Author Topic: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election  (Read 9106 times)


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #75 on: September 13, 2012, 06:11:51 AM »
A guy with control of the White House wouldn't let things like that out then.  But again, Obama is a MUSLIM.  Where does his allegiance really lie?  Barack Hussein Obama.  Probably not even an American citizen either.  Maybe he is a figurehead for somethin more?  I pray he doesn't get re-elected.

I pray you are sterilized


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #76 on: September 13, 2012, 06:14:14 AM »
Two countries committed acts of war against the United States yesterday on U.S. soil. Four Americans were killed.

Mitt Romney's response was that of a leader, Obama's response was to kowtow to fanatical Islam. Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer.

Regardless of how the MSM tries to twist the story.

Ask the Israeli Prime Minister what he thinks of Obama's lack of leadership skills.

Who gives a fuck what the Israelis think? Or you for that matter?


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #77 on: September 13, 2012, 06:16:19 AM »
Obama has gone after Al Qaeda with a fierceness that the previous administration wasnt even able to fathom. Drone attacks on pakistani soil like every fucking day. zero hesitation to go into the soveriegn territory of ANY country that harbors terrorists and kill every single fucker there, period. even murdered the u.s. citizen anwar al awlaki without a trial, and got major heat from the aclu for doing so.   dude is a fucking badass when it comes to national security.  the idea that he is somehow soft on terrorists is just plain stupid.



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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #78 on: September 13, 2012, 06:23:16 AM »
OK...let me make sure I understand this correctly.  Obama can parade around taking undue credit for killing Bin Laden...politicizing it to the point of having john kerry mention it at the Democrat convention...but Romney can't criticize the obvious failures?  And why hasn't Obama come under criticism for "fanning the flames" of anti-American sentiment in the Middle East?   These constant mentions of Bin Laden have to really irritate those islamo-facists...

And where were all the Romney critics in 2008 when Obama appeared on CNN and used the deaths of eight sericemen in Iraq to criticize McCain and GWB?

Obama fucked up...the attack in Lybia wasn't some random mob.  It was a coordinated attack by a well armed and apparenty well trained group.  They were directed to the location of ambassador Stevens and they executed him.  The consulate was poorly defended..a virtual open door in an unstable area for an attack on the anniversary of 9/11.  Now...when the threat has become so obvious that even a lackwit community organizer from Chicago can spot it.... we're taking the steps that should have been taken months ago to secure our embassies?   Forgive me if I don't applaud...

sigh.....let take your points one by one

Obama taking undue credit for killing Bin Laden????????...dude what planet are you on???...he gave the go-ahead...he was involved in the planning....we could not go after Bin Laden if the president had not said "go"...your ignorance is amazing on this

Obama criticizing Bush during the Iraq war?....okay you have a point on this

Obama fucking up due to the embassy thing in Libya???...hardly......the big secret is ALL EMBASSIES are vulnerable...they aren't fortresses..they aren't built to withstand holding off mobs of people....the British embassy in Iran was overrun and sacked as well recently.....other embassies have had the same thing happen...including the most famous.....the American embassy in Iran in 1979 (I guess you say that was Obama's fault too huh?)..all embassies are vulnerable ON can only have a certain amount of people defending the embassy BY INTERNATIONAL LAW....or should Obama have changed international law as well.....thats his fault too I assume???


Soul Crusher

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #79 on: September 13, 2012, 06:26:08 AM »
sigh.....let take your points one by one

Obama taking undue credit for killing Bin Laden????????...dude what planet are you on???...he gave the go-ahead...he was involved in the planning....we could not go after Bin Laden if the president had not said "go"...your ignorance is amazing on this

Obama criticizing Bush during the Iraq war?....okay you have a point on this

Obama fucking up due to the embassy thing in Libya???...hardly......the big secret is ALL EMBASSIES are vulnerable...they aren't fortresses..they aren't built to withstand holding off mobs of people....the British embassy in Iran was overrun and sacked as well recently.....other embassies have had the same thing happen...including the most famous.....the American embassy in Iran in 1979 (I guess you say that was Obama's fault too huh?)..all embassies are vulnerable ON can only have a certain amount of people defending the embassy BY INTERNATIONAL LAW....or should Obama have changed international law as well.....thats his fault too I assume???


andre - please pack up and go to Kenya


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #80 on: September 13, 2012, 06:31:52 AM »
Obama was not involved in the planning.  He was presented a scenario, he OK'd action if that scenario palyed out.  He was on the fricking golf course when the wheels actually went in motion.  None of that addresses my central point...if you want to politicize part of an issue, be prepared to have the other guy politicize all of it.

