Author Topic: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.  (Read 71543 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #75 on: March 26, 2012, 05:56:28 PM »
Do you work?  If yeah when do you work?

are you serious my man? i work 9-5... usually 9-6:30 actually. and i take classes all day saturday in my continuing effort to get my PHD. that was YESTERDAY's diet. YESTERDAY was sunday.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #76 on: March 26, 2012, 05:57:23 PM »
you needed B6 or CABER to control prolactin?

na i hate caber. and b6 is something i do take.


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #77 on: March 26, 2012, 06:00:32 PM »
smoofcat can you comment on why you run such a low T3 dose?

On my first run, I found 150mcg to be my sweet spot and I notcied excellent results.

OVerlord, what are you thoughts on T3 at high/low doses?

yes, sorry i did not get around to this yet.

i am an original fan of clen, but i recently realized that due to the amount of hormones i am on- specifically the tren- i can not use clen any more. i loved how clen would bring out my lines, and just make me look fucking shredded, and make me feel constantly incredibly energetic.

but then i started using GH on a more regular basis, and i felt sluggish. and the clen was not an option any more because of the amount of trenn ace i am on, and my weak heart.

so i talked to a pro. i talked to MANY top amateurs. all in person. i talked to members i trust on this site. and i found some damn good t3.

and 12.5 mcg works very well in the morning with my first GH shot and i don't fall asleep on my desk, and it also increases my metabolism.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #78 on: March 26, 2012, 06:10:48 PM »
U posted in my thread back in November w pictures u ficking nut sucker . U are a drug
Addict as in narcotics and u are on Prozac - very unstable.

Yes I work !! I can afford hormones!! I am engaged!! I have a mortgage now too!! I have a kid on the way!!

Are u mad t bombs that I am an adult and u are a child ? A troubled child and disgrace to hormone users on America?

And finally my point is not "use as much drugs as
Possible!! See results!!"

My point is the specific mix of Primo + tren + Npp is giving me results like I have never seen before from AAS....

U won't ever know though. You realize even as a natural I had a superior physique to you to bomb right? 16 years old I had been seriously lifting for a
Few years and I was in all honesty in significantly better shape then you .

By 17 and a bit of old British dragon tren e? Lol, no comparison. You would just be my son. My point is I was born for this. I put in the work. You are a fan and u run ur fucking mouth when u shouldn't.

Get ur life together. U r a train wreck. I am writing this from my I phone at work that pays me well enough to afford these hormones and not bitch and complain and get jealous and fat.

I can help you, I know your
Type. First get
Your mind straight. Then we can address the fact
That you are made of estrogen; an estrogen float boat.
LOL  .. another meltdown !  ;D

fact : i looked better as a natural than you did as a natural

fact : ive been juicing for only 3 years and i dont use half the aas you do, yet im still probably as big if not bigger than you albeit youve been juicing AND using mega doses of GH for triple the time I have

fact : nobody needs to hear your bullshit "advice" that using 8 grams of gear will bust through a platue.  for fuck sakes


  • Getbig II
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #79 on: March 26, 2012, 06:32:58 PM »
how much b6 for prolactin control?


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #80 on: March 26, 2012, 06:45:24 PM »
are you serious my man? i work 9-5... usually 9-6:30 actually. and i take classes all day saturday in my continuing effort to get my PHD. that was YESTERDAY's diet. YESTERDAY was sunday.
Oh cool, man. I was wondering how you're able to fit all that in. Your cycle looks hardcore.  Keep up the good work.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #81 on: March 26, 2012, 07:18:44 PM »
Smoof, this looks awesome. Do you get bloodwork or other tests? Ever had a health scare? And shit I wish I made the kind of money you do. That has to be at least $2K per month. Also, where can I purchase this pre workout blend you take?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #82 on: March 26, 2012, 07:31:56 PM »
how the fuck do you pay for all this????


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #83 on: March 26, 2012, 08:11:46 PM »
smooth will you send any pics to my email?PM if you can


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #84 on: March 26, 2012, 08:13:38 PM »
well feel free to say whos Primo is good (no pharm grade, too expensive, hate official labs)

DL has Primo E

who do you think it is? look at the other blend he uses not hard to figure out.No name dropping on the forum.Its not D's primo


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #85 on: March 26, 2012, 10:19:23 PM »
who do you think it is? look at the other blend he uses not hard to figure out.No name dropping on the forum.Its not D's primo
the guy with the blend only carries primo acetate, so its not his.


