Author Topic: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural  (Read 15639 times)


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Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« on: December 24, 2013, 01:45:15 PM »
Can you please expand on this (below)?

My friend, want the truth or not? They do not eat them.. first fuck and torture the kill then eat .. don't expect this to be "public" ..

You appear to have intricate knowledge surrounding the Catholic church and I am interested in knowing more about these things.

Thank you,



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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2013, 01:47:53 PM »
Sometimes sev says things so spot on and transcendent, then he says stuff like this.

But that's what makes him special. He's always be our gypsy magic man. I don't try to understand him if it flies over my head anymore. But it's always entertaining nonetheless! 8)


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2013, 01:48:57 PM »
Sometimes sev says things so spot on and transcendent, then he says stuff like this.

But that's what makes him special. He's always be our gypsy magic man. I don't try to understand him if it flies over my head anymore. But it's always entertaining nonetheless! 8)

I find Sev to be incredibly entertaining and insightful on things that we are unable to comprehend on the surface.


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Re: Attention: Mr. CleanestNatural
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2013, 01:53:52 PM »
The Vatican hierarchy, like all major institutions in this world, at the top of the pyramid have a different "religion" than the "masses". It is based on ritual sacrifice and is modeled after their masters. The rituals are complex energetic formulas and too complex to explain but are used to usher an agenda into physical reality, invoke astral level malevolent entities or demons, scare the onlookers into submission and also the kind of thing that binds you into this for life. To the outside viewer it'd look like a mixture of sexuality, murder or sacrifice and consumptions depending on the ritual, date, scope or purpose. If you dig around the net you can find eyewitness accounts that will corroborate all this. Yes. they rape, torture and sacrifice then sometimes partake .. usually infants but also fetuses, small children up to teenagers. It is gruesome to say the least.

Here is a small sample that states what I am stating .. to the general public is shocking of course.

“I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl at a French chateau in the fall of 1987″ stated the witness, who was a regular participant in the cult ritual torture and killing of children.

“It was ugly and horrible, and it didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger often took part. He and (Dutch Catholic Cardinal) Alfrink and (Bilderberger founder) Prince Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part.”

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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2013, 01:55:15 PM »
I find Sev to be incredibly entertaining and insightful on things that we are unable to comprehend on the surface.

I come here for shits and giggles and rarely post about my work. But part of what I do is writing and speaking in detail about all this as I was part of it all at some point.


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2013, 01:56:51 PM »
I come here for shits and giggles and rarely post about my work. But part of what I do is writing and speaking in detail about all this as I was part of it all at some point.

Your bullshit isn't even entertaining , you try so hard you and Shitzo cut from the same clothe


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Re: Attention: Mr. CleanestNatural
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2013, 01:58:05 PM »
The Vatican hierarchy, like all major institutions in this world, at the top of the pyramid have a different "religion" than the "masses". It is based on ritual sacrifice and is modeled after their masters. The rituals are complex energetic formulas and too complex to explain but are used to usher an agenda into physical reality, invoke astral level malevolent entities or demons, scare the onlookers into submission and also the kind of thing that binds you into this for life. To the outside viewer it'd look like a mixture of sexuality, murder or sacrifice and consumptions depending on the ritual, date, scope or purpose. If you dig around the net you can find eyewitness accounts that will corroborate all this. Yes. they rape, torture and sacrifice then sometimes partake .. usually infants but also fetuses, small children up to teenagers. It is gruesome to say the least.

Here is a small sample that states what I am stating .. to the general public is shocking of course.

“I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl at a French chateau in the fall of 1987″ stated the witness, who was a regular participant in the cult ritual torture and killing of children.

“It was ugly and horrible, and it didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger often took part. He and (Dutch Catholic Cardinal) Alfrink and (Bilderberger founder) Prince Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part.”

Serious question - where does all this information come from? Does some celestial being just beam it to your mind or something?

I am no where near that imaginative and could never come up with the things you say.


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2013, 01:59:02 PM »
So, it's like "Eyes Wide Shut"? No wonder Kubrick "died" before that movie was finished.

