Author Topic: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups  (Read 13744 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #100 on: May 15, 2013, 01:36:14 PM »
FLASHBACK 2009: Obama Jokes About IRS Auditing Political Enemies
by Ben Shapiro

10 May 2013


Back in May 2009, Professor Glenn Reynolds, better known to his followers as Instapundit, penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal in which he discussed some odd rhetoric from President Obama. Obama had been refused an honorary doctorate by Arizona State University, and Obama remarked, “President [Michael] Crowe and the Board of Regents will soon learn all about being audited by the IRS.” Reynolds pointed out:

Just a joke about the power of the presidency. Made by Jay Leno it might have been funny. But as told by Mr. Obama, the actual president of the United States, it's hard to see the humor. Surely he's aware that other presidents, most notably Richard Nixon, have abused the power of the Internal Revenue Service to harass their political opponents. But that abuse generated a powerful backlash and with good reason. Should the IRS come to be seen as just a bunch of enforcers for whoever is in political power, the result would be an enormous loss of legitimacy for the tax system.

As it turns out, the IRS under President Obama routinely gave special scrutiny for groups with the terms “tea party” or “patriots” in their titles. His little joke doesn’t read much like a joke anymore.

Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #101 on: May 15, 2013, 02:12:21 PM »

IRS exec got $42K in bonuses in three years

May 15, 2013 | 4:19 pm

Mark Tapscott

Executive Editor
The Washington Examiner


Lois Lerner, the senior executive in charge of the IRS tax exemption department and the federal employee at the center of the exploding scandal over the IRS targeting of conservative, evangelical and pro-Israel non-profits, was given $42,531 in bonuses between 2009 and 2011. (Thinkstock)

Lois Lerner, the senior executive in charge of the IRS tax exemption department and the federal employee at the center of the exploding scandal over the IRS targeting of conservative, evangelical and pro-Israel non-profits, was given $42,531 in bonuses between 2009 and 2011.
That figure was included in data provided by the IRS in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by The Washington Examiner. Lerner is director of the IRS exempt organizations division, which processes and approves or denies applications from groups seeking tax-exempt status.
Lerner received $17,220 for 2010, $14,691 for 2011 and $10,620 for 2012, the most recent year for which the IRS said data was available.
Her annual salary in 2009 and 2010 was $172,200, and $177,000 in 2011 and 2012. With the bonuses, Lerner was paid a total of $740,931 for the four-year period.

Lerner admitted last week that her agency had singled out conservative groups with words like "Tea Party" and "Patriot" in their names. Being singled out reportedly delayed resolution of their application for many months for most of the groups, while applications from liberals groups were typically processed in only a month or two.
Kelly Cohen, a member of The Washington Examiner's Watchdog investigative reporting team, contributed to this report.
Mark Tapscott is executive editor of The Washington Examiner.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #102 on: May 15, 2013, 03:34:15 PM »

The Corner

Committee Chairman: ‘Yes,’ I Was Lied To by IRS

 By  Jonathan Strong

May 15, 2013 3:23 PM

Representative Dave Camp, chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, charged top IRS officials, including former commissioner Doug Shulman, of lying to Congress over the targeting of tea-party groups.

“They knew this was going on and responded in writing to the committee that it was not,” said Camp in an interview at the Capitol. He also said “yes” when I asked him whether he felt that Shulman and others had lied.

Camp, who is the point man for House Republicans on tax issues, said his committee is still investigating the motivation of officials who targeted right-leaning organizations. Next week, the House oversight committee, led by Representative Darrell Issa, will hold a hearing on the IRS scandal.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #103 on: May 15, 2013, 03:38:13 PM »

(AP) AP NewsAlert
Obama says treasury secretary requested and received resignation of acting IRS commissioner.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #104 on: May 15, 2013, 03:45:21 PM »

Grace Wyler|23 minutes ago|2,355|41


President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that the acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller has resigned in the wake of the controversy surrounding the agency's unfair targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups.
"The misconduct uncovered is inexcusable," he said in a brief statement to reporters in the White House East Room. "I will not tolerate this kind of behavior at any agency, but especially the IRS."
"I am angry about it, Americans are angry about it — and they are right to be angry about it."
He said that he had directed Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to ask for Miller's resignation, and that Miller had agreed to step down.
"Given the controversy surrounding the audit, it's important to institute new leadership that can restore confidence going forward," Obama said.
But, he added, the problem is "fixable."
"I'll do everything in my power to ensure nothing like this happens again."
The statement comes as the White House goes into full damage control mode to deal with the swirl of scandals that has engulfed the Obama administration, and now threatens to derail the President's second-term agenda.
In addition to the IRS investigation, the Obama administration has come under fire this week over the news that the Department of Justice secretly seized Associated Press phone records, and the White House continues to face questions about its response to the Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.
Of the three scandals, the IRS targeting of conservative groups appears to be the most pressing for the White House. Earlier Wednesday, Obama met with senior Treasury Department officials to discuss the IRS investigation.
An inspector general report released Tuesday blamed ineffective IRS management for allowing agents to inappropriately target conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.
In a statement Tuesday night, Obama called the findings of the report "intolerable and inexcusable," and said he had appointed Lew to make sure that whoever was responsible is held accountable.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #105 on: May 15, 2013, 07:14:40 PM »