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #86 on: March 26, 2012, 10:29:23 PM »
the guy with the blend only carries primo acetate, so its not his.

He carried both at a time. maybe he is out of the primo E. he had acetate and enan for a little bit!plus look at the pre-workout blend who do you think makes that?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #87 on: March 26, 2012, 11:01:15 PM »
I am seeing daily changes in my physique. And I had reached a point where I was becoming cynical about AAS, thinking that I had reached some sort of peak. And as many of you know, I won't touch insulin. My goal is to get as close to Arnold's body in 1974 or Serge in the same year as possible (roughly same stats as the two of them, 6 foot, around 230, 5% bf) I already have an advanced physique as many of you who have met me or seen my pictures know, and I don't need to support this much further. The thread with my pictures, which ended up coming back to bite me in the ass on a personal level, garnered the response that I already should be a top amateur, and be getting my pro card this year. Unfortunately, my life has changed drastically, and while bodybuilding was my #1 priority 6 months ago, now I am a few month away from being a father and husband, and I am no longer getting my phd full time, but I am now working (which wasn't hard at all to find a lucrative position, given the absurd amount of time I have been in school).

But something magical has happened. I have grown 8 lbs of lean muscle, as my body fat has actually continued to go down (i am officially in the 5% zone, possibly sub 5% now. I am actually growing into my contest. I will get to the cycle in one moment, but let me tell you about what has changed in my physique in the last few weeks since I switched from tren/masteron to this current cycle...

-Massive growth in my stubborn areas, i.e. rear delts. I hate to make this comparison, because I hate everything that he stands for in terms of drug use,  but my arms are taking on a very phil heath look lately, but i do not use synthol/insulin. My right arm measured 19.5 inches today,  and my left arm measured 19.75. And remember, I am 5%. No bloofy 20 inch arms here. I am grain.

-Abs/obliques look better than ever. Better than when I was on masteron. I am not AS slim as I was on the gram of masteron, but I was frankly getting too slim during that run, and I was bordering on fitness model status, which I do not like. Essentially, I started my pre contest cut too early. And now I am growing into my contest. And my abs/obliques are looking fucking insane. Gigantic veins under the belly button, to the left and right, and just perfect crisp lines DESPITE the fact that I am on a massive amount of chinese GH, which should be killing my lines... I really cannot verbalize what this cycle is doing for my midsection. Just trust me, magic is happening.

-Strength is absurd. I hate bragging about stats. But I had a small crowd gathered around me when my friend was making a video of me doing flat bench press (i have a blog about the UN... wanted to randomly post this video on it for shits and giggles.) And this is becoming an every day thing. Small crowds, a girl asking me if I was a football player the other day after incline bench pressing, whores following me around the gym. This is the most insignificant bullet point I am writing though. Strength doesn't mean shit. The biggest bodybuilder I know personally uses 30 lb dumbbells to train his 22 inch arms.

-Skin is shrink wrapped. There is no fat under it also. I now truly understand what certain members on this site have meant when they talk about "Statuesque" muscle. Deltoids are unreal, almost comical actually (in the best way possible...). And fuck equipoise (not really, it is a great hormone), but my veins are bigger and more protruding than they have EVER been and I am no EQ whatsoever.

So I'll cut the shit, and let me unveil the cycle that has put on 8 lbs of muscle on me in the last few weeks, shrink wrapped my skin, made my delts look like I belong in a comic book or like phil heath's white cousin who forgot his synthol at home, has literally added plates all of my power lifts which were already considerably high, have made my midsection truly look better than 50% of today's pro's, and finally has added roughly .5 inches of true, lean muscle to my arms...

