Author Topic: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers  (Read 12303 times)


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #125 on: July 14, 2013, 10:23:12 AM »

If you know muslim culture... know how a man is advantaged in that culture... how a woman is NOTHING in that culture... for what reason would a muslim man not be like that (as in the movie I mean)?

It's too easy for them... they can live as they want, fuck non muslim women, break all the rules... when they come back it's all forgiven and they are heroes. Women on the other hand... once they have left the culture... they become CRAP, HUNTED... The only way they can come back is in complete submission, married to an old bearded bastard who will make her pay for her sins for the rest of her life.

THAT is the reality behind the happy faces of "modern muslims" that are posted here. When the Egyptian government radicalises, the now "non-radical" men will stay and become devote muslims, and the "non radical" women will have to leave or pay for it.

Those happy faces are full of hypocrisy.

It doesn't quite work like that.  I'm not saying that what you are saying doesn't exist.  But it doesn't exist all across the board.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #126 on: July 14, 2013, 10:28:40 AM »

Yes. And a moderate capitalism. And a moderate bodybuilding. And moderate drug use. And moderate delusions.
lol at everything in moderation being a delusion. Probably will never happen. Will never happen but people still strive for moderation.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #127 on: July 14, 2013, 10:30:32 AM »

I can't even blame you personally. Just as I couldn't blame the nazi's for following Hitler in the 30-s when everybody in Germany was doing it.

But that doesn't make it less dangerous.

Can't blame me for what? Loll I don't believe in or practice any religion right now.  But I do believe that you are painting only part of a picture.  

If you don't want to believe me that's fine, we will still be GetBig buddies.... my life would not be more valuable if you do or don't.  But the fact of the matter is you are hearing it from the horse's mouth.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #128 on: July 14, 2013, 10:30:52 AM »
lol at everything in moderation being a delusion. Probably will never happen. Will never happen but people still strive for moderation.

There's no such thing as moderation, it's either you're committed and perfect something, or you don't do it at all. Anything in the middle is retarded mediocrity.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #129 on: July 14, 2013, 10:45:41 AM »
Can't blame you for defending a CULTURE that advantages you, even if you stepped (temporarily or not) out of the religious part.

You know very well that I paint the true picture, as well as (you guessed well!) that the horse is also present at this side.

You do paint a true picture... I never said what you are saying doesn't happen more than it should... What I'm saying is that you are not painting a COMPLETE picture.  There is another side to it...

Whether that other side is the majority, or minority, or just as many... I really don't know.

 But those are the people I'm referring to, those are the people that make up my family members.  If any man in my family ( uncles, cousins, etc) ever told their wives you are not equals all hell would break loose.  But like I said most of the women in my family are well educated medical doctors and PhDs


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #130 on: July 14, 2013, 11:03:56 AM »

As was the protagonist in the movie.

lol Yes I know...  The men in my family are not like the man in the movie... and if they were they would take A LOT of shit  for their ignorant ways from the rest of us.

I am first to admit that what you saw in that movie does actually happen, its fucked up, but it exists.  Muslims across the world try to hide that side and tell  you that this is a western movie dramatization - but I'm telling you IT DOES EXIST AND IT DOES HAPPEN... AND IT DOES HAPPEN A WHOLE FUCKING LOT... Way more than it should.  I'm not going to lie and say its not there, oh its fucking there....  But I personally (and many others out there) do not associate with people of that nature, nor do we live our lives in that fashion.

It actually puts "non-radical" muslims in a shitty position because they end up taking heat from both sides.  They take heat from extreme Muslims for not being "Muslim" enough and they take heat from westerners for who assume they are just like the extreme Muslims.

Hell.... Just look at this thread.... I've taken heat from Rajkapoor saying that my kid will be a bastard because I chose to deviate from the religion, and I've taken heat from the westerners because I was brought up in a Muslim household!

Raf harafe chenou brite negoule



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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #131 on: July 14, 2013, 11:46:42 AM »
you just a kid just like most of getbiggers are there is no point arguing with can not answer any of my question.why dont you fuck your mom for the sake of all librettist fascist....dont take it personal its just figure of speach.i mean whats the point following religious boundaries in real like while throwing crap on religion.Technically Bastard is a bastard in every religion.big ach must feel proud when his sister s pussy get pounded by her boy friend.i ask this question to break his cover.i know he will never be able to answer this one like other,s i asked before.

