Author Topic: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!  (Read 22077 times)


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #50 on: September 20, 2012, 06:06:36 PM »
You obviously don't follow the NEWS, Muslims rioted here earlier this week in NSW and created havoc for the public, holding signs with threats to behead those who insult Islam and running through crowded malls chanting how they Loved Osama Bin laden, smashing Police Cars and generally creating a public disturbance.  The Muslims are now threatening a similar protest in Melbourne this weekend.  The White Power rednecks don't take too kindly to them threatening to bring that type of behaviour to Melbourne.
You obviously didn't read my post - show me where in your first post you mentioned Muslims were going to violently protest - you didn't - you stated that white supremacists were planning violence not muslims - yes I saw the news earlier in the week - do you understand how propaganda works ? The Jews were painted the same way in Nazi Germany as disease ridden scum and to create hate toward them - now how would you feel if your faith or your race was shown in this light for 30 plus years, only half reports shown to show these people in a bad light - would you be pretty angry ? not to mention the atrocities that happen to alot of these people in there countries by western invaders - I have known plenty of Muslim people and none have fitted the profile that you guys go on about on here so much.


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #51 on: September 20, 2012, 06:08:42 PM »
I'm sure the irony of this statement is lost on everyone but the aborigines.
Indeed  ;)


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #52 on: September 20, 2012, 08:28:24 PM »
Muslim mob  in Levi Strauss (Jew) Levi's pants & American T-shirts a protesting against America !.
 ;D ;D ;D

Radical Plato

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #53 on: September 20, 2012, 08:53:35 PM »
now how would you feel if your faith or your race was shown in this light for 30 plus years, only half reports shown to show these people in a bad light - would you be pretty angry ?

I wouldn't be threatening to behead people, plus this is Australia, if they don't like our opinion of their sick religion, they are free to leave at anytime.  The white population of Australia is heavily criticised by the Indigenous here, we don't riot in the streets calling for the Aborigines to be slaughtered.  You would have to be a complete brainwashed nut to suggest that insulting a person is a far greater sin than beheading a person.

Roger Bacon

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #54 on: September 20, 2012, 08:57:53 PM »
Good for you E-Kul, I like this side of you!  8)


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #55 on: September 20, 2012, 09:01:21 PM »
I wouldn't be threatening to behead people, plus this is Australia, if they don't like our opinion of their sick religion, they are free to leave at anytime.  The white population of Australia is heavily criticised by the Indigenous here, we don't riot in the streets calling for the Aborigines to be slaughtered.  You would have to be a complete brainwashed nut to suggest that insulting a person is a far greater sin than beheading a person.
haha no you don't need to riot - you treat them poorly in other ways  ;D why not answer my full quote in response to you ?-

 Have these Muslims in Australia Beheaded someone ? the ones saying this are on the same level as the ones wanting violence against demonstrations - so you are a brainwashed nut then ? you are suggesting there insults are fact  - violent threats are being leveled toward them so dropping the persons of these threats to the same level as the placard waving protesters that suggest and encourage violence - but that seems to be ok by you, yes ?

And who cares if this is "Australia" - Australia is a multi cultered society is it not - so every one has a voice , just not the Abos  :D

Radical Plato

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #56 on: September 20, 2012, 09:14:56 PM »
haha no you don't need to riot - you treat them poorly in other ways  ;D why not answer my full quote in response to you ?-

 Have these Muslims in Australia Beheaded someone ? the ones saying this are on the same level as the ones wanting violence against demonstrations - so you are a brainwashed nut then ? you are suggesting there insults are fact  - violent threats are being leveled toward them so dropping the persons of these threats to the same level as the placard waving protesters that suggest and encourage violence - but that seems to be ok by you, yes ?

And who cares if this is "Australia" - Australia is a multi cultered society is it not - so every one has a voice , just not the Abos  :D
I think you miss the point, the Muslims have ALREADY rioted and injured others and destroyed Public property and made a public nuisance of themselves, they are threatening extreme violence and their love for Osama Bin laden, and for what, for something an American did, they are then saying they are going to continue their "Peaceful" protests in other capital cities.  And we all know what Peaceful means to a Muslim.  They have already proven themselves incapable of peaceful protests as demonstrated in Sydney earlier this week.  The Muslims are being threatened for promising to bring their violent riots to Melbourne, and that's why they received the response that they have.  Australians just think Islam is a disgusting violent religion that is intolerant of others, they are welcome to try and violently spout their nonsense on the streets, all it will do is lead to them being even more hated and despised than they already are.  The way Muslims react to the slightest provocation is incredibly juvenile, and won't be tolerated by even the moderates.  If like a naughty child, they defy the wishes of the community, the Police and other citizens will be there to put them back in their place.  Spare the rod and spoil the child!

