Author Topic: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil  (Read 4188 times)


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #75 on: March 21, 2013, 07:44:06 AM »
Oh Puleaze!!! They NEVER thought he had them. Infact both Condileeza Rice AND General Colin Powell were on record in July 2001 as saying Saddam Hussein was NOT a threat, and was INCAPABLE of being a threat. He had been neutralized.

One injured vet who is dying blames the two OILmen in office for the war.

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

you know they are quoted saying that they thought he had them.  so i'll ask you.  Were they lying?  I'm not saying they were or weren't.  I was simply asking the question.  And then everyone gets mad that i'm asking.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #76 on: March 21, 2013, 07:45:12 AM »
based on information... albeit false... it was still based on information that was given...was there motive behind the information? ...maybe

right they were all tricked.  so ok by whom exactly? 

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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #77 on: March 21, 2013, 09:54:14 AM »
right they were all tricked.  so ok by whom exactly? 
Who ever was over military intelligence i guess... who the fuck else?


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #78 on: March 21, 2013, 10:07:31 AM »
Who ever was over military intelligence i guess... who the fuck else?

you do understand that this lie was perpetuated over 4 adminsitrations over 20 years right?  i'm just saying that the implications of what the author of this article is saying extend all the way back to the Reagan administration right?  All im saying is that the author doesn't address that the 3 administrations before GWB were warning of the nuclear threat of Sadaam.  So all i'm asking is when did these warnings become lies?  And Ozmo and everyone else is seriously pissed off that I want to know this.  I don't understand why.  I suppose it's because he wants us to believe him and ask no questions.  And he won't answer questions that I have.  His only answer is "when was Iraq's oil industry nationalized?" 

sorry but thats not good enough for me.   


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #79 on: March 21, 2013, 10:13:58 AM »
also just to be clear.  anyone who believes this author and Ozmo and still votes either Democrat or Republican........may quite possibly be the stupidest person ever.  you're KNOWINGLY voting to put into power murderers and liars.  so if you're siding with Ozmo on this and you voted for either Obama OR Romney, you're an idiot.

If this is proven to be true in the future and people still vote for the Democratic or Republican machines, you're a village idiot.

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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #80 on: March 21, 2013, 10:42:27 AM »
this isn't about politics.   as a whole, the US govt - prez and congress - created and implemented a plan to pre-emptively invade iraq for the oil drilling. 

doesn't matter which party is in office.  bush was in back then, but obama didn't change a thing. 

so please, let's not make this about "but but but the senator (D) said this..."

let's make this about so many govt officials admitting it was about oil, the result of the way being privitization of the oil by foreign firms, and the people on getbig who truly believed in their hearts that oil had nothing to do with our invasion.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #81 on: March 21, 2013, 10:59:58 AM »
this isn't about politics.   as a whole, the US govt - prez and congress - created and implemented a plan to pre-emptively invade iraq for the oil drilling. 

doesn't matter which party is in office.  bush was in back then, but obama didn't change a thing. 

so please, let's not make this about "but but but the senator (D) said this..."

let's make this about so many govt officials admitting it was about oil, the result of the way being privitization of the oil by foreign firms, and the people on getbig who truly believed in their hearts that oil had nothing to do with our invasion.

sorry but you're basically saying, "let's not ask any quesitons.  let's just assume that the war was based on a lie because a few people said that it was and now the Iraqi oil industry is held by private corporations"  and when i ask you to show me proof about who started the lies your reponse is, "Let's not turn this into something political". 

I'm sorry but you don't see a problem with that?  seriously?

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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #82 on: March 21, 2013, 11:14:05 AM »
sorry but you're basically saying, "let's not ask any quesitons.  let's just assume that the war was based on a lie because a few people said that it was and now the Iraqi oil industry is held by private corporations"  and when i ask you to show me proof about who started the lies your reponse is, "Let's not turn this into something political". 

I'm sorry but you don't see a problem with that?  seriously?

There is no need to 'ask questions'.   As you've shown, politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle endorsed a pre-emptive war for national resources under a pre-tense.

