Author Topic: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?  (Read 38136 times)


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #300 on: November 20, 2012, 10:05:52 PM »
lol at american soldiers claiming they've been to war.  A war is not 1000 airplanes, billions of dollars in backing, 3 aircraft carriers, 1000 tanks, 200000 soldiers with top of the line armour and guns against a bunch of Iraqis with sticks and 1970 era AK-47s.



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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #301 on: November 20, 2012, 10:31:29 PM »
I still want to know when it was last Palestine anyway?

Before Israel was Jewish controlled it was British Controlled land... So seriously... What claim do the "Palestinian" people have on it?

You didn't own it before the Jewish people for years... So what's the issue here?

and no one bothered to respond to this....lmao. I swear Palestinians wouldn't give a shit if the British were still there but nooooooo.....the Jews are here, lets raise all sorts of hell!
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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #302 on: November 20, 2012, 10:36:29 PM »
Jesus, a lot of little hitlers on this thread claiming jews control every thing. Really fucking disgusting.


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #303 on: November 20, 2012, 11:20:41 PM »
i think the anti-western sentiment being being viewed as cool thing has died down considerably over the past 8 years or so. it hit its peak around the re-election of george bush i think. (John kerry just wasnt the kind of guy that young people were going to get excited about)

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #304 on: November 21, 2012, 02:29:00 AM »
You forgot to mention the part where it says there were rockets hidden in the buiilding, which have been seen by either israeli drones or sattelites. Also what is the source of the "article"...


I swear it's about time anything that looks like a muslim gets pulverized on this planet. It's long overdue.
and while you are doin that take out the jews to

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #305 on: November 21, 2012, 02:46:46 AM »
and while you are doin that take out the jews to
pretty pleeeaseeee

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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #306 on: November 21, 2012, 04:56:51 AM »
Horse shit. Israel attacked this time first. (Killed children, palestinians attacked soldiers, again they killed children palestinians attacked soldiers, then israelis kill the very guy brokering a TRUCE... and to make injury further they attack more children)

Israel attacked 4 years ago first too (bombed a police station, unprovoked)

Every single time it is ISRAEL who breaks truce! NEVER upholds a promise, NEVER upholds a truce, NEVER upholds an agreement!

This is just becoming Lolz. I am starting to think he's trolling us and not serious. It really is not humanly possible to be this dumb.

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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #307 on: November 21, 2012, 05:11:42 AM »
Ahmed you didn't answer 2 of my questions...

1. If the Middle East is so great why must your girlfriend be educated in Canada? You said you will go back to the ME after she is do e school. And...

B. You have called those who kill in the name of Islam "fake Muslims" over and over... yet you support Hamas simply because they were democratically elected. So if they use women and children as human shields, but were democratically elected, are they real or fake Muslims? How about lobbing bombs randomly...purposely... into civilian areas? Ok cause they are the government? Are they real or fake Muslims?


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #308 on: November 21, 2012, 05:34:10 AM »
Ahmed you didn't answer 2 of my questions...

1. If the Middle East is so great why must your girlfriend be educated in Canada? You said you will go back to the ME after she is do e school. And...
The middle east has been decimated by almost a century of foreign invasions and intervention, largely destroying it's education system. A lot of it's nations were very prosperous before western intervention, really quite tragic.
B. You have called those who kill in the name of Islam "fake Muslims" over and over... yet you support Hamas simply because they were democratically elected. So if they use women and children as human shields, but were democratically elected, are they real or fake Muslims? How about lobbing bombs randomly...purposely... into civilian areas? Ok cause they are the government? Are they real or fake Muslims?
Any group that is inherently at a huge disadvantage military wise, employs Guerrilla tactics, it's that or be destroyed. It's also difficult to gauge the extent of their willingness to involves civilians, as such things are reported by a western media.

All in all i pretty much despise all forms of organized religion, with Islam being at the top of the list, due to their practitioners interpretation of the beliefs still being from the middle ages. But they do have very genuine grievances with the west. I could fully understand why Ahmed would be pissed off.
Trans Milkshake.


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Thick Nick

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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #310 on: November 21, 2012, 09:19:42 AM »

So is Ahmed your gimmick and you fucked up, or are you as dumb as him? She can't get educated there because they would lop her head clean off for being female and learning. And I didn't ask about tactics... I said killing in the name of Islam which is Assmeds go to response... then they aren't real Muslims. Now fuck off for agreeing with him.


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #311 on: November 21, 2012, 09:26:36 AM »


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #312 on: November 21, 2012, 09:29:23 AM »


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #313 on: November 21, 2012, 09:30:37 AM »
So is Ahmed your gimmick and you fucked up, or are you as dumb as him? She can't get educated there because they would lop her head clean off for being female and learning. And I didn't ask about tactics... I said killing in the name of Islam which is Assmeds go to response... then they aren't real Muslims. Now fuck off for agreeing with him.

I have been arguing with him about some of the stuff he has been saying in this thread, particularly the antagonistic religious/race stuff. But i'm not some fanatical idiot that only sees one side of the story.

Oh and you fuck off you little prick, you clearly are completely ignorant of the issues at hand so should keep your mouth shut.
Trans Milkshake.