Hahaha poor muslim fool trying his best to deflect the fact that he has been outed despite his " cover story". This must be team nassers Sharma 3.0 account.

When backed into a corner resort to  "your mom" type insults instead of coming up with an intelligent response - how creative. A pedophile is a pedophile in any religions as well right? That would make muhammed one...right muslim boy? Don't take it personally...its not a figure of speech...its just a fact.

Once again your childish ranting proves that islam is an intolerant religion that has no respect for anyone who falls outside its boundaries.  I guess team nasser really does have it in for big ach since he doesnt fall into their blind followers cult.

King Shizzo

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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #132 on: July 14, 2013, 11:49:51 AM »
That is some fine Egyptian pussy Ach. No wonder Egypt was one of the greatest civilizations ever.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #133 on: July 14, 2013, 11:59:17 AM »
That is some fine Egyptian pussy Ach. No wonder Egypt was one of the greatest civilizations ever.

I wish we were friends 7 years ago Shizzo - I would've invited you to my wedding, we had 1,000 guests present - many single women for you to choose from  ;D


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #134 on: July 14, 2013, 12:05:12 PM »
That is some fine Egyptian pussy Ach. No wonder Egypt was one of the greatest civilizations ever.

Key emphasis on "was".

Egypt was doing well until the muslim zealots started running things. The country that was once vibrant found itself being destroyed from within once the islamic parasites started censoring the media and imposing their disgusting culture. Egypt eventually devolved into a third world nation. Its a damn shame for a country that once had a proud history to be reduced to what it is now.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #135 on: July 14, 2013, 12:09:50 PM »
Rak (Gouletlek al 3akk. Akhayï fa3ame al loura al arabia?)

You are speaking a more traditional dialict (albeit with some spelling errors :) ) that is more common the Gulf and not in Egypt, but I get what you are saying.

I'm the very last one to give you heat because you were brought up in a Muslim household.

Want I want to say is (maybe in a somewhat radical way I admit, put it's to make my point) : if you (pretend to have) left the muslim culture, then you are not doing a favour to those who are also struggling to do so (and don't have it as easy as you), especially women, by publically wishing all your "muslim friends" a happy ramadan, which is a religious symbol. Unless you were making fun of them while eating your pork chops. In that case I apologize.

When its hannukah I pick up the phone and call one of my best friends who is a jew and wish him a Happy Hannukah.  When its Christmas I tell my Chrstian friends "Merry Christmas" - its the same thing here in this post!

Key emphasis on "was".

Egypt was doing well until the muslim zealots started running things. The country that was once vibrant found itself being destroyed from within once the islamic parasites started censoring the media and imposing their disgusting culture. Egypt eventually devolved into a third world nation. Its a damn shame for a country that once had a proud history to be reduced to what it is now.

THIS - 100% THIS!


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #136 on: July 14, 2013, 12:20:14 PM »


Kohl - I don't see it so black and white.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #137 on: July 14, 2013, 12:26:28 PM »

Let me elaborate why I agree with Tyr....

I'm of the belief that Religion should have NOTHING to do with government..... But that is not the case now in a country like Egypt.  (Many countries actually)  But people are free to practice whatever religion they want.  There are some people that will be extreme in their beliefs and some that will be moderate.  But this should have nothing to do with the rule of law.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #138 on: July 14, 2013, 12:41:06 PM »

THIS - 100% THIS!

I have some egyptian friends whose parents describe as it as a  "french riviera" back in the day. The zealots started censoring free speech, banned stuff like belly dancing, etc. Eventually those who could no longer stand it and had the means to leave did just that. There are still good  people over there but they are overshadowed by a majority of idiots.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #139 on: July 14, 2013, 12:49:12 PM »

I suppose that's what the members of NSDAP said to the rest of the world after the war.

I'm sorry you see it as such.  I can't blame you for your beliefs.  Muslims have been so successful at garnering an awful image.  The bad ones LOVE to be on camera showing a primitive way of living and a primitive way of thought.  But I can assure you those monkeys do not speak for people such as my family.

I have some egyptian friends whose parents describe as it as a  "french riviera" back in the day. The zealots started censoring free speech, banned stuff like belly dancing, etc. Eventually those who could no longer stand it and had the means to leave did just that. There are still good  people over there but they are overshadowed by a majority of idiots.