There is no need to argue something that I accept.  Moot point.  Oz started this thread to show certain getbiggers who, in 2005, mocked those who said oil drilling played a part in the invasion.  They seriously believed "spreading freedom" and other vague phrases.  We now have top govt officials admitting this is bullshit.  Oz pointed it out so that these getbiggers could say "Oh wow, interested, thanks oz, I missed that one..."

Both parties wanted to get their greedy fingers on that oil, to privatize it, to keep it in US dollars.  It's a good goal in terms of our standard of living... things get expensive fast when iran, iraq, etc drop the dollar.  worked out for us.  But it's not a political discussion  -  both sides wanted it.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #83 on: March 21, 2013, 11:25:07 AM »
There is no need to 'ask questions'.   As you've shown, politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle endorsed a pre-emptive war for national resources under a pre-tense.

There is no need to argue something that I accept.  Moot point.  Oz started this thread to show certain getbiggers who, in 2005, mocked those who said oil drilling played a part in the invasion.  They seriously believed "spreading freedom" and other vague phrases.  We now have top govt officials admitting this is bullshit.  Oz pointed it out so that these getbiggers could say "Oh wow, interested, thanks oz, I missed that one..."

Both parties wanted to get their greedy fingers on that oil, to privatize it, to keep it in US dollars.  It's a good goal in terms of our standard of living... things get expensive fast when iran, iraq, etc drop the dollar.  worked out for us.  But it's not a political discussion  -  both sides wanted it.

NOW THATS AN ACCEPTABLE OPINION!!!  i can agree with you on this.  not certain if i do yet but this is the first post so far that makes any sense to me. 

you do know that the author of the original article is not with you on this though right?  she places blame on the GWB administration and no one else.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #84 on: March 21, 2013, 03:11:30 PM »
the only reason its brought up is that for this author's statement to be true there had to be a conspiracy.  i don't understand your response to the quotes by the Clinton administration. 

The Clinton administration time and time again warned of the danger of Sadaam Hussein. So why did he say those things?  I guess i just don't see the angle he was taking. 

Look I have to understand why.  I'm more than willing to accept that we went to war based on the desire for Iraq's oil.  That makes sense to me.  What doesn't make sense to me is the fact that you're saying that the search for WMD's was simply a bold faced lie given to us by 4 consecutive administrations over the span of 20 years.

So my question becomes, "were they all in on it?" "who started lying about it and when?" Thats a question that you have not answered.  I'm trying to be open minded in this.  So i'm asking quesitons.  And you're gettign mad that i'm asking those questions.  And you'd have to be either a complete idiot or a person with a political angle NOT to ask those questions.

I am not a CT'er.  If you won't take my word for it read the guidelines on the CT board and read many of my posts there.  I don'y know that this was a conspircay to begin with and don't think a conspiracy could ever be legitimately proven.    to say: 

the only reason its brought up is that for this author's statement to be true there had to be a conspiracy. 
Incorrect!  There doesn't have to be a conspiracy for the author's opinon to be true.  For example:  Bush could have had serious war fever and wanted revenge for Saddam's attempted assasination attempt and in roder to get support he needed to make promises to certian entities to get that support as to who benefits in the aftermath.  Or it could have any other number of scenarios that don't invovled a group of power brokers in a room with bush and cheney saying let's get their oil and here's how we will do it and lie to the American poeple about it.

But RESULTS speak far louder than the talk here.  We are benefiting off that nations oil and we traded 4400 US lives for it, 8 years of war, no WMD's, 100,000 Iraqi lives for it, Trillions of debt, and IRAN becoming the regional power there.  If you knew the results before the invasion would have supported it?  Can we at least agree that it wasn't about spreading democracy and the threat of WMD's?

The Clinton administration time and time again warned of the danger of Sadaam Hussein. So why did he say those things?  I guess i just don't see the angle he was taking. 

You cannot take what polticians say for face value.  NEVER!  A good example:  Michelle Bachman's various blabber about over spending yet she voted for the addtional 190 billion in Bailout monies.  A power Acknowledging a threat makes people feel safer.  What if Clinton stated Saddam is not a threat?  How does he justify to the world the "no fly zone" there?  How does he justify the costs?  But not to be able to have our thumb on Saddam might encourage him to push the limits as we would be able to remove as quickly.  Hence the presnece there is needed and we needed to say publically he was a threat.

