Author Topic: Obama preparing for debate in lavish splendor. LOL!!! 2nd TKO coming tommorow!  (Read 1529 times)

Soul Crusher

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Obama Preps for Debate in Splendor

by Keith Koffler on October 15, 2012, 11:02 am

President Obama’s distaste for debate preparation may be mitigated by the location his current tutorial, the fabulous Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg Virginia, featuring stunning scenery, deluxe accommodations, and three championship golf courses.
A portion of the tab for this luxury is of course being picked up by taxpayers, who largely footed the bill to fly Obama down there aboard Air Force One and house his White House retinue in Williamsburg for three nights. Presumably many of his aides, including a large security detail, are at the hotel itself.
Exactly why Obama needed to be training for his debate at the Kingsmill Resort instead of the White House or Camp David is unclear.
The best explanation is probably that this is largely a political trip. Virginia is a key swing state and Williamsburg is perfectly situated between two of the major media markets, Richmond and the coastal area of Norfolk and Newport News.
Obama, who has avoided taking a vacation this year in order to focus on the campaign and avoid charges that he is luxuriating while the nation suffers, certainly has an opportunity now to make up for lost vacationing when he’s not rehearsing his debate lines.
From the Hotel’s description of itself:

Home to three championship golf courses, a world-class spa, a bustling tennis center and acres of lush, meticulously cared-for grounds, Kingsmill Resort is a magical place where cherished memories are created, history is discovered and fun is invented.
The press pool reports have been rhapsodic:

Good morning from the lovely Kingsmill Resort . . . Potus is studying for the debate, but your pooler didn’t see evidence of him or his senior staff this morning while walking from our room to the pool hold, though a lovely walk it was.
One pooler noted the hotel is hosting “some kind of Ferrari convention,” with a contingent of the cars buzzing the hotel grounds.
Frommer’s gives it three out of three stars:

Nestled on beautifully landscaped grounds beside the James River, this luxurious, country club-like resort is the centerpiece of a 2,900-acre residential development. It’s one of Virginia’s most complete resorts.
Have a look-see for yourself.

And the food!

Ironically, the resort may also be torturing Obama just a bit. So far, he hasn’t hit any of the golf courses, and he may just have to avoid them or otherwise be accused of slacking again during his debate preparation.
Obama arrived at Kingsmill Saturday and leaves Tuesday for Hempstead, New York, where the debate will be held.
Photos of Kingsmill Resort are courtesy of TripAdvisor

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Why Obama is likely to blow the second debate too
 Hotair ^ | 10/15/2012 | J.E. Dyer

Posted on Monday, October 15, 2012 10:14:40 PM by

The short answer is: because he’s got nothing. There is no record to run on, no argument to make for four more years. The ideology that drives him is outdated and bankrupt. He has, in fact, implemented his policies – Republicans have had little means of stopping him – and those policies are the problem.

But there’s a slightly longer answer too. Obama’s advisors will read the mainstream media assessment of the vice-presidential debate – they actually think a debate that turned women across America off of Biden was a draw, or a Biden win – and conclude that what the president needs to do is find his inner Joe Biden. Appeal to his base by going on the attack, perhaps interrupting, being visibly annoyed at the trend of Romney’s statements, and vigorously asserting untruths in the interest of racking up effective soundbites.

Petulant attack-doggery isn’t Obama’s style, so I don’t predict that he will simply adopt the Biden posture for this week’s debate. What I do think is that Obama and his handlers will be looking to enhance the president’s trademark pace and balance in public speaking (which does descend rather often into a sonorous drone) with more Biden-like spice. This won’t come naturally to Obama, any more than his occasionally put-on “black accent” sounds natural. It’s not who he is, and he won’t be good at it.

Of course, the townhall format this week can be worked to Obama’s advantage, and no doubt will be. Obama need not be thrown softballs, but he will get questions framed to suit the answers he is likely to have – and he probably won’t be troubled much with questions framed in a confrontational manner.

