Author Topic: Anti Depressants - Are 60% of people on medication?  (Read 19038 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2012, 05:23:41 PM »
Youve posted this same exact post before in another thread about medications/mental illness.. You sir are completely brainwashed by atheism and drug addiction.
Its funny how if someone doesnt conform to Worldly/organized religious beliefs they get LABELED something else.

Natural Man

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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2012, 05:27:27 PM »
the other day i saw a severely, mentally handicapped girl  getting pushed in a wheelchair and jamming her whole hand in her mouth.

she wasn't loved enough  ???
she is born handicapped because of unhealthy biological, chemical processes happening during her conception. The question is what did go wrong.... and why, considering every consequence, has a cause. I know parents of handicapped kids who smoked, drank during pregnancy, but didnt tell anyone. Once kids are born they re pissed, but... find a great pleasure in being pitied by others as being parents of "handicapped kids".

More and more proofs are found by science that everything that happens to the mother both psychically, and biologically during her pregnancy has an impact one way or another on the growing fetus. Depressed mothers - abandonned mothers- give birth to kids who have chemical , biological imbalances from the very beginning. Whose responsible for that ? the parents. Who s going to deal with the consequences of their acts? They will. They are the only ones responsible.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #52 on: April 10, 2012, 05:28:10 PM »

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2012, 05:30:30 PM »
Its funny how if someone doesnt conform to Worldly/organized religious beliefs they get LABELED something else.
You believe in a religion that is called atheism. It's strenght is to make believe its believers that they actually "dont believe" in anything, when in fact they believe in a mix of beliefs -be it materialism, "philosophies", "scientific sdutides" , feminism, humanism, materialism, consumeris, , communism, socialism, capitalism etc-. Any human who has a brain "believes" in a mix of various beliefs, or he couldnt exist, think, interact with others. You own system of beliefs constitues a religion. But it's a false one, generated by the abandonning of the true and only one. As a result you will ultimately be erased and so will your offspring, if you ever have one, but cynical nihilistic atheists tend to stop reproducing while chinese, japanse , muslims and catholic and portestant christians still do. It means that ultimately there will be a final conflict betweem a muslim and christian world who will both have weapons of mass destruction.

Atheists erase themselves by believing in absurdity. They think life is absurd, htey struggle to explain causes and consequences. At some point in their "reasoning" they all end thinking "fuck it all, im here to have as much fun as i can even if it's at the expense of others, there s nothing after death anyway... also why have kids... "kids are disgusting" as our very own true adonis would say"...

While christians keep believing, keep building families, keep contributing to society and keep beleiving in God and the building of His realm on earth. They work everyday to do so, they follow a guidance, they live , enjoy living, understand life, its meaning, and keep perpetuating life while others are erased.

We are like the grass. We are cultivated by our creators, raffined, just like wine, in a barrel. The good grass is preserved, the bad grass dies.

Also if nothing is lost, nothing is created, and everything transforms itself, where goes a soul?
Nothing is ever new. Something is always the sum of what precedes it, of what generated it. This is a process of constant refinement.

The only real science is science revealed to some chosen ones by God. This science is good and leads us on the path to build the realm of God on earth. But science can be badly utilized by evil humans who dont follow God's words.

Stop poping pills and go in a church, start reading the Bible. Cut yourself from those who hurt you in order to make themselves feel good, ie sadistic egocentrical evil people. Find the meaning of life, find your meaning, find your place, which is the place God chose for you once you started listening to Him.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2012, 05:48:42 PM »
You re talking about the fucking middle age. Some people did bad things manipulating the words of God... In the middle age. Some still do, we have a lot of people sporting a cross around their neck and shitting on the basics of Christianism every day without blinking an eye.  This is true. But i'm not responsible for them and their acts shouldnt taint God's words. Any reasonable adult with a bit of education in theology, History, should be able to understand that. Also if you ve been brainwashed by your own parents to think that about Christianism let's say you re not impartial either.

no my parents are actually very religious, i was too once went to christian school, but then i actually went out into the real world and realized that not everything is hunki dori if you just pray more and assume everything will be alright, no actually the world is cruel and unjust and bad people get away with their deeds all time and nice people generally end up having to suffer. i am not against religion, believe what you want but don't force it on me, and ESPECIALLY don't force it on people with genuine mental illnesses. it's downright insulting.

also i don't want to get into a whole flamewar about my theories regarding the origin of religion and heaven/hell but i think you should research the chemical DMT and the mechanisms by which the body releases it and its properties.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2012, 05:51:31 PM »
You believe in a religion that is called atheism. It's strenght is to make believe its believers that they actually "dont believe" in anything, when in fact they believe in a mix of beliefs -be it materialism, "philosophies", "scientific sdutides" , feminism, humanism, materialism, consumeris, , communism, socialism, capitalism etc-. Any human who has a brain "believes" in a mix of various beliefs, or he couldnt exist, think, interact with others. You own system of beliefs constitues a religion. But it's a false one, generated by the abandonning of the true and only one. As a result you will ultimately be erased and so will your offspring, if you ever have one, but cynical nihilistic atheists tend to stop reproducing while chinese, japanse , muslims and catholic and portestant christians still do. It means that ultimately there will be a final conflict betweem a muslim and christian world who will both have weapons of mass destruction.

Atheists erase themselves by believing in absurdity. They think life is absurd, htey struggle to explain causes and consequences. At some point in their "reasoning" they all end thinking "fuck it all, im here to have as much fun as i can even if it's at the expense of others, there s nothing after death anyway... also why have kids... "kids are disgusting" as our very own true adonis would say"...

While christians keep believing, keep building families, keep contributing to society and keep beleiving in God and the building of His realm on earth. They work everyday to do so, they follow a guidance, they live , enjoy living, understand life, its meaning, and keep perpetuating life while others are erased.

We are like the grass. We are cultivated by our creators, raffined, just like wine, in a barrel. The good grass is preserved, the bad grass dies.

Also if nothing is lost, nothing is created, and everything transforms itself, where goes a soul?
Nothing is ever new. Something is always the sum of what precedes it, of what generated it. This is a process of constant refinement.

The only real science is science revealed to some chosen ones by God. This science is good and leads us on the path to build the realm of God on earth. But science can be badly utilized by evil humans who dont follow God's words.

Stop poping pills and go in a church, start reading the Bible. Cut yourself from those who hurt you in order to make themselves feel good, ie sadistic egocentrical evil people. Find the meaning of life, find your meaning, find your place, which is the place God chose for you once you started listening to Him.

Do you feel that the most successful people on this earth are devout religious people?

Do you believe it is wrong to believe in a system of your own beliefs taken from various religions? Or taken from life experiences?

How do you feel about christians who have sinned and continue to sin?

Why do you feel that muslim and christianity are superior to other religious systems?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2012, 05:54:27 PM »
You believe in a religion that is called atheism. It's strenght is to make believe its believers that they actually "dont believe" in anything, when in fact they believe in a mix of beliefs -be it materialism, "philosophies", "scientific sdutides" , feminism, humanism, materialism, consumeris, , communism, socialism, capitalism etc-. Any human who has a brain "believes" in a mix of various beliefs, or he couldnt exist, think, interact with others. You own system of beliefs constitues a religion. But it's a false one, generated by the abandonning of the true and only one. As a result you will ultimately be erased and so will your offspring, if you ever have one, but cynical nihilistic atheists tend to stop reproducing while chinese, japanse , muslims and catholic and portestant christians still do. It means that ultimately there will be a final conflict betweem a muslim and christian world who will both have weapons of mass destruction.

Atheists erase themselves by believing in absurdity. They think life is absurd, htey struggle to explain causes and consequences. At some point in their "reasoning" they all end thinking "fuck it all, im here to have as much fun as i can even if it's at the expense of others, there s nothing after death anyway... also why have kids... "kids are disgusting" as our very own true adonis would say"...

