Author Topic: Cruz 2016  (Read 91736 times)

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #475 on: March 18, 2016, 10:18:50 AM »
Politico: Rubio Closer to Endorsing Cruz

Image: Politico: Rubio Closer to Endorsing Cruz  (Getty Images)
By Loren Gutentag   |   Friday, 18 Mar 2016

Donald Trump's resounding win in Florida on Tuesday night helped force Sen. Marco Rubio out of the presidential race, but Politico notes the Florida senator is still making headlines as he is now close to endorsing his recent fierce rival Sen. Ted Cruz for the GOP nomination.

Although the two senators have some details to work out — Cruz has to ask for the endorsement and both need to decide if it will make a difference — Rubio was quoted as calling his Texas colleague "the only conservative left in the race," St. Paul Pioneer Press reported on Thursday.

However, when asked about a Cruz endorsement, Rubio told reporters, "I don't have any announcement on that today."

He added, "There's time to prevent a Trump nomination, which I think would fracture the party and be damaging to the conservative movement."

According to Politico, the two senators have similar conservative voting records in the Senate and mostly only disagree on immigration reform and some foreign-policy matters.

And while "Dump Trump" movements are growing, pressure from conservative activists is mounting on Rubio to block Trump from the GOP nomination and join other former rivals, such as Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., in backing Cruz.

"He doesn't want to look like Jeb Bush," said a Rubio backer.

"By the time Jeb quit, he had no credibility and his endorsement meant nothing, which is part of the reason we suspect he didn't endorse Marco in Florida. It wouldn't have helped, and we didn't want it anyway."

Although Cruz's campaign did not confirm or deny discussions with Rubio, Politico reports that one adviser made it clear Cruz would appreciate Rubio's support.

"Obviously, there are a lot of conversations going on with a lot of people, and that includes Rubio's people," a Cruz adviser said. "Look, if Lindsey Graham is endorsing Ted that should tell you something."

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #476 on: March 21, 2016, 10:27:38 AM »
Poll: Cruz soars ahead in Utah
By Evelyn Rupert
March 19, 2016

A new poll shows Texas Sen. Ted Cruz with a steep lead in the Utah GOP presidential caucuses that could award him all of the state's delegates if it holds.

A Y2 Analytics survey released Saturday puts Cruz with 53 percent of the vote, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. He is followed by Ohio Gov. John Kasich with 29 percent and Donald Trump at 11 percent.
Utah has 40 delegates, and a candidate will take all of them if he receives a majority vote. Candidates have to reach 15 percent of the vote to win delegates.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #477 on: March 21, 2016, 10:31:09 AM »
Pennsylvania Judge Rules Cruz 'Natural Born Citizen'

Image: Pennsylvania Judge Rules Cruz 'Natural Born Citizen'
By Greg Richter   |   Sunday, 20 Mar 2016

A Pennsylvania judge has ruled that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's name can appear on that state's GOP presidential primary ballot in April, reports, adding that the story got scant attention despite its ramifications.

While the Wall Street Journal reported on the ruling in a blog post, LawNewz writer Rachel Stockman writes that not much else has been said, despite front-runner Donald Trump's earlier assertions that Cruz's eligibility would be tied in the courts for years.

"This weekend, it occurred to me, this issue has faded from the public eye. The major media outlets stopped talking about it (maybe because Trump has moved on to other things.) But, it remains an important and largely unresolved question," Stockman writes.

The suit – and others across the country – have focused on whether Cruz can even serve as president because he was born in Canada.

There are two schools of constitutional thought on that question. While there is no debate that the president must be a "natural born citizen," some legal scholars say that Cruz meets that criterion since his mother was a U.S. citizen. Others argue that while his mother's citizenship does grant him citizenship at birth, it does not make him a "natural born citizen" allowed to serve as president since he was born on foreign soil.

Other courts have tossed out the so-called "birther" claims against Cruz on procedural grounds, including that the plaintiffs didn’t have standing to bring the suits, Stockman notes.

