Author Topic: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates  (Read 184206 times)

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1050 on: January 29, 2016, 01:58:35 PM »
The Fox News/Google debate without Trump was a breath of fresh air.  Props to Megyn Kelly for staying and asking tough questions.  She is terrific.  

They all did a decent job.  The only real problems I saw were Cruz and Rubio really looking bad when answering's Kelly's amnesty questions.  Not their finest hour.  

Christie always does a good job.  It's too bad he peaked so early.

Both Cruz and Rubio are excellent debaters and would kick Hillary's butt IMO.    

That's because they're pretending to stand for one thing while doing the opposite.  So when someone questions them about it, they realize the lie is slipping away and they're bound to look uncomfortable.

They're two-faced liars, in other words.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1051 on: January 29, 2016, 02:53:17 PM »
Loved this from Cruz at the start of the debate when asked about Trump's absence:

"Now, secondly, let me say I'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. And Ben, you're a terrible surgeon.

(LAUGHTER) Now that we've gotten the Donald Trump portion out of the way..."

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1052 on: January 29, 2016, 05:45:17 PM »
Loved this from Cruz at the start of the debate when asked about Trump's absence:

"Now, secondly, let me say I'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. And Ben, you're a terrible surgeon.

(LAUGHTER) Now that we've gotten the Donald Trump portion out of the way..."

I wonder who wrote that for him.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1053 on: January 29, 2016, 06:07:09 PM »
I think it was a mistake for Trump to have done that.  This isn't a game.  

He's got a problem with Megyn Kelley so he cuts off communication with the people?  That's how it reads.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1054 on: January 29, 2016, 06:57:31 PM »
I wonder who wrote that for him.


What difference does it make?  They all have speech writers. 

That said, Cruz has repeatedly shown he can think on his feet.  He's one of the smartest guys in the race.   

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1055 on: January 29, 2016, 07:24:44 PM »
What difference does it make?  They all have speech writers. 

That said, Cruz has repeatedly shown he can think on his feet.  He's one of the smartest guys in the race.   

He should have said 'positions' instead of 'portion', to really stick it in.

He's quite a sneaky twit when it comes to immigration issues, too, I noticed.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1056 on: February 01, 2016, 07:29:46 AM »
Glenn Beck: Marco Rubio Is ‘Turning His Record Upside Down and Inside Out’

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1057 on: February 01, 2016, 08:22:04 AM »
To be fair...

if all of these candidates were at a table, with a major world crisis... I actually think Rubio would be the one to say "hey guys, I think I have the solution here..."   He's very bright.  He's got that half-step quicker than the rest of them. 

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1058 on: February 01, 2016, 10:03:25 AM »
This is the guy both Democrats and Republicans are most afraid of.

Republicans Take Aim at Marco Rubio With Negative Ads

Senator Marco Rubio, who is placing only as high as third in most state and national polls, has been the target of more attack ads than any other candidate — more than $20 million worth since the first week in December, a huge sum that may help explain why the Florida senator is struggling to gain ground on his rivals for the Republican nomination.

In all, groups supporting other candidates have spent $22 million on advertising against Mr. Rubio, according to figures provided by his campaign. Of that, $20 million has come from the “super PAC” backing former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, Right to Rise. The rest is from allies of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.

That would account for about a third of the Right to Rise advertising budget so far.

Broken down by state, $8.5 million has been spent attacking him in Iowa, $7.5 million in New Hampshire and $2.7 million in South Carolina. The remainder has been spent on national cable television — mainly Fox News.

The content and theme of the attacks are varied. First, Mr. Bush’s allies painted Mr. Rubio, a first-term senator, as an overeager opportunist seeking a promotion while he was shirking his responsibilities in the Senate. They have started portraying him more recently as a flip-flopper, most harshly in an ad that shows a cartoon of Mr. Rubio superimposed over a weather vane. The spot accuses him of switching his position on immigration legislation for political purposes.

There are some signs the attacks are starting to stick. In New Hampshire, where Right to Rise has put $2 million behind the weather-vane ad alone, Mr. Rubio has dropped 4 percentage points since December, according to the latest CNN/WMUR poll. (That is within the poll’s five-point margin of error.)

But Mr. Rubio is still seen unfavorably by a relatively small slice of Republican voters in New Hampshire — 32 percent — the poll found. By contrast, 51 percent said they had an unfavorable view of Mr. Bush.

Right to Rise said it plans to keep up the attacks on Mr. Rubio. “Our only regret is that there’s only 31 days in January,” said a spokesman for the group, Paul Lindsay. “There’s simply too much information that we think is important to share with voters.”


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1059 on: February 02, 2016, 07:43:15 AM »
Fox News Admits That Republicans Sent Them Opposition Research To Use Against Ted Cruz (a reminder)

It is getting ugly in Republican Land. Today, Fox News disclosed that top Republican officials sent them opposition research to be used against Ted Cruz during his Fox News Sunday interview.

