Author Topic: CrossFit - Nadia Shatila's 100 Pull-ups in 2:53  (Read 74351 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #225 on: May 19, 2013, 08:51:42 AM »
they should. no arguments here. one of the worst parts of CF is that it's exploited as a business a lot of the time. it costs like $150/mo to join a CF gym and it ends up being almost cult-like in how it's put together. so instead of promoting it as it is, they make it sound secretive and revolutionary to get people to pay the fees. it's bullshit. but "crossfit" as an activity is pretty awesome.

The one near me is like 250 a month.  I go to NYSC for 70 a month or so and do all the same stuff and have a pool, can go to other nysc, go and come as i please, etc /

For the kettlebell battle rope stuff - i bought all that stuff on my own, tossed it into a GI Bag and take it to the local track and go wild for 2 hours

The True Adonis

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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #226 on: May 19, 2013, 08:51:59 AM »
but you're not going "man crossfit is cool, but look at these idiots" you're going "crossfit is retarded just look at these guys". how can you seriously not see why this is irking krank and me?
I`ve said some of it is good and I also said a lot of it is horseshit and many who do it are cultish morons.  Its all of those things.

The True Adonis

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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #227 on: May 19, 2013, 08:53:06 AM »
The one near me is like 250 a month.  I go to NYSC for 70 a month or so and do all the same stuff and have a pool, can go to other nysc, go and come as i please, etc /

For the kettlebell battle rope stuff - i bought all that stuff on my own, tossed it into a GI Bag and take it to the local track and go wild for 2 hours
Goddamn, I need to open my Slave Labor/Plantation Camp then if I can milk 250 out of people for lifting logs and digging ditches and splitting wood.


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #228 on: May 19, 2013, 08:55:14 AM »
but you're not going "man crossfit is cool, but look at these idiots" you're going "crossfit is retarded just look at these guys". how can you seriously not see why this is irking krank and me?

Crossfit appears dangerous, and does not seem to have the research to back its efficacy. I mean, you cannot even compare the trainers who train olympic athletes compared to these crossfit trainers. ridiculous.

Makimba Mimms, who suffered injuries while performing a CrossFit workout on December 11, 2005, at Manassas World Gym in Manassas, VA under the supervision of an uncertified trainer,[39] claimed that CrossFit poses an elevated risk of rhabdomyolysis. He successfully sued his trainers and was awarded $300,000 in damages.[40]

According to Dr. Stuart McGill, a professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo, the risk of injury from some CrossFit exercises outweighs their benefits when they are performed with poor form in timed workouts. He added there are similar risks in other exercise programs but noted that CrossFit's online community enables athletes to follow the program without proper guidance, increasing the risk.[41]

Articles on many websites criticize CrossFit for its lack of periodization, lack of quality-control accreditation standards for trainers or affiliates, and illogical or random exercise sequences.[28][42]

Some publications have raised concerns that CrossFit promotes a potentially dangerous atmosphere that encourages people, particularly newcomers to CrossFit, to train past their limits, resulting in injury.[43][44]


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #229 on: May 19, 2013, 08:55:50 AM »
5 Reasons Why CrossFit Sucks and Drives Me Nuts

This article is geared toward the coaches/owners and not necessarily those who perform it.

I hate CrossFit.  Period.  Yes, I know there are probably thousands of women out there saying "OMG. What are you talking about?  CrossFit is like so totally bitchin."  If you are someone who thinks this, you need to continue reading.  If you are someone who performs CrossFit workouts, you need to continue reading.  If you are someone who just wants to gain some knowledge, you need to continue reading.

CrossFit has swept the nation over the past couple of years as one of the biggest training fads there has ever been in the industry.  People have fallen in love with the idea of a fast, high intensity workout aimed around increasing "EPOC" that they think will fix everything for them in an instant.  However, there are many things CrossFitters do not know or ever realize about their training.