IRS Targeted Numerous Christian Groups Including 180 Year-Old Baptist Paper

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 3:21 PM

The Obama IRS targeted Christian groups including Franklin Graham and the Biblical Recorder
The Obama Internal Revenue Service targeted several Christian groups including a 180 year-old Baptist paper.
 Todd Starnes reported:

Several well-known religious organizations say they were targeted by the Internal Revenue Service, including the ministry founded by famed evangelist Billy Graham and a 180-year-old Baptist newspaper, Fox News has learned.
Among the ministries targeted are the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Samaritan’s Purse and the Biblical Recorder – the newspaper of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. The revelations seem to indicate the IRS was targeting more than just Tea Party groups and conservative political organizations.
“I am bringing this to your attention because I believe that someone in the Administration was targeting and attempting to intimidate us,” wrote Franklin Graham in a letter Tuesday to President Obama. “This is morally wrong and unethical – indeed some would call it ‘un-American.’”
Graham is president of the ministry his father founded – as well as the international charity known as Samaritan’s Purse. Both organizations were notified of the IRS audits on the same day – not long after running advertisements supporting North Carolina’s Marriage amendment.
The editor of the Biblical Recorder said the organization “was curious” following the audit by the IRS.
 From The Recorder:

The IRS inquired about forms filed in 2010 by the Recorder. Earlier today on Fox News’ website, an article referenced all three audits with concerns that the IRS had also targeted conservative, religious groups.
The IRS notified Allan Blume, the Recorder’s editor, in March that the publication was being audited. An IRS agent visited the publication and conducted an interview with the editor and the organization’s attorney. The IRS agent completed his work with Blume and the BR’s attorney on May 9.
Blume remained cautious about making too many assumptions.
“We have no evidence that we were directly targeted by the IRS,” Blume said. “We were told there were questions about three consecutive years of what is called ‘unrelated business income.’ Attention seemed to be drawn to this item because much of our income comes from Cooperative Program gifts.”

“Once the agent understood the Southern Baptist way of giving and supporting mission causes, there seemed to be no serious concerns.”
Blume said, “The IRS agent was courteous and professional throughout the audit. We did not experience any form of intimidation by the agent. As expected, he had some suggestions about procedures, but affirmed that our records were in good condition. We are waiting for the agent’s official letter on the results of the audit. Such a letter typically takes up to six weeks.”
With that said, Blume added, “We are curious.”
More… The number of targeted groups swells to 500.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #106 on: May 15, 2013, 07:20:06 PM »
Busted – White House Spokesman Says White House Notified of IRS Investigation in April – So How Did Obama Not Know Until Last Week?

Posted on May 13, 2013 by BC

Lie after lie after lie – this is really getting disgusting!
How about a hot babe pic to take your mind off of our treasonous President?

The Blaze – White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters aboard Air Force One Monday that the White House counsel’s office was briefed last month on the investigation into the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups.
Carney said the IRS inspector general notified the White House counsel’s office during the week of April 22 that it was completing a review of the IRS office in Cincinnati that targeted conservative political groups for special examination.
Well, wait a minute: Didn’t President Obama say he was simply unaware of it until last Friday?

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #107 on: May 15, 2013, 07:23:35 PM »

Liberal Organization With Ties To George Soros Got Documents From IRS


George Soros? I haven’t written about him in awhile. When you understand a simple concept it makes understanding the world a whole lot easier. Money talks. That’s it. Even the “do gooders” at require money and George Soros is always willing to write a check for a good progressive cause. This IRS scandal is bigger than anyone can imagine. It has Obama’s prints on it as well as those of George Soros. Whether or not they are guilty of giving any orders, you can not deny that they are both well connected to those who were doing the dirty work.
ProPublica dropped a bombshell on Monday evening. For those who have not heard, they admitted to receiving confidential documents, at their request, from the IRS.

On Nov. 15, 2012, ProPublica requested the applications of 67 nonprofits, all of which had spent money on the 2012 elections. (Because no social welfare groups with Tea Party in their names spent money on the election, ProPublica did not at that point request their applications. We had requested the Tea Party applications earlier, after the groups first complained about being singled out by the IRS. In response, the IRS said it could find no record of the tax-exempt status of those groups — typically how it responds to requests for unapproved applications.)
Just 13 days after ProPublica sent in its request, the IRS responded with the documents on 31 social welfare groups.
One of the applications the IRS released to ProPublica was from Crossroads GPS, the largest social-welfare nonprofit involved in the 2012 election. The group, started in part by GOP consultant Karl Rove, promised the IRS that any effort to influence elections would be “limited.” The group spent more than $70 million from anonymous donors in 2012.
So our good friends at ProPublica were receiving these documents from the IRS in the spirit of good investigative journalism. I left the paragraph about Rove and Crossroads to illustrate a point. The article I am taking these quotes from was not journalism. It was filled with left-wing opinion as well. That’s what blogs are for (like this one). We need to understand the organization that was in receipt of these documents to understand the full scope of the story. Does the end justify the means? Not when it is infringing on the liberties of others. We don’t work like that in America.
By the way…it gets better.
ProPublica also exposed a tie to Washington D.C. and you know what that means. I don’t have to spell it out for you, do I? Check this out:

