Author Topic: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals  (Read 2480 times)

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The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« on: May 31, 2013, 12:11:00 PM »
This administration is a paragon of virtue. 

The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
by Keith Koffler on May 31, 2013

It’s easy to forget that the three scandals currently swirling about President Obama are just the latest episodes of potential misdoings by the scandal-plagued Obama administration.

As a refresher, here is a full list of the administration’s most egregious scandals.

1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.

2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one:

■The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
■The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
■The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack

3. Watching the AP: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation.

4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme: Allowed weapons from the U.S. to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

7. Potential Holder Perjury II: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much earlier.

8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare.

9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.

10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.

13. Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.

14. AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.

15. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.

16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

17. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden’s office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.

18. AKPD not A-OK: The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.

19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you: Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

20. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2013, 12:17:25 PM »
21.  Illegal NLRB appointments

22.  Violating the judges order in permit issuances in the Gulf

23.  Bullying Gibson Guitar

24.  Bullying Boeing

25.  O-Twink Care

26.  Solyndra

27.  Light Squared

28.  Crony corporatists appointed to all levels of the govt

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2013, 10:19:30 PM »
This administration is a paragon of virtue. 

The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
by Keith Koffler on May 31, 2013

It’s easy to forget that the three scandals currently swirling about President Obama are just the latest episodes of potential misdoings by the scandal-plagued Obama administration.

As a refresher, here is a full list of the administration’s most egregious scandals.

1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.

2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one:

■The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
■The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
■The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack

3. Watching the AP: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation.

4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme: Allowed weapons from the U.S. to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

7. Potential Holder Perjury II: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much earlier.

8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare.

9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.

10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.

13. Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.

14. AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.

15. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.

16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

17. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden’s office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.

18. AKPD not A-OK: The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.

19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you: Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

20. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”

None of these are Administration Scandals.  The majority of these listed are government departments to which you can blame every politican just as equally.  The others are just talking points memos from Fox News....hardly something I would call a scandal....more like rhetoric



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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 12:19:34 AM »
Still way better than the last administration.


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2013, 02:37:33 AM »
 Obama is just George Busch with out the constitution.  I don't think there is a policy difference in anything between the two except Obama has spent more and provided even less.


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2013, 05:19:37 AM »


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2013, 08:23:00 AM »

Loco, there is no comparison between the two. Obama has the economy heading north and W had it going in the shitter. The biggest terrorist attack on America took place under bush, 1100% more embassy attacks, a war was started using faulty info and lies etc etc.

He is still to right on some policies, and not enough on others for me, but W is the worst president in history.


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2013, 08:29:51 AM »
Loco, there is no comparison between the two. Obama has the economy heading north and W had it going in the shitter. The biggest terrorist attack on America took place under bush, 1100% more embassy attacks, a war was started using faulty info and lies etc etc.

He is still to right on some policies, and not enough on others for me, but W is the worst president in history.
LOL as a canadian your opinion and your views mean shit first of all...

second that economy taking a shit had nothing to do with Bush or his legislation and obamas legislation have hindered the economic growth we have had. We should be much further along than we are now.

The embassy attacks took place mainly in war zones, its not an apples to apples comparison there champ. Ill give you the wars although its not clear whether it was lies or incompetence. Many would note though that the economy faired so well for as long as it did b/c of the wars, so take the good with the bad.

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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2013, 08:38:41 AM »
Still way better than the last administration.

Lmao...typical uninformed leftist point of view. I dont know which lefty wack job is worse on here. Lol


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2013, 10:13:46 AM »
LOL as a canadian your opinion and your views mean shit first of all...

second that economy taking a shit had nothing to do with Bush or his legislation and obamas legislation have hindered the economic growth we have had. We should be much further along than we are now.

