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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #625 on: July 26, 2012, 08:02:31 AM »
we need marco rubio.  open up the borders.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #626 on: July 26, 2012, 12:09:36 PM »
July 26, 2012
U.S. Business Owners Now Among Least Approving of Obama
Professional workers are the most approving
by Lymari Morales

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. business owners' approval of President Barack Obama fell in the second quarter of 2012 to 35%, essentially tying farmers and fishers for the lowest approval among major occupational groups. Overall, professional workers remain the most approving, at 52%.

The findings are based on 25,464 interviews conducted with working U.S. adults in Gallup Daily tracking during the second quarter of 2012. Gallup asks employed adults to describe the work they do and then codes each respondent into one of 11 job categories.

Obama's job approval ratings by occupational group clearly relate to election preferences. Gallup previously found that Obama does best compared with likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney among voters who are professionals and service workers. Romney does best among voters who work in farming and fishing or construction, or are business owners.

In the overall average for the second quarter of 2012, 47% of working Americans approved of the job Obama is doing as president, and 47% disapproved. This is slightly improved from 45% approval and 48% disapproval in the first quarter.

Across occupational groups, installation and repair workers, as well as clerical and office workers, became significantly more approving of Obama in the second quarter. Business owners were the sole group that became significantly less approving, with their second-quarter approval of 35% reflecting a decline from 41% in the first quarter.

While there are too few respondents in some occupational groups to report their approval ratings by month, the internal data suggest the decline in business owners' approval of Obama came for the most part between March and April, with approval holding at a lower rate since then. The data precede Obama's much-discussed July 13 comments that small-business owners have had help from others to achieve success. Thus it is not yet clear whether those comments have led to further deterioration in Obama's standing among small-business owners.


With approval of President Obama trending somewhat higher, but remaining below the historical threshold for re-election, approval among different groups provides a lens of his strengths and weaknesses. While Obama has been able to maintain or increase his approval rating among most occupational groups so far this election year, he has lost ground among business owners.

Although business owners represent just a small subset of the U.S. population, they are of course a critical component of the economy and overall economic optimism in the country. If business owners become more positive about Obama and his plans for the economy, that could potentially boost his approval ratings and broader U.S. economic confidence closer to the levels necessary for him to be well positioned for re-election. Conversely, further deterioration in his approval rating among business owners could certainly add to the perception that Obama is not doing enough to bolster small businesses in the country.

See page 2 for a complete description of each occupational group and for sample sizes.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #627 on: July 27, 2012, 05:48:02 AM »
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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #628 on: July 27, 2012, 09:40:51 PM »
Rove: Obama Is Losing Crucial Independent Voters
Friday, 27 Jul 2012
By Greg McDonald

Political strategist Karl Rove says President Barack Obama’s likeability is his strength in this year’s election, despite the moribund economy, but he is still losing crucial independent voters. Rove also told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Thursday GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s trips to Israel and Poland could garner him important voting blocs.
“The president is losing among independents today in virtually every public poll, and that’s a problem because he won independents in 2008 by an 8 point margin over Sen. John McCain,” Rove said. “So to be losing them shows a big shift among independents.
“It is a strength that President Obama is liked by so many people,” he said. “They just simply disagree deeply with a lot of what he has done.”
Rove, who was President George W. Bush’s key political strategist and now runs the Crossroads GPS super PAC, predicted that Obama’s would have even a more difficult time holding onto independent voters as the campaign narrows toward November.
“Here’s the problem for President Obama: When it comes to the economy, independents look like Republicans,” Rove said. “That is to say, they are less favorable to the president than Democrats and look a lot more like Republicans when it comes to rating the president poorly on the economy.”
Turning to Romney’s trip to Great Britain, Israel, and Poland, Rove said it would allow the Republican candidate “to look presidential” while drawing sharp contrasts between his own views and how Obama has conducted U.S. foreign policy.
The trips to Israel and Poland, he suggested, could translate into large blocs of votes in November, depending how Romney is received.
“In the greater scheme of things, they don't determine elections. A visit to Poland won’t sway the election,” he said, but added it could have a positive impact on Polish-American voters in some of the nation’s biggest cities.
“Same with the visit to Israel. This is a very important voting bloc,” Rove said. “If Mitt Romney only gets the same percentage of the Jewish vote in Florida that President Bush got in '04, it would cut Barack Obama’s winning margin in Florida by one-third. That's how important the voting bloc is.”
Both countries, he said, have had “the rug jerked out from underneath them” by the president, causing strained relations.
As examples, he cited Obama’s calls for Israel to return to its 1967 borders as a basis for a Middle East peace agreement, and his decision early in his administration to scrap the Pentagon’s plan to deploy a missile system in Europe, with interceptor and radar sites in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Rove also noted that Obama’s reference during a ceremony in May to a “Polish death camp” when he meant to say “Nazi death camp” was particularly upsetting to the Polish people.
“They were already with a chip on their shoulder for good reason [over the missile system],” he said. “Now they have a bigger one.”
Concerning Obama’s statements on Israel’s borders, Rove said, the Israelis view that as a “very problematic policy.”
“This is one of many things that has caused a lot of . . . Jewish-Americans and a lot of Israelis to be concerned about how President Obama views this relationship,” he added.


