October 31, 2012, 04:44:56 AM »
its obvious that the pollice realizing the victim was black

employed a make up artist who sat in the cruiser on the way to the station putting fake injuries on zimmerman

the authorities would rather go to jail than let zimmeran get convicted

and bush planned 9-11!


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2229 on: October 31, 2012, 05:38:11 AM »
Please, what injuries are you seeing on Zimmerpigs head, do you mean the two scratches on the back of his head.  What a joke.  Their not injuries, I have had mosquito bites more injurious than that!  And yes, heads rolled over this, The Police have been pulling this shit for years, so called "looking out for their own" and playing favourites, it's just this time it turned around and back fired on their arses.  Police are so used to getting away with anything they like, it always comes as a surprise to them when they get caught out.

yes much like wrestlers

zimmerman secrets a razor blaze about his person

he opens a small wound which bleed furiously

leading the cops to take his side


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2230 on: October 31, 2012, 05:49:04 AM »
Who is questioning that Zimmerman thought Trayvon may have been a criminal?  That isn't an issue in this case.  The facts that are of utmost importance are those related to the altercation that ensued.  Hence, my repeated comments regarding the elements of the statutes involved.    

The fact that Trayvon was "unarmed" and "innocent" does not matter considering the statutes involved.  Before you repeat this imbecilic news talking point, let me help you: You can legally shoot an unarmed, innocent person depending on the facts involved...just like you can legally shoot someone who is armed depending on the facts involved.    

You are assuming Zimmerman "provoked the physical confrontation" simply because he was following a suspicious person while talking to a 911 dispatcher about the suspicious person.  To reiterate, you are assuming he "provoked the physical confrontation."  Zimmerman says otherwise.  Moreover, if I was following you and you may confront me.  No?  Illogical to you?  Can you physically attack me under Florida law because I was following you for the first time while talking to a 911 dispatcher?  

Again, he was speaking to a 911 dispatcher on the phone.  There was no police officer on scene or on the phone giving him orders to adhere to.  Additionally, the issue here is whether the killing was justifiable, NOT whether it could have been avoided.  ALL killings could have been avoided.  Whether the killing could have been avoided is not at issue here.  Again, the issue is whether the killing was justifiable.

Witness number six saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman while on the ground before the shooting.  Also, look at the medical report about Zimmerman and Trayvon's autopsy report that I discuss in my final paragraph.

Late teens = 19.
Zimmerman = 28.  A little bit younger = 23-26?

You are suggesting that Zimmerman's conflicting comments as to whether Trayvon was 19 or 25ish...will deem him "unreliable" and a "proven liar" to a jury?

According to the medical report, Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, a swollen lip and cheek, two lacerations to the back of his head, and a minor back injury.  The autopsy report shows that Trayvon suffered injuries to his knuckles, his hands were bloody from the skin being broken.  Moreover, there was THC in his system.  THESE are the facts that matter.

tbh i think you are living in cloud cuckoo land.

i am not assuming anything , i am telling you that the facts i have stated will all be used by the prosecution to paint the picture of a man who had pre decided 100% that trayvon was a bad guy, referring to him as an ahole etc...and he was intent on making sure this kid did not get away.

and lets look at the who "provoked" the confrontation. ok if i follow someone in the dark of night, run when they run, do you think they have reasonable grounds to think i want a physical confrontation? are they likely to think i just fancy a chat? at the very least they are going to think i want to bum them!

so even if they decide to turn around and strike first whether or not they should react like that does not change the fact that it was me that provoked that physical confrontation. and even in florida law if it can be established that the defendant provoked the confrontation his rights of self defence are significantly diminished. in those instances the provoker is obligated to exhaust all avenues  of retreat/escape...

i personally think  with just the evidence in the public domain it is very possible that the prosecution will be able to convince a jury that zimmerman provoked the confrontation, in which case his defence will be even more precarious.