Radical Plato

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #57 on: September 20, 2012, 09:20:13 PM »
Here's a story from a popular cartoonist and social commentator Larry Pickering, criticising our Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the Muslim Community.


Ms Gillard’s head is not in the same ballpark as the Islamic game. She should have rented out the Blue Room and summoned all of Australia’s Islamic leaders to attend.

Then, with 20 Hell’s Angels bikies, with arms folded standing behind her and in her best sternest strine, she should have looked each of those bearded Barbarians in the eye and declared: “We will not tolerate this type of behaviour in this country. If it continues you will all be escorted to the first flight out of here.” She should not have taken questions and simply walked out, leaving them to reconsider their new position.

What happened instead was that these Clerics, Mullahs and Imams were given a TV stage to state their case: “Oh, it’s a tiny minority. Those ruffians are not representative of us!”, they pled with straight faces.

What rot! It is the Clerics themselves who incite the hatred. If not so, why is it that the worst of Islamic violence, World-wide, occurs invariably after Friday prayers?

Islam preys on weakness and cowers from strength. Unless that is understood, don’t bother to deal with it.

If any doubts linger that the actions of these “ruffians” are orchestrated by these very same Islamic Clerics, then watch “Undercover Mosque”, a UK Channel 4 docco exposing their horrific objectives of Caliphates of Sharian bastardry.

UK Clerics regularly visit here and Australian Clerics regularly visit there in a merry-go-round of sermons preaching different versions of the same vile philosophy.

“I will give you more money, then surely you will want to be nice to us, won’t you?”, is Gillard’s approach.

Western appeasement will lead to its defeat. While Obama grovels to the Sheiks the lying Saudis continue to plot our demise. It is they who finance Al Queda. It is they who bore and supported Bin Laden.

They have the oil and they already have a Trojan Sharia horse banking system designed to further weaken the West’s economies. Sharia banks are expanding at 15% a year and the West’s banks are now opening Sharia facilities in order to compete. Already we are unknowingly eating Hal Al sanctioned food.

The Gillard Government allows these international Clerics visas while refusing visas to those who hold alternative views.

Why did Rudd, and now Gillard, pursue a policy of Islamic appeasement? The answer is simple. The Australian Left wants a seat on the Security Council of the Islamic dominated United Nations as part of their One World Government fantasy. And Gillard leans so far left she needs a specially constructed bra.

The West buys favour with the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt with billions of dollars in the forlorn hope they will suppress terrorism.

It took until today for the US to agree to label the Libyan Embassy horror “a terrorist attack”. The treacherous Pakistani Government is allowing autonomous “Sharia States” in its north.

The stupid Yanks believe they can change hearts and minds by dropping 10 million instructional pamphlets prior to smart-bombing the shit out of a country. Bombing the bastards only makes them angrier. It can only ever prolong and worsen the confrontation. If you wish to confront an angry lion make sure you kill it... don’t injure it.

NATO assisted to overthrow Gaddafi and a bunch of rag-tag, trigger happy cowboys took over. At least we knew who Gaddafi, Hussein and Mubarek were, but they are all dead, with the West’s assistance. The Arab Spring will become the West’s winter of discontent.

President Obama throws Islamic nations an olive branch. So now they giggle in their beards at such a show of unrestrained weakness. Now they know we are rattled.

President Obama should peruse that old copy of the Koran in his schoolbag. It clearly says why appeasement is a waste of time.

The one rule of engagement with Islam is to show strength. Appeasement simply excites a predatory instinct.

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #58 on: September 20, 2012, 09:49:53 PM »
Conflict is the creator of all things - Herclitus


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #59 on: September 20, 2012, 09:52:47 PM »
The more they protest, the better.
Even libfags among my friends are getting annoyed with them.

LOL & true.