Last December, Collegio wrote in an email: “As far as we know, the Crossroads application is still pending, in which case it seems that either you obtained whatever document you have illegally, or that it has been approved.”
This year, the IRS appears to have changed the office that responds to requests for nonprofits’ applications. Previously, the IRS asked journalists to fax requests to a number with a 513 area code — which includes Cincinnati. ProPublica sent a request by fax on Feb. 5 to the Ohio area code. On March 13, that request was answered by David Fish, a director of Exempt Organizations Guidance, in Washington, D.C.
In early April, a ProPublica reporter’s request to the Ohio fax number bounced back. An IRS spokesman said at the time the number had changed “recently.” The new fax number begins with 202, the area code for Washington, D.C.
Ding, ding, ding…we have a winner! The hearings on Friday promise to be full of fireworks. This is not about a lone office in Cincinnati as originally reported. This scandal goes straight to Mr. Obama’s neighborhood and I have another tie to that neighborhood later, but let’s get to Soros.
OK, so what does all of this have to do with George Soros? Soros just happens to be one of the chief financiers for ProPublica and many other media organizations. Let’s go back to a wonderful Fox News investigative piece from May 2011.

The investigative reporting start-up ProPublica is a prime example. ProPublica, which recently won its second Pulitzer Prize, initially was given millions of dollars from the Sandler Foundation to “strengthen the progressive infrastructure” – “progressive” being the code word for very liberal. In 2010, it also received a two-year contribution of $125,000 each year from the Open Society Foundations. In case you wonder where that money comes from, the OSF website is It is a network of more than 30 international foundations, mostly funded by Soros, who has contributed more than $8 billion to those efforts.
Wow, so George Soros is a major financier of ProPublica? How fascinating.
In the spirit of giving you more than what you asked for I will throw in one more name that might ring a bell. A guy named Ben Sherwood, president of ABC News, just happens to sit on the ProPublica “Advisory Board.”
Why is that important?
Ben Sherwood’s sister just happens to be Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall who is a special assistant to Barack Obama. Coincidence? Or course it is.
Like I said, it will be a very interesting hearing beginning Friday. It would seem like there could be a lot more here than a few IRS agents who don’t like conservatives. We may never know how high this goes but you should be aware that there are proven connections.
I’ve put in an illegal request for some documents that I have no business seeing. If I get them I will be sure to update you.  If I do not then you will have to wait until Friday’s hearings.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #108 on: May 15, 2013, 08:20:30 PM »
Documents: IRS letters harassing conservative groups came from Washington, DC headquarters and from California offices, despite Inspector General's focus on Cincinnati employees

 Tax agency has admitted targeting tea party groups and other conservative organizations for special, politically motivated scrutiny
 IRS inspector general focused on wrongdoing in Cincinnati, Ohio office and ignored abusive letters coming from other cities
 MailOnline found letters from IRS's Washington, D.C. headquarters, and from IRS offices in two southern California cities
 The American Center on Law and Justice is threatening to sue the IRS if 27 tea party groups aren't granted tax-exempt statuses by Friday

By David Martosko In Washington
PUBLISHED:18:27 EST, 15 May 2013| UPDATED:18:31 EST, 15 May 2013

Jay Sekulow (L) says his American Center for Law and Justice will sue the IRS if it doesn't grant tax-exempt status to 27 tea party groups by Friday. Lois Lerner (R) is a civil servant, not a political appointee, heads the IRS office the handles tax-exempt groups

Steven Miller then the acting IRS Commissioner, described the two employees as being 'off the reservation,' according to the CNN source.
Miller, added CNN, had emphasized that the problem was not confined to just two staffers.
Tuesday's report from the IRS Office of Inspector General, however, focused exclusively on the Cincinnati office.

This IG's review, according to the report 'was performed at the EO [Exempt Organizations] function Headquarters office in Washington, D.C., and the Determinations Unit in Cincinnati, Ohio.'

The Washington staffers involved, the IG report continues, were in charge of reviewing materials prepared in Cincinnati. 'As part of this effort, EO function Headquarters office employees reviewed the additional information request letters prepared by the team of [Cincinnati] specialists,' the report reads.

IRS offices in the California towns of El Monte and Laguna Niguel sent politically motivated letters to tea party groups, suggesting that the problem reached beyond the Cincinnati office where the IG report focused


One letter, sent to a northern California organization, demanded to know about its links with the Redding (Calif.) Tea Party Patriots. 'Tea party' was one phrase that reportedly triggered a 'Be On The Lookout' notice among IRS employees looking for politically conservative applicants for tax-exempt statuses
Nothing in the report describes letters sent by IRS employees in California or the District of Columbia.
Yet an April 21, 2010 letterto the Albuquerque Tea Party organization, containing a preliminary list of 10 questions, came from the IRS's Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division in Washington, D.C. The group responded on June 10.

Seventeen months passed before the IRS responded on November 16, 2011. That letter, similar in scope and tone to other intrusive IRS letters that have drawn national attention, also came from the Washington, D.C. IRS office. It included an additional 28 questions.
A separate lettercame to Patriots Educating Concerned Americans Now (PECAN), a Redding, California conservative group, from an IRS office in the Orange County, California town of Laguna Niguel.
That letter, dated January 31, 2012, asked 55 questions, including a demand for 'complete copies of the organization's website that is accessible to members only.'
It also asked a series of pointed questions about PECAN's relationship to the Redding Tea Party Patriots, an overtly political organization.