While christians keep believing, keep building families, keep contributing to society and keep beleiving in God and the building of His realm on earth. They work everyday to do so, they follow a guidance, they live , enjoy living, understand life, its meaning, and keep perpetuating life while others are erased.

We are like the grass. We are cultivated by our creators, raffined, just like wine, in a barrel. The good grass is preserved, the bad grass dies.

Also if nothing is lost, nothing is created, and everything transforms itself, where goes a soul?
Nothing is ever new. Something is always the sum of what precedes it, of what generated it. This is a process of constant refinement.

The only real science is science revealed to some chosen ones by God. This science is good and leads us on the path to build the realm of God on earth. But science can be badly utilized by evil humans who dont follow God's words.

Stop poping pills and go in a church, start reading the Bible. Cut yourself from those who hurt you in order to make themselves feel good, ie sadistic egocentrical evil people. Find the meaning of life, find your meaning, find your place, which is the place God chose for you once you started listening to Him.


last i checked, commies don't take too kindly to religion


  • Getbig V
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2012, 06:05:11 PM »
I realize people such as Schizophrenics and such need medication, but I think I saw on the news like 60% of people are now on Anti Depressants wtf? I had a car accident and they started giving them to me in the hospital without me knowing so I come out on them. I took my self off them they were depressing me. Is this just the drug manufacturers and doctors trying to make money off people I wasnt depressed.


Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #58 on: April 10, 2012, 06:14:06 PM »

Do you feel that the most successful people on this earth are devout religious people?

you re confusing success and hapiness. Being happy at the expense of others (be it your family, coworkers, etc) isnt hapiness. It's called sinning.

Do you believe it is wrong to believe in a system of your own beliefs taken from various religions? Or taken from life experiences?

The atheist system of beliefs made of consumerism, capitalism, socialism, communism, materialism, hedonism, feminism and so on that replaced christianity in occident is leading the masses to stop reproducing to focus on various destructive addictions. As a result they get replaced by third worlders slowly, who all happen to be muslim. I think it pretty sums the fate of the atheist religion. If you know what you re talking about, ie if you read the Bible before talking about it, if you read it instead of repeating what your own parents brothers, sisters or friends told you about it you d know that we ve been warned of absolutely all of this by God's words.

How do you feel about christians who have sinned and continue to sin?

I think they give a band name to God's message, use God's image to hurt others, they think they re better than others just because they had access to a better education, better studies, better knowledges of how the world works as a result, but as i said it alrdy several times, these people sin because they think they re smarter, more intelligent than others. But intelligence without heart is useless. They ll get what they deserve ultimately. A true believer does his best with what he has following God's words. And as stated in the Bible, you dont hear from the good man, woman, or kid. Because they dont want to be heard or looked at. They dont "seem" to be, they Are.

Why do you feel that muslim and christianity are superior to other religious systems?

Had you read the Bible and had you read some history and theology books, you d know that islam is a copy of the Bible which is of genuine divine origin, while the coran has been written by a man who was a rapist and robber. The coran and islam are the perfect opposite of christianity. Asian religions disapear -chinese become just like occidental atheists- , especially buddhism. Because they are not the truth. As stated in the Bible, there is only One God and One truth. Everything else is an illusion, lies and despair.
At the moment mankind is at the edge. All populations from everywhere know of each others, try to get what others have and they dont. Religions that teach humans from birth good from evil, are in contact with each others. But only One is the real one, and tells humans what is good to do to perpetuate life, it is God's words, it is christianity. White occidentals slowly abandonned God's words sinking into atheism. We discovered a lot of things that changed our lives, but not for the better, because we made bad use of them when we could have done way better. A lot of people are lost, unhappier than ever, while owning muc much much more material goods and overall confort than any human in the history of mankind. Should tell you all you need to know about our so called progress. I believe as a protestant that there is no need for others humans between you and God in your relationship with Him. We all have this little preserved place of spirituality, of faith in our mind, from day one. This partof us that tells us: do this, this is good, dont do this, this is bad. It is obviously reinforced positively or negatively by the influence of our caregivers during childhood and adolescence, but fact is if we dont choose to live, to exist, to breath, to think, we choose the way we want to act, to live, at every given minute of our existence.
Religion links humans between them , unite them together in the pursuit of a common goal. Atheists dont follow any common goal , they all want to be "happy" at all costs, and the more they search for that hapiness, the more they struggle to find it and the more they hurt each others.
Because we re designed to be happy only if we follow some basic principles. I wont insult your intelligence and will let you guess what are these principles everyone should follow to the benefit of all of us as a whole. Atheists are individualistic, cynical, lost , desperate people who jump from one addiction to another. They dont follow anyone, arent part of anything, contribute only if they get something for themselves, and dont and cant reproduce and raise kids or families. They think they are gods. They do not understand that they have been created by something superior and that they can only be genuinely happy doing what he intended us to do. They look for a truth exactly where it isnt, and ignore where it truly is for most.
All religions work the same. But only one is the True one. Atheism isnt. It leads people into nihilism, drug addictions, and the end of lineages over generations. It also leads some to convert -especially in europe in muslim infested areas- to... islam. Lot of socialist, communist, leftist occidentals whose parents shat on christianism in the 60s/70s to the point their kids also shat on it as a result didnt find much hapiness in drugs abuse, in materialism, in consumerism either. So they were the first to turn to "anti depressants", to "buddhism", "philosophers" etc to give a meaning to their existence and to deal with the daily stress of our cities. That didnt make happier either unfortunately. Most of them in their "pursuit of true hapiness" left each others, abandonned kids but because they were living during a golden era in occident, spoiled their kids with material goods. All of this produced our current fatherless, faithless "generation nothingness", that will need to find God one way or another, or will disapear, replaced by third worlders, for the most part, muslims. Muslims are like parasites, a cancer, they invade occidental countries with the help of our own cynical elites, politicians, journalists, megacorporations ceos who import them to lower salaries and increase competition between human in the middle and lower social classes. There is no coordinated, conscious phenomenom , conspiracy here, just  a sum of people at the top of the pyramid who instead of taking care of those below them , chose to manipulate, lure them. Because all these people abandonned God. As a result, God abandonned them. The decline of occident is directly rooted in the abandonning of christianism, just like its rising was due to , precisely, millions of humans following God's words for centuries.

Now, in this day and age. Too many people.
Not enough jobs.
Too many, unhappy, lost, potentially destructive, dangerous for themselves and others, people. Jealous, envious, sinning, lying, dishonnest,disloyal, people.
All these people want to live, want to eat, to access the best of what humans discovered. And even at the expense of others, especially if these "other people" are from a different skin color, from a different country, from a different religion.

As i said it alrdy said it i see white, occidental europeans getting entirely replaced by muslims imported by elites and neutered sleepy native populations of europe  who were too focused on their own confort instead of the well being of their nations. Basically all the black africans and arabs from the africa and the middle east are flooding europe. White occidentals who are atheists do not reproduce, living conditions decreae dramatically, and they dont have the fighting will of north americans, they are the "old -dying- europe". They ll get replaced, once and for all. It's not world war II, it s a different kind of war, but all indicators point toward a complete islamization of europe in one or two centuries.
You dont reproduce, lost the will to live, spend all your life in virtual world or consuming drugs?  you disapear, as simple as that. And you get replaced by something, someone else.

Now, chinese are breeding like ants. Russians dont reproduce either and are crippled by alchol abuse, corruption and low fertility. They re already getting replaced at their borders by chinese populations. When you re white woman, poor, living in a ghetto full of muslims, blacks, when you have no education, no faith, because your parents didnt raise you correctly, because their own parents didnt raise them correctly, well in order to survive, you adapt, and you find the stongest male in the neighborhood. Or you move. Most of white males who be been raised by single mothers are depressed, neutered, and spend their whole life smoking pot and playing video games. They dont want kids, as they are stuck in adolescence in their 30s, and now 40s. No white woman wants of them. You do the maths.