Romney probably will be. He will have to think more quickly on his feet, turning hostile questions into jumping-off points for getting his message across, while conveying a sense of goodwill and avoiding red herrings. If there is a “silly question” for the debaters – say, “If you were an Oscar-winning movie, which one would you be?” – it may well be barbed with false implications about conservatism, Republicans, or even Romney himself.

Romney will have more choices to make in his approach and substance. There are a lot of things he could say; what will be the most effective? We can reasonably suppose he will perform again as well as he did in Debate 1.

Obama doesn’t have those choices, because he’s trying to stay in office – to tend cronies and inflict ideological constraints on the people – using arguments that don’t accurately represent what he’s been doing for nearly four years. He has no intention of changing course, regardless of what the current course is inflicting on the American people. Yet he can’t argue in the campaign for his current course – at least not to anyone but his base – because it is so ridden with failure and the scent of corruption. Americans continue to turn against his signature legislation, ObamaCare, and even the New York Times is beginning to doubt the effectiveness of his foreign policy.

So we can expect to hear more about Romney giving a “$5 trillion tax break” to the richest Americans, along with the other canards about Romney-Ryan policy (e.g., tossing Grandma off the cliff) being trotted out over and over by the Obama campaign. These mendacious soundbites have lost their impact, but what else does Obama have? Personal attacks on Romney?

If the president makes a decision on retaliating in Libya before Tuesday night, he may be able to speak at the debate from a perspective of putative decisiveness, the commander-in-chief moving forces around. A new line of tactical operations would blunt Romney’s justifiable criticism of how the White House has handled the whole matter. I don’t foresee this dynamic winning the debate for Obama – a belated military response has little hope of trumping the public’s nearer-to-home concern about the US economy, the national debt, and constitutional freedoms – but if it comes off, it will probably be gratifying for his Amen corner in the MSM.

Gratifying them is not enough, however. Whether he plays to his base or the MSM, Obama will not be playing to the constituency that matters: the majority of likely voters. His appeal to that constituency in 2008 depended on his being an unknown quantity, and that’s what he no longer is. Obama doesn’t have any more tricks in his bag. This is it.


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I expect Crowley to do everything in her power to help him win this debate.

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we already know the narrative for wednesday morning news.   Picture Joe Scarborough...

"This was a WHOLE NEW obama!  Look at the pics of him compared to the first debate!  He's shining, relaxed, he's young again!  He was quick on the responses, he was on top of facts, he was running circles around Romney up there.  The CONTRAST, that's our word today, the CONTRAST from the first debate shows the man has fortitude, can take a punch, and can come back for more.  I think he just won the election.  our new NBC insta-polls show...."

We already know romney was at the spa/resort, and he looked like he had 3 state days of green veggies and saunas, then popped ECA before walking onstage.  Now we'll be asking if Romney peaked for the debates too soon. 

Soul Crusher

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we already know the narrative for wednesday morning news.   Picture Joe Scarborough...

"This was a WHOLE NEW obama!  Look at the pics of him compared to the first debate!  He's shining, relaxed, he's young again!  He was quick on the responses, he was on top of facts, he was running circles around Romney up there.  The CONTRAST, that's our word today, the CONTRAST from the first debate shows the man has fortitude, can take a punch, and can come back for more.  I think he just won the election.  our new NBC insta-polls show...."

We already know romney was at the spa/resort, and he looked like he had 3 state days of green veggies and saunas, then popped ECA before walking onstage.  Now we'll be asking if Romney peaked for the debates too soon. 

That is your narrative since you are in a sheer state of panic  right now

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That is your narrative since you are in a sheer state of panic  right now

yep.  panicked.  been in the crapper all day.  so worried about obama.

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yep.  panicked.  been in the crapper all day.  so worried about obama.

Yup.  Messiah is going to implode again tommorow. 


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Yup.  Messiah is going to implode again tommorow. 

Yup i sure hope he calls out Romney on all his lies this time

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A More Aggressive Obama Still Won't Make the Grade ^ | October 16, 2012 | David Limbaugh

Posted on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 7:00:58 AM by Kaslin

As he prepares for the second debate, Obama faces a major dilemma:

how to be more aggressive without jeopardizing his alleged likability, the main thing he supposedly has going for him with voters.

