Author Topic: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !  (Read 21711 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #50 on: June 01, 2012, 02:30:26 PM »
isn't it funny that the zimmerman story will bury this jobs report?  ;)

Almost as if it is on cue lol...

(power of the incumbency...)


You can believe that all you like. 

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #51 on: June 01, 2012, 02:31:32 PM »

You can believe that all you like.  

Let's see, Monday morning, what they're talking about -

I believe right wing pundits will immediately drop the talk of the jobs report and revert to the inflammatory racial talk about the zimmerman arrest, etc.  

They finally have obama with *only 69,000 jobs added last month, and THIS is what they'll be talking about - watch and see.

9 am Beck, 12 pm rush, 3 pm hannity, 6 pm levin - What do you think they're starting the show with?  ;)
Oh and fox news?  Forget about it lol, all we'll see is thuggish trayvon pics again.  Watch and see!


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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #52 on: June 01, 2012, 02:34:47 PM »

You can believe that all you like.  

Hahha, how fucking stupid is this clown that he thinks the Zimmerman story will bury this?

Can an Obama drone get any more fucking pathetic? He makes StrawDouche and co. look good by comparison. Just a truly stupid individual.

By the way, it was front page news all fucking day so the damage is already done. WSJ, Bloomberg, NY Times, WaPo. Every major news organization has had it blasting all day long. Do you think anyone is going to care about George Zimmerman getting put in jail on a Friday night?

What this boils down to is you're trying to justify it to make yourself feel better. Pathetic piece of shit.

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2012, 02:40:06 PM »
+69,000 jobs is a disaster.

What is a loss of 69,000 jobs?  Is there a word for that?  Tragedy?

What's a loss of 200,000 jobs?   I need a stronger word.

Point is, only 69k+ jobs is pretty crappy, but "DISASTER"?   A tad dramatic, no?  Cause when we lost 524,000 jobs in Dec 2008 under Bush - what word describes that?



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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #54 on: June 01, 2012, 02:51:58 PM »
Looks like it already happened.   ZImmerman is a bail violation on a criminal case in FLorida.  Obama's numbers are the national economic situation.

What would fox news do/?   Bury the economic story to appease the bloodthirsty viewers. 

Ever WORSE is that (same time, 5:50 pm est) is putting zimmerman story 2nd, and focusing upon the economy.

Fox throwing the race-baiting zimmerman story - MSNBC focusing on economy.  ironic?  lol

Soul Crusher

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #55 on: June 01, 2012, 03:00:37 PM »
I still want to kick myself for once thinking you wre a credible poster. 

Every single radio station is leading w the jobs report, DURING DRIVE TIME!

Looks like it already happened.   ZImmerman is a bail violation on a criminal case in FLorida.  Obama's numbers are the national economic situation.

What would fox news do/?   Bury the economic story to appease the bloodthirsty viewers. 

Ever WORSE is that (same time, 5:50 pm est) is putting zimmerman story 2nd, and focusing upon the economy.

Fox throwing the race-baiting zimmerman story - MSNBC focusing on economy.  ironic?  lol

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #56 on: June 01, 2012, 03:48:27 PM »
Stephen Harper is a business man and economist who became Prime Minister of Canada. His center right economic policies led to 58,200 jobs in Canada over the last reporting period. Adjusted for the US's 9.97X larger population that would be equal to 580,200 jobs here. Last month dweeb economics created 69,000 US jobs. Center right economics opposed to a sort of soft fascist regulatory mess, and direct stimulus. Which is working? Canada recovered every job lost due to the crash of 2008 20 months ago. Since January 2009, adjusted for our larger population Canada created 11.950,000 jobs. This in addition to a growing size of workforce in Canada opposed to a shrinking one here. Why do I mention this?

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #57 on: June 02, 2012, 05:14:16 AM »
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A Grim Jobs Report for America ^ | June 2, 2012 | Larry Kudlow
Posted on June 2, 2012 7:41:04 AM EDT by Kaslin

You would think $1 trillion in spending stimulus and $2.5 trillion of Fed pump-priming would produce an economy a whole lot stronger than 1.9 percent GDP, which was the revised first-quarter number. And you’d think all that government spending would deliver a whole lot more jobs than 69,000 in May.

