Author Topic: proper cycling advice  (Read 1903 times)


  • Getbig II
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proper cycling advice
« on: June 20, 2012, 10:37:40 PM »
i plan on competing soon and cycling test prop, winstrol, and clen for 10 weeks. i've always been a believer in only using for pre-contest purposes, but thanks to this board and further research, i've decided to use regularly. my question is:
after my pre-contest cycle, should i follow a pct plan even if i plan on getting back on cycle with something like test e soon after? how long should i wait after my pre-contest cycle to start using regularly? for example, if i use for 10 weeks pre-contest, and take a 3 month break, i should be following a pct plan with clomid or nolvadex? or, if i plan on getting back on cycle with something like test e and d-bol or decca sooner than 3 months after, is pct necessary? what is a better and safer idea? also, for those that use consistently throughout the year, do you use pct or just take a few weeks off and then start again?
i think i have a pretty good idea of what to use, how to use it, and the positive and negative effects that go along with, but i am confused with proper cycling. i am afraid of the diminished natural test resulting from steroid use, and although i know that cannot be avoided, i would like to remain as healthy as possible. as a newbie to this board, and only using once before for pre-contest and then getting off completely, i don't know how to use regularly. please help.


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Re: proper cycling advice
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 03:28:36 AM »
I do not use all year but I know guys who use all year and they still use HCG here and there as well as on cycle anchieries. If you are making a decision to pretty much cycle all year,  or close to it no matter what your natural test is going to go to shit.Id say 90% of pro- Bodybuilders use all year. at least HGH most use gear as well . some just take 2 months off. Like I said no matter what your natural Test is going to go to shit. That is why I started just using one cycle a year and only for 8-10 weeks. I do use HGH all year. Even bridging or cruising will fuck up your HPTA. even if you just cruise with anavar. Alot of retired bodybuilders all are using HRT. Most all of them are still using injectabe testosterone prescribed to them due to having super low Testosterone levels. I think That is why I like using just HGH almost all year and just doing one 8-10 week cycle. The cycles I have run the last few years have all been fast acting drugs. mainly prop , small amounts of tren, Masteron and halotsetin once I get to a low enough BF%.This USA HGH is really making me hold alot of water.

 This is the first year I tried running HGH all year around due to finding a USA connection for just one kit a month. I am still using 4 IU's a day but my diet has been a bulking diet. I have never gained so much weight or overall thickness! My bodyfat jumped from 8% to 16% that is the shitty part but I cuased the BF% gain due to all the food I ate. alot of peanut butter really make me gain weight. After this cycle I started I will get down to 190lbs ripped and stay there using HGH but with a better diet.

Right now I am on 4IU's of Eli Lilly's Humatrope , 100mg of Test prop a day and 300mg of Trenbolone A a day. Once I get lean enough I am adding in some halotestin and Masteron along with some on-cycle anchileries.


  • Getbig II
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Re: proper cycling advice
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 05:03:42 AM »
whitewidow, i'm also concerned about water retention and would like to have on hand either arimidex or you know any online dealers that sell these? thanks.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: proper cycling advice
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2012, 11:35:43 AM »
My opinion is based on nothing scientific, but i do think that cycle on and off while using pct drugs constantly gonna do more harm than good.


  • Getbig II
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Re: proper cycling advice
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2012, 11:49:05 AM »
My opinion is based on nothing scientific, but i do think that cycle on and off while using pct drugs constantly gonna do more harm than good.

im beginning to think the same thing but thanks for the advice man. im definitely thinking that cycling on and off pointless, and that using some form of test for a couple months in between cycles will be my best bet. btw, thanks for the compliment.


  • Getbig V
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Re: proper cycling advice
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2012, 01:36:39 PM »
My opinion is based on nothing scientific, but i do think that cycle on and off while using pct drugs constantly gonna do more harm than good.

I'm starting to think this as well.

Might as well blast and cruise, then when you decide to stop just get on TRT.

I took 4 years off AAS after being on/off for a very long time and my health was perfect, but that is another story. When i used to come off for 6-8 weeks it really didn't do much for me health wise and i think it set me back from a muscle building point of view.

Just my .02


Marlo Stanfield

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Re: proper cycling advice
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2012, 03:10:41 PM »
I'm starting to think this as well.

Might as well blast and cruise, then when you decide to stop just get on TRT.

I took 4 years off AAS after being on/off for a very long time and my health was perfect, but that is another story. When i used to come off for 6-8 weeks it really didn't do much for me health wise and i think it set me back from a muscle building point of view.

Just my .02


to me, those BBers whom cycle all year around and only take 8-10 weeks off to let their bodies get back to "normal" is just insane... thats like a guy eating like shit every day of the month, and only dieting 2 days a month... its not gonna do anything for you

if you mega-dose or mix alot of compounds, then your new definition of "OFF" becomes/should become "TRT DOSEAGES"

unless you really take like 5-6 months off, your body wont do much "rehab" in your off time


  • Getbig IV
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Re: proper cycling advice
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2012, 12:44:39 AM »
I'm starting to think this as well.

Might as well blast and cruise, then when you decide to stop just get on TRT.

I took 4 years off AAS after being on/off for a very long time and my health was perfect, but that is another story. When i used to come off for 6-8 weeks it really didn't do much for me health wise and i think it set me back from a muscle building point of view.

Just my .02

When you came off did you run some sort of pct?


  • Getbig V
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Re: proper cycling advice
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2012, 07:20:15 AM »
When you came off did you run some sort of pct?

I used HCG the last 6 weeks of my cycle, which at that point i had tapered down to 250mg Test E EW. Then i took 50mg Clomid ED for 4 weeks.

I had been on a lot of gear for almost 4 years when i decided to come off and i felt like crap for a few months, but after 8 months off AAS my natural test kicked back in and i felt fine. All of my health values were perfect after 1 year of being clean.