The embassy attacks took place mainly in war zones, its not an apples to apples comparison there champ. Ill give you the wars although its not clear whether it was lies or incompetence. Many would note though that the economy faired so well for as long as it did b/c of the wars, so take the good with the bad.

what? the fucking unpaid wars and spending insanity bush went on had nothing to do with turning a growing economy into a shitty one?

mainly? Benghazi was of course just a normal relaxing vacation, no wars or anything.

go have a drink

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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2013, 10:34:59 AM »
what? the fucking unpaid wars and spending insanity bush went on had nothing to do with turning a growing economy into a shitty one?

mainly? Benghazi was of course just a normal relaxing vacation, no wars or anything.

go have a drink

Ok, look dude. Lets end this idiocy once and for all. You guys keep bringing up the war under Bush. I'm going to say again and thats going to be that. THIS WAS A WAR THAT WAS BIPARTISAN. IT WAS VOTED ON BY BOTH SIDES, with few that opposed it. Also, this blame Bush bullshit. It's typical of the left to keep bring up things over and over again with the hopes that people will actually start to believe it. Congrats, you fall right into that category despite the proof.

Tell me, when does Obama start taking blame? Or is he exempt from anything? 


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2013, 12:31:37 PM »
Ok, look dude. Lets end this idiocy once and for all. You guys keep bringing up the war under Bush. I'm going to say again and thats going to be that. THIS WAS A WAR THAT WAS BIPARTISAN. IT WAS VOTED ON BY BOTH SIDES, with few that opposed it. Also, this blame Bush bullshit. It's typical of the left to keep bring up things over and over again with the hopes that people will actually start to believe it. Congrats, you fall right into that category despite the proof.

Tell me, when does Obama start taking blame? Or is he exempt from anything? 

it was based on false information, many people were deceived, if a country goes to war it's on the president in my opinion. Obama owns all the wars he has failed to stop and start (invasions).

the WMD was a lie, they knew it was, they even used debunked documents to do so.

They claimed they found biological weapons laboratories that turned out to be a dud.

Obama is not to blame for the economy going I the shitter, he is to blame for the recovery.

I blame Obama for not going after wall street or the banks, not reducing military spending, failure to move human rights forward (human equality), shitty decision on alternative fuels amongst other things. But you live in a fantasy land where Benghazi is a scandal, contrary to the evidence.

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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2013, 12:33:12 PM »

LMFAO.  What do you call lybia? 

it was based on false information, many people were deceived, if a country goes to war it's on the president in my opinion. Obama owns all the wars he has failed to stop and start (invasions).

the WMD was a lie, they knew it was, they even used debunked documents to do so.

They claimed they found biological weapons laboratories that turned out to be a dud.

Obama is not to blame for the economy going I the shitter, he is to blame for the recovery.

I blame Obama for not going after wall street or the banks, not reducing military spending, failure to move human rights forward (human equality), shitty decision on alternative fuels amongst other things. But you live in a fantasy land where Benghazi is a scandal, contrary to the evidence.


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2013, 03:00:43 PM »
what? the fucking unpaid wars and spending insanity bush went on had nothing to do with turning a growing economy into a shitty one?

mainly? Benghazi was of course just a normal relaxing vacation, no wars or anything.

go have a drink
LOL so let me get this straight, unpaid for spending by obama = GOOD!!!

Unpaid for spending by bush = BAD!!!

lmfao go ahead professor tell us all how the wars caused the economic melt down....

you think benghazis embassy attack is the same as those in  the middle east during the Iraq war?

and now you know why canadian opinions mean shit

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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2013, 03:07:48 PM »
it was based on false information, many people were deceived, if a country goes to war it's on the president in my opinion. Obama owns all the wars he has failed to stop and start (invasions).

the WMD was a lie, they knew it was, they even used debunked documents to do so.

They claimed they found biological weapons laboratories that turned out to be a dud.

Obama is not to blame for the economy going I the shitter, he is to blame for the recovery.

I blame Obama for not going after wall street or the banks, not reducing military spending, failure to move human rights forward (human equality), shitty decision on alternative fuels amongst other things. But you live in a fantasy land where Benghazi is a scandal, contrary to the evidence.