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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #629 on: July 27, 2012, 11:04:55 PM »
Rove: Obama Is Losing Crucial Independent Voters
Friday, 27 Jul 2012
By Greg McDonald

Political strategist Karl Rove says President Barack Obama’s likeability is his strength in this year’s election, despite the moribund economy, but he is still losing crucial independent voters. Rove also told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Thursday GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s trips to Israel and Poland could garner him important voting blocs.
“The president is losing among independents today in virtually every public poll, and that’s a problem because he won independents in 2008 by an 8 point margin over Sen. John McCain,” Rove said. “So to be losing them shows a big shift among independents.
“It is a strength that President Obama is liked by so many people,” he said. “They just simply disagree deeply with a lot of what he has done.”
Rove, who was President George W. Bush’s key political strategist and now runs the Crossroads GPS super PAC, predicted that Obama’s would have even a more difficult time holding onto independent voters as the campaign narrows toward November.
“Here’s the problem for President Obama: When it comes to the economy, independents look like Republicans,” Rove said. “That is to say, they are less favorable to the president than Democrats and look a lot more like Republicans when it comes to rating the president poorly on the economy.”
Turning to Romney’s trip to Great Britain, Israel, and Poland, Rove said it would allow the Republican candidate “to look presidential” while drawing sharp contrasts between his own views and how Obama has conducted U.S. foreign policy.
The trips to Israel and Poland, he suggested, could translate into large blocs of votes in November, depending how Romney is received.
“In the greater scheme of things, they don't determine elections. A visit to Poland won’t sway the election,” he said, but added it could have a positive impact on Polish-American voters in some of the nation’s biggest cities.
“Same with the visit to Israel. This is a very important voting bloc,” Rove said. “If Mitt Romney only gets the same percentage of the Jewish vote in Florida that President Bush got in '04, it would cut Barack Obama’s winning margin in Florida by one-third. That's how important the voting bloc is.”
Both countries, he said, have had “the rug jerked out from underneath them” by the president, causing strained relations.
As examples, he cited Obama’s calls for Israel to return to its 1967 borders as a basis for a Middle East peace agreement, and his decision early in his administration to scrap the Pentagon’s plan to deploy a missile system in Europe, with interceptor and radar sites in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Rove also noted that Obama’s reference during a ceremony in May to a “Polish death camp” when he meant to say “Nazi death camp” was particularly upsetting to the Polish people.
“They were already with a chip on their shoulder for good reason [over the missile system],” he said. “Now they have a bigger one.”
Concerning Obama’s statements on Israel’s borders, Rove said, the Israelis view that as a “very problematic policy.”
“This is one of many things that has caused a lot of . . . Jewish-Americans and a lot of Israelis to be concerned about how President Obama views this relationship,” he added.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #630 on: July 30, 2012, 09:42:45 AM »
Rasmussen: Romney Has Same Lead, Same Day That Obama Had in '08
Saturday, 28 Jul 2012
By Patrick Hobin

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama led his Republican rival John McCain by 49 percent to 44 in a Rasmussen Reports daily tracking poll released on July 27, 2008.