Under mounting pressure, President Barack Obama announced Wednesday in the East ROom of the White House that acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller would be stepping down

Steven Miller, shown here in a CBS report, is the highest-profile official to resign under pressure from the Obama administration. Miller informed IRS employees in a face-saving email that he would be leaving weeks from now, 'as my acting assignment ends in early June'

A third IRS letter to a group called Oklahoma City Patriots In Action, or the OKC PIA Association, came from an IRS office in El Monte, California, an eastern suburb of Los Angeles, on February 9, 2012.
It included 59 questions, including a demand for a list showing the time, date, place and 'content schedule' for every 'public rally or exhibition' the group had ever conducted.'for or against any public policies, legislations [sic], public officers, political candidates, or like kinds.'
'Please state whether you provide any advocacy training to your members and to the general public,' another question read. 'If yes, describe in detail your advocacy training and provide copies of any publications concerning such training.'

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which represents all three groups, provided MailOnline with a letter from the IRS in Washington, D.C. in which the agency said it still had not decided whether to award the Albuquerque Tea Party tax-exempt status.
That letter was dated April 16, 2013, more than three years since the group filed its initial application.
Jay Sekulow, the ACLJ's chief counsel, scoffed at the idea of the IRS scapegoating a pair of its Cincinnati employees, given the letters he has seen from offices three time zones apart.

The Tea Party Patriots and other conservative groups provided a powerful rallying force during the 2010 midterm elections. It was around the same time that the Obama administration's IRS began targeting such groups that applied for tax-exempt nonprofit status

Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. George Russell (L) will testify alongside the now-former acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller before the House Ways and Means Committee on May 17. Also shown is IRS Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement Linda Stiff
'The IRS's assertion that this scheme was launched by a couple of rogue employees in the Cincinnati office is absurd,' Sekulow said. His organization represents 27 tea party organizations, all of which were targeted, he said, with partisan attacks.
'To suggest that a couple of low-level employees decided to launch this unprecedented conduct of intimidation does not square with the facts,' he added.
Sekulow said his group plans to sue the IRS if it has not granted all 27 groups their tax-exempt statuses by Friday.

'The action and conduct of the IRS is not only intolerable and unconscionable, it is actionable. We continue to move forward with our plans to file a federal lawsuit which could come as early as next week."
Sekulow showed MailOnline an IRS letter to his group's tea party client in Wetumpka, Alabama. That letter, which did originate in Cincinnati, was similar to the Washington, D.C. and California letters, and identical in some places.
The similarities suggest a program of national scope, tied together with standardized texts and applied from IRS offices nationwide.
If that's the case, the IRS's explanations to date will be left wanting.

Former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman testified last year that there was no program in his agency targeting conservative political groups for special screening before tax-exempt status was conferred. That testimony proved false

Rain or shine: Tea party stalwarts were known for stubbornly supporting a strict reading of the U.S. Constitution, and for getting under the skin of political liberals. News that the IRS, under the Obama administration, singled them out for special screening, may energize them into another potent force in time for the 2014 election
A timeline included in the Inspector General's report describes the agency's attempt to retrain its employees after the politically partisan program was discovered.
'Training was held in Cincinnati, Ohio, on how to process identified potential political cases,' one timeline entry reads.

Two days later, according to the same timeline, an IRS team 'began reviewing all potential political cases began [sic] in Cincinnati, Ohio.'

The report describes nothing about remedial action taken anywhere else.
MailOnline asked an IRS spokeswoman to comment on whether the IRS or the Office of Inspector General interviewed employees in its California offices as part of preparing the report released Tuesday. MailOnline also asked if the Inspector General's office questioned anyone who worked in the Washington, D.C. headquarters, including political appointees.
The IRS had no response, despite providing a specific email address for those questions during a phone call.

In March 2012, Douglas Shulman, then the IRS Commissioner, testified before the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight that the tax agency did not investigate organizations differently according to their political ideologies.
'As you know, we pride ourselves in being non-political, non-partisan organization,' Shulman said then. 'There is absolutely no political targeting.'

This chart, from the IRS Inspector General's report, shows the pecking order at the IRS among people who handle tax-exempt organizations. Lois Lerner is represented by the small box at center reading 'Director, EO.' Employees above her pay grade include some political appointees. At the top is Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement Linda Stiff, shown above in red
Lois G. Lerner, the woman who leads the IRS division that evaluates and monitors tax-exempt organizations, learned in June 2011 - nine months earlier - that this was not true, according to the Inspector General's report.

Given that letters originated in Washington, Cincinnati and southern California, and may have come from other IRS offices as well, it will become a greater challenge for Shulman to explain why he was mistaken when he testified on Capitol Hill last year.
Both Lerner and Shulman will testify in a house Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on May 22.

'The IG report indicts IRS for a colossal management failure, but leaves many questions unanswered,' said California Rep. Darrel Issa, who chairs that committee, in a statement.
In a separate hearing on May 17, the House Ways and Means Committee will hear testimony from Steven Miller – now the former Acting IRS Commissioner – and Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russell George.
'The IRS absolutely must be non-partisan in its enforcement of our tax laws,' said Michigan Republican Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs that committee, in a statement.
'The admission by the agency that it targeted American taxpayers based on politics is both shocking and disappointing. ... We will hold the IRS accountable for its actions.'
Obama announced Miller's departure during a brief dinnertime announcement before news cameras in the East Room of the White House. The IRS, the president conceded, 'improperly screened conservative groups.'
Referring to the Inspector General's report, Obama said 'the misconduct that it uncovered is inexcusable. It's inexcusable and Americans are right to be angry about it. And I am angry about it.'