-1050 mg Primo
-1050 mg tren ace
-700 mg NPP
-1000 mg sustanon
-1-2 CCs of TNE-drol-dbol blend before every workout (tren ace, test suspension, masteron, dbol 25 mg, drol 25 mg blend)
-80 mg proviron daily
-12.5 mcg t3 daily
-20-30 iu blue tops daily

all top chef. and before ANYBODY goes on a rant that I am on too much testosterone, remember this is THE special blend from top chef that a certain top 5 at olympia made it known that it is the best test he had ever seen... the only test that created upper body fullness, and did not affect mid section. and it is the truth. the chef did something INSANE here with the sustanon. and frankly, i am considering upping my dose to 1.5 grams weekly, because i could go on stage tomorrow and be fine. it is basically like injecting prop that somehow gives you the upper body fullness of old omnadren with none of the bloat in the face or waist.

and if you don't know what TNE-drol-dbol blend is, then don't question it. once you try it, you will never want to workout with out it. 2 CC of that shit 90 minutes before your workout and you are literally salivating to beat your last personal record by 2 plates, but go for reps. the shit makes you just want to tear the gym apart. and it also makes you want to just ravage your girl when you get home.

my analysis

My analysis of what is going on is that my body is LOVING the mixture of the NPP and the tren ace, being that I am gaining incredible size without retaining any water on the NPP, yet the tren ace is not allowing me to gain a single bit of body fat, and keeping that extra mass extremely cut. And then the primo @ 1050 mg per week has decided to work in unison with the 2 19 nors which are doing such a fantastic job at cooperating with one another, since they are such opposite types, one keeping me full, and the other making sure that fullness stays grainy; one making me hungry, and other making sure I rip the gym in 15,000 pieces and am constantly alert throughout the entire day (another reason I love tren ace). The primo came in and just blew everything up, in the best way possible. It has put on statuesque muscle to my deltoids, and actually  my entire body. I have not even talked about the wonderful meat it has put on my upper chest and legs. I am talking about LEAN muscle, daily, at this dose and this combination of hormones. I will not be surprised if I get up around 240 and continue to be 5% on this cycle (will continue this for 6 months).

And one I get there I will evaluate whether or not insulin is the route I want to take. Because I weighed 228 today @ 5%, but everybody believes I am 250-270 because of my frame. I am getting asked if I am a pro daily at the gym by younger guys, and I am getting followed by milfs and whores both at the grocery market, work and the gym. none of this matter though because i am soon to be a married man.

but trust me gentlemen. this is the ULTIMATE cycle. equipoise is a great drug, but this is the ULTIMATE cycle. Please weigh in if you think you can make it better. If any of you have a suggestion that makes sense to me, I will gladly try to make an adjustment and report back. But as of right now, I urge all of you who have jobs or money and take this seriously- those of you who have built a solid base on AAS and have considerable mass but are under 8%... can't emphasize this enough. This  cycle is NOT for anyone about 9-10% bf. I am playing with dianabol and anadrol AND sustanon and nandrolone here. I suggest you be down around 5-6 % or maybe 7 if you want to try what I am trying. But the gains are fantastic. And the proviron and tiny bit of masteron from the TNE blend is equating to no bloat. And everything else is just turning me into a statue.

Try it out for yourself. Report back. Or maybe the reardens/b-boys/nosleeps and other serious, lean and also large members on this site can weigh in and maybe give me some advice... Talk to me about possibly adding in humalog in a couple months.

Or maybe T bombs can just stop by and say _____________. Should be fun.

Smoofcat I like you and please take this post with a grain of salt bothers me to see a man as inteligent as yourself posting shit  like this. There is only a testosterone molecule, whether it's turkish sustanon, q pharma testex, Testovis from italy or test prop you get from a synovex kit, it will make no difference. Kind of like the rumor about how american bodybuilders think test cyp is stronger than test-e, just cause an elite bodybuilder  tells you it's magical  does not make it true.  I'm asking you seriously here, what can a top chef do to make sustanon any better than any other sustanon besides being overdosed? Changing the ester ratio? cmon now


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #88 on: March 26, 2012, 11:36:14 PM »
Smoofcat I like you and please take this post with a grain of salt bothers me to see a man as inteligent as yourself posting shit  like this. There is only a testosterone molecule, whether it's turkish sustanon, q pharma testex, Testovis from italy or test prop you get from a synovex kit, it will make no difference. Kind of like the rumor about how american bodybuilders think test cyp is stronger than test-e, just cause an elite bodybuilder  tells you it's magical  does not make it true.  I'm asking you seriously here, what can a top chef do to make sustanon any better than any other sustanon besides being overdosed? Changing the ester ratio? cmon now

could be in his head?I was alwast taught Test is Test! only thing that differs is the ester the test is attched to.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #89 on: March 27, 2012, 04:51:10 AM »
LOL  .. another meltdown !  ;D

fact : i looked better as a natural than you did as a natural

fact : ive been juicing for only 3 years and i dont use half the aas you do, yet im still probably as big if not bigger than you albeit youve been juicing AND using mega doses of GH for triple the time I have

fact : nobody needs to hear your bullshit "advice" that using 8 grams of gear will bust through a platue.  for fuck sakes