So far as the embassy attack goes... the consulate in Benghazi was UNGUARDED.  Lybia is an unstable, loosley governed country with a history of terrorism against the US.  We left an important installation UNGUARDED in the middle of what amounts to a free fire zone and our alleged friends pointed out the location of our ambassador.  Maybe Obama would have had an ikling that trouble was afoot if he had bothered to attend any of the daily intel briefings the week prior to the anniversary of 9/11...but he was too busy golfing, fund raising and doing interviews with Pimp the Limp to be bothered with the actual responsibilities of the job


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #81 on: September 13, 2012, 06:40:18 AM »
Obama was not involved in the planning.  He was presented a scenario, he OK'd action if that scenario palyed out.  He was on the fricking golf course when the wheels actually went in motion.  None of that addresses my central point...if you want to politicize part of an issue, be prepared to have the other guy politicize all of it.

So far as the embassy attack goes... the consulate in Benghazi was UNGUARDED.  Lybia is an unstable, loosley governed country with a history of terrorism against the US.  We left an important installation UNGUARDED in the middle of what amounts to a free fire zone and our alleged friends pointed out the location of our ambassador.  Maybe Obama would have had an ikling that trouble was afoot if he had bothered to attend any of the daily intel briefings the week prior to the anniversary of 9/11...but he was too busy golfing, fund raising and doing interviews with Pimp the Limp to be bothered with the actual responsibilities of the job

you goddamn fuck.....what is the matter with you?..are you that retarded?????>.....ALL presidents are presented with options and scenarios....they then make the decision as to the best course of action....Jesus know this..why pretend to be ignorant now?????..the embassies were NOT unguarded..they just weren't manned with enough personnel to repel a mob in the hundreds....Embassies are not allowed to have a large military I have to explain everything to your ignorant ass???..and how do YOU of all people know he did not attend any of the intel briefings prior to 9/11???..the president gets briefed everyday NO MATTER WHERE HE IS....if he were in bed fucking your mother, he would still have a guy just outside the bedroom door who had already debriefed him or would when he was finished with your mom

Soul Crusher

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #82 on: September 13, 2012, 06:42:30 AM »
you goddamn fuck.....what is the matter with you?..are you that retarded?????>.....ALL presidents are presented with options and scenarios....they then make the decision as to the best course of action....Jesus know this..why pretend to be ignorant now?????..the embassies were NOT unguarded..they just weren't manned with enough personnel to repel a mob in the hundreds....Embassies are not allowed to have a large military I have to explain everything to your ignorant ass???..and how do YOU of all people know he did not attend any of the intel briefings prior to 9/11???..the president gets briefed everyday NO MATTER WHERE HE IS....if he were in bed fucking your mother, he would still have a guy just outside the bedroom door who had already debriefed him or would when he was finished with your mom

and obama had a choice and chose the Muslim Brothers and now its a disaster.

He owns this mess. 


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #83 on: September 13, 2012, 06:50:11 AM »

and obama had a choice and chose the Muslim Brothers and now its a disaster.

He owns this mess. 

you have to chose who can control their people....Mubarak could no longer control the masses and there was going to riots and civil war with massacres in the streets had he not eased Mubarak out....look whats going on in Syria..the Russians are sticking with well is that going for them and the country????....that would have been Egypt..

arguing with a no-nothing dick like you makes absolutely no sense for me

Soul Crusher

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #84 on: September 13, 2012, 06:51:48 AM »
you have to chose who can control their people....Mubarak could no longer control the masses and there was going to riots and civil war with massacres in the streets had he not eased Mubarak out....look whats going on in Syria..the Russians are sticking with well is that going for them and the country????....that would have been Egypt..

arguing with a no-nothing dick like you makes absolutely no sense for me


You are kneepadding obama and its really embarassing. 


