Author Topic: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates  (Read 183986 times)

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1300 on: March 03, 2016, 10:37:37 AM »
romney jockeying for a spot in the convention line.   he wants to be appointed the nominee ;)

That would be an outrage, beyond belief. 

Have been reading on the Christie thing.  Will post up if anything interesting.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1301 on: March 03, 2016, 10:39:54 AM »
That would be an outrage, beyond belief. 

someone like Dos Equis would probably stand and applaud Romney being "appointed" the nominee over people that you know, actually received votes ;)

I am disgusted by trump, but I'm more disgusted by the elites of the party casually overriding the will of their voters.  Terribly dangerous precedent to kick out a person running who has massive crossover appeal and who is creating record turnout.  It's awesome to watch.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1302 on: March 03, 2016, 12:27:42 PM »
Just another pathetic power grab by the rich elite because they know Trump probably won't even pick up the phone when they call and he damn sure won't be their little puppet like a Rubio or Jeb.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1303 on: March 03, 2016, 12:48:42 PM »
Mar 03 2016


Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement today on the state of the Republican presidential primary campaign:                                   

“I share the concerns about Donald Trump that my friend and former Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, described in his speech today. I would also echo the many concerns about Mr. Trump’s uninformed and indeed dangerous statements on national security issues that have been raised by 65 Republican defense and foreign policy leaders.

“At a time when our world has never been more complex or more in danger, as we watch the threatening actions of a neo-imperial Russia, an assertive China, an expansionist Iran, an insane North Korean ruler, and terrorist movements that are metastasizing across the Middle East and Africa, I want Republican voters to pay close attention to what our party's most respected and knowledgeable leaders and national security experts are saying about Mr. Trump, and to think long and hard about who they want to be our next Commander-in-Chief and leader of the free world.”

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1304 on: March 03, 2016, 12:52:44 PM »
If Romney feels this way: why did he ask for Trump's endorsement?


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1305 on: March 03, 2016, 12:53:06 PM »
Rove: Trump Is Flawed, But Appears to Be Likely Nominee

Image: Rove: Trump Is Flawed, But Appears to Be Likely Nominee  (Getty Images)
By Cathy Burke   |    Thursday, 03 Mar 2016

The current presidential front-runners, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, despite being "deeply flawed" and facing challenges, are now the likely nominees who'll face off in November, political strategist Karl Rove says.

In a commentary for The Wall Street Journal, Rove, the former advisor and deputy chief of staff during the George W. Bush administration, writes Super Tuesday proved "a huge day" for both.

"Both candidates are deeply flawed — but also front-runners," Rove writes. "Unless something dramatic and unexpected happens, they also appear likely to be their respective parties' nominees."

Rove argues both candidates, in their victory statements on Super Tuesday, "seem aware of their challenges."

"Trump wisely eschewed his normal election night rants and offered (for him) a relatively high-toned, shrewd presentation, saying the idea of a conservative third party would only help Mrs. Clinton," Rove writes.

"And he claimed, 'I'm a unifier.'"

But Rove says "right now that's a wish, not reality."

"Mr. Trump's campaign has left the GOP riven and embittered," he writes. "Even on Tuesday, in his heal-the-breach approach, he mocked one challenger ('little Marco Rubio') and brushed off pro-lifers critical of his support for Planned Parenthood by calling them 'so-called conservatives.'

"In Trump World this may qualify as unifying, but not anywhere else."

As for Clinton, he writes, the delegates are piling up for her and she'll "be the nominee unless she or someone close to her is indicted over her private email server."

Still, he argues, rival Sen. Bernie Sanders' fundraising "shows the Democratic Party's left-wing grass roots are unlikely to roll over anytime soon for the former secretary of state."

"He appears to be a true believer who wants to kill the superdelegate process and demand explicitly democratic-socialist platform planks on income inequality and government regulation," Rove writes.

"These could be troublesome for Team Clinton."

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1306 on: March 03, 2016, 01:00:00 PM »
Didn't Rove claim to believe Romney was going to win last time?

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1307 on: March 03, 2016, 01:17:33 PM »
It's up if you want to post it. 