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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #109 on: May 15, 2013, 08:32:58 PM »
FOX19 has exclusively learned that as many as four people may be the first Cincinnati Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees to face disciplinary action, and possibly even criminal charges, for allegedly targeting Tea Party and Liberty groups applying for non-profit status.

On Wednesday, the IRS announced that it has pin-pointed two employees at the agency's Cincinnati office for being 'primarily' responsible.
In addition, acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller resigned his position, revealed by President Obama on Wednesday.
"Secretary Lew took the first step by requesting and accepting the resignation of the acting commissioner of the IRS, because given the controversy surrounding this audit, it's important to institute new leadership that can help restore confidence going forward," said President Obama in a statement on Wednesday evening.
Prior to his resignation, Steven Miller called the two Cincinnati employees 'rogue' and 'off the reservation', adding that they were 'overly aggressive' in handling the requests from those conservative groups over the past two years.
Miller also added that those two employees have already been 'disciplined' by the agency.
However, despite the claim of just two employees being involved, FOX19 has exclusively learned from two separate sources that there could be at least four Cincinnati employees involved.
Those four employees -- whose names we have chosen to withhold until they have been officially confirmed -- Have each worked in the IRS Exempt Organizations Department.
This is the same department that has admitted publicly to sending letters to Tea Party and other conservative organizations.
FOX19 has also confirmed those four Cincinnati employees made large requests of information from:
•The Richmond, Virginia Tea Party in January of 2012.
 •The Ohio Liberty Council in January of 2012..
 •Dan Backer, a lawyer based in Washington D.C. who helped six small conservative groups apply for 501c4 status in February of 2012.   
 •The Liberty Township Tea Party in March of 2012.

One of FOX19's two sources went on say that these four IRS workers claim "they simply did what their bosses ordered". Keep in mind, as FOX19 reported on Tuesday, the report by the Office of Inspector General states that senior IRS officials knew agents were targeting Tea Party groups as early as 2011.
In fact, according to that report, Lois Lerner who heads the IRS division that oversees tax exempt organizations, was told on June 29, 2011 that groups with 'Tea Party', 'Patriot' or '9/12 Project' in their names were being flagged for additional, and often burdensome, scrutiny.
While the IRS is pointing at 'two rogue employees', the number of organizations that were singled out has swelled to nearly 500, according to Rep. Congressmen Darryl Issa and Ohio's Jim Jordan.
FOX News is also reporting that at least two Cincinnati agents have been subpoenaed to testify before congress on Monday.
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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #111 on: May 15, 2013, 08:37:15 PM »

wow - !!!

One of FOX19's two sources went on say that these four IRS workers claim "they simply did what their bosses ordered".

No way this stops with a few low level employees. 

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #112 on: May 15, 2013, 08:39:01 PM »
One of FOX19's two sources went on say that these four IRS workers claim "they simply did what their bosses ordered".

No way this stops with a few low level employees. 

This is going right to Jack Lew and Jarrett if not Obama himself 

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #114 on: May 16, 2013, 05:16:19 AM »
"The director of the Office of Rulings and Agreements, which oversees the determinations of tax-exempt organizations, is a donor to Barack Obama. Holly Paz donated $2,000 to Obama’s 2008 campaign, according to Open Secrets, which maintains a database of individual political donations."

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #115 on: May 16, 2013, 05:32:09 AM »
Embattled IRS official Lois Lerner’s husband’s law firm has strong Obama connections