But it hasn’t happened.

The Keynesian government-spending model has proven a complete failure. It’s the Obama model. And it has produced such an anemic recovery that frankly, at 2 percent growth, we’re back on the front end of a potential recession. If anything goes wrong -- like another blow-up in Europe -- there’s no safety margin to stop a new recession.

And that brings us to the grim May employment report, which generated only 69,000 nonfarm payrolls. It’s the third consecutive subpar tally, replete with downward revisions for the two prior months. It’s a devastating number for the American economy, and a catastrophic number for Obama’s reelection hopes. All momentum on jobs and the economy has evaporated.

Inside the May report, the data is just as bad. The unemployment rate rose slightly from 8.1 to 8.2 percent. The so called U6 unemployment rate, tracking the marginally employed or completely discouraged, increased to 14.8 percent from 14.5 percent. And labor earnings are barely rising at 1.7 percent over the past year, almost in line with the inflation rate. In fact, through April, after-tax, after-inflation income is scarcely rising at 0.6 percent for the past year.

The private workweek also fell in May. So did the manufacturing workweek and aggregate hours worked for all employees. The small-business household survey did rise, but that follows declines in the prior two months.

Barack Obama doesn’t get this, but businesses create jobs. And firms have to be profitable in order to hire. Yet the president is on the campaign trail criticizing Mitt Romney by degrading the importance of profits. Huh?

Without profits businesses can’t expand. And if they don’t expand, they can’t hire. And if they don’t have profitable rates of return, they’re not going to attract new capital for investment.

Which brings us to a couple of important reasons for the virtual freeze in hiring.

First there’s the fiscal tax cliff. If all the Bush tax rates go up, incentives will go down and liquidity will leave the system. You can’t pick up a newspaper these days and not find a story about how the fiscal cliff is elevating uncertainty and slowing U.S. growth. House Speaker John Boehner asked Obama for help in extending the Bush tax cuts this summer. But Obama said no. Instead, he wants to raise marginal tax rates on successful upper-income earners, capital gains, dividends, estates, and many successful corporations.

Where’s the corporate tax reform that would lower rates and broaden the base and end the double-taxation of the overseas profits of American companies? A business tax cut would help enormously, but it’s nowhere in sight. Neither is the Keystone Pipeline, which is a surefire job-creator. Obama is too busy trashing Bain Capital profits and Romney’s business career, both of which, by the way, have recently been praised by former president Bill Clinton. (It was Clinton, you might recall, who lowered investment taxes and presided over an economic boom.)

A second uncertainty facing businesses is the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare due in a few weeks. If all those crazy tax-and-regulation mandates are deemed unconstitutional, it’s Katy bar the door as businesses put profits to work and hire. But they’re not going to move until they see that court decision.

Then there’s the whole European mess with the threat of banking contagion from Spain, Greece, and Italy. That could blow up the whole world economy if it goes completely sour. The Europeans should guarantee all bank deposits, interbank loans, and bank debt until this story is straightened out. But they’re not. So the problem festers.

And now European companies are withdrawing money from local banks and investing in dollars (especially through Treasury bonds that are yielding an incredibly low 1.5 percent). But the rapid rise of King Dollar is generating commodity deflation, which is a deterrent to manufacturing production. According to the May ISM report, manufacturing is slowing.

The Fed may yet launch a new quantitative easing to stop commodity deflation and accommodate the gigantic worldwide dollar demand. But the merits of this move are dubious. On the other hand, an extension of the Bush tax cuts right now would stop the economic and job slide and reestablish certainty.

In fact, all the countries around the world should move to the supply side with lower tax rates to spur economic-growth incentives. Europe, China, and Latin America ought to go back and read Ronald Reagan’s speeches and examine his actions when he faced a similar crisis 30 years ago. It would be an hour or two well spent.

Obama 180 Benny option FAIL blackass straw Vince gaybear lurker  = TOTAL FAIL.