It is well known that chinese, russians and muslims for some reasons, are quite friendly toward each others. They still occidentals technologies, they are still plaged by a nostalgia for communism, islamism, they just make great pals. As globalization grows, all these people somewhat mix together -lets say that those who outnumbers others by breeding more rapidly replace them to be more realistic- Birds of a feather flock together.

What is left?

North america, and south america. Japan, australia. Maybe a sino muslim coalition will take control of australia, and japan. Maybe a lot of japanese, australians will emigrate to north america. I see christians from the whole world emigrating to north america. I see norht america becoming the last rampart of Christianity. And i see a final conflict. The final judgment. Whatever you think about all of this, you re part of it, like it or not. The only way to escape it, is to die. At this point, you understand you have no other choice but to take consciously a side.

The very few things we know didnt make us happier. It's time to understand we only know, even with our "science", 0,000000001 % of what will follow, what surrounds us.  Whatever happens, follow God's words.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #59 on: April 10, 2012, 06:58:06 PM »
this is getting interesting uberman let me tickle your brain a little further.

i by no means intend to come off condescending or offensive, but i am truly speculative and genuinely curious

my original question in normal font, your response in bold, my response to your response in italics

Do you feel that the most successful people on this earth are devout religious people?

you re confusing success and hapiness. Being happy at the expense of others (be it your family, coworkers, etc) isnt hapiness. It's called sinning.

how do you feel about the wealthy in this country? in the world? most of these wealthy have caused harm and suffering to others. Knowingly. They are the very people who say they believe in religion also. the corrupt politicians who have ideologies which differ from their own sayings, the wealthy business tycoons who destroy the lives and the economy, the wealthy and overpaid athlete who are womanizers and are drug abusers. surely the people in power are probably feeling successful and deep down, are most likely happy wouldn't you say? that can have whatever they want whenever they want. in a position of power, a human is naturally a happy person. in my experience everything people do in today's society is largely selfish and people will step on others to get ahead. just like in business endeavors and in love.

Do you believe it is wrong to believe in a system of your own beliefs taken from various religions? Or taken from life experiences?

The atheist system of beliefs made of consumerism, capitalism, socialism, communism, materialism, hedonism, feminism and so on that replaced christianity in occident is leading the masses to stop reproducing to focus on various destructive addictions. As a result they get replaced by third worlders slowly, who all happen to be muslim. I think it pretty sums the fate of the atheist religion. If you know what you re talking about, ie if you read the Bible before talking about it, if you read it instead of repeating what your own parents brothers, sisters or friends told you about it you d know that we ve been warned of absolutely all of this by God's words.

you feel that the masses are stopping reproduction to focus on various destructive addictions (consumerism, capitalism, socialism, communism, materialism, hedonism, feminism and so on that replaced christianity in occident), but how do you feel about the way that the population is spiraling out of control? how is it that some of the most well to do people in this world who would make great parents do not end up having children? what about the millions of misguided teenage knocked up bimbo without any morals and religious beliefs? why is it that it seems like some of the worst fit to be parents end up having children, and lots of them? the poor, lower class uneducated individuals without a higher knowledge of the way the world works? you're right though i didn't read the bible as indepth as i should have

How do you feel about christians who have sinned and continue to sin?

I think they give a band name to God's message, use God's image to hurt others, they think they re better than others just because they had access to a better education, better studies, better knowledges of how the world works as a result, but as i said it alrdy several times, these people sin because they think they re smarter, more intelligent than others. But intelligence without heart is useless. They ll get what they deserve ultimately. A true believer does his best with what he has following God's words. And as stated in the Bible, you dont hear from the good man, woman, or kid. Because they dont want to be heard or looked at. They dont "seem" to be, they Are.

how do you feel about the murderer's, rapists, child molesters, underage mothers, teenage sluts who claim christian status? aren't christians supposed to "save themselves until marriage?" how many women actually do this in this day and age? aren't these the some of the same people you see in church every sunday? i am baffled by the people who sin yet use god as a scapegoat, that is what pisses me off. why would god even allow these individuals to practice his religion.

Why do you feel that muslim and christianity are superior to other religious systems?

Had you read the Bible and had you read some history and theology books, you d know that islam is a copy of the Bible which is of genuine divine origin, while the coran has been written by a man who was a rapist and robber. The coran and islam are the perfect opposite of christianity. Asian religions disapear -chinese become just like occidental atheists- , especially buddhism. Because they are not the truth. As stated in the Bible, there is only One God and One truth. Everything else is an illusion, lies and despair.
At the moment mankind is at the edge. All populations from everywhere know of each others, try to get what others have and they dont. Religions that teach humans from birth good from evil, are in contact with each others. But only One is the real one, and tells humans what is good to do to perpetuate life, it is God's words, it is christianity. White occidentals slowly abandonned God's words sinking into atheism. We discovered a lot of things that changed our lives, but not for the better, because we made bad use of them when we could have done way better. A lot of people are lost, unhappier than ever, while owning muc much much more material goods and overall confort than any human in the history of mankind. Should tell you all you need to know about our so called progress. I believe as a protestant that there is no need for others humans between you and God in your relationship with Him. We all have this little preserved place of spirituality, of faith in our mind, from day one. This partof us that tells us: do this, this is good, dont do this, this is bad. It is obviously reinforced positively or negatively by the influence of our caregivers during childhood and adolescence, but fact is if we dont choose to live, to exist, to breath, to think, we choose the way we want to act, to live, at every given minute of our existence.
Religions links humans between them , unite them together in the pursuit of a common goal. Atheists dont follow any common goal , they all want to be "happy" at all costs, and the more they search for that hapiness, the more they struggle to find it and the more they hurt each others.
Because we re designed to be happy only if we follow some basic principles. I wont insult your intelligence and will let you guess what are these principles everyone should follow to the benefit of all of us as a whole. Atheists are individualistic, cynical, lost , desperate people who jump from one addiction to another. They dont follow anyone, arent part of anything, contribute only if they get something for themselves, and dont and cant reproduce and raise kids or families. They think they are gods. They do not understand that they have been created by something superior and that they can only be genuinely happy doing what he intended us to do. They look for a truth exactly where it isnt, and ignore where it truly is for most.

The very few things we know didnt make us happier. It's time to understand we only know, even with our "science", 0,000000001 % of what will follow, what surrounds us.  Whatever happens, follow God's words.

how do you feel race and nationality and world power fit into all of this? you feel that christianity is superior but the founding or discovery of christianity and its principles and doctrines has a geographical location by someone and somewhere. the people which are shown in the pictures which describe religion such as the last supper, etc show people which are clearly white. are you stating that whites have it all figured out? so inherently the religion is racist? and clearly that other races which follow other doctrines and religions such as chinese buddhisms are obsolete then? yet how would it be that the chinese are emerging as the world's number 1 superpower? where does their religion fall into that?



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2012, 07:24:25 PM »

Religion links humans between them , unite them together in the pursuit of a common goal. Atheists dont follow any common goal , they all want to be "happy" at all costs, and the more they search for that hapiness, the more they struggle to find it and the more they hurt each others.
Because we re designed to be happy only if we follow some basic principles. I wont insult your intelligence and will let you guess what are these principles everyone should follow to the benefit of all of us as a whole. Atheists are individualistic, cynical, lost , desperate people who jump from one addiction to another. They dont follow anyone, arent part of anything, contribute only if they get something for themselves, and dont and cant reproduce and raise kids or families. They think they are gods. They do not understand that they have been created by something superior and that they can only be genuinely happy doing what he intended us to do. They look for a truth exactly where it isnt, and ignore where it truly is for most.
All religions work the same. But only one is the True one. Atheism isnt. It leads people into nihilism, drug addictions, and the end of lineages over generations. It also leads some to convert -especially in europe in muslim infested areas- to... islam. Lot of socialist, communist, leftist occidentals whose parents shat on christianism in the 60s/70s to the point their kids also shat on it as a result didnt find much hapiness in drugs abuse, in materialism, in consumerism either. So they were the first to turn to "anti depressants", to "buddhism", "philosophers" etc to give a meaning to their existence and to deal with the daily stress of our cities. That didnt make happier either unfortunately. Most of them in their "pursuit of true hapiness" left each others, abandonned kids but because they were living during a golden era in occident, spoiled their kids with material goods. All of this produced our current fatherless, faithless "generation nothingness", that will need to find God one way or another, or will disapear, replaced by third worlders, for the most part, muslims. Muslims are like parasites, a cancer, they invade occidental countries with the help of our own cynical elites, politicians, journalists, megacorporations ceos who import them to lower salaries and increase competition between human in the middle and lower social classes. There is no coordinated, conscious phenomenom , conspiracy here, just  a sum of people at the top of the pyramid who instead of taking care of those below them , chose to manipulate, lure them. Because all these people abandonned God. As a result, God abandonned them. The decline of occident is directly rooted in the abandonning of christianism, just like its rising was due to , precisely, millions of humans following God's words for centuries.