It should be noted that Wallace did exactly what the Republican establishment wanted during his interview with Cruz...

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1060 on: February 02, 2016, 07:56:32 AM »
After Iowa, keep your eye on Marco Rubio, not Trump or Cruz
By Douglas E. Schoen 
Published February 01, 2016

The 2016 primary season began Monday night in Iowa

And the results were not what was expected. At least on the Republican side.

In the final Des Moines Register poll, released over the weekend, Trump was up five points over Ted Cruz 28-23. And in the Real Clear Politics average, he also held a five-point lead.

But the outcome Monday night didn’t look anything like what was predicted.

The race was called for Cruz with 28 percent of the vote to 24 percent for Trump and 23 percent for Rubio.

Cruz’s ground game is due most of the credit. For months, Cruz has had the most elaborate organization in the state where he spent majority of his time campaigning specifically with the Evangelical community. The son of a pastor, Cruz always connected well with this all important group in Iowa and wound up with 62 percent support. And though Jerry Falwell, Jr. endorsed Donald Trump, the final days of the campaign showed quite clearly that Cruz was hugely popular with this community.

Indeed, the Cruz camp over-performed the polls, turned out people in the suburbs and used big data to their advantage by targeting those who would be open to Cruz even if he wasn’t their first choice. And it paid off.

Donald Trump officials are already saying that he never expected to win Iowa. We all know that it didn’t sound like that since he took the lead there and it especially didn’t sound like that when he declined to attend the Fox News debate last week. It’s doubtful that he would have sat out the debate if he had thought a first place finish was in jeopardy, but we’ll never really know what was going on in Trump’s head.

It doesn’t matter much now.

It’s actually more important to take note of how well Marco Rubio did on Monday evening.

He came into the Iowa caucus with 16 percent of the vote and he managed to pull in a remarkable 23 percent -- just one point shy of Trump. He did this while being the subject of relentless attack ads by Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz supported Super PACs, the most scarring – or meant to be the most scarring – of which painted him as the Republican Barack Obama.

Nevertheless, Rubio obviously won voters over with his argument that he’s electable. This is something I’ve been arguing for years.

Rubio has a compelling vision for the future of this nation. He is strong on national security and the most adept speaker.

He’s a fierce debater and has been the most pointed in his criticisms of Hillary Clinton.

It obviously paid off.

As Rubio said Monday night in his speech after the results came in, people told him he had to wait his turn, but his turn is now. And with movement in New Hampshire in his favor, we could very well be starting to see the ascension of the GOP nominee.

That isn’t to say that this is decided. Trump will not go away and Cruz will gain steam after his big win tonight. But the demographics in New Hampshire are very different and Cruz certainly doesn’t have the same kind of chance as he did in Iowa to pull off an upset.

But watch Marco Rubio. You’ll be glad you did.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1061 on: February 02, 2016, 08:00:49 AM »
After Iowa, keep your eye on Marco Rubio, not Trump or Cruz
By Douglas E. Schoen  
Published February 01, 2016

The 2016 primary season began Monday night in Iowa

And the results were not what was expected. At least on the Republican side.

In the final Des Moines Register poll, released over the weekend, Trump was up five points over Ted Cruz 28-23. And in the Real Clear Politics average, he also held a five-point lead.

But the outcome Monday night didn’t look anything like what was predicted.

The race was called for Cruz with 28 percent of the vote to 24 percent for Trump and 23 percent for Rubio.

Cruz’s ground game is due most of the credit. For months, Cruz has had the most elaborate organization in the state where he spent majority of his time campaigning specifically with the Evangelical community. The son of a pastor, Cruz always connected well with this all important group in Iowa and wound up with 62 percent support. And though Jerry Falwell, Jr. endorsed Donald Trump, the final days of the campaign showed quite clearly that Cruz was hugely popular with this community.

Indeed, the Cruz camp over-performed the polls, turned out people in the suburbs and used big data to their advantage by targeting those who would be open to Cruz even if he wasn’t their first choice. And it paid off.

Donald Trump officials are already saying that he never expected to win Iowa. We all know that it didn’t sound like that since he took the lead there and it especially didn’t sound like that when he declined to attend the Fox News debate last week. It’s doubtful that he would have sat out the debate if he had thought a first place finish was in jeopardy, but we’ll never really know what was going on in Trump’s head.

It doesn’t matter much now.

It’s actually more important to take note of how well Marco Rubio did on Monday evening.

He came into the Iowa caucus with 16 percent of the vote and he managed to pull in a remarkable 23 percent -- just one point shy of Trump. He did this while being the subject of relentless attack ads by Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz supported Super PACs, the most scarring – or meant to be the most scarring – of which painted him as the Republican Barack Obama.