Here's where Trump's response will be posted:

Trump's response:

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1308 on: March 03, 2016, 02:15:08 PM »
Couple of interesting paragraphs from an article in Computer World:

Trump's immigration policy paper is far from dry reading. He calls Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), "Mark Zuckerberg's personal senator," because of Rubio's support of the I-Squared bill.

The I-Squared bill would raise the base H-1B visa cap from its current 65,000 to 195,000, a move the IEEE-USA has said will help destroy the U.S. tech workforce. Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder, is a principal behind, a lobbying group seeking expansion of the H-1B program.

Add Zuckerberg to the list of Rubio's masters.  Big surprise.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1310 on: March 03, 2016, 07:12:00 PM »
Link to Debate:
All of them, including Donald are pathetic.

Nothing about the American People or anything.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1311 on: March 03, 2016, 07:30:34 PM »
All of them, including Donald are pathetic.

Nothing about the American People or anything.

I agree.  They're all trying to do the same thing to America, and they're all lying about it.

You know things are really off, badly, when their criticisms for one another are EXACTLY the things they are doing themselves.  That's pretty bad.  But that's all they have, and the moderator runs cover for them.

Not a good situation, at all.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1312 on: March 04, 2016, 09:46:50 AM »
Link to the 25 Feb CNN debate:

Link to the 3 March Fox News debate:

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1313 on: March 04, 2016, 09:59:18 AM »
He is right.

Marco Rubio Calls Out the Liberal Media for Hanging on Trump’s Every Word and Insult
By Curtis Houck
March 3, 2016

In some of his first comments during Thursday’s Republican Presidential Primary Debate on the Fox News Channel (FNC), Senator Marco Rubio (Fl.) called out the liberal media for obsessively covering Donald Trump’s every move and insult instead of reporting on the issues.

“The media has given personal attacks Donald Trump has made incredible amount of coverage. Let's start talking about the issues that matter to this country,” Rubio urged.

When confronted by co-moderator Bret Baier about his recent attempts to fire back at Trump’s daily insults, Rubio first noted that “for the last year, Donald Trump has basically mocked everybody with personal attacks” including “people sitting on the stage today.”

The Florida Senator argued that “if there has been any candidate deserved to be attacked that way, it's been Donald Trump for the way he has treated people in the last campaign” and so despite that, he emphasized his desire “to have a policy debate. I hope that's what we will have here tonight” instead of a food fight.

Tell the Truth 2016

Rubio then concluded:

[B ]ut let's be honest about all this too. The media has given personal attacks Donald Trump has made incredible amount of coverage. Let's start talking about the issues that matter to this country. I'm willing to do this right here right here tonight.

As my NewsBusters colleague Rich Noyes outlined in a new study published on Wednesday, the network evening newscasts awarded Trump three times more airtime than both Cruz or Rubio and just over 50 percent of all coverage concerning the GOP campaign.

The relevant portion of the transcript from FNC’s Republican Presidential Primary Debate on March 3 can be found below.

FNC’s Republican Presidential Primary Debate
March 3, 2016
9:05 p.m. Eastern

REPUBLICAN SENATOR MARCO RUBIO (Fl.): You know, Bret, let me say something this campaign for the last year, Donald Trump has basically mocked everybody with personal attacks. He has done so to people sitting on the stage today. He has done so with people disabled. He has done it with every other candidate in this race, so if there has been any candidate deserved to be attacked that way, it's been Donald Trump for the way he has treated people in the last campaign. Now, with that said, I would much prefer to have a policy debate. I hope that's what we will have here tonight. Let's have a policy debate.

BRET BAIER: And we will.

RUBIO: Let's talk about Donald Trump's strategy and my strategy and John Kasich's strategy when it comes to ISIS and on healthcare and the important issues facing this country, but let's be honest about all this too. The media has given personal attacks Donald Trump has made incredible amount of coverage. Let's start talking about the issues that matter to this country. I'm willing to do this right here right here tonight.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1314 on: March 04, 2016, 11:30:06 AM »
Krauthammer Reacts to GOP Debate: 'It Was a Complete Assault on Trump'
Mar 04, 2016
As seen on The Kelly File

Charles Krauthammer reacted to the Fox News GOP debate on "The Kelly File" tonight.

"It was a complete assault on Trump - from left and right, from Cruz and Rubio - that scored, I thought, a lot of points," Krauthammer said.

He added, however, that similar attacks in the past have not affected Trump or his support.