the age thing you are just clutching at straws , he initially said late teens(recorded) changed to i thought he was just a bit younger than me(he is 28)...whichever way you try to spin this, any reasonable person will see this as he changed his story, not exactly significant detail but if he tells lies about such trivia can you rely on anything he says?

and there a few other parts of his story he has changed , he initially said he was running later changed to he was "skipping"...there are others too.

the medical report looks like a crock of cack tbh. a "compound fracture to the nose", diagnosed without an xray? a swollen lip and 2 black eyes?...lip does not look swollen and no black eyes in the pics i'm afraid? don't forget the jury will see those pics as well as hearing the medical report...they each tell a different story.

be objective for a minute here, if someone showed you those pics of zimmerman and you knew nothing about the case. would you think it more likely he had been in a minor physical altercation or on the receiving end of a savage beating in which he feared for his life? honest answer...  


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2231 on: October 31, 2012, 06:21:47 AM »
 The autopsy report shows that Trayvon suffered injuries to his knuckles, his hands were bloody from the skin being broken.  Moreover, there was THC in his system.  THESE are the facts that matter.

just checked this, autopsy report showed a single small abrasion on one of trayvon's seems you are exaggerating somewhat!
hardly hand injuries consistent with that of someone who has just pounded the shit of someone with their fists , a pair of black eyes, a fractured nose, bust lip, swollen cheek...

he did all that and all he ended up with was a small abrasion to one finger...fists of steel! ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2232 on: October 31, 2012, 06:28:30 AM »
just checked this, autopsy report showed a single small abrasion on one of trayvon's seems you are exaggerating somewhat!
hardly hand injuries consistent with that of someone who has just pounded the shit of someone with their fists , a pair of black eyes, a fractured nose, bust lip, swollen cheek...

he did all that and all he ended up with was a small abrasion to one finger...fists of steel! ::)

maybe he was wearing tap out 4oz gloves


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2233 on: October 31, 2012, 06:38:58 AM »
maybe he was wearing tap out 4oz gloves

Haha yes,  forgive me  for overlooking the obvious!

Radical Plato

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2234 on: October 31, 2012, 08:02:31 AM »
Zimmerpigs pathetic injuries don't even matter, it won't be hard to prove that Trayvon was pursued by a suspicious armed person with a HERO complex, a confrontation ensued, in which it wouldn't surprise me if Zimmerpig started to get his arse handed to him (guys with a HERO complex who like to bully and intimidate others are always weak as piss) and Zimmerpig shot him.  The only person standing their ground was Trayvon.  What Zimmerpig was hoping to achieve is too actually catch a legitimate BAD GUY, to become the HERO and to make his Magistrate father PROUD - HE EPICALLY FAILED! because he is a LOSER!

Zimmerpig is the CLASSIC sociopath

Zimmerpig disregarded a 911 operator who told him not to engage him. A normal person of sound mind concerned with the safety of others in the community would have supported law enforcement and not engaged an alleged suspicious person.

Like most sociopaths, Zimmerpig is impulsive. His decision to disregard the 911 operator and engage Maritn was something done with very little thought for consequences of Trayvon or others. Remember, this man was carrying a loaded firearm, and he could have harmed others, not just Trayvon if the situation had escalated.

What most don’t understand is that Sociopaths are very controlling. On the night of the murder, Zimmerpig never saw Trayvon before. So he perceived him as an intruder to the fiefdom he was ruling and controlling.

When he disregarded the 911 operators request for him to stand down he justified in his mind that the laws of the State of Florida did not fit his brand of justice. With this justification for his wrongdoing he set out to pass judgment on Trayvon Martin.

By disregarding the 911 operator, Zimmerpig set out to make a statement with the murder of Trayvon Martin to his community. One that he was the law of that gated community. And that anyone who opposed his law would meet the same fate as the “fucking guy” Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman’s actions clearly showed his sociopathic pattern of behavior. That he perceived himself person above the policies police department. A person above the laws of State of Florida. A tyrant.