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #85 on: September 13, 2012, 06:54:35 AM »

and obama had a choice and chose the Muslim Brothers and now its a disaster.

He owns this mess. 

Are you a typical right winger? because you guys are insane, it's like a team game to you.

I literally think you are insane.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #86 on: September 13, 2012, 06:57:02 AM »
Are you a typical right winger? because you guys are insane, it's like a team game to you.

I literally think you are insane.

STFU moron.  Many of us said at the time that obama's actions would lead to this and now it has come to fruition. 

Idiots like yourself and andre who have been proven wrong 100x over need to crawl back under your rocks and stay silent as this disaster unfolds solely due to the actions of our piece of shit in the WH 


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #87 on: September 13, 2012, 06:59:31 AM »
Are you a typical right winger? because you guys are insane, it's like a team game to you.

I literally think you are insane.

agreed X20

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #88 on: September 13, 2012, 07:02:14 AM »
Obama was not involved in the planning.  He was presented a scenario, he OK'd action if that scenario palyed out.  He was on the fricking golf course when the wheels actually went in motion.  None of that addresses my central point...if you want to politicize part of an issue, be prepared to have the other guy politicize all of it.

So far as the embassy attack goes... the consulate in Benghazi was UNGUARDED.  Lybia is an unstable, loosley governed country with a history of terrorism against the US.  We left an important installation UNGUARDED in the middle of what amounts to a free fire zone and our alleged friends pointed out the location of our ambassador.  Maybe Obama would have had an ikling that trouble was afoot if he had bothered to attend any of the daily intel briefings the week prior to the anniversary of 9/11...but he was too busy golfing, fund raising and doing interviews with Pimp the Limp to be bothered with the actual responsibilities of the job

Its an embassy you fucking moron.  Its there for diplomatic purposes of peace....not war.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #89 on: September 13, 2012, 07:03:25 AM »

Its an embassy you fucking moron.  Its there for diplomatic purposes of peace....not war.

Moron - its like being in a zoo.  Even the handlers and those feeding the animals need protection.


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #90 on: September 13, 2012, 07:06:34 AM »

Its an embassy you fucking moron.  Its there for diplomatic purposes of peace....not war.

Well apparently in the fucking ME you better be ready to repel invaders.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #91 on: September 13, 2012, 07:16:39 AM »
The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday
 Red State ^ | September 13, 2012 | Erick Erickson

Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2012 9:45:56 AM by

Yesterday, as the American consulate in Libya was smoking and the rioters were returning in Egypt, the President of the United States flew off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser while his spokesman was telling the American press corps that yesterday wasn’t really a normal political day. Had it been George W. Bush, the media would, right now, be marching on the White House with pitch forks and torches. Remember, on 9/11, as events were unfolding in Washington, the American media was crying for President Bush to return to Washington. They wanted Daddy at home in the White House where he could tuck them in bed, damn the security issues of getting him there.

I get that Chuck Todd is a former Democrat hill staffer. I get that the Politico is riddled with Democrats, some former activists and a former staffer for Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I get that Michael Scherer from Time magazine is a left wing reporter for Mother Jones and turned respectable, “objective” journalist. I get that Ben Smith, leading up Buzz Feed, is a leftwing journalist paraded about as if he is some sort of objective reporter at a trendy site full of cat photos. What I really get is that the American media runs with a herd mentality, leans left, and yesterday collectively fell over their group think as they leaned so far left to focus on Mitt Romney and not President Obama. Yesterday, the American media beclowned itself in ways I didn’t really even think was possible, even knowing how in the tank for Barack Obama they are.