Nevertheless, Rubio obviously won voters over with his argument that he’s electable. This is something I’ve been arguing for years.

Rubio has a compelling vision for the future of this nation. He is strong on national security and the most adept speaker.

He’s a fierce debater and has been the most pointed in his criticisms of Hillary Clinton.

It obviously paid off.

As Rubio said Monday night in his speech after the results came in, people told him he had to wait his turn, but his turn is now. And with movement in New Hampshire in his favor, we could very well be starting to see the ascension of the GOP nominee.

That isn’t to say that this is decided. Trump will not go away and Cruz will gain steam after his big win tonight. But the demographics in New Hampshire are very different and Cruz certainly doesn’t have the same kind of chance as he did in Iowa to pull off an upset.

But watch Marco Rubio. You’ll be glad you did.

An article written by a Democrat and nothing more.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1062 on: February 02, 2016, 08:03:28 AM »
An article written by a Democrat and noting more.

'dos equis' has always been very supportive of Rubio.   Likely because illegals don't affect him personally.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1063 on: February 02, 2016, 08:04:42 AM »
Iowa results:

1.  Cruz
2.  Trump
3.  Rubio
4.  Carson
5.  Paul
6.  Bush
7.  Fiorina
8.  Kasich
9.  Huckabee
10.  Christie
11.  Santorum

Interesting to see how Huck and Santorum fell out of favor with Iowa voters.  

Impressive showing by the outsiders (Trump and Carson), finishing ahead of establishment candidates and prior Iowa winners.  

I think the person coming out of this with the momentum is Rubio.  

In spite of his impressive showing, the biggest loser was Trump, who didn't win.  His own tweet regarding second place:

Donald J. Trump  ✔@realDonaldTrump
“No one remembers who came in second.” - Walter Hagen
10:55 AM - 30 Dec 2013

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1064 on: February 02, 2016, 08:05:03 AM »
An article written by a Democrat and nothing more.

Just an opinion piece. 

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1065 on: February 02, 2016, 08:05:50 AM »
'dos equis' has always been very supportive of Rubio.   Likely because illegals don't affect him personally.

"240" has always had an uncomfortable relationship with the truth.  Likely because he is a compulsive liar. 


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1066 on: February 02, 2016, 08:06:39 AM »
Just an opinion piece.  

Yes an opinion piece written by a democrat (Douglas E. Schoen)

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1067 on: February 02, 2016, 08:06:54 AM »
Marco Rubio Snags South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott's Endorsement After Iowa Caucus

Sen. Marco Rubio scored a key endorsement on Tuesday as South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott gave the Republican presidential hopeful his backing.

In a video posted to Rubio's Youtube page, Scott said the Republican party has "one shot" to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 and "that shot is Marco Rubio."

"I'm putting my confidence and trust in Marco Rubio because I believe he takes us to that better future," Scott said. "Marco Rubio understands that, here in America, it's not about where you start, but where you're going.

The endorsement — long expected — came after Rubio had a surprisingly strong showing in Monday's Iowa caucus, coming in a close third place with 23 percent behind Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

Rumors that Scott would back Rubio have swirled for some time, with the senator having appeared on the campaign trail with Rubio several times. Rep. Trey Gowdy — another South Carolinian who himself endorsed Rubio — last week said Scott would campaign for Rubio in the state, further hinting at an impending announcement.

Now that it's official, the endorsement is expected to give Rubio a boost in the crucial state of South Carolina — where the candidate may be looking to bag his first primary win.

Scott is one of South Carolina's most popular politicians — enjoying support from conservatives and moderates alike — and his endorsement coupled with Gowdy's gives Rubio the backing of two of the most well-respected lawmakers in the state.

Many of Rubio's top strategists — including his campaign manager and top super PAC adviser — also have deep roots in South Carolina, potentially giving Rubio an added advantage in the primary.

But first, Rubio has to make it through New Hampshire — though his chances in that state's primary also look favorable on the heels of Monday's stronger-than-expected showing in Iowa.

Rubio finished third, but performed far better than most polls have shown, coming in just one point behind Donald Trump and just five points behind winner Ted Cruz in the final tally.

The finish has handed Rubio a burst of momentum heading into the weeklong-sprint toward the New Hampshire nomination.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1068 on: February 02, 2016, 08:07:17 AM »
Yes an opinion piece written by a democrat (Douglas E. Schoen)

Yes you said that.  What difference does that make? 

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1069 on: February 02, 2016, 08:08:27 AM »
Big Endorsements Coming Rubio's Way Soon

Image: Big Endorsements Coming Rubio's Way Soon (Getty Images)
By John Gizzi
Tuesday, 02 Feb 2016

Following Marco Rubio's unexpectedly strong showing in the Iowa caucuses and his endorsement Monday night from conservative Sen. Tim Scott (R.-S.C), the Florida senator will soon get a string of major endorsements from well-known GOP office-holders.