The Barack Obama the public usually sees is not the real Barack Obama. The former is a carefully manufactured media image designed to appear eminently reasonable, highly engaged, ultra-caring, inordinately intelligent and as one who transcends the pettiness that plagues so many politicians. The real Obama is none of those things.

These things wouldn't matter as much if the liberal media hadn't insulated Obama from scrutiny and covered over his policy failures, his ideological extremism and his corruption. They've allowed the fable of his extraordinary gifts to remain largely unchallenged.

The media haven't even complained on behalf of their own interests

-- about Obama's infrequent news conferences or the tight control he exercises and careful scripting he employs when he does deign to meet with them.

That's one explanation for the pronounced disconnect between Obama's likability and the unpopularity of his policies. If the press weren't always sheltering him and spinning the news in his favor, it would be a wholly different ballgame.

But having hidden behind this shield, Obama exposes himself to severe injury when it is removed, which is precisely what happened in the first debate, as reflected in his sustained drop in the polls after it.

Much of Obama's support was soft because it was based on false images. Stripped of media protection during the debate, his profound weaknesses were exposed for 70 million to see, and there's no going back.

Unhappily for Obama, Americans also saw the real Mitt Romney, who is a far cry from the demon depicted by Team Obama.

If Obama is more aggressive, he runs the risk of appearing obnoxious and shattering the myth of his likability, not to mention that Mitt will be ready for this ploy.

Though it is true that Obama is not Joe Biden, he has shown himself quite capable of being condescending, petulant and downright nasty, as we witnessed in his treatment of John McCain and Paul Ryan.

Granted, moderator Jim Lehrer was mostly passive and Romney was effective at controlling the debate and making sure it was essentially an unfiltered contest between him and Obama -- the way it should have been.

And there's no doubt the atmosphere of the second debate will be much different. Town hall formats usually play to liberals' and demagogues' advantage, with fawning audiences applauding every nod toward socialism. Not only that, but moderator Candy Crowley has indicated that she plans on being proactive, despite an agreement between the two campaigns that she is to have a neutral role.

Though Mitt will have his work cut out for him, too, I view him as the odds-on favorite to prevail again.

As a debate opponent, Obama is made to order for Mitt. Obama is very weak on policy details -- a weakness based on years of promoting the "big ideas" and leaving the unglamorous nuts and bolts to others -- and Romney is especially strong. No matter how much he prepares or strategizes, he can't make up for years of inattention to detail and insulation from reality.

Romney is quicker on his feet than Obama. Obama is long on cliches and short on specifics. Obama is such a dogmatic ideologue he is blind to his policy failures. He's oblivious to the reality that his endless expansions of government have injured, rather than healed, the economy and that his quixotic policies of appeasement are making us weaker, so he misinterprets evidence of his policy failures as proof that he just didn't go far enough or that his policies haven't had enough time to work.

Obama is woefully inexperienced in the private sector -- in the real world, apart from politics -- and Romney has vast business experience.

Having been coddled and humored by his advisers, Obama is not in tune with his strengths and weaknesses or with the quality of his performances, as shown by his delusional belief that he won the first debate and that the transcript reinforces that fantasy. This further demonstrates that he doesn't understand the issues intimately enough to overcome his weaknesses in time for the second debate.

Obama still believes his best weapon is that he cares more than

"47 percent" Mitt -- the rich, greedy capitalist -- about the downtrodden.

But Obama's policies have devastated most of those he professes to care the most about, and Mitt gives 30 percent of his income to charity. If Obama overplays the class warfare card, I think it just might backfire on him as much as his newfound aggressiveness.

In short, Obama's tired tricks don't work well against Romney, and Romney's formidable strengths particularly expose Obama's shortcomings.

Though anything can happen, especially in the town hall format, I think Mitt will win it again going away.


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You think Romney is gonna lie his ass of again 33...?

And if he does does that constitute owning in your book?