I was actually just having that same conversation last night at a dinner with some family, and they were telling me how I really missed what Egypt was like back in the days of King Farouk, streets were clean, you could never find even a single woman with a head scarf, religion was just a private thing and thats it, non of this bullshit extremism.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #140 on: July 14, 2013, 01:09:48 PM »
You are right on this, but it has nothing to do with what I'm saying. You know very well that in the muslim world, even countries that are OFFICIALLY laic are in reality not laic at all. That's because of the nature of Islam, that doesn't tolerate other religions and sees itself as the only truth, which can/has to be enforced by arms. At the end it always goes wrong. Even in Turkey, where Ataturk (a great statesman) was well aware of the danger and installed a buffer (the army), things are going backwards today. It's really naive to think that Islam will turn more moderate by itself in time. How many victims are needed for that? Millions? Because unlike other religions in their primitive phase (as Christianism), those retards have access to nuclear arms!

Show me one muslim country where Islam is really modernizing today? It's the opposite!

Morocco is considered (also by me) as one of the most modern muslim countries. Do you know the Moroccan legislation concearning the rights of females and homosexuals? I do!

Ex-muslims in Western countries should not try to defend Islam in the West, they should help the muslim-borns who want to get out and are now suffering. That can't be by corroborating muslim traditions. You have a duty to fulfill! Shout out loudly that women should have exactly the same rights as men, and that religion should be COMPLETELY banned from government and society and become a strictly private matter.

Maybe you think that I'm taking your post to seriously, but please think about it.

I wish you a good non-ramadan!

I have many times stated publicly that women should have Equal rights as men and I have many times stated publicly (check a few posts above) that religion should be completely banned from government?


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #141 on: July 14, 2013, 01:24:42 PM »
I don't have any sisters?  ???   Just one brother.

What cover?
you are so predictable.i was expecting this will never be a true westren.these boys find cooks for their mother and sisters and feel proud and happy for them when some one pounding their mother or sisters ass for fun.would you find a man for your mother if your father you will say she is dead.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #142 on: July 14, 2013, 01:28:00 PM »
you are so predictable.i was expecting this will never be a true westren.these boys find cooks for their mother and sisters and feel proud and happy for them when some one pounding their mother or sisters ass for fun.would you find a man for your mother if your father you will say she is dead.

wtf are you talking about?

Both my parents are still alive and still married...

Sure if my father died and my mom eventually met somebody else down the line and he was a good person, I'd support her.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #143 on: July 14, 2013, 01:28:47 PM »
You are right on this, but it has nothing to do with what I'm saying. You know very well that in the muslim world, even countries that are OFFICIALLY laic are in reality not laic at all. That's because of the nature of Islam, that doesn't tolerate other religions and sees itself as the only truth, which can/has to be enforced by arms. At the end it always goes wrong. Even in Turkey, where Ataturk (a great statesman) was well aware of the danger and installed a buffer (the army), things are going backwards today. It's really naive to think that Islam will turn more moderate by itself in time. How many victims are needed for that? Millions? Because unlike other religions in their primitive phase (as Christianism), those retards have access to nuclear arms!

Show me one muslim country where Islam is really modernizing today? It's the opposite!

Morocco is considered (also by me) as one of the most modern muslim countries. Do you know the Moroccan legislation concearning the rights of females and homosexuals? I do!

Ex-muslims in Western countries should not try to defend Islam in the West, they should help the muslim-borns who want to get out and are now suffering. That can't be by corroborating muslim traditions. You have a duty to fulfill! Shout out loudly that women should have exactly the same rights as men, and that religion should be COMPLETELY banned from government and society and become a strictly private matter.

Maybe you think that I'm taking your post to seriously, but please think about it.

I wish you a good non-ramadan!

I think if you actually read what Ach has type of the last few pages you'd realize he's not defending islamic extremism. He and his family seem to be in step with todays world. He's stepped away from islam but that doesnt mean that he should disassociate himself with his family or friends who happen to be muslim. As long as they don't follow the level of thinking like this new team nasser account rajkapoor that a marriage is declared null and void and a child is a  bastard simply because one person stepped away from islam. Only radical islamic thinking displays this type of ignorance.  

Clearly Ach's wife, family and friends don't follow this retarded islamic rubbish that bigbobs, achmed and the radical islam crowd on getbig  follow.  


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #144 on: July 14, 2013, 01:30:31 PM »
I think if you actually read what Ach has type of the last few pages you'd realize he's not defending islamic extremism. He and his family seem to be in step with todays world. He's stepped away from islam but that doesnt mean that he should disassociate himself with his family or friends who happen to be muslim. As long as they don't follow the level of thinking like this new team nasser account rajkapoor that a marriage is declared null and void and a child is a  bastard simply because one person stepped away from islam. Only radical islamic thinking displays this type of ignorance.  