Thick Nick

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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #314 on: November 21, 2012, 09:37:00 AM »

I have been arguing with him about some of the stuff he has been saying in this thread, particularly the antagonistic religious/race stuff. But i'm not some fanatical idiot that only sees one side of the story.

Oh and you fuck off you little prick, you clearly are completely ignorant of the issues at hand so should keep your mouth shut.

Little lol. And anyone arguing on the side of Hamas saying someone else isn't up on the issue is Lolz. And...

Fuck off again.


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #315 on: November 21, 2012, 09:42:15 AM »
Little lol. And anyone arguing on the side of Hamas saying someone else isn't up on the issue is Lolz. And...

Fuck off again.

Great debating skills. You must get punched in the mouth a lot in real life.

I said that their infrastructure had pretty much been destroyed by successive conflicts. Dissagree?

I also said that it is hard to be exact about what is really happening due to a conflict of interests in the western media. Disagree?

Be that as it may, i despise Islamic "culture" so would generally feel more of a connection to Israel regardless.

That's not to say that the west hasn't cluster fucked a lot of peoples countries and life's throughout recent history though, two entirely separate issues.
Trans Milkshake.

Thick Nick

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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #316 on: November 21, 2012, 10:19:11 AM »

Great debating skills. You must get punched in the mouth a lot in real life.

I said that their infrastructure had pretty much been destroyed by successive conflicts. Dissagree?

I also said that it is hard to be exact about what is really happening due to a conflict of interests in the western media. Disagree?

Be that as it may, i despise Islamic "culture" so would generally feel more of a connection to Israel regardless.

That's not to say that the west hasn't cluster fucked a lot of peoples countries and life's throughout recent history though, two entirely separate issues.

And this is why you don't answer for others. Assmed claims women can go to college in the ME, even as the Taliban beheads 12 year olds. He says that is not really Islam. Yet his girl is in school in Canada. See what I did there? It's called context and why it was adressed to him.

No shit war destroys stuff. You am smart. Next time, let him answer OR go back and read why a question is worded a certain way. And...

Fuck off yet again.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #317 on: November 21, 2012, 10:25:00 AM »
Just to be clear.  Israelis doesn't equal Jew.  Israelis are pieces of shit. Jews can be Israeli but more Jews are found outside of Israel than in it.


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #318 on: November 21, 2012, 10:38:46 AM »


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #319 on: November 21, 2012, 12:07:54 PM »
And this is why you don't answer for others. Assmed claims women can go to college in the ME, even as the Taliban beheads 12 year olds. He says that is not really Islam. Yet his girl is in school in Canada. See what I did there? It's called context and why it was adressed to him.

No shit war destroys stuff. You am smart. Next time, let him answer OR go back and read why a question is worded a certain way. And...

Fuck off yet again.

Want me to dig up all of the fucked up shit that happens on a daily basis in the west? The entire catholic church have been involved in innumerable scandals involving the rape of children. Something that currently large segments of the British government, judicial system and Europe are getting dragged into. Your government sells billions of dollars of weapons by way of cash/oil/drugs contracts daily, more than the entire yearly economy of some countries, is ploughed in to the death industry. Weapons of which their only purpose is killing.

Blowing up little kids on the street is just as abhorrent as the acts of terrorism that militant Islam undertakes. It's all pretty comparable on the fucked up scale.

Yes war destroys stuff, the question would be what's the reasoning behind any given conflict in the first place.

You sound like the type of person that perpetuates the military industrial complex's goals, congratulations you are a pawn, a mouthy little one at that.
Trans Milkshake.


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #320 on: November 21, 2012, 01:19:16 PM »

Are you being serious?  What a fucking joke of an argument, pretty much tells us all we need to know about the sophistication of your understanding of the middle east.

/you're an alright guy otherwise
follow the arrows


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #321 on: November 21, 2012, 03:36:38 PM »
Are you being serious?  What a fucking joke of an argument, pretty much tells us all we need to know about the sophistication of your understanding of the middle east.

/you're an alright guy otherwise

It's simplistic, but it is accurate.

Do you argue it's premise?

Of course you do, which is why you didn't really mention where it's inaccurate, but decided that I didn't have an understanding of the middle east based upon a map.


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #322 on: November 21, 2012, 05:10:36 PM »
It's simplistic, but it is accurate.

Do you argue it's premise?

Of course you do, which is why you didn't really mention where it's inaccurate, but decided that I didn't have an understanding of the middle east based upon a map.

I M not arguing with you in that I think the place should be leveled, but Iranians aren't Arabs from what I understand. Neither are Turks. The North Africa folks are, but the easterners are different mud people.


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #323 on: November 21, 2012, 05:22:29 PM »
I M not arguing with you in that I think the place should be leveled, but Iranians aren't Arabs from what I understand. Neither are Turks. The North Africa folks are, but the easterners are different mud people.

Technically this is true... but let's go George W. on this shit...

They're all Muslim.

Except the Jews.


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Re: Is it the "cool" thing these days to side with terrorist groups like Hamas?
« Reply #324 on: November 21, 2012, 05:26:45 PM »
Technically this is true... but let's go George W. on this shit...

They're all Muslim.

Except the Jews.