Now, in this day and age. Too many people.
Not enough jobs.
Too many, unhappy, lost, potentially destructive, dangerous for themselves and others, people. Jealous, envious, sinning, lying, dishonnest,disloyal, people.
All these people want to live, want to eat, to access the best of what humans discovered. And even at the expense of others, especially if these "other people" are from a different skin color, from a different country, from a different religion.

As i said it alrdy said it i see white, occidental europeans getting entirely replaced by muslims imported by elites and neutered sleepy native populations of europe  who were too focused on their own confort instead of the well being of their nations. Basically all the black africans and arabs from the africa and the middle east are flooding europe. White occidentals who are atheists do not reproduce, living conditions decreae dramatically, and they dont have the fighting will of north americans, they are the "old -dying- europe". They ll get replaced, once and for all. It's not world war II, it s a different kind of war, but all indicators point toward a complete islamization of europe in one or two centuries.
You dont reproduce, lost the will to live, spend all your life in virtual world or consuming drugs?  you disapear, as simple as that. And you get replaced by something, someone else.

Now, chinese are breeding like ants. Russians dont reproduce either and are crippled by alchol abuse, corruption and low fertility. They re already getting replaced at their borders by chinese populations. When you re white woman, poor, living in a ghetto full of muslims, blacks, when you have no education, no faith, because your parents didnt raise you correctly, because their own parents didnt raise them correctly, well in order to survive, you adapt, and you find the stongest male in the neighborhood. Or you move. Most of white males who be been raised by single mothers are depressed, neutered, and spend their whole life smoking pot and playing video games. They dont want kids, as they are stuck in adolescence in their 30s, and now 40s. No white woman wants of them. You do the maths.

It is well known that chinese, russians and muslims for some reasons, are quite friendly toward each others. They still occidentals technologies, they are still plaged by a nostalgia for communism, islamism, they just make great pals. As globalization grows, all these people somewhat mix together -lets say that those who outnumbers others by breeding more rapidly replace them to be more realistic- Birds of a feather flock together.

What is left?

North america, and south america. Japan, australia. Maybe a sino muslim coalition will take control of australia, and japan. Maybe a lot of japanese, australians will emigrate to north america. I see christians from the whole world emigrating to north america. I see norht america becoming the last rampart of Christianity. And i see a final conflict. The final judgment. Whatever you think about all of this, you re part of it, like it or not. The only way to escape it, is to die. At this point, you understand you have no other choice but to take consciously a side.

The very few things we know didnt make us happier. It's time to understand we only know, even with our "science", 0,000000001 % of what will follow, what surrounds us.  Whatever happens, follow God's words.

you're jumping to a LOT of conclusions. as a native born russian i disagree with your allegations, russians are typically eastern orthodox and do NOT get along with muslims, what religion do you think the chechens are and why do you think we have been fighting them for so long? it is true that the muslims are interbreeding with russians but they are slowly invading ALL of europe, doesn't mean they're "pals".

 i don't think they appreciate the chinese encroaching on their land either, in fact they protected mongolia when china tried to invade in the early 1900's them despite their history with the mongolians (which i'm sure you know). russia does however view india as an ally and even have co-run weapons programs with them (the brahmos cruise missile comes to mind). i don't know if there is any ethic-based hatred towards china among russians per se but they are clearly a political liability given russia's weakened state and china's growing power. in fact russia has attempted to make strides towards repopulating by offering incentives to ex-satellite countries but they don't want to play ball because of the whole USSR thing. of course STD's and crime are rampant, also homosexuality is common (but i guess they're just sinners and deserve to burn right? not loved enough as children?) but most countries in europe have negative birth:death ratios.

and furthermore why is it that muslims are the enemy when they come from the same "abrahamic" origins as judaism and christianity? you seem to have all the answers as to why your religion is the best.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2012, 07:36:56 PM »
Religion links humans between them , unite them together in the pursuit of a common goal.

what would you say in response to someone who said that "Religion is a tool for higher ups to control the people in the population and control their minds?"

Atheists dont follow any common goal , they all want to be "happy" at all costs, and the more they search for that hapiness, the more they struggle to find it and the more they hurt each others.


Because we re designed to be happy only if we follow some basic principles. I wont insult your intelligence and will let you guess what are these principles everyone should follow to the benefit of all of us as a whole.

Atheists are individualistic, cynical, lost , desperate people who jump from one addiction to another. They dont follow anyone, arent part of anything, contribute only if they get something for themselves, and dont and cant reproduce and raise kids or families. They think they are gods. They do not understand that they have been created by something superior and that they can only be genuinely happy doing what he intended us to do. They look for a truth exactly where it isnt, and ignore where it truly is for most.

but what about the general population? i would say that this notion of atheist hopelessness generally describes most people in america. it is human nature to do something just to benefit themselves. most people in this day and age believe they are gods, are entitled to everything, take clean drinking water and food for granted. and who would look for a truth when people continue to seek more and more power? the empty, hopeless, kim kardashians and paris hiltons of the world looking for the next guy to leach off of, the bodybuilder looking for more and more size and more attention and drugs, the business tycoon looking to expand his portfolio more and more, it is human nature not to be satisfied, and only the true intellectuals will realize and go beyond their human hungers for self power and expansion and look into deeper truths

All religions work the same. But only one is the True one. Atheism isnt. It leads people into nihilism, drug addictions, and the end of lineages over generations. It also leads some to convert -especially in europe in muslim infested areas- to... islam. Lot of socialist, communist, leftist occidentals whose parents shat on christianism in the 60s/70s to the point their kids also shat on it as a result didnt find much hapiness in drugs abuse, in materialism, in consumerism either. So they were the first to turn to "anti depressants", to "buddhism", "philosophers" etc to give a meaning to their existence and to deal with the daily stress of our cities. That didnt make happier either unfortunately. Most of them in their "pursuit of true hapiness" left each others, abandonned kids but because they were living during a golden era in occident, spoiled their kids with material goods. All of this produced our current fatherless, faithless "generation nothingness", that will need to find God one way or another, or will disapear,


replaced by third worlders, for the most part, muslims. Muslims are like parasites, a cancer, they invade occidental countries with the help of our own cynical elites, politicians, journalists, megacorporations ceos who import them to lower salaries and increase competition between human in the middle and lower social classes. There is no coordinated, conscious phenomenom , conspiracy here, just  a sum of people at the top of the pyramid who instead of taking care of those below them , chose to manipulate, lure them. Because all these people abandonned God. As a result, God abandonned them. The decline of occident is directly rooted in the abandonning of christianism, just like its rising was due to , precisely, millions of humans following God's words for centuries.

i'm still trying to take in the deeper meaning of cause and effect of the muslim effect, but i do agree about the part of abandonment

Now, in this day and age. Too many people.
Not enough jobs.
Too many, unhappy, lost, potentially destructive, dangerous for themselves and others, people. Jealous, envious, sinning, lying, dishonnest,disloyal, people.
All these people want to live, want to eat, to access the best of what humans discovered. And even at the expense of others, especially if these "other people" are from a different skin color, from a different country, from a different religion.