However, upon being confronted by the police, He then sought to justify the murder with the “Stand Your Ground” Law making efforts to twist the law to fit into his warped interpretation of the facts. Sociopaths often try to manipulate the facts to justify their acts of wrongdoing. Moreover, they are charming enough to convince others that their wrong position is actually right.

Unfortunately, many are too blinded by race and politics to see how this sociopath is using these issues to manipulate them by polarizing them. It’s a deflection so he can evade punishment for the murder of Trayvon Martin.

What most Americans don’t understand is sociopaths love to play on people’s emotions. They love to get reactions out of people. It’s how they manipulate and control others. It allows them to appear sane when they’re the ones who are actually making people crazy. It’s how they sneak away and find new victims to abuse someplace else.

Which is what will happen if George Zimmerman is allowed to walk away without punishment. He’ll find a new group of victims to take advantage of and control. A new place where he’ll eventually kill again. If this sociopath isn’t imprisoned NOW, some other unfortunate citizen who doesn’t fit into George Zimmerman’s twisted world may become his next victim.

Many of the residents of that Florida community and throughout America are caught up in the emotional smokescreen of race and politics. They don’t understand the insidious nature of a sociopath. They have no idea how these predators use our goodwill to take advantage of us. How they lie. How they justify their malicious actions. How they deflect, shame, and play the victim. How they’ll do anything to win at any cost. How they have no empathy or regard for others. How they have no regard for human life.

When America thinks of sociopaths they think of serial killers and mass murderers like John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer. They don’t understand that these predators can be right under our noses. How they can be ordinary people like George Zimmerpig who pretend to have our best interests at heart. How they twist our goodwill for their benefit and use that relationship harm to us.

America needs to look past the smokescreen of race and politics and dig deeper into the Trayvon Martin Case. George Zimmerpig is a sociopath and he’s manipulating the puppet strings of the country to get away with murder.

bike nut

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2235 on: October 31, 2012, 08:23:32 AM »
Zimmerpigs pathetic injuries don't even matter, it won't be hard to prove that Trayvon was pursued by a suspicious armed person with a HERO complex, a confrontation ensued, in which it wouldn't surprise me if Zimmerpig started to get his arse handed to him (guys with a HERO complex who like to bully and intimidate others are always weak as piss) and Zimmerpig shot him.  The only person standing their ground was Trayvon.  What Zimmerpig was hoping to achieve is too actually catch a legitimate BAD GUY, to become the HERO and to make his Magistrate father PROUD - HE EPICALLY FAILED! because he is a LOSER!

Zimmerpig is the CLASSIC sociopath

Zimmerpig disregarded a 911 operator who told him not to engage him. A normal person of sound mind concerned with the safety of others in the community would have supported law enforcement and not engaged an alleged suspicious person.

Like most sociopaths, Zimmerpig is impulsive. His decision to disregard the 911 operator and engage Maritn was something done with very little thought for consequences of Trayvon or others. Remember, this man was carrying a loaded firearm, and he could have harmed others, not just Trayvon if the situation had escalated.

What most don’t understand is that Sociopaths are very controlling. On the night of the murder, Zimmerpig never saw Trayvon before. So he perceived him as an intruder to the fiefdom he was ruling and controlling.

When he disregarded the 911 operators request for him to stand down he justified in his mind that the laws of the State of Florida did not fit his brand of justice. With this justification for his wrongdoing he set out to pass judgment on Trayvon Martin.

By disregarding the 911 operator, Zimmerpig set out to make a statement with the murder of Trayvon Martin to his community. One that he was the law of that gated community. And that anyone who opposed his law would meet the same fate as the “fucking guy” Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman’s actions clearly showed his sociopathic pattern of behavior. That he perceived himself person above the policies police department. A person above the laws of State of Florida. A tyrant.

However, upon being confronted by the police, He then sought to justify the murder with the “Stand Your Ground” Law making efforts to twist the law to fit into his warped interpretation of the facts. Sociopaths often try to manipulate the facts to justify their acts of wrongdoing. Moreover, they are charming enough to convince others that their wrong position is actually right.