But Pennsylvania Senior Judge Dan Pellegrini actually ruled on the merits of the case and found Cruz to be a natural born citizen.

One document used by Pelligrini is a 1968 memo by then-General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service Charles Gordon.

"The Framers were well aware of the need to assure full citizenship rights to the children born to American citizens in foreign countries," Gordon argues in the memo.

Then there is a 2011 Congressional Research Service Memo titled, "Qualification for President and the 'Natural Born' Citizenship Eligibility Requirement."

That document reads: "The weight of legal and historical authority indicated that the term 'natural born' citizen would mean a person, who is entitled to U.S. citizenship 'by birth' or 'at birth' either by being born 'in' the United States and under its jurisdiction, even those born to alien parents; by being born abroad to U.S. citizen-parents."

Further, Pelligrini quotes a Harvard Law Review article by constitutional scholars Paul Clement & Neal Katyal who, though coming from different sides of the political aisle, say, "as Congress has recognized since the Founding, a person born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is generally a U.S. citizen from birth with no need for naturalization. And the phrase 'natural born citizen' in the Constitution encompasses all such citizens from birth."

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #478 on: March 22, 2016, 03:37:29 PM »
Mia Love endorses Cruz before Utah caucus
By Mark Hensch
March 22, 2016

Getty Images

The only black, female Republican in Congress endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for president on Tuesday, the day of her state’s GOP caucuses.

“America faces difficult challenges and pressing problems at home and abroad,” Rep. Mia Love (Utah) said in a statement. "There has never been a greater need for courage and courageous leaders."

Without mentioning Republican front-runner Donald Trump by name, Love sought to draw a distinction between what she sees as a campaign based on "angst and anger" and one of substance.

“Because I believe we need a president with less bravado and more real courage to act on conservative principles, I will be casting my vote Tuesday for Ted Cruz," she continued. "He has proven himself to be a principled, courageous leader with a positive agenda for our future.”

Love said Cruz reflected the values she wants to see in White House.

“I want a president who is interested in reducing the power of the presidency and federal government — not expanding it,” she said.

"I want a president I know I can count on to sign into law the kinds of bills I have introduced related to higher education, eliminating massive bills filled with pork and perks for the well-connected, serving our veterans and creating jobs for hardworking Americans.”

Cruz leads his GOP presidential primary rivals by 21 points in the Beehive State, according to a Deseret News/KSL poll released Monday. Margin of victory will be very important in Utah: If one Republican nets more than 50 percent of the vote, he will automatically get all 40 delegates.

Love previously backed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) last year, arguing he is “very strong” on national security and foreign policy necessary for keeping America safe.

Rubio suspended his Oval Office bid last week after a disappointing second-place finish in his home state’s GOP presidential primary.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #479 on: March 23, 2016, 12:43:46 PM »
Ted Cruz endorsed by Jeb Bush and Club For Growth
Steph Solis and David Jackson, USA TODAY
March 23, 2016

Ted Cruz picked up a couple of prominent endorsements Wednesday, one from former Republican opponent Jeb Bush and another from the anti-tax group Club for Growth.

In announcing his support, Bush described the Texas senator as "a consistent, principled conservative who has demonstrated the ability to appeal to voters and win primary contests, including yesterday’s Utah caucus."

The former Florida governor also blasted Cruz's primary opponent, GOP front-runner Donald Trump: "For the sake of our party and country, we must overcome the divisiveness and vulgarity Donald Trump has brought into the political arena or we will certainly lose our chance to defeat the Democratic nominee, most likely Hillary Clinton, this fall."

Club for Growth President David McIntosh, making his organization's first-ever presidential endorsement, described Cruz as "the best free-market, pro-growth, limited-government candidate in the presidential race."

McIntosh said Club for Growth got involved because of what he called "a vast gulf between the two leading Republican candidates on matters of economic liberty," adding that Trump "would seek to remake government in his desired image."

The endorsements are the latest signs of the Republican establishment embracing Cruz, as party leaders look to block Trump's nomination.