Yesterday, we learned that there were no Marines protecting our Ambassador to Libya despite State Department warnings about violence and kidnappings in the Benghazi. We already knew Al Qaeda was coming on strong there. But we relied on locals for support and now we know the locals betrayed us as they have in the past in Afghanistan and Iraq too.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Night before last, the President condemned Mitt Romney in harsher tones than he condemned the rioters. It took him until sun up yesterday to condemn them.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Yesterday, the media spent much time condemning the Coptic Christians for their movie, but we now know the movie had been out for months and we also know the riots were orchestrated in advance. We also know the attack on the American consulate in Libya used the riots as cover for the attack.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Yesterday, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a man who swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, called an American civilian to ask him to stop exercising his first amendment rights.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

We also now know that the President, close to 60% of the time, has opted for printed intelligence briefings, which this White House thinks are as useful as an intelligence officer in the room who the President can probe, prod, challenge, and question.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

And in focusing on Mitt Romney, finally, of all the places, Slate and Dave Weigel finally point out that Mitt Romney’s gaffe was no gaffe, it was a consistent view of foreign policy foreign to the ears of the political press. He, I, and many others really do think Barack Obama is an apologist. We really do think his speech to Cairo after his entrance to the White House was part of a world apology tour. And we sure as hell think his actions in the past year to foster the Arab Spring were the actions of a naive fool.

But then the media has been playing the naive fool for him.


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #92 on: September 13, 2012, 07:21:10 AM »
The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday
 Red State ^ | September 13, 2012 | Erick Erickson

Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2012 9:45:56 AM by

Yesterday, as the American consulate in Libya was smoking and the rioters were returning in Egypt, the President of the United States flew off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser while his spokesman was telling the American press corps that yesterday wasn’t really a normal political day. Had it been George W. Bush, the media would, right now, be marching on the White House with pitch forks and torches. Remember, on 9/11, as events were unfolding in Washington, the American media was crying for President Bush to return to Washington. They wanted Daddy at home in the White House where he could tuck them in bed, damn the security issues of getting him there.

I get that Chuck Todd is a former Democrat hill staffer. I get that the Politico is riddled with Democrats, some former activists and a former staffer for Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I get that Michael Scherer from Time magazine is a left wing reporter for Mother Jones and turned respectable, “objective” journalist. I get that Ben Smith, leading up Buzz Feed, is a leftwing journalist paraded about as if he is some sort of objective reporter at a trendy site full of cat photos. What I really get is that the American media runs with a herd mentality, leans left, and yesterday collectively fell over their group think as they leaned so far left to focus on Mitt Romney and not President Obama. Yesterday, the American media beclowned itself in ways I didn’t really even think was possible, even knowing how in the tank for Barack Obama they are.

Yesterday, we learned that there were no Marines protecting our Ambassador to Libya despite State Department warnings about violence and kidnappings in the Benghazi. We already knew Al Qaeda was coming on strong there. But we relied on locals for support and now we know the locals betrayed us as they have in the past in Afghanistan and Iraq too.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Night before last, the President condemned Mitt Romney in harsher tones than he condemned the rioters. It took him until sun up yesterday to condemn them.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Yesterday, the media spent much time condemning the Coptic Christians for their movie, but we now know the movie had been out for months and we also know the riots were orchestrated in advance. We also know the attack on the American consulate in Libya used the riots as cover for the attack.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Yesterday, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a man who swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, called an American civilian to ask him to stop exercising his first amendment rights.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

We also now know that the President, close to 60% of the time, has opted for printed intelligence briefings, which this White House thinks are as useful as an intelligence officer in the room who the President can probe, prod, challenge, and question.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

And in focusing on Mitt Romney, finally, of all the places, Slate and Dave Weigel finally point out that Mitt Romney’s gaffe was no gaffe, it was a consistent view of foreign policy foreign to the ears of the political press. He, I, and many others really do think Barack Obama is an apologist. We really do think his speech to Cairo after his entrance to the White House was part of a world apology tour. And we sure as hell think his actions in the past year to foster the Arab Spring were the actions of a naive fool.

But then the media has been playing the naive fool for him.

you are unemployed, no way in hell you post this much and have a job. It's odd because people like you are the ones you claim to hate.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #93 on: September 13, 2012, 07:24:17 AM »
Nah - I'm in the office early and settled a good bunch of cases the last two weeks. 

I multitask all day.   


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #94 on: September 13, 2012, 07:26:38 AM »
Are you a typical right winger? because you guys are insane, it's like a team game to you.

I literally think you are insane.

They should go watch a Football game instead. 2 teams one 2 cheer for one to buh..