Fast forward four years and the GOP's Mitt Romney is holding the exact same lead on the exact same day in the exact same poll, Business Insider points out.

Romney’s five-point lead is the largest by either candidate in just over a month and the numbers closely mirror the 49 to 43 percent advantage Romney has on who voters trust more to handle the economy.

Just 31 percent of likely voters think Obama is doing a good or excellent job handling economic issues, with 48 percent saying he’s doing a poor job on the economy. This comes as consumer confidence fell to a 2012 low this week and the government reported slowing GDP growth.

For June, Obama’s job approval rating was at 47 percent, down two points from May and staying in the narrow range of 47 to 49 percent since the beginning of 2012, according to the Rasmussen poll. In January 2009, 62 percent of voters approved of Obama’s job performance.

Pollster Scott Rasmussen said that in the summer of 2004 President George W. Bush’s approval rating rating was similar to Obama’s. But in 2004, the underlying trends were moving in Bush’s direction.

“The big issue that year was the war on terror,” Rasmussen said. “In the summer of 2004, just 44 percent thought the United States and its allies were winning that war. In the five weeks running up to the election, however, confidence that our side was winning ranged from 49 percent to 52 percent.”

Rasmussen said that for Obama to win, “he will need to improve his own job approval rating between now and Election Day. For that to happen, perceptions of the economy will have to reverse their current downward trend.”

The Rasmussen poll also showed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remains the most liked member of Obama’s Cabinet, with 53 percent of likely voters having a favorable opinion of her.

Attorney General Eric Holder is the least-liked Cabinet member, with 47 percent of voters who have an unfavorable opinion of him.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #631 on: July 30, 2012, 10:23:47 AM »
he should pick rubio and really solidify confidence in his ticket.  even tho intrade has rubio at 8% chance of being chosen

(portman 30%, t-paw 27%)

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #632 on: July 30, 2012, 10:36:40 AM »
Rasmussen: Romney Has Same Lead, Same Day That Obama Had in '08

Doesn't really take into account obama's superior ground game + power of the incumbency.  But great little tidbit there.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #633 on: July 31, 2012, 04:14:37 PM »
Anxious Obama plans fundraising spree
By Amie Parnes and Justin Sink - 07/31/12

President Obama will host a series of high-dollar fundraisers in the coming weeks and is expected to add more events than usual after the Democratic National Convention.

The string of upcoming events reflects deep worry in Chicago about competing with the tidal wave of cash being raised by outside groups aimed at electing Mitt Romney.

The impetus for more and more big fundraisers just 98 days before the election is also in stark contrast with where Obama was in his matchup against Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008, when he had a substantial financial advantage fueled by individual donations.

Obama has spent a considerable amount of time fundraising in recent days.

On Monday afternoon, he flew to New York to attend a fundraising dinner with 60 attendees at a cost of $40,000 per person. The trip came on the heels of high-dollar fundraisers in Washington, D.C. and Virginia on Friday, after a week of attending several fundraisers on the West Coast — including the campaign’s honey pot in Northern California.

Romney has also continued to attend his fair share of fundraisers, including two check-collecting stops in England and Israel.

But sources close to the Romney campaign say they expect to shift away from constantly hosting fundraisers, moving toward more public rallies and events in the weeks before Election Day, believing the priority at that point should be engaging swing voters with rallies and public appearances.
. . . .

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #634 on: July 31, 2012, 07:27:35 PM »
romneys endorsement of the socialist isr medical system should really help obama.  great point man.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #635 on: July 31, 2012, 07:29:32 PM »
romneys endorsement of the socialist isr medical system should really help obama.  great point man.

really showing up in polls for the messiah too.   ::).