Cruz won Tuesday's caucuses in Utah, but Trump won Arizona's primary, thereby extending his delegate lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Bush dropped out of the GOP presidential race on Feb. 20, the night of a poor performance in the South Carolina primary. Bush had failed to win in any of the first three GOP contests, despite having launched his race last year as the front-runner, with a vast campaign war chest and the backing of the Republican establishment.

At some point, the vast majority of delegates could become unbound.Video provided by Newsy Newslook

Bush's campaign ran aground in part because of slashing attacks from Trump, who labeled him the "low energy" candidate.

The former Florida governor did not endorse anyone during his state's primary, including his former protege, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

In picking Cruz, Bush also passed up the only remaining governor in the race, John Kasich of Ohio.

Cruz welcomed Bush's endorsement, calling it "further evidence that Republicans are continuing to unite behind our campaign to nominate a proven conservative to defeat Hillary Clinton in November."

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #480 on: March 24, 2016, 08:11:59 PM »
NY Court Dismisses Cruz Birther Lawsuit

Image: NY Court Dismisses Cruz Birther Lawsuit
Thursday, 24 Mar 2016

A New York appeals court on Thursday upheld a lower court's dismissal of a suit seeking to remove Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz from the state's primary ballot because of his Canadian birth.

The New York Appellate Division agreed with the lower court ruling that the suit should be thrown out because it missed the deadline for filing an objection to Cruz's appearance on the April 19 ballot. Lawyers for Cruz successfully argued that the objectors had filed their petition nearly three weeks late.

The appeals judges said they would not address the merits of the case, saying they were "academic."

Roger Bernstein, a lawyer for the petitioners, said his clients intend to appeal the decision.

New York residents Barry Korman, 81, of Manhattan, and William Gallo, 85, of Manhasset, had filed the suit, arguing that because Cruz was born in Canada, he is not a "naturally born" citizen as the Constitution dictates for a U.S. president.

Cruz has defended himself against similar claims in multiple states, saying he was a U.S. natural born citizen at birth because of his mother's U.S. citizenship at the time.

Cruz was born in 1970 in Calgary, Alberta.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #481 on: March 28, 2016, 09:03:15 AM »
Shock Poll: Cruz Closing on Trump in Golden State

Cruz Gestures Toward TrumpPaul Sancya/AP
27 Mar 2016
Washington, DC

A new poll out from the Los Angeles Times shows the race for the Golden State between billionaire Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Ohio Gov. John Kasich tightening.

Among registered GOP voters, Trump leads Cruz and Kasich with 37 percent to Cruz’s 30 percent and Kasich’s 12 percent.

“Riding a rebellion fueled by opposition to illegal immigration and pessimism about the nation’s future, Donald Trump leads a scrambling duo of competitors less than three months before California’s Republican presidential primary, a new USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times statewide poll has found,” Cathleen Decker of the Times wrote of the publication’s new poll.

The survey, according to cross tabs, asked the presidential preference of 391 registered Republicans from March 16 to March 23—producing the 37 to 30 Trump lead over Cruz with Kasich lagging behind at 12 points and with a margin of error of 5.5 percent.

The seven-point lead is slightly smaller than the low double digit leads Trump has enjoyed in previous Golden State polling done in March, albeit by rival firms to the Los Angeles Times and USC Dornsife. One poll had Trump up 11 points over his competitors, while another had him up 16 points.

There’s another interesting wrinkle in the polling data, in that the Los Angeles Times and USC Dornsife also narrowed down the sample to “likely voters” in the GOP primary and found an even closer race. That sample size, according to RealClearPolitics, which used that slice of the poll in its polling averages for the California primary rather than the wider registered GOP voters sample, was slightly smaller at 332 likely GOP voters.

Decker’s piece briefly addresses this in the copy—and includes a chart further explaining it—but the cross tabs data on the poll only includes the results for the wider registered GOP voters sample, and there is no explanation in either place for the discrepancy in the results or how the pollsters determined someone who was a registered GOP voter was “likely” to turn out on June 7.