Posted By Patrick Howley On 12:13 AM 05/16/2013 In Politics | No Comments

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official who apologized for targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny is married to an attorney whose firm hosted a voter registration organizing event for the 2012 Obama re-election campaign, praised President Obama’s policy work, and had one of its partners appointed by Obama to a key ambassadorship.
IRS Exempt Organizations Division director Lois G. Lerner, who has been described as “apolitical” in mainstream press coverage of the IRS scandal, is married to tax attorney Michael R. Miles, a partner at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan. The firm is based in Atlanta but has a number of offices including in Washington, D.C., where Miles works.
The 400-attorney firm hosted an organizing meeting at its Atlanta office for people interested in helping with voter registration for the Obama re-election campaign.
This is not the first of Lerner’s connections to the president to surface. Earlier this week The Daily Caller reported that Lerner personally signed the tax-exemption approval for a shady charity run by Obama’s half-brother, after an inexplicably brief one-month application process. (Related: Lois Lerner approved exemption for Obama brother’s ‘charity’)
“Come learn more about how you can create, organize, and host a voter registration event here in Atlanta in the coming weeks. We will be meeting at at 7:30pm at 999 Peachtree St. NE, in the law offices of Sutherland, Asbill, and Brennan,” read an event posting on
Longtime Sutherland partner David Adelman, the former Democratic minority whip of the Georgia state senate, serves as ambassador to the Republic of Singapore in the Obama administration.
“Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP announces that its partner and Georgia State Sen. David I. Adelman, has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore. President Obama nominated Sen. Adelman on November 20, 2009,” according to a Sutherland press release dated March 19, 2010.
“Sutherland has a great tradition of excellence.  It has been a privilege to be a part of such a fine firm,” Adelman said at the time of his confirmation, according to the Sutherland press release.
“I am humbled by the confidence President Obama and Secretary Clinton have in me, and I look forward to building on the strong U.S.-Singapore relationship,” said Adelman, who joined Sutherland in 1993 and spent his entire career in private practice with the firm.
Sutherland heaped praised on Obama’s work in the U.S. Senate on legal issues pertaining to employee misclassification, which Sutherland works intensely enough on to have launched the website .
“The subject of worker classification is likely to take on increased importance in light of the recent election of Barack Obama as President. While in the Senate, President Obama showed an interest in strengthening workers’ rights, particularly with respect to whether they should be classified as employees,” according to a Sutherland press release dated April 28, 2009.
“Along with others, he introduced the Independent Contractor Proper Classification Act of 2007. This legislation sought to give regulatory authority to the IRS to establish standards for properly classifying workers and to repeal the Section 530 safe harbor provisions that currently allow employers to rely on industry practice or professional advice as a reasonable basis for classifying workers. Also as a senator, President Obama, along with others, introduced the Employee Misclassification Prevention Act on September 29, 2008, which sought ‘to provide a special penalty for employers who misclassify employees as nonemployees,” according to the Sutherland press release.
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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #116 on: May 16, 2013, 05:53:23 AM »
The Treasury Inspector General's damaging report on the IRS-Tea Party scandal has destroyed the administration's claim that low-level workers in a Cincinnati, Ohio office are to blame, revealing that 10 of 12 agency offices referenced in the affair are in Washington.
The report repeatedly references actions taken by the Washington-based Exempt Organizations unit and guidance specialists also in Washington. What's more, the report was researched in the Exempt Organizations offices and the Cincinnati-based Determinations Units, which has received the blame for targeting Tea Party groups.
The audit, for example, probes into how the Cincinnati-based Determinations Unit developed its plan to pay attention to groups with the words "Tea Party," "Patriot," and other phrases used by anti-Obama groups during the 2010 election.
Washington-based offices denied involvement, but did change the "criteria" for groups to target in July 2011. Instead of looking for "Tea Party" groups seeking tax exempt status to investigate, the criteria was broadened to "political, lobbying or [general] advocacy."
However, "the team of specialists subsequently changed the criteria in January 2012" back, apparently without telling their bosses. "Specialists" are both Washington- and Ohio- based.
Popular talk radio host Mark Levin, one of the first to post the IG report online, suggested that the House committees investigating the scandal use the IG's "High-Level Organization Chart of Offices Referenced in this Report" on page 29 in picking who should testify. He suggested that the heads of all 12 be called to testify.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #117 on: May 16, 2013, 07:02:42 AM »
FOX NEWS INSIDER -  Press Secretary Jay Carney defended the Obama administration as it faces scrutiny for the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. Today on The Five, Eric Bolling voiced his concern, saying, “2011, I was pretty vocal against four more years of President Obama. […] I don’t know if it’s coincidence or not but I did get an IRS audit in 2012 for my 2011 tax returns. I’m not sure if there’s any correlation.”

Andrea Tantaros commented, “It’s the Chicago way. [Obama] said he would change D.C. and the way they do business. Boy, has he ever.”

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #118 on: May 16, 2013, 07:30:28 AM »

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #119 on: May 16, 2013, 07:44:36 AM »

Report: IRS denied tax-exempt status to pro-lifers on behalf of Planned Parenthood

May 15, 2013 | 2:40 pm | Modified: May 16, 2013 at 9:35 am

Planned Parenthood endorsed Obama in 2008 and 2012.
The IRS also pressured another pro-life group about its religious activities. “The IRS withheld approval of an application for charitable tax-exempt recognition of Christian Voices for Life, questioning the group’s involvement with ’40 Days for Life’ and ‘Life Chain’ events,” according to the law firm. “The Fort Bend County, Texas, organization was subjected to repeated and lengthy unconstitutional requests for information about the viewpoint and content of its educational communications, volunteer prayer vigils, and other protected activities.”
The IRS admitted last week to that some members of the agency targeted Tea Party groups for discriminatory reviews of their applications for tax-exempt status. The Justice Department has initiated a criminal investigation into the matter.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #120 on: May 16, 2013, 07:48:17 AM »
IRS official Lerner speedily approved exemption for Obama brother’s ‘charity’