Unfortunately, many are too blinded by race and politics to see how this sociopath is using these issues to manipulate them by polarizing them. It’s a deflection so he can evade punishment for the murder of Trayvon Martin.

What most Americans don’t understand is sociopaths love to play on people’s emotions. They love to get reactions out of people. It’s how they manipulate and control others. It allows them to appear sane when they’re the ones who are actually making people crazy. It’s how they sneak away and find new victims to abuse someplace else.

Which is what will happen if George Zimmerman is allowed to walk away without punishment. He’ll find a new group of victims to take advantage of and control. A new place where he’ll eventually kill again. If this sociopath isn’t imprisoned NOW, some other unfortunate citizen who doesn’t fit into George Zimmerman’s twisted world may become his next victim.

Many of the residents of that Florida community and throughout America are caught up in the emotional smokescreen of race and politics. They don’t understand the insidious nature of a sociopath. They have no idea how these predators use our goodwill to take advantage of us. How they lie. How they justify their malicious actions. How they deflect, shame, and play the victim. How they’ll do anything to win at any cost. How they have no empathy or regard for others. How they have no regard for human life.

When America thinks of sociopaths they think of serial killers and mass murderers like John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer. They don’t understand that these predators can be right under our noses. How they can be ordinary people like George Zimmerpig who pretend to have our best interests at heart. How they twist our goodwill for their benefit and use that relationship harm to us.

America needs to look past the smokescreen of race and politics and dig deeper into the Trayvon Martin Case. George Zimmerpig is a sociopath and he’s manipulating the puppet strings of the country to get away with murder.

You obviously know nothing about America, our laws, or life in America. You pretend to know what was going through Zimmerman's mind and his intent on the night of the shooting.

You're an idiot....someone should Stand Their Ground with a shotgun blast to your face. The world always needs less idiots.

Radical Plato

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2236 on: October 31, 2012, 08:23:44 AM »
No Americans think dumbass's like you are sociopath' are trying to take second hand information and come to a conclusion in which you are not privy to any of the actual evidence!  Just as you drivel on here everyday damn day with your diluted skewed views as to facts when they have been driven by the very media that you get your opinions!  If you derived and original idea from that pea brain of yours, it would be a damn miracle, now fuck off you narrow minded idiot!
Translation: I'm butthurt because others don't agree with my racist ideologies that would want to see Nigg@s hunted down and killed for the white man's personal satisfaction.

Ask yourself, what would have happened if instead of Trayvon that Zimmerman murdered, it was the 17 year old white daughter of a prominent politician?

Zimmerpig is a murderer and he is going down.(on half a dozen black men in cell block D)


Radical Plato

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2237 on: October 31, 2012, 09:26:18 AM »


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2238 on: October 31, 2012, 09:26:55 AM »
Those Pics remind me of wrestlers who cut themselves during a match to add effect to it. Tiny cuts to the head make for very visual amounts of blood. Clearly zimmerpig does not have any serious injuries in those pics, I don't even see any stitches.


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2239 on: October 31, 2012, 09:27:37 AM »
some nice unbiased posts by e-tool in this thread


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2240 on: October 31, 2012, 09:31:53 AM »
Translation: I'm butthurt because others don't agree with my racist ideologies that would want to see Nigg@s hunted down and killed for the white man's personal satisfaction.

Ask yourself, what would have happened if instead of Trayvon that Zimmerman murdered, it was the 17 year old white daughter of a prominent politician?