Common sense dictates that Saddam knows he loses his position of power and likely gets executed if he does anything act of aggression outside his borders.  Even if he had WMD's its still not neccesarily a immitent danger.

What makes me also luagh is if the "intel" was so good how is it that they found ZERO WMD's?  What was their intel based on RUMOR?  They were cherry picking it.  Plain and simple and any poltician at that time risks poltical suicide challanging it.

So hopefully you see that i have answered your quesitons.

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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #85 on: March 21, 2013, 03:16:43 PM »
Yet you take Obama's BC at face value.   ::)  ::)

I am not a CT'er.  If you won't take my word for it read the guidelines on the CT board and read many of my posts there.  I don'y know that this was a conspircay to begin with and don't think a conspiracy could ever be legitimately proven.    to say: 
 Incorrect!  There doesn't have to be a conspiracy for the author's opinon to be true.  For example:  Bush could have had serious war fever and wanted revenge for Saddam's attempted assasination attempt and in roder to get support he needed to make promises to certian entities to get that support as to who benefits in the aftermath.  Or it could have any other number of scenarios that don't invovled a group of power brokers in a room with bush and cheney saying let's get their oil and here's how we will do it and lie to the American poeple about it.

But RESULTS speak far louder than the talk here.  We are benefiting off that nations oil and we traded 4400 US lives for it, 8 years of war, no WMD's, 100,000 Iraqi lives for it, Trillions of debt, and IRAN becoming the regional power there.  If you knew the results before the invasion would have supported it?  Can we at least agree that it wasn't about spreading democracy and the threat of WMD's?

You cannot take what polticians say for face value.  NEVER!  A good example:  Michelle Bachman's various blabber about over spending yet she voted for the addtional 190 billion in Bailout monies.  A power Acknowledging a threat makes people feel safer.  What if Clinton stated Saddam is not a threat?  How does he justify to the world the "no fly zone" there?  How does he justify the costs?  But not to be able to have our thumb on Saddam might encourage him to push the limits as we would be able to remove as quickly.  Hence the presnece there is needed and we needed to say publically he was a threat.

Common sense dictates that Saddam knows he loses his position of power and likely gets executed if he does anything act of aggression outside his borders.  Even if he had WMD's its still not neccesarily a immitent danger.

What makes me also luagh is if the "intel" was so good how is it that they found ZERO WMD's?  What was their intel based on RUMOR?  They were cherry picking it.  Plain and simple and any poltician at that time risks poltical suicide challanging it.

So hopefully you see that i have answered your quesitons.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #86 on: March 21, 2013, 03:21:54 PM »
Yet you take Obama's BC at face value.   ::)  ::)


I take the evidence and the statements of it's authenticity from credible sources.

You take yours from HATE and the ring leader of retards:  Sherrif Joe and his posee of idiots.  And you largely live in a fantasy world.

Still waiting for the big reveal........HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAH

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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #87 on: March 21, 2013, 03:55:57 PM »
Yet you take Obama's BC at face value.   ::)  ::)


what is your position?  Was the iraqi war partially about oil?   Or was it all about "freedom" and had "nothing to do with oil" as some foolish getbiggers claimed?


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #88 on: March 21, 2013, 04:53:43 PM »
I am not a CT'er.  If you won't take my word for it read the guidelines on the CT board and read many of my posts there.  I don'y know that this was a conspircay to begin with and don't think a conspiracy could ever be legitimately proven.    to say: 
 Incorrect!  There doesn't have to be a conspiracy for the author's opinon to be true.  For example:  Bush could have had serious war fever and wanted revenge for Saddam's attempted assasination attempt and in roder to get support he needed to make promises to certian entities to get that support as to who benefits in the aftermath.  Or it could have any other number of scenarios that don't invovled a group of power brokers in a room with bush and cheney saying let's get their oil and here's how we will do it and lie to the American poeple about it.

