Author Topic: Esters  (Read 985 times)


  • Getbig IV
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« on: October 28, 2013, 08:50:57 PM »
I've looked and looked at this and have found no real clinical shit on this and most of what people are saying online is founded on archaeic beliefs, outright broscience or misunderstood clinical evidence
So... can we get a discussion on esters?

The benefits of different esters... what they are used for.
I had one guy on here tell me that trenbolone enanthate will make him flat and that acetate is the only way to go. This doesn't really make sense to me at all. Enanthate is wayyy cheaper for me than acetate, mg for mg enanthate is almost half the price!
As a powerlifter and strongman, I find that the day after an injection is GREAT when it comes to training so I'll take shots the night before an important training session. I never really noticed a difference between taking sustanon blend and enanthate though. I am not taking a very large dose though so maybe it makes no difference at my level although I am very strong.

People throw around stuff like water retention increasing with long esters... not sure why you can't just control estrogen and diet smarter
I remember gh15 stating that in bodybuilding you want the hormones to come in, do their job and then leave and that is best. But when you look at the npp and deca studies (there is a good one where they compared release rates of quad, delt and glute) the peak levels of androgens stays the fucking same from ester to ester throughout the week. Obviously 100mg of npp peaked a lot higher than 100 deca but is there a difference in peak levels of 100mg npp a day compared to 350mg of deca twice a week? I doubt that highly

So what's the deal here? Are the expensive short esters really worth it? What's the point in buying bottles of tren 75 and taking a ml every other day (262.5mg a week) when I could be taking 1ml of enanthate twice a week (400mg a week total) for only a tiny bit more in cost. Is the difference really that dramatic?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Esters
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 10:22:39 PM »
Where the fuck did broscience come from , never heard it until recently...... but the deal is there's really not a lot of medical literature out there that would clear up confusion . Each of us respond differently to different drugs and the best thing to do us take what someone has felt and experienced and the lil literature out there and make up an educated decision.... as in esters they have different half lives and the shorter the ester the more potent the mg is and it has to do with molecular weight and other variables..... its really a pain in the ass to phathom and remember each one ..... there's a great book out there I would recommend getting I'm not sure what edition it is now but I have anabolic 9th edition


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Esters
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2013, 11:18:07 PM »
Yeah I know that you get more from shorter esters. I have read anabolics 9th and then 10th which was pretty much the same lol
BUT, even getting "more" from shorter esters I don't think the increase in price really pays off when I could pretty much double up on dosages for the same price
Do people react differently to different esters? Could you entertain the possibility that some people have more of the enzyme that breaks down one ester than one that breaks down another? Or is it all broken down with the same enzyme? I can't find any of this info

I've seen tren enanthate called "side effect in a vial", and that ace is ALWAYS preferred. Again it seems the only thing mentioned is that it goes in and then goes out fast... even though with daily injections you're pretty much getting the same peak blood levels as say, daily injections of enanthate or even weekly/biweekly injections.... lots of confusion here. I'll have to try it obviously but was hoping people would have more info.

Only thing I can think of is that a strength athlete would want the short esters last two weeks leading up a meet, preferably suspension as it allows you to increase dosages really fast for a very short amount of time (1-2 weeks) and not kill yourself with side effects. Maybe this is the same in bodybuilding but I never hear of people using shit for less than 4 weeks anyway... so long esters would be fine as enanthate will clear your system very fast stll.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Esters
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2013, 11:33:40 PM »
Tren ace kicks in faster and if you see bad sides you can stop and it bounces out fast ..... its cheaper then tren e but have to shoot EOD at least ..... I enjoy tren ace