"They'll be moving his way in the next few days," former Sen. Tim Hutchinson (R.-Ark.), who had been in Iowa campaigning for Rubio, told Newsmax Tuesday morning.

Hutchinson noted that in his home state, Rubio would soon be endorsed by Rep. Rick Crawford (R.-Ark.). The three term lawmaker has a strong following in rural Arkansas.

With favorite son and former Gov. Mike Huckabee exiting the race, Arkansas "is now definitely in play for Marco," said Hutchinson, brother of the Razorback state's Gov. Asa Hutchinson.

The former senator added that more endorsements from office-holders in other southeastern states would follow.

Even before Rubio's Iowa performance, the nation's youngest big city mayor revealed on Newsmax TV last month she was switching her support from Jeb Bush to Rubio.

"Jeb's a fine man, but Marco truly connects with my generation and our hopes," said 28-year-old Mayor Erin Stewart of New Britain, Conn., the sixth-largest city in the Nutmeg State.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1070 on: February 02, 2016, 08:10:09 AM »
Mike Huckabee Quits GOP Campaign

Image: Mike Huckabee Quits GOP Campaign (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
By Todd Beamon 
Monday, 01 Feb 2016

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Tuesday that he was quitting the race for the Republican presidential nomination after a dismal showing in the Iowa caucuses.

Here's what Huckabee said on Twitter:

Gov. Mike Huckabee  ✔@GovMikeHuckabee
I am officially suspending my campaign. Thank you for all your loyal support. #ImWithHucK
5:26 PM - 1 Feb 2016

Huckabee won the Iowa caucuses and seven other states in 2008.

On Tuesday, he finished with 2 percent of the caucus vote.

He has consistently polled in the single digits in polls since announcing his campaign last May.

In Saturday's Iowa Poll, Huckabee finished at 2 percent.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1071 on: February 02, 2016, 08:17:34 AM »
Yes you said that.  What difference does that make?  

Its an article written by a Democrat and published by Fox News, the very same Fox News that hates Cruz and hates Trump but loves Rubio, and in my opinion nothing more than a hit piece downplaying Cruz and Trump while cheer-leading Rubio, but considering you love Rubio and you think Fox news truly is fair and balanced when it comes to the all the candidates its no wonder you thought is was worth posting the article written by a Democrat that downplays Cruz and Trump.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1072 on: February 02, 2016, 08:23:27 AM »

Its an article written by a Democrat and published by Fox News, the very same Fox News that hates Cruz and hates Trump and but loves Rubio, and in my opinion nothing more than a hit piece on Cruz and Trump, but considering you love Rubio and you think Fox news truly is fair and balanced when it comes to the all the candidates its no wonder you thought is was worth posting the article written by a Democrat that downplays Cruz and Trump.

Fox News does not hate Cruz.  Fox News has given Trump an enormous amount of air time, which really amounted to numerous campaign speeches.  Fox News does not love Rubio.  I have not seen the network endorse any candidate. 

I don't "love" Rubio.  I like him a lot, along with Cruz, Christie, Carson, and Webb (too bad he dropped out). 

I do believe Fox News is fair and balanced, based on what I see when I watch the network. 

Did you even read the article?


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1073 on: February 02, 2016, 08:36:04 AM »
Fox News does not hate Cruz.  Fox News has given Trump an enormous amount of air time, which really amounted to numerous campaign speeches.  Fox News does not love Rubio.  I have not seen the network endorse any candidate.  

I don't "love" Rubio.  I like him a lot, along with Cruz, Christie, Carson, and Webb (too bad he dropped out).  

I do believe Fox News is fair and balanced, based on what I see when I watch the network.  

Did you even read the article?

I dont trust Rubio and find him to be nothing more than a Republican Establishment version of Bill Clinton, someone who is not to be trusted and someone who should ever be elected to anything ever again, And I dont think that Fox News has been fair to all the candidates and have posted evidence to support this in this thread.

And speaking of Bill Clinton... I think you loved him as well and voted for him too!

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1074 on: February 02, 2016, 08:39:10 AM »
I dont trust Rubio and find him to be nothing more than a Republican Establishment version of Bill Clinton, someone who is not to be trusted and someone who should ever be elected to anything ever again, And I dont think Fox News has been fair to all the candidates and have posted evidence to support this in this thread.

I don't trust any politician. 

We don't agree about Fox News and your evidence, but that horse is dead already. 

So you didn't read the article?  Kinda hard to completely dismiss it if you haven't read it.  It's not like Schoen is Dick Morris (a discredited toe sucker).