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #636 on: July 31, 2012, 07:31:32 PM »
really showing up in polls for the messiah too.   ::).

obama is the incumbent.  He can start a war or steal an election.  A three point romney lead is a 1 point obama win.

you know that, right/  ;)

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #637 on: July 31, 2012, 07:35:22 PM »
obama is the incumbent.  He can start a war or steal an election.  A three point romney lead is a 1 point obama win.

you know that, right/  ;)

BTT election rolls around Obama is going to get landslided.  4 more terrible jobs reports, no hope, no change, no improvement, etc.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #638 on: July 31, 2012, 07:51:14 PM »
BTT election rolls around Obama is going to get landslided.  4 more terrible jobs reports, no hope, no change, no improvement, etc.

oh, the last 45 jobs reports have led us to a tie, and suddenly the next 3 are going to matter? 

LMAO   really dog?

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #639 on: July 31, 2012, 07:56:53 PM »
oh, the last 45 jobs reports have led us to a tie, and suddenly the next 3 are going to matter? 

LMAO   really dog?

1980.  Carter was leading Reagan at this point.


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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #640 on: July 31, 2012, 08:04:28 PM »
1980.  Carter was leading Reagan at this point.

in 1980 hot dogs were 75 cents  ???

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #641 on: July 31, 2012, 08:04:44 PM »
1980.  Carter was leading Reagan at this point.

that's before presidents knew they could start wars, or let 911s happen, or steal elections electronically.

It if is less than 3 points apart, obama steals this thing - and you know it, 33.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #642 on: July 31, 2012, 08:05:06 PM »
in 1980 hot dogs were 75 cents  ???

inflation is a bitch no? 

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #643 on: August 01, 2012, 09:14:35 AM »
Poll: Obama over 50% in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania
Posted by
CNN's Kevin Liptak

(CNN) - President Barack Obama has a majority of voters backing him in three critical battleground states, according to a survey released Wednesday.

The Quinnipiac University/CBS News/New York Times poll showed Obama leading his Republican challenger Mitt Romney in Florida 51%-45%, in Ohio 50%-44%, and in Pennsylvania 53%-42%. Florida and Ohio are considered toss-ups in November's general election, while Pennsylvania is rated "lean Obama" on CNN's Electoral Map.

The poll indicated that only 4% of likely voters in each of the three states had yet to decide on a candidate to support. Among Romney backers, 10% in Florida and Ohio and 9% in Pennsylvania said they could change their mind before November. Eleven percent of Obama's supporters in Florida said they could change their minds, compared to 13% in Ohio and 15% in Pennsylvania.

"If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office," Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, wrote in a statement accompanying the poll's release.

Brown cited better-than-average unemployment rates in Ohio and Florida as possible factors in Obama's lead there, writing that "The president is running better in the key swing states than he is nationally."

Among self-identified independents, Obama edges Romney in Florida 47%-46%, and Ohio 47%-44%. The president's lead among independents in Pennsylvania is more robust, 58%-36%.

A gender gap persists in all three states, where women are more likely to back Obama and men go stronger for Romney.

In all three battlegrounds, an enthusiasm gap persists between the two candidates. Sixty five percent of Obama supporters in Florida say they strongly favor the president, compared to 49% of Romney's backers who say they strongly favor the Republican candidate.

In Ohio, 60% were "strongly supporting" Obama, compared to 42% who said the same for Romney. And in Pennsylvania, 59% were strong supporters of Obama and 41% were strongly supporting Romney.

On the economy, voters are split between Obama and Romney. Forty seven percent of Floridians said Romney would do a better job handing economic issues, compared to 45% who named Obama.

In Ohio, 46% of voters said Obama would better handle to economy, and 45% picked Romney. Pennsylvanians gave Obama higher marks on the economy, with 48% naming the president as better on the economy and 44% naming Romney.

"All this matters because half of all likely voters say the economy is the most important issue to their vote, far ahead of any other issue. The saving grace for Gov. Mitt Romney is that he roughly breaks even with the president on who is best on the economy," Brown said.