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #58 on: June 02, 2012, 07:03:35 AM »
Obama Is Simply Overmatched by Events
Peter Wehner | @Peter_Wehner 06.01.2012 - 4:20 PM

It’s difficult to overstate just how depressing May’s job report is – and how much damage it will inflict on President Obama’s chances for re-election.
It’s not simply that the unemployment rate rose from 8.1 percent to 8.2 percent, or that it’s remained above 8 percent for 40 consecutive months, or that in May we gained less than 70,000 new jobs. Nor is it simply the fact that in May the number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks and over) increased from 5.1 million to 5.4 million. Or that the average work week fell to 34.4 hours. Or that, as John points out,  March and April’s jobs reports were revised downward. Or that in May, stocks suffered through their worst month in two years.
All of this matters quite a lot, of course. But what’s particularly injurious to the president’s re-election prospects is that May was the worst economic month in what is turning out to be a very bad economic year. The trajectory of events is down, not up. The economy is slowing down. Consumer confidence is dropping. Virtually every economic indicator is getting worse, not better.
This would be very troubling news for any incumbent president – but for one who has virtually no achievements he can point to with pride, it is triply damaging. Whatever fault one wants to ascribe to Obama’s predecessor, and whatever excuses the president can dream up, what is now beyond any reasonable dispute is that Obama has no clue how to fix things. That is not a political judgment; it’s an empirical one.

Barack Obama may be well-intentioned. He may be a fine father. He may have an excellent jump shot. And he may be a first-rate community organizer. But as president, he is simply — and by now almost undeniably — overmatched by events. By Obama’s own standards – by what he said and by what he promised — he is a failure.
For Obama, that is a politically lethal conclusion for a majority of the American people to come to. They were well on their way to arriving at this conclusion before today. They’re now further along than they were. And soon, very soon, there will be no way to undo it.


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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #59 on: June 02, 2012, 08:59:35 AM »
I have a question, if a public firm kept lying to prop up their numbers and then later the numbers didn't jive, what would happen?  How many times can you cry wolf?


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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #60 on: June 02, 2012, 01:54:10 PM »
I have a question, if a public firm kept lying to prop up their numbers and then later the numbers didn't jive, what would happen?  How many times can you cry wolf?

It's already happened plenty of times. Usually, the numbers are falsified just long enough for certain people to get their money and run etc. The company is found out and then goes bankrupt or whatever.

There is only so much bending, twisting and shifting you can do on a balance sheet before you run out of time and room to maneuver.

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #61 on: June 03, 2012, 08:18:29 AM »
Crickets from tk.

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #62 on: June 03, 2012, 03:03:05 PM »
Friday's US Jobs Report Is So Stunningly Bad It's A Danger To The Global Economy
Business Insider ^ | Jun. 3, 2012 | AP Writers
Posted on June 3, 2012 1:37:55 PM EDT by Son House

Alan Krueger, head of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, pointed out that the country has added jobs for 27 months in a row, including 4.3 million jobs in the private sector. The economy still has a few bright spots. Americans bought cars and trucks a strong pace last month, giving automakers their best May since 2008.

Underscoring the challenge for Obama with five months to go in the campaign, a May poll by The Associated Press and GfK, a research company, showed that 52 percent disapproved of Obama's handling of the economy while 46 percent approved.

Some financial analysts said that the dismal job figures put pressure on the Federal Reserve to take additional steps to help the economy, but it was not clear how much good the Fed could do beyond trying to inspire confidence.

The central bank has already kept the short-term interest rate it controls at a record low of almost zero since the fall of 2008, during the financial crisis, and pledged to keep it there through late 2014.

It has undertaken two rounds of massive purchases of government bonds, starting in March 2009 and November 2010, to help drive long-term interest rates down and stimulate stock prices. Another program to lower long-term interest rates, known as Operation Twist, was announced last September and ends in June.