As i said it alrdy said it i see white, occidental europeans getting entirely replaced by muslims imported by elites and neutered sleepy native populations of europe  who were too focused on their own confort instead of the well being of their nations. Basically all the black africans and arabs from the africa and the middle east are flooding europe. White occidentals who are atheists do not reproduce, living conditions decreae dramatically, and they dont have the fighting will of north americans, they are the "old -dying- europe". They ll get replaced, once and for all. It's not world war II, it s a different kind of war, but all indicators point toward a complete islamization of europe in one or two centuries.
You dont reproduce, lost the will to live, spend all your life in virtual world or consuming drugs?  you disapear, as simple as that. And you get replaced by something, someone else.

allow me to process this, because your cause and effect rationalisation does have a lot of broad generalizations but i agree that white occidentals who are atheists are a lost, misguided people

Now, chinese are breeding like ants. Russians dont reproduce either and are crippled by alchol abuse, corruption and low fertility. They re already getting replaced at their borders by chinese populations. When you re white woman, poor, living in a ghetto full of muslims, blacks, when you have no education, no faith, because your parents didnt raise you correctly, because their own parents didnt raise them correctly, well in order to survive, you adapt, and you find the stongest male in the neighborhood. Or you move. Most of white males who be been raised by single mothers are depressed, neutered, and spend their whole life smoking pot and playing video games. They dont want kids, as they are stuck in adolescence in their 30s, and now 40s. No white woman wants of them. You do the maths.


It is well known that chinese, russians and muslims for some reasons, are quite friendly toward each others. They still occidentals technologies, they are still plaged by a nostalgia for communism, islamism, they just make great pals. As globalization grows, all these people somewhat mix together -lets say that those who outnumbers others by breeding more rapidly replace them to be more realistic- Birds of a feather flock together.

What is left?

North america, and south america. Japan, australia. Maybe a sino muslim coalition will take control of australia, and japan. Maybe a lot of japanese, australians will emigrate to north america. I see christians from the whole world emigrating to north america. I see norht america becoming the last rampart of Christianity. And i see a final conflict. The final judgment. Whatever you think about all of this, you re part of it, like it or not. The only way to escape it, is to die. At this point, you understand you have no other choice but to take consciously a side.

interesting point

The very few things we know didnt make us happier. It's time to understand we only know, even with our "science", 0,000000001 % of what will follow, what surrounds us.  Whatever happens, follow God's words.

agree 100%. as a whole the human population is inherently unhappy. we are in a state where we have access to the greatest technology, have the greatest access to incredible health, are allowed to connect to each other in ways which were once unimaginable. yet today people are destryoing themselves with unfulfilling lives despite access to be prosperous, fulfilling and healthy lives to themselves and others around them. humans are self destructive, and are destroying the earth. who would have imagined that such an evil such as facebook for example would create a new type of selfish, self centered notion within the user, and have this type of thing prosper? if you notice, some of the most properous organizations are focused on preying on the very weaknesses of social interaction, making people feel important, and instead of bringing people together, it is driving them apart.

in what type of crazy society do the most evil, selfish people become the most awarded? the most respected amongst the unknowing? the most envied upon the most unfavored? going on a tangent there but still a bit related

i think that in light of today's modern downfalls and depressions, a divine truth must be accepted, and more people should be knowing of this

in regards to the original thread, i don't think anti depressants have any place in modern society except for the physiologically ill. the mental retards which have something chemically wrong in the head. if one got their life together i could see the 60% statistic dropping down to 0.5%


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2012, 07:50:08 PM »

Absolutely Agree x10000000000.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2012, 07:53:25 PM »

Absolutely Agree x10000000000.

i believe that is true to some extent, but you can't deny that there is a divine truth which is beyond all of us, even the people who founded religion in this crazy world  ;D

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2012, 09:47:57 PM »
ow do you feel about the wealthy in this country? in the world? most of these wealthy have caused harm and suffering to others. Knowingly. They are the very people who say they believe in religion also. the corrupt politicians who have ideologies which differ from their own sayings, the wealthy business tycoons who destroy the lives and the economy, the wealthy and overpaid athlete who are womanizers and are drug abusers. surely the people in power are probably feeling successful and deep down, are most likely happy wouldn't you say? that can have whatever they want whenever they want. in a position of power, a human is naturally a happy person. in my experience everything people do in today's society is largely selfish and people will step on others to get ahead. just like in business endeavors and in love.

I m born in france. My father is german. I ve been to most european countries , i ve been in the caribean -martinique, dominique, guadeloupe-. I moved to north america, in canada.

All the people i ve seen. All the people from the whole world i see who emigrated here in canada.

You know what?

They re all the same. They all run after the same things, we re all the fucking same. Physically, psychologically. We re all from the same fucking original root. We all want the same exact things. We re all hurt by the same things, and warmed by the same things. With globalization, television, internet, satellites, free access to knowledges in most libraries in the occidental world, we re smarter than ever, or, could be smarter than ever. Most use these tools to dumb themselves down, to numb themselves from their psychological, physical suffering.

What separates us are; our upbringings, our parents, our family, the love we received, our education, our religions -atheism being a religion to me-.

I have seen peruvian third worlders who came to quebec, buy a portrait of the christ, wearing north american /occidental clothes, women had thin long hairs, skinny jeans, men were dressed as black african rappers. This example alone should tell you enough about the kind of world we now live in.

I do not think, tho, that these rich people you re talking about, who can have it all in a lifetime, are "happy". I also do not believe in the obsessive pursuit of hapiness which is typically a product of our modern atheist society. "i MUST BE HAPPY AT ALL COST". Problem; it's simply not the way it works. Psychology, psychanalysis, ancient philosophers, drugs, consumerism, compulsive buying (bodybuilding!) none of this guarantees you eternal and immediate bliss. Money doesnt, strenght doesnt, beauty doesnt.
You are happy when you re doing something good for both yourself and others. When it's not at the expense of others, of in some case if it's at the expense of others who threaten God's words , life itself.

When you say that a human in position of power is happy, you believe that hapiness= domination. Basically you re reducing us to animal status, you do not think we are "something else, something different"than animals. I didnt say better, more "evolved". We dont even know why we re different than them .
If hapiness is domination, why some people who dominate people at work but have a miserable life outside, in their broken family, are unhappy?
What is hapiness?
Why should we always be happy? What about ... this state of constant hapiness might be AFTER our life on earth, in..heaven? Most believers think this state of eternal bliss is a gift adter living a good life following God, our creator, will. Basically they think life is a giant, constant, test. And that ultimately when you die, you get what you deserve. Those who dont believe in this basic principle, think that they can do everything while alive, and as result care more about themselves than others in general, focus only on their needs and often at the expense of others. Atheists.
Muslims who copied and slightly modified the Bible which is from divine origin -Someone, something, that came from "somewhere", created us, (why? if you create something, it's because you...NEED it..) and later came back to earth, chose the best of the humans to give them responsabilities to insure the perpetuation of human  life- are wrong, so are buddhist who think we should all be lazy, "meditating" innofensive living beings, who condemn violence in all its shapes and as destroyed and replaced by chinese. Buddhism only barely survives as a trendy philosophy of life for lost male and female hippies in their 50s poping xanax daily living in the west. Is God's realm on Earth "Heaven" ? Are we slowly building Heaven on earth? Will heaven on earth happen after the final battle betweem good and evil? Havr we seen the future already? One thing is sure, we re stuck forever in this interpretation the meaning of our existences, wether we like it or not. As if we were programmed to do so, and nothing else.

The Bible says God is love, God is life, He s called the Living God  - for a reason.

Fact is you cant always be happy on earth.  To me, hapiness is found by following God's words. I apply what i understand progressively from his writings he revealed to some humans in the past, and it makes me genuinely, truly happy. It gives a meaning to what happens to me and others. It explains to me how to categorize people, how to filter everything i hear, read, see.  It is reassuring. Atheists all end in despair, and alone.