Zimmerpig is a murderer and he is going down.(on half a dozen black men in cell block D)

Thank you again for proving my point as to you being a complete and utter dumbass!  I am intelligent enough not to argue over something I know nothing about other than what the media dictates me to know...just as ever war you watch, your opinions will be skewed to what they want you to believe!   Just as you to believe from my post to your ignorance that I am white!   :o

Radical Plato

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2241 on: October 31, 2012, 09:37:21 AM »
Thank you again for proving my point as to you being a complete and utter dumbass!  I am intelligent enough not to argue over something I know nothing about other than what the media dictates me to know...just as ever war you watch, your opinions will be skewed to what they want you to believe!   Just as you to believe from my post to your ignorance that I am white!   :o
Oh That's right, you have access to some secret source of classified information.  Where are you getting your information from.  The media isn't all on Trayvons side, that's ridiculous.  I couldn't give a shit what the media says, even when I watch the Zimmerman interview, it isn't hard to determine what happened, a wanna be cowardly HERO, all pumped up with his concealed GUN and his deluded belief he was a superhero, stalked and killed a kid who simply went to the shops, purchased a drink and some sweets and was on his way home again.  Zimmerpig is as guilty as HELL, and regardless of the outcome of the court case he will always have to look over his shoulder until he is eventually killed.  AMEN


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2242 on: October 31, 2012, 09:40:22 AM »
Oh That's right, you have access to some secret source of classified information.  Where are you getting your information from.  The media isn't all on Trayvons side, that's ridiculous.  I couldn't give a shit what the media says, even when I watch the Zimmerman interview, it isn't hard to determine what happened, a wanna be cowardly HERO, all pumped up with his concealed GUN and his deluded belief he was a superhero, stalked and killed a kid who simply went to the shops, purchased a drink and some sweets and was on his way home again.  Zimmerpig is as guilty as HELL, and regardless of the outcome of the court case he will always have to look over his shoulder until he is eventually killed.  AMEN

why are you so fanatical about it are you black


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2243 on: October 31, 2012, 09:44:47 AM »
Oh That's right, you have access to some secret source of classified information.  Where are you getting your information from.  The media isn't all on Trayvons side, that's ridiculous.  I couldn't give a shit what the media says, even when I watch the Zimmerman interview, it isn't hard to determine what happened, a wanna be cowardly HERO, all pumped up with his concealed GUN and his deluded belief he was a superhero, stalked and killed a kid who simply went to the shops, purchased a drink and some sweets and was on his way home again.  Zimmerpig is as guilty as HELL, and regardless of the outcome of the court case he will always have to look over his shoulder until he is eventually killed.  AMEN

Holy shit your dumb!  Have I once taken a side?  I watch you day in and day out, drivel on with your absurd opinions and they are nothing more than someone else's view that you are repeating without even being smart enough to realize it!  Do you think the clips the media post or the absurd different clips you here zim speak are all the facts?

Radical Plato

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2244 on: October 31, 2012, 09:52:22 AM »
why are you so fanatical about it are you black
Are you kidding, who hasn't known a tosser like Zimmerpig, he is the archetypal bully loser, manipulating people, humiliating others, using his influence and lying to get away with being a complete arsehole.  he is the son of a judge, you don't think he knows how to act in front of a judge and jury, he has mastered the art, he is a dedicated sociopath, I can't stand fuckers like that, policing everyone, thinking they are somehow superior, more knowledgeable, better than you, better able to get away with things.  Well, I guess Zimmerpig was finally going to come undone eventually, he got away with regualrly molesting and finger banging his cousin since she was 7, he got away with assaulting a police officer, he got away with bullying and racially vilifying his co-worker, he got away with beating up his girlfriend, and that's just the stuff we know about.  Man, the simple fact he tried to fuck someone in his family is enough for me to know their is something deeply wrong with the guy, killing an unarmed teenager while walking back from the shops is just icing on the cake.  The guy is a Loser, and only another loser douche-bag who would relate to that type of person would support him