But low interest rates, other analysts pointed out, are not the problem. An investor stampede into bonds on Friday drove the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note as low as 1.44 percent, the lowest on record.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies next week before a joint committee of Congress, and the Fed next meets June 19 and 20.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #63 on: June 03, 2012, 03:42:50 PM »
Another month, another bad jobs report. For the month of May, the U.S. economy only added 69,000 jobs and the unemployment rate rose to 8.2%. Many are calling this a total "disaster" and are worried that the U.S. economy could be headed back into another recession. Economists had been expecting 150,000 payroll jobs would be added, so the 69,000 number really shocked a lot of people. The truth is that the economy needs to add approximately 125,000 new jobs every single month just to keep the unemployment rate steady. So yes, this bad jobs report is not welcome news at all - especially for the Obama administration. When Barack Obama first took office the unemployment rate was sitting at 7.6 percent and now it is sitting at 8.2 percent. Some "recovery", eh? But the reality is that this jobs report was really not that "devastating" even though the stock market had its worst day of the year. Unemployment in America is still about at the same level as it was back at the beginning of 2012. The tough stretch that we are going through right now is only a very small taste of the economic nightmare that is on the horizon. If you think that things are a "disaster" right now, just wait until you see what is coming.

At the moment, 53 percent of all Americans with a bachelor's degree under the age of 25 are either unemployed or underemployed, and there are more than 100 million working age Americans that do not currently have jobs.

But this is only just the beginning.

During the next major economic downturn, the unemployment rate in the United States is going to soar well up into the double digits.

Many Americans will look back on 2010, 2011 and 2012 as "the good old days".

Right now, there are only small pockets of the country that are total economic hellholes.

For example, Yuma, Arizona has an unemployment rate of 26 percent, and El Centro, California has an unemployment rate of 26.2 percent.

In the future, those kinds of numbers are going to become the norm all over the nation.

Sadly, most Americans have no idea what is coming.

Today, I wanted to share with you all a couple of chilling economic forecasts that I have been made aware of recently.

The first is from Raoul Pal. According to Zero Hedge, Raoul Pal "previously co-managed the GLG Global Macro Fund in London for GLG Partners, one of the largest hedge fund groups in the world. Raoul came to GLG from Goldman Sachs where he co-managed the hedge fund sales business in Equities and Equity Derivatives in Europe... Raoul Pal retired from managing client money in 2004 at the age of 36 and now lives on the Valencian coast of Spain, from where he writes."

The following is from a Zero Hedge summary of a recent presentation by Raoul Pal....

We don’t know exactly what is to come, but we can all join the very few dots from where we are now, to the collapse of the first major bank…
With very limited room for government bailouts, we can very easily join the next dots from the first bank closure to the collapse of the whole European banking system, and then to the bankruptcy of the governments themselves.
There are almost no brakes in the system to stop this, and almost no one realises the seriousness of the situation.
The problem is not Government debt per se. The real problem is that the $70 trillion in G10 debt is the collateral for $700 trillion in derivatives…
Yes, that equates to 1200% of Global GDP and it rests on very, very weak foundations
From an EU crisis, we only have to join one dot for a UK crisis of equal magnitude.
And then do you think Japan and China would not be next?
And then do you think the US would survive unscathed?
That is the end of the fractional reserve banking system and of fiat money.
It is the big RESET.
It continues:

Bonds will be stuck at 1% in the US, Germany, UK and Japan (for this phase).
The whole bond market will be dead.
Short selling on bonds - banned
Short selling stocks – banned
CDS – banned
Short futures – banned
Put options – banned
All that is left is the Dollar and Gold
It only gets better. We use the term loosely:

We have around 6 months left of trading in Western markets to protect ourselves or make enough money to offset future losses.
Spend your time looking at the risks of custody, safekeeping, counterparty etc. Assume that no one and nothing is safe.
After that…we put on our tin helmets and hide until the new system emerges
So how soon does Raoul Pal think all of this is going to happen?....

From a timing perspective, I think 2012 and 2013 will usher in the end.

You can find his entire presentation entitled "The End Game" right here.

What Raoul Pal is saying lines up very well with what Steve Quayle's anonymous international banking source is telling him....

There is no stopping this...We are still on track as I have been predicting for a while now for a fall/winter collapse of the Eurozone and naked exposure of all derivative markets the world over. Europeans will go through a major reset, after time they will recover as Europeans do not carry the type of personal debt that Americans do. It is for America that I worry. Look for these signs next:

1- JPM will be bailed out again but it will not stop the coming market crash. More details will emerge about their derivative swap failure $150 billion and counting.