“But among the voters most likely to turn out, the poll shows the race between Trump and Cruz is nearly tied, with Trump at 36% versus Cruz at 35%,” Decker wrote. “The difference illustrates how a low turnout in the June 7 primary could hurt Trump and boost Cruz.”

On the cross tabs page of the polling, the results among the “likely” voters section has no data regarding this different sample set, making the omission even more interesting. The cross tabs released do include the full data on the registered voters question, and break down how Trump gets to 37 percent in that sample, and so on.

The last time the Los Angeles Times did a poll of the California GOP presidential primary was back between August 29 and September 8, and that poll was done among registered GOP voters—and no effort was made to clarify any difference between “registered” and “likely” voters. Back then, Trump was still in front—but with only 24 percent as compared to 37 percent now—and Cruz was down at just six percent. Kasich wasn’t even on the map and only achieved two percent in thef California poll last summer.

Regardless of which set of numbers one believes in this new poll, neither is good for Trump—though the latter is bad for the billionaire frontrunner. While he’s still ahead in delegate-rich California, which awards 172 delegates by congressional district on June 7, a tightening race means a protracted battle with Cruz, with Kasich, and with the GOP establishment hellbent on destroying Trump’s ascendency to the White House. Polls tightening this far away–more than two months–from a particular contest is never good for Trump, who has, many times, seen his massive polling leads shrink at least a little bit before contests.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #482 on: March 29, 2016, 10:01:54 AM »
Scott Walker Endorses Cruz for '3 Simple Reasons'
By Newsmax Wires   
Tuesday, 29 Mar 2016

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker endorsed Ted Cruz  in the Republican presidential race on Tuesday, a week before the state's primary.

Walker made his endorsement on Twitter and on Charlie Sykes' radio show on WTMJ in Milwaukee.

And, the Wisconsin governor issued this statement:

"After eight years of the failed Obama-Clinton Administration, Americans are looking for real leadership and a new direction. Ted Cruz is a principled constitutional conservative who understands that power belongs to the states – and to the people – and not bureaucrats in Washington," Walker said in the statement.

"Just like we did in Wisconsin, Ted Cruz is not afraid to challenge the status quo and to stand up against the big government special interests. He is the best-positioned candidate to both win the Republican nomination and defeat Hillary Clinton. That’s why I endorse Ted Cruz for President of the United States."

Appearing on Sykes' influential radio show, Walker said he decided to endorse Cruz 'for three simple reasons.'

He is a constitutional conservative

"I know as a governor and like other governors across the country we need a leader in Washington who understands that the founders intended fr the power really to be in the states and most importantly in the hands of the people and not concentrated in Washington," Walker said. "Ted Cruz not only believes that but has shown he’s willing to act on that."

He's taken on "big government special interests"

"That’s something that Ted Cruz has not only talked about in this campaign, but has shown he is not afraid to take on those interest and that’s exactly what we need as president as well," Walker said.

He's positioned to win.

"If you look at the facts and look at the numbers, Ted Cruz is the best positioned to both in the nomination of the Republican Party and to go on to defeat Hillary Clinton this fall."

He underscored his reasons for backing Cruz in a series of Twitter posts.

Cruz also took to Twitter to thank his one-time rival.

GOP front-runner Donald Trump said on Twitter Monday night that he was not expecting Walker's support.

Walker, whose short-lived run for president ended in September, had previously said he would back whatever candidate is chosen as the GOP nominee, but has been sending signals he intends to back Cruz.

Walker said last week that Cruz was the only candidate who had a chance at beating front-runner Donald Trump. When Walker ended his presidential bid, he called on others to join him so it would be easier to take on Trump.

"I am a big, big fan of Scott Walker's," Cruz told reporters before a campaign stop in central Wisconsin. "He is a terrific governor and strong conservative. ... Of course, I would welcome Scott Walker's support."