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #60 on: September 20, 2012, 09:54:00 PM »
I think you miss the point, the Muslims have ALREADY rioted and injured others and destroyed Public property and made a public nuisance of themselves, they are threatening extreme violence and their love for Osama Bin laden, and for what, for something an American did, they are then saying they are going to continue their "Peaceful" protests in other capital cities.  And we all know what Peaceful means to a Muslim.  They have already proven themselves incapable of peaceful protests as demonstrated in Sydney earlier this week.  The Muslims are being threatened for promising to bring their violent riots to Melbourne, and that's why they received the response that they have.  Australians just think Islam is a disgusting violent religion that is intolerant of others, they are welcome to try and violently spout their nonsense on the streets, all it will do is lead to them being even more hated and despised than they already are.  The way Muslims react to the slightest provocation is incredibly juvenile, and won't be tolerated by even the moderates.  If like a naughty child, they defy the wishes of the community, the Police and other citizens will be there to put them back in their place.  Spare the rod and spoil the child!
Your OP has white supremacists wanting and talking, inciting violence against what so far is a demonstration - that puts them on the exact same level as the people at these demonstrations who are also trying to incite violence - your view of Islam seems very flawed and based on what you have been told in the propaganda driven media - I have met Muslims from all over the World not just the ME and not one has been like these crazy bastards we get shown on the news and they all are against this type of behavior.

I worked with two Iraqi girls that had fled Iraq and my assumption for why they left was from what I had learnt via our medias - it was not this though but the western invasion that was on the cards  - they did not fear Saddam, had never been discriminated against because they are female and were very well educated - one was studying Law and the other was going to become a Dr.

Everything we have been told what happened in the ME these two were exact opposites and these are not the only two I have conversed with. Sure atrocities happen over there just as they do anywhere else in the world - we get fed images of crowds protesting and chanting etc and it looks fearsome - this is beat up though and we are lead to believe they are all like this but the same thing happens everywhere else in the World, just look at Soccer hooligans in Europe and England are Europeans and the English all like these lunatics ?

Yes there have been some horrible things done in the world by fundamentalists but the west has dished out it's fear share also but this is ok  ::)

We are never going to rid the world of these crazy's but the people inciting violence in your OP are no better and do you not have a Police force to communicate with protest  leaders and make sure things run smoothly ?

The last thing they need is vigilante nutters causing trouble and having to babysit  them also - A level head goes a long way something the people in your OP lack.

Frank Clairmonte

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #61 on: September 20, 2012, 10:41:22 PM »
I hope that aussies will give them what they deserve.


Radical Plato

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #62 on: September 20, 2012, 10:45:11 PM »
Your OP has white supremacists wanting and talking, inciting violence against what so far is a demonstration - that puts them on the exact same level as the people at these demonstrations who are also trying to incite violence - your view of Islam seems very flawed and based on what you have been told in the propaganda driven media - I have met Muslims from all over the World not just the ME and not one has been like these crazy bastards we get shown on the news and they all are against this type of behavior.

I worked with two Iraqi girls that had fled Iraq and my assumption for why they left was from what I had learnt via our medias - it was not this though but the western invasion that was on the cards  - they did not fear Saddam, had never been discriminated against because they are female and were very well educated - one was studying Law and the other was going to become a Dr.

Everything we have been told what happened in the ME these two were exact opposites and these are not the only two I have conversed with. Sure atrocities happen over there just as they do anywhere else in the world - we get fed images of crowds protesting and chanting etc and it looks fearsome - this is beat up though and we are lead to believe they are all like this but the same thing happens everywhere else in the World, just look at Soccer hooligans in Europe and England are Europeans and the English all like these lunatics ?

Yes there have been some horrible things done in the world by fundamentalists but the west has dished out it's fear share also but this is ok  ::)

We are never going to rid the world of these crazy's but the people inciting violence in your OP are no better and do you not have a Police force to communicate with protest  leaders and make sure things run smoothly ?

The last thing they need is vigilante nutters causing trouble and having to babysit  them also - A level head goes a long way something the people in your OP lack.
That's great, the fact is, their childish behaviour won't be tolerated, hence the threat of a beat down.  Muslims are trying to incite violence by threatening to behead those who insult Islam.  White Australia won't tolerate such threats and those who advocate such violence, need to be stood up to, to threaten to defend your culture against a violent group of Radicals is an appropriate response, it is merely defending the Cultures way of life.  Like I said, if they don't like Australia, they are free to leave any-time they like.


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #63 on: September 20, 2012, 11:38:00 PM »
People make it seem that it was some massive riot, its looks bad on the TV but it only lasted 15-20 minutes. The main trouble started when protesters were walkng away back to the train station to leave the protest, where they were followed by police and attacked for no reason.

See for yourselves,

There are many eye witnesses that muslims where standing between the protesters and police to push back the protesters, and the muslims who were helping the police where brutally belted with there batons.

Do you think the microphone the protesters had where from home, the police handed it to them to use.