Posted By Charles C. Johnson On 5:06 PM 05/14/2013 In Politics | No Comments

Lois Lerner, the senior IRS official at the center of the decision to target tea party groups for burdensome tax scrutiny, signed paperwork granting tax-exempt status to the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a shady charity headed by the president’s half-brother that operated illegally for years.
According to the organization’s filings, Lerner approved the foundation’s tax status within a month of filing, an unprecedented timeline that stands in stark contrast to conservative organizations that have been waiting for more than three years, in some cases, for approval.
Lerner also appears to have broken with the norms of tax-exemption approval by granting retroactive tax-exempt status to Malik Obama’s organization.
The National Legal and Policy Center filed an official complaint with the IRS in May 2011 asking why the foundation was being allowed to solicit tax-deductible contributions when it had not even applied for an IRS determination. In a New York Post article dated May 8, 2011, an officer of the foundation admitted, “We haven’t been able to find someone with the expertise” to apply for tax-exempt status.
Nevertheless, a month later, the Barack H. Obama Foundation had flown through the grueling application process. Lerner granted the organization a 501(c) determination and even gave it a retroactive tax exemption dating back to December 2008.
The group’s available paperwork suggests an extremely hurried application and approval process. For example, the group’s 990 filings for 2008 and 2009 were submitted to the IRS on May 30, 2011, and its 2010 filing was submitted on May 23, 2011.
Lerner signed the group’s approval [pdf] on June 26, 2011.
It is illegal to operate for longer than 27 months without an IRS determination and solicit tax-deductible contributions.
The ostensibly Arlington, Va.-based charity was not even registered in Virginia despite the foundation’s website including a donation button that claimed tax-exempt status.
Its president and founder, Abon’go “Roy’ Malik Obama, is Barack Obama’s half-brother and was the best man at his wedding, but he has a checkered past. In addition to running his charity, Malik Obama ran unsuccessfully to be the governor of Siaya County in Kenya. He was accused of being a wife beater and seducing the newest of his twelve wives while she was a 17-year-old school girl.
Sensing something wrong when he and a group of Missouri State students visited Kenya in 2009, Ken Rutherford, winner of the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on banning landmines, determined that Malik Obama was an “operator” and elected to give a donation of 400 pounds of medical supplies to a local clinic instead.
“We didn’t know what he was going to do with them,” Rutherford told the New York Post in 2011.
It is also not clear what the Barack H. Obama Foundation actually does. Its website claims the organization has built a madrassa and was building a imam’s house but there is no other evidence that the nonprofit was actually helping poor Kenyan children.
“The Obama Foundation raised money on its web page by falsely claiming to be a tax deductible. This bogus charity run by Malik had not even applied and yet subsequently got retroactive tax-deductible status,” Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, told The Daily Caller. Boehm described Malik Obama’s attempt to raise money as constituting “common law fraud and potentially even federal mail fraud.”
Boehm doubted that the charity is doing what it says it’s doing and wondered why the charity was given tax-exempt status so quickly after the evidence of wrongdoing came to light.
“How do you get retroactive tax-exempt status when you haven’t even applied to get it in the first place?” Boehm said.
Lerner continues to draw fire for her handling of the IRS targeting of conservative and citizen groups, but her colleagues have started to defend her, alleging that she behaves “apolitically.”
Larry Noble, who served as general counsel at the FEC from 1987 to 2000, hired and promoted Lerner. “I worked with Lois for a number of years and she is really one of the more apolitical people I’ve met,” Noble told The Daily Beast. “That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have political views, but she really focuses on the job and what the rules are. She doesn’t have an agenda.”
Lerner could not be reached for comment. Calls to the Barack H. Obama Foundation went directly to the organization’s voicemail and were not returned.
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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #122 on: May 16, 2013, 09:30:00 AM »
Video: IRS scapegoats not exactly taking it lying down

posted at 8:01 am on May 16, 2013 by Ed Morrissey

Last night, Barack Obama tried to take control of the narrative on one of the scandals that have rocked his administration by announcing that IRS Commissioner Steve Miller had resigned by request of Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.  As it turns out, Miller was leaving in a month anyway, but the outgoing IRS chief took the time to note that the wrongdoing was limited to two IRS employees in the Cincinnati office, who had already been “disciplined” — which directly contradicts the Inspector General’s report, which shows managerial involvement since March 2010 at least, and coordination between multiple offices and units.  The report also notes that at least 300 applications got improperly obstructed, and the number is likely much higher than that.
Fox 19 in Cincinnati reports that the number doubled yesterday evening to four IRS employees, and that they’re not terribly interested in martyrdom (via Twitchy):

FOX19 has exclusively learned that as many as four people may be the first Cincinnati Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees to face disciplinary action, and possibly even criminal charges, for allegedly targeting Tea Party and Liberty groups applying for non-profit status.
On Wednesday, the IRS announced that it had pinpointed two employees at the agency’s Cincinnati office for being ‘primarily’ responsible. …
One of FOX19′s two sources went on say that these four IRS workers claim “they simply did what their bosses ordered.” FOX19 reported on Tuesday that the report by the Office of Inspector General states that senior IRS officials knew agents were targeting Tea Party groups as early as 2011.
In fact, according to that report, Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax exempt organizations, was told on June 29, 2011 that groups with ‘Tea Party’, ‘Patriot’ or ’9/12 Project’ in their names were being flagged for additional, and often burdensome, scrutiny.
Did I say 300 organizations? According to the report, Reps. Jim Jordan and Darrell Issa now put that number closer to 500.  If it was just these four agents, they’d have to have been rather, er, productive.  Besides, if it was just four agents in one office, Lerner wouldn’t have spent two years trying to massage the process to make it look less partisan — she would have told the four to knock it off in 2011, and the IRS chief counsel would have insisted on it when notified in August 2011.
Why might Lerner have been motivated to let the harassment continue? Maybe the connections at her husband’s law firm might provide an answer:

