Author Topic: BREAKING: Obama asserts Executive Priviledge over Fast n Furious documents.  (Read 6948 times)

Soul Crusher

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Obama grants Holder request on 'Furious' documents as contempt vote looms
Published June 20, 2012


President Obama has granted an 11th-hour request by Eric Holder to exert executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents, a last-minute maneuver that appears unlikely to head off a contempt vote against the attorney general by Republicans in the House.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is expected to forge ahead with its meeting on the contempt resolution anyway.
House Republicans appear to be charging ahead with a high-drama contempt vote against Eric Holder, after GOP Rep. Darrell Issa said the attorney generally failed to produce the documents he requested for the probe into the Justice Department's botched Fast and Furious operation.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is scheduled to meet at 10 a.m. ET on Wednesday. Barring a last-minute document dump from Holder, lawmakers are poised to vote on a contempt resolution following debate this morning.
If the vote proceeds, Republicans have more than enough votes on committee to pass the resolution. However, Holder would not be considered to be held in contempt of Congress unless and until the full House approves the measure.
Issa and Holder have been going back and forth since last week over Issa's request for documents. Issa, R-Calif., indicated a willingness to postpone the vote after Holder indicated a willingness to make compromises and supply some documents in response to House Republicans' subpoena.
But Issa told reporters after a roughly 20-minute meeting with Holder Tuesday that the attorney general instead briefed them on the documents in lieu of delivering them.
Issa told Fox News that Holder didn't provide "anything in writing," and said the family of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry wants the documents as much as he does.
"We want the documents. Brian Terry's family would like the documents that are responsive to how in fact their son was gunned down with weapons that came from lawful dealers but at the ... behest of the Justice Department," Issa told Fox News.
Weapons from the Fast and Furious anti-gunrunning operation were found at Terry's murder scene.
Issa suggested earlier Tuesday that the vote could still be up in the air.
"The deadline will always move to the last minute," said Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. "We're not looking to hold people responsible. We're looking for document production."
The failed Fast and Furious operation attempted selling thousands of guns to arms dealers along the U.S.-Mexico border to trace them to leaders of drug cartels. However, many of them showed up in crime scenes.
Congressional investigators have been trying to determine if and when high-level Justice officials knew about problems with the operation.
Holder said Issa rejected what he thought was "an extraordinary offer."
"We offered the documents that we thought would resolve the subpoenas," he said. "The ball is in their court."
The contempt vote in the oversight committee will likely pass considering Republicans outnumber Democrats 22 to 16.
GOP House leadership has given Issa the green light to proceed how he sees fit, sources told Fox News, which suggests the vote would reach the House floor.
Holder called for the Capitol Hill meeting late Monday in a possible attempt to make a deal with Issa and avoid the contempt vote.
Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House oversight panel, said he after the meeting he is confident that Justice officials are not attempting a cover-up by withholding documents.
Holder's letter stated the Justice Department "has offered a serious, good faith proposal to bring this matter to an amicable resolution in the form of a briefing based on documents that the committee could retain."
Issa had demanded to see a trove of documents on the controversial Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation. He also wants to know who prepared a now-retracted letter from Feb. 4, 2011, in which the department claimed the U.S. did not knowingly help smuggle guns to Mexico, including those found where Terry was killed.
Issa wrote back to Holder later Monday requesting he deliver roughly 1,300 documents pertaining to the Feb. 4 letter.
The letter also stated Holder needed to deliver a description of all the documents he will not produce. Issa said the log is "essential for the committee to determine whether the department has substantially met its obligations" -- a statement he repeated Tuesday after the meeting.
Fox News' William LaJeunesse and Chad Pergram contributed to this report.

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If he didn't authorize Fast n Furious, why is Holder refusing to provide ALL documents?

This is obviously a cover up and who knows if it's being done not only to protect Holder, but to protect  the incompetent-in-chief.

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If he didn't authorize Fast n Furious, why is Holder refusing to provide ALL documents?

This is obviously a cover up and who knows if it's being done not only to protect Holder, but to protect  the incompetent-in-chief.

He did authorize it. 


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Judge Napolitano says that this is not an appropriate venue for "Executive Privilege" as it is intended solely to cover communications directly to and from the President and only on subjects of national security and defense.

Republicans are proceeding with Contempt of Congress charges.


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Contempt proceedings live now C-SPAN 3

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What did Obama know and when did he know it? 

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libs melting down all over the place. 



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“The assertion of executive privilege raises monumental questions,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee who first began the Fast and Furious investigation.

“How can the president assert executive privilege if there was no White House involvement? How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen? Is something very big being hidden to go to this extreme? The contempt citation is an important procedural mechanism in our system of checks and balances,” he said.

Soul Crusher

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Obama just admitted he lied about fast and furious by asserting Executive Privliege.