On the same day in another city in australia, in perth, there was another massive riot involving 500 people that were not muslims. They hurled rocks, bottles, bricks at police.Reinforcements included mounted police, the dog squad, police helicopters etc.

This riot hardly got any attention in the media.They were not dubbe the "perth riots".

Roger Bacon

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #64 on: September 21, 2012, 01:08:25 AM »

Radical Plato

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #65 on: September 21, 2012, 01:32:08 AM »

Radical Plato

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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #66 on: September 21, 2012, 01:43:24 AM »
People make it seem that it was some massive riot, its looks bad on the TV but it only lasted 15-20 minutes. The main trouble started when protesters were walkng away back to the train station to leave the protest, where they were followed by police and attacked for no reason.

See for yourselves,

HA HA Watched the ABC link, and a muslim was saying that freedom of expression must have some limits, so it is OK to threaten to behead people but not to insult someone's prophet.  Talk about a bunch of hypocritical nutjobs.


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #67 on: September 21, 2012, 01:55:20 AM »
That's great, the fact is, their childish behaviour won't be tolerated, hence the threat of a beat down.  Muslims are trying to incite violence by threatening to behead those who insult Islam.  White Australia won't tolerate such threats and those who advocate such violence, need to be stood up to, to threaten to defend your culture against a violent group of Radicals is an appropriate response, it is merely defending the Cultures way of life.  Like I said, if they don't like Australia, they are free to leave any-time they like.
100% correct  throw the scum out our lands if they do not like our ways. What the fuck do they want?? i will tell you...they want to spread their Religion like a cancer in our lands. We should act NOW and stop it.


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #68 on: September 21, 2012, 01:58:55 AM »
Meanwhile, little yellow man quietly take country to woodshed.


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #69 on: September 21, 2012, 02:05:36 AM »
Rid the country of Evil


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #70 on: September 21, 2012, 02:09:15 AM »
HA HA Watched the ABC link, and a muslim was saying that freedom of expression must have some limits, so it is OK to threaten to behead people but not to insult someone's prophet.  Talk about a bunch of hypocritical nutjobs.

Unfortunately, all the three major religions be it islam, christiniaty and judaism have deviated from the beautiful teachings that there messengers and prophets have brought them.

All through out history prophets and messengers have been ridiculed, stoned, assaulted, called sorcerers and mad men.Even after all that they didnt go around and hurt there opponents but would always be merciful to them and kind to them.


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #71 on: September 21, 2012, 02:54:26 AM »
Islam is a blight on this earth.  It needs to be expunged.  The vast majority of the world's conflicts are Islam-related(them wanting to conquer someone or trying to establish a seperate state).  One of these days they will push too hard and will be put down like the mangy dogs they are. 


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #72 on: September 21, 2012, 05:57:53 AM »
You obviously didn't read my post - show me where in your first post you mentioned Muslims were going to violently protest - you didn't - you stated that white supremacists were planning violence not muslims - yes I saw the news earlier in the week - do you understand how propaganda works ? The Jews were painted the same way in Nazi Germany as disease ridden scum and to create hate toward them - now how would you feel if your faith or your race was shown in this light for 30 plus years, only half reports shown to show these people in a bad light - would you be pretty angry ? not to mention the atrocities that happen to alot of these people in there countries by western invaders - I have known plenty of Muslim people and none have fitted the profile that you guys go on about on here so much.

Wow! Way to completely misrepresent  everything. You obviously know fuck all about Germany, Europe, Muslims or Islam, so please shut the fuck up.
Trans Milkshake.


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #73 on: September 21, 2012, 06:01:07 AM »

Wow! Way to completely misrepresent  everything. You obviously know fuck all about Germany, Europe, Muslims or Islam, so please shut the fuck up.

Are you saying that Willgrant's love for the circumcised, sandblasted cocks of muslims knows neither height nor depth Jaime?


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Re: AUSSIES to stand up to MUSLIMS at upcoming protest!
« Reply #74 on: September 21, 2012, 06:12:01 AM »
Are you saying that Willgrant's love for the circumcised, sandblasted cocks of muslims knows neither height nor depth Jaime?

What i'm saying Cyp is that Will sees himself as somewhat of an amateur doctor, his favorite party trick is monitoring towel heads salt levels by slurping on their cocks, he can actually tell which part of the desert they are from using this well tested method. Gayer than Ricky Martin slurping down fruit smoothies at the  club tropicana in the rainbow lounge.
Trans Milkshake.