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official who apologized for targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny is married to an attorney whose firm hosted a voter registration organizing event for the 2012 Obama re-election campaign, praised President Obama’s policy work, and had one of its partners appointed by Obama to a key ambassadorship.
IRS Exempt Organizations Division director Lois G. Lerner, who has been described as “apolitical” in mainstream press coverage of the IRS scandal, is married to tax attorney Michael R. Miles, a partner at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan. The firm is based in Atlanta but has a number of offices including in Washington, D.C., where Miles works.
The 400-attorney firm hosted an organizing meeting at its Atlanta office for people interested in helping with voter registration for the Obama re-election campaign.
This is not the first of Lerner’s connections to the president to surface. Earlier this week The Daily Caller reported that Lerner personally signed the tax-exemption approval for a shady charity run by Obama’s half-brother, after an inexplicably brief one-month application process.
The reason Miller claimed that the two-maybe-four employees had already been disciplined was to head off potential criminal charges.  That step would get them talking about who ordered the targeting of conservative groups.  Two of the employees in that office — who may or may not be among that supposedly rogue group — will testify to Congress on Monday, and that may give us a more credible account than two IRS agents wreaking havoc for three years — with management aware of the problem for two of those years — without being reined in until after the election.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #123 on: May 16, 2013, 11:09:20 AM »
Ohio groups long ago sounded alarm on IRS
Toledo Blade ^ | 5/16/2013 | BY TOM TROY AND VANESSA McCRAY

Posted on Thursday, May 16, 2013 11:34:00 AM by

Conservative Ohio groups more than a year ago raised the alarm that the Internal Revenue Service was holding up their applications for tax-exempt status, leading Ohio U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Urbana) to request the audit that led to the IRS's admission that it targeted Tea Party-related groups for close scrutiny. The scandal on Wednesday broadened enough to prompt President Obama's Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to request the resignation of acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller. Mr. Jordan, who chairs a Tea Party-leaning conservative caucus in the House of Representatives, sent a letter on March 27, 2012, to the IRS, seeking a response to complaints from Ohio groups.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #124 on: May 16, 2013, 12:15:57 PM »
IRS scandal needs more than a scapegoat
By Rand Paul , Special to CNN
May 16, 2013 -- Updated 1616 GMT (0016 HKT)

President Obama speaks Wednesday about the IRS scandal.Editor's note: Rand Paul, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Kentucky.

(CNN) -- The Internal Revenue Service has admitted that it targeted groups with "tea party" or "patriot" in their names. We've since learned that a wider array of groups concerned about spending, debt, high taxes, government growth, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights -- basically any conservative or libertarian issue you can name -- was targeted.

President Obama said Monday that he was "outraged" over the IRS' behavior. He said that those responsible should be held "fully accountable." I wonder when that will happen?

On Wednesday, the president requested and received the resignation of Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller -- but that is not enough. The executive branch has been aware of this scandal for nearly two years and now, only as a result of massive public pressure, the administration has found a scapegoat.

The president did not announce that Miller was responsible, and we still don't know who came up with the idea to target the tea party. We have not been told whether Obama administration officials knew about the discrimination and if they allowed it to continue when they found out. Forcing out Miller is not the end of this scandal.

Holding the guilty parties accountable is just the first step. But if the handling of the attack in Benghazi, Libya, is any indication, there are no guarantees this will happen.

The IRS is under the president's jurisdiction. He needs to fully recognize the gravity of these charges.

The IRS targeting citizens for political reasons is not simply another Washington scandal. At issue is something that strikes at the very heart of who we are as a people, what we believe as Americans and what this country has always stood for.

Bachmann: IRS scandal 'troubling'IRS acting commissioner forced outRumsfeld: Scandals are perfect stormThe First Amendment was written to protect many different types of expression. But the Founding Fathers' primary concern -- and a first principle for every generation of Americans that followed -- was the protection of political speech. Apparently, the IRS was even targeting people who criticized how the country was being run.

Protecting citizens' right to speak out against their government has always been an integral part of what separates us from tyrannical regimes. What the IRS did is how the KGB used to target dissidents. It is how they deal with troublemakers in China.

It is not how we treat American citizens. Our Constitution guarantees it.

This week, I introduced a Senate Resolution condemning the IRS' actions and calling for a full investigation into how the agency infringed upon the First Amendment rights of those targeted.

Democrats put a hold on my resolution.

We have learned that some officials knew about these indiscretions long before the recent denials. We wanted to investigate to find out who knew what, when, and for how long.

We have learned that some tea party groups had unduly long wait times for tax-exempt status. Some eventually withdrew their applications out of frustration.

In my home state of Kentucky, a 9/12 group filed for 501(c)(4) status in December of 2010. It received its first correspondence almost immediately, saying there would be a determination within 90 days.

Fourteen months later, the IRS requested answers to 30 questions with sub-bullets -- 88 total separate inquiries -- and gave only a two-week period to comply.

The Kentucky 9/12 Project's Eric Wilson estimated that it would have taken 5,000 pages to respond.

Eventually, the IRS granted granted this group tax-exempt status -- after well over a year. We wanted to find out why they had to wait. We wanted to find out what groups, and how many, might have been victims of political discrimination.

We wanted to ask for an independent authority to investigate and seek criminal charges against those who were involved in targeting Americans for their political views. We wanted to determine if the White House was aware and failed to take action.

This is not about Republican vs. Democrat or conservative vs. liberal. It is about arrogant and unrestrained government vs. the rule of law. Imagine if the IRS had targeted liberal or progressive groups under the Bush administration. The First Amendment cannot be renegotiated depending on which party holds power.

The power to tax is the power to destroy. These allegations concerning the IRS remind us yet again of the inherently destructive nature of leviathan. With Obamacare adding staff and hundreds of millions to the budget of the IRS, the new and intrusive powers granted to our nation's revenue collection service were worrisome enough. We should use this recent abuse of power as an opportunity to rein them in.

Each congressman and senator, and even the president, took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. It is now upon us to determine if the IRS intentionally trampled the First Amendment rights of Americans who dared to dissent.

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