LOL..and who said the docs were "debunked"? 10-1 it was some other conspiracy theory from the left. Did you forget about the 17 resolutions Bush gave Huissan that he ignored before we decided to go in? I'll bet you forgot about that part. That gave him more than enough time to move those weapons. Oh, they had the weapons.


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2013, 05:37:11 AM »
Loco, there is no comparison between the two. Obama has the economy heading north and W had it going in the shitter. The biggest terrorist attack on America took place under bush, 1100% more embassy attacks, a war was started using faulty info and lies etc etc.

He is still to right on some policies, and not enough on others for me, but W is the worst president in history.

Hey Necrosis!  I'm joking when I post this sign, but I'll have to disagree with your post above.  From what I've seen and read, Clinton is directly responsible for the US economy going in the shiiter, and thus he is directly responsible for the world economy going in the shiiter.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis

Bill Clinton
"President Clinton's tenure was characterized by economic prosperity and financial deregulation, which in many ways set the stage for the excesses of recent years. Among his biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. It is the subject of heated political and scholarly debate whether any of these moves are to blame for our troubles, but they certainly played a role in creating a permissive lending environment.",28804,1877351_1877350_1877322,00.html

George W. Bush
"From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers. Bush did push early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress. After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit. Plus, let's face it, the meltdown happened on Bush's watch.",28804,1877351_1877350_1877320,00.html

Immediately after Bush took office in 2001, there was a recession.  Was this Bush's fault?  No, it was Clinton's fault.  Clinton left Bush a huge mess.

Clinton made it possible for derivative swaps to get out of control.  When warned that this would soon destroy the economy, Clinton ignored the warnings.  Now Obama is doing the same.  Recessions are only going to get worse and more frequent.


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2013, 07:04:44 PM »
Hey Necrosis!  I'm joking when I post this sign, but I'll have to disagree with your post above.  From what I've seen and read, Clinton is directly responsible for the US economy going in the shiiter, and thus he is directly responsible for the world economy going in the shiiter.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis

Bill Clinton
"President Clinton's tenure was characterized by economic prosperity and financial deregulation, which in many ways set the stage for the excesses of recent years. Among his biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. It is the subject of heated political and scholarly debate whether any of these moves are to blame for our troubles, but they certainly played a role in creating a permissive lending environment.",28804,1877351_1877350_1877322,00.html

George W. Bush
"From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers. Bush did push early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress. After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit. Plus, let's face it, the meltdown happened on Bush's watch.",28804,1877351_1877350_1877320,00.html

Immediately after Bush took office in 2001, there was a recession.  Was this Bush's fault?  No, it was Clinton's fault.  Clinton left Bush a huge mess.

Clinton made it possible for derivative swaps to get out of control.  When warned that this would soon destroy the economy, Clinton ignored the warnings.  Now Obama is doing the same.  Recessions are only going to get worse and more frequent.

Good post.

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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2013, 07:48:03 PM »
I dont understand repubs who hate obama - I mean, if you hate him and think he's hurting america, then choose which laws he's broken and IMPEACH HIM.

For pete's sake... either impeach him, or admit we're doing nothing but powerless whining about something we don't like.

I mean, at home, do you whine online about the grass getting too tall, or do you mow it?  Obama should be impeached, bottom line.

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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2013, 08:19:43 PM »
The new Obama scandal is that his admn uses fake email to get around sunshine laws. 

Scandal Mania running wild w Obama 


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2013, 08:24:41 PM »
all the fake scandals are going nowhere,to bad for the stupid party.and obama's approval rating has gone up and the repub approval rating has gone down    priceless  :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2013, 08:29:18 PM »
all the fake scandals are going nowhere,to bad for the stupid party.and obama's approval rating has gone up and the repub approval rating has gone down    priceless  :D :D :D :D :D

Obama rating in the toilet where it belongs


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Re: The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2013, 08:32:05 PM »
most are seeing around the fake outrage,the repubs are over playing their hand,the stupid party lives on

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