Reason 1: The majority of CrossFit coaches out there are simply not qualified professionals.
That's right folks.  Pretty bold statement, I know.  The fact of the matter is, pretty much any Joe Schmoe out there is capable of becoming a CrossFit Trainer.  All it takes is a weekend long course with a 50 question multiple choice quiz to become certified.  You are not required to have any type of education or background in the field prior to becoming certified.  Compare this to the rigorous demands of gaining any certification through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and there is no comparison.  The truth which underlies here is the fact that we have unqualified people off the street who have a random degree in Art or some other weird shit teaching people olympic lifts.  "Hmmm....You know I just woke up this morning and decided it would be really cool to teach people terrible form so they can hurt themselves."  Sure, there are some good and probably great CrossFit coaches out there who periodize the program and tailor it to their clients to make it safe and effective and do it the right way.  This is more for those 99% of  so called "coaches" who do not have the slightest clue about anything they are preaching.  They have no idea of proper technique, how to program design (besides downloading workouts from the internet), how to coach effectively, and have no idea how to even begin to describe what energy systems or principle/capacity they are training.

Reason 2: Olympic Lifts are not meant to be done for an infinite amount of reps or against a clock in a rushed manner.

Olympic Lifts consist of the clean, jerk, and snatch.  The two competition lifts consisting of the clean and jerk and snatch.  These lifts require the strictest technique and form and the right training.  When effectively designing a program, any good trainer or strength coach knows that power exercises always ,always, always comes first before anything else (i.e. You would never want to do max effort deadlifts or squats or train for endurance and then go perform heavy sets of power cleans or snatches).  If this is done, you are setting yourself up for fatigue neurologically and muscular.  Take this sample CrossFit Workout of the Day.  Perform 6x3 of max effort deadlifts followed by 3 snatches, 6 pushups, and 9 jump squats continuous for 15 minutes.  Or if that is not enough for you 1 mile, 155 pound Clean and jerk for 21 reps, run 800 meters ,155 pound Clean and jerk for 21 reps, run 1 more mile.  Wow, I think I just got dumber.  When performing any type of Olympic Lift, most likely you are training for power.  Training for power occurs in rep ranges of 1-5 at a relative 30% of your maximum for a conditioning sense or at 80-90% with rest periods of 2-5 minutes in between sets.  Performing more than this will only set your nervous system up for fatigue and induce bad form or injury.

Reason 3  : CrossFit is not functional so stop claiming it is.
When working with any client, the first concern should be to properly assess them and find out what muscular imbalances they have, postural faults, and what type of movement patterns they have.  There are six basic movement patterns: squat, lower pull, upper pull, press, locomotion, and rotation.  Then all of these can be split into either unilateral or bilateral (i.e. BL=squat, UL=lunge).  Now, the most common things I see in people who come to work with me is quad dominance, poor glute medius function, weak obliques, and kyphosis with upper trap dominance.  From these come about bad movement patterns and the inability to properly move through the hips, stabilize their trunk, and stabilize their knee.  The glute medius is a very important muscle on the side of the hip which holds many important actions.  The one we will focus on here and in the video below is knee stabilization.  If the glute medius muscle is weak then the result will be a lot of shifting and uncontrol at the knee.  Keep these in mind when watching the video below.  The lady in the blue has terrible knee stabilization and her knees caves in everytime as she lands and comes up from the squat.  The lady in the black has terrible stability and extension in her thoracic spine and is continually letting her thoracic spine cave over.  Not to mention, the fact that these problems worsen as they perform rep after rep after rep and the "coach" just stands there and says "more speed."

Reason 4: Adding speed to bad movement patterns and form is BAD.
As mentioned previously, the majority of the population out there have terrible habits.  When someone does not know how to effectively stabilize their trunk or knee, or even move through the hips for that matter, then why in the world would you have them running, jumping, and performing Olympic Lifts.  If you spend some time on the internet you will come across photos and videos of CrossFitters squatting onto their toes through their quads, deadlifting with a rounded back, and performing some kind of a weird attempt of a clean while practically falling on their face.  If someone does not know how to perform these basic movements, then how do you expect them to perform a power clean.  When adding speed to these inefficient patterns, you become unaware of what your body is doing and are only setting yourself up to strain something, or tear an ACL.  Before teaching anyone to clean or snatch, I first must coach them on how to properly squat and pull.  After mastering unilateral and bilateral variations of these movements, then I would first need to teach the person how to perform a High Pull and then maybe a Hang Clean.  A High Pull is a good way to incorporate the triple extension through the ankle, hip, and knee before progressing someone to a clean.