1. you are an estrogen baby, you never looked better than me as a natural. i mean at 12 years old when i had first hit puberty i looked significantly better than you do today and that is a fact

2. i am advising on the specifics of a 4 gram cycle not an 8 gram cycle you fat bitch. big difference. and most pro cycles are upwards of 9 grams. so just shut your fucking mouth.

and this is no meltdown. i am saying it like it is. you are a joke t bombs. i am getting dressed for work right now, going to make money so i can easily afford these hormones and not think twice about it.

but if you had the $ to run a cycle like i can, you wouldn't know what to do with it. you would fuck up you would be so lost.

so stop giving advice to anybody asking about anything except 750 mg test only cycles which run 2 years or whatever that pathetic shit you were advocating was.

take your head out of your fucking ass and realize that when I was at your stage of hormones use (3 years right?) it was like night anad day physique wise. actually, i say in all honesty, i had a superior physique to you when i was a NATURAL. i had significantly less body fat and about the same amount of muscle. you have no chest and really no physique whatsoever and you just spot inject. you can't fucking fool us. you are 20 % body fat and you don't have a concept of training, diet or hormone use.

so just shut the fuck up buddy and never advice in an advanced cycle forum again.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #90 on: March 27, 2012, 04:52:16 AM »
Smoof, this looks awesome. Do you get bloodwork or other tests? Ever had a health scare? And shit I wish I made the kind of money you do. That has to be at least $2K per month. Also, where can I purchase this pre workout blend you take?

no it is not 2k a month to run the whole thing. it is less.. not far off i guess. PM me i don't talk sources openly.


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #91 on: March 27, 2012, 04:55:47 AM »
no it is not 2k a month to run the whole thing. it is less.. not far off i guess. PM me i don't talk sources openly.

I PMed you last week about something else and you didn't answer.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #92 on: March 27, 2012, 04:56:42 AM »
Smoofcat I like you and please take this post with a grain of salt bothers me to see a man as inteligent as yourself posting shit  like this. There is only a testosterone molecule, whether it's turkish sustanon, q pharma testex, Testovis from italy or test prop you get from a synovex kit, it will make no difference. Kind of like the rumor about how american bodybuilders think test cyp is stronger than test-e, just cause an elite bodybuilder  tells you it's magical  does not make it true.  I'm asking you seriously here, what can a top chef do to make sustanon any better than any other sustanon besides being overdosed? Changing the ester ratio? cmon now

OK there was a reason people loved the original omnadren amps from years ago so much right?

it was because there was a higher prop amount (significantly), yet the long esters remained the same, and it still fit into 250 mg per amp?

and then the "new" omnadrens were met with unfavorable reviews because they bloated people. the prop wasn't apparent.

well my point is that this sustanon is reminiscent of the old omnadrens, except it is significantly more testosterone overall mg/ml... i am personally impressed that someone could get THAT much prop into a blend while fitting the long esters in as well, and have it all come out to around 400 mg/ml...

and flintstones i understand all testosterone breaks down the same man. i am just saying that sustanon is a funny blend that can be done VERY right and VERY wrong. and in this case it is done VERY right... reminiscent of some amps i have not seen in a  long time.


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #93 on: March 27, 2012, 05:29:00 AM »
U posted in my thread back in November w pictures u ficking nut sucker . U are a drug
Addict as in narcotics and u are on Prozac - very unstable.

Yes I work !! I can afford hormones!! I am engaged!! I have a mortgage now too!! I have a kid on the way!!

Are u mad t bombs that I am an adult and u are a child ? A troubled child and disgrace to hormone users on America?

And finally my point is not "use as much drugs as
Possible!! See results!!"

My point is the specific mix of Primo + tren + Npp is giving me results like I have never seen before from AAS....

U won't ever know though. You realize even as a natural I had a superior physique to you to bomb right? 16 years old I had been seriously lifting for a
Few years and I was in all honesty in significantly better shape then you .