But RESULTS speak far louder than the talk here.  We are benefiting off that nations oil and we traded 4400 US lives for it, 8 years of war, no WMD's, 100,000 Iraqi lives for it, Trillions of debt, and IRAN becoming the regional power there.  If you knew the results before the invasion would have supported it?  Can we at least agree that it wasn't about spreading democracy and the threat of WMD's?

You cannot take what polticians say for face value.  NEVER!  A good example:  Michelle Bachman's various blabber about over spending yet she voted for the addtional 190 billion in Bailout monies.  A power Acknowledging a threat makes people feel safer.  What if Clinton stated Saddam is not a threat?  How does he justify to the world the "no fly zone" there?  How does he justify the costs?  But not to be able to have our thumb on Saddam might encourage him to push the limits as we would be able to remove as quickly.  Hence the presnece there is needed and we needed to say publically he was a threat.

Common sense dictates that Saddam knows he loses his position of power and likely gets executed if he does anything act of aggression outside his borders.  Even if he had WMD's its still not neccesarily a immitent danger.

What makes me also luagh is if the "intel" was so good how is it that they found ZERO WMD's?  What was their intel based on RUMOR?  They were cherry picking it.  Plain and simple and any poltician at that time risks poltical suicide challanging it.

So hopefully you see that i have answered your quesitons.

1. i believe Bill Clinton was being forthright in his concerns over Sadaam. maybe he was worng.  maybe not.
2. The US has spent far more $$ on the Iraq war then it has reaped through the monetary benefits of the Iraqi oil industry being privatized.  THATS SIMPLY A FACT.
3. the countries that have benefitted the most from the Iraqi oil industry since 2003 are China and Russia.  The Iraqi oil fields were auctioned offon the free market and China and Russia receievd the lion's share of it.  They contributed NOTHING to the Iraqi war effort.  If the USA's plan was to reap a shit ton of $$ from this plan, they failed.....miserably.
4. Iraqi's oil industry being privatized is not concrete evidence of the US "plannig to steal it".  Like i said before, the UNited States has industries that have become almost completely dominated by companies in foreign countries.  They produce more efficiently.....They win.  Why aren't you conjuring up conspiracies about China coming in and "stealing" our manufacturing and electronic industries?  Is it simply because you want to believe that the US are the "bad guys"?  And every other country is a victim? 

So now I guess your response will be something like "just because they didn't succeed doesn't mean thats not what they tried to do"  And I just am not buying that shit....yet.  Like i said, I keep an open mind to this kind of shit but you have to present your evidence far better than you are in this thread.  I'm simply being honest.  And whether or not you know it, you're obviously cherry picking what you believe are "credible sources" or not "credible sources".  You simply believe that anyone who spreads information that you agree with is a credible source.  Everyone else is not.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #89 on: March 21, 2013, 05:10:52 PM »
1. i believe Bill Clinton was being forthright in his concerns over Sadaam. maybe he was worng.  maybe not.
2. The US has spent far more $$ on the Iraq war then it has reaped through the monetary benefits of the Iraqi oil industry being privatized.  THATS SIMPLY A FACT.
3. the countries that have benefitted the most from the Iraqi oil industry since 2003 are China and Russia.  The Iraqi oil fields were auctioned offon the free market and China and Russia receievd the lion's share of it.  They contributed NOTHING to the Iraqi war effort.  If the USA's plan was to reap a shit ton of $$ from this plan, they failed.....miserably.

What have i cherry picked?  I posted an article with facts yet to be disputed. 

Has the US spent more on Iraq than they have reaped?  Consider this:

1.  We are paying about 3.75/gal nationwide.  How much was gas pre 2003?
2.  Who is profiting where they weren't prior to 2003?
3.  Was there a major false assumption regarding how long the war and aftermath was going to last?

How was Bill Clinton forright in his concerns for Iraq?  How so?

You bring up a good point though:  What is the break down and revenue of the foriegn companies who are profiting from Iraq's oil?  I would like to know what it is exactly.