Soul Crusher

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You think Romney is gonna lie his ass of again 33...?

And if he does does that constitute owning in your book?

What did he lie about and why was obama bnot able to point out said lies? 


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What did he lie about and why was obama bnot able to point out said lies? 

He lied about everything he said and Obama didnt point it out because he is a fucking media whoring idiot who is about to drop this election on the floor

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He lied about everything he said and Obama didnt point it out because he is a fucking media whoring idiot who is about to drop this election on the floor

Make a list of the lies he told. 


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Make a list of the lies he told. 


He will ignore this thread. Romney didn't lie about anything. On the other hand, Obama and Biden have no idea what they are talking about. The only thing Obama can harp on is Romney's 47% comment. That's all. Watch Obama and THE MODERATOR make a big deal out of it in order to avoid the Lybian scandal. I hope someone asks the "president" about the situation in Lybia. I say I hope because the questions have already been screened.

Even if Mitt wins again, the media will proclaim Obama the winner. All he has to do is not look disinterested and that would be sufficient for the liberal media. Who handled himself better and who did a better job presenting his point of views will not matter. The liberal media is out in full force to save Obama.


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Make a list of the lies he told. 

The internet is full of them dipshit for a guy who spends 24/7 online you sure are non informed. But i guess when you only believe neocon sources you get that way!!


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He will ignore this thread. Romney didn't lie about anything. On the other hand, Obama and Biden have no idea what they are talking about. The only thing Obama can harp on is Romney's 47% comment. That's all. Watch Obama and THE MODERATOR make a big deal out of it in order to avoid the Lybian scandal. I hope someone asks the "president" about the situation in Lybia. I say I hope because the questions have already been screened.

Even if Mitt wins again, the media will proclaim Obama the winner. All he has to do is not look disinterested and that would be sufficient for the liberal media. Who handled himself better and who did a better job presenting his point of views will not matter. The liberal media is out in full force to save Obama.

Yes i have ignored this thread. Look at the post above sheep.
Go back to church and pray for your god to give you a functional brain them come back

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The internet is full of them dipshit for a guy who spends 24/7 online you sure are non informed. But i guess when you only believe neocon sources you get that way!!

That list is total nonsense and leftist talking points.   


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That list is total nonsense and leftist talking points.   

In your world facts =  Leftist talking point

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In your world facts =  Leftist talking point

The first thing they mentioned was total bullshit.

Ever hear of IPAB under obamaCare? 


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The first thing they mentioned was total bullshit.

Ever hear of IPAB under obamaCare? 


Are you referring to this:

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Are you referring to this:

Post that list in a thread on to itself. 

Those "10 lies" are total bs leftist talking points. 

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Bump what - yes - IPAB is the Obamacare death panel. 


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Bump what - yes - IPAB is the Obamacare death panel. 

Are you serious? That the most lame shit i have heard in a looong time.

You need to grow a pair  33...

and a brain

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Obama Refuses to Say Whether Hillary Clinton Is to Blame for Benghazi
11:00 AM, Oct 16, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

President Barack Obama posed for a photo-op this morning in Virginia, where he is getting ready for tonight's presidential debate. He ventured out for a photo-op, and had this very brief exchange with reporters:

At 10:35, a black Suburban rolled by slowly, with a handful of agents trailing behind on foot. The president came next, wearing a dark suit, strolling in the center of the road. Anita Dunn was on his left. David Plouffe on his right.
This pool, standing about 50 feet away, had this exchange:
Reporter: "How are you feeling about tonight?"
Obama, smiling: "I feel fabulous. Look at this beautiful day."

Reporter: "Are you aware Michelle voted for you yesterday?"
Obama, turning to yell back: "Thank goodness!"

Reporter: "Is Hillary to blame for Benghazi?"
Obama: Silence. Kept walking.
Pool was told Obama was heading to a short debate prep session and we're heading back to the hold.
Yesterday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that she is responsible for the attack, because "the buck stops with her." Today, when given the opportunity to weigh in, President Obama refused to do so.