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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2013, 01:59:23 PM »
Your bullshit isn't even entertaining , you try so hard you and Shitzo cut from the same clothe
Would love nothing more in this life than to wake up one day and realize it was all madness in my mind and it never happened. But I lived stuff that you do not see even in movies so to me it is all too real unfortunately. Trust me, you would not want to trade places.


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2013, 02:01:45 PM »
I come here for shits and giggles and rarely post about my work.

Thank you.

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Re: Attention: Mr. CleanestNatural
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2013, 02:03:57 PM »
Serious question - where does all this information come from? Does some celestial being just beam it to your mind or something?

I am no where near that imaginative and could never come up with the things you say.
Exactly dustin. I wrote a book about the human mind, theory and practice that makes psychology seem a mere mumbo jumbo. I am writing another about True World History and another about Control and Programming of the human mind.

In short, I was used in secret mind control experiments where I was programmed for various things due to my genetic and who I am as a soul personality, programmed for and used in rituals etc etc .. I spent the last 6 years recovering memories and piecing back my mind if you will. There are things from this life as well as past lives going back almost 5 billion years as far as I remember.


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2013, 02:07:11 PM »
He must be careful. If they are torturing, raping and eating babies in the Catholic Church, they will think nothing of dispatching Christian assassins to  silence him - a man with inside knowledge that could destroy them by exposing this practice.


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2013, 02:11:17 PM »
He must be careful. If they are torturing, raping and eating babies in the Catholic Church, they will think nothing of dispatching Christian assassins to  silence him - a man with inside knowledge that could destroy them by exposing this practice.

Who's gonna believe someone like me that comes out with such things? They would laugh at best  ;)

Killing validates the info. The reptiles are very intelligent.

el numero uno

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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2013, 02:11:59 PM »
Exactly dustin. I wrote a book about the human mind, theory and practice that makes psychology seem a mere mumbo jumbo. I am writing another about True World History and another about Control and Programming of the human mind.

In short, I was used in secret mind control experiments where I was programmed for various things due to my genetic and who I am as a soul personality, programmed for and used in rituals etc etc .. I spent the last 6 years recovering memories and piecing back my mind if you will. There are things from this life as well as past lives going back almost 5 billion years as far as I remember.


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2013, 02:14:49 PM »
Since some of you are curious about what goes on behind the scenes, here's a little story from someone who conducted rituals for the Windsors:

"The Queen Mother was cold, cold, cold, a nasty person. None of her cohorts even trusted her. They have names an altar (mind-control program) after her. They call it the Black Queen. I have seen her sacrifice people. I remember her pushing a knife into someone’s rectum the night the two boys were sacrificed. One was 13 and the others 18.
You need to forget that the Queen Mother appears to be a frail woman. When she shape-shifts into a reptilian, she becomes very tall and strong. Some of them are so strong they can rip out a heart and they all grow by several feet when they shape-shift (This is what the lady said who saw Edward Heath, among endless others.)"
Of the Queen,
"I have seen her sacrifice people and eat their flesh and drink their blood. One time she got so excited with blood-lust that she didn’t cut the victim’s throat from the left to the right in the normal ritual. She just went crazy, stabbing and ripping at the flesh after she shape-shifted into a reptilian.
When she shape-shifts, she has a long reptile face, almost like a beak and she is an off-white colour. (This fits many descriptions of the gods and the "bird gods" of ancient Egypt and elsewhere.) The Queen Mother looks basically the same, but there are differences. She (the Queen) also has bumps on her head and her eyes are very frightening. She’s very aggressive..."

"...I have seen (Prince Charles) shape-shift into a reptilian and do all of the things the Queen does. I have seen him sacrifice children. There is a lot of rivalry between them for who gets to eat eat what part of the body and who gets to absorb the victim’s last breath and steal their soul. I have seen Andrew participate and I have seen Prince Phillip and Charles sister (Anne) at the rituals, but they didn’t participate when I was there.
When Andrew shape-shifts, he looks more like one of the lizards. The royals are some of the worst. Ok, as far as enjoying the killing, enjoying the sacrifice, and eating the flesh, they are some of the worst of all of them. They don’t care if you see it. Who are you going to tell, who is going to believe you? They feel that it is their birthright and they love it. They love it."

and some not so happy memories from a friend of mine..