4. Iraqi's oil industry being privatized is not concrete evidence of the US "plannig to steal it".  Like i said before, the UNited States has industries that have become almost completely dominated by companies in foreign countries.  They produce more efficiently.....They win.  Why aren't you conjuring up conspiracies about China coming in and "stealing" our manufacturing and electronic industries?  Is it simply because you want to believe that the US are the "bad guys"?  And every other country is a victim? 

So now I guess your response will be something like "just because they didn't succeed doesn't mean thats not what they tried to do"  And I just am not buying that shit....yet.  Like i said, I keep an open mind to this kind of shit but you have to present your evidence far better than you are in this thread.  I'm simply being honest.  And whether or not you know it, you're obviously cherry picking what you believe are "credible sources" or not "credible sources".  You simply believe that anyone who spreads information that you agree with is a credible source.  Everyone else is not.

You make a ton of assumptions about what i think. (mostly incorrect).  I thought i was pretty clear in my explanation. 


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #90 on: March 21, 2013, 10:12:47 PM »
you know they are quoted saying that they thought he had them.  so i'll ask you.  Were they lying?  I'm not saying they were or weren't.  I was simply asking the question.  And then everyone gets mad that i'm asking.

If you're talking about the Bush / Cheney admin and their minions... yes I believe they were lying.

Not only do I believe they were lying, but that they committed numerous acts of treason, and intimidation to bring others on board with their lies... yellowcake from guy, the exposure of Valerie Pflame, the piece of bad theatre before the UN with the little vial of white powder etc., etc., ... In my opinion, all a charade.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #91 on: March 22, 2013, 06:46:39 AM »
If you're talking about the Bush / Cheney admin and their minions... yes I believe they were lying.

Not only do I believe they were lying, but that they committed numerous acts of treason, and intimidation to bring others on board with their lies... yellowcake from guy, the exposure of Valerie Pflame, the piece of bad theatre before the UN with the little vial of white powder etc., etc., ... In my opinion, all a charade.

so bush cheney were flat out lying.  i can accept that. 

what about the clinton administration?  were they lying about the danger?  why didn't Clinton go to war with Sadaam?  why would HE lie about WMD's to the American people if he had ZERO intention of going to war?  whats his angle?  what;s his upside to making people believe Sadaam had WMD's?

what about Bush Sr.?  was he lying?  was his war based on lies as well? 


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #92 on: March 22, 2013, 08:17:17 AM »,8599,1948787,00.html

this article basically says everything that i was saying as to who benfitted the most from the privatization of the Iraqi oil supply.  i'm sure you'll find a reason not to believe it.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #93 on: March 22, 2013, 08:45:05 AM »,8599,1948787,00.html

this article basically says everything that i was saying as to who benfitted the most from the privatization of the Iraqi oil supply.  i'm sure you'll find a reason not to believe it.

Again you assume alot, mostly incorrect which seems to be habit with you.

It doesn't answer this question:

What is the break down and revenue of the foriegn companies who are profiting from Iraq's oil?  I would like to know what it is exactly.

To say "Iraqi oil fields were sold in auction to Russia and China" doesn't take into account how many oil fields there are to begin with and who (how its divided up) controls and profits from all of them.  And in the article they were talking about difficult profit margins which brings up the quesiton of whether or not poeple are profiting in other layers of the production process.

I don't disbelieve the article, but anyone with any sense can see its only a fraction of the whole picture.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #94 on: March 22, 2013, 09:46:42 AM »

Not a single U.S. company secured a deal in the auction of contracts that will shape the Iraqi oil industry for the next couple of decades.

Read more:,8599,1948787,00.html#ixzz2OHpKKyd1

you're choosing to ignore facts.  period. 

i'm sorry but anyone with any sense can see that you're argument is not holding water.  how is your assertion that the US planned to invade Iraq so that we could get their oil fall in line with the fact that "Not a single U.S. company secured a deal in the auction of contracts"?  It doesn't. 


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #95 on: March 22, 2013, 09:48:55 AM »

That might have been the thinking of U.S. oil giants, which largely stayed away from last week's bidding, and which have failed to negotiate oil deals with Iraq's government outside of the public auction process. Iraqi officials say they are not awarding contracts based on political considerations, but simply a straight comparison of prices and production targets. "The bidding was extremely tough," said one official in Baghdad, in an email. "My guess is that [the U.S. companies] could not match the offers from others." In Iraq, at least, the victor has no special claim on the spoils of war.