Cruz pointed to Walker's career-defining push against public-sector unions in 2011, a fight that Walker won and that led to an effort to recall him from office. Walker won that election in 2012, making him the first governor to defeat such an effort, raising his national profile in advance of his failed presidential run.

Cruz said Walker's fight with the unions showed that special interests could be defeated.

"It inspired people all over the country, it inspired millions, it inspired me," Cruz said. "It is that spirit, that fight, that's at the heart of what our campaign is all about."

When he was running for president, Walker argued that the next president should be a governor with executive experience. But Ohio Gov. John Kasich, while campaigning last week in Wisconsin, said he had no idea whom Walker was going to back.

Material from The Associated Press, Reuters and Bloomberg was used in this report.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #483 on: March 29, 2016, 02:49:51 PM »
PPP Poll: Cruz Surging to Tie Trump Nationally    
Tuesday, 29 Mar 2016

Billionaire developer Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are virtually tied in a head-to-head race among Republican presidential voters, according to a national poll released Tuesday.

Here are the results of the latest Public Policy Polling survey of 505 GOP voters, conducted between Thursday and Saturday:

•Trump: 46 percent.
•Cruz: 44 percent.

However, in a battle involving Ohio Gov. John Kasich, the New York developer leads the field:

•Trump: 42 percent.
•Cruz: 32 percent.
•Kasich: 22 percent.

The survey also found that 51 percent of Kasich supporters would back Cruz, versus 23 percent who said they would vote for Trump.

"The Republican race nationally would be a toss-up if it was just Trump and Cruz," said Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy Polling, in analyzing the results.

"But as long as Kasich stays in there splitting the anti-Trump vote, Trump continues to be in a good position," he said.

The poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #484 on: March 31, 2016, 08:15:45 PM »
Scott Walker Endorses Cruz for '3 Simple Reasons'

1) He wants to be veep.
2) See #1
3) See #1

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #485 on: April 04, 2016, 10:19:03 AM »
Cruz Wins Key Delegate Battle in North Dakota

Image: Cruz Wins Key Delegate Battle in North Dakota
By Greg Richter   |   Sunday, 03 Apr 2016

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz claimed a win in North Dakota's Republican convention on Sunday, where the party elected 25 undeclared delegates to attend this summer's national nominating convention.

"I'm thrilled to have the vote of confidence of Republican voters in North Dakota who delivered such a resounding victory today," Cruz said in a statement on his website headlined, "Cruz Declared Winner in North Dakota."

"As I met them over the weekend, North Dakota Republicans recognized that I am the only candidate who can move this country forward by protecting freedom and liberty," Cruz said. "Whether we defeat Donald Trump before the convention or at it, I’m energized to have the support of the vast majority of North Dakota delegates."

Technically, Cruz won no delegates in North Carolina, but neither did front-runner Donald Trump or Ohio Gov. John Kasich, whose only hope at the nomination is that neither Cruz nor Trump secures enough delegates before the convention begins to win the needed 1,237 required to take the nomination on the first ballot.

Unlike pledged delegates elected by most states, North Dakota's 25 delegates can vote for anyone they please at Cleveland's convention on the first vote, and are likely to hear from all three campaigns pitching their candidates up until that time.

The New York Times reported a battle over whether the delegates should be pledged or unpledged, and Cruz likely sees the result as a win because the state's "North Dakota Nice" image likely doesn't mesh as well with Trump's brash persona.   

Trump and Kasich may not consider the outcome a win for themselves. Neither had commented on social media about North Dakota late Sunday.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #486 on: April 04, 2016, 01:57:13 PM »
I think it's over for Cruz.  Too many Qs about the extra-curricular stuff (from republican sources) that appear valid.  His lawyer-speak when denying it, the absolute stack of items just sitting there waiting for him to be the nominee... and the way he did tell serious lies a lot... disappointing. 

I think the only hope for a conservative to do well is to pick one at the convention.  Too much leverage hanging over his head.  Yes, Rubio didn't release the hotel video, but hilary sure as shit will.  Only a fool can spend an hour looking at the laundry list of accusation items and not thing there's something to it.  Only a fool will call bullshit without actually looking up #thething going back to march when team rubio was shopping the video, and think it's all imaginary. 