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2245 on: October 31, 2012, 09:55:42 AM »
Are you kidding, who hasn't known a tosser like Zimmerpig, he is the archetypal bully loser, manipulating people, humiliating others, using his influence and lying to get away with being a complete arsehole.  he is the son of a judge, you don't think he knows how to act in front of a Hudge and Hury, he has mastered the art, he is a dedicated sociopath, I can't stand fuckers like that, policing everyone, thinking they are somehow superior, more knowledgeable, better than you, better able to get away with things.  Well, I guess Zimmerpig was finally going to come undone eventually, he got away with regualrly molesting and finger banging his cousin since she was 7, he got away with assaulting a police officer, he got away with bullying and racially vilifying his co-worker, he got away with beating up his girlfriend, and that's just the stuff we know about.  Man, the simple fact he tried to fuck someone in his family is enough for me to know their is something deeply wrong with the guy, killing an unarmed teenager while walking back from the shops is just icing on the cake.  The guy is a Loser, and only another loser douche-bag who would relate to that type of person would support him

did you suffer from bullying in your childhood

Radical Plato

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2246 on: October 31, 2012, 10:04:32 AM »
Holy shit your dumb!  Have I once taken a side?  I watch you day in and day out, drivel on with your absurd opinions and they are nothing more than someone else's view that you are repeating without even being smart enough to realize it!  Do you think the clips the media post or the absurd different clips you here zim speak are all the facts?
What so now even George Zimmerman speaking isn't good enough, the fact I have a different opinion to you is evidence I am blindly repeating someone else's opinion WTF?.  Newsflash dick-head, their are only two sides to take "Guilty or Not Guilty".  Just so you know, this is what the media does, where they have a vested interest they find information to benefit their side of the story and they air that, the media on the other side, they air their story supporting the horse they are backing.  It's up to the punters to work it out for themselves, I watch media relating to both sides of the story, I couldn't care less what the bias of the media channel is.  Zimmerman has pretty much implicated himself, Yeah he was running, na he was walking leisurely, na he was skipping.  Next thing I know Trayvon's assaulting me, we fell on the grass, oh but my head was on the concrete, the guy was totally beating my ass, but not bad enough so I could reach for my Gun and kill the C00N assailant.  I didn't even know I had shot him until an hour later, but after I shot him he said "You Got me".  

The sick fuck didn't even check for a pulse, a young man is laying their dead, motionless, obviously dead, because Zommerpig killed him, and he doesn't even ring an ambulance or check the mans pulse.  Cold Sociopathic Killer right there! he didn't give a fuck, in Zimmerpigs sick little world, he had already criminalised and dehumanised Trayvon, to Zimmerman, killing a young man was no different than killing vermin.  Anyway  if the legal system doesn't get him, the black community will.  Either way, he will get what's coming too him.

Radical Plato

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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2247 on: October 31, 2012, 10:11:16 AM »
did you suffer from bullying in your childhood
I don't know anyone who hasn't experienced bullying in some form or another, i experienced very little bullying from others outside my family growing up, I have experienced it as an adult though, and it has led me to stand up to bullies, it has led me to get in trouble before too.  But I much prefer to be punished for standing up to bullies than being their victim.  Bullies are everywhere, I suspect your one too, and that's the appeal of supporting Zimmerpig, you identify with him, you like the idea of standing over vulnerable people, humiliating them, killing them and generally causing others suffering and getting away with it.  You're probably looking for some angle, to intimidate me, to bully me, to manipulate me. 

I have dealt with bullies for a long time, I understand they are not like normal people, and I don't treat them as such, they prey on weakness, unfortunately you must fight them, and when the opportunity arises, you beat them down.   And if you give them a good enough beating, and they drop their pathetic defences, they are given an opportunity to repent and rejoin the human race, that is unless they are too far gone, in which case, you have to beat them down every-time they attempt to bully you.


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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2248 on: October 31, 2012, 10:15:40 AM »
This is taken from florida statutes regarding self defence , this section explains that if you are the one responsible for provoking the confrontation you no longer have the right to "stand your ground" and are actually obligated to exhaust every means of escape before using deadly force.