2-BOA (BAC Bank of America) will fold and be absorbed into JPM as a way to prop up the bleeding Giant. JPM will get the best picking of this deal just like they got with Bear Stearns.

3- Massive layoffs at Citigroup and Wells Fargo

4- Goldman Sachs finally pays the piper, look for massive cuts there as well as BIG Losses

5- Bond market bust which leads to freeze of all bond sales

6- Derivative bust the next one will be BOA followed by Citigroup

7- All CDS shorts and swaps will freeze.

8- Total Meltdown

You can read the rest of what that source is saying right here.

As I have been saying all along, there are two keys that you need to be watching right now....

#1 Europe

#2 Derivatives

Sadly, the articles that I write about Europe tend to get far less of a response than my other articles get. Most Americans simply do not understand that what is happening in Europe right now is going to significantly affect their daily lives.

And most Americans have very little understanding of derivatives. But as you just read, there are some in the financial community that are warning that we could see the derivatives bubble burst very soon.

Time is running out. This period of relative stability that we are currently experiencing will not last forever.

You better get ready.

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Re: Jobs report DISASTER - 69,000 jobs - SUMMER OF RECOVERY !
« Reply #64 on: June 05, 2012, 07:11:37 AM »
Friday's Unemployment Report Didn't Sink the Markets (Here's the real reason...)
 RCM ^ | 06/05/2012 | John Tamney

Posted on Tuesday, June 05, 2012 8:49:46 AM by SeekAndFind

Saturday's Wall Street Journal had a very predictable above-the-fold headline: "Grim Job Report Sinks Markets." Sadly, for the world's leading business publication, and for the myriad other media outlets that led with something similar, the headline was utter nonsense.

That's the case given the simple truth that markets never price in the present, rather they always price in the future. What spooked the markets on Friday was not a jobs report that pointed to sluggish economic activity in the present, but a weak jobs report that will author policy responses that will make things worse in the future.

Indeed, imagine if in response to Friday's number President Obama held a press conference to say that with the economy struggling he would seek to make permanent the '03 tax cuts, slash federal spending to free up capital for entrepreneurs, open the borders to foreign products and immigrants, cease any and all new regulations while putting all existing ones under review, and then to top it off, he announced jointly with Treasury a plan to strengthen and stabilize the value of the dollar? If so, readers can rest assured that stock markets would have soared; limp job creation totally irrelevant to a bright future made bright by a suddenly chastened President pushing to remove federal barriers to economic growth.

Of course that's not what happened on Friday, and markets tanked not because of some Keynesian measure of employment, but instead fell because all indicators point to worse policy down the line. Stock markets discount what's ahead, and what's ahead isn't very appealing to investors.

First up, and very clear to those with a pulse, is that the jobless number points to the Federal Reserve pursuing yet another round of "quantitative easing." On its own this is anti-growth because measures meant to keep rates low protect those who commit capital to the dead money sector that is housing, and if not housing, QE protects those who invest in the total capital destruction that is government spending. Economies going backwards tend to repel investors, and with QE a screaming tautology that the Fed will be supporting yesterday's economic mania combined with economy-sapping government waste, investors on Friday were in a sour mood.

Second, and this was made most evident by a spike in the price of gold, quantitative easing has long correlated with dollar devaluation. To put it very simply, a Bernanke Fed that's meddled its way to the slowest recovery since the Great Depression will have a new excuse to make things worse; its interventions fully supported by an Obama administration that believes like the Bush administration before it that a weak dollar is the path to prosperity. Notable here is that investors weren't asked about how policies of dollar debasement impact their capital commitments, but since all investment is by definition a purchase of future dollar income streams, policies aimed at devaluing those income streams logically turned off investors.

Of course if the markets had soared on Friday absent any pro-growth statements from President Obama, those in our midst who tilt Republican would have said the rally was a function of investors pricing in a Mitt Romney victory come November. No doubt the jobless report boosts Romney's election chances, so why the sagging stock markets?

The answer to the above is pretty basic, and it's bad news for Republicans oddly optimistic that the supposed party of growth has finally learned its lesson. Investors don't think so, and the reason they don't has to do with Romney - though a great businessman - not having much more of a clue than Obama about pro-growth economic policy.