Krauthammer explained that those inclined to support Trump won't think any less of him after the debate, while those who are less inclined to support Trump may think twice about jumping on the bandwagon.

As for the night's big winner, Krauthammer said that John Kasich came off very well simply by not getting involved in the mudslinging.

"To play the grown up and to play the unifier, he might have had the biggest advantage out of tonight."

Watch more above.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1315 on: March 04, 2016, 12:26:07 PM »
Pretty funny.  I feel his pain.   :)

The One Thing I Didn’t Get Wrong About Donald Trump
Shining like a beacon in a sea of wrongness.
posted on Mar. 4, 2016

About half an hour into Thursday night’s presidential debate, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump took a moment to call me out for the worst prediction of my career.

It happened when a moderator asked him to respond to a recent BuzzFeed News report that he had secretly hedged on his hardline immigration proposals during an off-the-record interview with liberal New York Times editors.

Trump responded, characteristically, with a small declaration of victory.

“First of all, BuzzFeed, they were the ones that said under no circumstances will I run for president, and were they wrong,” Trump said.

He was referring to a 2014 profile I wrote, titled, “36 Hours On The Fake Campaign Trail With Donald Trump.” In the story, I chronicle two accidental days spent inside the billionaire’s bubble, and I make the case that his 25-year history of flirting with — and then abandoning — various presidential bids constitutes a “long con” designed to generate publicity.

“If history is any judge,” I wrote at the time, “Trump is about as likely to run for president in his lifetime as he is to accept follicular defeat.”

Two years later, Trump is on the verge of winning the Republican presidential nomination.

Of course, as Trump himself acknowledged on the debate stage, I was not the only political journalist to get this particular prediction wrong. But I was wrong earlier, and at greater length. Not only did I write a 6,000-word profile utterly dismissing his claims that he was serious this time; I spent the next year making the same argument on TV every time “Trump 2016” speculation meandered into the news cycle. I have a vague recollection of offering, at one point, to bet my entire annual salary that Trump wouldn’t appear on a ballot in Iowa. Thankfully, no one at the MSNBC roundtable that day took me up on it.

When Trump declared his candidacy last year, I called him the “bearded lady” of the campaign season, and for several days I publicly questioned whether he would actually file paperwork to make his campaign official. (He did.)

I continued my streak of wrongness through much of last summer, routinely tweeting that Trump’s flameout was inevitable. When he attacked John McCain’s war record, I mused that military families might angrily turn against him. (Wrong.) When he went to war with Fox News, I suggested conservatives would side with their favorite network over Trump. (Nope.)

Eventually I gave up altogether on predicting Trump’s 2016 trajectory. But by then, I had already racked up enough faulty forecasts to fill years’ worth of the “what I got wrong” columns.

Yet for all my predictive misfires over the past two years, Trump’s debate-stage dig Thursday night suggests there’s at least one thing I didn’t get wrong about him. From my 2014 profile:

…among the chorus of “Yes, Mr. Trump”s and “You were great, Mr. Trump”s that tumble out of his yes-men at even the faintest prompt, the Donald can still hear the din of guffaws coming from a political class that long ago stopped taking him seriously. And it’s driving him crazy.

Trump’s obsession with gaining the attention and respect of political-media elites was the thing that most struck me during my time with him. For Trump, it wasn’t enough to have Celebrity Apprentice viewers gawking at his reality TV antics each Sunday. He wanted serious people to take him seriously — and in the wake of his 2012 “birther” crusade, he was generally regarded by the political class as a buffoon. The billionaire’s presidential candidacy seems motivated, in part, by a fierce desire to prove those haters wrong.

As Maggie Haberman reported in the New York Times, a key moment that spurred Trump’s eventual candidacy took place at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner, where he was made to sit at a table in the middle of a packed ballroom while President Obama mercilessly skewered him, and all of official Washington laughed. “Five years later,” Haberman wrote, “he seems determined not to be humiliated again, and to stop those who laughed at him.”

In another story, Haberman reported that Trump “still recalls, often and with a bit of an edge, how many people predicted that he would never formally get into the race, or would prematurely get out.”