By 17 and a bit of old British dragon tren e? Lol, no comparison. You would just be my son. My point is I was born for this. I put in the work. You are a fan and u run ur fucking mouth when u shouldn't.

Get ur life together. U r a train wreck. I am writing this from my I phone at work that pays me well enough to afford these hormones and not bitch and complain and get jealous and fat.

I can help you, I know your
Type. First get
Your mind straight. Then we can address the fact
That you are made of estrogen; an estrogen float boat.
Geez that was brutal. I enjoy your posts for the most part Bombz but you are way off here. if you were ever in shape in your life some of the comments Smoof makes would hit home with you. For once in your life dont worry about what compounds to run and just lose all that bodyfat. I think you are just jealous of all the good shit he is running. Well get a job and maybe you can afford it too. but I am gonna tell you it wont make a diff if you dont learn how to get your body into shape. Your "adonis principle thread" is like 5 months old and how do you look? You should be crazy ripped by now! So ripped when you sucks your abs in, not your gut your abs, they feel like they are hitting your spine. When you do lateral raise, your shoulders explode into a million fibers. Any of that hit home? No cause you never been in shape. Like I said wasnt trying to be negative, just making a point


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #94 on: March 27, 2012, 07:18:21 AM »
the guy with the blend only carries primo acetate, so its not his.

No no no U r wrong. I Refuse to divulge farther.
WAY too much respect for source. Once VIP w multiple Private sources many love here at thunder done, special blends are made. And if I told you Kai is on the same long Esther primo batch u can believe it or not . No pro will touch long ester tren for obvious reason. No pro will touch long Esther nandrolone w exception of Ronnie who was a personal advocate of deca and he was also genetically different from u and I (he told me a lot of very honest things about gear the time I truly got to sit down w him. We have met a few times, but he sort of blew me off. But I had the pleasure of catching him in an environment where we have a mutual top npc friend, and he kind of looked at me like "hm.. Ok so u r good". He told me he lots
Of truths. Lots of small facts I won't repeat out of respect but I will say this: he was a huge fan of DECA. I couldn't believe it because I hate deca, but Ron in person is massive and I believe anything he said, because he wasn't speaking to me. I was just in the convo taking it all in. He said to never touch long Esther tren.
This is advice I did not take and did not understand until now. And he also told me one truth - training and diet is equally as important as Hormlnes. U can't grow if u don't eat. And u can't grow Right if u eat
McDonald's etc. eat not clean not dirty . Brown rice
Oats. Egg whites . Ice
Cream. Juice. Lots of it.

And he also told me if u don't train HEAVy u don't become
Freak. U can get to be a huge
Dude w light weight heavy hormone lots
Of TIME w muscle under stress....

Or u can do what he advised and what I live by. WhAt Dorian lives by. Lift blood and guts style 4-5 time
A week never ever more. I will divulge more
On my training if anyone wants but I promise
After 2 cc of TNE Dbol drol mix in my blood AND the other shit circulating not to mention the A drug nobody but gh15 speaks openly about here, and we all fucking take, you better believe I am
Going heavy. Minomal sets. Max
Except biceps. Dorian trained arms w 30 lb dumbells. What should I use ? And how much time? 5-10 minutes a week MAX on biceps.

Final point Ron made- primo. All he said is there
Is no shortcut. I said "tren ace?" I was young. He gave me a
Look and laughed. Asked Hownlong he thought he was on tren ace yearly.

He never answered his own question.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #95 on: March 27, 2012, 07:18:29 AM »
1. you are an estrogen baby, you never looked better than me as a natural. i mean at 12 years old when i had first hit puberty i looked significantly better than you do today and that is a fact

2. i am advising on the specifics of a 4 gram cycle not an 8 gram cycle you fat bitch. big difference. and most pro cycles are upwards of 9 grams. so just shut your fucking mouth.

and this is no meltdown. i am saying it like it is. you are a joke t bombs. i am getting dressed for work right now, going to make money so i can easily afford these hormones and not think twice about it.

but if you had the $ to run a cycle like i can, you wouldn't know what to do with it. you would fuck up you would be so lost.

so stop giving advice to anybody asking about anything except 750 mg test only cycles which run 2 years or whatever that pathetic shit you were advocating was.

take your head out of your fucking ass and realize that when I was at your stage of hormones use (3 years right?) it was like night anad day physique wise. actually, i say in all honesty, i had a superior physique to you when i was a NATURAL. i had significantly less body fat and about the same amount of muscle. you have no chest and really no physique whatsoever and you just spot inject. you can't fucking fool us. you are 20 % body fat and you don't have a concept of training, diet or hormone use.

so just shut the fuck up buddy and never advice in an advanced cycle forum again.