Politics arent for these people lets be honest

Soul Crusher

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #95 on: September 13, 2012, 07:28:25 AM »
They should go watch a Football game instead. 2 teams one 2 cheer for one to buh..

Politics arent for these people lets be honest

Watch and learn  [ Invalid YouTube link ]


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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #96 on: September 13, 2012, 07:30:35 AM »
The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday
 Red State ^ | September 13, 2012 | Erick Erickson

Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2012 9:45:56 AM by

Yesterday, as the American consulate in Libya was smoking and the rioters were returning in Egypt, the President of the United States flew off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser while his spokesman was telling the American press corps that yesterday wasn’t really a normal political day. Had it been George W. Bush, the media would, right now, be marching on the White House with pitch forks and torches. Remember, on 9/11, as events were unfolding in Washington, the American media was crying for President Bush to return to Washington. They wanted Daddy at home in the White House where he could tuck them in bed, damn the security issues of getting him there.

I get that Chuck Todd is a former Democrat hill staffer. I get that the Politico is riddled with Democrats, some former activists and a former staffer for Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I get that Michael Scherer from Time magazine is a left wing reporter for Mother Jones and turned respectable, “objective” journalist. I get that Ben Smith, leading up Buzz Feed, is a leftwing journalist paraded about as if he is some sort of objective reporter at a trendy site full of cat photos. What I really get is that the American media runs with a herd mentality, leans left, and yesterday collectively fell over their group think as they leaned so far left to focus on Mitt Romney and not President Obama. Yesterday, the American media beclowned itself in ways I didn’t really even think was possible, even knowing how in the tank for Barack Obama they are.

Yesterday, we learned that there were no Marines protecting our Ambassador to Libya despite State Department warnings about violence and kidnappings in the Benghazi. We already knew Al Qaeda was coming on strong there. But we relied on locals for support and now we know the locals betrayed us as they have in the past in Afghanistan and Iraq too.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Night before last, the President condemned Mitt Romney in harsher tones than he condemned the rioters. It took him until sun up yesterday to condemn them.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Yesterday, the media spent much time condemning the Coptic Christians for their movie, but we now know the movie had been out for months and we also know the riots were orchestrated in advance. We also know the attack on the American consulate in Libya used the riots as cover for the attack.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Yesterday, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a man who swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, called an American civilian to ask him to stop exercising his first amendment rights.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

We also now know that the President, close to 60% of the time, has opted for printed intelligence briefings, which this White House thinks are as useful as an intelligence officer in the room who the President can probe, prod, challenge, and question.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

And in focusing on Mitt Romney, finally, of all the places, Slate and Dave Weigel finally point out that Mitt Romney’s gaffe was no gaffe, it was a consistent view of foreign policy foreign to the ears of the political press. He, I, and many others really do think Barack Obama is an apologist. We really do think his speech to Cairo after his entrance to the White House was part of a world apology tour. And we sure as hell think his actions in the past year to foster the Arab Spring were the actions of a naive fool.

But then the media has been playing the naive fool for him.

The media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

And Romney wanted the media to focus on him thats why he appeared before the press dumbass!!

Straw Man

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #97 on: September 13, 2012, 09:38:19 AM »
Romny's actions in the last 48 hours were the polar opposite of anything that could be called "presidential"

The guy really has no aptitude for the job and that is becoming more evident every day

I can only imagine what else this trainwreck of a campaign is going to do over the next 7 weeks

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #98 on: September 13, 2012, 09:40:29 AM »
Romny's actions in the last 48 hours were the polar opposite of anything that could be called "presidential"

The guy really has no aptitude for the job and that is becoming more evident every day

I can only imagine what else this trainwreck of a campaign is going to do over the next 7 weeks

LOL - your ghetto piece of shit cult messiah just admitted he lost Egypt as an Ally and you stupid fucks attack Romney?  LOL!!!!

Straw Man

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Re: Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election
« Reply #99 on: September 13, 2012, 09:48:48 AM »

LOL - your ghetto piece of shit cult messiah just admitted he lost Egypt as an Ally and you stupid fucks attack Romney?  LOL!!!! 

you're the last person on earth who would understand what I'm talking about