Reason 5: Plateau, Plateau, Plateau
Add on the first four reasons and now we have the term "plateau" come into play.  What is plateau?  Plateauing can come about from over training, staleness, and just stupid ineffective training programs.  "I've done the same workout everyday for the past 2 months.  Why am I not seeing anymore results?"  Within the first few weeks of a new training program, initial adaptations are made through the nervous system.  Your nervous system is better prepared to handle the overload and can effectively recruit the right muscle fibers.  After a few weeks of doing Workout A, your body becomes used to the workout and is no longer being applied any type of overload or progression.  Therefore, you hit a brick wall and regress.  In terms of CrossFit.  We will talk about over training.  Over training can occur from a multiple of ways.  Not enough rest, too much stress, too much work, monotonous training, etc.  CrossFit in no way teaches their CrossFitters anything about the proper way to train or rest.  When working out, we create small micro-tears in our muscle fibers which induce adhesions, scar tissue build up, and inflammation in our fascia lines.  This is one reason as to why we feel sore 24-72 hours after working out.  When giving your muscles  an insufficient amount of time to recover, you are just continually depleting your muscle tissue.  Also, CrossFit mainly applies high intensity circuits which take a serious toll on the nervous system.  In order to contract a muscle, we need our brain to signal our motor units to excite the muscle and engage the binding process through actin and myosin to contract the muscle.  When our nervous system becomes fatigued, our muscles can no longer contract effectively or be prepared.  Therefore, performing  crazy, max effort workouts too many times per week will deplete your muscle tissue and fatigue your nervous system.  We become stronger at rest when we let our body realize the adaptations we just provided it with.  This is why many CrossFitters plateau out after about a month or so or become injured and stop seeing continual gains in their training.

If you are still along with me on this lengthy article then you just won a prize.  Not really, but that would have been nice.

So, the next time you are thinking about diving into CrossFit.   Get help from a qualified professional and train HARD and SMART.

Cheers Readers.

The True Adonis

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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #230 on: May 19, 2013, 08:56:15 AM »
just out of curiosity what's the issue here? are you actually mocking an older woman for exercising? ???

Susan Boyle seems to be PWNING the others, eye of the tiger and all.  :D


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #231 on: May 19, 2013, 08:57:43 AM »
I`ve said some of it is good and I also said a lot of it is horseshit and many who do it are cultish morons.  Its all of those things.

all i've seen around here is "look at these crossfit idiots". you'll comb through the mainsite (hint: there's more than just for a while and post all the pictures just to make fun of 'em, but i have yet to see you ONE TIME put up a video or picture and say "check this awesome shit out".

i dunno man, i'm done arguing with you about this. was a fun little weekend since i finally had downtime from work, but i feel like i'm just yelling at the tide to stop coming in at this point. so i'll just respectfully bow out.

The one near me is like 250 a month.  I go to NYSC for 70 a month or so and do all the same stuff and have a pool, can go to other nysc, go and come as i please, etc /

For the kettlebell battle rope stuff - i bought all that stuff on my own, tossed it into a GI Bag and take it to the local track and go wild for 2 hours

yeah the other dude at my gym who does CF and i bring some of our own equipment. we've got the gymnast rings, KBs, speed jump ropes, a couple other odds and ends. i'd rather spend $30/mo like i do and supply some of my own shit than drop eight times that for access to someone else's.


