Author Topic: [Inside Sweden] Growing up and living in an Orwellian style Feminist Utopia  (Read 11197 times)

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails

A child born in Sweden, begins to almost from the moment of birth to suckle from the teat of the feminist behemoth that is the Government.
Upon birth, Swedish children belong to its mother and the state. In order to attain legal fatherhood of his child, the father must receive formal consent from the mother. As a consequence, the mother may be bequeathed full custody if she so chooses and the father will have no legal right to ever see his child.

The almighty Government always supplants the father as the predominant father-figure , even when the father is present. We learn from an early age that the government is good to us, that we are so lucky to live in Sweden, that we get everything for free. That the government provides for us, that we owe a lot to the benevolent government. We hear that the US cruel and sexist because it doesn't provide free abortions and free everything. Swedish men of my parents' generation are most pussified and beta males on earth. A father teaching his son strong masculine values such as honour and sportsmanship is so frowned upon that it has almost become unheard of, as has the concept of 'the man of the household'. In most households the woman is the dominant parent. Children are raised by her and the state.


From 1960-1990's all Swedish media and was state owned. My parents’ generation were throughout their upbringing fed with a stream of feminist propaganda - indoctrinated without ever seeing a different viewpoint. In very succinct terms, the mantra:" MEN ARE BAD. WOMEN CAN DO NOTHING WRONG" was served to them by the state. Feminism had become the orthodox worldview and since all schools were state-owned, education became permeated with gender consciousness and gender engineering. To think anything bad about women or the state became essentially a "thoughtcrime", and guilt was the designed automatic reaction for happening think outside of the ruling ideology. During this time, a number of legislations were also introduced, such as "the law of women's peace", were passed to keep men in line.

When my parents generation had children, this ideology was passed on from mother to child. The father of most Swedish households is too repressed by 'man guilt' to dare to take a dominant or even active part in raising the child in the manner that their fathers raised them. The family unit has utterly crumbled.

I myself cannot exactly remember how I was indoctrinated, I guess it happened on both a subconscious and conscious level throughout my childhood. I just know that before I woke up and took a look at this nightmare (at the age of maybe 16) I was utterly brainwashed.
Children are trained so that anything negative said about a woman elicits a nauseous feeling and a knee-jerk response to defend the female gender and eliminate the source of unorthodoxy.
I remember in school, my teachers teaching us about the horrors of the beforetime, the evils of patriarchy, and how women are still kept down by white rich men. Swedish kids shows and magazines always had a strong gender conciousness, illustrating female dominance and male submission and guilt at having presumed they were better in any way.


Last year, I started questioning some of my teachers statements during a course on gender and language not an elective, mandatory). I was honestly afraid to do so, but my jimmies were simply too rustled to keep quiet. People looked at me like I had denied the holocaust, and with a knee-jerk reaction they all got genuinely upset and started shouting at me. One girl started to almost sob when I refused to agree with the notion that a man raping a woman was worse than a woman raping another woman. Some ugly sloots in my previous class still openly hate me because of it.

What I've realized now, at 18 is that my female peers are being with another dose of radical feminism. They are all mannish kunts that have just been pumped and dumped by their first alphas, and they thus have a newfound hatred for men. Every day I see signs on social media of sloots my age becoming more and more radical.

Society is also cranking up the extremist lever.
Censorship, mainly of old children's books that represent women as weak have become more prevalent. New editions of old children's stories are edited, cut and pasted to be more orthodox. Some sections are literally being removed from children's books.
'Newspeak' is becoming a reality, feminist lobbyists are trying to erase "he" and "she" and replace it with a gender neutral pronoun. Some newspapers have started to adopt this word.

A new ad hominem shaming technique has become popular to stifle dissenters. Calling non-feminist men “Offended White Male” or “Vit kränkt man” is an insult that aims to ridicule, trivialize and almost dehumanize white men (most men in Sweden) who say anything unorthodox. With this stamp they become ‘unpersons’ , whose opinions don’t matter because they are assumed to be privileged patriarchal sexist scum.

Gender engineering at day-cares is more obvious than ever, with some daycares not using the words boy or girl and preventing boys and girls from playing with "gender stereotypical" toys.

This is Sweden (almost) 2014. I want out.

Ask me anything.

-Sweden has since the 60’s been a feminist mecca
- Sweden’s big government socialist state is a feminist paradise
- Education and media is mostly state controlled
-Children are brainwashed and taught to worship the government and women
- Women are domineering and self-entitled. Men are spineless
- Anyone who deviates from the orthodox feminist beliefs is ostracized
- The law makes Swedish men second class citizens
- Newspeak is becoming a reality
- Things are getting worse
- Sweden is phucked up.

EDIT: Will continue to update this thread with tidbits of Swedish Feminist & PC insanity.