 ;D Truth can sting, eh Tbums?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #96 on: March 27, 2012, 07:33:22 AM »
I think this is a gimmick


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #97 on: March 27, 2012, 07:48:15 AM »
I think this is a gimmick
Who Smoof? No way. Some of the things he says, I know he doesnt bs. Reardon Metal has met him before anyway

Growth NOOB

  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #98 on: March 27, 2012, 07:53:27 AM »
yes, sorry i did not get around to this yet.

i am an original fan of clen, but i recently realized that due to the amount of hormones i am on- specifically the tren- i can not use clen any more. i loved how clen would bring out my lines, and just make me look fucking shredded, and make me feel constantly incredibly energetic.

but then i started using GH on a more regular basis, and i felt sluggish. and the clen was not an option any more because of the amount of trenn ace i am on, and my weak heart.

so i talked to a pro. i talked to MANY top amateurs. all in person. i talked to members i trust on this site. and i found some damn good t3.

and 12.5 mcg works very well in the morning with my first GH shot and i don't fall asleep on my desk, and it also increases my metabolism.

Thanks for the info.  I am just mainly wondering why you run such a low dose, in my opinion anyway.  Is there some sort of synergism between low dose t3 and high dose gh?  I read conflicting reports on t3/t4 and gh use.

Also, I don;t really follow what you mean about clen and tren.  Since you are running high dose tren you don;t run the clen?  I am not a big fan of clen but am willing to try it again.   

Thanks for the info.  Any further insight is appreciated.


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #99 on: March 27, 2012, 08:07:11 AM »
No no no U r wrong. I Refuse to divulge farther.
WAY too much respect for source. Once VIP w multiple Private sources many love here at thunder done, special blends are made. And if I told you Kai is on the same long Esther primo batch u can believe it or not . No pro will touch long ester tren for obvious reason. No pro will touch long Esther nandrolone w exception of Ronnie who was a personal advocate of deca and he was also genetically different from u and I (he told me a lot of very honest things about gear the time I truly got to sit down w him. We have met a few times, but he sort of blew me off. But I had the pleasure of catching him in an environment where we have a mutual top npc friend, and he kind of looked at me like "hm.. Ok so u r good". He told me he lots
Of truths. Lots of small facts I won't repeat out of respect but I will say this: he was a huge fan of DECA. I couldn't believe it because I hate deca, but Ron in person is massive and I believe anything he said, because he wasn't speaking to me. I was just in the convo taking it all in. He said to never touch long Esther tren.
This is advice I did not take and did not understand until now. And he also told me one truth - training and diet is equally as important as Hormlnes. U can't grow if u don't eat. And u can't grow Right if u eat
McDonald's etc. eat not clean not dirty . Brown rice
Oats. Egg whites . Ice
Cream. Juice. Lots of it.

And he also told me if u don't train HEAVy u don't become
Freak. U can get to be a huge
Dude w light weight heavy hormone lots
Of TIME w muscle under stress....

Or u can do what he advised and what I live by. WhAt Dorian lives by. Lift blood and guts style 4-5 time
A week never ever more. I will divulge more
On my training if anyone wants but I promise
After 2 cc of TNE Dbol drol mix in my blood AND the other shit circulating not to mention the A drug nobody but gh15 speaks openly about here, and we all fucking take, you better believe I am
Going heavy. Minomal sets. Max
Except biceps. Dorian trained arms w 30 lb dumbells. What should I use ? And how much time? 5-10 minutes a week MAX on biceps.

Final point Ron made- primo. All he said is there
Is no shortcut. I said "tren ace?" I was young. He gave me a
Look and laughed. Asked Hownlong he thought he was on tren ace yearly.

He never answered his own question.

Damn you are one lucky sob to have dicussed all these things with ronnie. I didnt get the primo part, he made a final point - primo. Meaning?