Clearly Ach's wife, family and friends don't follow this retarded islamic rubbish that bigbobs, achmed and the radical islam crowd on getbig  follow.  

Thanks for summarizing what I've been trying to say in the last 7 pages!

You're good people!


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #145 on: July 14, 2013, 01:33:50 PM »
you are so predictable.i was expecting this will never be a true westren.these boys find cooks for their mother and sisters and feel proud and happy for them when some one pounding their mother or sisters ass for fun.would you find a man for your mother if your father you will say she is dead.

Muslim please
. You are so predictable in your rants.

Bet you approve muhammed pounding the ass of a child right?  After all getting married to an underage child is a big part if the muslim world.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #146 on: July 14, 2013, 01:36:53 PM »
Hahaha poor muslim fool trying his best to deflect the fact that he has been outed despite his " cover story". This must be team nassers Sharma 3.0 account.

When backed into a corner resort to  "your mom" type insults instead of coming up with an intelligent response - how creative. A pedophile is a pedophile in any religions as well right? That would make muhammed one...right muslim boy? Don't take it personally...its not a figure of speech...its just a fact.

Once again your childish ranting proves that islam is an intolerant religion that has no respect for anyone who falls outside its boundaries.  I guess team nasser really does have it in for big ach since he doesnt fall into their blind followers cult.
still no answer about bastard.tell me was your mom and dad was married before you was born or you was ring carrier on their marriage ceremony or it was just unplanned pregnancy and he walk away after one night stand.once i know what category you fall in it will be easy for me to deal with you although i have some idea but i want to hear it from your mouth.Shakespeare have whole poem written about bastards and their general behaviors.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #147 on: July 14, 2013, 01:51:23 PM »
Thanks for summarizing what I've been trying to say in the last 7 pages!

You're good people!

Anytime. I always applaud free thinkers who aren't constrained by archiac religious writing on how to live life or treat people. There is no one way of thinking or a set pattern to life. Everyone needs to find their own way not follow a set of rules imposed by a religion or culture. I think we've evolved to a point where the human race is gradually breaking free of those self imposed constraints. Thats what pisses off religious leaders. They're losing control. Thats why Islam demonizes anyone who breaks free  - the fear that more people will follow. The exodus is inevitable and has already begun.

I've travelled extensively worldwide and at the end of the day people are people. It's religion, culture and politics that build walls between people and creates hate ignorance and suspicion.


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #148 on: July 14, 2013, 01:55:52 PM »
Anytime. I always applaud free thinkers who aren't constrained by archiac religious writing on how to live life or treat people. There is no one way of thinking or a set pattern to life. Everyone needs to find their own way not follow a set of rules imposed by a religion or culture. I think we've evolved to a point where the human race is gradually breaking free of those self imposed constraints. Thats what pisses off religious leaders. They're losing control. Thats why Islam demonizes anyone who breaks free  - the fear that more people will follow. The exodus is inevitable and has already begun.

I've travelled extensively worldwide and at the end of the day people are people. It's religion, culture and politics that build walls between people and creates hate ignorance and suspicion.

Yet they all essentially have the same needs....

Food, drink, sex, love, laughter, etc.

- couldn't have said it better myself!


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Re: Happy Ramadan to the Muslim GetBiggers
« Reply #149 on: July 14, 2013, 02:06:12 PM »
still no answer about bastard.tell me was your mom and dad was married before you was born or you was ring carrier on their marriage ceremony or it was just unplanned pregnancy and he walk away after one night stand.once i know what category you fall in it will be easy for me to deal with you although i have some idea but i want to hear it from your mouth.Shakespeare have whole poem written about bastards and their general behaviors.

Hate to disapppoint you muslim boy but my parents were married and made sure I was educated unlike your parents who were slum dwellers and probably couldnt even afford to get married legally. Is that why you're facinated with bastards?  You happen to be one, right? Your ranting and wailing on this subject is evidence of this.

I guess your father having a typical islamic education enjoyed violating you as a child so now you are left with nothing but hate and ignorance in addition to your lack of education. You seem to be dodging the question about following the teachings of a pedophile. Why don't you enlighten us with your shakespearian tales of despair muslim boy.

Feel free to continue with your incoherent ranting nasshole. I could use the laughs. :)