  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
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  • Team Pocahontas
This applies to whole Northern Europe :-\

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails
The Modern Swedish Man is a Feminist

"Big, strong and feminist – this is a prevalent Swedish masculine ideal. The modern Swedish man is progressive and does his fair share of housework. He changes diapers, gets up in the middle of the night to feed his baby and stays at home for at least 60 days of parental leave. Think Alexander Skarsgård with a baby on each arm. It may sound like a dream, but it isn't too far from reality."


  • Getbig V
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That will change the more Muslims invade.

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails
of course, and as always, miscers exaggerate and talk about things they really don't know anything about. yes, sweden is a dump in many ways, but it is still better than most places on this earth.

the biggest problem with swedes, is that they have always been servile to the "elite", nobility and academia. the people have always sort of just followed them blindly in awe. in the last 4-5 decades, this cultural elite (academics, politics, media etc) have been completely overrun by postmodern feminists and cultural relativists. the public discourse is extremely narrow and only a select few opinions are not deemed "racist" and "fascist". it's completely bizarre. however, the country is also in many ways a well functioning society. there aren't too many crazy laws there, as some seem to think. men aren't forced to sit while peeing. it is a nanny state, but so is denmark and norway (and plenty of other european countries).

cliffs: picture is more nuanced.

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails

Swedish Left Party Chapter Wants To Make Urinating While Standing Illegal For Men

Take a stand -- and sit down for what you believe in.

Male representatives on the Sormland County Council in Sweden should sit rather than stand while urinating in office restrooms, according to a motion advanced by the local Left Party.

Known as a socialist and feminist organization, the party claims that seated urination is more hygienic for men -- the practice decreases the likelihood of puddles and other unwanted residue forming in the stall -- in addition to being better for a man's health by more effectively emptying one's bladder, The Local reported.

But not everyone agrees.

Read more:


  • Getbig V
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  • One Hundred Percent
Maybe Sweden needs more Muslims, to help the Swedish male become a man and to be free again?


  • Getbig V
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  • One Hundred Percent
Are Swedish people given a lot of vaccines as they grow up these days? They looks so weak and apparent low testosterone, that can't be normal. It's actually becoming apparent they are being altered by the state run feminist machinery.
The Modern Swedish Man is a Feminist

"Big, strong and feminist – this is a prevalent Swedish masculine ideal. The modern Swedish man is progressive and does his fair share of housework. He changes diapers, gets up in the middle of the night to feed his baby and stays at home for at least 60 days of parental leave. Think Alexander Skarsgård with a baby on each arm. It may sound like a dream, but it isn't too far from reality."


  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
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  • The Strongest Shall Survive.- - Lest we Forget.
Bloody Hell, the story you have told is scary reading for men,
how has this all been allowed to happen by Swedish men.

Seriously is there no strong male voices speaking out.

As has been said maybe having all the muslim immigrants
coming in and the problems their men are causing may in
some twisted way be of a help.
Also i cant see the muslim men bowing down to the swedish
feminine ideals.


  • Getbig V
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And Swedish women wonder why Swedish men don't help them when they are raped by muslims. ::)


  • Moderator
  • Getbig V
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Bloody Hell, the story you have told is scary reading for men,
how has this all been allowed to happen by Swedish men.

Seriously is there no strong male voices speaking out.

As has been said maybe having all the muslim immigrants
coming in and the problems their men are causing may in
some twisted way be of a help.
Also i cant see the muslim men bowing down to the swedish
feminine ideals.

I don't either but it's gonna be a helluva show!!!

Liberalism rots you from the inside out.


  • Guest
I read a lot of this is being promoted by Jews in Sweden.


  • Guest

Swedish Left Party Chapter Wants To Make Urinating While Standing Illegal For Men

Take a stand -- and sit down for what you believe in.

Male representatives on the Sormland County Council in Sweden should sit rather than stand while urinating in office restrooms, according to a motion advanced by the local Left Party.

Known as a socialist and feminist organization, the party claims that seated urination is more hygienic for men -- the practice decreases the likelihood of puddles and other unwanted residue forming in the stall -- in addition to being better for a man's health by more effectively emptying one's bladder, The Local reported.

But not everyone agrees.

Read more:

I posted this on FB after doing a search to confirm that it wasn't one of those political parody deals. Un-friggin'-believable.


  • Guest
I posted this on FB after doing a search to confirm that it wasn't one of those political parody deals. Un-friggin'-believable.

I think... that the time has come... that we can feel ok about killing these people.  Our enemies are fighting with deadly blows against our society, and we need to fight back.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 921
What I've realized now, at 18 is that my female peers are being with another dose of radical feminism. They are all mannish kunts that have just been pumped and dumped by their first alphas, and they thus have a newfound hatred for men. Every day I see signs on social media of sloots my age becoming more and more radical.