When you follow God's words, whatever happens, it makes sense. Our brain has been designed to do so. When your brain, your thoughts, come to the conclusion that everything that happens, might be absurd, nonsensical, you slowly slide into cynicism, sarcasm, despair -yet you keep looking for someone to love you and to love at the same time...-  causes and consequences are hard to distinguish from each others, and you lose all your marks. When you love someone, who hurts you, you think...what s the point of all of this? . This is where lead decades of being an atheist. Fuck them all, Me first, you only live once, and other bullshit one liners.

Degenerated, uneducated , jealous, third worlders or first world nihilistic perverts are both as dangerous for mankind as each others. This is my thought. As usual truth, balance, lies in the middle, the right path between the extremes, God's path.
God tells us to follow very precise principles, so we can live a happy life. You cant be unhappy following them. It's as simple as that. But only an infinetesimal -sp?- fraction of humans are able to understand this. It requires so many prerequesites. Genes, education, upbringings...
He tells us what to do, he left us with a guide, yet, most humans dont follow it, ignore it, or follow imitations, or think they re smart enough to create their own.
Our only freedom as humans, is to follow God's words, or ignore them.

The people you re describing in your example, are people most humans want to imitate.
Again had you read the Bible, you would have been able to connect the dots and understand that all of this has already been told, we ve already been warned. There is something way bigger than us as individuals.

All of this is absolutely normal, follows its written, predictable path.

I do not find any confort in acting bad, i do find confort in knowing that what i do - that speaks more than what i say- pleases God. I am submitted to him. Just like a woman can only be happy if she makes her man happy, a man can only be happy if he does what God wants him to do.
Still, he has the choice to do it, or not.
Let's also not forget that a child is only happy if he makes his parents happy.
Now, if kids and a woman follow a man who is a non believer, who isnt submitted to God, who doesnt fear Him, they ll be lured into despair. A woman should never ever want to please a man who doesnt follow God. And children should never want to please a Father who himself doesnt want to please God.
This is the order of things. As soon as this order of things is disrupt, everything in human society collapses.

you feel that the masses are stopping reproduction to focus on various destructive addictions (consumerism, capitalism, socialism, communism, materialism, hedonism, feminism and so on that replaced christianity in occident), but how do you feel about the way that the population is spiraling out of control? how is it that some of the most well to do people in this world who would make great parents do not end up having children? what about the millions of misguided teenage knocked up bimbo without any morals and religious beliefs? why is it that it seems like some of the worst fit to be parents end up having children, and lots of them? the poor, lower class uneducated individuals without a higher knowledge of the way the world works? you're right though i didn't read the bible as indepth as i should have
I feel that people who sin, at some point stop reproducing, or encourage their own offspring for those who have one, to stop reproducing. Basically atheists are so lost, so unhappy -while constantly consuming an enormous amount of energy to pretend they are- that they dont want to live anymore at some point, and teach that -logically- to their offsprings, who too, if they dont find God one way or another thru their own existence, will discourage their offspring to reproduce if they have one.  Whatever the way you look at it those who entirely stop to believe in God, who arent capable of being spiritual anymore, who are only "intelligent, strong, beautiful,fast ...and so on" at some point lose the will to live and disapear.
The population of earth that spiralling out of control are uneducated, faithless -or wrongly believing in false gods-. These people -black africans-  are like crickets. They will grow and grow and turn everything they touch into shit/sand. They can be evangelized. This is what some of our ancestors attempted to do. A black man, woman, can read the Bible and go away from all the negative influences coming from his , her race. Those who do really want to "evolve", and same could be said of arab or asian women who date occidentals-, cut most of their ties with their race.

Muslims wants everyone to die but themselves. They convert others by force. Even if i dont agree with the way women took control over men in western atheists societies on the verge of collapse, i also dont agree with the fact they should be reduced to cattle like muslims do.
We never talk about muslims leaving their shitholes and slowly converting to atheism living in the west, just like we never talk about muslims who abandon the false god to convert to ... christianism.
I have no problem sympathizing with anyone from any place in the world, as long as he, she, is...christian. Because it means automatically that he, she, envision the past, present, and future the same way i do. Of course there are fake christians. But there are also true ones. As a result the selection will be massive.

All the people who give life to a human being for the wrong reasons, will get what they deserve. Just like all the people who give life to a human being for the good reasons -God's reasons- will get what they deserve. This is how it works. Call it natural selection, God's will, it's the exact same thing.
Only God speaks the one and only truth, and only He inspires his creatures to do and say what is good, only He choses those who will defend life, his creation.

Of course there is no global Will managing all the events happening on earth. All humans just do there things in their corner. This is what is truly happening. No conspiracy theories needed. Perverted, lawless, corrupted assholes from all  origins and skin colors, from both sexes, from all ages, from all social classes, sin daily.  Most humans are doing bad, bad things, lacking guidance to make good use of their souls, bodies, and existences.
Quality vs quantity. We are producing massive quantities of humans of poor quality.
And we re already starting to see, that it's the survival of our specie that is at risk. There are billions of individuals wills not following any guidance but their primal instincts or the wrong guidances. All of those wills combined together form your daily life, interactions with others human beings.

Considering anything that exists is the sum of what precedes and generated it, every single human being on earth, is the sum of what his parents and all the human beings he identified with think, thought. Your own thought is a mix of all the thoughts you ve been in contact with. What filtered all these influences, attempted to structurate them is your consciousness. Your soul. A badly raised soul, a poorly educated soul, a tortured soul, an abandonned soul, will often end lost and destructive.
You cant do much about it as an individual. You cant change the world alone. Only a bunch of people thinking the same way, sharing the same principles, values, can. All that matters is what are these values, these principles.
We re all ants fighting each others until one race of ants reign on the whole planet. Some ants of different species will breed together here and there once in a while -leading most fo the time to offsprings being abandonned when parents split- but it s always, largely a small phenomenon. Most people of the same kind stick together.
As an ant, because yeah, we re animals with a soul and a consciousness which allows us to be conscious that we are animals -but also that they can rise above this condition- you cant do much alone, you can only do something with the ants of your race.
Personnaly I strongly believe all christians will reunite in north america and will have to fight a sino muslim coalition that will take control of whole eurasia, africa, australia.
Simply because you, I, will die, and those who will live in the next cenruties, milleniums, will fall for the same traps, and will repeat the sins of their fathers and grandfathers. Others will fight to live not falling for these traps, will do their best not to sin, will keep hope, faith, for Heaven, for the realm of God. Humans needs goals, to give a meaning to their life, without goals, their life makes no sense.

Life has to continue. It must continue. Strenght to defend life has to be used. It has not to be confused with violence which is the use of strenght for evil deeds.

How do you prevent people who are lost, who are hateful, jealous, frustrated,  from spawning offsprings who will be unhappier than them, and who will ruin the lives of your own offsprings?
How do you educate all those who dont want to be educated?

It is very hard. This is why recessions, depressions, and wars exist. Those who will find the Light, those who will find the truth, whatever their skin color, their social status, the amount of money on their bank account, will understand the truth and will rally with those of their kind. The truth is God's path. Everything else will disapear.

Fact is there are good, spiritual, human beings being spawned from every single social class, from any country in the world, constantly. Some will get corrupt, some wont. As the world population will increase, the chances are very high that at some point life on earth will become hell on earth, as most of these people wont be "quality" people.

Now, as a human being, in your lifetime, all you can do, daily, is to do your best to follow God's words.  That's about it. It's both reassuring and humbling. It is far from the bullshits we hear and see everyday, but that's the truth, like it or not. Question yourself why you do not like this simple truth. Most of the time that's because you come from a dysfunctionnal family, where you ve experience extremistic behaviors you re prone to subconsciously reproduce, most of the time that's because you lack discipline, and the reassuring presence of a genuinely christian father that would have taught you the boundaries of your body and mind, who would have taught you how to receive as much as you contribute without hurting anyone. There are so many things linked to the presence of a father figure in the development of a boy or a girl. It is pure destructive madness to have destroyed this following the slow process of destruction of christianism in the West. Of course a bad father isnt any better than completely lacking a father figure, again we have the proof that between the two extremes, there s a balance; a father who s here, and who believes in God, is submitted to Him, "fears" Him.