" When I was at Montauk between 1970 and 1983, I started out there at a very low level. I was not supposed to survive. It was only later when they saw that I was living when I shouldn't have been that they told me that less than one per cent of the experimented children survived. And of that one per cent very few made it into society.

Not that I claim to function well in society, because I really don't, but, however, I am doing better than other people are as far as survivors are concerned.

And you should understand that the ceremonies that were conducted at Montauk were very occasional. In other words they would occur at certain times of the year. And they would bring in people that were not usually there, one of whom was William F. Buckley, and one of the other ones was someone who I didn't know his name. We didn't know the names, usually.

It wasn't until years later that I saw a picture of Gardner and I realised it was him. It was quite a shock to me that here was this man who performed heinous ceremonies with me and there he was on this video I was watching, which, by the way, was made by Duncan Roads (a Nexus video). This was quite a shock to me. He was promoting as the "truth" the bloodline of the Holy Grail and the Jesus connection and all that stuff which is all diversion. All religion is artificial.

In the ceremony they would have sacrifices and during the bloodletting, especially if there were infants involved, these beings would change into a reptilian form. And the interesting thing about it is that there would be this yellow-green slime residue after the ceremonies. It would be on my body and on the altars and on the flooring. I have also since found it on my children as well, which is disturbing to me.

During the ceremony Gardner would be the one that would actually take over from the Mother Goddess. There was also a male counterpart to the Mother Goddess and he (Gardner) would actually take a blade from the male figure and he would plunge it into the infants body. And then he would, having shifted into reptilian form, he would devour the intestinal body of the infant.

To be quite honest I hate remembering these things. They are very disturbing to me. To this day I can't be around blood or anything reptilian. The blood sacrifice is very, very, disturbing to me.

My memory of that person (Gardner) started in about 1973 and went to 1980. It happened about three times a year that I would see him at the Montauk rituals. His face was the same, but his hair was darker and he was a bit thinner than he looks now.

I remember his face and the attitude...he has very powerful eyes and that is what I would focus on during the ceremony, was the eyes. And that is how some of the energy was transferred between us and them.

Gardner would come in with a lot of pomp and ceremony. He would wear a kind of purple-violet robe and was naked underneath it. And then soon as he would shape-shift, the robe would come off and they placed a gold crown on his head. And the crown had what looked like an amber and a ruby, alternate stones all the way around.

William F. Buckley Jr. (the American publisher who heads the elite Janus mind control project at NATO headquarters) was the most awful of all of them. Quite honestly he used his teeth a lot. He used to bite a lot. He got pleasure out of hurting people by biting them after he shape-shifted. To this very day I have an aversion to that kind of thing.

In his shape-shifted form, Gardner was like a whitish-grey colour and had a very pointed back of his head. His eyes were kind of elongated, but not so reptilian, it was almost like they were a cross between human and reptilian. But dark, like a dark, golden brown. And he was not very tall, he was only about six-foot when he shifted.

Buckley was taller, he was around seven feet when he shifted, and he had a split in his crown, in other words it looked like horns instead of the top of his head. And he was rounder, more of a greenish white colour.

You see we were indoctrinated a lot at Montauk. We were told that there were seven levels of the reptilian race and the heirarchy of them were very similar to the Hindu caste system. So there were accordingly different shapes that occurred. The lower levels never really shifted, they were the little worker drones, if you want to call it that. The top of the line, the Brahmin-type, were very tall and winged (the Draco I talk about in the Biggest Secret and Credo Mutwa describes in The Reptilian Agenda videos).


There are locked sequences and open sequences in DNA. Open sequences manifest physically as a characteristic. These people have the ability to lock off certain genetic codings while they open others. When that happens there is a literal transformation of the cellular structure, which changes from a mammalian to a reptilian form. So it's not like the human form goes anywhere, it just shifts, it changes into a reptilian form because those sequences are opened. They also have the ability to shift it back.

But they do need mammalian hormonal levels in order to maintain the human form. Their base-line form is reptilian. (Princess Diana's confidant, Christine Fitzgerald, told me that the House of Windsor wanted to interbreed with Diana's genes because they were in danger of becoming too reptilian in their genetics and would not have been able to maintain a human form for many more generations - see The Biggest Secret) .