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #487 on: April 04, 2016, 02:03:02 PM »
I think it's over for Cruz.  Too many Qs about the extra-curricular stuff (from republican sources) that appear valid.  His lawyer-speak when denying it, the absolute stack of items just sitting there waiting for him to be the nominee... and the way he did tell serious lies a lot... disappointing. 

I think the only hope for a conservative to do well is to pick one at the convention.  Too much leverage hanging over his head.  Yes, Rubio didn't release the hotel video, but hilary sure as shit will.  Only a fool can spend an hour looking at the laundry list of accusation items and not thing there's something to it.  Only a fool will call bullshit without actually looking up #thething going back to march when team rubio was shopping the video, and think it's all imaginary. 

You're still going with this?

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #488 on: April 04, 2016, 03:12:42 PM »
You're still going with this?

Drudge report on Facebook claiming Ted Cruz phone number was on the dc madam list.  Photographs and everything.  

Politically timed to wreck him in Wisconsin, yes, but it's multiple calls and matches up the call girl reports in the national enquirer.  

Cruz banged hookers.  The only hope for conservatives now is a brokered convention. 

Everyone called bullshit when it broke.  Well, pieces of it are coming out now.  I'll get shit on for posting it... But drudge didn't make up hooker phone logs.  

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #489 on: April 04, 2016, 04:40:05 PM »
Drudge report on Facebook claiming Ted Cruz phone number was on the dc madam list.  Photographs and everything.  

Politically timed to wreck him in Wisconsin, yes, but it's multiple calls and matches up the call girl reports in the national enquirer.  

Cruz banged hookers.  The only hope for conservatives now is a brokered convention. 

Everyone called bullshit when it broke.  Well, pieces of it are coming out now.  I'll get shit on for posting it... But drudge didn't make up hooker phone logs.  

I saw this story last week (about the attorney saying he was going to release the records and that it would impact the 2016 campaign)

would be very fun if true, though I doubt Ted will ever admit it

If it happened in the 1990's (before he married his wife) he might be able to deny it and just ride it out.

It's just a number in a book.  No way to know if it's real.

Now of the DC Madam were still alive and could affirm it's true that would be a different story

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #490 on: April 04, 2016, 04:51:47 PM »
You're still going with this?

Are you surprised?  Of course he is running this tabloid stuff.  Gutter politics. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #491 on: April 04, 2016, 04:53:44 PM »
Call it tabloid politics?   Drudge has it now.  I guess the gutter just graduated.  It's real now.  You only trust mainstream sources, well, it's mainstream now. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #492 on: April 04, 2016, 05:02:05 PM »
Are you surprised?  Of course he is running this tabloid stuff.  Gutter politics.  

that never seemed to bother you when a Democrat was the subject

BTW - The Supreme Court added this (the attorneys request to release the records) to their dockett last week

I know you considered yourself well informed so I'm sure you new that already

Weird that the Supreme Court would get involved in "tabloid stuff"

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #493 on: April 04, 2016, 05:05:26 PM »
Call it tabloid politics?   Drudge has it now.  I guess the gutter just graduated.  It's real now.  You only trust mainstream sources, well, it's mainstream now. 

How absurd.  Drudge isn't a news site.  What story did Drudge link?  Post it. 


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #494 on: April 04, 2016, 05:06:26 PM »
Are you surprised?  Of course he is running this tabloid stuff.  Gutter politics. 

And yet this is somehow not gutter politics... Typical...

Is this the image we want of our First Lady?

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #495 on: April 04, 2016, 05:09:06 PM »
And yet this is somehow not gutter politics... Typical...

Nope. Not at all.  But I'm glad you are reading and following along.   :)

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #496 on: April 04, 2016, 05:16:41 PM »
Nope. Not at all.  But I'm glad you are reading and following along.   :)

How about this which I think was put out by a so called Anti-Trump SuperPac

Still not gutter politics in your mind?