I do not think catholicism is the way God's words should be interpreted. Catholics and the importance of "hierarchy" , ie putting men between other men and God, somewhat tainted God's words in my opinion. I can understand some people misunderstood, or were misled by the catholic interpretation of God's words. I think protestants and their belief that as a human you directly discuss with God without any need for an "intermediate" are closer of the truth.
They are the ones who left europe and its contradictions, to build north america. They are the ones who, once europe has become muslim once and for all, will look at the "old europe" disapearing and will take notes from the other side of the ocean.

If God is omnipotent and unique, if he is perfect, he is One. We can deduct he might the result of an infinitely long process of selection until ultimate perfection is reached.

Whatever the way you call it, we re aware as human in 2012, well for the most educated of us, that a constant process of selection is at work.
We dont know why, how it works -even if science is in fact an attempt to understand why and how- but one thing it's sure, it's constantly happening. Things stay, things disapear. Things strenghten, things weaken. Things evolve, things devolve. Things always change, but it somewhat never changes.

At the end of the day, as a human being you re here, you think you try to understand Why, but all you can do is to tell "how". And to be honnest, only a very small fraction of mankind has this ability. Most have no idea how things work. Most dont follow anything or anyone.
At the end of the day, if you want to know WHY, all that remains are religions, and a religion that says it's the only real one.  
You can also believe that there is no "why", but believing so, you in fact believe in... nihilism, and this belief leads you to "mental illnesses", the increasing inability over time to love or be loved, to contribute, the way you ve been designed to live.

So, dont forget this. You re not God. No unlimited powers for you. You can only find hapiness doing some things that God told you to do. Everything else as He told us, leads to despair and death. Everything that is not following God's words which are Life itself, is deception, and ultimately destruction.

Madness is blind destruction. Madness is the use of strenght to cause evil. Madness is increased by ignorance. This is not madness to fight evil using strenght. But to use strenght for justice, for truth, for God, you have to be pure, you have to have cleaned yourself first, following God's words. Only once reached that point, can you defend life using force if needed, without any doubt or remorse. The only good use of force is to use it in order to create or defend life. To understand what is life, it's meaning, you have to read the Bible. This is how you make contact with God, how he grows inside your soul. Take a look at evangelization. When you re walking with God by your side, you inspire others to join you, but you should only do so in order to make them join God. Remember, you re not God himself. God is beyond your existence. He was, He is, and will always be.

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2012, 09:49:08 PM »
how do you feel race and nationality and world power fit into all of this? you feel that christianity is superior but the founding or discovery of christianity and its principles and doctrines has a geographical location by someone and somewhere. the people which are shown in the pictures which describe religion such as the last supper, etc show people which are clearly white. are you stating that whites have it all figured out? so inherently the religion is racist? and clearly that other races which follow other doctrines and religions such as chinese buddhisms are obsolete then?

Read the genesis in the Bible.

We still do not know in 2012, our origins. All we have are theories. Often biased theories. Real science still didnt prove the existence or non existence of one or several gods.
One can understand by reading the genesis how we might have been created, how we evolved without any supervision over time, and how at some point in the past God(s) came back to earth and decided to destroy some of their creatures while keeping a tiny selection of them who were evolving "the good way" alive.
I dont think whites are "better" smarter than anyone. It is obvious tho, that everyone on earth wants to be white. Asians, blacks, some arabs, etc. There is something in the white race that appeal to everyone, that everyone on earth wants to imitate.
I personnaly believe our grandgrandgrandkids will be a mix of the best of all genetical and cultural particularities mixed together found on earth.
For some reasons i think we will look like the "roswell alien".
It is obvious to me that asians living in the west progressively abandon their religions generation after generation, and either become atheists -thus getting lost- while others will or already converted to christianism.
There are many many people from the whole world who flee their countries , go to north america, and convert to christianism or develop an alrdy settled faith in God. They basically replace their past beliefs by a "superior" -let's say truer- one.

yet how would it be that the chinese are emerging as the world's number 1 superpower? where does their religion fall into that?

again... you correlate success, being a "superpower", to "hapiness". You correlate hapiness to domination. I do not believe in this. I do believe that people can be "happy" without being rich, beautiful looking, "strong", powerful and so on. As long as they follow God's words. God's guidance. Everything else is wrong.
I dont remember exactly but i think a very large part of the chinese population lives in extreme poverty. Their middle social class is growing, but we alrdy know that the richer they ll get, the higher will be the chances they ll fall for the same traps thant we westerners fell for; at some point they will lose the will to live being dumbed down, numbed by an extremistic and constant confort. They will stop reproducing, they will stop believing in communism, capitalism, will think that life makes no sense when you think about it etc and so on.

On a side note dont you find it weird those japanese people get hit by tsunamis and nuclear disasters over and over?

Who knows that will happen. And somehow, who cares? Those who have or want kids. Those who think about the future. Those who envision something. There are people who give birth to human beings not even knowing why they did spawn that offspring. They dont think about anything but themselves. Lost, egocentrical people, who end regretting having given birth to those offsprings. As a result offsprings will feel it, and will develop biolgocialy, chemically, just being in contact with their parents, a low self esteem, a poor sense of themselves and the world. Is there even a need to talk about those offsprings who will see their father leave when they re still in their mom's wombs, when they re 6 months, when they re 6 yo, 16 y/o etc?

Whatever the way you look at it, everything that doesnt follow God's words written in the Bible is evil, anti life, destructive, even if it seems innocent at first. Every single action, thought, has a consequence.

So, am i schyzophrenic? Bipolar/paranoid or whatever other bullshit has been invented by even worst "weirdos" than me , for thinking about all of this?
Of course not. We all think about this.
Like we have the choice. Some attempt not to think about it tho, by staying immature and fleeing these interogations in addictions. Again God's words prepare you to face everything, especially death.

Would it mean we re ALL bipolar paranoid schyzophrenic etc ? ...
There s one thing that is sure. There are people who think about all of this, study about it, and if they have the prerequesites to make a carrer out of it cause they had a good education, money , upbringings etc they end "doctors". Then they sit in front of you and , tell you you need to take some pills.
Cause they wont hug you, they wont love you the way your mother, father, brother, sister, was suposed to hug you in the past. They wont repair all of this. They ll tell you "be unique! you re exceptionnal! you ahve so many qualities! accept yourself the way you are! take this pill it will help!" But all of this is bullshit. It wont work. It might work for some days, weeks,  months, and then ...
Because that's not the truth.
Because you need to understand what happened, you need the real truth. You need to confront those who harmed you. You need to expose the liars. You need to face evil, even in your own family. You need to confront it. Because it is also in your flesh, your blood, your genes, your acquired behavorial patterns you unvolontary learnt from those who inspired you, you were forced to imitate subconsciously. You need to stop reproducing the bad, and you need to cultivate the good. This is where is Hapiness.
And only the Bible will teach you how to do so, and will let you know that countless generations of humans in the past did the same following the exact same thin guideline thru their existences, thru chaos, lies, destruction.
Do not, reproduce, the evil thoughts and behaviors of those who spawned you, cultivate only the good ones. To do so, follow what is written in the Bible, follow God's words.

Oh my "God" ! i just summed up in one sentence what psychanalysis, psychology and drugs fail to print in your head most of the time.