A new ad hominem shaming technique has become popular to stifle dissenters. Calling non-feminist men “Offended White Male” or “Vit kränkt man” is an insult that aims to ridicule, trivialize and almost dehumanize white men (most men in Sweden) who say anything unorthodox. With this stamp they become ‘unpersons’ , whose opinions don’t matter because they are assumed to be privileged patriarchal sexist scum.

You have many valid points IMO. Especially the latter paragraph is very true. However, you ruin your whole argument by writing "They are all mannish kunts that have just been pumped and dumped by their first alphas, and they thus have a newfound hatred for men" .

If you could abstain from such idiotic macho bullshit, you could possibly contribute. When arguing with the radical feminists, it is extremely important to remain very careful not to reveal sexist attitudes.



  • Competitors
  • Getbig V
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  • Mystical Manspreading
This applies to whole Northern Europe :-\

maybe not to the same extent as in Sweden, where are you from?


  • Getbig V
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Where Vikings just a myth?  Did they ever exist?  You can't tell by the average Nordic male.


  • Getbig V
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No wonder Swede looked up to Brock Lesnar, Zack Khan and MMA fighters. He views them as strong and masculine---father figures because his father was never one.
And that government assistance...


  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
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  • Team Pocahontas
maybe not to the same extent as in Sweden, where are you from?

I'm from the Netherlands, and I see a lot of confused 'men' and bossy 'women' here.
Aren't you from the UK? If so, hows the situation over there?


  • Getbig V
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Dude, this is getting unbelievable. Things are heating up, but I'm not sure which way it will go. What happened is guilt. All of the Nordic countries are ashamed of the complicity in the genocide of Jews. For so long it was ingrained in their heritage that they were the best, but after World War Two, everybody wanted to distance themselves from that. I have no idea how the Germans took all the blame. There is a movie on netflix called "Homosapiens 1900", and it shows how the entire west was of the same mindset. Even the swedes, in the 1930's had their own little eugenics programs. This world today is disgusting.

Thin Lizzy

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This is the definitive piece on the subject:
How the Welfare State Corrupted Sweden.

Per Bylund

Old people in Sweden say that to be Swedish means to supply for your own, to take care of your self, and never be a burden on anyone else's shoulders. Independence and hard work was the common perception of a decent life, and the common perception of morality. That was less than one hundred years ago.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4535
I read a lot of this is being promoted by Jews in Sweden.
*citation needed*

also"Swedish Left Party Chapter Wants To Make Urinating While Standing Illegal For Men "

well,this doesnt mean shit, this doesnt mean that law was passed.

this literaly doesnt mean shit, how and who would control and enforce this law?

pleeease,lol, ppl.dont fall for this bullshit propaganda.

why any of you take feminism even serious at all is beyond me.

theres many women who have single handedly destroyed feminsim themselves and theres many women who have collected the stupidity of it

lizzy, no shit mises has soemthing bad to say against the welfare state?lol
old people in sweden 100years ago?100 years ago cant be compared to today.
ppl have believed and used to say much stupid thing in more recent history.

i have said this before, the battle ground is somewhere in the muslim shithole nations, everyone can enlist and join military and go fight there if they TRULY believe in what they say.the army always glad to have some suckers joining.


  • Getbig V
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  • Chimpus ergo sum
*citation needed*

also"Swedish Left Party Chapter Wants To Make Urinating While Standing Illegal For Men "

well,this doesnt mean shit, this doesnt mean that law was passed.

this literaly doesnt mean shit, how and who would control and enforce this law?

pleeease,lol, ppl.dont fall for this bullshit propaganda.

why any of you take feminism even serious at all is beyond me.

theres many women who have single handedly destroyed feminsim themselves and theres many women who have collected the stupidity of it

lizzy, no shit mises has soemthing bad to say against the welfare state?lol
old people in sweden 100years ago?100 years ago cant be compared to today.
ppl have believed and used to say much stupid thing in more recent history.

i have said this before, the battle ground is somewhere in the muslim shithole nations, everyone can enlist and join military and go fight there if they TRULY believe in what they say.the army always glad to have some suckers joining.
But then where can these already emasculated posters direct all their righteous indignation!?    ;D 


  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
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  • Team Pocahontas
why any of you take feminism even serious at all is beyond me.

The women do, so this has a huge impact on the kind of women we meet. This impact might be limited for a 'no strings attached' thing, but a serious relationship is a different story...


  • Getbig III
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No wonder Swede looked up to Brock Lesnar, Zack Khan and MMA fighters. He views them as strong and masculine---father figures because his father was never one.
And that government assistance...

Sweden and Norway are very successful nations. Rich, great welfare system, free healthcare, low prevalence of violence, etc...

In what cultures do we find the most severe macho-attitudes? My guess would be that black Americans and Arabs would be high on the list, although each with its own twist. I prefer the Nordic way to that.