Cruz never repudiated it which he could and should have

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #497 on: April 05, 2016, 10:08:32 AM »
WATCH: Megyn Kelly Asks Cruz If He Ever Had an Affair
Apr 04, 2016 // 2:30pm
As seen on The Kelly File

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) adamantly denied that he has ever had an extramarital affair during an interview with Megyn Kelly that will air tonight.

The subject came to light recently in a National Enquirer story that claimed Cruz had "five secret mistresses."

"Have you committed adultery in your marriage?" Kelly asked.

"I have not. That attack was complete and utter garbage. It was complete lies," said Cruz in front of a crowd of supporters in Madison, Wisconsin.

"I have always been faithful to my wife. I love my wife. She is my best friend in the whole world."

At the time, Cruz accused Donald Trump's "henchmen" of being behind the tabloid article. Trump has denied having anything to do with it.

Cruz also told Kelly that he's no longer concerned about what Trump says.

"I don't care what he says anymore. I don't care what he tweets," said Cruz, adding that it was a "miracle" that Trump admitted he was wrong to re-tweet an unflattering image of Heidi Cruz.

Watch a sneak preview of the interview in the report above and another clip below.

Watch "The Kelly File" tonight at 9:00pm ET for the full hour-long sit-down with Sen. Cruz, which is part of a powerful Fox News primetime lineup that features all three GOP candidates.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #498 on: April 05, 2016, 04:52:22 PM »
Cruz Takes Lead for First Time in Reuters National Poll

Image: Cruz Takes Lead for First Time in Reuters National Poll
By Todd Beamon   |    Tuesday, 05 Apr 2016
For the first time, Ted Cruz Tuesday surpassed Republican presidential rival Donald Trump nationally in the weekly Reuters tracking poll — by just two points after a week of debacles ranging from the front-runner's switches on abortion to his campaign manager being charged with simple battery for allegedly grabbing a news reporter.

Here are the results of the poll:

•Cruz: 39 percent.
•Trump: 37 percent.
•John Kasich: 23 percent.

The New York billionaire has regularly cited the Reuters tracking poll in speeches and television interviews.

Meanwhile, Cruz has pulled into a statistical dead heat with Trump, a different Reuters/Ipsos national poll showed on Tuesday, as the Texas senator appeared poised to pick up a key victory in Wisconsin's primary.

Cruz received 35.2 percent of support to Trump's 39.5 percent, the poll of 568 Republicans taken April 1-5 found. The numbers put the two within the poll's 4.8 percentage-point credibility interval, a measure of accuracy. Cruz and Trump were also briefly in a dead heat on March 28.

The U.S. senator from Texas was running ahead of Trump in Wisconsin according to opinion polls as voters in the state went to the polls on Tuesday. Cruz hopes a win in Wisconsin would show he can unite disparate factions of the party and break Trump's momentum.

Trump has led almost continually in national Reuters/Ipsos polling since last July. Ohio Governor John Kasich, the only other Republican still in the race for the party's nomination, placed third in Tuesday's Reuters/Ipsos poll, with 18.7 percent.

Facing possible defeat in Wisconsin on Tuesday, Trump proposed blocking money transfers to Mexico by undocumented immigrants as a way to pressure Mexico to pay for a border wall, a key component of his controversial immigration plan, which has won votes in other states.

Trump's campaign said in a memo that if elected, he would use a U.S. anti-terrorism law to cut off remittances from people living in the United States illegally. The memo elaborated on an idea Trump floated in August, when he suggested seizing all remittances tied to "illegal wages."

Asked about Trump's remittances plan, Democratic President Barack Obama called it unworkable. "The notion that we're going to track every Western Union bit of money that's being sent to Mexico, good luck with that,” Obama said at a White House press briefing.


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #499 on: April 05, 2016, 05:42:14 PM »
Nope. Not at all.  But I'm glad you are reading and following along.   :)
Pot calling the kettle black. Hypocrite!