All humans on this planet have reptilian DNA. That's why we have the reptilian brain. Just watch a foetus in the womb and you'll see it go through a reptilian form before it becomes human. And that's what they are doing. They are able to shift that DNA back to the reptilian form and manifest that physically.

However, when they do that their psychic abilities are not very strong and that's why they have the ceremonies and why they need a mammalian form with the human harmonics in order to access higher levels of awareness. (This is why people like Arizona Wilder are mind controlled to conduct the ceremonies for them).

It is the resonance or the vibration of the blood, which creates an energetic field that they can access. And they get plugged into it. That's why infants and foetuses are so important to them, because it's so energetic and so pure that they can really access the switching from one point to another very easily."


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2013, 02:17:10 PM »

I'm not saying I believe everything verbatim, but there's a lot of stuff about our minds that we don't know yet. When you take psychedelics it unlocks regions of your mind that would otherwise never be opened. And I've seen glimpses of it. Some people's nether regions are a lot more opened than others and I wouldn't doubt that in 10 years from now, we'd look back at all the doubts we have now and say "holy shit, there was some truth to the madness".


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2013, 02:19:01 PM »
Who's gonna believe someone like me that comes out with such things? They would laugh at best  ;)

Killing validates the info. The reptiles are very intelligent.

But they must be monitoring you ...

Fuck, they're probably monitor lizards!

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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2013, 02:20:01 PM »
I'm not saying I believe everything verbatim, but there's a lot of stuff about our minds that we don't know yet. When you take psychedelics it unlocks regions of your mind that would otherwise never be opened. And I've seen glimpses of it. Some people's nether regions are a lot more opened than others and I wouldn't doubt that in 10 years from now, we'd look back at all the doubts we have now and say "holy shit, there was some truth to the madness".
I'll be quoted in your grandchildren's history books haha

you can open up the other 90 something percent of the mind and unlock the 98% "junk" DNA using your "imagination" and exercises obviously .. imagine the posibilities. Imagination is the most important tool we have.

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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2013, 02:22:32 PM »
But they must be monitoring you ...

Fuck, they're probably monitor lizards!
I am "very" monitored. For example I get "psychic" attacks when I sleep where they pull me out of the body and stuff.. it is quite terrifying to be honest. And a lot of other stuff. But let's get back to the oiled gents in thongs  ;D


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2013, 02:24:08 PM »
I'll be quoted in your grandchildren's history books haha

you can open up the other 90 something percent of the mind and unlock the 98% "junk" DNA using your "imagination" and exercises obviously .. imagine the posibilities. Imagination is the most important tool we have.

Just reading a few books on meditation in my teens really helped to open up my mind. I was experimenting a lot with mushrooms too and experienced ego loss. It became a very dark and difficult trip, but the contrast between the bad stuff and the good stuff was recognized and I crawled out of the bad experience and had a glowing and amazing trip after that. It shaped the rest of my life going forward and I haven't had to trip since then. When I meditate, it feels like I'm a lot closer to the state of consciousness I was in when I tripped. I don't meditate nearly enough, but I'm glad that science is showing how beneficial it is for our minds.

People used to scoff at things like that but now they recognize the myriad of cognitive health benefits that it provides. I need to exercise my mind a lot more. Been getting too lazy and letting my head get bogged down with all the mental background noise and pollutants.

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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2013, 02:26:19 PM »
I'd be happy to recommend you something in terms of mental work. There's very very few good info out there. 99.99% is new age bull shit .. disinfo and more programming


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2013, 02:27:29 PM »
I'd be happy to recommend you something in terms of mental work. There's very very few good info out there. 99.99% is new age bull shit .. disinfo and more programming

I'm open to anything. Thanks for your time, man.


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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2013, 02:28:11 PM »
I'll be quoted in your grandchildren's history books haha

you can open up the other 90 something percent of the mind and unlock the 98% "junk" DNA using your "imagination" and exercises obviously .. imagine the posibilities. Imagination is the most important tool we have.

I bought the book that you recommended. I will read and study it and let you know how it goes.

I did have another "flash" as I call it and it was spot on. Just something random and of no importance but reminds me that the ability is there to be nurtured.

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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2013, 02:28:29 PM »

el numero uno

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Re: Attention: Mr. Cleanest Natural
« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2013, 02:30:22 PM »