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Look at those Democrats.

"This happened in prior administrations."  "I feel offended that you have called the attorney general a liar."

What the heck? Still blaming others. Still trying to deflect attention from the issue.  If a person lies that makes him or her a liar. What does their position have to do with anything?

Soul Crusher

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Look at those Democrats.

"This happened in prior administrations."  "I feel offended that you have called the attorney general a liar."

What the heck? Still blaming others. Still trying to deflect attention from the issue.  If a person lies that makes him or her a liar. What does their position have to do with anything?

Elijah Cummings and the rest of the black con artists in the congress covering up for Holder are disgrace.   


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That committee has been at it for over 8 months, yet the democratic members want to wait longer. They want to hamper the process. What about the truth? What about giving some type of closure to the Terry family?

Soul Crusher

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That committee has been at it for over 8 months, yet the democratic members want to wait longer. They want to hamper the process. What about the truth? What about giving some type of closure to the Terry family?

300 dead plus mexicans, 1500 guns still on the streets, etc.

And yet - the race over all else types still defend obama and holder 


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That committee has been at it for over 8 months, yet the democratic members want to wait longer. They want to hamper the process. What about the truth? What about giving some type of closure to the Terry family?

So much for Obamnesty, dominating the headlines.

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So much for Obamnesty, dominating the headlines.

And up next - Obamacare going down. 


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A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said Obama’s move “implies that White House officials were either involved in the ‘Fast and Furious’ operation or the cover-up that followed.,0,6646341.story

Soul Crusher

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A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said Obama’s move “implies that White House officials were either involved in the ‘Fast and Furious’ operation or the cover-up that followed.,0,6646341.story

I told you guys - bama is going to be forced to step aside for hillary.  its coming.   

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Now I know why Mark Levine calls Obama "Milhous". Only he makes Nixon look like a Saint.

Soul Crusher

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Now I know why Mark Levine calls Obama "Milhous". Only he makes Nixon look like a Saint.

Obama's chickens . . . . . . . . . . .are coming home . . . . . . . . to rrrroooossssstttttt!!!!!!!


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And up next - Obamacare going down.  

Well, these folks seem to think so.

Insider poll: Legal experts now expect Supreme Court to strike down individual mandate

The Supreme Court will soon announce its ruling on the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health care law passed in 2010, and for many legal observers who have worked in the court and argued cases before the justices, the federal government's defense of the measure in March did not inspire confidence.

A new insider survey of 58 legal experts conducted after the oral arguments concluded found that most predict that the court will strike down the so-called individual mandate, a central provision within the law requiring that every American purchase a government-approved form of health insurance. The same expert survey was conducted before the hearings began, which found the opposite: Most thought the law would be upheld.

The survey was paid for the American Action Forum, a right-leaning organization and Center Forward, a centrist group, both based in Washington, D.C. It was conducted by Purple Insights, a bipartisan consulting firm. The pollsters received input from former clerks who have worked for justices on both sides of the ideological spectrum: Eleven clerked for traditionally liberal Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, 18 clerked for justices on the right, Samuel Alito, John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, and Clarance Thomas and nine worked for Anthony Kennedy.

Using a scale from 0 to 100, the pollsters asked the 38 former clerks of current Supreme Court justices and 18 attorneys who have argued before the court to rate the probability that the individual mandate provision would be declared unconstitutional.  The insiders provided an average rating of 57 percent, a significant jump from the pre-hearing survey, when the average was just 35 percent.

"This is a fascinating snapshot of how true experts believe the Supreme Court will act on the future of American healthcare," said American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who served as Director of the Congressional Budget Office under President George W. Bush. "Experts believe the oral arguments revealed significant insights into the court's thinking."

The notion that the entire law would be struck down if the individual mandate is declared unconstitutional received an average rating of 31 percent in the new poll, an increase of four percentage points from the pre-hearing survey. The average prediction that the law would remain even if the individual mandate is removed dropped to 21 percent from 36 percent in the new survey.

"I feel like a dope," one of the experts said in the comments section of the survey, "because I was one f those who predicted that the court would uphold the statute by a lopsided majority--maybe even 8-1. Although you never know, it now appears pretty likely that this prediction was way off."

After observing the justices during the health care hearings, seven out of ten of the experts said they felt the line of questioning "indicated that they were more skeptical about the law's constitutionality" than they expected. No one who participated in the survey said they thought the justices appeared "less skeptical" than they anticipated.

Although none of those polled have precise knowledge of how the justices will rule on the provisions related to the health care law, their predictions--especially given the significant drop on confidence after watching the oral arguments--could foreshadow the fate of the law.

At the latest, the justices will announce their decisions on the health care law on June 28, although it could come earlier.


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“Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency”

Soul Crusher

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Obama , hillary, and holder were all in on this.