"776.041 Use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of
this chapter is not available to a person who
(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger
of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape
such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the
; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates
clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use of force, but the
assailant continues or resumes the use of force.

this is how i see it going down.

the prosecution will ask zimmerman, if he understands that following a complete stranger at night and then running after that stranger when they run is very likely going to cause a physical confrontation...
the only reasonable answer anyone could give to that is yes, and that basically establishes that his actions provoked the confrontation that ensued.

that being the case his "stand your ground" rights go completely out of the window.

then you have the injuries of both parties. trayvon sustained a single small abrasion to one finger , from the pictures it appears zimmerman had a couple of small nicks to the back of his head(which we know never had a single stitch) and minimal if any facial damage.
the injuries of both are in no way consistent with zimmerman's account of events in which he was in a fight for his life and received a savage pummelling.
and whoever was responsible for the 'medical report' may have a few questions to answer...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Trayvon Martin case
« Reply #2249 on: October 31, 2012, 10:46:59 AM »
tbh i think you are living in cloud cuckoo land.

It is beyond evident that you do not understand or know much about the law.  However, many people are just as misinformed as you, so I will try again to help make some sense of the case.

i am not assuming anything , i am telling you that the facts i have stated will all be used by the prosecution to paint the picture of a man who had pre decided 100% that trayvon was a bad guy, referring to him as an ahole etc...and he was intent on making sure this kid did not get away.

and lets look at the who "provoked" the confrontation. ok if i follow someone in the dark of night, run when they run, do you think they have reasonable grounds to think i want a physical confrontation? are they likely to think i just fancy a chat? at the very least they are going to think i want to bum them!

so even if they decide to turn around and strike first whether or not they should react like that does not change the fact that it was me that provoked that physical confrontation. and even in florida law if it can be established that the defendant provoked the confrontation his rights of self defence are significantly diminished. in those instances the provoker is obligated to exhaust all avenues  of retreat/escape...  

Yes, you are assuming Zimmerman provoked the confrontation.  Nonetheless, you move on to say that if someone follows you in the dark, you can punch them in the face. This is laughable.  You cannot do that under Florida law, I do not know where you came up with such rubbish.  You are also using the phrase "provoke the confrontation" as a means to show that his self defense will be significantly diminished.  You are wrong again and reestablishing your ignorance of the law.  The self defense law and elements do not even begin at that point.  Do some research and have a real discussion.

i personally think  with just the evidence in the public domain it is very possible that the prosecution will be able to convince a jury that zimmerman provoked the confrontation, in which case his defence will be even more precarious.

This is the most ignorant and uninformed comment you have written to date.  

the age thing you are just clutching at straws , he initially said late teens(recorded) changed to i thought he was just a bit younger than me(he is 28)...whichever way you try to spin this, any reasonable person will see this as he changed his story, not exactly significant detail but if he tells lies about such trivia can you rely on anything he says?

and there a few other parts of his story he has changed , he initially said he was running later changed to he was "skipping"...there are others too.

You brought up the unintelligent debate that Zimmerman's statements indicating whether Trayvon was 19 or 25 would make him "unreliable."  I am clutching to nothing, merely pointing out the stupidity of such a notion.  

Now, Zimmerman saying running then skipping...will deem him unreliable?  Again, it is clear you merely watch the news to obtain your legal knowledge.

the medical report looks like a crock of cack tbh. a "compound fracture to the nose", diagnosed without an xray? a swollen lip and 2 black eyes?...lip does not look swollen and no black eyes in the pics i'm afraid? don't forget the jury will see those pics as well as hearing the medical report...they each tell a different story.

Now the family doctor is lying too?  Eyes do not go black right away.  The pics where taken immediately after the incident.  Zimmerman saw his doctor the following day.

be objective for a minute here, if someone showed you those pics of zimmerman and you knew nothing about the case. would you think it more likely he had been in a minor physical altercation or on the receiving end of a savage beating in which he feared for his life? honest answer...  

This is yet another example where you show your ignorance of the law.  You do not decide if someone feared for his life by merely looking at a picture and deciding the extent of his injuries.  You do not say, he looks very, he feared for his life.  Nor do you say, he doesn't look injured, he didn't fear for his life.  That's not how the law works.  Do some legal research, then respond.  You are only making yourself come off as more uninformed the more you write such uneducated posts.