Author Topic: not much size gained being on hgh for 11 months now any advice?  (Read 1284 times)


  • Getbig I
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i been on kigtropin for about 10 months. and with all the bull going on about it. I stocked up late last summer and still have some. i been running 10 ius a day 5 on 2 off. i started at 225 6' and 14% bf 31 yrs old. now 228 11% bf. still 6' tall lol. as you see i did lose bf and gained some muscle. but according to gh15 and at that dosage i have not got the gains i expected. i been running a gram a test and 100 mcg of t4 the whole time. while cycling tren ace off and on during this cycle. i figured when i started this i would be easy 240 at 10% bf at this time. i dont get any sides from the hgh anymore like i did at the beginning. i wish i could get pharm grade hgh just to see if that is the difference. i can afford it just never found the right source for it. but my question here is what advice can you give me on what to do different or maybe switch hgh brand. i been training for 10 years and always responded well to aas cycles. i was a 150lbs skinny as hell when i started at 21. the heaviest i ever was 250 but about 18% bf when i power lifted. i want to start BB. but at my height i need more lean muscle thats the whole reason i did hgh and i am not to thrilled so far. advice please? i am plateaued and cant gain anymore :-[    

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: not much size gained being on hgh for 11 months now any advice?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 02:20:22 PM »
Assuming your gear is good, you're more than likely just not eating enough. Gear works directly with the food we consume, and if you're burning more than you consume you're not going to see the kind of increase you sounds like you've probably been holding around maintenance level calorie consumption, and if so, you could gain a little if you're taking enough gear but it's not going to be massive by any means. Anyway, this isn't to say go stuff your face, but if you're running 10iu of HGH every day and taking a bit of gear your daily caloric needs are going to be much higher than they would be otherwise...again, you're probably just not eating enough.


  • Getbig II
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Re: not much size gained being on hgh for 11 months now any advice?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 03:25:44 PM »
Assuming your gear is good, you're more than likely just not eating enough. Gear works directly with the food we consume, and if you're burning more than you consume you're not going to see the kind of increase you sounds like you've probably been holding around maintenance level calorie consumption, and if so, you could gain a little if you're taking enough gear but it's not going to be massive by any means. Anyway, this isn't to say go stuff your face, but if you're running 10iu of HGH every day and taking a bit of gear your daily caloric needs are going to be much higher than they would be otherwise...again, you're probably just not eating enough.

This is great advice but what if we assume his gear isnt legit? Cause a gram of test, 10 iu gh and tren off and on should definatly yield more then what he got out of it, even with maintinence calories.

So if by some chance your gear is legit, heed arnolds advice. My advice, start getting some bloodwork to check your shit lol.


  • Getbig I
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Re: not much size gained being on hgh for 11 months now any advice?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2012, 03:33:46 PM »
you are right about the calories i eat about the same. i am going to dr this thur to get a physical. he does blood test too to check cholesterol. but i can have him add stuff i did before to check test levels. so what test should i ask for and when should i inject the hgh? i have the good batch number that everyone says is good and i bought all my stuff at the end of summer not winter when they said it went bad. but i am about out of it and looking for a new kind but i am leery. thats why i been watching alot of boards to see what the next best thing to pharm grade is. ill post results too once i get them just need to know what test and when to inject 


  • Getbig II
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Re: not much size gained being on hgh for 11 months now any advice?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2012, 07:12:04 PM »
10 months? +9lbs muscle, -6lbs fat on roughly a gram of test and 10iu gh, plus 100 mcg t3? Sorry but you got bunk gh and your test sounds underdosed as well. The t3 is the only thing you have thats probably full strength. Being 6ft tall 228 at 11%bf is not too impressive after all your hard work culminating after 10 months. It is bogus imo. In addition to the previous posters advice, find a new source.


  • Getbig I
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Re: not much size gained being on hgh for 11 months now any advice?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 07:55:51 PM »
10 months? +9lbs muscle, -6lbs fat on roughly a gram of test and 10iu gh, plus 100 mcg t3? Sorry but you got bunk gh and your test sounds underdosed as well. The t3 is the only thing you have thats probably full strength. Being 6ft tall 228 at 11%bf is not too impressive after all your hard work culminating after 10 months. It is bogus imo. In addition to the previous posters advice, find a new source.
that's what i am thinking too. but i know the test is good been using it for years. its t4 that i use not t3. i think that's what keeping me lean. i normally go about 240 when i am on just that test alone but bf is much higher and waist size is 2" bigger lol. i am just so pissed that i stayed on this long for shit results. i normally go on 5 months take 3 off. I just dont understand because i bought my kigs last summer when everyone raved about them from a source that no one has complained about until the kig dilemma this winter. they are the same batch and fit the description to a t that gh15 posted even down to the wrapper how he said it overlapped a certain direction. I just wanted to give it 6 months because so many people said be patient 6 months+ is where it is at. now i feel i wasted a whole year. its about to be summer so fuck going off until fall ill just hit some tren and wait for some real hgh to come my way.


  • Getbig III
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Re: not much size gained being on hgh for 11 months now any advice?
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2012, 07:57:40 PM »
10 months? +9lbs muscle, -6lbs fat on roughly a gram of test and 10iu gh, plus 100 mcg t3? Sorry but you got bunk gh and your test sounds underdosed as well. The t3 is the only thing you have thats probably full strength. Being 6ft tall 228 at 11%bf is not too impressive after all your hard work culminating after 10 months. It is bogus imo. In addition to the previous posters advice, find a new source.

agree x 2 you got crap..



  • Getbig III
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Re: not much size gained being on hgh for 11 months now any advice?
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2012, 08:03:16 PM »
that's what i am thinking too. but i know the test is good been using it for years. its t4 that i use not t3. i think that's what keeping me lean. i normally go about 240 when i am on just that test alone but bf is much higher and waist size is 2" bigger lol. i am just so pissed that i stayed on this long for shit results. i normally go on 5 months take 3 off. I just dont understand because i bought my kigs last summer when everyone raved about them from a source that no one has complained about until the kig dilemma this winter. they are the same batch and fit the description to a t that gh15 posted even down to the wrapper how he said it overlapped a certain direction. I just wanted to give it 6 months because so many people said be patient 6 months+ is where it is at. now i feel i wasted a whole year. its about to be summer so fuck going off until fall ill just hit some tren and wait for some real hgh to come my way.

a gram a test for 10 months...sorry its bunk..

for 10 m's ide be like a fckin balloon  ;D