Pschanalysis and psychology can explain how we work, but they will never ever replace the only and realt truth; Love must be preserved, as it is Life itself.
Hope, love, life, hapiness... God's words. Even if your own parents do not love you, if your own brother, sister, doesnt love you -because of your parents who made this happen reproducing themselves their relationships with their own borthers/sisters, and so on- if you feel useless, if you feel inadequate, if you feel cheated, if you feel lied to, never forget that you have not been created, spawned by your parents.
God spawned those who spaned those who spawned those....etc who spawned you. Which means that we have all been spawned by God originally, that He is our only father, even when your own father abandonned you.

Your father abandonned you, because he didnt believe in God. If he actually believed in God, he wouldnt have abandonned you, and he would have taught you to submit to God just like he did, he would have taught you to fear the One who s above all of us, eternally.
We are not Gods, we are grass that is grown by Someone else. You cannot find hapiness believing you re God, because sooner or later you ll figure you arent. The best way to understand this, the soonest the better, and to be able to enjoy life to its fullest, is to have a Christian Father and Mother both submited to God, who will simply teach it to you.

All of us, we try to give a meaning to our  sufferings, psychological, psychical, spiritual sufferings.
Some come to the bad conclusions, get lost, because they follow no decent guidances -or bad ones- while thinking about all of this. They end believing in evil , in nihilism, cynicism, they seem not to be able to get all the pieces of the puzzle together. They follow liars, manipulative men or women, end being lied to again and again...

Some even use God's words to justify hurting others gratuitously. The list of infamies humans are capable of is endless.

But at the same time, they could do good instead of evil.

This is our only "freedom". Just like someone i dont remember the name said; the real freedom is to understand freedom doesnt exist, or something along those lines.

You re not limitless. Stop thinking you re God. You arent. As long as you believe you are, because your parents abandonned God's words, you ll never be happy. Genuine hapiness is found thru submission to God. Look at your parents who abandonned God; they end alone poping pills like crazy, hateful, frustrated. They should be together in harmony, preparing for death in peace.

Use a machine without reading the manual, and you wont be able to operate it correctly , in its intended use.
You cant use your brain that generates -or "receive?- your soul and body correctly if you dont have the manual, or if you ignore it and read fake manuals.

The only way to get close of who He is, of who was His son, as a human being living on earth, is to read the Bible.

A Bible costs nothing. A lot less than pills that fuck your brain up. All these pills are not even tested, they are sold cause "they work" by numbing people, which means quick $$$$. It 's always the same process. What are the the  long term effects of these pills that modify the chemistry in your brain, in your homrones and so on?

We do not even fucking know! The kind of "progress" you d be smart to stay away from. Clear, clean your soul the "natural way".

You can help someone by telling him or her you dont think he or she is "crazy", and just by listening to him or her. But, in an atheist society where everyone only cares about himself, who would do that?

The best psychologist, psychanalyst, is the one who will tell you "you dont have any problem. But it seems your parents have a lot". Also never ever forget that these people will use their own life experience AND their knowledges acuired thru their studies to "guide you". Which means that ultimately they ll tell you what They think you should do based on their own life experience which will be ...biased.

Better listen to a religious man or woman who is submited to God.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #66 on: April 10, 2012, 10:45:00 PM »
interesting points uberman

thanks for taking the time to writing all of that

allow me a while to soak it all in

you are a machine man, what a huge wall of text i just read

are you a pastor? what is your story? you seem like a very well educated but radical christian

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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2012, 11:01:44 PM »
interesting points uberman

thanks for taking the time to writing all of that

allow me a while to soak it all in

you are a machine man, what a huge wall of text i just read

are you a pastor? what is your story? you seem like a very well educated but radical christian
I am a student in psychology and theology, who comes from a dysfunctionnal family -who would have thought!-. I see a lot of psys regularly and believe me, it's just a business like any other. The goal is to keep people coming and paying you for most students. Most cure themselves of their own psychological troubles by experimentating on their "patients" - clients- or by showing off in front of students. Some are truly geniuses, in the sense that they are very spiritual while being scientifics. The oldest ones. They often look like complete bum, like inspector "columbo".
It is interesting to study what kind of stimuli -or lack of stimuli- affects the developments of the brain and a personality, basically we are reverse engeenering the way we work both physically, and mentally. The goal is obviously utlimately to create the perfect environment to grow "perfectly happy humans"... But again, it doesnt explain everything, far from it. Some things that are found can explain how, but not why.

Oh and for the story I work part time an 11bucks an hour job in a food plant, who might well be my "carreer" considering that during the world recession and then depression that is suposed to last for at least the next ten years in the best case, nobody will need more "psys" ,  people wont even have the money to pay them. See, things are very relative when you think about it. But people who lose faith and hope will always need guidance, to insure life will continue.


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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #68 on: April 11, 2012, 01:16:37 AM »
"Nothing is ever new. Something is always the sum of what precedes it, of what generated it. This is a process of constant refinement."

this is a great post by you uberman


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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #69 on: April 11, 2012, 01:21:54 AM »
I'm not reading this shit. I'm here for men in thongs, assholes.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2012, 01:35:45 AM »
All those walls of text and you still haven't learnt to spell correctly or write a fews sentence in a row using proper english, you distorted french catholic fuck.

You're just unhappy because you work a shit job to survive, relying on university grants all the while trying to figure out why your father didn't stick around to help raise you.

Have fun working for "11bucks an hour" in the food plant... hopefully, one day, you'll fall into a giant vat and turn into lard.

as pessimistic as this man is, he is far more intelligent than his situation and deserves a better job


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #71 on: April 11, 2012, 01:59:38 AM »
Pessimistic? That cunt is a nihilist in all but name, just because someone studies religious texts does not mean they are a religious person.

If you weren't such a noob, you would have seen the sadistic and absolutely inhuman words he's written here over the years, over numerous different accounts, like "the_hater" or "fecesinyourface" (nice one that last one, eh?)

making fun of dead people
taunting people with their friends' death
ridiculing people's family situation

He's right where he deserves to be working a shitty, thankless manufacturing job requiring no creativity, mercilessly bossed around by superiors. That's right.

you're right i haven't been here long, i didnt know he had multiple acc's. that is some pretty sadist things done if true. i know he always mentions fatherless sons, which i can imagine would pretty much set any guy off. but some of the things he says about society, regardless of religious references, are somewhat true

Dont start sucking eachothers cocks JUST yet!

Religion is a bunch of horseshit, simple as that. I have READ and re-read many religious books, spoken to countless religious people and a lot of them in my own family, traveled the world and seen almost ALL religions operate and my conclusion is: RELIGION sucks and even more there is NO proof for a higher being of any kind. ZERO proof.

Show me the kwan and I will consider it like all proof. Until then there is no proof of any kind.

i am still skeptical on religion. but i think that quote was great because it describes bodybuilding endeavors. nothing is ever new in bodybuilding. it is a culmination of hard work, pain, suffering, getting scammed at least once, using gear for long periods of time, to develop one's body to something impressive.


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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #72 on: April 11, 2012, 02:24:57 AM »
Bro, with respect, if you want arguments contra religion read "Why I am not a Christian", by Bertrand Russell, one of the most acclaimed philosophers/mathematicians/humanists of the modern age.

It tramples over the cheap, pseudo-philosophical, relentlessly contradictory, obviously biased, amateurishly articulated drivel of distorted brain freaks like "uberman" who hide behind the internet having no courage to put their name behind their convictions.

i will definitely look into that sometime broseph, thank you


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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #73 on: April 11, 2012, 03:40:48 AM »
Dont start sucking eachothers cocks JUST yet!

Religion is a bunch of horseshit, simple as that. I have READ and re-read many religious books, spoken to countless religious people and a lot of them in my own family, traveled the world and seen almost ALL religions operate and my conclusion is: RELIGION sucks and even more there is NO proof for a higher being of any kind. ZERO proof.

Show me the kwan and I will consider it like all proof. Until then there is no proof of any kind.

Your lust for the penis is somewhat deitistic, is it not?

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Re: Anti Depressants
« Reply #74 on: April 11, 2012, 03:42:05 AM »
Your lust for the penis is somewhat deitistic, is it not?