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #232 on: May 19, 2013, 08:59:52 AM »
Makimba Mimms, who suffered injuries while performing a CrossFit workout on December 11, 2005, at Manassas World Gym in Manassas, VA under the supervision of an uncertified trainer,[39] claimed that CrossFit poses an elevated risk of rhabdomyolysis. He successfully sued his trainers and was awarded $300,000 in damages.[40]

okay, so because ONE guy EIGHT years ago who was working out with an UNCERTIFIED trainer got hurt and sued, that means the program is bad?

holy shit, does that mean if i blow out a disc because an uncertified PL trainer had me squatting too heavy it means i can say powerlifting is bad for you? ::)

The True Adonis

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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #233 on: May 19, 2013, 09:00:57 AM »
all i've seen around here is "look at these crossfit idiots". you'll comb through the mainsite (hint: there's more than just for a while and post all the pictures just to make fun of 'em, but i have yet to see you ONE TIME put up a video or picture and say "check this awesome shit out".

i dunno man, i'm done arguing with you about this. was a fun little weekend since i finally had downtime from work, but i feel like i'm just yelling at the tide to stop coming in at this point. so i'll just respectfully bow out.

yeah the other dude at my gym who does CF and i bring some of our own equipment. we've got the gymnast rings, KBs, speed jump ropes, a couple other odds and ends. i'd rather spend $30/mo like i do and supply some of my own shit than drop eight times that for access to someone else's.
Come on my friend, its not that serious.  Have a laugh at it.  You have to admit its funny.


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #234 on: May 19, 2013, 09:01:43 AM »
Yes, like I posted earlier. It's not better to bodybuild than to do crossfit, whatever you want to do.

However, personally, I don't like the trend and it takes up space in my gym so I enjoy mocking it. And like you said yourself, when you're doing it wrong, you look like a bigger idiot following a craze like this.

Please, indulge me since you do it.. Tell me, what is the goal with choosing crossfit as your excercise??? Strength? Endurance? Looking cool infront of other crossfitters? Preparing for a hinder course? I want to understand this

Yes and yes.  Its a challenge.  Ask a golfer why he golfs.  Get better at something that you will never truly master.


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #235 on: May 19, 2013, 09:04:28 AM »
Yes and yes.  Its a challenge.  Ask a golfer why he golfs.  Get better at something that you will never truly master.

exactly. i like the fact that i'm challenging myself in multiple directions. hit a deadlift PR one day, shave a minute off my murph time another day, get 100 unbroken double unders another day. being strong to me is no good if i get winded playing with my dogs, and what's the point of having big muscles when all they can do is leg extensions and cable crossovers? if that's what you like, more power to you, but i'd rather be at 12% bodyfat and be able to perform than be diced and unable.


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #236 on: May 19, 2013, 09:05:53 AM »
okay, so because ONE guy EIGHT years ago who was working out with an UNCERTIFIED trainer got hurt and sued, that means the program is bad?

holy shit, does that mean if i blow out a disc because an uncertified PL trainer had me squatting too heavy it means i can say powerlifting is bad for you? ::)

No, but olympic powerlifting has professional trainers who know their stuff! these are experts in regards to biomechanics, nutritions, exercise physiology, etc. The chances of being injured are drastically reduced, as opposed to these so called "expert" crossfit trainers.

How cant you see that difference?


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #237 on: May 19, 2013, 09:08:47 AM »

No, but olympic powerlifting has professional trainers who know their stuff! these are experts in regards to biomechanics, nutritions, exercise physiology, etc. The chances of being injured are drastically reduced, as opposed to these so called "expert" crossfit trainers.

How cant you see that difference?

because you're comparing apples and oranges here. you're talking uncertified idiots versus lifelong experts, that's not a critique of CF versus oly lifting, that's a problem with educated versus uneducated. the argument is just as valid if you replace "uncertified CF trainer" with "uncertified oly trainer". it has NOTHING to do with the difference between them.

besides, are you telling me that you consulted with expert personal trainers for every lift you do? did you go to louie simmons seminars before squatting? did you correspond with dave tate before you started benching? did you read up on the biomechanics of running before you started cardio? tell me, how much of your gym life has involved being trained by these experts?