Read more:,8599,1948787,00.html#ixzz2OHv3tm6F

we invaded.  then we couldn't afford the product that they were selling.  so they sold it to someone who could.  period.  THESE ARE FACTS.  that are in stark contrast to what you claim. 

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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #96 on: March 22, 2013, 12:06:05 PM »
Not a single U.S. company secured a deal in the auction of contracts that will shape the Iraqi oil industry for the next couple of decades.

Read more:,8599,1948787,00.html#ixzz2OHpKKyd1

you're choosing to ignore facts.  period. 

i'm sorry but anyone with any sense can see that you're argument is not holding water.  how is your assertion that the US planned to invade Iraq so that we could get their oil fall in line with the fact that "Not a single U.S. company secured a deal in the auction of contracts"?  It doesn't. 

Good find.  The "war for oil"argument really isn't supported by the facts.  If we went to war so private American oil companies could profit, we failed miserably.  If we went to war to have American governmental control of Iraq's oil, we failed spectacularly. 

What's left? 


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #97 on: March 22, 2013, 12:08:10 PM »
That might have been the thinking of U.S. oil giants, which largely stayed away from last week's bidding, and which have failed to negotiate oil deals with Iraq's government outside of the public auction process. Iraqi officials say they are not awarding contracts based on political considerations, but simply a straight comparison of prices and production targets. "The bidding was extremely tough," said one official in Baghdad, in an email. "My guess is that [the U.S. companies] could not match the offers from others." In Iraq, at least, the victor has no special claim on the spoils of war.

Read more:,8599,1948787,00.html#ixzz2OHv3tm6F

we invaded.  then we couldn't afford the product that they were selling.  so they sold it to someone who could.  period.  THESE ARE FACTS.  that are in stark contrast to what you claim. 

You don't get fine points very well do you?  You seem to be easily convinced without really looking closely.

Was this auction of ALL their oils fields in Iraq?

What is the break down of revenue exactly?

You may be 100% right, but that article doesn't prove anything regarding the questions I am asking.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #98 on: March 22, 2013, 12:24:43 PM »

You don't get fine points very well do you?  You seem to be easily convinced without really looking closely.

Was this auction of ALL their oils fields in Iraq?

What is the break down of revenue exactly?

You may be 100% right, but that article doesn't prove anything regarding the questions I am asking.

I don't get fine points very well?  really?  really?  what is THE EXACT BREAKDOWN?  i don't know.  the bottom line is that the lion's share of the Iraqi oil is controlled by countries other than the US.  Why?  Because they were offered on the free market under the protection of the United States after we occupied Iraq. 

US corps were allowed  bid on the oil fields just like evertone else and they LOST.  fair and square.  because China and Russia outbid them.  you're trying to paint a picture of the US bullying their way into control of Iraqi oil and your argument simply fails on every level.  just stop.  you're WRONG on this one OK?  i'm sure you can go back to the drawing board and find 1,000 other reasons to hate the US.


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Re: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
« Reply #99 on: March 22, 2013, 01:37:27 PM »
I don't get fine points very well?  really?  really?  what is THE EXACT BREAKDOWN?  i don't know.  the bottom line is that the lion's share of the Iraqi oil is controlled by countries other than the US.  Why?  Because they were offered on the free market under the protection of the United States after we occupied Iraq.  

US corps were allowed  bid on the oil fields just like evertone else and they LOST.  fair and square.  because China and Russia outbid them.  you're trying to paint a picture of the US bullying their way into control of Iraqi oil and your argument simply fails on every level.  just stop.  you're WRONG on this one OK?  i'm sure you can go back to the drawing board and find 1,000 other reasons to hate the US.

Ok, the lion's share of Iraqis oil reserves a coontrolled by others countries.....  Show me the break down exactly including any layers.

If it turns out what you say is true, then fine I am wrong. 

And again your post is filled wi incorrect assumptions about my opinions showing your extreme ignorance and tendency to label and stereotype.