The Quinnipiac University/CBS News/New York Times poll was conducted by telephone July 24-30. In Florida, 1,177 likely voters were polled and the sampling error was plus or minus 2.9 percentage points. In Ohio, 1,193 likely voters were called with a sampling error of 2.8 percentage points. And in Pennsylvania, 1,168 likely voters were polled with a sampling error of 2.9 percentage points.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #644 on: August 01, 2012, 09:19:13 AM »
Poll: Obama over 50% in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania
Posted by
CNN's Kevin Liptak

(CNN) - President Barack Obama has a majority of voters backing him in three critical battleground states, according to a survey released Wednesday.

The Quinnipiac University/CBS News/New York Times poll showed Obama leading his Republican challenger Mitt Romney in Florida 51%-45%, in Ohio 50%-44%, and in Pennsylvania 53%-42%. Florida and Ohio are considered toss-ups in November's general election, while Pennsylvania is rated "lean Obama" on CNN's Electoral Map.

The poll indicated that only 4% of likely voters in each of the three states had yet to decide on a candidate to support. Among Romney backers, 10% in Florida and Ohio and 9% in Pennsylvania said they could change their mind before November. Eleven percent of Obama's supporters in Florida said they could change their minds, compared to 13% in Ohio and 15% in Pennsylvania.

"If today were November 6, President Barack Obama would sweep the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and – if history is any guide – into a second term in the Oval Office," Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, wrote in a statement accompanying the poll's release.

Brown cited better-than-average unemployment rates in Ohio and Florida as possible factors in Obama's lead there, writing that "The president is running better in the key swing states than he is nationally."

Among self-identified independents, Obama edges Romney in Florida 47%-46%, and Ohio 47%-44%. The president's lead among independents in Pennsylvania is more robust, 58%-36%.

A gender gap persists in all three states, where women are more likely to back Obama and men go stronger for Romney.

In all three battlegrounds, an enthusiasm gap persists between the two candidates. Sixty five percent of Obama supporters in Florida say they strongly favor the president, compared to 49% of Romney's backers who say they strongly favor the Republican candidate.

In Ohio, 60% were "strongly supporting" Obama, compared to 42% who said the same for Romney. And in Pennsylvania, 59% were strong supporters of Obama and 41% were strongly supporting Romney.

On the economy, voters are split between Obama and Romney. Forty seven percent of Floridians said Romney would do a better job handing economic issues, compared to 45% who named Obama.

In Ohio, 46% of voters said Obama would better handle to economy, and 45% picked Romney. Pennsylvanians gave Obama higher marks on the economy, with 48% naming the president as better on the economy and 44% naming Romney.

"All this matters because half of all likely voters say the economy is the most important issue to their vote, far ahead of any other issue. The saving grace for Gov. Mitt Romney is that he roughly breaks even with the president on who is best on the economy," Brown said.

The Quinnipiac University/CBS News/New York Times poll was conducted by telephone July 24-30. In Florida, 1,177 likely voters were polled and the sampling error was plus or minus 2.9 percentage points. In Ohio, 1,193 likely voters were called with a sampling error of 2.8 percentage points. And in Pennsylvania, 1,168 likely voters were polled with a sampling error of 2.9 percentage points.

Please another crap poll over sampling Democrats by ridiculous numbers.  Only an idiot believes a poll like that. 

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #645 on: August 01, 2012, 10:05:28 AM »

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #646 on: August 01, 2012, 10:25:08 AM »
Poll: Obama over 50% in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania

Romney's embarassing behavior overseas is starting to really show.

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #647 on: August 01, 2012, 10:27:07 AM »
Romney's embarassing behavior overseas is starting to really show.

Idiot - they over sampled Demos by 6 - 11 points.

typical you believe crap polling. 

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #648 on: August 01, 2012, 10:29:38 AM »
Idiot - they over sampled Demos by 6 - 11 points.

link to evidence these polling organizations have got it all wrong?

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Re: Obama vs Romney
« Reply #649 on: August 01, 2012, 10:41:49 AM »