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #238 on: May 19, 2013, 09:10:45 AM »
The point is that there is a ton of comedy gold here.  Krank, my friend, its okay to laugh at all these morons.  The Crossfit Mafia is not going to get you!  8)

Adam...I do laugh at the dumb ones.  I wish I could punch every one of them in the face.  Much like I felt like doing for every idiot I encoutered when competing in bodybuilding.

The True Adonis

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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #239 on: May 19, 2013, 09:12:03 AM »


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #240 on: May 19, 2013, 09:12:18 AM »
because you're comparing apples and oranges here. you're talking uncertified idiots versus lifelong experts, that's not a critique of CF versus oly lifting, that's a problem with educated versus uneducated. the argument is just as valid if you replace "uncertified CF trainer" with "uncertified oly trainer". it has NOTHING to do with the difference between them.

besides, are you telling me that you consulted with expert personal trainers for every lift you do? did you go to louie simmons seminars before squatting? did you correspond with dave tate before you started benching? did you read up on the biomechanics of running before you started cardio? tell me, how much of your gym life has involved being trained by these experts?

No, but then again, regular lifting or powerlifting does not promote this...



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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #241 on: May 19, 2013, 09:16:22 AM »
have you done any PL meets?

if tak, what's your numbers?

In competition 180kg squat, 125kg bench (LOL) and 210kg deadlift, 74kg class.

Piss poor tactics, my 130kg bench got 1:2 from referees for lifting my foot slightly... My in training best bench is 140kg :X

Soul Crusher

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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #242 on: May 19, 2013, 09:16:59 AM »

No, but then again, regular lifting or powerlifting does not promote this...

What is the fucking point of that?  See that is why i stay far far far away from CF


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #243 on: May 19, 2013, 09:20:02 AM »
What is the fucking point of that?  See that is why i stay far far far away from CF

there's no "point" to it. you will never, ever, EVER find a workout that says to do overhead one-legged squats on a ball. that workout does not exist because it would dangerous and have no benefits over doing shit normal-style. it's just someone screwing around in the gym, playing a game of "i wonder if i could do that".

The True Adonis

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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #244 on: May 19, 2013, 09:22:45 AM »


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #245 on: May 19, 2013, 09:34:11 AM »

When you see dumb-ass photos like that it adds weight to the argument that CF was invented by physiotherapists and Chiropractors in order to give them an endless supply of customers.

Soul Crusher

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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #246 on: May 19, 2013, 09:39:24 AM »

$200 a month while i can pay $70 at NYSC?   No thanks


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #247 on: May 19, 2013, 09:40:33 AM »
In competition 180kg squat, 125kg bench (LOL) and 210kg deadlift, 74kg class.

Piss poor tactics, my 130kg bench got 1:2 from referees for lifting my foot slightly... My in training best bench is 140kg :X

not bad numbers actually, especially since european judging is much stricter than american judging

when you say 74 kg class do you mean that you weighed 74 kg in the 75 kg class?

i'd make the 67.5 kg class coming down from about 73 kg and i'd make that weight in less than 24 hours just took a double dose of laxatives the night before weigh-in and i didn't eat or drink anything for about 16 hours prior to weigh-in (no diuretics were used)


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #248 on: May 19, 2013, 09:43:07 AM »
The fact that CF gyms are so expensive lead me to believe that they are just trying to market to a bunch of naive people who really do not know what they are doing.  :-\ :-\


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Re: More Crossfit Nonsense
« Reply #249 on: May 19, 2013, 09:45:06 AM »
Yes and yes.  Its a challenge.  Ask a golfer why he golfs.  Get better at something that you will never truly master.

A golfer wants to get better at golf. Bodybuilders wants muscle, powerlifter to increase numbers, a runner wants to get faster. A crossfitter wants to get better at doing crossfit? :D

Sure, whatever rocks your boat. I'm sure crossfit is a good way to burn calories actually.