Over the past nine months, friends and media types on Twitter have made a running gag out of blaming me for Trump’s candidacy — and I’ve often played along. But lately, the meme appears to have spread beyond colleagues in the political press, and the tweets that now daily populate my @ mentions seem to be taking on an increasingly accusatory tone. If Trump did, in fact, launch his presidential bid to prove the “haters” wrong, it’s fair to assume that category is considerably bigger than a single profile-writer. But just in case it will help, allow me go on the record now:

Mr. Trump, I underestimated you. You can leave the campaign trail and return to Trump Tower secure in the knowledge that you’ve put me fully in my place. Consider this hater duly scorned.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1316 on: March 04, 2016, 12:28:35 PM »
What do think of Jim Webb's comments, DE?  He's saying that Hillary is a for-sure disaster, even compared to Trump.  So it's kind of a rock and hard place situation, with Trump having just a slight edge.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1317 on: March 04, 2016, 12:32:11 PM »
What do think of Jim Webb's comments, DE?  He's saying that Hillary is a for-sure disaster, even compared to Trump.  So it's kind of a rock and hard place situation, with Trump having just a slight edge.

If trump wins and goes up against Hillary he is going to bring over a lot of Democrats.

I see comments all over the place saying people will vote for Trump if Bernie loses because people despise Hillary that much and Trump actually is more of a centrist or even to the left of her on certain policies.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1318 on: March 04, 2016, 12:33:11 PM »
What do think of Jim Webb's comments, DE?  He's saying that Hillary is a for-sure disaster, even compared to Trump.  So it's kind of a rock and hard place situation, with Trump having just a slight edge.

I understand where he is coming from.  That matchup would actually be worse than Obama v. McCain.   :-\

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1319 on: March 04, 2016, 12:37:03 PM »
If trump wins and goes up against Hillary he is going to bring over a lot of Democrats.

I see comments all over the place saying people will vote for Trump if Bernie loses because people despise Hillary that much and Trump actually is more of a centrist or even to the left of her on certain policies.

Whatever new voters Trump brings to the polls will be overwhelmed by the people who both vote against him and stay home.  The percentage of Republican primary voters who say they will not vote for Trump if he is the nominee is something like 40 percent (according to what I heard; have not verified).  His negative numbers are through the roof.

There is no better indication of how poorly he will do in the general than the primary/caucus numbers to date:  3.2 million votes for Trump and 6.2 million votes for other GOP candidates.   

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1320 on: March 04, 2016, 12:46:10 PM »
This is really a frightful time IMO.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1321 on: March 04, 2016, 12:54:06 PM »
For all the crap Trump takes, and can't say I disagree, Hillary is at least as dangerous.  Probably even more dangerous.

And as loopy as Trump is, I think it's other people wanting to get at him and stop him, which presents the worst danger in that regard.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1322 on: March 04, 2016, 12:56:05 PM »
Whatever new voters Trump brings to the polls will be overwhelmed by the people who both vote against him and stay home.  The percentage of Republican primary voters who say they will not vote for Trump if he is the nominee is something like 40 percent (according to what I heard; have not verified).  His negative numbers are through the roof.

There is no better indication of how poorly he will do in the general than the primary/caucus numbers to date:  3.2 million votes for Trump and 6.2 million votes for other GOP candidates.    

How many votes for Cruz versus the others?

Or Rubio versus the others?

If they want to sit at home and cry like babies then that is a boost for Hillary and they are responsible for it. And they can make excuses until they are blue in the face but there is no getting around that fact.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1323 on: March 04, 2016, 01:07:45 PM »
How many votes for Cruz versus the others?

Or Rubio versus the others?

If they want to sit at home and cry like babies then that is a boost for Hillary and they are responsible for it. And they can make excuses until they are blue in the face but there is no getting around that fact.

Rubio and Cruz are not nearly as polarizing as Trump. 

You can stick your head in the sand, call people names, etc., but no denying the facts.  There is an enormous anti-Trump vote in the GOP. 

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #1324 on: March 04, 2016, 01:08:52 PM »
Thing with Trump, is he could have taken it all.  He could have situated himself to be the unquestionable favorite among ALL voters.  So why couldn't/can't he see that?  Doesn't he have anyone around him to give an objective analysis?  

Constantly challenging people to drop their support (let's face it, that's what he is doing) doesn't make sense, and it certainly doesn't lend itself to feelings of confidence for those who would try to back him.